project on mnrega

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  • 8/19/2019 Project on mnrega





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  • 8/19/2019 Project on mnrega


  • 8/19/2019 Project on mnrega



    The Ministry of Rural Development, Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment

    Guarantee Act (Mahatma Gandhi NREGA) aims at enhancing livelihood security of 

    households in rural areas of the country y providing at least one hundred days of

    guaranteed !age employment in a financial year to every household !hose adultmemers volunteer to do uns"illed manual !or"# The Mahatma Gandhi NREGA

    has ecome a po!erful instrument for inclusive gro!th in rural $ndia through its

    impact on social protection, livelihood security and democratic governance#

    Mahatma Gandhi NREGA is the first ever la! internationally that guarantees !age

    employment at an unprecedented scale# The Act came into force on %eruary &,

    &'' and !as implemented in a phased manner# $n hase $ it !as introduced in &''

    of the most ac"!ard districts of the country# $t !as implemented in an additional*+' districts in hase $$ &''-&''.# The Act !as notified in the remaining rural

    districts of the country from April *, &''. in hase $$$# All rural districts are

    covered under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA#

    Ob$*%i&s o+ %# A*% 

    (") rovide, on demand, not less than one hundred days of uns"illed manual !or"

    in a financial year to every household in rural areas

    (b) /reate productive assets of prescried 0uality and duraility through !age

    employment,strengthen the livelihood resource ase of the rural poor 

    (*) roactively ensure social inclusion1 and

    () 2trengthen anchayat Ra3 $nstitutions#

  • 8/19/2019 Project on mnrega


    S"in% -"%u.s o+ %# A*% 


    (a) The adult memer of every household residing in any rural area and !illing to

    do uns"illed manual !or" may sumit the names, age and the address of thehousehold to the Gram anchayat at the village level, in !hose 3urisdiction they

    reside, for registration of their household to the local Gram anchayat#

    () The unit for registration is a household#

    (c) 4nder the Act, each household is entitled to a *'' days of employment every


    ob C". 

    (") After due verification of place of residence and age of the memer5s (only adult

    memers are eligile for employment), the registered household is issued a 6o


    (b) A 6o /ard is to e issued !ithin *7 days of registration# 6o /ard forms the

     asis of identification for demanding employment#

    (*) The 3o card issued shall e valid for atleast five years after !hich, it may e

    rene!ed after due verification#

     A11i*"%ion +o. o.3

    A11i*"%ion +o. 4o.3 *"n b o." o. 4.i%%n "n m" %o %# ". mmb. o.

    %o %# G."m P"n*#""% o. %o %# P.o/."mm O++i*. o. "n 1.son "

    b %# S%"% Go&.nmn% o. %#.ou/# " %1#on o. mobi o. In%."*%i& oi*

    Rs1ons Ss%m o. %#.ou/# " *" *n%. o. %#.ou/# 4b si% o. %#.ou/# "

    3ios3 s% u1 +o. %#is 1u.1os o. %#.ou/# "n o%#. m"ns " b %#

    S%"% Go&.nmn%6

  • 8/19/2019 Project on mnrega


    (b) T# G."m P"n*#""% 7 P.o/."mm O++i*. o. " 1.son 4i issu

    " "% .*i1% o+ %# 4.i%%n "11i*"%ion +o. m1omn%, "/"ins% 4#i*# %#

    /u"."n% o+ 1.o&iin/ m1omn% 4i%#in 85 "s o1."%s6

     Unm1omn% Ao4"n* (") $n case employment is not provided !ithin fifteen days from the date of

    registration of the demand for !or" or the date from !hich !or" has een

    demanded in case of advance applications, !hichever is later, he5she shall e

    entitled to a daily unemployment allo!ance#

    (b) 4nemployment allo!ance shall e paid, as calculated automatically y the

    computer system or the Management $nformation 2ystem and as provided

    under the Act#

    P.o&ision "n E9*u%ion o+ o.3  (") 8or" is provided !ithin 7 "ilometers ("ms) radius of the village#

    (b) $n case, !or" is provided eyond 7 "ms, e9tra !ages of *' per cent are

     payale to meet additional transportation and living e9penses#

    (*) riority is given to !omen, such that at least one-third of the eneficiaries

    under the 2cheme are !omen# Efforts should e made to increase participation

    of the single and the disaled !omen#

    () At least 7' per cent of !or"s, in terms of cost, are to e e9ecuted y theGram anchayats#

    () %or all !or"s ta"en up y the Gram anchayats, the cost of the material

    component including the !ages of the s"illed and semi-s"illed !or"ers shall

    not e9ceed forty per cent at the Gram anchayat level# %or !or"s ta"en up y

    the implementing agencies other than Gram anchayats, the overall material

    component including the !ages of the s"illed and semi-s"illed !or"ers shall

    not e9ceed forty per cent at the :loc" or intermediate level#

    (+) /ontractors and use of laour displacing machinery are prohiited#

    (/) 8or" site facilities such as safe drin"ing !ater, shade for children and

     periods of rest and first aid o9 !ith ade0uate material for emergency

    treatment for minor in3uries and other health ha;ards have to e provided#

    "/s (") ayment of !ages shall only e made ased on the measurements

    ta"en at the !or"site y the authorised personnel !ithin three days of closure

    of the muster roll#

  • 8/19/2019 Project on mnrega


    (b) ayment of !ages has to e made as per the 2tate-!ise Government of

    $ndia notified Mahatma Gandhi NREGA !ages#

    (*) ayment of !ages has to e done on a !ee"ly asis and not eyond a

    fortnight in any case#

    () ayment of !ages has to e mandatorily done through an"5post office

     eneficiary accounts unless e9empted y the Ministry of Rural Development# 

    P"nnin/ (") lans and decisions regarding the nature and choice of !or"s to e

    underta"en in a financial year along !ith the order in !hich each !or" is to e

    ta"en up, site selection, etc# are all to e made in the Gram 2aha and ratified

     y the Gram anchayat#

    (b) The districtand development !or"s in common land#

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    C"%/o. '! Ini&iu" Ass%s +o. un."b S*%ions(i) $mproving productivity of lands of households specified in

    aragraph 7 of 2chedule $ through land development and y

     providing suitale infrastructure for irrigation including dug !ells,

    farm ponds and other !ater harvesting structures

    (ii) $mproving livelihoods through horticulture, sericulture, plantation,and farm forestry

    (iii)  Development of fallo! or !aste lands of households defined in

    aragraph 7 of 2chedule $ to ring it under cultivation

    (i&) 4ns"illed !age component in construction of houses sanctioned

    under the $ndira A!aas ?o3ana or such other 2tate or /entral

    Government 2cheme

    (&) /reating infrastructure for promotion of livestoc" such as, poultry

    shelter, goat shelter, piggery shelter, cattle shelter and fodder

    troughs for cattle

    (&i) /reating infrastructure for promotion of fisheries such as, fish

    drying yards, storage facilities, and promotion of fisheries in

    seasonal !ater odies on pulic land

    C"%/o. C! Common In+."s%.u*%u. +o. NRLM

    Com1i"n% S+ H1 G.ou1s (i) 8or"s for promoting agricultural productivity y creating

    durale infrastructure re0uired for io-fertili;ers and post-

    harvest facilities including pucca storage facilities for

    agricultural produce

    (ii) /ommon !or"-sheds for livelihood activities of self-help


    C"%/o. D! Ru." In+."s%.u*%u. 

    Rural sanitation related !or"s, such as, individual household latrines, school toilet

    units, Angan!adi toilets either independently or in convergence !ith schemes of

  • 8/19/2019 Project on mnrega


    other Government Departments to achieve @open defecation free< status# and solid

    and li0uid !aste management as per prescried norms

    *# roviding all-!eather rural road connectivity to

    unconnected villages and to connect identified rural

     production centres to the e9isting pucca road net!or"1

    and construction of pucca internal roads or streets

    including side drains and culverts !ithin a village

    /onstruction of play fields

    +# 8or"s for improving disaster preparedness or

    restoration of roads or restoration of other essential

     pulic infrastructure including flood control and

     protection !or"s, providing drainage in !ater logged

    areas, deepening and repairing of flood channels, chaurrenovation, construction of storm !ater drains for

    coastal protection

    # /onstruction of uildings for Gram anchayats, !omen

    self-help groups< federations, cyclone shelters,

    Angan!adi centres, village haats and crematoria at the

    village or loc" level#

    7# /onstruction of %ood Grain 2torage 2tructures for

    implementing the provisions of The National %ood

    2ecurity Act &'*+ (&' of &'*+)

    # roduction of uilding material re0uired for

    construction !or"s under the Act as a part of the

    estimate of such construction !or"s#

    # Maintenance of rural pulic assets created under the Act

    .# Any other !or" !hich may e notified y the /entral

    Government in consultation !ith the 2tate Governmentin this regard#

     Note: All aove-mentioned activities permissile on

    individual land !ill e prioritised on land or homestead

    o!ned y households elonging to the= (a) 2cheduled

    /astes () 2cheduled Tries (c) nomadic tries (d)

    denotified tries (e) other families elo! the poverty

  • 8/19/2019 Project on mnrega


    line (f) !omen-headed households (g) physically

    handicapped headed households (h) eneficiaries of

    land reforms (i) the eneficiaries under the $ndira

    A!aas ?o3ana (3) eneficiaries under the 2cheduled

    Tries and Bther Traditional %orest D!ellers

    (Recognition of %orest Rights) Act, &'' (& of &''),and After e9hausting the eligile eneficiaries under the

    aove categories, on lands of the small or marginal

    farmers as defined in the Agriculture Det 8aiver and

    Det Relief 2cheme, &''. su3ect to the condition that

    such households shall have a 3o card !ith at least one

    memer !illing to !or" on the pro3ect underta"en on

    their land or homestead#

    So*i" Aui%s

    (") 2ocial Audit has to e done y the Gram 2aha at least once in every si9


    (b) /oncurrent social audit has to e done for all !or"s every month#


    Grievance redressal mechanisms have to e put in place for ensuring a responsive

    implementation process# All accounts and records relating to the 2cheme are to e

    made availale for pulic scrutiny free of cost#


    T# Cn%." Go&.nmn% '".s %# Cos%s on %# -oo4in/ I%ms!

    i# The entire cost of !ages of uns"illed manual !or"ers#

    ii# 7C of the cost of material, !ages of s"illed and semi-s"illed !or"ers#

  • 8/19/2019 Project on mnrega


    iii# Administrative e9penses as may e determined y the /entral Government,

    !hich !ill include, inter alia, the salary and the allo!ances of the

    rogramme Bfficer and his supporting staff and !or" site facilities#

    iv# E9penses of the /entral Employment Guarantee /ouncil#

    T# S%"% Go&.nmn% '".s %# Cos%s on %# -oo4in/ I%ms!

    &7C of the cost of material, !ages of s"illed and semi-s"illed !or"ers#

    4nemployment allo!ance payale in case the 2tate Government cannot

     provide !age employment on time#

    Administrative e9penses of the 2tate Employment Guarantee /ouncil#

    S%"% Em1omn% Gu"."n% -un (SEG-)!

     The Ministry has stressed on the formation of 2tate Employment

    Guarantee %unds (2EG%)# All states e9cept Goa and 4nion Territories have

    constituted 2EG% and have dedicated account for Mahatma Gandhi



     Since its inception the Mahatma Gandhi NREGA has ensured social protection

     for the most vulnerable and marginalized communities in rural India through

     providing employment opportunities !his chapter lists the significant

    achievements and outcomes of the Scheme since its" inception along #ith some

    $ey findings from independent studies

    86 En#"n* "/ E".nin/ "n Li&i#oos S*u.i%

    Mahatma Gandhi NREGA has provided asic income security to a large

    numer of eneficiaries# $t provides employment to around 7 crore

    households, on an average, every year# This is almost one- fourth of the total

    rural households in the country# 2ince its inception Mahatma Gandhi NREGA

  • 8/19/2019 Project on mnrega


    has generated *77 crore persondays of employment upto Decemer, &'*+#

    %rom financial year &''-' up to financial year &'*+-* (upto Decemer

    &'*+) over Rs# *,77,''' crore has een spent on !ages# This is almost 'C of 

    the total e9penditure# The 2cheme

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  • 8/19/2019 Project on mnrega


    !omen, studies and field evidence suggest a positive impact of the 2cheme on the

    economic !ell-eing of !omen# The 2cheme has also led to gender parity in !ages#

    The N22B th round indicated that Mahatma Gandhi NREGA has reduced

    traditional !age discrimination in pulic !or"s# Access to economic resources has

    also had a favourale impact on the social status of !omen, for e9ample !omen

    have a greater say in the !ay the money is spent in households# A large percentageof these !omen spend their money to avoid hunger, repay small dets,paying their


  • 8/19/2019 Project on mnrega


     eneficiaries, etc# since many of the ne! !or"s are allo!ed on the land or

    homestead of these sections#

    %ritical Issues and Initiatives ta$en to Strengthen


     A radical Act like the Mahatma Gandhi NREGA is bound to face several challenges

    as it seeks to empower poor rural communities and transform traditional

    hierarchies through its demand-driven and rights based processes. Ministry has

    taken various initiatives to address these issues such as accurate capturing of

    demand planning of works closing of muster rolls on time and timely measurement 

    of works to check delayed payment and improved tracking of e!penditure. "heseare briefly discussed below

    86 E91"nin/ %# S*o1 o+ M"#"%m" G"n#i NREGA

     Ne! !or"s have een added to the e9isting list of permissile !or"s under

    Mahatma Gandhi NREGA !ith a focus to strengthen synergy et!een Mahatma

    Gandhi NREGA and rural livelihoods, particularly in agriculture and land ased

    activities# :esides ensuring durale 0uality assets, the e9pansion of Mahatma

    Gandhi NREGA !or"s is li"ely to improve the socio-economic conditions ofmarginali;ed sections of the society Ivi;# 2/52T52mall and Marginal

    farmers5$A? eneficiaries5%orest Rights Act eneficiaries, etc#J as many of the

    ne! !or"s are no! permitted on the land or homestead of specified individual


    26 P.1"."%ion o+ R"is%i* L"bou. P.o$*%ions

    To reduce the gap et!een >aour :udget pro3ections and achievements of

    2tates54Ts, the Bperational Guidelines have suggested a detailed participatory

     ottom-up planning for preparation of >aour :udgets#

    :6 A**u."% "n Tim C"1%u. o+ o.3 Dm"n

    To ensure timely and accurate capture of laour demand, applications for !or"

    can no! e registered through telephones including moile phones# To ma"e this

    system convenient to illiterate !or"ers, provisions have een made to include

    $nteractive Hoice Response 2ystem and voice-enaled interactions# $n addition,

  • 8/19/2019 Project on mnrega


    application for !or" can e made through a call centre or through a !e site or

    through a "ios" set up for this purpose#

    ;6 P".%i*i1"%ion o+ M"./in"i> G.ou1s

     To increase !omen participation in the 2cheme, ma3or initiatives are eing

    suggested including opening individual an"5post office accounts for all !omen

    !or"ers, identifying and providing 6o /ards to !ido!ed, deserted and destitute!omen, !ho 0ualify as a household under the Act#

    56 O./"ni>in/ o.3.s

    $n order to access the entitlements under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA, the !age

    see"ers need to e made a!are of various provisions of the 2cheme# Thus,

    during %? &'*+-*, the 2tates have een as"ed to organi;e Mahatma Gandhi

     NREGA !or"ers into laour groups# This !ould provide the !or"ers a platform

    for articulating a collective voice and facilitating registration of !age demand in

    rural areas# A frame!or" for organi;ing !or"ers into groups has een outlined in

    Mahatma Gandhi NREGA Bperational Guidelines#

    =6 In%.&n%ions +o. un."b G.ou1s

    $n order to access the entitlements under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA, the !age

    see"ers need to e made a!are of various provisions of the 2cheme# Thus,

    during %? &'*+-*, the 2tates have een as"ed to organi;e Mahatma Gandhi

     NREGA !or"ers into laour groups# This !ould provide the !or"ers a platform

    for articulating a collective voice and facilitating registration of !age demand inrural areas# A frame!or" for organi;ing !or"ers into groups has een outlined in

    Mahatma Gandhi NREGA Bperational Guidelines# At least one laour intensive

     pulic !or" !ith at least one !or" !hich is suitale for articularly Hulnerale

    Groups especially the aged and the disaled !hich shall e "ept open at all times

    to provide !or" as per demand##

    ?6E*%.oni* -un M"n"/mn% Ss%m (@-MS)K

    To reduce delay in payment of !ages, Ministry has initiated LElectronic %und

    management 2ystem (e-%M2)# This has een successfully initiated in Andhra

    radesh, arnata"a, Bdisha, Gu3arat, aryana, Maharashtra, un3a, Tamil

     Nadu, 4ttar radesh, uducherry, Ra3asthan and Madhya radesh, for directly

    crediting !ages into eneficiary accounts using /ore :an"ing 2ystem# e-%M2

    captures real time transactions, eliminates delays in !age payments and

  • 8/19/2019 Project on mnrega


    lea"ages# All non-e%M2 2tates have een re0uested to move to the e%M2 system

     y the end of %eruary &'*#

     6 E91ni%u. '"s -un R"s Ss%m (@-RS) K

    To uild on the e%M2 and ensure that the fund flo!s are streamlined in such a !ay

    that every 2tate is assured of funds for implementation at all times, it is no!decided to allo! release of funds to the 2tates ased on the actual e9penditure and

    not promised e9penditure# The E9penditure Fased %und Release 2ysytem (E%R2)

    !ill assure that funds are made availale at 2tate Employment Guarantee %und

    (2EG%) at a minimum assured level in such a !ay that there is neither par"ing nor

    shortage of programme funds at the field level# The main features of the E%R2 are=

    a) 2anction order (funds sanctioned for release y the /entre ta"ing into account the

    approved >aour :udget and the Bpening :alance of the 2tate) !ill e given t!icea year i#e# on April *st and Nov *st each year# ) %or each 2tate, a Minimum %und

    Assured (M%A), !hich is a *-day average e9penditure ased on historical

    (including seasonal) considerations, !ill e !or"ed out# %unds availale at 2EG%

    !ill e maintained at this level all the time# c) As and !hen M%A is reached,

    further releases !ill e made electronically and !ithin & hours to replenish the

    2EG% so that M%A is reached# d) %or facilitating this release, NREGA2oft has

    developed a daily 2tatement sho!ing the current amount in the 2EG% vis-O-vis the

    M%A# e) 8here M%A has een reached and more funds are to e released (!ithin

    the sanctioned amount), the current funds release procedure using the /2M2

     platform !ill e used#

     B6 R&is S*#u I "n S*#u II o+ %# M"#"%m" G"n#i NREGA 

    "6 N/"%i& is%! 8or"s !hich are non-tangile, not measurale, repetitive such as,

    removing grass, peles, agricultural operations, shall not e ta"en up# (ara (+),


    b6"%ion +o. %# *."%ion o+ ini&iu" "ss%s 8or"s creating individual

    assets shall e prioritised on land or homestead o!ned y households elonging to

    the= (a) 2cheduled /astes () 2cheduled Tries (c) nomadic tries (d) denotified

    tries Mahatma Gandhi NREGA - Report to the eople 2 (e) other families elo!

    the poverty line (f) !omen-headed households (g) physically handicapped headed

  • 8/19/2019 Project on mnrega


    households (h) eneficiaries of land reforms (i) the eneficiaries under the $ndira

    A!aas ?o3ana (3) eneficiaries under the 2cheduled Tries and Bther Traditional

    %orest D!ellers (Recognition of %orest Rights) Act, &'' (& of &''), and After

    e9hausting the eligile eneficiaries under the aove categories, on lands of the

    small or marginal farmers as defined in the Agriculture Det 8aiver and Det

    Relief 2cheme, &''. su3ect to the condition that such households shall have a 3ocard !ith at least one memer !illing to !or" on the pro3ect underta"en on their

    land or homestead# (ara 7, 2chedule $)

    *6 On 4o.3 o1n &. %im +o. &un."b /.ou1s! At least one laour

    intensive pulic !or" !ith at least one !or" !hich is suitale for articularly

    Hulnerale Groups especially the aged and the disaled !hich shall e "ept open at

    all times to provide !or" as per demand# (ara (*) 2chedule $)

    6 Unm1omn% "o4"n*! $n case !or" could not e provided as per demand

    !ithin the specified time limit, unemployment allo!ance shall e paid, as

    calculated automatically y the computer system or the Management $nformation

    2ystem and as provided under the Act# The programme officer can re3ect the

    unemployment allo!ance only on grounds of force ma3eure# (ara *&(*), 2chedule


    6 Us"/ o+ o*" m"%.i"s! %or all !or"s involving construction, cost effective,laour intensive technologies and usage of local materials shall e employed as far

    as possile# (ara *+(a) 2chedule $)

    +6 P"mn% on on m"! ayment shall only e made ased on the

    measurements ta"en at the !or"site y the authorised personnel !ithin three days

    of closure of the muster roll# (ara *, 2chedule $)

    /6 o.3in/ #ou.s! The schedule of rates of !ages for various uns"illed laourersshall e fi9ed up so that an adult person !or"ed for eight hours !hich include an

    hour of rest !ill earn a !age !hich is e0ual to the stipulated !age rate1 The

    !or"ing hours of an adult !or"er shall e fle9ile ut shall not spread over more

    than t!elve hours on any day# (ara *, 2chedule $)

  • 8/19/2019 Project on mnrega


     #6 A s1"."% s*#u o+ ."%s shall e finalised for !omen, the elderly, people

    !ith disailities and people !ith deilitating ailments so to improve their

     participation through productive !or"#(ara *., 2chedule $)

     i6 On %#i. o+ %# "minis%."%i& 91nss "% G."m P"n*#""% &! But of

    the administrative costs allo!ed under the 2cheme, at least one third (*5+rd) shall

     e utilised at the Gram anchayat level to employ and pay the Gram Ro;gar

    2ahaya",other technical personnel as per the !or" done and for other administrative

    e9penses# (ara &, 2chedule $)#

     $6 Con*u..n% so*i" "ui% shall e done for all !or"s every month# (ara &7(),

    2chedule $)

    36 Dis%in*% *oou. $ob *".! $f the 3o see"er is a single !oman or disaled person

    or aged person or released onded laour or elonging to articularly Hulnerale

    Trial Group, they must e given a special 3o card of a distinct colour !hich !ill

    ensure them a special protection in providing !or"# (ara *, 2chedule $$)#

    6 D" 1"mn% *om1ns"%ion! $n case the payment of !ages is not made

    !ithin fifteen days from the date of closure of the muster roll, the !age see"ers

    shall e entitled to receive payment of compensation for the delay, at the rate of

    '#'7C of the unpaid !ages per day of delay eyond the si9teenth day of the closure

    of muster roll# (ara &(*), 2chedule $$)

    806 'usinss Co..s1onn% Mo

    The Ministry has encouraged the use of usiness correspondent model, smart cards

    and io-metrics to ensure that payment is made to Mahatma Gandhi NREGA

    !or"ers at their door-step#

    886 E*%.oni* Mus%. Ro (@MR) Electronic Muster Rolls (e-MRs) are pre-

     printed muster rolls digitally populated !ith the names of the !or"ers !ho demand

    !or"s under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA# e-MRs are generated through NREGA2oft#

    :esides reducing processing time for payment of !ages, e-MRs help in eliminating

    fa"e muster rolls, reducing ghost !or"ers and improving data entry into


  • 8/19/2019 Project on mnrega


    826 Con&./n* "n Co"bo."%ion 4i%# o%#. Minis%.is7D1".%mn%s

    The Ministry has underta"en a numer of initiatives !ith other

    Ministries5Departments for more effective implementation of Mahatma Gandhi

     NREGA# 2ome of the ma3or convergence5 collaorations are=

    *# /onstruction of $ndividual ousehold >atrines ($>) under Total 2anitation/ampaign (i#e# Nirmal :harat Ahiyan) of M5o Drin"ing 8ater and 2anitation

    /onstruction of Angan!adi centres as a convergence pro3ect !ith the

    $ntegrated /hild Development 2ervices ($/D2) 2cheme of M5o of 8omen

    and /hild Development#

    +# Registration of !or" demand of Mahatma Gandhi NREGA !or"ers through

    Angan!adi 2ahayi"as# K /onvergence !ith Dept# of 2ports and ?outh

    Affairs< anchayat ?uva rida Aur hel Ahiyan (?A) scheme for

    construction of village playfields#

    # /onvergence !ith $ntegrated 8atershed Management rogramme of Dept# of 

    >and Resources#

    7# /onvergence !ith Ministry of Te9tiles for ta"ing of ost lants of 2il"!orms#

    # /onvergence !ith 2chemes of Ruer :oard and Ministry of /ommerce for

    ta"ing up Ruer lantations#

    # Regular revie! and discussions !ith senior officials of the Department of

    %inancial 2ervices and Department of osts for timely payment of !agesthrough an"s and ost Bffices, respectively#

    .# Discussions are eing held !ith the Department of Telecom to e9pedite

    internet connectivity at the Gram anchayat level#

    # Regular revie! meetings are held !ith officials of 4$DA$ for seeding of

    ADAAR numers of Mahatma Gandhi NREGA !or"ers in NREGA2oft#

    8:6 P.o/."mm A&iso. G.ou1

    A rogramme Advisory Group (AG) on Mahatma Gandhi NREGA has een

    constituted to

     (a) operationali;e the Mahatma Gandhi NREGA Bperational Guidelines

    () analyse the policy planning and implementation issues

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    (c) provide support to 2tate Governments for effective implementation of the

     programme# The AG identifies policy and implementation issues related to

    Mahatma Gandhi NREGA at the local, state and national level for focusing

    entitlements and livelihoods, covering processes and procedures, systems and

    institutions, techni0ues and technologies#

    8;6 S%"% A&iso. G.ou1s (SAGs)

    %or the AG to have greater impact at the 2tate level, !here support is most needed,

    it has een decided to set up 2tate Advisory Groups (2AGs) in priority 2tates !ith

    high poverty and lo! employment provision, namely, :ihar, 4ttar radesh, Bdisha

    and North Eastern 2tates#

    856 T."ns1".n* "n A**oun%"bii%

     *# To strengthen transparency and accountaility in the operation of Mahatma

    Gandhi NREGA activities the Mahatma Gandhi NREGA Audits of 2chemes Rules

    have een notified in 6une &'**# The rules ma"e it necessary to have a social audit

    conducted y the Gram 2aha according to the prescried procedure under the Act,

    at least t!ice a year#

    Eight 2tates have set up 2ocial Audit 4nits and ten 2tates have appointed

    Directors, 2ocial Audit#

    +# ilot 2ocial Audits have een conducted in * 2tates and are in progress in the

    remaining 2tates 

    8=6 G.i&"n*"

    *# A 2tandard Bperating rocedure has een formulated to effectively address issues

    of concern on implementation of Mahatma Gandhi NREGA# The ne! mechanism

    delineates procedures and timelines for managing various types of complaintsincluding financial and procedural irregularities#

    To strengthen the grievance redressal mechanisms, 2tates have een advised for

    the appointment of Bmudsman at the District-level# The Bmudsmen are

    independent of the 3urisdiction of the /entral or 2tate Government# The

    Bmudsman has the po!ers, inter alia, to receive complaints from Mahatma

  • 8/19/2019 Project on mnrega


    Gandhi NREGA !or"ers and facilitate their disposal in accordance !ith la!1 issue

    directions for conducting spot investigation1 lodge %$Rs against the erring parties1

    initiate proceedings1 report his findings to the /hief 2ecretary of the 2tate and the

    2ecretary, 2tate Nodal Department for appropriate action against erring persons#

    8?6 Ai%ion" "s o+ Em1omn% in -oo A++*% Dis%.i*%7 T"u3"s7'o*3s

    The Ministry has made a provision for sharing costs to!ards an additional 7' days

    of employment over and aove *'' days per household under Mahatma Gandhi

     NREGA in notified flood affected Districts5:loc"s5Talu"as of 4ttara"hand and

    Bdisha for the current financial year#

    86 Ro"m"1 +o. Con&./n* o+ M"#"%m" G"n#i NREGA 4i%# o%#.

    S*#ms7 P.o/."mms

    The Ministry has stressed on 2tates to organi;e 2tate level convergence !or"shops

    and formulate a roadmap for convergence# %ifteen 2tates have conducted 2tate level

    convergence !or"shops and are in the process of formulating roadmaps for

    convergence of Mahatma Gandhi NREGA !ith other 2chemes5 programmes#

    8B6"%ion o+ In+o.m"%ion Eu*"%ion "n Communi*"%ion (IEC) P"n

    The Ministry has prepared an $E/ lan and shared !ith 2tates# Bn the asis of

    national $E/ plan, 2tates have een advised to prepare 2tate $E/ plans# Ten 2tateshave so far prepared $E/ plans#

     206 C"1"*i% 'uiin/ o+ M"#"%m" G"n#i NREGA -un*%ion".is

    /reation of 2tate Resource Team (2RT) on Mahatma Gandhi NREGA Bperational

    Guidelines= To ac0uaint the Mahatma Gandhi NREGA functionaries !ith the

     provisions of Mahatma Gandhi NREGA Bperational Guidelines, the Ministry !ith

     National $nstitute of Rural Development conducted a three-day Training of Trainers programme as a part of ten such training programmes# The prime o3ective of this

    training !as to develop a cadre of identified trainers5 e9perts in the su3ect matter

    of Mahatma Gandhi NREGA implementation in respective 2tates# These trained

    functionaries !ill in turn create District Resource teams and in turn :loc" Resource


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