project of consumer awareness

PROJECT OF CONSUMER AWARENESS OBJECTIVES 1) It seeks information about consumer awareness regarding different products . 2) It gets information about demerits or defects of products from consumers and suggests remedial measures . 3) It makes popular the positive points of the

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Consumer Awareness.


PROJECT OF CONSUMER AWARENESSOBJECTIVES 1) It seeks information ao!t "ons!mera#areness re$ar%in$ %i&erent 'ro%!"ts ())It $ets information ao!t %emerits or %efe"ts of 'ro%!"ts from"ons!mers an%s!$$ests reme%ia* meas!res (

+)It makes 'o'!*ar t,e 'ositi-e'oints of t,e 'ro%!"ts(.)It 're'ares #i%e market for t,e 'ro%!"t (/UESTIONNAIREThe following questionnaire has been prepared fora consumer awareness project.General InformationName . Age .Sex -- Male .Female Residential address Marital status -- Married Unmarried . Number of members of the family . et!een Rs "### -$#%### U& toRs "###et!een Rs $#%### - '####Abo(eRs '#%### A-era$e mont,*0 in"omes1in r!'ees)Pro%!"t Information1 ) Which of our products do you likemost?SoapShaving creamPowder 2) You like soap most because i) t is easily available ii ) t is used by your friendsiii ) ts price is reasonable+) On #,i", $ro!n% %on 0o!*ike soa'most2 i) "o*o!r 3esNo ii ) 'a"kin$ 3esNoiii )fra$ran"e 3esNo i- ) #ei$,t 0esNo. )4o0o! t,ink o!r soa' "ontainsa%e5!ate amo!nt of so%a20esNoNot kno#n6)4o0o! kno# t,at o!r soa' 7$,ts $erms etter 23es NoNot kno#! ) "oes it keep clothes safe?Yes #o #ot known $)"o you %now that our soap is available in different weights?

Yes #o #ot known 8) 4o 0o! kno# t,at o!r soa' remo-es ostinate s'ots 2 yesNo Not known 9) 4o 0o! t,inkt,at o!r soa' is "ost*0 2 3esNoNot kno#n1: ) 4o 0o! t,ink o!r "om'an0 s,o!*% man!fa"t!re ne# soa' 2 0es No Not kno#n11 )4o 0o!t,ink o!r soa'nee%s im'ro-ement 2 3es NoNot kno#n12 ) "o you e&amine goods before you buy them?Yes #o1') "id you ever feel our productsub(standard or defective? 1) ) "id you ever file a case in consumer courts ? Yes#oYes #oYes#o 1* ) f defective+ did you make complaints? Yes#o 1; ) Are 0o!a#are of "ons!mer "o!rts2Cons!mer A#arenessS,--./S0" P/0S0#1.12# 23 #32/-.12# .4.5.650 17/2,87 9,0S12##./01otal number of household visited#umber of :uestionnaire usedSe& nformation(((-ale3emale-arital Status(((-arried,nmarried#umber of members in the family 3amilies having 1(* members3amilies having )($ members3amilies having ; or more member members.verage monthly incomes of familiesFami*ies ,a-in$ in"ome !' toRs (6:::Fami*ies ,a-in$ in"omeet#een Rs (6:::