prognostic and treatment rx for speech & …...prognostic and treatment rx for speech &...

Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen, Denmark July 29, 2011

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Page 1: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language

Development in CdLSMarjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP

6th CdLS World Conference

Copenhagen, Denmark

July 29, 2011

Page 2: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

My Background in CdLS

1982 First

Child Treated

1984 First CdLS conference

27 years Speech-Language Consultations at CdLS Conferences

26th CdLS World Congress, Denmark

Page 3: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

Purpose of Presentation

O Report on Speech and Language findings in

the CdLS population

O Provide strategies to stimulate for speech

and language development

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Page 4: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

Communication Findings

in CdLS

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Page 5: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

Database of 116 Patients (Goodban, 1993) and 50 Patients (Goodban, 2007)

with CdLS


c. 4%

Early communication development within

normal limits

c. 53%

4 years or older combined 2 or more

words into sentences

c. 33%

No words

by 4 years of age

6th CdLS World Congress, Denmark

Page 6: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

Four Groups

Based on

•Communication abilities

•Receptiveness to speech therapy

•Developmental history

There will be exceptions in all

Groups6th CdLS World Congress, Denmark 6

Page 7: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

Group I: “Talkers” O (3-4% of 1993 database )

O Normal or near normal motor development and developmental milestones

O Sit up independently at or by 18 months

O Walk at or by 30 months

O Normal or near normal development of

communication skills

O Usually begin talking on own

O Good social relatedness

O No hearing loss

O No upper-limb malformations

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Normal Communication Development

O Cooing by two months

O Babbling by 5 months

O First word by 12 months

O 10-20 word vocabulary by 18 months

O Jargoning (melody of the sentence without “words” ) at 12-18 months

O Five-six word sentences by 5 years

O 200 word vocabulary by two years; 800 by three years; 2500 by six years

O 90%-100% intelligible by three-four years

86th CdLS World Congress, Denmark

Page 9: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

Early Communication Behavior in CdLS

O Parents typically report cooing and babbling are not present or only occur for 1-2 days

O Repertoire of consonants during babbling usually very limited: perhaps only consonants, “m,d,” rather than the normal “m,b,p,d,t,n,g,k”

O Some jargoning (melody of the sentence without “words” ) observed in higher level children, after the acquisition of c. 5 words, or at c. 30 mos, compared with 14 mos. in normal

96th CdLS World Congress, Denmark

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Group II: “Late Talkers”O (35-40% in 1993 database )

• Moderate delays in motor and other developmental skills

• Sit 18 months

• Walk 30 months

O Moderate delay in speech and language

O First words emerge between 12-48 months for some, others not until 5-8 years

O Short sentences emerge 36 months - 12 years

O Will eventually use 2-5 word sentences

O Good word imitation skills

O Normal hearing or slight hearing loss

O Short attention span but good eye contact 6th CdLS World Congress, Denmark 10

Page 11: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

Comparison of Vocabulary Growth in Normal Population and CdLS

population by Group II

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Page 12: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

Typical Speech Sound Errors

O Many consonants are distorted or omitted or other sounds are substituted for them

Result: “_a_/cat”

O Front sounds, such as “t,” often substituted for back sounds, such as, “k”

Result: “tat/cat”

O Final consonants are frequently dropped

O Work on language before working on speech

126th CdLS World Congress, Denmark

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• Motor skills develop later than for Group II

• Verbal skills do not develop as early or as well• First words 7-10

years • later words at 11-

12• Social skills not as


Group III: “Limited Talkers”(20-25% in 1993 database)

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Group IV: “NonTalkers”

(25-30% in 1993 database)

One or more of following:

O Upper-limb malformation

O Moderate-to-severe hearing loss,

often sensorineural

O Autistic behaviors:

O Severe impairment in social relatedness

O Severe impairment in oral language

O Repetitive, abnormal behaviors

O Severely delayed motor skills: may not walk until after 4-5 years

O Group IV: No verbal communication6th CdLS World Congress, Denmark 14

Page 15: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

Features Associated with Acquisition of Oral Communication

• Sitting up at or by 18 months

• Walking at or by 30 months

• No history of moderate to severe hearing loss,

particularly sensori-neural hearing loss

• Good social relatedness

• No upper-limb malformations

6th CdLS World Congress, Denmark 15

Page 16: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

Features Associated with Lack of Oral Communication

• Moderate-to-severe hearing impairment, often sensori-


• Upper limb malformations

• Severe motor delay

• Sitting up later than 18 months

• Walking later than 30 months

• Deficits in social relatedness

• Classic symptoms of autism

• Lack of shared joint attention6th CdLS World Congress, Denmark 16

Page 17: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

Other Communication

Findings in CdLS

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Page 18: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

Unusual History of Babbling• Parents of children with CdLS typically report their

children never cooed or babbled

• If babbling did occur, parents report it occurred for only 1-2 days

• This lack of babbling is suggestive of very different brain development in children with CdLS

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Unusual and Surprising Results of Hearing Tests

O Parents frequently report

O Test results indicate deaf at birth

O Moderately hearing impaired at 12 months

O Normal at 18 - 24 months

O These are highly unusual test results

O Individuals do not go from deaf to normal

O Auditory neuropathy?

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Auditory Neuropathy (AN)?

O Is this the cause of the unusual hearing test


O If so,

O Normal populations with AN report that

although they can hear speech, they can not

always understand it, especially in the

presence of background noise

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Hearing Loss

O Most of the children are diagnosed with a hearing loss

O Approximately 8% have sensori-neural losses

216th CdLS World Congress, Denmark

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O Parents need to be aware of

the unusual results of

hearing tests

O If parents think their child is

deaf, they may not talk

during feeding, bathing, and

other activities

O Result is a loss of language


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My Child Seems to Hear Better than Hearing Tests Would Indicate

Many parents

report their child

hears better than

test results


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Auditory Processing

O Not necessarily related to hearing acuity

O More time needed to process what is heard

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Page 25: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

Characteristic Vocal QualityO Most children with CdLS

exhibit an unusual vocal quality

O Guttural, hoarse, and low in pitch, with occasional dips into glottal fry

O Overall loudness and range of vocal inflection is typically limited

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Vocal Quality

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Some have a more noticeable difference in vocal quality.

No relationship between vocal quality and development of speech

GERD and hearing loss may contribute to some vocal quality differences

Page 27: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)

Difficulty executing, coordinating, and sequencing the oral-motor movements for speech

Absence of paralysis or weakness

Reflexive or vegetative movements present

Impaired voluntary control of oral-motor movements

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Oral-Motor Abilities

O Oral-motor apraxia is commonO Difficulty imitating or producing voluntary

movements of the mouth, in the absence of paralysis or weakness

O Child can execute vegetative movements such as eating, retrieving food from the upper lip, social smiling

O Great difficulty with voluntary movements, such as imitation of lip or jaw movements, and sounds

O Groping movements of mouth, puzzled look

286th CdLS World Congress, Denmark

Page 29: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

Similarities between CAS and CdLS:

Abnormal Histories of Babbling

O Limited or little babbling

O “Pop-outs”O Levels above previous productions

O Produced only a few times

O Cannot imitate when asked to do so

O Better receptive language

than expressive language

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Reduced Speech Intelligibility

Soft, muffled voices

Missing or distorted consonants

Limited vocal inflection

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Page 31: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

Factors Contributing to Reduced Speech Intelligibility

Structural differences of the oral cavity

Overall developmental


Oral clefts, if present

Childhood apraxia of


Hearing loss, if present

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Structural Differences of the Oral Cavity


•Lower jaw retruded and smaller, placing the tongue farther back in the mouth

•The overall size of the oral cavity is reduced, limiting optimal resonance

Page 33: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

High Arched Palate, Cleft Palate, Cleft Lip, Submucous Cleft

6th CdLS World Congress, Denmark 33

High arched palate is common and has a reported frequency occurrence of 86%

Clefts of the palate are somewhat common (20%) and usually result in nasality

Submucous clefts and clefts of the soft palate are not common & usually result in nasality; isolated cleft lip is rare

Page 34: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

HyperNasality & Cleft Palate

O Hypernasality: excessive resonance or

sound vibration in nasal cavity, usually

associated with cleft palate or submucous


O Cleft palates are common in CdLS

O Voice will sound even more muffled

O Nasal emission of air may be heard,

especially on consonants like “s,d,p”

346th CdLS World Congress, Denmark

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Expressive language delays/disorders

6th CdLS World Congress, Denmark 35

96% show moderate-to-severe language delays

Asynchronous development of language skills

Similar findings in Down Syndrome and Fragile X


Page 36: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

Words are not LanguageO The ability to use words

does not guarantee child with CdLS will be able to use normal grammatical structures

O Children with CdLS who acquire minimum of 30-50 words are usually able to use simple, short sentences

366th CdLS World Congress, Denmark

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O Full grammatical abilities

do not usually develop,

such as the ability to

transform words into the

standard question form

O Syntactic skills are below

that expected, given total

number of words in child’s


376th CdLS World Congress, Denmark

Page 38: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

Asynchronous Development of Language Skills

Aspects of language

development in CdLS show

uneven development or

asynchronies, with receptive

language skills being much

higher than expressive

language skills

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Difficulty Producing “Question Form”

• Beginning at age 3 years, normally developing

children use the “question transformation”

• “Mommy is going bye-bye.”

• “Is mommy going bye-bye.”

• Groups II – IV do not produce the question form

without cueing and prompting

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Social Relatedness in CdLSO Most are not “talkers”

O Usually do not develop mediating language

O In contrast, children with Down syndrome are said to be very social

O Higher than normal incidence of selective mutism

406th CdLS World Congress, Denmark

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Good Social Skills with Upper-Limb Malformations

O Good social relatedness with upper-limb malformations

O Ameliorates negative factor of limb malformations

O Approximate vocabulary of 50-70 words

6th CdLS World Congress, Denmark41

J. S., 20 years of age

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Classic Symptoms of Autism also seen in CdLS

O 25% -30% appear to have the classic symptoms of autism (Kanner 1943)

O Main features are

O Severe impairment in social


O Severe impairment in oral language

O Repetitive, abnormal behaviors

O These behaviors are not characteristic of

developmental delays (DD)6th CdLS World Congress, Denmark 42

Page 43: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

ASD Also Characterized by Absence of Shared Joint Attention

O Joint attention is the process of sharing one’s

experiences of observing an object or event, by

following one’s gaze or pointing gestures


• What is Joint Attention?• Child and caregiver share appropriate gazes

and warm facial expressions

6th CdLS World Congress, Denmark

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Joint attention is critical for social development,

language acquisition, and cognitive development

Includes appropriate sharing of interest or

enjoyment: child and caregiver share

appropriate gazes and warm facial expressions

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Normal children both initiate and respond to joint attention bids

Shared joint attention is a diagnostic indicator of autism

Differentiates among normal, autistic, and developmental delay

6th CdLS World Congress, Denmark

Page 46: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

Development of Joint Attention in Typically Developing Infants


3 – 6 months:

Responds to joint attention

6 – 9 months:

Initiates joint


12 months: Sustained periods of

joint attention

18 months:

Exhibits full-blown

joint attention

6th CdLS World Congress, Denmark

Page 47: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

Examples of Early Nonverbal, Prelinguistic Behaviors in the Typically Developing Infant

O Smile at parents by fourth day after birth

O Between 3 and 6 months, begin to engage in aspects

of joint attention

O At nine months, smile at parents without looking away

476th CdLS World Congress, Denmark

Page 48: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

Treatment Recommendations

486th CdLS World Congress, Denmark

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• Focus in speech


• Speech sounds

• Grammar

• Loudness

• Social language

• Educational

placement in

regular classroom

Treatment for Group I: “Talkers”

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Treatment for Group II

O Typical therapy procedures include

O Imitation, moving from gross

motorvocal speech sounds words


O Speech-language stimulation

O Gestures & sign language facilitate


O Self-talk, parallel talk, expectant waiting

by therapists and caregivers

O Drill and repetition for longer utterances

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Therapy for Oral-Motor ApraxiaO Presentation of single, simple word/sound

O Highly inflected or musical

O P-r-o-o-o-l-o-o-o-n-g each syllable 2 seconds

O Numerous presentations of same word

O Use gestures, hold object near mouth

O Encourage child to use same gestures

O Expectant waiting

O Tap out each syllable

516th CdLS World Congress, Denmark

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Therapy for Oral-Motor Apraxia

Presentation of single, simple word/sound

Highly inflected or musical

P-r-o-o-o-l-o-o-n-g each syllable 2 seconds

Numerous presentations of same word

Use gestures, hold object near mouth

Encourage child to use same gestures

Expectant waiting

Tap out each syllable

526th CdLS World Congress, Denmark

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Selective Mutism

O Total lack of speech in one situation, despite the ability to speak in other settings

O Duration of at least one month

O Underlying anxiety assumed

O Multidisciplinary team approach to treatment led by a psychologist

O Behavioral methods guide primary treatment approach

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Treatment Options for Groups III-IV

O Communication Board or Ring

O Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)

O Object Communication

• Augmentative/Alternative Communication

• Sign language

O Oral-Facial Stimulation and Feeding Therapy

O May also be appropriate for some in Group II

O Treatment Programs for autistic, deaf/blind

O Group III: Therapy for apraxia6th CdLS World Congress, Denmark 54

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Important NoteO Children with disabilities are likely to

become passive and give up on all communication attempts

O Often the few attempts they do make are not noticed or are misunderstood

O Advise caregivers to react to child’s posture and body shifts & vocal behaviors

O Touch shoulders, say, "I see you are raising your shoulders, do you want up?” Then pick up the child

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Page 57: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

Aided and Unaided Communication Systems


O Unaided systems rely on the user’s body to convey messages:




O Aided communication systems require tools in addition to the user’s body:



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Recommend the Use of Sign Language or Gestures

O Sign language facilitates the development of language

and should not slow the development of oral language

O Children with disabilities are likely to become passive and give up on all communication attempts

O Often the few attempts they do make are not noticed or are misunderstood

O Advise caregivers to react to child’s posture and body shifts & vocal behaviors

O Touch shoulders, say, "I see you are raising your shoulders, do you want up?” Then pick up the child

586th CdLS World Congress, Denmark

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Develop a Picture Exchange System

O Begin with one or two clear pictures or

photographs of desired objects

O Begin to pair these pictures with the desired


O Can child look at, point to, or otherwise use

the picture to indicate what he or she


O Pictures may be laminated and placed on

large steel ring

596th CdLS World Congress, Denmark

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Electronic Devices

O To find the best AAC system for the child

O An assessment needs to be conducted,

which takes into account:

O Characteristics of the child

O Potential advantages and obstacles

that exist in the environment

606th CdLS World Congress, Denmark

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Many Choices

iPad 2, about $800, with

PROLOQUO2GO App Dynavox, about $6000

616th CdLS World Congress, Denmark

Page 62: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

General Recommendations

O Early communication assessment and treatment

O For hearing problems, consult physician/audiologist familiar with infants

O Parents report important to keep ear canal clean

O Cleft lip and palate should be closed as with any child

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General Recommendations

O For bilingual families, I do not recommend

that therapy be limited to only one language

O Not necessary for child to have eaten

normally in order for talking to occur

O Gestures/sign language encouraged

O For child with autistic-like behaviors: age appropriate toy or object

636th CdLS World Congress, Denmark

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Treatment Protocol

O Also see my Treatment Protocol

on the website

646th CdLS World Congress, Denmark

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Individuals with and Families of Individuals with CdLS

Elmhurst College

National Cornelia de Lange Syndrome Association, USA

International Cornelia de Lange Syndrome Association

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Page 66: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

ReferencesO Goodban, M.T. (1993) Survey of speech and language

skills with prognostic indicators in 116 patients with

CdLS. Am J Med Genet 47:2059-2063.

O Nine doctors present research update at Arizona

convention (1994). Reaching Out: The Newsletter of the

CdLS Foundation. XIII: 4, p.11.

O Goodban, M.T. (2007). Prelinguistic predictors of

language outcomes at 4 years of age in CdLS. Paper

presented at the 4th CdLS World Conference, Niagara

Falls, Canada.

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Page 67: Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & …...Prognostic and Treatment Rx for Speech & Language Development in CdLS Marjorie Goodban, PhD, CCC-SLP 6th CdLS World Conference Copenhagen,

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