programming windows store apps with javascript and winrt

Programming Windows Store Apps with JavaScript and WinRT Rainer Stropek software architects gmbh

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Post on 07-Nov-2014




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With Windows 8 Microsoft will introduce a new technology for developing apps on their platform: WinRT – the Windows Runtime. WinRT bridges the gap between the Windows 8 operating system's SDK and higher level languages like C#, VB or even JavaScript. Microsoft's goal is to make developing Windows 8 metro-style apps with HTML5 and JavaScript feel natural to people familiar with these web technologies. This talk is especially for web developers who want to learn how they can build upon their existing knowledge to create apps for Microsoft's coming new operating system and market place. In this session after a short overview about WinRT the WinRT architecture and the functionality it offers will be introduced. Based on this information it will be demonstrated how Microsoft's „Chakra“ JavaScript engine projects WinRT into the JavaScript language. It will be shown how to consume existing functionality from WinRT's library to e. g. access the underlying hardware of the Windows 8 tablet PC. In a second step the sample will be extended by creating a custom WinRT component in C++ and consuming it in JavaScript.


Page 1: Programming windows store apps with JavaScript and WinRT

Programming Windows Store Apps with JavaScript and WinRT

Rainer Stropek software architects gmbh

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• software architects gmbh

• Rainer Stropek

• Developer, Speaker, Trainer

• MVP for Windows Azure

[email protected]

• @rstropek

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WinRT System Architecture

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WinRT System Architecture

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Windows Store Apps in JavaScript?


• Reuse existing knowledge

from the web for developing

Windows applications

• HTML + JavaScript are 1st

class citizens for developing

Windows Store Apps

• "Fast and Fluid" also with

HTML + JavaScript


• Use all the technologies you

know from IE 10: HTML5 +

CSS3 + JavaScript

• Full access to platform API


• Hardware Acceleration,

Plugin-Free, etc.

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Goals of This Session

• Build a Windows Store App from scratch using HTML + JavaScript

• Introduce the WinJS Library

• Access API of Windows 8 (WinRT) from JavaScript

• One integrated demo used throughout the entire session

Non-Goals of the Session:

• General HTML/CSS/JavaScript introduction

• Training about WinJS, WinRT or Windows Store Apps

Tip: Download slides and check hidden slides for code snippets

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Important Notice

• For demo purposes the sample has been simplified compared

to a real-world Windows Store app

• In practise you have to remember additional requirements in

order to get your app into the Windows Store, e.g.:

• Handle different screen resolutions and view modes (e.g.

portrait/landscape, snapped, etc.; read more)

• Support navigation patterns (e.g. links, back/forward, etc.;

read more)

• App Lifecycle (e.g. launch, activation, suspend, etc.; read more)

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JavaScript Module Pattern

(function ( ) {

// create variable

// var name = "Andi und Rainer";

// create method

// var sayHello = function ( ) {

// alert(name);

// };

})( ); // calling this method.

It is plain old JavaScript,

also for Windows Store


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• Structure of a JavaScript Windows Store App

• Runtime environment for JavaScript Apps

Background information in MSDN

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Structure of a JavaScript App

Reference to WinJS

Folder for CSS-Dateien

Folder for images

Folder for JavaScript


HTML files

Application Manifest

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Structure of a JavaScript App

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• Controls and Data Binding

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ListView, a WinJS Control

<!-- add a WinJS control in HTML -->

<div class="itemlist" data-win-control="WinJS.UI.ListView" […]></div>

// find control in DOM tree

var lv = document.body.querySelector(".itemlist");

// fill WinJS list (=data source for ListView)

var items = new WinJS.Binding.List();

for (var i = 1000; i < 1500; i++) {

items.push("Hello World!");


WinJS.UI.processAll().then(function() {

lv.winControl.itemDataSource = items.dataSource;


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• Templates and Data Binding

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ListView, a WinJS Control

<div class="splitpage">

<div class="itemtemplate" data-win-control="WinJS.Binding.Template">

<div><img src="#" data-win-bind="src: ImageUri; alt: Title" style="width: 100px" /></div>

<div class="item-info"><h3 class="item-title win-type-ellipsis" data-win-bind="textContent: Title"></h3></div>


<header aria-label="Header content" role="banner"><h1>Garden Blog</h1></header>

<section class="itemlistsection" aria-label="List section">

<div class="itemlist" aria-label="List of this group's items" data-win-control="WinJS.UI.ListView"

data-win-options="{ selectionMode: 'single', tapBehavior: 'directSelect' }">



<section class="articlesection" aria-atomic="true" aria-label="Item detail" aria-live="assertive">

<header class="header">

<div class="text"><h2 data-win-bind="textContent: Title"></h2></div>


<img class="article-image" src="#" data-win-bind="src: ImageUri; alt: Title"

style="width: 150px; max-height: 150px" />



<article class="article-content" data-win-bind="innerHTML: Text"></article>



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ListView, a WinJS Control

function onselectionchanged(eventObject) {

var listView = document.body.querySelector(".itemlist").winControl;

// By default, the selection is restriced to a single item.

listView.selection.getItems().then(function (items) {

if (items.length > 0 && items[0]) {

var details = document.querySelector(".articlesection");

WinJS.Binding.processAll(details, items[0].data);

details.scrollTop = 0;




Root node for data


Data Context for data


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ListView, a WinJS Control

WinJS.UI.setOptions(lv.winControl, {

itemTemplate: document.body.querySelector(".itemtemplate"),

onselectionchanged: onselectionchanged.bind(this),

itemDataSource: items.dataSource,

layout: new WinJS.UI.ListLayout()



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• Working with REST Services

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REST Service in Fiddler

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function refreshBlogList() {

WinJS.xhr({ url: "http://localhost:2220/ServiceBlog.svc/Blog/" }).done(function (feedResponse) {

// convert feed to list of bindable objects

var feed = JSON.parse(feedResponse.responseText);

var items = new WinJS.Binding.List(feed);

// set properties of list view (including data source for binding)

var lv = document.body.querySelector(".itemlist");

WinJS.UI.setOptions(lv.winControl, {

itemTemplate: document.body.querySelector(".itemtemplate"),

onselectionchanged: onselectionchanged.bind(this),

itemDataSource: items.dataSource,

layout: new WinJS.UI.ListLayout()


// automatically select first item




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app.onactivated = function (eventObject) {

// lookup list view in DOM

var lv = document.body.querySelector(".itemlist");

WinJS.UI.processAll().then(function () {




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• AppBar, XHR and Azure

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Windows Azure

Azure Blob Storage

Metro-Style App


(REST Service)

Azure Blob Storage



JSON (Blog Entries)


Blobs (Bild)

SQL Azure

(Blog Content

ohne Bilder)

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Windows Azure

Azure Blob Storage

Metro-Style App


(REST Service)

Azure Blob Storage



Shared Access



Generate Shared Access Signature (SAS)

SQL Azure

(Blog Content

ohne Bilder)

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Azure Shared Access Signatures

Link with signature

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INSERT with REST Service

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Adding an AppBar

<div id="appbar" data-win-control="WinJS.UI.AppBar">

<button data-win-control="WinJS.UI.AppBarCommand"

data-win-options="{id:'cmd', label:'Create Entry', icon:'placeholder'}">


<button data-win-control="WinJS.UI.AppBarCommand"

data-win-options="{id:'refresh', label:'Refresh', icon:'placeholder'}">



// add button handler for appbar button

var cmdButton = document.getElementById("cmd");

cmdButton.onclick = onPostBlogEntryClick;

var refreshButton = document.getElementById("refresh");

refreshButton.onclick = refreshBlogList;

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Using WinRT to Access the Webcam

function onPostBlogEntryClick() {

// let user take a picture. Note that we use WinRT classes here.

var capture = Windows.Media.Capture;

var cameraCaptureUI = new capture.CameraCaptureUI();


function (capturedItem) {

if (capturedItem) {





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Using WinRT to Access the Webcam

if (capturedItem) {

var rootDiv = document.body.querySelector(".itemlist");

var busy = getBusyOverlay(rootDiv, { color: 'gray', opacity: 0.25 }, { type: 'oval', color: '#FFFFFF' });

WinJS.xhr({ url: "http://localhost:2220/ServiceBlog.svc/Blog/GetSasForImage/" + imageName })

.done(function (result) {

var uploader = new Windows.Networking.BackgroundTransfer.BackgroundUploader();

uploader.method = "PUT";


var uri = new Windows.Foundation.Uri(JSON.parse(result.responseText));

var upload = uploader.createUpload(uri);

upload.startAsync().done(function (result) {

WinJS.xhr({ url: "http://localhost:2220/ServiceBlog.svc/Blog/AddBlog", data: JSON.stringify(newEntry),

type: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "text/JSON" } }).done(function () {





function (err) {





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• Share Contract

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Implement the Share Contract

var dtm = Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer.DataTransferManager.getForCurrentView();

dtm.addEventListener("datarequested", function (e) {

// capture request member

var request = e.request;

// get selected item from list view

var lv = document.body.querySelector(".itemlist").winControl;

lv.selection.getItems().then(function (items) {

if (items.length > 0) {

var item = items[0].data;

// set request title and description = item.Title; = "Garden Blog";

// set text content

var recipe = item.Text;;

// set image content

// note that we use deferral-API here.

// (only do this if your operation is quite fast; 200ms time limit or so)

var uri = new Windows.Foundation.Uri(item.ImageUri);

var reference = Windows.Storage.Streams.RandomAccessStreamReference.createFromUri(uri); = reference;

var deferral = request.getDeferral();;





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What you have seen…

• Structure of a Windows

Store App with HTML +


• Introduction into WinJS

• Accessing Windows 8 API

(WinRT) from JavaScript

Use your existing knowlege

about HTML and

JavaScript for Windows

Store Apps

Further readings:



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Vielen Dank!

Rainer Stropek software architects gmbh

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