progress report: apii testbed project - asia-pacific...

___________________________________________________________________________ 2009/TEL40/DSG/019 Agenda Item: 4.5 Progress Report: APII Testbed Project Purpose: Information Submitted by: Korea ICT Development Steering Group Meeting Cancun, Mexico 28-29 September 2009

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2009/TEL40/DSG/019 Agenda Item: 4.5

Progress Report: APII Testbed Project

Purpose: Information Submitted by: Korea

ICT Development Steering Group MeetingCancun, Mexico

28-29 September 2009

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Annex G2

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Progress Report on APEC Projects

[ ] Operational Account [ ] TILF Special Account [ ] APEC Support Fund

Project number: Date received by Secretariat:

Name of Committee/Working Group:

APEC Telecommunications & Information Working Group/ICT Development Steering Group

Title of Project:

APII Testbed Project

Proposing APEC Economy: Republic of Korea

Co-sponsoring APEC Economy (ies): Japan, China

Project Overseer: Name, Title and Organization (M/F) Male

Gwang-gi Choi, Deputy Director, Network Planning & Protection Division

Korea Communications Commission

Postal address:

KCC 20 Sejongno, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-777, Korea

Tel: +82-2-750-2718


Email: [email protected]



Total cost of proposal (US$):


Amount being sought from APEC Central Fund

(US$): None

Type of Project: � seminar/symposium � short-term training course � survey or analysis and

research � database/website Ö others (Please specify) Research Network

Project start date: Sep. 1995 Project end date: To be continued

Brief description of Project : its purpose and the principal activities (including when and where) :

- Promote the construction and expansion of Asia Pacific Information Infrastructure (APII) to realize the vision of

Asia Pacific Information Society (APIS) and the common prosperity of APEC;

- Improve the interconnectivity and interoperability of intra-regional research networks (test-beds) as well as

inter-regional networks, to enhance regional and global connectivities, and

- Promote and support joint research and application on the APII Links and other Research Networks connected

to APII.

Signature of Project Overseer:

(Separate written confirmation acceptable for email submission) Date:

Signature of Committee Chair/WG Lead Shepherd: (Not applicable to Progress Report and Evaluation report)

(Separate written confirmation acceptable for email submission) Date:

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Annex G2

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Progress Report on APEC Projects

Status/Progress and Problems

Current status of project: On schedule (Yes) Within budget (Yes)


How do results of the project thus far (if any) compare with its expected results? Include your results thus

far (if any) relative to quantitative measures you proposed in paragraph 1 (and 25) of the project design


Most of the planned objectives for the project period after the last report at TEL39 have been well

achieved. (1) Networks: KR-JP APII Testbed (10Gbps, NIA-NICT) has been well maintained and used

for various research activities including telemedicine, e-learning, network measurement …etc. (2)

Research Activities: Total of 11 research projects and 10 working groups are being supported

continuously in 2009. (3) Workshops: 2009 APII Workshop was successfully held early this year and

2010 APII Workshop is planned to be held in Hanoi, Viet Nam on August of 2010.

Linkages, Methodology, Budget

Describe any problems which have arisen and how they were resolved, including changes in schedule or

revised dates, budget changes, changes in participation, or additions or deletions of activities.

Since the KR-JP APII Testbed has been upgraded to 10Gbps from 2Gbps on December 2006, it has

been well maintained and network traffic have been gradually increased. The KR-JP APII Testbed

will be also used for an indirect link to the US (TransPAC2) via JP for KOREN(Korea’s national IT

testbed) users in KR as well as the backup link of TEIN.

To extend and benefit neighboring APEC economies, who are not inter-connected to above networks

of intra-regional or inter-regional, it’s most recommended to establish local research network in the

economy, and requested to be connected. Secondly, participation in joint R&T projects over the links

are also important to enhance their research capability. However, to overcome financial difficulties of

those economies who may wish, it is necessary for APECTEL to support those economies through

future APECTEL projects

Gender Considerations

Provide a brief description of the impact of the project on women to date.

Provide details to show how women have been consulted on the delivery of the project.

What kind of sex-disaggregated data has been collected and used for the project?

APII Testbed Project is gender-neutral.

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Progress since last report :

A. APII Links:

(1) KR-JP APII Testbed (10Gbps, NIA-NICT) has been well maintained and used for various

research activities including telemedicine, e-learning, network measurement …etc.

NIA and NICT hold regular video-conference meetings to discuss various network and

project matters. NIA and NICT also had offline meetings during the APAN meetings

(2009.7) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Asia Network Workshop(2009.8) in Jeju, Korea.

Some of the issues in discussion include : 1) collaborative research projects over APII

Testbed for 2010, 2) cooperation on future network including building OpenFlow testbed

between Korea and Japan, 3) ways to provide end-to-end 1G connectivity between Korea

and US via APII Testbed, 4) mutual cooperation in global IP-USN testbed group, 5) 2010

APII Workshop

< NIA-NICT Videoconference Meeting with 4 sites connected>

B. Research Activities

(1) 11 joint research projects are being carried out over APII-TB & TEIN in 2009 as well as

operation of 10 research working groups. These are funded by NIA and will be continued

until the end of 2009.

<Joint Research Projects and Working Groups on KOREN/APII-TB/TEIN in 2009>

Title Main Partner Institutions


Projects OpenFlow based Testbed Implementation Project

KyungNam University (Korea),

Korea Telecom (Korea),

Kyushu University (Japan)

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Core Technology Development for Global IP-USN

Kyung Hee University (Korea),

Institute for Infocomm Research (Singapore),

FOKUS (Germany)

Research on NetFPGA based future network

technology and applications

Seoul National University,

Kookmin University (Korea)

DCN Implementation & Interoperation

for Broadband based Applications Jeju University (Korea), NICT (Japan)

Research on Global IP-USN Network Management

Ajou University (Korea),

Global IP-USN Testbed group (Philippines,

Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Australia, etc)

High-Speed Compressed High-Definition Medical Video

Transmission System for Tele-medicine

Seoul National University Bundang Hospital

(Korea), Kyushu University (Japan)

Korea-China-Europe IPTV Application Services

Testing Environment Research

Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, KAIST

(Korea), Jia Tong University (China),

Telecom & Management SudParis (France),

FOKUS (Germany)

Mobile IPTV Service Mobility

between WLAN and Wibro

ChungBuk National University,

KAIST (Korea),

Jia Tong University (China)

Research on Networked Performance of Performing Arts

between Korea and Spain KAIST (Korea), RedIRIS (Spain)

High Energy Physics Data Transmission

Kyungpook National University (Korea),

CERN (Europe), Academia Sinica Grid

Computing Center (Chinese Taipei), Fermi

National Accelerator Laboratory (USA)

The Prediction of Weather/Climate Change

and Natural Disasters

Pukyung National University (Korea),

European Center for Medium-Range Weather

Forecasts (Europe), Indian Institute of Tropical

Meteorology (India), VietNam, Laos



Weather/Climate Working Group Prof. J.H. Oh (PKNU)

Medical Working Group Prof. H.S. Han (SNUBH)

Physical Science Working Group Prof. H.K. Park (KNU)

Mobile Working Group Prof. S.K. Choi (CBNU)

USN(Universal Sensor Network) Working Group Prof. E.N. Huh(KHU)

P2P Working Group Prof. S. J. Seok (KyungNam Univ)

Multimedia Collaboration Working Group Prof. J.W. Kim (GIST)

Measurement/Engineering Working Group Prof. C.S. Hong (Kyung Hee Univ)

e-Culture Working Group Y.M. Kwon (KIST)

IPTV Working Group Prof. I.Y. Jung (KUFS)

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(2) There were other activities for international research & testing cooperation including,

1) global IP based sensor network testbed(using APII-TB/TEIN), which is up and running,

collecting sensor based information, with a consultation meeting among partners which took

place on July of 2009 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (during the APAN meeting period and

with most of the 11 participating economies in attendance) discussing individual site updates

(Thailand - Panjai Tantatsanawong of UniNET, Japan – Takeuchi Susumu of NICT,

VietNam – Nguyen Tuan Hai of VinaREN, Korea – Hyun-Ho Choi of NIA) including

wireless sensor network update from China(Wang Jilong of Tsinghau University), ideas for

sharing information among heterogeneous sensors, ways to facilitate research as off-the-

shelf sensors are not conducive to research, and ideas for future collaboration,

<global IP sensor network testbed BOF meeting, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2009.7) >

2) Korea-VietNam cooperation effort to build a ‘Korea-VietNam Knowledge Belt’ by

connecting Korea-VietNam research network link to IAC(Information Access Center; to be

renamed as Digital Knowledge Center) in Hanoi to facilitate ICT infrastructure cooperation

and applications development(e.g. IPTV, telemedicine, disaster management, e-culture),

with launching ceremony and workshop to be held in late October of this year (Korea’s

KCC, NIA and VietNam’s MIC, PTIT, VinaREN participating) and consultation meetings

held (between NIA and VinaREN, IAC, PTIT) in Hanoi on July and September of 2009,


< NIA - VinaREN Meeting in Hanoi, VietNam (2009.7) >,

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< NIA - IAC Meeting in Hanoi, VietNam (2009.7) >

3) NIA and Thailand’s UniNET held a cooperation meeting at NIA office in Seoul, Korea on

May 22, 2009 to exchange information on IT infrastructure & e-government progress and

discuss ways to further research & testing cooperation between Korea and Thailand.

< NIA - UniNET Cooperation Meeting in Seoul, Korea (2009.5) >

4) cooperation for Case study on endoscopy surgeries and treatments including live surgery

demonstration over APII Testbed (dubbed the JKT teleconference series) among researchers

of Japan(Kyushu University Hospital, Kyoto Red Cross Hospital), Korea(Hanyang University

Hospital) and Chinese Taipei(National Taiwan University, VGH Hospital) continued with a

teleconference held over APII Testbed on July of 2009.

< JKT Teleconference (2009.7) >,

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5) ‘The 4th ESD Live Demonstration’ event which took place on 29th of August of 2009, in

which live video transmission of endoscopic surgeries taking place in both Korea and Japan

to the main event venue at the Hilton Hotel in Seoul via APII Testbed. (4 surgery sites in

Korea : Hanyang University Hospital, Sun Chun Hyang University Hospital, Chung Buk

National University Hospital, Chon Buk National University Hospital; 1 surgery site in

Japan: Kyoto Red Cross Hospita


< ESD event venue at Hilton Hotel in Seoul (2009.8) > < Tech Support for ESD Event>

6) Future network (post IP network) cooperation with GENI initiative of United States;

consultations on various issues including testbed connectivity between KOREN and GENI

backbone via APII Testbed, participation in GENI projects, technical issues related to

GMOC(GENI Meta Operation Center) and KOREN NOC(Network Operation Center).

< consultations with GMOC and GENI Project Leaders (2009.7, Seattle, USA) >

(3) There were participation by NIA in various international fora in which during presentations

on the Korean progress in testbeds, APII Testbed was mentioned to raise awareness of

APEC’s work in this area and possible cooperation between APEC and other fora : 28th

APAN Meeting (July 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia).

(4) Collaboration with TEIN: As reported at TEL39, the TEIN2 was concluded at the end of

2008 and TEIN3(2.5G) began service in 2009. This further facilitates testbed cooperation in

the western part of the Asia Pacific region. TEIN3 launching ceremony recently took place

in Seoul, Korea on May of 2009, in conjuction with the KOREN Workshop.

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C. Workshops

(1) 2009 APII Workshop (2009.3) and 2010 APII Workshop (2010.8)

APII Workshop has been held every year since 2004. As reported at TEL39, this year’s APII

Workshop, hosted by NIA was successfully held in Kaohsiung, Chines Taipei on March of 2009.

The 2010 APII Workshop, to be hosted by NICT, is currently being planned to be held in Hanoi,

VietNam on August of 2010 in co-location with the 30th APAN meeting. APEC member

economies are strongly encouraged to participate in the 2010 APII Workshop.

(2) 1st Asian Network Workshop (2009.8)

The 5th KR-CN Workshop, which brings researchers from Korea and China in order to exchange

R&T results and to cooperate various research areas, that was planned to take place this year in

Korea has been expanded and evolved into the 1st Asian Network Workshop which brought

researchers from China, Japan, and Korea. The workshop was held at Jeju University in Jeju,

Korea on August of 2009. The workshop was held in conjuction with the Asia Future Internet


< Asian Network Workshop and related event, Jeju, Korea (2009.8)>

(3) 2009 KOREN Workshop (2009.5)

The 2009 KOREN(Korea’s national IT testbed) Workshop was held on May 21~22, 2009 at the

Imperial Palace Hotel in Seoul, Korea. The workshop featured presentations and discussion on

research & testing projects over KOREN/APII/TEIN, future networks, IP based sensor networks,

future direction of KOREN. One of the sessions included a joint KOREN/JGN2+ session in

which NICT members, including the co-chair of the session participated remotely, similar to a

virtual conference, from NICT headquarters in Tokyo via APII Testbed. (JGN2+ : Japan’s

national IT testbed network) International participants in the workshop included experts from

Australia, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, France and EU.

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<Program of the KOREN Workshop 2009>

Day 1 : 5. 21. THU

TIME Track

09:00 - 10:00 Registration

10:00 - 12:00 Session 1: Network Engineering and Measurement Chair: Seung-Joon

Seok(Kyungnam Univ)

Internet Sibilla on path-stitching-based delay

prediction Dong Ki Lee (KAIST)

Performance Evaluation of Traffic Classification


Myung Sup Kim (Korea


Current status of KOREN Engineering Jaewha Lee (KT)

Current status and future plans on Internet of


Basuki Suhardiman

(ITB, Indonesia)

Thai Research and Education Network Panjai Tantatsanawong

(UniNET, Thailand)

AARNet - connecting Australia to the future Bruce Morgan

(AARNET, Australia)

12:00 - 13:30 Lunch

13:30 - 14:00

[ Special Session ]

- Programmable router as a service provision

platform and its demo

Sueng-Yong Park (Yonsei Univ.)

14:00 - 15:30 Session2: KOREN/JGN2+ Joint Tech


Co-Chairs :

Shinji Shimojo(NICT),

Byung-Kyu Kim(NIA)

Future Internet Platform Development Project in

Korea Jin Ho Hahm (ETRI)

FIRST@PC: Service-oriented Testbed for Future

Internet JongWon Kim (GIST)

Programmable Network Platform "Openflow" as an

innovative base platform of GENI Atsushi Iwata (NEC)

OpenFlow technology and its experiments Hideyuki Shimonishi (NEC)

15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break

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16:00 - 17:50 Opening & TEIN3 Launch Ceremonies Moderator : Jae-Geun Lee


Opening Speech Seang-Tae Kim (NIA


Welcome Speech

Brian McDonald

(Ambassador, Head of

Delegation of the EC)

Congratulatory Speech Byeong-Gi Lee (Standing

Committee, KCC)

Keynotes and Greetings

1 - TEIN Initiative and its Future Development Young Rho Lee (NIA, Executive Director)

2 - Future Internet Activities in Korea Yanghee Choi (FIF, Chair)

3 - History of TEIN Programme and Cooperation

between EU and Asia



4 - Achievements and Plans of the TEIN Programme

(REMOTE) David West /DANTE

5 - Benefits of TEIN to Beneficiary Countries Basuki Suhardiman

(ITB, Indonesia)

6 - Greetings from AARNET Bruce Morgan

(AARNET, Australia)

18:00 - 20:00 Dinner Reception

Day 2 : 5. 22. FRI

Time Track

09:00 - 10:30 Session 3 : Future of KOREN and Future Internet


Co-Chairs :

Sue Moon (KAIST),

Jaewha Lee (KOREN NOC)

A Femto Cell Base Station as a Research Testbed Tae Kyung Kwon

(Seoul National Univ.)

Implementation of a Future Internet Testbed on

KOREN based on NetFPGA/Openflow Switches Jae-Yong Lee (CNU)

Future of KOREN Jaehwa Lee (KT/KOREN


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40G/100GE and its future as the Transport

Infrastructure Naveen Bhat (Ixia)

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 - 12:30 Session 4 : Future of KOREN and Future Internet

Testbed (Panel Discussion)

Chair : ChoongSeon Hong

(KyungHee Univ)

“Future Plan of KOREN and Cooperation with Future

Internet Initiative ?”

Panelists :

Jaewha Lee(KT)

Sue Moon(KAIST)

Chong-Kwon Kim(SNU)

Byung-Kyu Kim(NIA)

Byung-Jun Lee

(Samsung Electronics Co.)

Jin Ho Hahm(ETRI)

12:30 - 14:00 Lunch

(General Assembly of KOREN User Forum)

14:00 - 15:30 Session 5 : Applications on KOREN

F Chair : Ho-Seong Han

(Seoul National Univ.

Bundang Hospital)

Tele-medical Activities Shuji Shimizu

(Kyushu Univ.)

e-VLBI and High Energy Radio Astronomy :

Exploring Black Hole Microquasar Phenomena Soon-Wook Kim (KASI)

High Energy Physics Computing in Korea HyangKyu Park(KNU)

Sharing of high resolution global climate information

with the developing countries through TEIN3

Jai-Ho Oh

(Pukyong National Univ.)

15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break

16:00 - 17:30 Session 6 : Sensor Network/Mobile Chair : Jae-Geun Lee (NIA)

IP-USN in Korea Dong-Kyu Nam(NIA)

IP-USN in Japan Takeuchi Susumu (NICT)

IPSO Ki-Hyung Kim(Ajoo Univ)

Identification Chang-Ryul Lee

(DongEui Univ)

Pilot Project in Jeju Island and Future Plan Hee Gu Lee (KMA)

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< 2009 KOREN Workshop – Opening Ceremony >

< 2009 KOREN Workshop –KOREN/JGN2+ Joint Session via Remote >

l Working level inquiries about this report can be sent to YS Lee of NIA ([email protected]).

Notes: - All Committee and Working Group projects, irrespective of their source of funding,

should be reported to BMC.

- Please mark “N.A.” if any item is not applicable.

- Name of Project should be identical with the name stated in the project proposal.