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Rooms Design Document Group D Rooms - Design Document Group D 1. Design Overview of ROOMS (Thom) ROOMS provides users with three major facilities: a massively multiplayer game world, a content creation and distribution system, and a website, the primary location for users to interface with these. 1 The game world consists entirely of sub-worlds known as “rooms”, each containing one or more of what is typically described as a room. The vast majority of these sub-worlds are temporary and randomly generated on the fly, however some are created by players via the “editor” (see 2.), and transferred to the player and loaded during runtime. Players start in one of these rooms, and upon exiting it are placed in another random room. Traveling back into the door from which they came takes them to yet another randomly generated room, and not the room from which they came. 2 The content creation system, known as “the editor”, allows users to design, create and distribute their own content throughout the Rooms gameworld. Users are permitted to customize Rooms, Monsters, Items, and their Characters, known collectively as “editables”. The editor provides an interface for changing the attributes of these editables, as well as their pictorial in-game representation, via either a URL upload or a minimal bitmap editor located on the ROOMS website. Users may base their creations off of existing creations made by them or others. Any existing “editable” must be customizable as an prototypical version of the item being edited. The finished editibles 1

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1. Design Overview of ROOMS (Thom)

ROOMS provides users with three major facilities: a massively multiplayer game world, a content creation and distribution system, and a website, the primary location for users to interface with these.

1 The game world consists entirely of sub-worlds known as “rooms”, each containing one or more of what is typically described as a room. The vast majority of these sub-worlds are temporary and randomly generated on the fly, however some are created by players via the “editor” (see 2.), and transferred to the player and loaded during runtime. Players start in one of these rooms, and upon exiting it are placed in another random room. Traveling back into the door from which they came takes them to yet another randomly generated room, and not the room from which they came.

2 The content creation system, known as “the editor”, allows users to design, create and distribute their own content throughout the Rooms gameworld. Users are permitted to customize Rooms, Monsters, Items, and their Characters, known collectively as “editables”. The editor provides an interface for changing the attributes of these editables, as well as their pictorial in-game representation, via either a URL upload or a minimal bitmap editor located on the ROOMS website. Users may base their creations off of existing creations made by them or others. Any existing “editable” must be customizable as an prototypical version of the item being edited. The finished editibles will be randomly distributed throughout the game, and players will have a mechanism for tracking the associated statistics (times encountered, etc.).

3 The ROOMS website will primarily contain three things: The editor, user profiles, and a page which embeds the game as a Flash object. In addition to this, various pages will hold static information about the game, primarily help and information pages. The user profiles allow users to add “friends” (other users with whom they may organize and start game sessions, chat with through the game’s minimal built in chat system, and view creations).

To implement these features, the game itself must be very flexible, as we wish to avoid frequent game updates (at least, newly created content must not require an update or patch to the game), and we want users to be able to take any existing piece of game content, and create a new


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piece of content by changing one or more attributes of the existing content.

ROOMS’ client and server is written in Haxe, and its website is written in PHP. Writing the client and server in the same language allows us to reuse a great deal of code. Since synchronization concerns require the client and server to run the game separately and simultaneously, this code reuse is a huge benefit. Additionally, choosing Haxe as our language allows us to target multiple platforms with little extra effort (most notably Flash and C++). Because libraries exist to allow games to run unchanged on the Flash and C++ platform. Due to this, ROOMS will run on both Flash and mobile platforms. Our primary focus however, at least during the initial stages of implementation, will be the Flash platform.

ROOMS uses the Component-Entity-System pattern for its game logic (which will be discussed at length in subsequent sections), and a very loose interpretation of Model View Controller for its overall architecture. ROOMS’ game logic resides in the ROOMS.Model package, a rooms includes a very thin view abstraction which serves as a wrapper around the abstraction layers provided by Flash/NME, so that should some platform-specific be required, it won’t affect the rest of the codebase.

ROOMS.Controller.Server houses the server-specific portion of the logic, which will largely involve running many instance of the game with no view and with no primary player (Our design of ROOMS.Model intentionally avoids the notion of a “primary player”, and instead uses the Entity abstraction to reference all game objects). Similarly, ROOMS.Controller.Client houses the client specific concerns for running the game. This includes connecting to the server, resynchronizing when requested by the server, and transmitting player actions to the server.


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ROOMS high level package structure

2. Design Patterns used in ROOMS (Thom)Many of ROOMS’ features are contingent on a great deal of flexibility from the game objects.

The most important way we enable this is through the use of the Prototype creational design pattern, and the Component-Entity-System structural design pattern. Component-Entity-System, while not a Gang of Four design pattern is commonly used in game design (large frameworks such as Unity rely heavily on the component-entity-system pattern), and used heavily enough in the design of ROOMS that mentioning it here is warranted.

The Prototype pattern is used to facilitate ease of extensibility for users of the editor. A key feature of the editor is the ability to select a “parent” for whichever object you are designing. For example, if designing a monster, the user can select any monster used in the game as a “parent” for that monster, and automatically inherit all the attributes applied to that monster. This way, we can facilitate a data-driven subclass-like mechanism, without having to actually create the code for a new class (this point is important, as creating a new class would require updating every client, not to mention rebuilding, or somehow patching the running server, which is undesirable).

In this diagram, Data is an abstract superclass of ItemData, MonsterData, and CharacterData, the three user-customizable data sets. (As a side note: A minor, unimportant point


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is that data is parameterized on its subtype to reuse the code in its body. If clone() returned Data, then clients of data would be forced to cast, which is undesirable. The other alternative is to retype the code in each subtype of data. This would be more difficult to maintain). They support the operation clone, as any instance of a Data type may be used as a parent of a new instance. It’s worth noting that we chose to maintain a pointer to the parent instead of having clone() actually copy the data. This is because every data is immutable (within the game), and holds values such as a monsters maximum health, or a weapon’s damage. This makes a full copy an unnecessary waste of space.

The second design pattern prevalent enough in ROOMS to merit discussion is the Component-Entity-System design pattern, also known as CES. CES is used to decouple the functionality of game objects from their abstraction. The implementation of this design pattern centers around three class hierarchies: `Entity`, `Component`, and `System`, and a single class, the CESManager. The `Entity` class wraps a list of component, and has operations to add, remove, and determine the presence of a given component. Entities are instantiated with an Abstract Factory (or similar) creational pattern to ease creation and to prevent Systems from depending on the concrete type of a given Entity. Each component holds an id number, and some number of data values. Each system supports two public operations, appliesTo, and apply, each taking an entity, and holds no public data values.

Conceptually, an Entity is a bag of Components, and a Component is a set of key value pairs which some Entities would have, and some would not. The systems are where the Component specific logic lives, which prevents coupling between related components. Systems which need to communicate with each-other communicate by changing values on a given Entities component, and not directly.

The first of the System’s methods, appliesTo, takes an Entity and determines whether or not that Entity has the necessary components for the system to work on it. Were performance not a consideration, this function would be called for every System on every Entity during each game update (in a realistic implementation, these values would be cached). The second operation supported by Systems is apply, which performs a systems actions upon an entity. For example, a


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MotionSystem would move the x and y position values of an entity based on its dx and dy, and decrease the dx and dy values based on some friction value. It follows, then, that the MotionSystem requires x, y, dx and dy properties, and these are supplied by the PositionComponent and MotionComponent, respectively. The RenderSystem might render the entity on a screen at each update, given that they have a RenderComponent (containing an image), and a PositionComponent (containing x and y values). (Realistically, a RenderComponent would want to avoid redrawing unchanged entities, and would want to ensure that animations were sufficiently smooth. Fortunately, considerations such as these require no change to our design.).

The CESManager is the glue which holds all the active systems and entities together, and orchestrates the application of the different systems to the Entities they hold. It is where implementation considerations such as caches would be kept, and would be responsible for updating the game at a reasonable pace.

This design pattern is composition-heavy, and allows a great deal more flexibility than a class hierarchy would, as this allows us to create new types simply by the composition of various components. Additionally, systems solve the potential problem of component dependencies. Components are not allowed to know about other components on their entity, however Systems are allowed to know about any number of components. The drawback to this design pattern is the lack of static type information available to programmers. There is no way to statically determine, for example, that a RenderSystem requires a RenderComponent and a PositionComponent, or to statically ensure that every entity passed to it has both of these. However, given that many of ROOMS intended features explicitly require dynamism and runtime flexibility, this is an acceptable tradeoff.


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An example class diagram showing the use of the Component Entity System pattern in ROOMS


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3. ROOMS Game State Diagram (Nikolaj)

This diagram describes the possible states that the game can be in and the transitions between them. Since the various game states are associated with different interfaces and functionality it is crucial to distinguish between them. The main distinction in functionality is between the In-Game State and the other states. In the In-Game State players interact with the extremely dynamic game world while the other states are menu interfaces that predominantly remain static.

After game initialization the game enters the Main Menu from where Character Selection or the Options menu can be accessed. In the Options Menu options such a Graphics and Controls can be modified. From Character Selection a new character can be created or an existing character selected. All of these states are associated with menu interfaces taking mouse input. In these states most of the in-game mechanics on the client-side can be suspended. By choosing the play option the game then enters the In-Game mode during which the player can navigate and interact with the game world. In this state all in-game mechanics are fully active. From the In-Game state the player can also access the Options menu, the Inventory or NPC dialogue. In the Inventory and NPC Dialogue states the game continues in the background while a menu object is layered on top of it. In-game mechanics are not suspended but the controls are modified. Instead of navigating the gameworld the player navigates the menu. A game session can be terminated at any time from within the Options menu state.


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State Diagram for ROOMS’ User Interface

3. Entity Relationship Diagram (Mevludin)Most design decisions for the ER diagram was flexibility, to allow future game changes with

little to no changes to the database schema. The game contains users, characters, items, monsters and rooms. And since these are all represented differently, there needs to be a table for each one. There will exist relational tables which connect these tables. A design decision has been made to remove the Entities and TypeLookUp tables. The Entities table was used to stored the instances of rooms, monsters and items. And the TypeLookUp was to set a type system for rooms, items, character and etc. But both of these were unnecessary because since they complicated the design. Also, another design decision was to remove the Attributes table which was used to store attributes associated to monsters, items, room, characters or anything else that would exist later on. The table would store multiple attributes associated with one ID. For example, one item could contain multiple attributes, and each would be a separate row in MySQL. Instead, a field called Attributes is created for each table that uses attributes, and will be stored as a JSON string which would contains all the attributes. The reason for this change is because the data flow communication between components is via a JSON string, so there will be no need to encode or decode the JSON string when a component needs to fetch from the database or store to the database.

To support the entity class flexibility, connection between any two tables with a relation is possible. Our ER diagram demonstrates this through Users, Rooms and Characters tables. The


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Users table has a one to many “own” relation to Character table, since a user can own many characters. Also the Users table has multiple one to many “created” relation to Monster, Item, and Rooms tables because a user can create a monster, item and room using the editor. The Rooms table has multiple one to many “Contains” relation to Characters, Monsters and Items tables. These relations are used to show that multiple characters, monsters and items can exist inside a room. If a new table is created, the room can be made to contain the table by a “contains” relation. A possible new table would be a non-playing characters (NPC) information table. These NPC’s would be able to give characters quests. So this relation allows the NPC to exist within the room.

Also, the Characters table has a one to many “own” relation to Items. This may be used as inventory. But other “own” relations can exist. For example the character can be able to own monsters, or rooms. This allows characters to have monsters as pets and/or allow the character to be able to summon the monster for help. And character owning rooms could be made to allow them to “teleport” to a room which has an NPC for the quest they might be doing. These examples are not part of the game but are used to show the kind of flexibilities this schema allows.

Lastly, in case the game has a friend system, there is a many to many “Friend” relation from User to User. Note that it is not a character to character relation because users should not have to re-add all their friends when switching between different characters.

ROOMS Entity Relationship Schema


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4. Web Editor Dataflow Diagram (Nhat)

The data flow diagram highlights the transfer of data between the Custom Content Editor and the main database for ROOMS. It is very important to have a well designed data flow for the Editor since ROOMS is almost totally driven by custom content generated by our users. This will allow for a community driven game, which has proven to be the best direction for a game like ROOMS.

ROOMS’ users can create their own content, such as new monsters, items, or rooms. While some of the monsters and items will be exist in the initial release of the game, new content will be added on by users who submit them via the Editor. This content can either be created using a default template, or by loading a previously saved “in-progress” project from our “Incomplete Project Data” tables. This will allow users to continue their customization of monsters before finalization and submission to be integrated into ROOMS’ custom content ecosystem. However, before anything can be submitted and verified, the editor must check each attributes against predefined constraints for known conflicts. For example, submitting an item which allows a player to move faster (Shoes) and slows them down (Heavy item) should not be allowed.

The Editor itself can be accessed by client via the website. It will be implemented either in flash or a combination of javascript and HTML/CSS. The main interaction between the editor and user will be updates to the GUI. For example, when a user requests a previously saved monster, the Editor will have to request the monster data from the database before updating the GUI with this data. The implementation will not be too important since we will be using an all purpose REST API which will expose our database to the Editor (and the Game server) securely.


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ROOMS Website Dataflow Diagram

5. Entity, Component, and System Class Diagrams (Nikolaj)

Figure 4 shows the relation between entities and components in a class diagram. Note that some of this information has already been provided in the prior but will be included in a summarized form in this section as well, for the sake of completeness and understandability.

Entities represent any agent that is active within the game. The majority of entities can be divided into three subclasses - Player, Monster, and Item. These classes are included for convenience only. Entities however are in no way limited to these three classes. As mentioned before entities are composed of components. An entity with any set of non-contradicting components can be instantiated within the game. An entity's methods are entirely focused on component management. Components can be removed, added or accessed. Additionally an entity can perform a sanity check. componentSanityCheck() returns a list of components that prevent the entity from functioning correctly. An example would be an entity that has a MoveComponent but does not have a PositionComponent.

Components represent an entity's capabilities. I.e. if an entity has a move component it has the capability to move. Components are not to be confused with systems though since they don't implement any of the functionality associated with a capability. They serve as flags for systems and as containers for information associated with a certain capability. E.g. the MoveComponent does not make the entity itself move it merely holds its direction vector and destination. The Component class


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is abstract and only its subclasses can be instantiated. Note that the component subclasses contain numerous private fields. These fields can be accessed and mutated through mutator and accessor methods automatically generated by Haxe. While most of the component subclasses are self-explanatory some ought to be elaborated on.

The AttackComponent does not only hold information about the damage an entity can deal it also holds the boolean field isAttacking and a Entity field denoting the target. This way the CombatSystem, which will be discussed later in this section, will know which entities are currently in combat and towards which entities attacks are directed.

The InventoryComponent holds a list of ItemData as opposed to Items. This is because once an item is inside the inventory its functionality is reduced to displaying an icon and holding relevant item stats. Any other capability it might have had as an entity becomes irrelevant and therefore the inventory does not need to store Item entities only ItemData.

The AIFlagComponent indicates that an Entity is controlled by AI. The AI is implemented as a server-side state machine that is not part of this diagram.

Data is another crucial superclass. Instances of Data contain JSON objects that represent all relevant information of an archetype of Player, Monster, Item objects. These are obtained from and stored in the database. (For database design see figure x, ER diagram). Data instances have a clone() method. This method allows us to create a duplicate of a given data object which in turn can be modified to create a new archetype. The parent field refers to the Data object which called its clone method to create this object. Entities, including Player, Monster and Item instances can be created from a data object through the use of the EntityFactory class. Since numerous Entities and Components will be instantiated continuously throughout the game we delegate two factory classes to the creation of these objects.

The EntityFactory is responsible for instantiating Entities within the game. Only one instance of the EntityFactory will exist in the game. That instance can be accessed through the static get() method. The EntityFactory will be able to instantiate new Entities by calling the corresponding create method. The create methods either take a Data object which allows us to create Entities by accessing data from the database, or take a list of parameters. In this way we can also create Entities without database access. The ComponentFactory is almost identical to the EntityFactory apart from the fact that components cannot be created from Data objects. Instead, parameters that correspond to the fields of a given component are used.


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ROOMS Component and Entity Class Diagram

While the overall concept of systems has previously been described at length this class diagram provides a more detailed and complete description of each system class. As already mentioned, Systems are applied to Entities to perform their capabilities. In the apply() method a given System verifies whether an Entity possesses all Components required by the System and if so executes a behavior.

The MotionSystem, PathfindingSystem and CollisionSystem together manage all motion related capabilities of Entities. The MotionSystem takes the current location of an entity from the PositionComponent and the destination and current direction from the MotionComponent. Then the PathfindingSystem is used to compute a new path or update and old path from the current location of the entity to its destination. As an Entity is moving the CollisionSystem checks for possible collisions with the environment or other Entities. The RenderSystem displays this motion on the screen displaying the applicable animations of an Entity.

The CombatSystem only apply to Entities whose isAttacking boolean field is set to true. In that case it examines the target field of the Entity and applies damage to it by calling by updating the current health of the target through the HealthSystem. It also calls the RenderSystem to display


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combat-associated animations. The HealthSystem and HungerSystem manage an Entities health and hunger. These are updated based on time passing as well as combat and the use of items.

The AISystem forwards all Entities with an AIFlagComponent to a server-side state machine not discussed in this diagram. The exact implementation of the PlayerInputSystem also goes beyond the scope of this diagram.

ROOMS Systems Class Diagrams


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6. Client-Server Sequence Diagram

The sequence diagram highlights the communication between the client game and the game server, specifically for the purposes of multiplayer game play. It is essential in a multiplayer game scenario that all the clients remain in sync with each other and with the server. However, it is equally vital that this synchronization does not cause the client game to lag or to be noticeably slow.

To accomplish this, the server will broadcast updates to the clients. These updates will consist of a series of time stamped actions for each client game to render. An action could be anything, for example, moving to a new location, picking up an item, or attacking. Each client will be constantly listening, but never waiting for these updates from the server. Additionally, the server will only send updates when a change has occurred. These changes are based by room and can originate from player’s (in that room) performing actions in the same room, or from monster AI determining a new action for a monster (in that room) to perform. This is important because the amount of server communication is directly proportional to the amount of activity.

The sequence diagram above represents how an action performed on client A will be synchronized to all involved clients: client A through client N. The diagram begins when a user performs an action on client A. As stated above, all actions will be immediately timestamped.

As soon as the action has been time stamped, the process of simulation will begin on client A’s game view. This simulation assumes success. For example, if the action is to walk to a new point, the player’s character will begin walking to the appropriate location on client A.

As soon as the simulation is started, client A will check the time stamped actions it has received from the server since the action was time stamped & simulation was started. This is a preliminary means to verify sync. Because the server can send new updates at any time, this will allow us to adjust the simulation execution accordingly before sending the final action to the server. It lets client A’s game view be as accurate as possible.

Once the action has been appropriately adjusted based on the data client A has currently received, the action is sent to the server. The server will perform additional verification to assure that the action is in sync with the other actions that have previously been received and any that have been received since the last broadcast. In the event of a conflict in action, the server will use the timestamps to determine the true action and adjust the other one accordingly. For example, if two players were trying to move to the same place, the server will determine who gets there first by the timestamps and adjust the path of the other player.


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Upon verification, the server will broadcast the resulting update to the appropriate client set, client A through client N. This update will include all actions the server received and modified since the last broadcast. When client A receives this update, it will begin to simulate any of the indicated changes to in its display.

In final note, the time is highly exaggerated in the sequence diagram above. It is likely that the initial simulation of the action has not finished before the server responds with the update. It is equally possible that a simulation is already running. A simulation is merely the process of rendering a set of changes occurring within a time span. For example, if player A is moving and player B is moving then the simulation will be done by simultaneously moving player A by (dxA, dyA) and player B by (dxB, dyB) where the deltas are small enough to appear like smooth motion and are determined to occur within the same small time span (governed by the game’s internal timer).

ROOMS Client-Server Sequencing


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7. Network Diagram (Nhat)This design uses the standard three-tiered server architecture. The client, web, and database

components are all modularized. The benefits of using a modularized three-tiered model provides standardized interfaces and makes it easy to update any particular module.

● Game client 1 .. N1 ... N indicates that there are more than one concurrent game clients at a time.The game client represents a user’s machine running a ROOMS game client. The ROOMS game client may fetch assets (such as images) from the web application, in which case it will use a HTTP connection. All other connections will be from and to the Game Server.

● Game ServerThe game uses general game networking server-client code to connect to game clients. It also uses HTTP connections to connect to the web server for asset definitions. It has a direct connection to the database, which it uses to load persistent data which define rooms, monsters, items, etc.

● Web Application ServerThe web application server will serve up the game editor and basic web pages. It also serves up static assets such as client downloads, images, sounds, etc.

● Database Management Server (DBMS)The DBMS can be connected to using standard APIs such as Open Database Connectivity (ODBC). It stores persistent game data.


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ROOMS’ Three-Tier Network Architecture