project:yourself presents… the project:luminary coaching ·  · 2015-08-07self-empowerment,...

Project:Yourself Presents… The Project:Luminary Coaching Certication Program Join us in elevating the planet’s consciousness as a Project:Yourself ancient wisdom coach; and gain exclusive access to our inner circle, training tools and coaching curriculum, co-creation and earning opportunities, upcoming LIVE event in Merida Mexico, and so much more. STRICTLY LIMITED TO 30 PARTICIPANTS ONLY! PLEASE REVIEW THIS PROPOSAL AND MAKE YOUR DECISION ASAP. Project:Yourself Presents… The Project:Luminary Coaching Certi cation Program Join us in elevating the planet’s consciousness as a Project:Yourself ancient wisdom coach; and gain exclusive access to our inner circle, training tools and coaching curriculum, co-creation and earning opportunities, upcoming LIVE event in Merida Mexico, and so much more. STRICTLY LIMITED TO 30 PARTICIPANTS ONLY! PLEASE REVIEW THIS PROPOSAL AND MAKE YOUR DECISION ASAP.

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Project:Yourself Presents…

The Project:Luminary Coaching Certification Program

Join us in elevating the planet’s consciousness as a Project:Yourself ancient wisdom coach; and gain exclusive access to our inner circle, training tools and

coaching curriculum, co-creation and earning opportunities, upcoming LIVE event in Merida Mexico, and so much more.



Project:Yourself Presents…

The Project:Luminary Coaching Certification Program

Join us in elevating the planet’s consciousness as a Project:Yourself ancient wisdom coach; and gain exclusive access to our inner circle, training tools and coaching curriculum, co-creation and earning opportunities, upcoming LIVE

event in Merida Mexico, and so much more.



Thank you for exploring your highest purpose and potential with us

This document contains important information on the Project:Luminary Certification Program: an exhilarating path to self-empowerment, affluence, mass scale impact and your greatest purpose by helping others elevate their lives through ancient wisdom.

We’re looking for just 30 passionate Luminaries to join us as coaches and partners on this mission to raise the planet’s consciousness.

Is this path for you? The answer is YES, if you’d like to...

• Finally uncover your most authentic purpose - and generate the clarity and forward momentum that will allow you to embody it with ease and joy…

• Rise up to become the greatest version of yourself in this new era of mass consciousness, and break free from your limiting beliefs, fears and insecurities…

• Enrich every area of your life with time-tested ancient tools and wisdom that will ignite the highest potential of your mind, body and spirit...

• Wake up every morning knowing you’re creating good karma, making a difference, and living a purpose-driven life…

• Gain a new stream of scalable wealth, and even a new career so you can carve your own personal path to freedom and awakening…

• Break free from an unfulfilling career or lifestyle, and finally gain the time, freedom, energy and inspiration to live the kind of life you only ever dared daydream about…

• Inspire your kids or your spouse or your loved ones by becoming a fearless inspiration to them, and taking the kind of bold steps in your life most people only talk about…

• Have a platform and system to help dozens, hundreds, then thousands of people in your circle, in your community, and on the planet…

• Or even build your own personal brand, legend and movement.

No matter what level you’re at, and whether you’re interested in this path either as a part time career, a hobby or a full-time calling - I want

to assure you that Project:Luminary is here to support your aspirations every step of the way.

I am truly excited to welcome you into our tribe, and share the tools, strategies and ancient wisdom that will help you realize your highest potential as a Luminary.

And most of all, I can’t wait to meet you this October in Merida, Mexico - the mystical land of the Mayans - for our first ever Luminary adventure and conference.

If you have any questions before or after reading this document, please email [email protected]. My team and I would love to hear from you.

Amish Shah Founder of Project:Yourself

Meet the Project:Luminary founders...

Amish Shah, Founder

Amish Shah is a conscious entrepreneur and spiritual explorer. In his old life, he built multiple 7-figure Inc. 500 companies in fields like mobile and digital marketing. Today he has committed his gifts to spreading ancient wisdom, personal transformation and philanthropy through his new purpose: the Deep Origins movement, of which Project:Luminary is a part of.

Dr. Puja Shah, Founder

Dr. Puja Shah is a certified meditation and yoga instructor, an author, and a dental professional. She draws from the experiences of her own spiritual journey to lead the Deep Origins community on a variety of mind-body-spirit adventures, from group meditation sessions to online workshops.

… and the rest of the team:

Prashant Patel Joe Fier Omar Michael Bradly Pool Jireh GarayStrategic Advisor COO Copywriter &

MarketingOperations Social Media &


The MissionOur mission is to heal 20 million people by 2030 by harmonizing ancient wisdom with modern science and technology. Every step our movement takes is towards igniting a global awakening that will elevate every facet of the human experience. We believe in a form of accessible personal growth and spirituality that prioritizes compassion, integrity and the human element.

The Shah Education & Exploration Fund (SEEF)SEEF is our nonprofit sister organization. Its mission is to preserve ancient wisdom and heritage by providing education, infrastructure and empowerment to the underserved communities surrounding the world’s most treasured ancient locations - from Machu Picchu in Peru, to Dwarka in India. 10% of all our proceeds goes directly to the SEEF cause.

About Project:Luminary

Project:Luminary is part of the Deep Origins movement; a benefit corporation that harnesses modern technology to spread life-changing ancient wisdom. Over 300,000 people rely on our courses, live events and films to spark meaningful changes in their careers, finances, health, relationships and spirituality.

Through Project:Luminary, we aim to nurture and partner with coaches of all skill levels and specializations, who can help us spread ancient wisdom to even more lives worldwide. This is our way of decentralizing our movement, and democratizing ancient wisdom for the masses.

Project:Luminary’s cycle of mass scale impact:


Funding Industry Charities Programs Education

Deep Origins Income

SocialAdoption & Growth



Why Project:Luminary? Why now?

“We sense that ‘normal’ isn’t coming back, that we are being born into a new normal: a new kind of society, a new relationship to the earth, a new experience of being human.”

Charles Eisenstein, bestselling author & speaker

A monumental shift in consciousness is sweeping across our planet.

The ancients foresaw it.

Modern science can measure its effects.

And chances are, you and your loved ones are feeling it all around you.

According to Vedic philosophy, mankind is entering a new phase of ‘light’.

Billions of people are now questioning longstanding institutions, from governments to mega corporations to financial bodies. Millions more are creating inspiring new ways to work, earn, learn, grow and love. And through ancient practices like meditation, Ayurveda and chakra healing, these same people are beginning to reconnect with the essence of their beings, and rediscover a deeper sense of joy and fulfillment in life.

As our world goes through this exciting shift, a group of Luminaries is needed to lead the charge…

… those who will rise up to their greatest purpose and potential, and help others do the same.

This certification program is about equipping yourself with the knowledge, tools and training to be one of these people.

Becoming a Project:Yourself Luminary is about so many wonderful things. It’s about riding the wave of this shift, and creating a lucrative and liberating new career for yourself. It’s about joining a community of people who are stepping up to a life of purpose and impact. It’s about helping people through the transformational power of ancient wisdom.

But at its simplest, it’s about honoring a Life Path that will reward, fulfill and evolve you - and the people around you - for the rest of your life.

The 4P’s of stepping up as a Luminary

The Project:Luminary certification program focuses on training you in each of these 4 P’s:

1. PURPOSE: having the clarity and consistency to align with your personal purpose.

2. PEOPLE: having the skills and empathy to effectively connect with and serve your clients.

3. PLANET: harmonizing with your surroundings and adopting a conscious and sustainable lifestyle.

4. PROSPERITY: having the business and financial strategies to expand your movement, elevate your lifestyle, and create mass scale impact.

What you’ll learn in the Project:Luminary certification program

The Project:Luminary certification program is...

• A training curriculum…

• A community, support & mastermind network...

• A marketing, business and co-creation platform…

• And a LIVE adventure and retreat in Merida, Mexico...

… all designed to equip you with every tool, platform, strategy and skill you need to build a rewarding career and Life Path out of empowering others through ancient wisdom.

And no matter what level you’re at - whether you’re an aspiring coach, a veteran trainer, or somewhere in between - we’ve designed every step of the experience to be accessible, enjoyable and most importantly effective in helping you achieve your goals as a Luminary.

Let’s take a closer look at each part of the curriculum:

1. The Project:Luminary Multimedia Training Course

Using the aforementioned 4 P’s as a framework, the multimedia training course is the focal point of your Luminary education.

Starting August 1st 2015, you’ll receive a weekly training and Q&A video, focusing on a certain topic within the curriculum.

Each of the tools, techniques and insights in the course are adaptable to your own life, or for you to add to your coaching repertoire with your clients.

The entire course will take 9 weeks to complete, and should take you you a few hours to week, inclusive of a weekly quiz and group call to lock in your learnings.

The course’s wide range of deep yet easy-to-follow training content means that upon graduating, you can either be a generalist, or begin specializing in any body of ancient wisdom covered in the course - like perhaps you want to be a meditation coach? An Ayurvedic coach? A law of attraction coach?

Fueled by your passion and commitment, this multimedia training course will guide you towards your highest potential as a Luminary. Here’s what you’ll find in it:

From meditation to yoga to healing, this first part of the course gives you a variety of tools for elevating yourself - and your clients - to peak condition, so you can honor your purpose of serving the planet as a Luminary.

Luminary qualities you’ll cultivate in this section:

Connect: connect to the inner qualities that will serve you as a Luminary. Presence, forgiveness, mindset, gratitude.

Fulfill: fulfill the necessary requirements to begin serving others. Creativity, desire, channeling your sexual energy into your work, and more.

Activate: activating your inner Luminary superpowers. The power of autosuggestion, imagination, and kundalini breathing.

Topics you’ll learn include:

• Meditation: from guided meditation to mantra meditations to silent meditations, you’ll learn how to practice and teach some of the most powerful meditation techniques in existence

• Simple yoga exercises anyone can practice for instant physical, emotional and spiritual benefits (you’ll also learn how to select yoga exercises based on body type)

• From Ayurveda to the latest scientific findings, discover the best foods, spices and cooking methods on the planet for nourishing, energizing and healing the body

• The 3 Doshas: how to keep the 3 elements of the body in peak condition for optimal health and energy

• Quick yet transformational ancient breathing exercises for creating specific outcomes in the body and mind, from relaxation to healing

• Harnessing sleep to heal and manifest: ancient deep sleep techniques, lucid dreaming & more

• Visualization: how to spark vivid visualizations that give you the power to turn your internal reality into your external reality.

• How to use Vedic astrology to stay aligned with your highest purpose, by making the right decisions and focusing on the pursuits that will propel you forwards.

(WEEK 1 & 2)

The second part of the course focuses on the human aspect of being a Luminary. You’ll learn how to present yourself and empower both yourself and your clients through a variety of ancient tools and teachings that turn you into a powerful healer, problem solver and manifester.

Luminary qualities you’ll cultivate in this section:

Access: Opening the doors to access your new reality through qualities like inner peace, enthusiasm, and strengthening the heart chakra.

Implement: implementing the groundwork you’ve laid out so far by speaking your truth and raising your vibrational frequencies.

Protect: protecting the assets you’ve created for yourself by recharging your energy centers, mastering persistence, and breaking away from fear.

Topics you’ll learn include:

• Lifestyle tweaks and innovative ideas for creating and honoring your (and your clients’) ideal lifestyle

• Ancient Ayurvedic tools for healing yourself and others

• Relationship-amplifying tools for boosting empathy, love and connection to others

• Tools for branding and positioning yourself for maximum resonance with your target clients

• Communication strategies for sharing ancient wisdom with your community, online and in real life

• Marketing techniques and frameworks for advertising, getting free traffic, and joint ventures with other Luminaries

• Nurturing your clients: how to serve them, engage them, and make them fall in love with you

• Vedic astrological tools for deeply understanding and empathizing with your clients’ unique personalities

(WEEK 3 & 4)

The third part of the course is about creating a more conscious and sustainable way of life - and helping others do the same - by harmonizing with your surroundings and the seasons, and living more consciously.

Luminary qualities you’ll cultivate in this section:

Cleanse: remove the negativity and blocks standing in your way by energizing your third eye chakra, mastering your subconscious mind, and harnessing tools like sacred geometry to align with your surroundings.

Accomplish: move towards accomplishing your goals as a Luminary by connecting with your spirit self, and harnessing subconscious tools like Napoleon Hill’s round table exercise.

Create: it’s time to start creating your new reality as a Luminary by energizing your higher chakras and pineal gland, and bending the cosmic grid.

Topics you’ll learn include:

• How to adopt a healthy and sustainable diet, according to Ayurvedic wisdom

• The easy way to grow your own food, even if you live in the city

• Ayurvedic healing through food and natural Ayurvedic medicine

• Vastu (a.k.a. Indian Feng Shui): the ancient Indian art of harmonize with your physical space and the energetic forces of nature

• Little-known platforms and opportunities for contributing your expertise to the underserved, and even starting your own nonprofit or benefit corporation.

• The cycles of time (Yugas): how to align your thoughts and behavior with the coming age of light

• How to adjust your diet, lifestyle and daily schedule in alignment with the 4 main seasons (you’ll be surprised at the unique energies at play in each season)

• How to start your own planet-shifting movement: discover how we turned the subjects of ancient history and archaeology into a global movement for truth known as the Ancient Explorers.

(WEEK 5 & 6)

The final part of the course gives you essential training on the business and financial side of being a Luminary. Here you’ll get proven strategies (the same ones we use at Deep Origins) to maximize your reach and revenue, build multiple streams of income, and change even more lives.

Luminary qualities you’ll cultivate in this section:

Access: once again we’ll revisit this quality from the perspective of success and prosperity, so you can start accessing the people and opportunities that will propel your Luminary business forwards.

Topics you’ll learn include:

• A handy step-by-step overview of the Luminary business framework

• How to get extra governmental and social support for your business by applying for certain grants and breaks that give you the upper hand

• Marketing strategies for charging your ideal rates and filling up your coaching schedule

• How to earn commissions by marketing Deep Origins products

• How to quickly create and market your own digital product: an in-depth guide

• Co-creating with us: a game plan for publishing material or hosting an event with us

• A Luminary’s guide to today’s fastest, most affordable and most effective online marketing strategies

• Case studies: how we created, branded and marketed one of the most popular personal growth courses on the Internet


From self-mastery to helping others to the business aspect of being a Luminary, in your final week you’ll learn how to harmonize everything you’ve learned up to this point in one holistic, rewarding and exhilarating Life Path.

Get the Project:Luminary training course and so much more when you become one of our 30 first ever Luminaries. Secure your spot now.

(WEEK 7 & 8)

2. The Project:Luminary Physical Kit

Included in your certification program package is a stunning physical kit shipped to your doorstep, no matter where you are in the world.

This ‘ancient wisdom coaching kit in a box’ is packed with ancient tools and artifacts for bending reality, amplifying the results of your conscious practices, and for using in your coaching sessions.

In this kit you’re getting a variety of our most well-loved Luminary tools, curated over the years from our travels and encounters with spiritual masters.

You’ll be invited to use it as a sidekick to many of the exercises and techniques in your main training course.

And as is the case with the main training course, everything in this kit can be used as a personal growth tool and a teaching tool too.

Your physical kit contains tools used for thousands of years by various ancient cultures and traditions across the world. We have gone to great lengths to source authentic and sustainable versions of all these items, crafted using their original ancient traditions.

In this kit you’ll find:

• A variety of incense specific to each level, including pure rose, amber and jasmine

• Cloths specific to each level that correspond with the colors of the chakras

• A small spiritual storage box

• A selection of candles for certain levels, such as sandalwood

• 6 unique essential oils

• Moonstone crystal Rudra

• Ayurvedic herbs recipe guide

• Oil and Ghee Lamps

• Neti Pot

• Specific teas for certain levels such as clove and cinnamon

• Chocolate for a sensory experience

• Mantra cards

• Two journals

• Gold Plated Sri Yantra

• 108+ guru bead mala

• Headphones

• Matches

• Glass water bottle

• Think and Grow Rich Book By Napoleon Hill

• Energized Himalayan sea salt

• Tab notes for exercises

• PDF binder

• Pen

• Conscious Calendars vedic astrology outline for timing your decisions

• 5 mukhi rudraksh on silk thread

Your Project:Luminary Physical Kit will be shipped to you before the main course begins on August 1st 2015.

Spots in our first ever intake are limited - become one of our 30 first ever Luminaries, and get access to a treasure

chest of ancient wisdom, mind-body-spirit tools, and more world-class coaching training.

3. Lifetime membership to the Project:Luminary Inner Circle

You’re not just investing in a certification program - but also access to our exclusive community of Luminaries, and a variety of insider-only perks that will amplify your personal growth, exposure and coaching practice.

Being in the Project:Luminary Inner Circle entitles you to:

A permanent listing in our online Luminary directory and marketplace. Over 100,000 people visit our Project:Yourself site every month - and you’ll get priceless exposure to each one when they visit our Luminary directory. The Luminary marketplace is an upcoming feature where we’ll allow you to sell your info products and coaching services to our visitors and subscribers. Standalone coaches spend thousands advertising and promoting themselves to potential clients - but you get this service absolutely free.

A permanent subpage on our site ( This subpage is a powerful co-branding opportunity that will allow you to communicate your unique personality and services. We’ll even help you position your brand and fine-tune your message and services, so you get maximum resonance with the clients you’re aiming for.

Access to our exclusive online membership site. This easy-to-navigate site makes learning and interacting a pleasure. Here you’ll gain access to your training course materials, plus forums, groups and other community features that allow you to co-create, troubleshoot, help and get help from your fellow Luminaries.

Exclusive early access and discounts on future Deep Origins content. From now on, you get first dibs plus an exclusive discount to all upcoming courses, events and training materials released by us. This is a fantastic way to save money and secure your spot at limited-space events, so you can keep upgrading yourself with the latest personal growth tools and wisdom, and even use them to strengthen your coaching repertoire.

Enter our inner circle today. Only 30 spots available.

4. Co-creation and co-earning opportunities with Deep Origins

Your co-creation and co-earning opportunities with Deep Origins include the following:

1. Full access to our product creation and marketing frameworks and strategies

2. Co-creation of info products and coaching programs

3. Marketing and promotional campaigns to our tribe of 300,000 people, and millions in our affiliate network (subject to our final approval)

4. Special rates on production fees and access to our rolodex of trusted contractors

5. Premium affiliate marketing opportunities on all existing and future Deep Origins products

Every year, Deep Origins releases a variety of courses, live events and films. We’re even working on a line of Ayurvedic supplements

to be released in 2016.

Our successes (and failures) over the years have allowed us to optimize our product creation and marketing models for maximum efficiency and revenue - and we’re giving YOU access to these frameworks, plus the opportunity to co-create future products with us.

Our goal is to save you time and earn you more money by empowering you to create good content fast, expand and automate revenue, and optimize your coaching strategies so you can focus more on what really matters - serving your clients.

You’ll also have the option of engaging our team or our private rolodex of trusted top coaches, designers, programmers and copywriters at a discounted Luminary rate to help you produce and market world-class content and services.

We have over 300,000 people in our collective community, and access to millions more through our affiliate networks - so just one successful promotion to our databases could elevate your Luminary coaching practice to a whole new level of affluence and reach.

Another co-earning opportunity is by becoming an affiliate for any existing or future Deep Origins product. We pay 50% commissions on most of our digital products, meaning you don’t even need to have your own products to generate serious income from our ecosystem.

Since you will be so closely affiliated with the Project:Luminary brand (and by extension the Deep Origins movement), we will require you to fulfill certain ethical and business criteria: in a nutshell, as long as you’re passionate, positive, authentic and transparent, you’re always welcome in the family.

What kind of income can all these perks bring you? That depends on a variety of factors, including your effort, the nature of your services, and market conditions. But with your commitment and perseverance, our goal is to guide you towards the kind of financial prosperity that would allow you to turn Luminary coaching into a full-time career, if you so wish.

Only 30 spots available: partner with us as a Luminary, and let’s manifest wealth, good karma and positive global transformation together.

5. The Project:Luminary Perpetual Mastermind

We believe consistency and collective wisdom are vital to being an effective Luminary. We also believe some of the biggest personal breakthroughs you experience in life, can be boiled down to just one conversation or idea from a person you respect.

That’s why every part of the Project:Luminary experience has mastermind and collaboration elements infused into it.

At our live event in October (more on that shortly), we’ll host daily masterminds. Imagine the power of all 30 us coming together for the first time ever, and pooling together our collective intent to start this journey STRONG.

After the live event, we’ll host a permanent online monthly mastermind with the entire Luminary community. From advanced coaching skills and personal growth, to out-of-the-box marketing, branding and revenue strategies, together we’ll dive into every aspect of the

Luminary equation - and draw on each other’s experiences, wisdom and adventures to become an uplifting force greater than the sum of our parts.

Our commitment to masterminds boils down to empowering you with the inspiration you need… saving you time and money by sidestepping costly

mistakes… and keeping you at your constant peak state of flow, so you can keep serving yourself and the planet from your highest state of being.

6. The Project:Luminary live adventure & coaching retreat in Merida, Mexico

Yes, we’ve saved the most exciting part of the certification program for last…

From October 18th to 24th, we’ll host an exclusive, all expenses paid trip (excluding flights) for the Luminary tribe in Merida, Mexico - the enigmatic land of the Maya.

Most certification programs are held in stuffy hotels, or if you’re lucky - a villa in town. But we want to shake things up and give you a magical experience that will stick with you for life.

For 7 mind-blowing days, we’ll train you with the entire Project:Luminary curriculum in an intimate setting… engage in powerful closed-door masterminds… and guide you through exhilarating mind-body-spirit group exercises, from guided meditations to Yoga lessons to Ayurvedic healing sessions.

And here’s where it gets even more special: we’ll also bond with each other in an ancient adventure like no other, as we explore the mysterious Chichen Itza and Uxmal, a UNESCO heritage site. Engage in authentic Mayan rituals with Mayan elders. And visit colonial towns soaked in ancient history.

It’s like a whip-flicking Indiana Jones film and a world-class coaching certification event, all wrapped in one irresistible package.

By the end of this live event, you’ll walk away with lifelong friendships… million-dollar ideas... unforgettable memories of ancient Mayan adventures… and most importantly, a deep first-hand understanding of the entire Project:Luminary coaching curriculum.

Trip itinerary (October 18 - 24, 2015)

Sunday October 18:

Arrival in Merida

A local agent will meet you at the airport and transfer you to the comfortable Los Aluxes hotel in the Historic Center of Merida, Mexico. A relaxed group meeting will follow, where you’ll meet your fellow Luminaries for the first time in an informal setting before the next day’s adventure begins.

Monday October 19:

Morning conference & group orientation

After breakfast, you’ll meet your guide for your Mayan adventure: Miguel Angel Vergara. Miguel Angel will be happy to answer questions or just chat with you through the rest of the morning, as we begin our Luminary experience with a number of group exercises.

The journey towards Chichen Itza

On the way to this historic location, we’ll stop for a wonderful lunch at a beautifully restored Hacienda and engage in our first Luminary mastermind.

Afternoon arrival at Mayaland Hotel

Later in the afternoon, we’ll arrive at the stunning Mayaland Hotel Bungalows. Lunch is provided. This luxurious accommodation includes swimming pools, air conditioning, gardens and bird watching trails.

Once settled in, we’ll begin focusing on the first part of your Luminary curriculum: honoring your highest PURPOSE.

Evening training & Maya ceremony

After dinner and an authentic Maya ceremony, we’ll wrap up the PURPOSE aspect of the curriculum with group exercises and a Q&A.

Tuesday October 20:

Breakfast & Chichen Itza expedition begins

After breakfast at 7am, Miguel Miguel Angel will escort us for the adventure, taking us to hidden spots off the beaten path. This will be your first ancient adventure with your fellow Luminaries!

Luminary training session

In-depth training, group exercises and a Q&A focused on the next part of the Luminary curriculum: serving and connecting with PEOPLE.

Evening Light & Sound Show at Chichen Itza

At 8pm, we’ll return to Chichen Itza for its famous light & sound show. You’ll experience not just the enchanting visuals, but the unique surging energy of Chichen Itza at night, followed by a Luminary group meditation to wrap up the night.

Wednesday October 21:

Morning Departure to Ek Balam

The archaeological site of Ek Balam is home to the winged statues, the only ones of their kind in the world of the Maya. Miguel Angel will take you on a detailed tour of this enchanting location, including the tomb of King Ukit-Kan-Lek-Tok. We’ll then make full use of the powerful energy here to host a number of introspective group exercises with the tribe.

Lunch and mastermind In Valladolid Colonial City

Our next stop is the Spanish Colonial city of Valladolid for lunch and discussion in one of the best restaurants at the town square. After lunch you’ll have time to go shopping or explore this stunning town at your leisure.

Luminary training session

Upon returning from our trip, we’ll begin the Luminary training of the day: a deep dive into creating a life in harmony with the PLANET.

Thursday October 22:

Exploring the legendary city of Uxmal

One of the trip’s highlights is this visit to the legendary classical city of Uxmal. Miguel Angel will take you through every point of interest in this UNESCO Heritage Site, as you soak in the unique energies and architecture that make this one of the world’s most beloved ancient locations.

Group lunch, mastermind & artisan visit

After a group lunch and a mastermind on the final piece of the Luminary curriculum - PROSPERITY - we’ll visit a special artisan near Muna, before heading back to to HQ.

Evening Luminary training & music in the square

After an in-depth training session focusing on the business and financial aspect of being a Luminary, we’ll visit the nearby town square to enjoy traditional Mexican music and dancing.

Friday October 23:

Maya closing ceremony at the enigmatic Labna ruins

We’ll start the day with breakfast, then depart for Labna: a smaller, less crowded archaeological site that’s perfect for an intimate closing Maya ceremony with Miguel Angel and some local Maya elders. The symbols here are fascinating and connected with the cosmos, offering great discussion time with the group.

Lunch & dinner at the hotel, followed by closing mastermind

Upon giving you the afternoon off to connect and collaborate with your fellow Luminaries, we’ll end our adventure with a closing mastermind summarizing the curriculum, your future plans and where to take your Luminary adventure from here.

Claim your spot as a Luminary, and join us on the adventure of a lifetime. Less than 30 spots remaining.

Your Project:Luminary certification program also comes with three extra features for

better results & a richer experience:Extra feature 1: 4x follow-up LIVE group calls with Amish and Puja after the live event (value: $400).

This is separate from the masterminds, and will be used as huddle and problem-solving sessions to fine tune your personal brand, coaching strategies, business expansion plans, and keep you on your highest path.

Extra feature 2: Beautifully bound binders and DVDs of the entire training curriculum (value: $600).

We’re professionally printing EVERYTHING for you, and even including additional workbooks and resources to give you the best possible learning experience. This package will look great on your bookshelf.

Extra feature 3: Every single personal growth training course we’ve ever published (value: $429.85).

As a Project:Yourself Luminary, we believe you should gain the benefits of all our training material - both for yourself, and for your future clients. That’s why we’re giving you free access to every course we’ve ever published, including:

• Our flagship Project:Yourself home training course

• Our bestselling Project:Wealth course for creating more wealth and success

• Our brand new Deep Dive Guided Meditation Pack featuring a wide selection of guided meditations powered by HoloSync(r) technology

• 2 months of access to our Conscious Calendars color-coded astrological daily calendar technology by Vedic Astrologer Kathleen Whalen

• 1 month access to our Ancient Explorers Premium service, to keep you updated on the latest discoveries in the world of ancient wisdom and archaeology

In total, the Project:Luminary certification program gives you over $16,929 in immediate dollar value:

Project:Luminary video training curriculum. Value: $2,000

Project:Luminary physical kit shipped to your doorstep. Value $1,000

Lifetime access to Project:Luminary inner circle. Value: PRICELESS

Co-creation rights to Deep Origins projects. Value: $8,000

LIVE masterminds + lifetime mastermind access. Value: $1,000

Live Luminary event in Merida Mexico. Value: $3,000

Bonus 1: 4x group coaching calls with Amish & Puja. Value: $400

Bonus 2: Printed lessons and DVDs of the entire curriculum. Value: $600

Bonus 3: Every personal growth home training product we’ve ever published. Value: $429.85

… yet your investment is only a one-off $5,000.

Are you searching for greater meaning, abundance and freedom in your life or career?

Are you excited by the prospect of a building a lucrative and fulfilling business by helping others and playing your part in elevating the planet’s consciousness?

Would achieving even a small fraction of everything we’ve told you about so far be enough to leave a massive positive impact on your life (and the lives of your loved ones)?

If so, please take note: this is a one-time-only opportunity, and spaces are extremely limited (we started with 30 spots, and by the time you read this we may be left with less than half ).

It would be our pleasure to welcome you as our newest Luminary. Click on the button below to either book your spot immediately, or schedule a call with us to find out more.


Frequently Asked QuestionsQ. “I don’t have any coaching experience/I’m not sure I have what it takes to help people. Is Project:Luminary for me?”

A. The only thing you need to benefit from this certification program is a passion to realize your highest purpose and potential - and to help others do the same. We harness that passion and groom you into a capable and affluent ancient wisdom coach, no matter what level you’re at or what skill set you have. How fast you rise up, how much you earn and how many lives you change will depend on your personal effort; but we guarantee our easy-to-follow curriculum will make the entire journey smooth and enjoyable for you.

Q. “I already have a coaching practice, how will Project:Luminary benefit me?”

A. Every aspect of our curriculum is based on the same coaching, business and education principles we have used to nurture our global movement with over 300,000 members. Our founders are successful coaches. We regularly launch personal growth products that earn 6 figures in income. And from John Assaraf to Bill Harris to David Wolfe, we frequently partner with some of the most successful trainers and teachers on earth. As a Luminary, you’re getting our movement’s DNA; which you can transplant into your own coaching practice for far greater impact, revenue and efficiency.

Q. “I’m working at a busy career, how will I have find time to be a Luminary?”

A. The Luminary career path and business model is flexible. Whether you aspire to quitting your job and turning this into a full-time career, or whether you only want to coach a few clients a week for some extra income and satisfaction, you’re free to scale your business according to your needs and wants. As for the curriculum itself, it only takes a few hours a week for 9 weeks to go through the videos and join the Q&As - yet the results pay for themselves many times over for the rest of your life.

Q. “How is Project:Luminary different from your average life coach certification program?”

A. One of our goals with Project:Luminary is to create a new standard of immersion and co-creation for our participants. Other certification programs hold you at arm’s length, keeping you in a rigid student-teacher dynamic. We’ve designed our curriculum to position you as an empowered partner and co-creator in our movement - which means you’ll have the opportunity to create products and run promotions with us, co-organize events, and determine the direction you want this tribe to move in.

And then there’s the curriculum itself: we give you the best of both science and spirituality by first harnessing only the most authentic and transformational ancient wisdom from fields like mindfulness, meditation, chakra healing and astrology... and then pairing it with modern science and technology that allows you to amplify its results.

What you get from all this is a more enriching experience, access to an incredibly wide client base once you’re ready to serve them, more tools to give your clients, and the additional wealth that comes with it.

Q. “What can I expect to earn from Project:Luminary, and how soon?”

A. If you follow our curriculum from start to end according to schedule and pass the quizzes, we’ll have you up on our Luminary directory in as little as 9 weeks. Around this time you can also start searching for clients yourself, either through our networks or even in your own community.

How fast you build your client base, and how much you earn from that is a reflection of the commitment you’re willing to invest and which of our strategies you choose to implement. But do the math: from coaching alone, if you’re able to make $50 - $200 an hour, how much will that amount to every month and year if you get just a few students a month? And that’s not including the additional sources of income you can tap into as a Luminary; like passive income from info products on our marketplace, profit sharing from co-created products with us, and so on.

Q. “Once I become a Luminary, can I collaborate on products or events with Deep Origins?”

A. Absolutely! That’s one of the main reasons we’re looking to groom Luminaries - so we can co-create together, and reach our goal of healing 20 million lives by 2030. Provided you approach us with a suitable proposal, we’re happy to schedule collaborative projects into our timelines. In fact if you’re shining bright as a Luminary, we might be the ones coming to you.

Q. “Is there a refund policy?”

A. Due to the nature of our curriculum’s overheads, we cannot offer a money back guarantee with this certification program.

Q. “Are there any additional costs to maintain my Luminary status?”

A. Your investment is one-off, and entitles you to a lifetime of Luminary membership with all the perks. The only additional cost is if you choose to engage us or our rolodex of partners and contractors for help with personal projects that go beyond the scope of the Luminary curriculum.

Q. “Can I bring my spouse or a friend on the trip?”

A. Yes! The standalone trip fee is $3,000, inclusive of everything but flight.

Q. “I won’t be able to go on the trip, but I’m interested in the rest of the curriculum - how do I resolve this?”

A. We don’t offer custom training packages by default, but please contact us at [email protected] to discuss options.

Got more questions? Email us at [email protected]

for a quick response.

You can also schedule a call with us, or book your spot immediately:

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We can only accept 30 aspiring Luminaries in our first intake. If our invitation resonates, please secure yours

as soon as possible.