progress in computational microfluidics using the code transat june 2013 ascomp [email protected]

Progress in Computational Microfluidics Using the Code TransAT June 2013 ASCOMP [email protected]

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  • Progress in Computational Microfluidics Using the Code TransAT June 2013 ASCOMP [email protected]
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  • IIIa-Applications: Microchannel heat sink
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  • Microchannel heat sink
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  • a) D=2 mm b) D=1 mm Various flow regimes were found in lab, Chen & Karayiannis, I. J. M.F., 2006. (Courtesy, Uni. Brunel, UK)
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  • Use the data of Brunel University (Chen & Karayiannis, 2006) Various two-phase flow regimes in D = 0.5, 1, 2mm pipes Table 1: Inflow velocity and void fraction conditions Case U G (m/s) U L (m/s) Domain Water Bubbly Slug Bubbly/slug 0.0 0.205 0.376 0.480 0.0 0.66 1.57 1.1 1 X 70 1 X 40 1 X 60
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  • Bubbly flow: jG = 0.66, jL = 1.11 m/s; = 0.205 Slug flow: jG = 0.66, jL = 1.11 m/s; = 0.376 Slug train flow: jG = 1.57, jL = 1.11 m/s; = 0.498 Churn flow: jG = 4.42, jL = 1.11 m/s; = TransAT simulations CLICK ON MOVIES TO PLAY
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  • Fluent vs. TransAT Exp. Fluent TransAT
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  • 5 times higher heat transfer for slugtrain Nusselt number Instantaneous NusseltMean Nusselt
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  • Mechanistic Model: The model is inspired from the Higbies Surface Renewal theory, where eddies wash the surface exchange at a specific frequency rate (1/ ). Here the bubbles/slugs plays the same role as the eddies in turbulent flows. If we scale the Higbies relationship introducing now the bubble/slug frequency and size as the characteristic time & length scales ( & L GB ), we find Nu to obey the turbulent correlation of Dittus-Boelter (Colburn), even for a laminar flow. Mechanistic modelling
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  • IIIb-Applications: Ultra thin film dominated flows
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  • a-b) Lodging state c) bubble lodged in one of the branches (Calderon et al. 2004). Thin-film in bio-micro systems
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  • Thin-film SGS Modelling (Taylors..) No thin-film model Thin-film SGS model CLICK ON MOVIES TO PLAY
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  • RAINDANCE Inc., USA Droplet control in micromixer
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  • IIIc-Applications: Contact angle driven flows
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  • Droplet impact 2D examples adherencebouncing splashing CLICK ON MOVIES TO PLAY
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  • Droplet impact 3D example CLICK ON MOVIES TO PLAY
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  • Effect of contact angle: dynamic vs. static CA 2D: CA = 100, We = 52 and Re = 3245. 3D: CA = 100; We = 548 and Re = 11412. Caviezel et al., Microfluid & Nanofluid Journal, 2008.
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  • Droplet rebounding on a hot surface (Leidenfrost phenomena; Imperial college) Exp: Wachters et al., Chem. Eng. Science, 1966 CFD: Chatzikyriakou et al., Appl. Therm Eng., 2009
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  • Droplet returning to equlibrium by the action Of the contact angle (triple line) Narayanan & Lakehal, Proc. NSTI Boston, paper 770, 2006. CLICK ON MOVIE TO PLAY
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  • Bubble growth dynamics from orifices S. Di-Bari and A. Robbins, Trinity College Dublin 2011. Bubble growth mechanism in (a) expansion and (b) detachment sequences (Buyevich, 1996)
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  • Bubble growth dynamics from orifices S. Di-Bari and A. Robbins, Trinity College Dublin 2011. Photographic sequence of bubble growth in water from a 1 and 1.6 mm orifice diameter compared with TransAT (red line). Flow rate =10 mlph.
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  • Bubble growth dynamics from orifices Comparison of dimensional and dimensionless volumetric growth rate (top); motion of the centre of gravity (bottom) at 10 mlph. Contact angle comparison
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  • Exp: Cubaud, T., et al. Physical Review E -, 2005. Droplets in a Bubble Dispenser (Jie & Attinger, Columbia Uni, NY)
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  • Droplets in a Bubble Dispenser (Jie & Attinger, Columbia Uni, NY) CLICK ON MOVIES TO PLAY
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  • Fluent vs. TransAT
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  • Droplet detachment and tear-off The Top-spot experiment Glatzel et al., Comp. Fluids, 2008 Pressure pulse at the inlet from experiments.
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  • TransAT provides both droplet tear-off & miniscus formation Fluent, CFD-ACE, CFX vs. TransAT
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  • Droplet detachment and tear-off (harmonic) CLICK ON MOVIES TO PLAY
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  • IIId-Applications: Falling films and encapsulation
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  • Falling film (Base test case with analytical sol.)
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  • Falling film (Gulati & Buongiorno, MIT) TransAT : Predicts roll & capillary waves correclty Nosoko et al., Chem. Eng. Science, 51, 1996
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  • Falling film simulations Serial No. Re N f x 10 -12 N N hp from Nosoko et al. from TransAT with implicit surface tension formulation Deviation of TransAT from Nosoko et al. 12043.88626.28.3887.8216.76% 2400.1614689.49.3609.2471.21% 3500.2018742.610.7839.37113.09% 41030.0520994.915.87613.28416.32% 51030.4100994.917.38617.0132.15% CLICK ON MOVIE TO PLAY
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  • Falling liquid film with heat transfer CLICK ON MOVIES TO PLAY
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  • AMR: Pipetting
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  • Frequency effectViscosity effect Shear thinning Jet diameter: 1mm Frequency: 200-300 Hz Viscosity: 85 mPa Micro-encapsulation of drug pills (INOTECH Switzerland) CLICK ON MOVIES Exp.
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  • Micro-contact processing Courtesy IBM Zurich
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  • IIIe-Applications: Phase field: for phase separation or microfluidics, high-density ratio flows ?
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  • Phase Separation: Viscoelastic Effects H model in TransAT
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  • Droplet breakup in a T-Junction (phase field) CLICK ON MOVIES TO PLAY Exp: Julien, Ching, Cohen, Menetrier, Tabeling, Phys. Fluids, 2009 Regime C
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  • Droplet breakup in a T-Junction (level set) CLICK ON MOVIES TO PLAY
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  • Droplet breakup in a T-Junction (level set)
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  • IIIf-Applications: Varia, possible & impossible now !
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  • Marangoni forces Marangoni effects CLICK ON MOVIES TO PLAY
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  • Electrowetting effects Berge or Lippman-Young relation CLICK ON MOVIES TO PLAY
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  • Bubble oscillation under external forcing CLICK ON MOVIES TO PLAY
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  • Die Coating
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  • Grid & Results IST grid (immersed surfaces technique); 28800 cells Shear thinning is observed in the liquid only