project based assessments 1 an alternative pathway to proficiency

Project Based Assessments 1 An Alternative Pathway to Proficiency

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Post on 18-Dec-2015




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Project Based Assessments


An Alternative Pathway to Proficiency

Keystone Exams

Keystone Exam Status 2011 – 2012 - hiatus 2012 – 2013 – to be administered

Assessed Content Areas Algebra I Biology Literature English Composition

Intent is to replace Grade 11 PSSA tests with Keystone Exams subject to US Dept. Of Ed. Approval – target date spring 2014

Keystone Exam Schedule

Operational: 2012 – 2013 Algebra I

(NOTE: if a student takes Algebra I in the 2011 – 2012 school year and passes that student need not take the Keystone in Algebra. The exam was not operational while the student was taking the course and the student will not be taking the course when the exam is operational in 2012 – 2013.)

Biology Composition Literature

Field Test: 2012 – 2013

Civics and Government

(NOTE: if Civics is NOT taught as a stand-alone course the district may determine when the Civics Keystone should be administered.) 3

PDE Updates

Keystone Exams – Proposed Budget Algebra I, Literature and Biology Begin implementation 2014-15 Full implementation 2017

Keystone Exam Schedule

Spring 2012 – All IUs will be assisting PDE in recruiting volunteers to field test the PBAs.  CLIU’s first Information Session/Focus Group, targeting district and building administrators, is tentatively scheduled for March 5, 2012 from 1:00 – 3:00 pm at CLIU 21.  More information will be forthcoming with details..


Project Based Assessments

Informed by Chapter 4

A new perspective on the TEST

Chapter 4

Students who do not score proficient or above on a Keystone Exam after having taken the test at least twice may choose to complete a project based assessment for that module based upon the requirements as detailed as follows.


Keystone exam total score over-rides module score. I.e. if a student scores advanced in one module of the exam and below basic in another module; but the total exam score is proficient or above the student passes the exam.

If a student does not score proficient or above on a Keystone exam AND the student is identified as special ed. or has an IEP the PBA approach may be written into the student’s IEP immediately and the student need not take the Keystone exam a second time.

Chapter 4

If a student is unable to meet the requirements in § 4.24(b)(1)(iv)(A) (relating to high school graduation requirements) after two attempts on a Keystone Exam, the student may supplement a Keystone Exam score through satisfactory completion of a project-based assessment. Points earned through satisfactory performance on one or more project modules related to the Keystone Exam module or modules on which the student did not pass shall be added to the student’s highest Keystone Exam score.

Project Based Assessment Overview

Online projects

Created by PA educators guided by Jay McTighe

Scaffolded tasks building to the creation and submission of a Project Based Assessment

Five to seven hour time frame for completion per module

Project work by student must be completed before, during, or after school in a supervised environment

PSSA accommodations apply

Roles in the PBA




School Site Administrator

District Level Administrator

Intermediate Unit

Regional Review Panel

Roles in the PBA

Student may retake the Keystone exam at anytime while working

on PBA Must complete the project according to the timeline

provided Schedule and timeline for completion set by Building

Administrator and guided by PDE procedures. Must submit the completed project to his/her tutor for

submission to regional review panel.

Roles in the PBA


Ensures the student is scheduled for the correct PBA.

Logs in student to online site and ensures security measure.

Ensures the student has completed all activities with the timeframe and schedule.

Notifies tutor if any content difficulties are recognized. (Monitor does not make any judgments on correctness of work)

Roles in the PBA Tutor

Must be certified in the content area he/she is tutoring Responsible for checking student work at various

checkpoints in the PBA for accuracy. Provides supplemental instruction on Assessment Anchors

and Eligible Content on areas of student need identified by the student, monitor, and/or tutor.

Tutor may not provide instruction on specific problems of the PBA activities.

Tutor permits the continuation of the PBA activities after a check point has been completed.

After the PBA is completed and reviewed and is deemed to have met the criteria for submission, tutor forwards the PBA to the site administrator for submission.

Roles in the PBA School Site Administrator

Responsible for scheduling and implementation of the PBA’s.

District Level Administrator Role does not require administrative certification. A

teacher or guidance counselor may fill the role of the PBA District Level Administrator.

Responsible for assigning site administrators and final submission of PBA. Tracking students’ progress and completion of all elected PBA.

Intermediate Unit

Provides training on all aspects of the PBA. (implementation, scheduling, tracking, and data collection management)

Roles in the PBA

Regional Review Panel Conduct quarterly scoring panels and provide scores to


Planned Procedure: Two panel participants to blind score each PBA (satisfactory or unsatisfactory), If the scores match, that score is recorded. If the scores do not agree, then a third party scores the PBA. The two matching scores will be the final score of the PBA.

Panels will be created by PILS Regions

Review of Sample PBA

Online Delivery

Secure Site

Accessible by Defined Roles