prolonging life of choke valves-cci article

PUMP AND VA LVE TECHNOLOGY Wellhead choke valves, usually in sizes of up to 6in and in the API pressure range 5000 to 15,000, have long been considered an almost expendable item of equipment. Typically, the life of choke valves can be very short. A matter of hours is not unheard of, although months is more common, but this is still unsatisfactory. The reason for this history of rapid choke valve failure is complex, and only recently has it become comprehensively understood. Essentially, it is a sys- tem problem — the interaction of many factors which constantly change and produce a number of levels of overall instability and rapid wear out. One of these factors is the composition of the fluid han- dled, which can change frequently and unpre- dictably. Another reason lies in the area of a different and longer-term unpredictability, design operating conditions that are appropriate today can change over time and may, in a few years, extend beyond the capabilities of the original valve design. These con- trolling factors largely exclude operating pressure and differential pressure as problem areas in choke valve design. Today, even at the high end of choke valve operating pressures, the industry has a vast store of high-pressure application experience that is equally applicable to choke valve service. Fluid composition. The fluid handled is a mixture of crude oil, gas, water, sand, and often other solid components. Since the proportion of each compo- nent in the fluid mixture can change constantly, it is difficult, if not impossible, to accurately determine the actual effective fluid velocity because each of the components travels at a different velocity in the build stream. Therefore, velocity in the pure sense cannot be a useful and reliable choke valve design criterion. However, it is obvious that the sand, and perhaps other solids, is the bottom-line culprit in short choke valve life. But this is far from the whole story. Changing operating conditions. While in time, choke valve flows are relatively constant, wellhead pressures change as the wells age. Usually, high operating pressures are associated with relatively stable down-well geological formations where less sand is released. But as wellhead pressures start to fall, and these geological formations start to col- lapse, the percentage of the sand in the fluid flow can increase. In some cases, this decreasing pres- sure/increased sand relationship can be inverted, fur- ther complicating the choke valve design process. In addition, decreasing operating pressures with rela- tively constant flow can increase the required valve coefficient (Cv) by as much as a factor of 10, usually well beyond the original valve’s design capability. While common single-stage choke valves have attempted to achieve acceptable performance life through improved ma terials, this has not been enough. As more and more large older wells are changing from oil to gas production, choke valve internal velocities are increasing, exacerbating the erosive damage effect of the entrained sand. And, as valve trim erodes as a result, control is compromised and the flow needed requires closer plug/seat opera- tion. This, in turn, accelerates plug/seat erosion, regardless of materials. Another contributing factor is increased vibration (and related high noise levels) which the eroded valve trim and other related oper- ating circumstances can create. So, it is this vicious circle that plagues operations with extremely high maintenance costs and grossly unacceptable short choke valve life. Multistage choke valve design To limit fluid velocity throughout the valve trim and to drastically reduce the erosive effects of the sand, a multistage valve design uses a stack of disks, each of which incorporates a tortuous path flow pattern by means of a series of right-angle turns in each disk. The velocity of all fluid components is thereby cut by at least 75 per cent compared to single-stage plug/seat and drilled hole-cage designs. By using tungsten carbine trim throughout, the erosive effects of the sand are minimised. In addition, long valve stem stroke increases rangeability and enhances con- trollability, so that flow set points can be maintained and changes in operating conditions can be accom- modated over time. These valves are also ‘characterised’. This means that the tortuous paths in discrete groups of individ- ual disks in the disk stack are differently designed; that is, flow per disk in one group is higher or lower than in a disk in another group. The benefit in choke valve characterisation lies in the ability to maintain a 33 I N T E R N ATIONAL HYDROCARBON Prolonging choke valve life The life of choke valves has typically been unacceptably short. Multistage valve technology has been shown to prolong their life by as much as 10 times. CCI Control Components, Inc

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Page 1: Prolonging Life of Choke Valves-CCI Article


Wellhead ch o ke va l ves, usually in sizes of up to 6inand in the API pre s s u re ra n ge 5000 to 15,000, havelong been considered an almost ex p e n d able item ofequipment. Ty p i c a l ly, the life of ch o ke va l ves can beve ry short. A matter of hours is not unheard of,although months is more common, but this is stillu n s at i s fa c t o ry.

The reason for this history of rapid ch o ke va l vefa i l u re is complex, and only re c e n t ly has it becomec o m p re h e n s ive ly unders t o o d. Essentially, it is a sys-tem pro blem — the interaction of many fa c t o rswh i ch constantly ch a n ge and produce a number ofl evels of ove rall instability and rapid wear out. Oneof these fa c t o rs is the composition of the fluid han-d l e d, wh i ch can ch a n ge fre q u e n t ly and unpre-d i c t ably. Another reason lies in the area of a diffe re n tand longe r- t e rm unpre d i c t ab i l i t y, design operat i n gconditions that are ap p ro p ri ate today can ch a n geover time and may, in a few ye a rs, extend beyond thec ap abilities of the ori ginal va l ve design. These con-t rolling fa c t o rs large ly ex clude operating pre s s u reand diffe rential pre s s u re as pro blem areas in ch o keva l ve design. To d ay, even at the high end of ch o keva l ve operating pre s s u res, the industry has a va s ts t o re of high-pre s s u re ap p l i c ation ex p e rience that ise q u a l ly ap p l i c able to ch o ke va l ve serv i c e.

Fluid composition. The fluid handled is a mixtureof crude oil, gas, wat e r, sand, and often other solidcomponents. Since the pro p o rtion of each compo-nent in the fluid mixture can ch a n ge constantly, it isd i fficult, if not impossibl e, to accurat e ly determ i n ethe actual effe c t ive fluid velocity because each of thecomponents travels at a diffe rent velocity in thebuild stream. Th e re fo re, velocity in the pure sensecannot be a useful and re l i able ch o ke va l ve designc ri t e rion. Howeve r, it is obvious that the sand, andp e r h aps other solids, is the bottom-line culprit ins h o rt ch o ke va l ve life. But this is far from the wh o l es t o ry.

C h a n ging operating conditions. While in time,ch o ke va l ve fl ows are re l at ive ly constant, we l l h e a dp re s s u res ch a n ge as the wells age. Usually, higho p e rating pre s s u res are associated with re l at ive lys t able dow n - well ge o l ogical fo rm ations wh e re lesssand is re l e a s e d. But as wellhead pre s s u res start to

fall, and these ge o l ogical fo rm ations start to col-l ap s e, the perc e n t age of the sand in the fluid fl owcan incre a s e. In some cases, this decreasing pre s-s u re / i n c reased sand re l ationship can be inve rt e d, fur-ther complicating the ch o ke va l ve design process. Ina ddition, decreasing operating pre s s u res with re l a-t ive ly constant fl ow can increase the re q u i red va l vec o e fficient (Cv) by as mu ch as a factor of 10, usuallywell beyond the ori ginal va l ve ’s design cap ab i l i t y.

While common single-stage ch o ke va l ves haveattempted to ach i eve accep t able perfo rmance lifet h rough improved mat e rials, this has not beenenough. As more and more large older wells arech a n ging from oil to gas production, ch o ke va l vei n t e rnal velocities are incre a s i n g, ex a c e r b ating thee ro s ive damage effect of the entrained sand. And, asva l ve trim erodes as a result, control is compro m i s e dand the fl ow needed re q u i res closer plug/seat opera-tion. This, in turn, accelerates plug/seat ero s i o n ,rega rdless of mat e rials. Another contri buting fa c t o ris increased vibration (and re l ated high noise leve l s )wh i ch the eroded va l ve trim and other re l ated oper-ating circumstances can cre at e.

So, it is this vicious circle that plagues operat i o n swith ex t re m e ly high maintenance costs and gro s s lyu n a c c ep t able short ch o ke va l ve life.

M u l t istage choke valve desi g nTo limit fluid velocity throughout the va l ve trim andto dra s t i c a l ly reduce the ero s ive effects of the sand,a mu l t i s t age va l ve design uses a stack of disks, eachof wh i ch incorp o rates a tortuous path fl ow pat t e rnby means of a series of right-angle turns in eachdisk. The velocity of all fluid components is therebycut by at least 75 per cent compared to single-stagep l u g / s e at and drilled hole-cage designs. By usingtungsten carbine trim throughout, the ero s ive effe c t sof the sand are minimised. In addition, long va l vestem stro ke increases ra n ge ability and enhances con-t ro l l ab i l i t y, so that fl ow set points can be maintainedand ch a n ges in operating conditions can be accom-m o d ated over time.

These va l ves are also ‘ch a ra c t e rised’. This meanst h at the tortuous paths in discrete groups of indiv i d-ual disks in the disk stack are diffe re n t ly designed;t h at is, fl ow per disk in one group is higher or lowe rthan in a disk in another group. The benefit in ch o keva l ve ch a ra c t e ri s ation lies in the ability to maintain a

3 3 I N T E R N A T I O N A L H Y D R O C A R B O N

P rolonging choke valve life The life of choke valves has typically been unacceptably short. Multistage valve technology hasbeen shown to prolong their life by as much as 10 times.

CCI Control Components, Inc

Page 2: Prolonging Life of Choke Valves-CCI Article

l a rger distance between the plug and the seat at lowfl ows; pre s s u re reduction is there fo re the same ast h at ach i eved within the tortuous path, mu l t i s t agedisks rather than by a throttling process through asmall plug/disk annular cl e a ra n c e.

The use of this mu l t i s t age va l ve tech n o l ogy andm o d e rn mat e rials of construction has borne fru i t .

Va l ve life has been demonstrated to be up to 10times gre ater than was ex p e rienced prev i o u s ly, espe-c i a l ly wh e re sand content was high. This gain inch o ke va l ve life has been shown to be true for newva l ves, replacement va l ves, and old va l ves that havebeen re t ro fitted with mu l t i s t age, ch a ra c t e ri s e d, long-s t ro ke, all tungsten-carbide tri m . ■

I N T E R N A T I ON A L H Y D R O C A R B O N 3 4


F i g u re 1. Retro f i t t e dtungsten-carbide multistagetrim with a longer plugt ravel for betterc o n t rollability and higherrangeability installed in anoriginal choke valve body.