progress report on the geology and mineral...

July 13 1994 Price: $68. text, full color map wltopo) $20. [text, full color map w/ section grid [no topol) $56. (text, mylar map in color wlsection grid [no topo]) Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys PUBLIC-DATA FILE 94-39 PROGRESS REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF THE NOME MINING DISTRICT by T.K. Bundtzen, R.D. Reger, G.M. Laird, D.S. Pinney, K.H. Clautice, S.A. Liss, and G.R. Cruse July 1994 THIS REPORT HAS NOT BEEN REVIEWED FOR TECHNICAL CONTENT (EXCEPT AS NOTED IN TEXT) OR FOR CONFORMITY TO THE EDITORIAL STANDARDS OF DGGS. THIS DOCUMENT SHOULD NOT BE CITED EXCEPT AS " W R I n E N COMMUNICATION. 1994." Released by STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys 794 University Avenue, Suite 200 Fairbanks, Alaska 99709-3645

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Page 1: PROGRESS REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL … report on the geology and mineral resources of the nome mining district

July 13 1994 Price: $68. text, full color map wltopo) $20. [text, full color map w/ section grid

[no topol) $56. (text, mylar map in color wlsection

grid [no topo])

Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys




T.K. Bundtzen, R.D. Reger, G.M. Laird, D.S. Pinney, K.H. Clautice, S.A. Liss, and G.R. Cruse

July 1994




Released by


Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys 794 University Avenue, Suite 200 Fairbanks, Alaska 99709-3645

Page 2: PROGRESS REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL … report on the geology and mineral resources of the nome mining district



Introduction ................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... Summary of bedrock geology

........................................................................................................................ Nome Group Summary of surficial geology ...........................................................................................................

................................................................................................................ Structure ................... .. .......................................................................................................................... Economic geology

............................................................................................... Polymetallic gold-quartz veins ........................................................................................... Stratiform massive sulfide deposits

Carbonate hosted stratabound polymetallic deposits ...................................................................... Placer gold ...........................................................................................................................

.......................................................................................................................... Acknowledgments References cited ..............................................................................................................................


Table 1 . Major oxide analyses and CIPW normative mineralogy from metamorphic rocks in the Nome Mining District. Seward Peninsula. Alaska ........................................... 7

2 . Sulfur isotopic ratios from sulfide and sulfate specimens from mineral deposits in the Nome Mining District. Seward Peninsula. Alaska ................................................... 8

3 . Geochemical determinations from selected mineral deposits. occurrences. and bedrock ............................................................................. types. Nome mining district. Alaska 9

................................................. . 4 Placer gold and silver production. Nome district. 1897-1993 18


Sheet 1 Preliminary geologic map of Nome mining district 2 Sample location map showing trace element, major oxide. and sulfur isotope sample

sites. Nome mining district. Alaska

Page 3: PROGRESS REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL … report on the geology and mineral resources of the nome mining district


b Y T.K. Bundtzen, R.D. Reger, G.M. Laird, D.S. Pinney,

K.H. Clautice, S.L. Liss, and G.R. Cruse


During July 1993, the Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys conducted bedrock and surficial geologic mapping of about 1,900 km2 (590 mi2) in the Nome mining district of western Alaska. This project was undertaken as a result of a Capital Improvements Project appropriation passed by the 1993 Alaska Legislature to begin detailed geological and mineral resource investigations of Alaskan mining districts using airborne, multispectral geophysical surveys and 1:63,360-scale geological mapping. We emphasize that the results presented here are preliminary data acquired during 1993-1994. More field work will be completed during the summer of 1994, and a complete summary of the Nome district studies will be released pending completion of field, office, and laboratory investigations.

This preliminary report consists of: (1) the geologic map accompanied by complete map unit descriptions (sheet 1); (2) data tables that depict major oxide, sulfur isotope, and trace element analyses, and annual gold production statistics (tables 1-4); and (3) a brief summary text.


Twenty-two metasedimentary, metavolcanic, and metaplutonic bedrock units were delineated during our investigations. All rock units have been regionally metamorphosed. Throughout the following discussion, the reader is referred to data presented on the geologic map (sheet 1).


The regionally metamorphosed rocks of the Nome mining district were f ~ s t described by Brooks and others (1901), whose work was supplanted by more detailed mapping and petrographic studies by Collier (1902), Knopf (1908), Smith (1910), and Moffit (1913). The high-grade regionally metamorphosed rocks of the central Kigluaik Mountains were referred to by Moffit (1913) as the Kigluaik Group; he defined the lower rank, regionally metamorphosed units in the Nome mining district as the Nome Group. Moffit (1913) and Smith (1910) first identified glaucophane in the Nome Group, which is now regarded as one of the largest, high P-low T, blueschist- facies metamorphic terranes in the world. Many modern workers including Sainsbury and others (1970), Forbes and others (1984), Thurston (1985), Evans and Patrick (1989), Till (1980), Sturnick (1984), Patrick and Evans (1989), Miller and Hudson (1991), and Miller and others (1992) have published detailed petrographic and radiometric age dating studies of metamorphic rocks in and near the study area. Nokleberg and others (1993) include the Nome Group into the Seward Terrane, an offset continental margin ranging in age from Precambrian(?) to Late Paleozoic.

All regionally metamorphosed rocks in the study area have been assigned to the Nome Group, although some small metamorphosed intrusions may be unrelated to the other units. We have benefited from geologic map studies completed by the previously mentioned early workers and by Herreid (1970) and Hummel(1962a,b). Till and others (1986) and Till and Dumoulin (in press) believe that the Nome Group constitutes a coherent lithostratigraphic succession, which consists of four units: (1) a basal, complexly deformed quartz-rich pelitic schist, which may be correlative with the Solomon Schist of Smith (1910) and Moffit (1913); (2) a "mixed unit" of mafic and pelitic schists and marble; (3) a mafic-dominated schist package, which may be correlative with the Casadepaga Schist of Smith (1910); and (4) an "impure marble unit". We have tentatively subdivided the Nome Group rocks of the study area into the first three units of Till and others (1986), which, in the study area, are locally repeated by thrust faults.

Smith (1910) and Moffit (1913) believed the Nome Group is Paleozoic in age. However, Sainsbury and others (1970) regarded all Nome Group lithologies as Precambrian in age, on the basis of inferred stratigraphic position and

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limited Rb-Sr isotopic-age determinations. Till and others (1986) have reported Ordovician to Devonian conodonts from marble units in the Nome Group. We assign a Precambrian-Paleozoic age to all Nome Group rocks mapped in the study area pending results of U-Pb isotopic-age dating of felsic metavolcanic rocks in the mixed unit and further geological mapping to the east of the study area in 1994.


Most of the area is covered by drift laid down during past glaciations. Drift of the oldest advance, the Sinuk glaciation of early Pleistocene(?) age, is exposed in the vicinity of Cape Nome in the southeastern comer of the map area. The most extensive surface drift sheet was deposited during the Nome River glaciation of middle Pleistocene age. Ice of this advance flowed southward out of cirques in the Kigluaik Mountains and coalesced with local ice from cirques and small ice caps in the uplands north of Nome. Ice of the Nome River glaciation filled the major trunk streams near Nome and extended southward several kilometers into present day Norton Sound (Hopkins and others, 1960, Nelson and Hopkins, 1972, Kaufman and Hopkins, 1989; Kaufman and others, 1991).

The subsequent Stewart River Glaciation spread out of the Kigluaik Mountains as far as 10 km beyond the mountain front. Ice from Kigluaik Mountain sources joined with local ice.from small, north-facing cirques in the uplands immediately south of Kigluaik Mountains. The Stewart River glaciation is thought to be older than the last major interglaciation (Kaufman and Hopkins, 1986; Kaufman and others, 1988).

Slightly modified drift of the Salmon Lake glaciation forms lobate moraines that nearly reach as far south as the Stewart River terminal moraines (Kaufman and Hopkins, 1989). Radiocarbon dating indicates that this ice expansion occurred more than 33,000 years ago (Kaufman and others. 1989).

During and after these ice expansions, fluvial, colluvial, and marine processes modified the landscape, formed gravel-rich alluvial valley fills, and beach and terrace sediments. Fine-grained estuarine deposits were laid down in lower streams close to the present coast of Norton Sound.


All bedrock geologic units have been subjected to blueschist-facies metamorphism, which in turn was retrograded to T-P conditions of the greenschist facies. In the study area, earlier high P-low T mineral assemblages are frequently altered due to the strong, retrogressive greenschist metamorphism. Earlier metamorphic minerals such as garnet, chloritoid, glaucophane, hornblende, and calcic plagioclase are frequently rolled in a granoblastic fabric. Axial-plane schistosity parallel to compositional banding is the dominant "S 1" surface measured in outcrop; later "S 2" cleavage or foliation is transposed at low angles in a westward vergence across lithologic or compositional banding, indicating that low-angle thrusting or recumbent folds have deformed the Nome Group in the study area. Stretched mineral lineations, isoclinal fold plunges, and mica crenulations (sheet 1) record deformation that postdates original schistosity developed during the prograde, blueschist-facies event.

Lithostratigraphic units of the mixed unit are repeated by probable late synmetamorphic thrust faults south of Aurora Creek and east of Mount Distin. In the former area, metaturbidite schist (pCPzt), felsic metavolcanic schist (pCPzsf), black quartzite (pCPzsg), and "lumpy", porphyroclastic schist (pCPzpm) exposed in the Aurora Creek area are repeated in the Hungary Creek drainage implying a low-angle throw of approximately 7 km. In the Basin Creek drainage, albite mafic schist and metabasite of the Casadepaga Schist(?) are thrust over the upper portion of the mixed unit. Other thrust faults are mapped on the basis of sheared contacts, low-angle mylonite zones, and outcrop- scale discontinuities, but the significance of offset along these faults is unknown.

Large-scale, younger structures include the north-trending Twin Mountain anticline, and northeast-trending high-angle faults. Pelitic, felsic, mafic, and carbonate-dominated lithologies of the mixed unit at Aurora Creek on the west are repeated at Dexter Mountain and Goldbottom Creek on the east by the Twin Mountain anticline, which largely defines the distribution of Nome Group lithologies in the study area.

The well known Anvil Creek fault trends north 40 to 55 degrees east up Anvil Creek (sheet I), and juxtaposes metaturbidite schists on the west with pelitic, graphitic, metavolcanic, and calcareous lithologies on the east. A significant metafelsite center and interbedded pelitic schist and marble on Dexter Creek are equivalent to felsic metavolcanic schists and exhalite at Aurora Creek. The lithostratigraphic correlation indicates that the amount of postulated vertical movement along the Anvil fault is about 1.5 km.

The Penny River fault (after Herreid, 1970) right laterally offsets the metavolcanic schist section at Aurora Creek about 4 km from an equivalent section on the east side of Penny River (sheet 1).

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Other significant northeast-trending high-angle faults include the Rodine fault (after Hawley and Buxton, oral comm., 1993), and the Oregon Creek-Charley Creek fault, both of which show right-lateral throws ranging from 1 to 3 km.

Smaller less well defined, northwest-trending high-angle faults such as the Boulder Creek fault also cut the metamorphic rocks throughout the map area, and are probably more extensive than shown on the geologic map (sheet 1).


Four types of metallic mineral resources have thus far been identified in the study area: (1) gold-polymetallic- quartz-carbonate veins cutting pelitic and maflc schists and carbonates, believed to have formed as a result of regional metamorphism; (2) stratiform, massive sulfide-barite deposits associated with felsic metavolcanic schist and metafelsite centers; (3) massive sulfide-iron deposits hosted in carbonate-dominated terranes and of uncertain origin; and (4) heavy mineral placer deposits, that have accounted for almost all of the metallic mineral production in the study area.

All of our investigations of mineral resources are still in progress, and the results presented here are preliminary.

Polymetallic Gold Quartz Veins

Polymetallic-gold-quartz-carbonate mineral deposits contain most of the significant lode gold resources currently known in the Nome district. One deposit at Rock Creek (sheet 1) has been recently evaluated by the mineral industry and contains a drill-inferred reserve amounting to 6.1 million tonnes grading 2.4 gltonne gold or 14.6 tonnes (475,200 ounces) of contained gold (Bundtzen and others, 1992). The polymetallic gold quartz deposits contain arsenic, antimony, silver, zinc, lead, copper and tungsten in addition to the gold (table 3). Other important deposits include gold-tungsten deposits at Sophie Gulch, the gold-antimony deposits in the Mt. Distin area, the gold- bismuth-arsenic vein deposits of the Charley Creek area, and the Rodine and other recently discovered deposits in the "Gold Hill trend west of Snake River. At least three vein types are recognized: (1) early chalcopyrite-sphalerite- quartz-carbonate veins that appear as boudins rolled around F1 fold axes; (2) saddle reef quartz-gold-polysulfide veins (example; Rodine and McDuffy Prospects) that crosscut host schists at low angles to schistosity; and (3) brittle vein systems that clearly crosscut metamorphic stratigraphy at high angles (example; Rock Creek; Sliscovich). All could be interpreted to have formed during various stages of dewatering of a metamorphic pile during Barrovian style greenschist-facies metamorphism and associated plutonism, as suggested for the origins of metallic vein mineralization at Rock Creek, (Apodaca, 1992) and Mt. Distin and Bluff (Ford, 1990).

Many of the gold-bearing vein deposits in the Nome district are hosted in metamorphosed clastic rocks interpreted to be turbidites and related deepwater sediments. The Rock Creek, Mt. Distin, and Gold Hill mineralized areas are similar to other turbidite hosted gold regions worldwide such as the saddle reef systems of the Meguma Terrane of Nova Scotia, Canada (Haynes, 1986; Sangster, 1990), the gold-scheelite vein deposits in the Otago and Reefton districts in New Zealand (Paterson, 1982; Lee and others, 1989; Henley and others, 1976; Lew and Comer, 1988), or the gold vein deposits hosted in the Valdez Group of southern Alaska (Goldfarb and others, 1986).

Limited sulfur isotopic analyses conducted during our investigations show light del-34 values ranging from -1.6 to +3,6 and averaging about +0.2 from sulfides in six gold-polymetallic vein deposits of the study area (table 2).

Stratiform Massive Sulfide Deposits

Stratiform massive sulfide-barite deposits in the Aurora Creek area and at the Christopherson Prospect were fist & Herreid (1966, 1970), and evaluated by the mineral industry in the mid-1970s and more recently in the 1990s. During our brief investigations we mapped a complex package of muscovite-feldspar metavolcanic schist, carbonate, pelitic schist, and graphitic schist informally referred to as the "Aurora Creek section" (pCPzf, pCPzsf, pCPzsg; sheet 1). Lenses and disseminations of sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, and massive barite appear to be parallel to original compositional banding of host metavolcanic and carbonaceous schist for over 4 km of strike length. Mineralization is complexly folded along with host rocks indicatinging a premetamorphic origin for the mineralized zones. Zones of intense tourrnalinization are present in wallrock adjacent to the massive sulfide-barite

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deposits. Limited sulfur isotopic analyses yield heavy del-34 values ranging from +5.5 to +26.3, typical of seawater contaminated sulfur in submarine volcanogenic massive sulfide settings (table 2). Selected samples from the Aurora Creek deposits contain up to 15.86% zinc, 1.38% lead, 659 ppm copper, and anomalous cadmium, barium, silver and gold (table 3).

Tourmaline enrichment in felsic schist horizons could indicate hydrothermal activity related to premetamorphic submarine volcanism in other portions of the study area.

Carbonate-hosted Stratabound Polymetallic Deposits

Carbonate-hosted sulfide-barite-fluorite-iron deposits have been described from the Sinuk River drainage in fair detail by Mulligan and Hess (1965) and Herreid (1970). The origin of these sulfide-bearing gossans is uncertain. Mineral deposit types proposed for these polymetallic occurrences include sedex, volcanogenic massive sulfide, intrusive related replacement, and hydrothermal vein. One sulfur isotopic analysis collected from the Quarry Prospect yielded a del-34 value of +10.8 from galena (sheet 1; table 2), which contrasts with light del-34 sulfur values found in polymetallic veins in the study area.

Placer Gold

Placer gold has been the principal metallic mineral resource mined in the study area. From 1898 to 1993, an estimated 4,822,569 ounces (150 metric tonnes) gold have been produced from stream, hillslope or colluvial, glacial, and marine strandline placer deposits throughout the study area (table 4), making the Nome district Alaska's second largest producer of placer gold. The most significant placer deposits are concentrated along modem and ancestral strandline deposits on the Coastal Plain, in streams draining Anvil Mountain, and in tributaries of the Nome, Osborn, and Snake Rivers (Collier and others, 1908 and Cobb, 1974). An estimated 70 percent of the gold has been produced from the strandline deposits, but rich paystreaks have been mined from glacial, colluvial, and stream deposits.

Glacial scouring milled gold lodes and dispersed much of the gold that eventually formed placer deposits in the Nome mining district. During and after several ice expansions, fluvial, colluvial, and marine processes concentrated gold to form economic placer deposits. One byproduct of the long and extensive placer gold mining activities has been the production of large volumes of high-quality, washed tailings suitable for foundation materials for highways and settlement areas.

Placer geology research is in progress.


We thank Chuck Hawley and Ms. Cindy Buxton of Kennecott Exploration Inc. for sharing their extensive knowledge of the geology of the Gold Hill and Aurora Creek areas. Allison Till (U.S. Geological Survey) spent two days with us during the 1993 field season, and demonstrated a defendable, metamorphic lithostratigraphy for the Nome Group in the western Solomon Quadrangle. Much appreciation is extended to Tom Sparks of Bering Straits Native Corporation and Irene Anderson of Sitnausuk Corporation, who helped secure and provide for logistical services during our studies. Joe Fisher kindly allowed access to Alaska Gold Company lands in the Nome district.


Apodaca, L.E., 1992, Fluid inclusion study of the Rock Creek area, Nome Mining District, Alaska: in, Bradley, D.C., and Dusel-Bacon, Cynthia, eds., Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1991: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2041, p.3-12.

Brooks, A.H., Richardson, G.B., Collier, A.J., and Mendenhall, W.C., 1901, Reconnaissances in the Cape Nome and Norton Bay Regions, Alaska, in 1900: U.S. Geological Survey Special Publication, 185 p.

Bundtzen, T.K., Swainbank, R.C., Wood, J.E., and Clough, A.H., 1992, Alaska's Mineral Industry-1991: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Special Report 46, 89 p.

Cobb, E.H., 1974, Placer deposits of Alaska, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1374,217 p. Collier, A.J., 1902, A reconnaissance of the northwestern portion of the Seward Peninsula, Alaska: U.S. Geological

Survey Professional Paper 2.70 p.

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Collier, A.J., Hess, F.L., Smith, P.S., and Brooks, A.H., 1908, The gold placers of parts of Seward Peninsula, Alaska, including Nome, Council, Kougarok, Port Clarence, and Goodhope Districts: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 328,343 p.

Evans, B.W., and Patrick, B.E., 1989, Phengite 3-T in high pressure orthogneisses, Seward Peninsula, Alaska: Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 25, p. 141-158.

Forbes, R.B., Hamilton, Tom, Tailleur, I.L., Miller, T.P., and Patton, W.W., Jr., 1984, Regional progressive high pressure metamorphism, Seward Peninsula, Alaska: Journal of Metamorphic Geology, vol. 2, no 1, p.43-54.

Ford, R.C., 1990, Geology, geochemistry, and age of gold lodes at Bluff, and Mt. Distin, Seward Peninsula, Alaska: unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Colorado School of Mines, Colorado, 302 p.

Goldfarb, R.J., Leach, D.L., Miller, M.L., and Pickthorn, W.J., 1986, Geology, metamorphic setting, and genetic constraints of epigenetic lode-gold mineralization with the Cretaceous Valdez Group, south-central Alaska: in, Turbidite hosted gold deposits, Geological Association of Canada Special Paper 32, p.87-105.

Haynes, S.J., 1986, Geology and chemistry of turbidite-hosted gold deposits, greenschist facies, eastern Nova Scotia, Canada: in Turbidite Hosted Gold Deposits, Geological Association of Canada Special Paper 32, p.161-177.

Henley, R.W., Norris, R.J., and Patterson, C.J., 1976, Multistage ore genesis in the New Zealand geosyncline, a history of post-metamorphic lode emplacement: Mineral Deposits, vol. 11, p. 180-196.

Herreid, Gordon, 1966, Preliminary geology and geochemistry of the Sinuk River area, Seward Peninsula, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Report 24, 19 pages.

1970, Geology and geochemistry of the Sinuk River area, Seward Peninsula, Alaska: Alaska Division Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Report 36, 63 p.

Hopkins, D.M., MacNeil, F.S., and Leopold, E.B., 1960, The coastal plain at Nome, Alaska: A late Cenozoic type section'for the Bering Strait region, in Sorgenfrei, Theodor, ed., Report of the Twenty-first Session, International Geological Congress, Part 4, 343 p.

Hummel, C.L., 1962a, Preliminary geology of the Nome C-1 Quadrangle, Seward Peninsula, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Map MF-247., 1 sheet, scale 1:63,360.

1962b, Preliminary geology of the Nome D-1 Quadrangle, Seward Peninsula, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Map MF 248, 1 sheet, scale 1:63,360.

Kaufman, D.S., Callcin, P.E., Whitford, W.B., Przybyl, B.J., Hopkins, D.M., Peck, B.J., and Nelson, R.E., 1989, Surficial geologic map of the Kigluaik Mountains, Seward Peninsula, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-2074, 1 sheet, scale 1:63,360.

Kaufman, D.S., and Hopkins, D.M., 1986, Glacial history of the Seward Peninsula, in Hamilton, T.D., Reed, K.M., and Thorson, R.M., eds., Glaciation in Alaska--the geologic record: Anchorage, Alaska Geological Society, p. 51-78.

1989, Late Cenozoic geologic controls on placer-gold distribution in the Nome nearshore area, in Dover, H.H., and Galloway, J.P., eds., Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1988: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1903, p. 26-45.

Kaufman, D.S., Hopkins, D.M., and Calkin, P.E., 1988, Glacial geologic history of the Salmon Lake area, Seward Peninsula, in Galloway, J.P., and Hamilton, T.D., eds., Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey during 1987: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1016, p. 91-94.

Kaufman, D.S., Walter, R.C., Brigham-Grette, Julie, and Hopkins, D.M., 1991, Middle Pleistocene age of the Nome River Glaciation, northwestern Alaska: Quaternary Research, vol. 36, no. 3, p. 277-293.

Knopf, Adolph, 1908, Geology of the Seward Peninsula tin deposits, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 358, 71 p.

Moffit, F.H., 1913, Geology of the Nome and Grand Central Quadrangles, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 533, 140 p.

Mulligan, J.J., and Hess, H.D., 1965, Examination of the Sinuk iron deposits, Seward Peninsula, Alaska: U.S. Bureau of Mines Open File Report, 34 p.

Lee, M.C., Batt, W.D., and Robinson, P.C., 1989, The Round Hill gold-scheelite deposit, Macraes Flat, Otago, New Zealand: in, Kear, David, ed., Mineral Deposits of New Zealand-the Gordon J. Williams Memorial Volume, Monograph 13, p. 173-179.

Lew, J.H., and Comer, N.G., 1988, The Globe-Progress prospect, Reefton, New Zealand: Bicentennial Gold-1988, Melbourne, Australia, p. 27 1-273.

Miller, E.L., Calvert, A.T., and Little, 'T.A., 1992, Strain-collapsed metamorphic isograds in a sillimanite gneiss dome, Seward Peninsula, Alaska: Geology, vol. 20, p.487-490.

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Miller, E.L., and Hudson, T.L., 1991, Mid-Cretaceous extensional fragmentation of a Jurassic-Early Cretaceous compressional orogen: Tectonics, vol. 10, p. 781-796.

Nelson, C.H., and Hopkins, D.M., 1972, Sedimentary processes and distribution of particulate gold in the northern Bering Sea: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 689,27 p.

Nokleberg, W.J., Bundtzen, T.K., Grybeck, Donald, Koch, R.D., Eremin, R.A., Rozenblum, I.S., Sidorov, A.A., Byalobzhesky, G.S., Shpikerlnan, V.I., and Gorodinsky, M.E., 1993, Metallogenesis of mainland Alaska and the Russian Northeast: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 93-339,5 sheets, scale 1:4,000,000,291 p.

Paterson, C.J., 1982, Oxygen isotopic evidence for the origin and evolution of a scheelite ore-forming fluid, Glenorchy, New Zealand: Economic Geology, vol. 77, p. 1672-1687.

Patrick, B.E., and Evans, B.W., 1989, Metamorphic evolution of the Seward Peninsula blueschist terrane, Alaska: Journal of Petrology, vol. 30, p. 531-556.

Sainsbury, C.L., Coleman, R.G., and Kachadoorian, Reuben, 1970, Blueschist facies rocks of the Seward Peninsula, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 700-B, p. 33-42.

Sangster, A.L., 1990, Metallogeny of the Meguma Terrane, Nova Scotia: in Mineral Deposit Studies in Nova Scotia, Geological Survey of Canada Paper 90-8, p. 115-162.

Smith, P.S., 1910, Geology and mineral resources of the Solomon and Casadepaga Quadrangles, Seward Peninsula, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 433,234 p.

Sturnick, M.A., 1984, Regional rnctamorphism in the eastern Kigluaik Mountains, Seward Peninsula, Alaska: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 16, p. 335.

Thurston, S.P., 1985, Structure, petrology, and metamorphic history of the Nome Group blueschists, Salmon Lake area, Seward Peninsula, Alaska: Geological Society of America Bulletin, vol. 96, p. 600-617.

Till, A.B., 1980, Crystalline rocks of the Kigluaik Mountains, Seward Peninsula, Alaska: unpublished M.S. Thesis, University of Washington, 97 p.

Till, A.B., Dumoulin, J.A., Gamble, B.M., Kaufman, D.S., and Carroll, P.I., 1986, Preliminary geologic map and fossil data, Solomon, Bendeleben, and southern Kotzebue Quadrangles, Seward Peninsula, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 86-276, 3 sheets, scale 1:250.000, 71 p.

Till, A.B., and Dumoulin, J.A., in press, Seward Peninsula: the Seward and York Terranes: in Plafker, George, and Berg H.C., eds., Geology of Alaska: Geological Society of America Decade of North American ~ e o l o ~ ~ , 23 p.

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Table 1 . Major oxide analyses and CZPW nonnative mineralogy from selected metamorphic rocks, Nome mining district, Alaskaa

Major oxide analyses

Map Sample Si02 Ti02 A1203 Fe203 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na20 K20 Pz05 Cr203 LO1 Total no. no. (wt%) (wt%) (wt %). (wt %) (wt %) (wt %) (wt %) (wt %) (wt %) (wt %) (wt %) (wt %) (wt %) (wt %)

Map no.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Sample no.

93BT161A 93BT171 93BT203 93BT266 93BT321 93GL204 93GL216 93GL236 93KC104

Qtz Cor

54.508 11.706 33.002 1.487 2.770 0.000 1.854 3.441

19.081 8.563 35.789 0.786 39.254 0.000 35.604 4.433 54.033 4.883

CIPW normative minerals

aAnalyses by Bondar-Clegg, Ltd., 130 Pemberton Ave., North Vancouver, B.C. , Canada V7P2R.5. CIPW normative data calculated with UAFlPETCAL program, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska 99709.


Feldspar muscovite schist (pCPzsf) Metagranite (pCPzg) Metabasite @CPzb) Metadiorite ((Mzdg) Albite schist @CPzsm) Albite chlorite schist (pCPzsm) Metaturbidite schist (pCP~tc)~ Feldspar muscovite schist @CPzsf) Graphitic quartzose schist @ C P Z S ~ ) ~

%oms probably not applicable due to presumed metasedimentary parentage.

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Table 2. Sulfur isotopic ratios of sulfide and sulfate specimens from mineral deposits in the Nome mining district, Seward Peninsula, Alaskaa

Sample Mineral deposit no. Mineral deposit tvpe Mineral analyzed ~ ~ ~ 0 1 0 0 ~

Charley Creek Charley Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek Rock Creek Unnamed Unnamed Twin Mt. prospect Twin Mt. prospect Twin Mt. prospect Hed and Strand prospect Christopherson Christopherson Christopherson Aurora Creek Quarry Prospect

Polymetallic-gold vein Polymetallic-gold vein Polymetallic-gold vein Polymetallic-gold vein Polymetallic-gold vein Polymetallic-gold vein Polymetallic-gold vein Polymetallic-gold vein Polymetallic-gold vein Polymetallic-gold vein Stibnite-sulfosalt vein Stratiform sulfide Stratiform sulfide Stratiform sulfide Stratiform sulfide Carbonate-hosted, stratiform sulfide-barite

Arsenopyrite Arsenopyrite Arsenopyrite Galena Galena Chalcopyrite Sphalerite Galena Arsenopyrite Arsenopyrite Lead-antimony sulfosalt Barite Pyrite Galena Sphalerite Galena


Hanging wall vein Hanging wall vein From bulk sample pit North of bulk sample pit North of bulk sample pit Early(?) F1 sulfide-quartz vein Early(?) F1 sulfide quartz vein Saddle reef system Saddle reef system Saddle reef system Vein in calc-schist near shaft From ridge pit From ridge pit From ridge pit From stream cut outcrops Near portal

a Analyses by Krueger Enterprizes Inc., Geochron Laboratories Division, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Unless otherwise noted analyses are reported in 0100 notation and are computed as follows:

34 34 2 S sample 0100 = s?-3 sample x 1,000 3 4 ~ ~ J ' ~ standard 3 4 ~ ? 2 ~ standard = Canon Diablo troilite

b ~ l s o could be stated as "del-34 value."

Page 11: PROGRESS REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL … report on the geology and mineral resources of the nome mining district
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Sample W.

a ppm

210 280



W M QOO QOO a00 320

Q O O QOO QOO 280 - 6.@

QOO 2 2 0 240


Sn PPm



Cs PP"'

1 1 2 9

28 <l <I <1 <1

5 4

<I <I <1

<1 <l

1 <1 <l <1

1 <1

1 7

<I 1 4

<I c1

3 1 1

<I <l 2 3

<1 2

<1 c1 <l <l

5 <1


Page 14: PROGRESS REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL … report on the geology and mineral resources of the nome mining district
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Page 16: PROGRESS REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL … report on the geology and mineral resources of the nome mining district

Sample no.

Zr PP'"

600 400 600 600 400 400 400 400 400 400 600 400 600 600 600 600 600 400 400 600 600 600

870 600 600 400 600 600 400 do0 600 d00 do0 400 dm 600 600 800 400 dim

Page 17: PROGRESS REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL … report on the geology and mineral resources of the nome mining district

Sample no.

93KC175 93BT153 93BT155 93BT161B 93BT164 93BT173 93BT176 93BT177 93BT184 93BT191+ 93BT195 93BT197A 93BT204B 93BT20.5 93BT210 93BT21l 93BT220 93BT221 93BT227 93BT228

C-r 93Bl230

V1 93BT261 93BT263A 93BT263B 93BT263C 93BT26.5 93BT266A 93BT266B 93BT268 93BR69 93BTn0 93BT274 93BTn7 93BT279 93BT291 93BT293 93BT297B 93BT297C 93BT312.A 93BT329A 93BT329B 93BT329C 93BT329D 93BT331 93BT354 93GL107 93GL110 93GL115 93GL128

3 m wide zone, rusty bmwn soil. Quartz vein mbblc, Rodine extension 70 cm wide, quam vein. nonh 5 east trend; contains aspy. Gossan Background in metavolmc sample, pelitic schist Solomon (pChf). schiw (pBzspb).

Background sample, rneraturbldite s c h t @€Fax). B a c k m n d sam~le. metaturbidite whist (uCPzcl.1 chalkpyrite bea;ing 'TI" vein: 70 cm chip channel. Background sample albite rich schist (pCPzt).

Mineralized layer 20 cm thick in p C M unit. Grab sample, sulfide barite mincdized woe. Mineralized horizon with tuff in p(7Rm unit Femcrete stain schist in p C h unit Mineralized felsic schist @CPzsf). Grab sample sphalerite rich breccia; in pCREf unit Grab sample, sphaleite bearing pCREf unit. Grab sample pCRsf schist Twin ML p-I grab sample. Twin ML pmspect grab sample. Twin MI. prospet gmb sample. 20 cm thick "FI" quartz vein in pCPzt unit Large sheeted "F1" quam vein system; 1 m chip channel. Large sheeted "Fl" quam wne; 1 m chip channel. Large s k i e d 'Fl" zone 2 m chip channel. N. 40 E. trending quam albite vein. Minvalizcd gossan near d o r i t e (Mzdg). Minvalizcd gossan near maadiorite (h4zdg). QLWU float wne n e a dredge tailings. Grab sample from caved portal, Rodine prospst Deformed marble (pCP;rm) badrgrolmd sample. QLWU-albite-gossan vein grab sample. Low angle, N. 75 E. 8 NW., quam-albite vein. Background sample. isoclinally folded (pBd). QLWU vein lubble grab sample wizb Aspy. Quam vein, N. 35 W. for 150 m Aspyquartz vein: 40 cm chip channel; E-W. Wend. Aspyquartz vein; 2 m chip channel; E.-W. aeod White schist" (pCPzsf) possan wne. Quam vein near old sramp null: 2 m chip channel. Ouam veln near old ctamo: 3 m chio channel: N. 30 E. 65 S E Quartz vein near old stamp; 2 m chip channel; N. 22 B, 70 NW. QLWU vein near old stamp; 1 m chip channel N.-S. vertical. Grab sample quam vein. Quxk albite vein N. 15 E.. 25 SE. in pCREg unic 3 m thick Sulfides in stringers in calc-schist Sulfides with limonite oear black quamite. Quartz vein near pCRt-pCPzct contact 1.5 m thick quartz vein.

Page 18: PROGRESS REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL … report on the geology and mineral resources of the nome mining district
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- m m - - - - - - - - - - - - n m - - - - m - - n - - - - - - m - - - m - - - m v v v v V v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v

- - I I - N v v v v v ~ ; ; j ~ - - ~ - - - m - ' - m ~ ~ e h n - ~ n m - - m - - o - - - V N - V V V - - N - N v v v v - v v

- m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - n n - - ~ e n - - ~ m ~ d - ~ ~ - - - - - n m ~ n n - - ~ m v v v n v v - v v v v v v - 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 g 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

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Table 4. Placer gold and silver production, Nome district, 1897-1993a

Year Volume gold Volume silver

(oz) (oz) Number of mines Employment

Total bullion value ($ at time of sale)

a Compiled by T.K. Bundtzen, Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys using (1) U.S. Geological Survey and Territorial Documents from 1897-1959; (2) U.S. Mint records from 1931-1969; and (3) State of Alaska records from 1970-1993.


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TOTALS 4,822,569 564,134 (149.98 metric (17.54 metric tonnes) tonnes)