progress in unstructured mesh techniques

Progress in Unstructured Mesh Techniques Dimitri J. Mavriplis Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Wyoming and Scientific Simulations Laramie, WY

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Progress in Unstructured Mesh Techniques. Dimitri J. Mavriplis Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Wyoming and Scientific Simulations Laramie, WY. Overview. NSU3D Unstructured Multigrid Navier-Stokes Solver 2 nd order finite-volume discretization - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Progress in Unstructured Mesh Techniques

Progress in Unstructured Mesh Techniques

Dimitri J. Mavriplis

Department of Mechanical Engineering

University of Wyoming


Scientific Simulations

Laramie, WY

Page 2: Progress in Unstructured Mesh Techniques

Overview• NSU3D Unstructured Multigrid Navier-Stokes Solver

– 2nd order finite-volume discretization– Fast steady state solutions

• (~100M pts in 15 minutes NASA Columbia Supercomputer)– Extension to Design Optimization– Extension to Aeroelasticity

• Enabling techniques: Accuracy and Efficiency

• High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods (Longer term)– High accuracy discretizations through increased p order– Fast combined h-p multigrid solver– Steady-State (2-D and 3-D Euler)– Unsteady Time-Implicit (2-D Euler)

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NSU3D Discretization

• Vertex based unstructured meshes– Finite volume / finite element

• Arbitrary Elements– Single edge-based data structure

• Central Difference with matrix dissipation

• Roe solver with MUSCL reconstruction

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NSU3D Spatial Discretization• Mixed Element Meshes

– Tetrahedra, Prisms, Pyramids, Hexahedra

• Control Volume Based on Median Duals– Fluxes based on edges

– Single edge-based data-structure represents all element types

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Mixed-Element Discretizations

• Edge-based data structure– Building block for all element types

– Reduces memory requirements

– Minimizes indirect addressing / gather-scatter

– Graph of grid = Discretization stencil• Implications for solvers, Partitioners

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NSU3D Convergence Acceleration Methods for Steady-State (and

Unsteady) Problems

• Multigrid Methods– Fully automated agglomeration techniques– Provides convergence rates independent of grid

size (usually < 500 MG Cycles)

• Implicit Line Solver – Used on each MG Level– Reduces stiffness due to grid anisotropy in

Blayer• No Wall Fctns

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Multigrid Methods

• High-frequency (local) error rapidly reduced by explicit methods

• Low-frequency (global) error converges slowly

• On coarser grid:– Low-frequency viewed as high frequency

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Multigrid Correction Scheme(Linear Problems)

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Coarse Level Construction

• Agglomeration Multigrid solvers for unstructured meshes– Coarse level meshes constructed by agglomerating fine grid


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Anisotropy Induced Stiffness

• Convergence rates for RANS (viscous) problems much slower then inviscid flows

– Mainly due to grid stretching– Thin boundary and wake regions– Mixed element (prism-tet) grids

• Use directional solver to relieve stiffness– Line solver in anisotropic regions

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Directional Solver for Navier-Stokes Problems

• Line Solvers for Anisotropic Problems– Lines Constructed in Mesh using weighted graph algorithm– Strong Connections Assigned Large Graph Weight– (Block) Tridiagonal Line Solver similar to structured grids

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Multigrid Line Solver Convergence

• DLR-F4 wing-body, Mach=0.75, 1o, Re=3M– Baseline Mesh: 1.65M pts

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Parallelization through Domain Decomposition

• Intersected edges resolved by ghost vertices

• Generates communication between original and ghost vertex– Handled using MPI and/or OpenMP (Hybrid implementation)

– Local reordering within partition for cache-locality

• Multigrid levels partitioned independently– Match levels using greedy algorithm

– Optimize intra-grid communication vs inter-grid communication

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Partitioning• (Block) Tridiagonal Lines solver inherently sequential• Contract graph along implicit lines• Weight edges and vertices

• Partition contracted graph• Decontract graph

– Guaranteed lines never broken– Possible small increase in imbalance/cut edges

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NASA Columbia Supercluster

• 20 SGI Atix Nodes– 512 Itanium2 cpus each– 1 Tbyte memory each– 1.5Ghz / 1.6Ghz– Total 10,240 cpus

• 3 Interconnects– SGI NUMAlink (shared

memory in node)– Infiniband (across nodes)– 10Gig Ethernet (File I/O)

• Subsystems:– 8 Nodes: Double density Altix

3700BX2– 4 Nodes: NUMAlink4

interconnect between nodes• BX2 Nodes, 1.6GHz cpus

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• Wing-Body Configuration• 72 million grid points• Transonic Flow• Mach=0.75, Incidence = 0 degrees, Reynolds number=3,000,000

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NSU3D Scalability

• 72M pt grid– Assume perfect speedup

on 128 cpus

• Good scalability up to 2008 using NUMAlink

– Superlinear !

• Multigrid slowdown due to coarse grid communication

• ~3TFlops on 2008 cpus

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Single Grid Performance up to 4016 cpus

• 1 OMP possible for IB on 2008 (8 hosts)• 2 OMP required for IB on 4016 (8 hosts)• Good scalability up to 4016• 5.2 Tflops at 4016

First real world application on Columbia using > 2048 cpus

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Unstructured NS Solver/NASA Columbia Supercomputer

• ~100M pt solutions in 15 minutes

• 109 pt solutions can become routine– Ease other bottlenecks (I/O for 109 pts = 400 GB)

• High resolution MDO

• High resolution Aeroelasticity

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Enabling Techniques

• Design Optimization– Robust Mesh Deformation (Linear elasticity)

– Discrete Adjoint for Flow equations

– Discrete Adjoint for Mesh Motion Equations• Mesh sensitivites (Park and Nielsen)

– Line-Implicit Agglomeration Multigrid Solver• Flow, flow adjoint, mesh motion, mesh adjoint

– Duality preserving formulation• Adjoint discretization requires almost no additional memory over

first order-Jacobian used for implicit solver

• Modular (subroutine) construction for adjoint and mesh sensitivities

– dR/dx = dr/d(edge) . d(edge)/dx

• Similar convegence rates for tangent and adjoint problems

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Enabling Techniques

• Aeroelasticity– Robust Mesh Deformation (Linear elasticity)

– Line-Implicit Agglomeration Multigrid Solver• Flow (implicit time step), mesh motion

• Linear multigrid formulation

– High-order temporal discretization• Backwards Difference (up to 3rd order)

• Implicit Runge-Kutta (up to fourth order)

• Formulation of Geometric Conservation Law for high-order time-stepping

– Necessary for non-linear stability

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Mesh Motion

• Developed for MDO and Aeroelasticity Problems• Emphasis on Robustness

– Spring Analogy– Truss Analogy, Beam Analogy– Linear Elasticity: Variable Modulus

• Emphasis on Efficiency– Edge based formulation– Gauss Seidel Line Solver with Agglomeration

Multigrid– Fully integrated into flow solver

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Formulation• Mesh motion strategies

– Tension spring analogy

Laplace equation, maximum principle, incapable of reproducing solid body rotation

– Truss analogy (Farhat et al, 1998)



j ij

j mimjij

mi Lkm



1 and 3,2,1,


Page 24: Progress in Unstructured Mesh Techniques

Formulation• Linear Elasticity Equations

• Prescription of E very important– Reproduces solid body translation/rotation for stiff E regions– Prescribe large E in critical regions– Relegates deformation to less critical regions of mesh

}]{[}{}]{[}{ UADfx j




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methodGalerkin standard a Applying

Page 25: Progress in Unstructured Mesh Techniques

LE variable E


Results and Discussion• Mesh motion strategies for 2D viscous mesh


LE constant E

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• Navier-Equations for displacement

• Derived assuming constant E

• Variations only in Poisson ratio

ijijkkij eevE


0, jijijiji X







ijijji uu




ijjiij uue ,,2


Page 27: Progress in Unstructured Mesh Techniques

Method of Solution

• Linear Elasticity Equations can be difficult to solve

• Apply same techniques as for flow solver

– Linear agglomeration multigrid(LMG) method

– Line-implicit solver

– Using same line/AMG structures

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Method of Solution• Agglomeration multigrid

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Method of Solution

• Line-implicit solver

Strong coupling

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iter= 0iter= 1

Results and Discussion• Line solver + MG4 , first 10 iterations

Viscous mesh, linear elasticity with variable E

iter= 2iter= 3iter= 4iter= 5iter= 6iter= 7iter= 8iter= 9iter= 10

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3D Dynamic Meshes (NS mesh)

DLR wing-body configuration, 473,025 vertices

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Results and Discussion

• Convergence rates for different iterative methods

2D viscous mesh, linear elasticity 3D viscous mesh, linear elasticity

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Unsteady Flow Solver Formulation

• Flow governing equations in Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian(ALE) form:

• After discretization (in space):












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Unsteady Flow Solver Formulation

• Flow governing equations in Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian(ALE) form

GCL: Maintain Uniform Flow Exactly (discrete soln)








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Page 35: Progress in Unstructured Mesh Techniques

Implicit Runge-Kutta Schemes

• Dalquist Barrier: No complete A and L stability above BDF2– BDF3 often works…. But…– For higher order: Implicit Runge Kutta Schemes

• Backwards Difference (BDF2, BDF3) and Implicit Runge Kutta (up to 4th order in time) previously compared for unsteady flows with static grids

• For moving grids, must obey Geometric Conservation Law GCL – 2nd and 3rd order BDF-GCL relatively straight-forward– How to construct high-order Runge-Kutta GCL schemes ?

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New Approach to GCL

• Use APPROXIMATE FaceVelocities evaluated at the RK Quadrature Points to Respect GCL, but still maintain Design Accuracy– i.e. For low order schemes: dx/dt = (xn+1 - xn ) /dt– For High-order RK: Solve system at each time step

given by DGCL:























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2D Example

• Periodic Pitching NACA0012 (exaggerated)• Mach=0.755, AoA=0.016o +- 2.51o

• RK accurate with large time steps

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2D Pitching Airfoil

• Error measured as RMS difference in all flow variables between solution integrated from t=0 to t=54 with reference solution at t=54– Reference solution: RK64 with 256

time steps/period

• Slope of accuracy curves:– BDF2: 1.9

– RK64: 3.5

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3D Example: Twisting OneraM6 Wing

• Mach=0.755, AoA=0.016o +- 2.51o

• Reduced frequency=0.1628

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3D Validation (RK64 +GCL)• Twisting ONERA M6 Wing• Same error measure as in 2D (ref.solution=128 steps/period)

•IRK64 enables huge time steps

•Slopes of error curves: BDF2=2.0, RK64=3.3

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AGARD WING Aeroelastic Test Case

Modal Analysis

1st Mode 2nd Mode

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AGARD WING Aeroelastic Test Case

Modal Analysis

3rd Mode 4th Mode

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AGARD WING Aeroelastic Test Case

• First 4 structural modes

• Coarse Euler Simulation– 45,000 points, 250K cells

• Linear Elasticity Mesh Motion– Multigrid solver

• 2nd order BDF Time stepping– Multigrid solver

• Flow/Structure solved fully coupled at each implicit time step

• 2 hours on 1 cpu per analysis run

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Flutter Boundary Prediction

Flutter Boundary Generalized Displacements

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Current and Future Work

• Investigate benefits of Implicit Runge-Kutta – 4th order temporal accuracy

• Investigate optimal time-step size and convergence criteria• Develop automated temporal-error control scheme• Viscous simulations, Finer Meshes

– 5M pt Unsteady Navier-Stokes solutions :• 2-4 hours on 128 cpus of Columbia

• Adjoint for unsteady problems– Time domain– Frequency domain

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Higher-Order Methods

• Simple asymptotic arguments indicate benefit of higher-order discretizations

• Most beneficial for:– High accuracy requirements– Smooth functions

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• Higher-order methods successes– Acoustics– Large Eddy Simulation (structured grids)– Other areas

• High-order methods not demonstrated in:– Aerodynamics, Hydrodynamics– Unstructured mesh LES– Industrial CFD– Cost effectiveness not demonstrated:

• Cost of discretization• Efficient solution of complex discrete equations

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• Discretizations well developed– Spectral Methods, Spectral Elements– Streamwise Upwind Petrov Galerkin (SUPG)– Discontinuous Galerkin

• Most implementations employ explicit or semi-implicit time stepping– e.g. Multi-Stage Runge Kutta ( )

• Need efficient solvers for:– Steady-State Problems– Time-Implicit Problems ( )



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Multigrid Solver for Euler Equations

• Develop efficient solvers (O(N)) for steady-state and time-implicit high-order spatial discretizations

• Discontinuous Galerkin– Well suited for hyperbolic problems– Compact-element-based stencil– Use of Riemann solver at inter-element boundaries– Reduces to 1st order finite-volume at p=0

• Natural extension of FV unstructured mesh techniques

• Closely related to spectral element methods

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Discontinuous Galerkin (DG)

Mass Matrix



ij uKt

uM Nj ,...,2,1


ijijijijij FFFEK 321Spatial (convective or Stiffness) Matrix



Element Based-Matrix

Element-Boundary (Edge) Matrix

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Steady-State Solver

• Kijui=0 (Ignore Mass matrix)

• Block form of Kij:

– Eij = Block Diagonals (coupling of all modes within an element)

– Fij = 3 Block Off-Diagonals (coupling between neighboring elements)

Solve iteratively as:

Eij (ui n+1 – ui

n ) = Kij uin

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Steady-State Solver: Element Jacobi

Solve iteratively as:

Eij (ui n+1– ui

n) = Kij uin

uin+1 = E-1

ij Kij uin

Obtain E-1ij by Gaussian Elimination

(LU Decomposition)10X10 for p=3 on triangles

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DG for Euler Equations

• Mach = 0.5 over 10% sin bump

• Cubic basis functions (p=3), 4406 elements

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Entropy as Measure of Error

• S 0.0 for exact solution

• S is smaller for higher order accuracy

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Single Grid: Accuracy

• P - approximation order• N - number of elements

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Element Jacobi Convergence

• P-Independent Convergence• H-dependence

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Improving Convergence H-Dependence

• Requires implicitness between grid elements

• Multigrid methods based on use of coarser meshes for accelerating solution on fine mesh

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Spectral Multigrid

• Form coarse “grids” by reducing order of approximation on same grid– Simple implementation using hierarchical basis


• When reach 1st order, agglomerate (h-coarsen) grid levels

• Perform element Jacobi on each MG level

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Hierarchical Basis Functions

• Low order basis functions are subset of higher order basis functions

• Low order expansion (linear in 2D):– U= a11 + a22 + a33

• Higher order (quadratic in 2D)– U=a11 + a22 + a33 + a44 + a55 + a66

• To project high order solution onto low order space:– Set a4=0, a5=0, a6=0

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Hierarchical Basis on Triangles

• Linear (p=1): 1=1, 2=2, 3=3

• Quadratic (p=2):

• Cubic (p=3):

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Spectral Multigrid

• Fine/Coarse Grids contain same elements

• Transfer operators almost trivial for hierarchical basis functions

• Restriction: Fine to Coarse– Transfer low order (resolvable) modes to coarse level exactly

– Omit higher order modes

• Prolongation: Coarse to Fine– Transfer low order modes exactly

– Zero out higher order modes

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Element Jacobi Convergence

• P-Independent Convergence• H-dependence

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Multigrid Convergence

• Nearly h-independent

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4-Element Airfoil (Euler Solution)

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4-Element Airfoil (Entropy)

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Agglomeration Multigrid for p=0

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Four Element Airfoil (Inviscid)• Mach=0.3

• hp-Multigrid– p=1…4– V-cycle(5,0)– Smoother (EGS)

• Mesh size– N=1539– N=3055– N=5918

• AMG– 3-Levels– 4-Levels– 5-Levels

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Four Element Airfoil: p- and h dependence

N = 3055 P = 4

• Improved convergence for higher orders

• Slight h-dependence

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Four Element Airfoil: Linear (CGC) hp-multigrid

• N=3055, P=4• Newton Scheme: Quadratic

convergence– Driven by linear MG scheme

• Linear hp-multigrid between the non-linear updates

• Exit strategy (“k” iteration)– machine epsilon (non-optimized)

– optimization criterion:


|| R |||| ||


nk L

cgc L nr

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Linear (CGC) vs. non-linear (FAS) hp-Multigrid

• FAS - non-linear multigrid• CGC - linear multigrid• Linear MG most efficient

– Expense of non-linear residual

• NQ = 16 (p=4)• NQ = 25 (over-integration)

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Preliminary 3D DG Results (steady-state)

• 3D biconvex airfoil mesh– 7,000 tetrahedral elements

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3D Steady State Euler DG

• P-multigrid convergence

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3D Steady-State Euler DG

• Curved boundaries under development

p=1 (2nd order) p=4 (5th order)

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Unsteady DG (2D)

• Implicit time-stepping for low reduced frequency problems and small explicit time step restriction of high-order schemes

• Balance Temporal/Spatial Discretization Errors– p=3(4th order in space)

– BDF1, BDF2, IRK4• Runge-Kutta is equivalent to DG in time

• Use h-p multigrid to solve non-linear problem at each implicit time step

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Unsteady Euler DG

•Convection of vortex•P=3: Fourth order spatial accuracy•BDF1, BDF2, IRK64

•Time step = 0.2, CFLcell = 2.

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Unsteady Euler DG

•P=3: Fourth order spatial accuracy•BDF1: 1st order temporal accuracy

•Time step = 0.2, CFLcell = 2.•10 pMG cycles per time step

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Unsteady Euler DG

•p=3 (4th order spatial accuracy)•BDF2: 2nd order temporal accuracy

•Time step = 0.2, CFLcell = 2.•10 pMG cycles per time step

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Unsteady Euler DG

•p=3, 4th order spatial accuracy•IRK4: 4th order temporal accuracy

•Time step = 0.2, CFLcell= 2.•5 pMG cycles/stage, 20pMG cycles/time step

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Unsteady Euler DG

• Vortex convection problem

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Unsteady Euler DG

• IRK 4th order best for high accuracy

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Future Work

• Higher order schemes still costly in terms of cpu time compared to 2nd order schemes– Will these become viable for industrial calculations?

• H-P Adaptivity– Flexible approach to use higher order where beneficial– Incorporate hp-Multigrid with hp Adaptivity

• Extend to:– 3D Viscous– Unsteady– Dynamic Meshes