professor, civil & environmental engineering ins5tute of ... · professor, civil &...

Micro-trading and Micro-instrumenting: Small-data is Big in Transportation R. Jayakrishnan Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transporta5on Studies, UC Irvine

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Post on 26-Mar-2020




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Page 1: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the



Page 2: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the



•  Howwillthetransporta5onsystemschangeinthenearfuture,andoverthenextfewdecades?

•  Whatarethefundamentalsofthischange,fromamobilitytheorystandpoint?

•  Twostart-uppossibili5es.

•  Waytrade–UCIstudentprojectnear-readytogo.

•  SinWaves–Start-upfirminplace,alreadyonthego

Page 3: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the



•  Transporta1onsystemsareinforamassivetransforma5oninthenearfuturewithshared-usageoffacili5es(transporta(onsupply)andwillcon5nuetotransformforthenextfewdecadesasautonomoussystemstakehold.

•  ChangesbroughtbyUber,LyP,etcarewellknown.Ride-sharingisforreal!•  Connectedsystemsandautonomoussystemsareontheway.•  Exis5ngsystems’designsarebasedonoldparadigmsofusersbeingunableto

communicateinreal-5mewithvehicles,orwitheachother.•  Usersnego1a1ngwitheachotherorwithafacilita1ngbrokerisfullyapossible

now.Exampleconversa5ons(poten5allybetweenprogrammeddevices)•  “Canyouchangelanesfor15cents,soIcantakeanexitandleave?”•  “Ugersaysitischeapertopickmeupbeforeyou.Canwepayyou$5towait

for10minutes?”•  “Iwillpay$2foragreenextensionattheintersec(onrightnow!Canyou10

carswaitfor15secondsandgetpaid?”•  [AutonomousCarsays]“FemExwillpayme$5foranurgentpackagepick-up


Page 4: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the



•  Wealwaystookthefairwaytooperatetransporta5onsystemstobetoletthefirst-comeusertobefirst-served.Butdotheynecessarilywantto?Whatiftheyarefinewai5ng,forapayment,andaremoresa5sfied?•  The“fair”systemwasfaironlywithoutcommunica1on.Wewereassuming

everybodytohavethesamevalueof5me,orurgency.•  DroppingFCFSmaybebeFerforeverybody(withregulatorycaveats!)•  P2PMicro-tradingisapossibilitywiththerighttechnologies,andearly

projec5onsofmoneytransac5onsareeye-opening.•  Vehiclesaretremendouslyusefulinprovidingdatacommunica5onacrossIoT

networksforubiquity.•  “Mule”communica5on(MobileubiquitousLANExtension)usingvehicles


•  Micro-instrumenta1on(lowpower)isnecessaryforloca5onalanddataaccuracyforautonomousandsharingsystems,and“mule”connec5vity.

Page 5: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the




Page 6: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the
Page 7: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the




Page 8: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the





Page 9: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the
Page 10: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the
Page 11: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the
Page 12: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the
Page 13: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the
Page 14: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the
Page 15: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the
Page 16: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the
Page 17: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the
Page 18: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the
Page 19: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the
Page 20: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the
Page 21: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the
Page 22: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the













Page 23: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the


Basedofftheredlightcameramodel:•  Systemprovidedforfreetogovernmentandusers

Wecovercapitalcosts,maintenance,dataservices•  Cuttakenfromtransac5ons

Page 24: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the

RevenueModelBasedofftheredlightcameramodel:•  Systemprovidedforfreetogovernmentandusers

Wecovercapitalcosts,maintenance,dataservices•  Commissionfromtransac5ons•  Otherbusinessmodelspossible

Simula5onstudiesandProjec5onfor250intersec5ons(Irvine)es5matestransac5onsofabout$15permonthpercapita,and$35millionintransac5ons(about$3.5millionincommission).•  ProjectedtoLAmetropolitanarea->$1.5billion•  Projectedna5on-wide->$150billion•  Commissionat10%->$15billion•  Capitalequipmentinstalla5oncostrecoveredinayear.

Page 25: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the



Page 26: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the


Partnershipswithgovernment.Idealcandidatesevaluatedonthefollowingthreecriteria:•  Technological–Whatresourcesarealreadyinplace

•  Highcellphoneadop5on•  Upgradeable/wireless-enabledsignalcontrollers•  Vehicle-integratedroad-pricingsystems

Page 27: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the


Partnershipswithgovernment.Idealcandidatesevaluatedonthefollowingthreecriteria:•  Technological–Whatresourcesarealreadyinplace

•  Highcellphoneadop5on•  Upgradeable/wireless-enabledsignalcontrollers•  Vehicle-integratedroad-pricingsystems

•  Poli5cal–Progressiveci5eswillingtousetechnologyandmarketmechanismstoimprovemobility•  Smarttrafficlights•  Pricedlanes

Page 28: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the


Partnershipswithgovernment.Idealcandidatesevaluatedonthefollowingthreecriteria:•  Technological–Whatresourcesarealreadyinplace

•  Highcellphoneadop5on•  Upgradeable/wireless-enabledsignalcontrollers•  Vehicle-integratedroad-pricingsystems

•  Poli5cal–Progressiveci5eswillingtousetechnologyandmarketmechanismstoimprovemobility•  Smarttrafficlights•  Pricedlanes

•  Financial–Placeswithhighamountsoftransac5onswillbemostsuccessfulandensurecostsarecovered•  Extensivevehicleusefordifferenttypesoftrips(work,leisure,etc.)•  Highdisparityinincomes

Page 29: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the


Page 30: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the


Money•  Alphatestcapitalcosts-$6000•  Fullscalealphaopera5ngcost-$50,000/yr•  Betatestcapitalcosts-$1.5million•  Betatestopera5ngcost-$2million/yr

Page 31: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the

SīnWaves,Inc.Safe Smart Streets

[email protected]

Page 32: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the

SīnWaves-  redesignwirelesscommunica5onasameanstovehicleawareness

-  robustuniversalsolu5onprovidinganunbiasedinfrastructure-  embracing“rightdata”over“bigdata”-  Localizeddataratherthancloudservices-  designingaroadsideinfrastructurethathelpsfacilitateintelligentdecisions

Page 33: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the


•  Real-TimeIntelligentTransporta5onSystems,VehicleTracking,andVehicularCommunica5onsbackground

•  6peerreviewedconferencepapersinshortestandfastestrouteswithdynamicedgeweightsandreal-5mevehicletracking

•  MemberofIEEEandtheIntelligentTransporta5onSocietysince2009


•  Electronicdevicedesignandembeddedapplica5onsbackground

•  BroughtcheapcellularservicetoPar5cle.ioIoTdevice

•  MemberofIEEEsince2010andSAEsince2014

Page 34: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the

Technology•  RoadsideCommunica5onNetwork(RCN)

•  ExtendsInternetofThings(IoT)andWirelessSensorNetworksWSN•  Roadsidesensorislow-cost,ultra-lowpowerandeasilyprogrammable

•  Streetsigns,Trafficlights,Railroadcrossings,Construc5onzones,andotherroadrelateden55eswillbeabletowirelesslycommunicatetheirmessagetorecipients

•  Harvestenergyfromtheenvironment

Patent Pending

Page 35: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the

MarketPotentialProducts§  Road&VehicleTransceiver

§  Communica5onProtocol

§  RoadsideInfrastructureDatabase

§  Analy5csSoPware

Customers§  Transporta5onAgencies

§  Automo5veManufacturers

§  Consumers§  FleetManagers,PublicTransit


Page 36: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the

CurrentState•  NSFSBIRGrantApplicant,suppor5veen55es•  Ins5tuteofTransporta5onStudies(ITS-Irvine)atUCI

•  Transporta5onandDistribu5onServices(TDS)atUCI

•  PilotAutomo5ve•  BaselinesIncorporated

•  TexasInstrumentsisprovidingSinWavestechnicalsupport

•  SinWaveshasitsfirstprototype

Page 37: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the

CurrentState•  NSFSBIRGrantApplicant,suppor5veeni5es•  Ins5tuteofTransporta5onStudies(ITS-Irvine)atUCI

•  Transporta5onandDistribu5onServices(TDS)atUCI

•  PilotAutomo5ve•  BaselinesIncorporated

•  TexasInstrumentsisprovidingSinWavestechnicalsupport

•  SinWaveshasitsfirstprototype

Page 38: Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of ... · Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering Ins5tute of Transportaon Studies, UC Irvine Outline 2 • How will the


Prof.R.Jayakrishnan,ITS/CalIT2/[email protected]