project jd

Contents Introduction.......................................................1 Factors contributing to the process of project selection...........1 1.2 Project specification for the implementation of a new product service or process.................................................2 1.3 ........................................ Project specification 3 Task 02............................................................5 2.1 A project plan for an agreed project..........................5 2.2 Appropriate resource match to the project.....................5 2.3 Cost allocation for the various resources.....................7 2.4 Timescale for the management and implementation of a project. .9 2.5 Strategy planning for the implementation of a project......10 Task 03...........................................................11 3.1 Project implementation......................................11 3.2 Measures to monitor and evaluate progress and outcome........11 3.3 Monitoring the project implementation........................13 Task 04...........................................................14 4.1 Project Outcome analysis.....................................14 4.2 Project Outcome evaluation...................................14 4.3 Recommendations for project improvement......................15 CONCLUSION........................................................16 1

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Factors contributing to the process of project selection.......................................................................1

1.2 Project specification for the implementation of a new product service or process...................2

1.3 Project specification..................................................................................................................3

Task 02...................................................................................................................................................5

2.1 A project plan for an agreed project..........................................................................................5

2.2 Appropriate resource match to the project...............................................................................5

2.3 Cost allocation for the various resources...................................................................................7

2.4 Timescale for the management and implementation of a project............................................9

2.5 Strategy planning for the implementation of a project..........................................................10

Task 03.................................................................................................................................................11

3.1 Project implementation..........................................................................................................11

3.2 Measures to monitor and evaluate progress and outcome.....................................................11

3.3 Monitoring the project implementation..................................................................................13

Task 04.................................................................................................................................................14

4.1 Project Outcome analysis........................................................................................................14

4.2 Project Outcome evaluation....................................................................................................14

4.3 Recommendations for project improvement............................................................................15




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Developing projects well requires a great deal of time, skill, and finance. There are many sides to project development and this is what makes it so interesting and demanding. Project managers are expected to take an uncertain event and make a certain promise to deliver. They are also expected to do this within a specified time and within a limited budget.

Project Development is a well-established approach to managing and controlling the introduction of new initiatives or organizational changes.

Projects are finite in length, usually one-time pieces of work involving a number of activities that must be completed within a given time frame, and often on a fixed budget. Common examples of projects are construction of a building, introduction of a new product, installation of a new piece of machinery in a manufacturing plant, creation of a new software tool, or the design and launch of a new advertising campaign.

In this project, I have tried to create the scenario of launching typical Nepalese apple pickle in UK market , specially in the areas where there is the significant presence of Nepalese communities.

Factors contributing to the process of project selection

Nepalese people wherever they go into the corner of the world, can’t forget their cultural trends, fashions and norms as well in terms of their festivals, clothings, and food items they enjoy in different time periods and festive occasion. By nature, as they prefer a bit hot and sour, an effort to launch a typical apple pickle has been made so far in hope of high level of acceptance by the customers leading to greater degree of return on investment(ROI).

When a firm chooses a project selection model, the following criteria, based on Souder (1973), are most important.1. Realism The model should reflect the reality of the manager’s decision situation, including the multiple objectives of both the firm and its managers. Without a common measurement system, direct comparison of different projects is impossible.2. Capability The model should be sophisticated enough to deal with multiple time periods, simulate various situations both internal and external to the project (e.g., strikes, interest rate changes), and optimize the decision.


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3. Flexibility The model should give valid results within the range of conditions that the firm might experience. It should have the ability to be easily modified, or to be self-adjusting in response to changes in the firm’s environment.4. Ease of use The model should be reasonably convenient, not take a long time to execute, and be easy to use and understand. 5. Cost Data-gathering and modeling costs should be low relative to the cost of the project and must surely be less than the potential benefits of the project. All costs should be considered, including the costs of data management and of running the model.6. Easy computerization It should be easy and convenient to gather and store the information in a computer database, and to manipulate data in the model through use of a widely available, standard computer package such as Excel.

It seems clear fact that Nepalese people are interested to have a sour taste in their daily meal. They prefer to have a bit hot and sour while having their meal and what they think is it helps them consume good deal of meal and even it may help them digest the food well. Unlikely to other European people, Asian foods are a bit salty, sour and spicy. Nepalese people , even they are here in UK, can’t forget their typical taste of hot and sour. Considering the available pickle stuffs in majority of the places having Nepalese majority, an effort has been made to supply the pickle of Nepalese apple here in UK.

By visiting the Nepalese stores and even some Nepalese and Indian Restaurant, researcher reached into conclusion that pickle of apple may easily hold the significant portion of overall Nepalese food stuffs in UK.

1.2 Project specification for the implementation of a new product service or processThe product will lead to a successful business investment based on the following arguments.

1) Nepalese communities , specially of Ex-Gurkhas will be the major customers of this product.

2) This will be the first product of its kind, to come into the market, so people are likely to purchase it.

3) The product will be produced with quality apple before reaching their chilling hour so that no need to add additional stuff to make it sour.

4) This product will be produced by training and utilizing the local community of Helambu region of Sindhupalchowk district in Nepal. So, the project would be liked by the concerned community.


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1.3 Project specification

A project specification is an essential part of the design, and states how the work

should be executed to ensure that it meets the designer’s assumptions. Each project

generally requires its own project specification. In the simplest terms this might be an

engineer’s drawing with the specification written as notes on the drawing. On more

complex projects the project specification is usually issued as a separate contract


This project has some legal requirements of both the countries of Nepal and UK. For this, it is required to take permission of concerned UK authority and at the mean time to take export permission of Nepalese authoritative body in Nepal. A genuine approach will be made as per the existing rules and regulation of both the countries and ultimately ensure the production and distribution of the proposed product in UK market.


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Task 02

2.1 A project plan for an agreed project

During last two months, I visited many Nepalese food stores along with numerous outlets of Asda, Sainsbury’s , Iceland and Morrissons as well. Specially, I got the ideas from store managers that majorities of Nepalese community were searching pickle of different contents and found that they were disappointed as they didn’t find the pickle of Nepalese apple in the market. I even talked with some of the renowned British food retailers where they showed their interest to keep the pickle items just to focus and address the needs and demand of Nepales customers. With this, researcher has been encouraged that the proposed product would be a success here in UK.

2.2 Appropriate resource match to the project

To run business project or plan necessary many resources required for example ; financial, human ,physical, intelligible, structural cultural resources we can manage this resources from different way and place. For my plan, identified the necessary resource required for my plan and cost in following way.

i) Financial resources.Finance is main things to do something. People manage their financial problem different way. For my case total investment will be £50000. So my resources are;a) My bank balance- Among this account I have £10000 in my bank account.

This is my main financial sources to complete my plan.b) Parents- some amount will be supported from my parents. My father has

given me words of giving me £10,000 for five years with free interest rate.c) Sales of parental land – My other resources of my finance are land. I have

some land in Pokhara municipality which value is £20000, so I can sale 50%land to do my business and collect £10000.00 from there.

d) Loan – I have enough resource to complete my plan in future. If I need any amount to expand business I can get loan from different banks by depositing out some land and building in future. For this project completion, I would ask loan from Bank of £ 10,000.00 and remaining £ 5000.00 pound I would collect from my friends and relatives which will be interest free for at least one year.


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So my bank balance, parents, land, share and loan are my main financial resources.

ii) Physical resources

My physical resources are;

a) Office and building- For my plan and building for putting equipment store room and factory need a good place. For this we can get building in rent is very new in Nepal. Contract for 10 years for suitable building and store can easily find in Nepal and it contract cost be nearly £30000. It is necessary to deposit monthly cost be£1000 only. We can get building from a person or government in rent.

b) Machinery and equipment – For my plan I need some machinery and equipment to peel and cut apples into good pieces. For these purpose my plan is to purchase peeler and chopper machine from indian company. My estimate cost for this machine is £5000.I am also in need of drier machine which I would buy from UK market costing £ 500.00 and to get the machine in my place costs me extra£ 500.00.Mixer machine: £650.00

Packing machine costs approx £1500.00 which will be fixed cost for me.

As unripe apples are to be stored well, I need to have a cold storage too for which I have allocated total£ 20,000.00 as a fixed cost.

Raw material – To produce apple pickle obviously we need unripe apple from the farm or individual farmers. Monthly , I would buy unripe apple of £ 1000 to turn it into final pickle product.

Transportation vehicles and distribution – We can take on rent for transportation vehicles from Nepalese transportation centre. It will be nearly £1000 per month. For exporting other countries we can use cargoes and Couriers Company. I have allocated budget for this£2500.00 in monthly basis.

So these above different resource are my physical resources.

iii) Human resources

To start and run the business and all types of progress, human resources are very important. For my plan I need more experienced, skill, capable employees and manpower. My main human resources are

Seasonal employees: We can get some seasonal staff from local community.

Manpower agencies – Some skilled manpower source are manpower agencies also.


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a) Universities and colleges – Some administrative staff can be obtained from free competiotion from both inner or outer community get from universities and college. We can give chance to do in our team from local communities.

iv) Intangible assets:

To complete my plan need many intangible assets like brand name, patents, trademark, copyright, registered design and data base for this purpose. We can get permission from Nepal government because the location of plan is Nepal it cost be £10000.

v) Structural /cultural resource: These include organization’s history, work system, organizations policies,

working relationship and lever of employ. It is totally new project so it is necessary to make policies and system from different skill manpower and staff for this project. It will cost approx; £10000.

2.3 Cost allocation for the various resources

In summary, required necessary resources are; financial, human, physical, intelligible assets structural and cultural are described in above. Now I m going to show cost plan of required resources:

Particulars Amount(in £)

Expected Investment £106,000

Sources of funding:

Bank balance 10,000

Borrowing from parents 10,000

Sale of parental land 10,000

Borrowing from bank 15,000


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Borrowing from friends and relatives 5,000

Expenses heads and subheads of budget allocation: (in £)

Targeted sales ( 50,000 packets×£5.00/packet) 250,000

Fixed costs:

Office and building(30,000 for 10 years contract ) 3000

Cold storage 20,000

Administrative( fixed)1000×12 12,000

Peeler and chopper 5,000

Drier machine 500

Transportation of machine 500

Mixer Machine 650

Transportation of raw materials to production site 1000

Cargoes and delivery charges of final products (2000×12) 24,000

My estimated cost plan for an unit pickle packet is as follows:

Packaging cost 20 pence per packet

Ingredient cost 80 pence per packet

Production expenses: 30 pence per packet

Staff expenses: 40 pence per packet

Marketing and advertising: 10 pence per packet


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Managerial cost: 5 pence per packet

Insurance cost: 5 pence per packet

Total cost: £1.90 p/ packet of pickle

Thus, I have prepared the unit cost of packet of pickle and my plan of selling price is £ 5.00. Total cost for per packet of pickle is £1.90 p. And , profit per packet comes to be £3.10 .

2.4 Timescale for the management and implementation of a project

First two months time of overall six months will be used for the human resource management and facility planning.

I will establish a production site near by Helambu Village in Sindhupalchowk district in Nepal so as there would be less transportation cost for supplying and managing raw materials for the production.

In managerial team we can take some local en people of enterpreneural idea so as they too could contribute their best for the overall production and distribution procedures.

Material planning

It takes some time to bring machinery and equipment from India, so we need to process to bring it and payment. When it comes we need to manage it in right and fix place and decoration about factory, store and other. For this work functional team can be utilized and for bringing process managerial team can be utilized. It takes 2 month. In same 2 month time we can do our process about patent register brand are all other final activities.

Remaining planning

According to the first two months lunching and retailing process we have make a conclusion about our product how much percentage of people like advertisement exact percentage of demand sale and re-order. If people are happy about quality and price, re-order comes from people and retailing shop we can go ahead. If feedback comes about increasing advertisement quality or price, we need to improve and re-sampling and retailing again for next two month. We can do this process two three times when positive reaction comes from the people retail market then we have to select different distributer and supplier in different place. Many companies like to select distributor and supplier at first direct marketing and retailing and get


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feedback then select distributer and supplier and start larger quantity sales. It may take about six months time to launch and select distributer in different place.

2.5 Strategy planning for the implementation of a project

We need a good strategy to implement the plan. After production and testing suction eraser we have to go market. In that time we must be very clever and fast. Before start produce lunch in market we need to start advertisement from different media like TV internet hording board, leafleting and other programmes so much % of people will be familiar about our product and will be easy to launch product into market. People will be interested to consume the pickle. When we start launching we need to select some special market and shop. For first two month we need to put out product in some selected shop as display and special skim like lucky draw, free sampling and getting feedback about product, complain and idea. In this two month we have to do totally retailing only. In that time we need to divide some marketing group to do retail only. First aim is available our product in every retail counter. We need to visit and get feedback from retail counter every week. To know actual feedback, counter Sales and demanded sales should be exact.


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Task 03

3.1 Project implementation

Implementation of the project is the stage of bringing set strategies into action. Once plans and policies are approved, then the phase of implementation gets started. As the proposed project is to be completed in six months time, overall implementation period is of just four to five months period.

3.2 Measures to monitor and evaluate progress and outcome It is a very important part for all kind of plan or project to monitor and evaluate progress. It is necessary to know about business progress and need to monitor it. Many people in the world evaluate and monitor their business in traditional way. They measure their business according to their profit only. But sometimes it becomes failure so I am going to describe here about appropriate measures to monitor and evaluate progress for my project.

a) All types of report: Types of report like managerial functional and marketing staff combination

and team work. A project become established and run properly by showing all types of report and improve to solve. If any part of team is week or couldn’t do well we can see separately about what happen and solve the problem. For example; if marketing staff reports about quality complain from market we can check quality and create idea to remind good quality with the help of functional team. If there is necessary to provide new training and other activities for staff we have to provide to improve quality and motivate the staff. We need to check our all reports daily, weekly or monthly about marketing, functional and managerial report. From this report we can monitor and evaluate progress.

b) Size of market:How much is our market size? Is increasing or decreasing the size? are any weaker or strong points of our product? Why people dislike using our suction eraser or why they like? By discussing like this of questionnaire we can get a conclusion what can we do? How can be a number one brand by studying conclusion, we can monitor or whole team to do well.

c) Break-even point:


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By showing the sales report in break-even point, we can monitor and evaluate progress or product sales condition is under break-even point, equal or over break-even point it is necessary to know first. Break-even point is that point where sales have neither loss nor gain. We have to go to over break-even to earn profit and increase goodwill in market.

d) Competitor position:It is important to know about competitor position in market. Is competitor strong or week than us? What kind of scheme and facilities is providing by competitor? How much percentage of market is affected by competitor? By showing all about competitor position ,we can change our strategy and marketing policy.

e) Monthly sales report:We can monitor and evaluate the project by showing the monthly sales report also. It shows the sales volume is increased or decreased than last month. In which month sales volume is good and in which is poor. If affected by environment or other external factor in that month or not? What is the reason of increase or decrease sales? It is necessary to know all things which come from monthly sales report. Accordingly to this report we can monitor and evaluate progress.

f) Consumer and customers feedback:To monitors and evaluate progress, it consumer and costumer feedback play a vital role. We need to get feedback about quality service, price, and scheme and so on through customer and customer, what they want? How many percentages of customers are happy to use our product? And how many percentage of customer are not happy to use our product and why? By survey (research about our actual consumer and customer we can monitor and evaluate progress.

g) Retailer and distribution suppliers satisfactionIf retailer and distributer or supplier is unhappy about our product because of their margin %and other service facilities, there is chance to sale other alternatives instead of our product. So, it is very important to know about retailer, distributer and supplier are satisfied or not? If not need to thing sand solves their problem with economic way. And need motivate to shale our product if they happy they can purchase our product. Manage good place for product and so on. So we can monitor and evaluate progress.

h) Stakeholders or staff wants:It is very important to know staffs wants. Staff or stakeholder are the backbone of our project so this is necessary to know our staff wants, what they want and are there satisfy or not? It need to some beneficial programme and other facilities like pension, insurance, prize, personal development programme training and so on to monitor them. If they are self motivate project to do progress is very fast. So it is a measure to monitor and evaluate program.

i) Profit and loss account:


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Profit and loss account is a main part which shows the actual profit or loss, what happen in the year. If there is profit, need to think how to increase more profit? And if there is loss, need to think about how to cover loss and earn more profitability. We need to evaluate whole process and plan. Profit and loss is basically calculated in a year and so by showing it we can improve our week and become best in next year. According to profit and loss we can monitor and evaluate progress.

In these above are; size of market, break-even point competitor position monthly sales report consumer and customer feedback, retailer, distribution, supplier satisfaction, stakeholders wants and profit loss are evaluating process.

3.3 Monitoring the project implementation

We can expand in many locations in future according to our product demand .After selecting distributer we have to send at least one company representative in that place and need to start retailing and marketing with distributer team. In one distributer 1 representative need to send compulsory. The representative is a bridge between distributer and company. He sends actual report to company and provide message about product to distributer. It is an un-ending process. In this 1 year trial period we have to give information about policies; like change, refund, quality, damage, expire and so on. We need to change advertising style like new and attractive to attract people. We have managed about our packaging in different time and situation.

We have to up to-date about our marketing information system and analyse the data of market and improve our quality price and service. Through the different social activities like charity, Red Cross society, manner club we can familiar with society and increase our goodwill. In this way we can implement the plan.


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Task 04

4.1 Project Outcome analysis

Outcomes refer to the achievements as per the set goals and objectives. Set goals and objectives are the standard fixed and while analysing the project those goals are tallied against the actual outcomes. If the outcomes are as per the set goals and objectives, the project is supposed to be successful . And if there are some shortcomings or deficiencies, the project is considered as unsuccessful and in the days ahead or for the new year those deficiencies are to be addressed and corrected so as same type of problems may not occur time and again.

4.2 Project Outcome evaluation

Project Evaluation is a step-by-step process of collecting, recording and organizing

information about project results, including short-term outputs (immediate results of

activities, or project deliverables), and immediate and longer-term project outcomes (changes

in behaviour, practice or policy resulting from the project).  

Evaluation is performed to

respond to demands for accountability; demonstrate effective, efficient and equitable use of financial and other resources; recognize actual changes and progress made; identify success factors, need for improvement or where expected outcomes are

unrealistic; validate project staff and partners that desired outcomes are being


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4.3 Recommendations for project improvement

I think that this product has a good market. This is totally new type of product so there is no competition in market in this time but may be in future so we need to give good quality and service with attractive packaging and different types of skim in different place for sampling. Many programme for children interactive activities. We have to run different programme for children and advertising our product from media continuously. To increase the demand first need to direct retailing need to put some sample in different stationary and department store need to sampling many schools children and get feedback in business running period also and increase quality and service according to demanded and expect of consumer and customer.

Main customers of this products are Nepalese communities in different parts of UK. Specially , this pickle is supposed to be distributed into various Nepalese and Indian restaurants. The distribution is made even free of charge if there is a heavy demand from those people for picnics and grand gathering. So it will be profitability product. We can increase our customer and consumer by attractive packaging and numerous brand promotion activities.


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Pickle products these days are having wider popularity in Nepalese communities. There are already numerous pickles found into different supermarkets and even of the apple but my effort here is to make pickle from typical Nepalese apple product which would be of its first kind in ever yet. To promote the apple pickle into its potential market is its prime objective where as numerous other aspects like employment generation in local level and to address the taste need of the concerned stakeholders is its latent objective.


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Shrestha,H (2002),Project Management ,Tribhuwan University, Nepal

Quirke ,B(1996),Communication Corporate Change ,MC Graw-Hill
