project timothy lesson eight. i want to talk about something very important in this lesson. teenage...

MAN UP BIBLE SEREIS Project Timothy Lesson Eight

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Post on 27-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Project Timothy Lesson Eight. I want to talk about something very important in this lesson. Teenage Suicide. It is not something any of us like to talk


Lesson Eight

Page 2: Project Timothy Lesson Eight. I want to talk about something very important in this lesson. Teenage Suicide. It is not something any of us like to talk

THE REAL WORLD I want to talk about something very important in this lesson. Teenage Suicide. It is not something any of us like to talk about or face but it is a reality in the world we live in. Loneliness, fear, fatalism, hopelessness and cynicism run rampant in high school and college age young men. We all need to be alone sometimes. We never need to feel loneliness. To belong to something is one of the basic desires that a man has. We need it, we seek it and find satisfaction in belonging to something. Friends are gifts from heaven and we all need them. The other side of the coin is rejection. Rejection is the root cause of teenage suicide. We love winners and hate losers. The answer to this kind of rejection is found in the loving acceptance of Jesus Christ and men who follow Him. When you turn your life over to the Lord and let Him lead you His power and sense of acceptance makes it possible to carry on . We all have some much to live for and be thankful for. Look around you and be the answer for someone who has too may questions. By following Christ you have a sense of security and peace that the World cannot understand.

Page 3: Project Timothy Lesson Eight. I want to talk about something very important in this lesson. Teenage Suicide. It is not something any of us like to talk

THE REAL WORDPsalm 34:18-19 “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.”

Psalm 55:22 “Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.”

First Peter 5:7 “Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.”

Isaiah 53:4 “Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted.

Psalm 34:17 “When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.”

Psalm 23:4 “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

Page 4: Project Timothy Lesson Eight. I want to talk about something very important in this lesson. Teenage Suicide. It is not something any of us like to talk

REAL TALKHave you ever known someone who committed suicide?

Have you ever thought about ending it all?

How can you overcome these feelings of rejection?

Page 5: Project Timothy Lesson Eight. I want to talk about something very important in this lesson. Teenage Suicide. It is not something any of us like to talk

REAL STEPSSeven Tips to Overcoming Suicidal Thoughts:

1. Understand the Depths of God’s Love for You. (Romans 6:23)

2. Understand what God thinks of You. ( Isa. 49:14)

3. Understand that God has a perfect plan for You. (Jer. 29:11)

4. God Made you and planned for You. ( Eph. 1:5)

5. God came to rescue You from all the pain you feel. (John 3:16)

6. There is a whole life to be lived in eternity. ( 2 Tim. 2:12)

7. God can meet every need you have. There is hope! ( Phil. 4:19)

If you are thinking about suicide please seek professional help.

Call 1-800-874-2433. We all need help to face the hardships of life.

Page 6: Project Timothy Lesson Eight. I want to talk about something very important in this lesson. Teenage Suicide. It is not something any of us like to talk

TIME TO CLOSE This has been a tough lesson to write. I want to close with some thoughts on what can take the place of the loneliness that so many young people today are facing. You will find the peace and fulfillment of life when you surrender your life to the leading of the Lord. Watch out for the things you are looking at and listening to. Watch out for the kind of friends you are making in life. Sin is contagious, Righteousness is NOT! You will find the peace and satisfaction you are looking for by following God above all other pursuits. I want to remind you of Daniel and his friends. These were young teenage men who refused to Bow to the King but chose the fiery furnace. As they were in the fire the Bible tells us that they could see a fourth man in the fire with them. That fourth man was Jesus Christ. He will go through the fire with you. No matter what you have done. God loves you. I close with some real words of advice. Invest you life, Do not waste it. Make Jesus your Friend, not your enemy. If God is your friend then you need to spend time with Him. Listen to Him. If you are lonely be a friend to someone in need. Look out from within your own pain and help someone else. In doing this you will find the fulfillment of living a blessed life.