profiling my audience

Profiling my Audience Harrison Astley-Jones

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Post on 15-Jun-2015



Entertainment & Humor

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Page 1: Profiling my audience

Profiling my Audience

Harrison Astley-Jones

Page 2: Profiling my audience

What is an audience?

• An audience is a number of spectators that consume a form of media text whether it be by reading, listening or watching. Without an audience, media would be worthless. No audience=No media. The media uses audience to stay profitable. No Audience=No Profit.

Page 3: Profiling my audience

Audience Classifications

• An audience can be classified into 3 categories:

1. Demographic- Age, Gender, Class and Ethnicity

2. Psychographic- Attitudes, beliefs and interests

3. Geographic- where the audience comes from (city, nationality etc…)

Page 4: Profiling my audience

My audience

• From researching my genre of indie music I have a clear understanding of the audience that my magazine will appeal to. The target audience for the magazine is mainly teenagers and people in their early 20s. This audience will have similar costume to the bands/artist featured and their lifestyles may relate.

Page 5: Profiling my audience

Opinion Poll

• If a new indie music magazine was brought out, would you be interested in buying it?

• Would you prefer a simple/basic layout or a more complex/cluttered layout? (Circle one)

• Do you prefer a wide range of colours or a small range? (circle one)


Page 6: Profiling my audience

Using the results

• But collecting the results of this poll I will be able to see what the majority of the people would prefer and I can adjust my magazine to suit their wants. This will hopefully make the magazine more popular. It will also save time while making the magazine is a will know what my audience want before hand, which saves time in the long run.