program afcea student conference 2014

6 th AFCEA Student Conference 24 March 2014 | Bucharest, Romania F F U UT T U UR R E E O O F F I I N NF F O O R R M MA AT T I I O O N N A AN ND D C C O O M MM MU UN NI I C C A AT T I I O O N N T T E E C C H HN NO O L L O O G G Y Y Conference Program

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The aim of the conference is the creation of an international forum for students and young scientists to present their scientific achievements with practical use. The conference will promote the activities of the AFCEA Student clubs, student and young scientists work in the fields of electronics and communications and information systems. CONFERENCE TOPICS • Computer aided design and analysis of electronic circuits • Information technology • Cyber security • Security of Social Media • Challenge in Global Education • Future of Electronics – EU ECSEL JTI 2020


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6th AFCEA Student Conference 24 March 2014 | Bucharest, Romania




Conference Program

Page 2: Program AFCEA Student Conference 2014

Table of Contents

AFCEA Student Symposium – Conference program Welcome to the 6th edition of the AFCEA Student Conference 2

Conference General Information 4

Committees 5

Program at a glance 6

Keynote speaker 7

Oral Sessions 8

Poster Sessions 11

Industry presenters 15

General Information 19

Contact Information 20

Bucharest 21

Editors: Paul SVASTA, Petr JIRÁSEK, Liviu COŞEREANU DTP: Delia LEPĂDATU, Bogdan MIHĂILESCU Publisher: Cavallioti

Page 3: Program AFCEA Student Conference 2014

6th AFCEA Student Conference

Future of Information and Communication


Monday, 24 March 2014, Bucharest, Romania

Organized by:

AFCEA Europe

AFCEA Bucharest Chapter

“POLITEHNICA” UNIVERSITY OF BUCHAREST Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and

Information Technology Center for Technological Electronics and

Interconnection Techniques

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6th AFCEA Student Conference Program

Welcome to 6th AFCEA Student Conference

Welcome to the 6th edition of the AFCEA Student Conference

Dear Students,

It is a real pleasure to welcome you as participants in this year’s AFCEA Europe Student Conference and many of you also in the joint AFCEA TechNet International & NATO C4ISR Industry Conference.

We, AFCEA Europe and the POLTEHNICA University of Bucharest appreciate that again so many students take the opportunity to exchange views on a theme of your choice: “Future Information and Communication Technology”. I think you made a good decision, because this “umbrella theme” allows a broad spectrum of “special themes” to be covered, from social media to cyber security or from information technology to educational issues.

Students from about a dozen universities out of six nations will get together to learn from each other, in specific academic disciplines or – what I regard as equally important – from different cultural and historical experiences. Therefore I am very grateful to the leadership of the POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest – first of all Professor Paul Svasta, who served as the central point of contact for all preparatory measures – to make this unique event come true. Not to forget Mr. Petr Jirásek, who took responsibility for the whole event on behalf of AFCEA Europe. An important highlight is that the Minister Delegate for Higher Education, Scientific Research and Technological Development of the Romanian Government will deliver a welcome address in order to underline the importance of “your” conference.

Although it is unfortunate that the AFCEA leadership will not be in the position to participate in the entire event due to the fact that they will be attending an AFCEA Leadership Meeting that always takes place on the occasion of the annual TechNet International events, many of them will be present for the conference opening and the first sessions to be run on March 24, including the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the President & CEO of AFCEA International.

Let me wish you all the best for the conference and the associated social event. Be engaged during the conference sessions and enjoy the networking with old and new friends during the breaks and the get-together in the evening at the YESTERDAY Hotel.

Again a very hearty welcome,

Klaus-Peter Treche

General Manager, AFCEA Europe

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6th AFCEA Student Conference Program

Welcome to 6th AFCEA Student Conference

Dear participants at the 6th edition of the AFCEA Student Symposium

In the name of the Organizing Committee of the 6th edition of the AFCEA Student Symposium, we would like to welcome all of you at this important event of the AFCEA Student Clubs Community. Having place at the “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, a higher education technical institution with a rich history of nearly 200 years, our conference is organized under the aegis of AFCEA Europe and AFCEA Bucharest Chapter and offers to the members of the AFCEA Student Clubs, created in universities round Europe, the possibility to present the results of their research. At the same time, the conference is a great opportunity to get acquainted with each other not only for students but also for Faculty Advisors, in this way ensuring favorable conditions for further cooperation in research projects.

The participants, thanks to Dr. Andreas Wild, the Keynote speaker of the Symposium, will have the opportunity to receive a significant overview regarding the future of electronics and related fields and how the European Commission highlights the importance of electronic development for the European Union. The new EU research Program “Horizon 2020” represents a significant environment which financially can support research projects.

It is our pleasure to thank Professor George Darie, Rector of the “Politehnica” University and Professor Cristian Negrescu, the Dean of the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology for the excellent conditions offered in organizing this event.

Special thanks we have to address to Mr. Mihnea Costoiu, Minister Delegate, and Ministry of National Education. He has found the time to be with us at this event and his presence represents a guaranty of the importance of student research in the society. Also it is a pleasure for us to highlight the large involvement of the Secretary of State for Higher Education, Mr. Tudor Prisacaru, in organizing and supporting this event.

Last but not least, the presence of industry at this event is a great occasion for the academic research to turn towards the needs of the economic environment, stimulating in this way the entrepreneurial character that the academic environment has to promote nowadays.

Mr. Petr Jirasek

Regional Vice President, AFCEA Int., Chairman of

Organizational Committee

Col. Liviu COSEREANU, Ph.D. Chapter President,

AFCEA Bucharest chapter

Prof. Paul SVASTA, Ph.D. Conference Chairman

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6th AFCEA Student Conference Program

Conference General Information


The aim of the conference is the creation of an international forum for students and young scientists to present their scientific achievements with practical use. The conference will promote the activities of the AFCEA Student clubs, student and young scientists work in the fields of electronics and communications and information systems.

The conference gives a great opportunity for universities and other organizations to promote their best students. The organizers invite civilian and military students and young scientists from Europe to present their work and to award their effort. The papers presented at the conference will take part in the competition for the Best Paper.

The official conference language is English.


• Computer aided design and analysis of electronic circuits • Information technology • Cyber security • Security of Social Media • Challenge in Global Education • Future of Electronics – EU ECSEL JTI 2020


2008, 10 April Brussels Marriott Hotel, Brussels, BELGIUM

2009, 28 October Le Châtelain Hotel, Brussels, BELGIUM

2010, 26 October The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London, UNITED KINGDOM

2012, 30 May Hotel Praha, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC

2013, 27-29 May Military University of Technology, Warsaw, POLAND

2014, 24 March “POLITEHNICA” UNIVERSITY OF BUCHAREST, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Bucharest, and Hotel Yesterday, ROMANIA

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6th AFCEA Student Conference Program



Col. Liviu COSEREANU, Ph.D – Chapter President, AFCEA Bucharest chapter Mr. Petr JIRÁSEK – Regional Vice President, AFCEA International Prof. Paul SVASTA – Head of UPB-CETTI Research Centre, „POLITEHNICA“ University of Bucharest LtCol. Tiberius TOMOIAGA, Ph.D. – Chapter Treasurer, AFCEA Bucharest chapter MGen. (Ret.) Klaus-Peter TRECHE – General Manager, AFCEA Europe EVALUATION COMMITTEE (IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER)

Prof. Dorel AIORDACHIOAIE "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati (RO) Ms. Ernestina CIANCA University of Rome Tor Vergata (IT) Prof. Aurel GONTEAN „POLITEHNICA“ University of Timisoara (RO) LtGen. (Ret) Niculae IRIMIE Ph.D. Student Advisor, AFCEA Bucharest Chapter (RO) Assoc. Prof. Col. Vlastimil MALÝ Vice Dean, Faculty of Military Technology, Defense

University (CZ) Prof. Alexandru MARIN „POLITEHNICA“ University of Bucharest (RO) Prof. Cristian NEGRESCU Dean of the Faculty of Electronics,

Telecommunications and Information Technology, „POLITEHNICA“ University of Bucharest (RO)

Prof. Ioan NICOLAESCU Technical Military Academy (RO) Prof. Victor PATRICIU AFCEA Bucharest Chapter (RO) Prof. Dan PITICA Dean of the Faculty of Electronics,

Telecommunications and InformationTechnology, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (RO)

Prof. Dan POPA Maritime University of Constanta (RO) Prof. Alexandru SERBANESCU Technical Military Academy (RO) Mr. Şenol UZUN CIT Division, ASELSAN (TR) LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE

Prof. George DARIE Prof. Cristian NEGRESCU Prof. Alexandru MARIN Ms. Mihaela PANTAZICĂ, Ph.D. Ms. Cristina MARGHESCU Ph.D. Ms. Erna DEGERATU Ms. Delia LEPĂDATU Mr. Constantin ZAHARIA TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE

Mr. Bogdan MIHĂILESCU, Ph.D.

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6th AFCEA Student Conference Program

Program at a glance

Monday, March 24

08:00 Registration (Registration desk, Faculty Lobby)

09:00-09:45 Opening Ceremony of the 6th AFCEA Student Symposium (LEU Building, First floor, Room A 101)

Chairmen: Paul SVASTA, Emmanouil VAROUCHAS

• Prof. Cristian NEGRESCU, Ph.D, Dean of Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Romania

• Mihnea COSTOIU - Minister Delegate, Ministry of National Education

• Col. Liviu COŞEREANU, Ph.D – Chapter President, AFCEA Bucharest Chapter

Key-Note speaker: Key Enablig Technology Implementation in ECSEL JU Dr. Andreas WILD, ENIAC Executive Director

09:45-10:00 Coffee Break (Faculty Lobby)

10:00-11:20 Oral Session 1 (LEU Building, First floor, Room A 101) Chairmen: Dan PITICĂ, Ioan NICOLAESCU

11:20-11:40 Coffee Break (Faculty Lobby)

11:40-12:40 Poster Session 1 (LEU Building, First floor, Room A 101) Chairman: Norocel CODREANU

12:40-13:20 Lunch

13:20-14:30 Industry session (LEU Building, First floor, Room A 101) Chairman: Petr JIRÁSEK

14:30-14:50 Coffee Break (Faculty Lobby)

14:50-16:10 Oral Session 2 (LEU Building, First floor, Room A 101) Chairmen: Aurel GONTEAN, Július BARÁTH

16:10-16:30 Coffee Break

16:30-17:30 Poster Session 2 (LEU Building, First floor, Room A 101) Chairmen: Liviu COŞEREANU, Ciprian IONESCU

17:30-18:15 Short visit CETTI-ITA

18:15-18:45 Closing ceremony

18:45-20:00 Free time

20:00 Student Dinner Party (Hotel YESTERDAY restaurant)

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6th AFCEA Student Conference Program

Keynote speaker

Keynote speaker: Andreas WILD ENIAC Executive Director (proposed ECSEL Executive Director) Presentation: ”Key Enablig Technology Implementation in ECSEL JU”

Dr. Andreas WILD is the Executive Director of the ENIAC Joint Undertaking, a public-private partnership on nanoelectronics established as an autonomous European Union body. Prior to joining ENIAC JU, Andreas Wild has been the European R&D Director for Freescale Semiconductor and Motorola Semiconductor Products Sector; before that, he managed Motorola R&D laboratories in U.S.A., Latin America, and Germany. He has an MS degree from the University "Politehnica" Bucharest, and a Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Atomic Physics in Bucharest, Romania, co-authored 28 patents and more than 50 technical publications.

”Key Enabling Technology Implementation in ECSEL JU”

Abstract The Joint Technology Initiatives implemented as a Joint Undertaking (JU) under the Framework Programme 7 have been proven as an effective instrument strengthening the European competitive position in nanoelectronics (ENIAC JU) and embedded systems (ARTEMIS JU). For example, The ENIAC JU. pioneered the Pilot Line concept, engaging 1.8 billion euro in 14 such projects with a high research, development and innovation content selected for funding over two years. The ECSEL JU will build upon this experience, bring together the semiconductors, the embedded systems and the smart system integration (represented by the European Technology Platform EPoSS), expanding the scope of the organization to maximize the contribution to the European growth and jobs. This talk will highlight the set-up of the new organization, its objectives and its strategy for the future.

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6th AFCEA Student Conference Program

Oral sessions

Monday, March 24

10:00 – 11:20 Oral Session I

Session Chairs: Dan PITICA, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Ioan NICOLAESCU, Technical Military Academy, Bucharest, Romania

O.1 Steps Towards More Secure Czech Republic, Regarding The Information Security


Police Academy of the Czech Republic in Prague

O.2 TacMap – Android application


Department of Informatics Armed Forces Academy of General M. R. Štefánik, Slovakia

O.3 Automatic measuring systém of the Seebeck coefficient

Monica CHIOSA1), Daniel URSU 2)

1)Applied Electronics Department, ”Politehnica” University of Timisoara, Romania 2)Analysis and Characterization Department, National Institute for Research and Development in Electrochemistry and Condensed Matter, Timisoara, Romania

O.4 Variable Probability Pseudo Random Number Generator

Andrei MARGHESCU 1), Paul SVASTA 1), Andreea BOZESAN 2) 1)Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Romania 2)”Politehnica” University of Timisoara, Romania

O.5 Academic Training Platform for PCB Layout Designers


Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Romania

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6th AFCEA Student Conference Program

Oral sessions

10:50 – 12:20 Oral Session II

Session Chairs: Aurel GONTEAN, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania Július BARÁTH, Armed Forces Academy of General M.R. Štefánik, Slovak Republic

O.6 8x8x8 Led Cube Implementation with Bluetooth Interface

Tudor Ştefan ALEXE1) , Mihai ALEXE 2) 1)Applied Electronics Department, Tehnical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2)Android Software Department, S.C. Evoline S.R.L., Cluj-Napoca, Romania O.7 Speed Optimisation of IDEA NXT's Key Scheduler

Andreea BOZEŞAN1), Flavius OPRITOIU1), Mircea VLADUTIU1), Andrei MARGHESCU2)

1)Computer Science and Engineering Department, "Politehnica" University of Timisoara 2)Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Romania

O.8 Autonomous Vehicle with PC Interface

Daniel Petre ROPOTAN, Cosmin PLĂŞOIANU

Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati, Romania O.9 Side-Channel Attacks

Monica CIOBANU, Mădălina STANCA

Military Technical Academy, Bucharest, Romania O.10 Electromagnetic Field Level Distribution in the Vicinity of Mobile Phones


Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania

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6th AFCEA Student Conference Program

Oral sessions

13:20 – 14:30 Industry Session

Chairman: Petr JIRÁSEK IO.1 How to build IT spin-off company


IO.2 Tracking Antenna for UAV

Ioanide Teodor STĂTESCU, Digital Bit Romania

IO.3 Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

Pawel M. ZABOROWSKI, Project Manager, Ageas, NLG

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6th AFCEA Student Conference Program

Poster sessions

11:40– 12:40 Poster Session I

Dear presenter, stick-up your poster before session!

NOTE: Each author must deliver a 3 minutes slide show presentation of his/her work.

Chair: Norocel CODREANU, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Romania Sorin CHITU, Institute of Advance Technology, Bucharest Romania Evaluators: Július BARÁTH, Armed Forces Academy of General M.R. Štefánik, Slovak Republic Gheorghe BREZEANU, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania Ciprian IONESCU, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania Ion MARGHESCU, Politehnica University of Bucharest Dan PITICA, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania Dan POPA, Maritime University of Constanta, Romania Alexandru SERBANESCU, Military Technical Academy, Bucharest Romania Paul SCHIOPU, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania Alexandru VASILE, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania

P1.1 Data-Mining


Police Academy of the Czech Republic in Prague P1.2 The Potential Of Gamers


Police Academy of the Czech Republic in Prague P1.3 Security of Social Media


University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic P1.4 Cyber-attacks on part of army network

Lubomír ALMER

University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

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6th AFCEA Student Conference Program

Poster sessions

P1.5 Cyberbullying on social networks

Vítězslav ŠNORICH

University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic P1.6 Advanced methods for virtual reality simulation

Andrei KOVACS, Andreea-Teodora NICOLCIOIU

Faculty of Military Electronic and Information Systems, Military Technical Academy, Bucharest, Romania P1.7 A New Software for Propeller Design and Analysis


University of Beira Interior, Portugal P1.8 Nobody is safe

George-Catalin DRAGU, Iulian-Petru UNGUREANU, Bogdan Ionut BABUS

Electronics, Military Technical Academy, Bucharest, Romania P1.9 Netfox – Network Forensic Extendable Analysis Tool


Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic P1.10 Modern Social Networks Emerging Cyberthreats Identification. A Practical Methodological Framework with Examples

Zlatogor MINCHEV

Institute of ICT, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria P1.11 Modeling of GaN/Si SAW structures for GHz applications


IMT-Bucharest, Romania

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6th AFCEA Student Conference Program

Poster sessions

16:30– 17:30 Poster Session II

Dear presenter, stick-up your poster before session!

NOTE: Each author must deliver a 3 minutes slide show presentation of his/her work.

Session Chairs: Liviu COSEREANU, AFCEA Bucharest Chapter , Romania Ciprian IONESCU, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Romania

Evaluators: Norocel CODREANU, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Romania Aurel GONTEAN, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania Cristian NEGRESCU, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania Ioan NICOLAESCU, Technical military Academy, Bucharest, Romania Victor PATRICIU, Technical Military Academy, Bucharest Romania Ioan PLOTOG, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania Paul SVASTA, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, CETTI, Bucharest, Romania Emmanouil VAROUCHAS, DEREE - The American College of Greece

P2.1 Packet Tracer Multiuser environment and its usability in learning process


Armed Forces Academy of general M. R. Štefánik, Department of Informatics, Slovakia P2.2 Students Hands-on Approach to Electronic Packaging and Technology Education


Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Romania P2.3 A Practical Implementation of a CAN Spy Circuit for Educational Purposes Mois

Cristian MOIS, Adrian BLEDEA, Rajmond JANÓ

Applied Electronics Department, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania P2.4 Possibility of using MFD in air combat missions

Miroslav HOVORKA

University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic

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6th AFCEA Student Conference Program

Poster sessions

P2.5 Intelligent System based on Voice Recognition

George-Laurentiu TUDORACHE

Maritime University of Constanta, Romania P2.6 Implementing and testing of a light-sensitive piano

Bogdan CHIRAP, Brindusa Mihaela DAMIAN

Department of Electronics Technology and Reliability, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Romania P2.7 Electronic Device for Sports Training


Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati, Romania P2.8 Design of a Dual H-Bridge Motor Driver

Elif SAMEDIN, Smaranda SGÂRCIU, and Andrei DRUMEA

Department of Electronics Technology and Reliability, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Romania P2.9 Timer Based Methods for Decoding Manchester Encoded Sequences

Robert –Alexandru DOBRE

Department of Electronics Technology and Reliability, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Romania P2.10 s-EMG pattern recognition

Ismet POROBIĆ, Aurel GONTEAN Computer Science and Engineering Department, "Politehnica" University of Timisoara

P2.11 Electromagnetic modeling of a hybrid integrated mm-wave micromachined imaging sensor

Alina-Cristina BUNEA1),2), Dan NECULOIU1),2) 1)IMT Bucharest, Romania 2)Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania

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6th AFCEA Student Conference Program

Industry presenters

How to build an IT spin-off company

Abstract: The presentation describes experience of academic R&D group from its foundation, EU projects participation, growth from 5 to 50 people and EU project reviewers recommendation to commercialization of the technology, up to the establishment of IT spin-off and 6 years on the market experience (pros/contras/goals/achievements). Covered technologies include application of acceleration in FPGA. Keyword: NetFlow, monitoring, NBA, FPGA We work in the company INVEA-TECH which is located in Brno, Czech Republic. Since 2003 we have been part of a research, development and later on a project group in Czech national research and education network – CESNET. We were working on a design of solutions for monitoring large scale networks based on an FPGA acceleration using wide spread industrial standard for computer network monitoring based on IP flows. We have cooperated in national projects like Liberouter, NIFIC and NIC – development of network devices based on FPGA platform. After successful participation on several European projects (e.g. SCAMPI, 6NET, GÉANT2) our group has decided to establish INVEA-TECH. Nowadays, our company is focused on innovative and effective solutions for network monitoring and security. Our products are suitable for networks from 10 Mbps up to 100 Gbps. We work with various types of clients with individual types of networks to help them analyze the network traffic and design network security monitoring solutions tailored to their specific needs. We have a deep technical background in network monitoring & security, NetFlow/IPFIX and FPGA technology. We are also interested in new trends in IP based networks, how to monitor and secure these against new threats using network security monitoring and anomaly detection techniques. After six years on the market we have reached cumulative revenue 10 million US dollars, established strong market presence in Czech Republic and started expansion to 4 priority regions – Japan, Germany, Benelux, Poland and Slovakia. We focus on channel partners and bring them significant additional revenue to their standard network and security projects. Gartner have recognized us and included us in analysis since 2010. Deloitte awarded us in CE Technology Fast 50 and we started sales or technology partnerships with Cisco, Extreme Networks

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6th AFCEA Student Conference Program

Industry presenters

and Checkpoint. Compared to competitors focused on top enterprises or international TELCOs, we are able to scale from local town halls, hospitals and SMBs through banks, large business enterprises and ministries up to large data centers and top carriers.

Our next three years strategy is to grow from 2.5 million US dollars in 2013 to 10 million revenue though our channels in 5 selected regions. Long-run goal is to reach all global markets with estimated target revenue over 100 million US dollars. Currently, we are looking for strategic, technology or business partners to increase our growth opportunities.

Czech Republic, 11th March 2014


INVEA-TECH Brno, Czech Republic [email protected] +420 777 362 865

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6th AFCEA Student Conference Program

Industry presenters

Tracking Antenna for UAV

Abstract: Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are usually controlled from a ground station that uses an omnidirectional antenna for communication. In this presentation, a simple, cost effective system that uses a directional antenna to extend the flight range of UAVs is presented. Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicle, directional antenna. The system is composed of a mobile platform mounted on a tripod. The platform can be moved in two direction (azimuth and elevation) using two motors. On the platform, a directional antenna, a group of sensors and a controller are mounted. The sensors are used by the controller to determine the GPS coordinate of the antenna and the direction in space to which the antenna is pointed to. Using these parameters and knowing the GPS coordinates of the UAV, the controller commands the motors in such a way that the target is kept into the antenna’s field of view. The target’s GPS coordinates are sent periodically to the controller. If this data feed is turned off, the controller predicts the current coordinate of the target using a history of previous coordinates. This is done until the data feed is resumed or until a certain amount of time passes. The controller also monitors the system for faults: undervoltage, motor malfunction, fallen tripod, strong magnetic field presence near the antenna and other hardware related faults.

Bucharest, 24.03.2014

Ioanide Teodor STĂTESCU

Electronic Engineer Digital Bit S.R.L. Bucharest, Romania [email protected]

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6th AFCEA Student Conference Program

Industry presenters

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

Abstract: Social media and on-line available content continues to revolutionize means of spreading information. However, while information availability increases, the ability to analyze that information decreases. OSINT process extracts value from information. Keyword: OSINT, Intelligence cycle, on-line content, answerable questions Traditional intelligence cycle is used to enable structured conversion of raw data into usable decision making information. However, information explosion, particularly internet based, causes specific challenges in application of that process to analysis of on-line content. While OSINT process facilitates converting publicly available data into intelligence, it is worth to keep in mind that the solution to an information problem simply does not exist. Especially important is the fact to limit on-line research to a specific information requirement that needs to be fulfilled, or information request of the customer. Avoiding questions that are too general, and therefore likely to cause information overflow, which will result in inability to perform any meaningful analysis is crucial. Additionally, it is vital to understand on-line information landscape in order to be able to research in relevant sources, and in a time efficient manner. Useful information is anything, but easy to find. On-line content causes particular difficulties in assessing its reliability, and the credibility of the producer of the information is even more difficult to establish. OSINT process starts to attract attention of different industries worldwide, outside of pure intelligence community, such as insurance companies, in order to facilitate claims handling and detecting insurance fraud and scam. There are first successes, which will encourage other industries that rely on information processing to experiment with OSINT. Mr. Pawel M. ZABOROWSKI Bucharest, 24.03.2014

Ageas The Netherlands [email protected]

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6th AFCEA Student Conference Program

General informations

Location of conference:

The student conference will take place at:

“POLITEHNICA“ University of Bucharest,

Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology,

Leu Campus, Building A, Room A101

Avenue (Bulevard) Iuliu Maniu nr 1-3, Bucharest, Romania


Hotel Yesterday Economu Cezărescu Street no. 8 (2 minute close to the Grozavesti

overpass and Metrou Station) Bucharest, Romania

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6th AFCEA Student Conference Program

Contact informations

CONTACT INFORMATION: Chairman of Organizational Committee:

Mr. Petr JIRÁSEK, Phone: +420 603 245 240;

E-mail: [email protected]

Chairman of Evaluation Committee:

LtGen. (Ret) Niculae IRIMIE,

E-mail: [email protected]

Conference Chairman:

Prof. Paul SVASTA, Phone: +40 21 3169633;

E-mail: [email protected]

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6th AFCEA Student Conference Program

Bucharest Bucharest (in Romanian: București) is the capital city and the commercial centre of Romania. It is located in the southeast of the country, and lies on the banks of the Dâmboviţa River. The city was first mentioned in 1459 and became the capital of Romania in 1862.

Its architecture, which is a mix of historical and modern, also reflects the city's history. In the period between the World Wars, the city's elegant architecture and the sophistication of its elite gave Bucharest the nickname of the "Paris of the East" or "Little Paris".

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Organized by:

AFCEA Europe

AFCEA Bucharest Chapter


Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information

Technology Center for Technological Electronics and

Interconnection Techniques

Conference Sponsor: