project repot of marketing


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Page 1: Project Repot of Marketing


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Table of Contents

MISSION STATEMENT.........................................................................................................5

CORPORATE MISSION..........................................................................................................5


COMPANY HIERARCHY:......................................................................................................7

TARGET MARKET;..............................................................................................................8

SWOT ANALYSIS..............................................................................................................8





STRATEGIC MARKETING PLANNING:...............................................................................9


PRODUCT ANALYSIS:........................................................................................................10

PRODUCT LEVELS:..........................................................................................................10

Core Product:............................................................................................................10

PRODUCT FEATURES:..................................................................................................10


BRAND COMPETITION:.................................................................................................11

General Competition:................................................................................................11

MARKET RESEARCH ANALYSIS-WHITE GLOW:...............................................................11


WHITE GLOW PHILOSOPHY..............................................................................................12

HOW TO USE WHITE GLOW CREAM?.............................................................................13

PRODUCT LINE STRATEGY:............................................................................................13

PRODUCT COMPETITION:.................................................................................................14


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PRICING STRATEGIES:......................................................................................................15



THE PROMOTIONAL BUDGET:........................................................................................16

WHITE GLOW’S PROMOTION MIXES:...........................................................................17


SALES PROMOTION:........................................................................................................19


Free sampling:...........................................................................................................19



PERSONAL SELLING:......................................................................................................20

PUBLIC RELATIONS AND PUBLICITY:.............................................................................20



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We would like to thank our parents

who are keen to see us well

educated, we would like to thank

students of BUITEMS who helped us

in completing our survey, we would

like to thank our senior colleague

Deepak MBA 3 rd (HRM) who gave us

road map for making this report.


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“To provide the best quality products to consumers to fulfill their entire



“ To become the number one consumer goods company in all the regions it

is operating.”


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We are introducing a moisturizing cream with the name ‘’White Glow moisturizing

cream, by keeping the weather conditions of Pakistan in mind we thought to

introduce such a product that provide greater protection from harmful sun rays, it

will keep the skin moist, it will remove dark spots and fight against dryness, in our

country mostly people are conscious about their skin complexion and every time

they are in search of a product which can satisfy them. Another important

characteristic of our population is that most of our population is poor or they

come in lower class, a large group of people makes a middle income class, and a

small group of people came in upper class. As majority of our population belongs

to middle class, people who are conscious about their skin but at the same time

they have limited resources, they cannot afford expensive imported creams.

There is a good news for all of them we will provide them a cream which will

solve their problems this cream is economical and pure and it has no side effects

people of any age can use this cream without any fear, and we assure you that

you will feel a clear difference after 15 days of usage, and you find any side

effect or if you feel no change then you will get full payment from the company.

We are giving free samples to create awareness among people we are sure that

after trying our samples you will surely buy our cream.


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We are introducing a moisturizing cream and before launching it we made a

survey to find our future customers. The survey greatly helped us in finding our

target market. we circulate our questionnaire to 100 people belonging different

occupations and age, and after reading all the filled questionnaires we find that

major users of our cream are youngsters who are mostly students or are working,

the percentage of wife’s was only 5%, out of remaining 95% people 60% are girls

and 10% and other 25% were not interested, future users will be girls. So we will

mainly focus on female customers and we will promote the cream by using this



Overall organizational SWOT analysis


White Glow’s strength lies in its strong marketing team. Even while working

within a small budget, the team will deliver and carve a niche out for itself in the

consumer goods market. Its aggressive strategies will clearly reflect in the

marketing campaigns marketing efforts will be particularly strong in the

promotional, and the distribution aspect of its marketing mix.


Lack of capital, and inadequate financial resources, is a big weakness for White

Glow Facing the onslaught of huge MNCs like Johnson & Johnson, and WG,

requires a strong monetary backing. Since White Glow, is basically sponsored by

a local group (Lakson), their financial background is comparatively weak


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I will Grow demands for consumer goods, especially branded items, represent an

ideal opportunity for White Glow to cash on. Similarly, positive economic signals,

economic growth, and the end of recessionary periods around the globe present

bright economic marketing prospects for White Glow


Continuous onslaught by other companies, especially Garnier, will be a big threat

for White Glow; Garnier has captured huge market shares. Its aggressive

marketing strategies pose an ever-increasing threat to White Glow’s marketing


Strategic Marketing Planning:

White Glow will prepare its strategic marketing plans for its product. These plans

will be formulated by the brand management teams and will carefully be

reviewed semi annually. Progress reports will regularly be submitted to the top



White Glow (Pakistan) has Four major benefits


Protect from harmful sun rays

Removes Dark Spots

Wrinkle Decrease


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Core Product:

The core idea of white glow is, to provide people ‘something that makes clean,

healthy, smooth and fair skin.


This cream contains;

Almond oil


Cyclopentasil oxane




Vitamin E.


The competitive environment also will have a big influence on White Glow

marketing programs. WG mainly will competes with a other huge multinationals,

namely, Garnier, Ponds, Fair & lovely, and The brand war between these fast

moving consumer goods marketing companies Will especially be tough.

A careful analysis of the competitive environment among these reveals three

types of competition, namely: Brand competition, Substitute competition, and

General competition


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Brand competition exists between similar products. For example, in the case of

White Glow, Fair& Lovely, Garnier, Ponds, and Dove will compete.

General Competition:

In a more general sense, White Glow will compete with every other company for

a share in the consumer’s budget.


WG believes in not only building its differential advantage over the competitors

but also in maintaining it through constant research and development. The

research efforts will be channeled towards making improved product, finding out

new and improved ways of reducing its costs, and exploring new opportunities for

promoting its products as compared to its rival products,.

Marketing Information system will provide us to stay up to date, information

about the competitors’ sales information, their marketing strategies, and also

pertinent timely information about the market demographics, the changing tastes

and trends, information about the sales and demand of substitute products, and

any product that might be a threat to the White Glow cream. .

White glow will have a computerized marketing information system, whereby the

company maintains all sales records, and captures market data as mostly

relayed by the sales people.

Relational databases will be maintained, which store data of customers,

suppliers, changing market trends, as well as sales data.

Marketing Research Projects will be carried out as and when required. These

projects will mostly start at a time when a new product is ‘in-the-pipeline’.


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Research to ensure that it is going to make the right kind of product but it also

likes to make sure that the product is launched at the right time, the right way,

and in the right market. Thus marketing research projects will be carried out to

ensure that the launching goes right.


White glow uses both primary, as well as secondary data while conducting

research. Primary data primarily consists of forms filled out by the customers at

the retailer end, as well as retailer feedback on customer preferences. Usually

both of these are utilized whenever conducts a formal research, such as for the

launching of a new product.

Important information regarding competitor performance can also be obtained

through primary and secondary research. Such a practice of collecting

information about competitors in the case of secondary information is called as

Competitive Intelligence. White glow likes to collect data about the sales of its

own product as well as those of competitors by geographical location, in order to

keep up with customer preferences and make any necessary changes in its

marketing mix. White glow’s research department if highly sensitive to any

changes in the sales of rival products.

Important sources for acquiring secondary data are the published journals on

Fast Moving Consumer Goods Companies.


White glow will use wherever possible active natural ingredients which have been

carefully extracted to preserve their quality and purity.

Products have been dermatologic ally tested to ensure respect to your skin


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Apply daily in the morning on perfectly clean skin

Gently massage in to the skin using light circular movement from the

center of your face outwards.

Do not apply to the delicate eye area

If you need more than just fairness cream, a moisturizer that not only lightens

Your skin but also helps prevent dark spots and darkness.

White glow daily moisturizing cream will have a multi-target action to achieve a

fair And radiant look it smoothes lightens the skin protects from UVA and

helps prevent appearance of dark spots.

Its unique formula blends a moisturizing cream with selective active agents

Pure lemon essence and Vitamin C to clarify and smoothen skin

Long Dan extract to help slow down darkening

Glycerin to moisturize and comfort the skin

UVA and UVB filters to protect the skin from sun


WG will package the WG moisturizing cream is the black colored packaging to

differentiated its identity in the market. This packaging color is for the consumers

to identify the product when if they can’t read. The different sizes of WG Cream

are all will be packaged in the same bottle packaging just sizes are different. As

found from the product questionnaire. Such a strategy is being followed so that

the product is distinct not only from the competitors but also from any future

product line in creams that WG may introduce.


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The competitions in the WG category especially in the creams market very

intense. For nearly a decade, a cutthroat battle has been going on between

brands belonging to established companies.

Ponds have captured a huge chunk of the market and its share is increasing day

by day. Some of the major competitors are as follows

1. Fair & Lovely

2. Garnier

3. Lakmy..etc

Among all these competitors, Ponds has the largest market share. It comes very

close to overtaking WG in terms of sales. WG will be a more general product for

overall skin while fair & lovely targets people with oily skin. Due to poor hygiene a

large number of our urban population suffers from skin problems and hence

ponds have been able to capture a large chunk of the market. A couple of years

back when pond’s share was increasing at a very high rate, there were plans of

WG to introduce a similar specialized product with White Glow brand name. The

introduction of Fair & Lovely Clarity in the market by a competing group will be

another challenge WG brand management team will have to face. Fair & lovely

was targeted at the middle class and was priced at nearly at half the price of

existing brands. Its promotional campaign focused on its cost-leadership strategy

and the brand was successful in the market leader for a brief period. Garnier is

another prominent player in the cream market. Premium priced Olay is targeted

at the upper class Garnier marketing strategy lays a greater emphasis on

shinning and smooth skin for social acceptance rather than on acne problems.

Stamens some years back used to be market leaders but have lost its share

mainly due to ineffective promotional efforts. Ponds, Fair & Lovely, and Garnier

are other competing care products WG will have competition with..


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When White Glow will be introduce in the market, market skimming pricing

strategy will be used. The price will be higher than most of the brands.

WG will Emphasize on quality for product differentiation it will never use price

cuts to increase its sales. WG price throughout the country will be the same.


White glow will be one of the most effective networks in the country. Its deep

penetration from UV rays and dryness is remarkable. It is because of this

effective system that white glow will widely be available and will occupy a

substantial place on the retailer’s shelves. White glow distribution will take place

through various channels. In the urban areas the chain is:

White Glow Express to Distributors to Retailers to Consumers

In certain semi-urban areas the company will follow a slightly different route. For

areas like Quetta, Hyderabad, Sukkur, Sialkot, Gujaranwala etc the company will

involve agents wholesalers for the expertise in these areas. The chain therefore

will expand Into

White Glow Express to Distributors to wholesalers to Retailers


However, in purely rural areas, WG will be directly sold through agent


White Glow to wholesalers to Retailers to consumers


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Promotion is the most important element of the marketing of any consumer good

item especially if it’s a convenience good.

Since competition in the all care area is extremely intense, it is promotion, which

brings out the differential advantage of a product. The management of White

Glow realizes the importance of promotion and huge efforts will be made to

ensure effective promotional planning and the success of all promotional

campaign. White Glow will heavily be promoted.

White glows will be successful over other brands could be attributed to its high

and effective promotional campaign. The promotional mix of white glow consists

of the following activities:

1. Advertising

2. Sales Promotion

3. Personal selling

4. Publicity

5. Public relations

On an overall basis a push strategy will be applied. This will be directed towards

the ultimate consumers with the intention to motivate them to ask retailers for

their product. In turn the retailers would request the product from the wholesaler

and distributors.

The Promotional Budget:

Promotional budgets of White Glow will usually establish at the beginning of the

year but the management will be always ready to adjust them, if such a need

arises. The overall budget will be set after analyzing after analyzing the long-term

strategic marketing plans and their implementation.


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The basic budget will set in line with some objective or overall goal in mind.

Revisions will usually be made keeping in view the competition and promotional

expenditure made by the competing firms.


The promotion mix at WG consists of the following in order of significance.

1. Advertising

2. Sales Promotion

3. Personal selling

4. Public relations and publicity


Advertising forms a single most important promotional tool as far as cream is

concerned. Its advertising campaign can be classified as

a. A consumer advertising effort and not Business-to-Business advertising.

b. Product advertising for indirect action i.e. it is designed to stimulate demand

for over a longer period of time.

c. Selective demand advertising i.e. it is directed towards stimulating demand for

an individual brand. i.e. white glow and not a generic category of product.

d. Competitive advertising since its advertising campaign will basically be

against other competing brands and focuses on its special features and

differential advantage.


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An advertising campaign will consists of all tasks involved in converting a basic

theme into an advertising program for achievement of a specific organizational

goal relating to a particular product.

WG. the brand management team will come up with an overall objective of the

campaign. This will be discussed in detail with middle management consisting of

marketing managers. After this budget will establish from the overall promotional

budget, will decide at the beginning of each year. After this budget will be

approve the brand management team will get in touch with the advertising

agency, which is spectrum communications, and the basic message of the

campaign will be created. Spectrum Communication is one of the largest

advertising agencies in Pakistan and has some blue-chip accounts of top MNCs

and national companies. It also has affiliation with world-renowned advertising

firms. The campaign message will decide after active consultation between

1. Brand management team

2. Client service executives of Spectrum Communications

3. Creative department team at Spectrum. Communications

After the campaign message will be decided and will be approved by the WG top

management, the brand management team will decide whether the media is

required to execute the campaign. The media-planning department helps in

making this decision. For White Glow, television is the most prominent media.

Some advertising will also be through newspapers, magazines and flayers on

very small scale through outdoor media like billboards.

Timings of advertising especially those that will be aired on television will be of

great importance. The local television scene has undergone a huge change with

multiple channels and large number of productions. This will make the placement

of advertisement more difficult. White glow will use the services of certain


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advertising agencies like AD Track, which provides information regarding view

ship and timing of advertisement.

Similarly, Aftab Associates, a leading research firm also provides relevant data

necessary to gauge the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.


Once advertisements will be developed and aired, the company will trie to

evaluate the effectiveness of these advertisements. Recall the company

conducts tests. One drawback as far as the total advertising campaign is

concerned, is that white glow does not have its own advertising department like

its competitors. Due to this the company will have to rely on its agency.

Sales promotion:

After advertising, sales promotion is the most effective tool used at WG as far as

cream is concerned. Some of the common sales promotional techniques will be

use by the brand management team include:


Free sampling:

Free small sized samples will be given to Retailers, distributors , students and

general consumers. Per head cost of sampling, according to the management,

will be high but results will be much more positive if compared to advertising.

1 Free souvenirs and momentous like pens, key chains etc are distributed to

consumers, especially students.


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Sales contests will be organized amongst retailers and prizes are distributed

amongst the winners.


Periodic conferences will be held on. Female Consumers, retailers, students and

the white glows sales team will attend these conferences. These conferences

not only enhance sales but will also help in image building.

Personal Selling:

Regular presentations will be arranged for female consumers, retailers and

students. Workshops are also frequently being organized in colleges. The aim

will be to convince future customers that white glow is the best cream as far as

price and quality are concerned.

Public Relations and Publicity:

The public relations activities will be undertaken as regard as WG is concerned

focus on creating a glowing image of the brand. Sponsorship of community

events, distribution of customer newsletters among the dental community are

important examples. Publicity for cream usually takes place through mention in

newspapers, and other magazines.


White glow moisturizing cream will be a most promising brand. The team

managing the brand will be dynamic and in spite of limited resources, It will be

able to come up with new innovative marketing strategies, giving white glow a

competitive edge over other skin care products.


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We have given questionnaires to 100 people to collect data and we got the

following results

75% people has supported our product

25% were not in the favor of our cream

After considering all the comments we have reached to a conclusion that our

moisturizing cream will hopefully be a successful product.