project majulah!


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Post on 28-May-2015




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MajulahOnward. A word that enscapulates the thrust of progress of every nation. The raison d’atre of the struggles, hard work and sacrifices each citizen of the world makes. To make a better tomorrow. To be better tomorrow than we were today. To ensure the future is a place we all look forward to with hopes, dreams and desires intertwined on the crossroads of human triumph.

Yet in an increasingly inter-connected world, the future lies uncertain. Temperatures are soaring to new highs, the horizons of scarcity ever reaching upon us, the gaps in sustainability ever morphing into a manhole. The celebration of diversity distorted into petty conflicts with insurmountable consequences. Perhaps it is time to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. It is time to start now because if we dont, one year forward we would look back to this day and say to ourselves we should have started today. You dont have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. Because the hopes, dreams and aspirations of a better world can only come true if we start to look around and tell ourselves, this is not how our story is going to end. A drastic change is needed in this first half of the 21st Century to set the stage for extraordinary progress in the rest of the century.

It is time we, the youths of the world, the leaders of tomorrow take massive action. To take back our problems and own it. To do what we can with what we have using the time we are given. Because in the end, it is our choices today that makes us who we are. Today we can choose to be the generation that decided to stand up for something bigger than ourselves. To speak the truth even if our voice shakes. To speak for those who are voiceless. To stand up and be counted. To not only be the change, but LEAD THE CHANGE we want to see in the world. The world is our stage and its people will be listening.

We may not have it all together, but together we have it all. And with you and me in this together.ONWARD, our FOOTSTEPS OF CHANGE shall march.


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Grab a group. Make it into a team. Your objective is to go into the streets of Singapore, listen with an open heart and look with the eyes of your mind. Find, Adopt and Own a SOCIAL CAUSE that will make a difference, change the world. One that will make a dent in the universe, leave others better than you found them. Stand up for something bigger than yourselves. Our jobs on this earth ain’t to live forever, but build something that could.

Martin Luther. Gandhi. Mother Teresa. Jobs. Mandela. Lee Kuan Yew. They went out there and stood for something even

if their voice shook. NOW IT’S YOUR TURN.

Fulfill the challenges that will be given to you. And end off the day with a public campaign of the cause that you have set to adopt at ORCHARD, PROMOTORY and RAFFLES PLACE at 1300Hours.

YOU will also be given a set of resources to begin with. You

“ Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead

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APhase A is the investigation and discovery phase. During this phase, you will be given different challenges in your search to understand the different social issues in Singapore and adopt a worthy cause. Your performance in this phase of the project accounts for 30 per cent of your score.

BPhase B is called MAKE A DENT IN THE COMMUNITY. This starts from 1300hours at a location to be determined. Your area of operations of the campaign is in the given map on the next page. This portion constitutes 30 per cent of your score and will be based on : 1) Engagement of Community 2) Creativity 3) Teamwork

SYour social media campaign constitutes the 20 per cent of points. This will be the presentation and advocacy of yoru ideas and cause through the online platform. You will be judged based on : 1) Global Reach 2) Content 3) Engagement of Ideas

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ResoURCESYou will be given a resource of $4/person which you can utilize for meals and transport for the day. You will also be given additional resources available at the auction which you can use for your journey.

eYou will be required to tweet/Instagram every hour to update on your challenges as well as activity. Follow these accounts for updates and announcements : @projectmajulah @projectmajulah


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ProposalsEvery team


Title of Cause.What Social Cause are you Championing?Give a snazzy title to your project.

Mission StatementWhat do you want to achieve in your project?What does success look like to your team?

Campaign ProposalWILL NEED TO INCLUDE :


to be sent in by email to

[email protected] by 12PM.

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Phase A Investigation

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SocialCauses in Singapore

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Social Grace: Kindness and CourtesyGiving each other a helping handAcknowledging one another Appreciating unsung Heroes

Youth EmpowermentAcknowledging The Power Of Youth Building up youth assets to make a real

difference to Community Being Mentors to the less privileged

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The UnderprivilegedThe ElderlyThe Less FortunateLiving below the Poverty Line

Space and SocietySingapore National Heritage Singapore Sense of History and Cohesion

Championing The Singapore Memory Project

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Move to any area within Singapore and using a sandwich board called THE COMPLAINT POLICE, illicit Singaporean’s typical pet peeves and lack of social graces. Find out what is stopping Singaporeans from becoming more gracious, experiment, innovate and come up with a campaign to advocate for a more positive and socially gracious Singapore.


“Be who you are and say how you feel because those who mind don’t matter andthose who matter don’t mind.” Dr Seuss


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Singaporeans have been rated in recent years by the Gallup poll as being unhappy. Go out to a place of your choice and find out what makes Singaporeans happy. Document it through the uses of pictures, videos and social media. Comd up with your own campaign to spread happiness in Singapore.


“Be who you are and say how you feel because those who mind don’t matter andthose who matter don’t mind.” Dr Seuss


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Find our unsung heroes, the foreign workers and spend some time to get to know them and mingle with them. Find out their fears, hopes, dreams, get to know their lives. Your mission is to then start a public campaign

“Be who you are and say how you feel because those who mind don’t matter andthose who matter don’t mind.” Dr Seuss



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c Many Singaporeans still do live in conditions considered below the poverty line. As a team visit the residents at Dakota and investigate how you as a team can really make a difference to their lives for just that one day and how you can come back to continue to uplift and bless them so that they can live with positivity and hope in tomorrow.


“Life has many ways of testing a person’s will. Either by having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen at once.”

POINTStrack4 and 5

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The Singapore Memory Project is a project to remember and cherish our social narratives, milestons and moments as a nation. Talk to as many Singaporeans as possible to capture their milestones, memories and moments that make them feel truly Singaporean. Come up with your own project and campaign to remember and anchor our stories, people and places of Singapore to create “the home truly” and a sense of belonging for all Singaporeans.

“Be who you are and say how you feel because those who mind don’t matter andthose who matter don’t mind.” Dr Seuss


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Go around Singapore and get random strangers to exercise with you , burning a total of 5000 calories or more. Come out with a campaign in conjunction with 1 Million KG Singapore to inspire Singaporeans to eat healthy and stay fit.

“Be who you are and say how you feel because those who mind don’t matter andthose who matter don’t mind.” Dr Seuss


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Interview as many Singaporeans as possible and do a profile for each of them by starting a facebook page - Humans Of Our Lion City. From this short investigation, find out more about the average Singaporean’s stories, dreams and aspirations. Come up with a project, perhaps something inspired by the YouTube Channel Soul Pancake to use Singapore’s space and society to make Singaporeans more connected, alive and believe in themselve. Perhaps put a douse of the Victorian Spirit in really inspiring Singaporeans to be who they can be and more.

“Be who you are and say how you feel because those who mind don’t matter andthose who matter don’t mind.” Dr Seuss




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Phase B Challenges

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campaign Your team will come up with your own project and campaign to either impact the benificiaries that you seek to advocate for or make a significant impact with your social campaign that you wish to champion.

Tell us how will you measure the success of your campaign of project. How do you bring the Victorian Spirit out there as you make this dent in the universe. You have 4 hours from 12-4 pm.

“Everyone talks about leaving a better planet for our kids. But perhaps we should leave better kids for our planet.”


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Phase S #SocialMedia

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thesocial mediaYour campaign should also spark, spread and continue the conversation on a global scale through the use of Social Media. How can you supplement what you have done with social media coverage, connection and advocacy? Take action with the use of technology to bring your idea to the world.

“It is those crazy enough to think they can change the world that very well do.”


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the differencewe can make.the power of

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