programming multicores with pthreads and openmpnikos/mpw/slides/nikos-multicore.pdf · pthread”...

May 4, 2005 Programming Multicores with Pthreads and OpenMP Nikos P. Pitsianis [email protected] Xiaobai Sun Bo Zhang

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Page 1: Programming Multicores with Pthreads and OpenMPnikos/mpw/slides/Nikos-Multicore.pdf · pthread” !! – This also forces the compiler to link in thread-safe libraries Multicore Programming

May 4, 2005

Programming Multicores with

Pthreads and OpenMP

Nikos P. Pitsianis [email protected]

Xiaobai Sun Bo Zhang

Page 2: Programming Multicores with Pthreads and OpenMPnikos/mpw/slides/Nikos-Multicore.pdf · pthread” !! – This also forces the compiler to link in thread-safe libraries Multicore Programming

Duke University


•  Programming with Threads

–  Embarrassingly Parallel (Pleasantly Parallel) –  Critical Sections (Mutual Exclusion) –  Data Dependent Task Parallelism (Condition Variables & Signals)

•  Quick Introduction to OpenMP Programming

Sep 29, 2010 Multicore Programming Workshop 2

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Duke University

What is a thread?

•  Process: •  a program that is running •  an address space with 1 or more threads executing within the same

address space, and the required system resources for those threads

•  Thread: •  a sequence of control within a process •  shares the resources in that process

•  We cover here Posix Threads (Pthreads) –  widely supported threads programming API

•  Compile with “gcc  -­‐pthread”    –  This also forces the compiler to link in thread-safe libraries

Sep 29, 2010 3 Multicore Programming Workshop

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Duke University


•  Process: a program in running

•  a single address space •  one or more threads executing

within that address space

•  required system resources for those threads

•  Each process can have multiple

threads, even on a single-core processor

Sep 29, 2010 Multicore Programming Workshop 4

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Duke University

Sep 29, 2010


•  Thread: a sequence of control within a process

•  All threads per process share:

•  memory (program code and global data)

•  open file/socket descriptors •  signal handlers and signal

dispositions •  working environment •  Threads communicate using

shared memory


Multicore Programming Workshop

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Duke University

Advantages and Disadvantages

•  Advantages:

•  creating a thread is significantly faster than creating a process •  switching between threads is faster than switching between

processes •  writing multithreaded programs is easier

•  Disadvantages :

•  writing multithreaded programs is harder •  more difficult to debug than single threaded programs

Sep 29, 2010 6 Multicore Programming Workshop

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Duke University


•  Programming with Threads

–  Embarrassingly Parallel (Pleasantly Parallel) –  Critical Sections (Mutual Exclusion) –  Data Dependent Task Parallelism (Condition Variables & Signals)

•  Quick Introduction to OpenMP Programming

Sep 29, 2010 Multicore Programming Workshop 7

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Duke University

Example 0 sequential code, as default single thread

#include <stdlib.h>!#include <stdio.h>!!void getvec (double *a);!!double dotprod (double *a, double *b, int n) {! int i;! double s = 0.0;! for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) ! s += a[i]*b[i];! return s;!}!!int main () {! double *a, *b;!! a = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*N);! b = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*N);!! getvec(a); getvec(b);!! double dp = dotprod(a,b,N);! printf("%f\n", dp);!}!!

Sep 29, 2010 Multicore Programming Workshop 8



gcc –D N=1024 –O4 dp0.c –o dp0

Run: ./dp0

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Duke University

Example 1 sequential code as a separate thread

#include <stdlib.h>!#include <stdio.h>!#include <pthread.h>!!void getvec (double *a);!double dotprod (double *a, double *b, int n);!!typedef struct {! double *a, *b;! int n;!} dparg;!!void *wrapper (void *arg) {! double *ap, *bp, s;! int nn;! ap = ((dparg *) arg)->a;! bp = ((dparg *) arg)->b;! nn = ((dparg *) arg)->n;!! s = dotprod(ap, bp, nn);! printf("%f\n", s);!}!!!

Sep 29, 2010 Multicore Programming Workshop 9



gcc –pthread –D N=1024 –O4 dp1.c –o dp1

Run: ./dp1

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Duke University

Example 1 sequential code as a separate thread

#include <stdlib.h>!#include <stdio.h>!#include <pthread.h>!!void getvec (double *a);!double dotprod (double *a, double *b, int n);!void *wrapper (void *arg);! !int main () {!double *a, *b;! pthread_t thread;! dparg arg;!! a = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*N);! b = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*N);!! getvec(a); getvec(b);!! arg.a = a;! arg.b = b;! arg.n = n;!! pthread_create (&thread, NULL, wrapper, (void *)

&arg);! pthread_join (thread, NULL);!}!!! Sep 29, 2010 Multicore Programming Workshop 10



gcc –pthread –D N=1024 –O4 dp1.c –o dp1

Run: ./dp1

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Duke University

Thread Creation & Termination

pthread_create( pthread_t * tid, const pthread_attr_t * attr, void *(*func)(void *), void * arg);

func is the function to be called. When func() returns the thread is terminated

Sep 29, 2010 Multicore Programming Workshop 11

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Duke University

Thread Creation Arguments

•  Arguments are passed to thread library by creating a structure and passing the address of the structure

•  Thread attributes can be set using a*r, –  Joinable or detached state –  scheduling policy –  NULL for system defaults

Sep 29, 2010 Multicore Programming Workshop 12

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Duke University

Sep 29, 2010

Thread Lifespan

•  Once a thread is created

–  it starts executing the function func() –  func)) is an argument passed to pthread_create()

•  The thread is terminated

–  when func() returns, or –  by pthread_exit()

•  All threads are terminated

–  when main() returns or –  any thread calls exit()

13 Multicore Programming Workshop

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Duke University

Sep 29, 2010

Joinable and Detached State

•  Each thread can be either joinable or detached.

•  Joinable: –  on its termination the thread ID and exit status are saved

•  Detached: –  on its termination all resources used by the thread are released –  A detached thread cannot be joined

•  A thread can "join" another by calling pthread_join –  The caller blocks until a specified thread exits.

   int  pthread_join(  pthread_t  2d,    void  **status);  

14 Multicore Programming Workshop

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Duke University

Example 2 with multiple threads

#include <stdlib.h>!#include <stdio.h>!#include <pthread.h>!!typedef struct { double *a, *b, s; int n, tid;! } dparg;!!double dotprod (double *a, double *b, int n, int tid) {! int i;! double s = 0.0;! int block = n/NTHREADS;!! for ( i = tid*block; i < (tid+1)*block; i++) ! s += a[i]*b[i];! return s;!}!!void * wrapper (void *arg) {! double *ap, *bp, s;! int nn, tid;! ap = ((dparg *) arg)->a;! bp = ((dparg *) arg)->b;! nn = ((dparg *) arg)->n;! tid = ((dparg *) arg)->tid;!! ((dparg *) arg)->s = dotprod(ap, bp, nn, tid);!}!!! !!!

Sep 29, 2010 Multicore Programming Workshop 15



gcc –pthread –D NTHREADS=8 –D N=1024 \ –O4 dp2.c –o dp2

Run: ./dp2

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Duke University

Example 2 with multiple threads

#include <stdlib.h>!#include <stdio.h>!#include <pthread.h>!!int main () {! double *a, *b, dp;! pthread_t thread[NTHREADS];! dparg arg[NTHREADS];! int i;! a = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*N);! b = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*N);! getvec(a); getvec(b);!! for (i=0; i<NTHREADS; i++) {! arg[i].a = a; arg[i].b = b;! arg[i].n = n; arg[i].tid = i;!! pthread_create (&thread[i], NULL, wrapper, ! (void *)&arg[i]);! }! dp = 0.0;! for (i=0; i<NTHREADS; i++) {! rc = pthread_join (thread[i], NULL);! dp += arg[i].s;! }! printf("%f\n", dp);!}!!! !!!

Sep 29, 2010 Multicore Programming Workshop 16



gcc–D NTHREADS=8 –D N=1024 \ –pthread –O4 dp2.c –o dp2

Run: ./dp2

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Duke University


•  Programming with Threads

–  Embarrassingly Parallel (Pleasantly Parallel)

–  Critical Sections (Mutual Exclusion)

–  Data Dependent Task Parallelism (Condition Variables & Signals)

•  Quick Introduction to OpenMP Programming

Sep 29, 2010 Multicore Programming Workshop 17

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Duke University

Sep 29, 2010

Mutual Exclusion

•  Mutual Exclusion primitives protect against races –  Read-Update-Write

•  Get the single key and –  lock the critical section of a program before accessing global

variables –  unlock as soon as you are done

pthread_mutex_t mux; pthread_mutex_init (&mux, NULL); pthread_mutex_lock (&mux); pthread_mutex_unlock (&mux);

18 Multicore Programming Workshop

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Locking and Unlocking

•  To lock : pthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t &);

•  To unlock : pthread_mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t &);

•  Both functions are blocking

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Duke University

Example 3 with Critical Section

#include <stdlib.h>!#include <stdio.h>!#include <pthread.h>!!pthread_mutex_t dp_mtx;!double dp;!!void * wrapper (void *arg) {! double *ap, *bp, s;! int nn, tid;! ap = ((dparg *) arg)->a;! bp = ((dparg *) arg)->b;! nn = ((dparg *) arg)->n;! tid = ((dparg *) arg)->tid;!! s = dotprod(ap, bp, nn, tid);!! pthread_mutex_lock(&dp_mtx);! dp += s;! pthread_mutex_unlock(&dp_mtx);!!}!!! !!!

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gcc–D NTHREADS=8 –D N=1024 \ –pthread –O4 dp3.c –o dp3

Run: ./dp3

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Duke University

Example 3 with Critical Section

#include <stdlib.h>!#include <stdio.h>!#include <pthread.h>!!int main () {! double *a, *b, ps;! pthread_t thread[NTHREADS];! dparg arg[NTHREADS];! int i;!! getvec(a); getvec(b);!! dp = 0.0;! pthread_mutex_init (&dp_mtx, NULL);!! for (i=0; i<NTHREADS; i++) {! arg[i].a = a; arg[i].b = b;! arg[i].n = N; arg[i].tid = i;!! pthread_create (&thread[i], NULL, wrapper, ! (void *)&arg[i]);! }! for (i=0; i<NTHREADS; i++) {! pthread_join (thread[i], NULL);! }! printf("%f\n", dp);!}!!! !!!

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gcc–D NTHREADS=8 –D N=1024 \ –pthread –O4 dp3.c –o dp3

Run: ./dp3

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Duke University


•  Programming with Threads

–  Embarrassingly Parallel (Pleasantly Parallel)

–  Critical Sections (Mutual Exclusion)

–  Data Dependent Task Parallelism (Condition Variables & Signals)

•  Quick Introduction to OpenMP Programming

Sep 29, 2010 Multicore Programming Workshop 22

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Duke University

Sep 29, 2010

Condition Variables

•  Condition variables allow one thread to –  wait for (sleep until) an event generated by any other thread

•  This allows us to avoid the busy waiting

pthread_cond_t *notFull, *notEmpty; pthread_cond_init (q->notFull, NULL); pthread_cond_init (q->notEmpty, NULL); pthread_mutex_lock (fifo->mut); while (fifo->full) { printf ("producer: queue FULL.\n"); pthread_cond_wait (fifo->notFull, fifo->mut); } queueAdd (fifo, i); pthread_mutex_unlock (fifo->mut);

pthread_cond_signal (fifo->notEmpty);

23 Multicore Programming Workshop

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Duke University

Condition Variables

Condition variables are used with a mutex pthread_cond_wait(pthread_cond_t *cptr, pthread_mutex_t *mptr); pthread_cond_signal(pthread_cond_t *cptr);

Sep 29, 2010 Multicore Programming Workshop 24

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Duke University

Example 4 with Condition Variable

#include <stdlib.h>!#include <stdio.h>!#include <pthread.h>!!pthread_cond_t notEmptyVecSignal;!pthread_mutex_t vec_mtx;!pthread_mutex_t dp_mtx;!double dp;!int emptyVec;!!void * wrapper (void *arg) {! double *ap, *bp, s;! int nn, tid;! […]!! pthread_mutex_lock(&vec_mtx);! while (emptyVec) {! pthread_cond_wait(&notEmptyVecSignal,&vec_mtx);! }! pthread_mutex_unlock(&vec_mtx);!! s = dotprod(ap, bp, nn, tid);!! pthread_mutex_lock(&dp_mtx);! dp += s;! pthread_mutex_unlock(&dp_mtx);!}!!!! !!!

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gcc–D NTHREADS=8 –D N=1024 \ –pthread –O4 dp4.c –o dp4

Run: ./dp4

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Duke University

Example 4 with Condition Variable int main () {! [ … ]!! emptyVec = 1;! pthread_mutex_init (&vec_mtx, NULL);! pthread_cond_init (&notEmptyVecSignal, NULL);!! for (i=0; i<NTHREADS; i++) {! arg[i].a = a; arg[i].b = b;! arg[i].n = N; arg[i].tid = i;!! pthread_create (&thread[i], NULL, wrapper, (void *)

&arg[i]);! }!! getvec(a); getvec(b);!! pthread_mutex_lock(&vec_mtx);! emptyVec = 0;! pthread_mutex_unlock(&vec_mtx);! pthread_cond_broadcast (&notEmptyVecSignal);!! for (i=0; i<NTHREADS; i++) {! rc = pthread_join (thread[i], NULL);! }!! printf("%f\n", dp);!}!!!! !!!

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gcc–D NTHREADS=8 –D N=1024 \ –pthread –O4 dp4.c –o dp4

Run: ./dp4

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Duke University


•  Programming with Threads

–  Embarrassingly Parallel (Pleasantly Parallel)

–  Critical Sections (Mutual Exclusion)

–  Data Dependent Task Parallelism (Condition Variables & Signals)

•  Quick Introduction to Programming with OpenMP

Sep 29, 2010 Multicore Programming Workshop 27

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•  A set of compiler directives and library routines for parallel application programmers

•  OMP simplifies writing multi-threaded programs in Fortran, C and C++

•  Most of the constructs in OpenMP are compiler directives •  #pragma omp construct [clause [clause]…]

•  #pragma omp parallel num_threads(4) •  Function prototypes and types in the file:

–  #include <omp.h> •  Most OpenMP* constructs apply to a structured block

–  Structured block: a block of one or more statements with one point of entry at the top and one point of exit at the bottom

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Duke University

Example in OpenMP #include <omp.h>!#include <stdlib.h>!#include <stdio.h>!!void getvec (double *a);!!double dotprod (double *a, double *b, int n) {! int i;! double s = 0.0;!!#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:s)! for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) ! s += a[i]*b[i];! return s;!}!!int main () {! double *a, *b;!! a = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*N);! b = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*N);!! getvec(a); getvec(b);!! omp_set_num_threads(NTHREADS);! double dp = dotprod(a,b,n);! printf("%f\n", dp);!}!!!! !!!

Sep 29, 2010 Multicore Programming Workshop 29



gcc –D NTHREADS=8 –D N=1024 \ –fopenmp –O4 dp0-omp.c –o dp0-omp



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Duke University

Sep 29, 2010 Multicore Programming Workshop 30

OpenMP Parallel Region

#pragma omp parallel [clause...] ! if (scalar_expression) ! private (list) ! shared (list) ! default (shared | none)! firstprivate (list) ! reduction (operator: list) ! copyin (list) !! num_threads (n)!

! structured_block!

•  When a thread reaches a PARALLEL directive, it creates a team of threads and becomes the master of the team •  The master becomes thread

number 0 within that team.

•  The parallel region code is executed by all threads

•  A barrier implied at the end of the

parallel section •  Only the master thread

continues execution

•  If any thread terminates within a parallel region, all threads in the team will terminate, and the work done up until that point is undefined.

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Duke University

Sep 29, 2010 Multicore Programming Workshop 31

OpenMP Work Sharing DO/for

#pragma omp for [clause...]! schedule (type [,chunk])! ordered private (list)! firstprivate (list)! lastprivate (list) ! shared (list) ! reduction (operator: list)! collapse (n) ! nowait !!for_loop !

#pragma omp parallel for \ ! shared(a,b,c) \! private(i)! for (i=0; i < n; i++) {! c[i] = a[i] + b[i]; ! } !

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Sep 29, 2010 Multicore Programming Workshop 32

Directive Responsibility

•  Work-sharing •  Data scoping •  Synchronization •  Scheduling

•  Parallel region: partition work –  Each thread executes same


•  Parallel for loop: partition iterations –  Threads share iterations of


•  Parallel section: functional parallelism –  Threads perform different


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Sep 29, 2010 Multicore Programming Workshop 33

Directive Responsibility

•  Work-sharing •  Data scoping •  Synchronization •  Scheduling

•  Shared: threads access a single copy of the data object

•  Private: each thread gets volatile copy –  Firstprivate: initialized from

master –  Lastprivate: master’s copy

updated with last value of last thread

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Duke University

Sep 29, 2010 Multicore Programming Workshop 34

Directive Responsibility

•  Work-sharing •  Data scoping •  Synchronization •  Scheduling

#pragma omp master


#pragma omp critical {…}

#pragma omp atomic count++;

#pragma omp barrier reduction (+: sum)

•  Shared data with concurrent access lead to corrupted data

•  Synchronization •  Mutex – ensures exclusive

access to critical section of code

•  Barrier – causes a group of threads to pause until all have reached a defined point

•  Signaling •  Conditional Wait – waits for

some event; signals when it occurs

•  Broadcasting – signals a group of waiting threads

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Sep 29, 2010 Multicore Programming Workshop 35

Directive Responsibility

•  Work-sharing •  Data scoping •  Synchronization •  Scheduling

•  Static: splits iteration space into blocks of size chunk

•  Dynamic: assign blocks to threads as they become idle (uneven workloads)

•  Guided: adjusts chunk-size exponentially until all assigned

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Duke University


•  D. Butenhof, Programming with POSIX threads, Addison Wesley (1997)

•  Online Tutorials from LLNL – –

Sep 29, 2010 36 Multicore Programming Workshop