professional development handbook 2010-2011


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Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine Professional Development Handbook 2010-2011


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pRofessional deVelopmenT HandbooK 2010-2011

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There are a few things in life I enjoy more than the “studying, practicing and teaching of medicine.”

—Dr. Benjamin Rush

Table of ConTenTs

About Professional Development ...............................................................................1

Learning Objectives for Professional Development .....................................................3

Messages to Medical Students ..............................................................................4-5

Faculty and Administration ...................................................................................8-17


Professional Development Topics ............................................................................20

• Biostatistics .................................................................................................20

• End of Life Care ...........................................................................................20

• Epidemiology ...............................................................................................20

• Evidence Based Medicine ............................................................................20

• Foundations of Health Care ..........................................................................20

• Geriatrics .....................................................................................................21

• Quality Improvement in Health Care ..............................................................21

• Home Health Care........................................................................................21

• Introduction to Health Care Policies ..............................................................21

• Occupational Health Medicine ......................................................................21

• Pain Management ........................................................................................21

• Palliative Care ..............................................................................................21

• Population Based Medicine ..........................................................................21

• Practice Management ..................................................................................22

• Complementary and Integrative Medicine, Humanism & Medical Jurisprudence ....22

• Professional Behavior ...................................................................................22

• Research Methods .......................................................................................22

Contact Information ................................................................................................23

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aBout ProFessional DeveloPment

There are a few things in life I enjoy more than the “studying, practicing and teaching of medicine” as written by Dr. Benjamin Rush, a renowned physician of his time, and cosigner of the 1776 Declaration of Independence. These words depict the character of a well rounded physician. Throughout your life, you will continue to learn while pursuing the honorable purpose to serve mankind.

As an informed physician you will dedicate the rest of your life to studying medicine; it will become your mission to continuously stay educated through journals, abstracts, publications, medical conferences and online information. As a practicing physician, you will use your evolving knowledge of medicine to treat as well as to educate patients about healthy life style choices and the prevention of disease. As a professional, you will belong to a select group of individuals who have the privilege of providing care to sick patients while practicing in a complex health care system.

professional development will prepare you to:

• use the skills and knowledge of a modern day scientist

• Apply the wisdom of a philosopher

• Develop the tools for life learning

• understand the legal issues involved in health care

• understand regulatory and health care policies and issues

• understand the complexity of our local, state and federal health care systems

• Be aware of the different, non-traditional complementary and integrative ways to practice medicine

• understand the importance of quality in the delivery of health care

• Absorb the values, attitudes and behaviors expected of today’s physicians

Your professional development will come by way of mentors, professors and research, as well as specifi c information, knowledge and skills that will contribute to your growth. The Professional Development topics you will explore are designed to provide a broad overview of real world medical issues and to prepare you to understand and to practice the highest quality of care, successfully tackling the numerous challenges awaiting you in a traditional private/public practice setting.

Professional Development consists of a four-year program that combines the teachings of 18 individual topics that can be broken down in four categories:

scientifi c mind

skills & Knowledge

real WorldProfessional Behavior


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Development of the scientific mind by:

Learning how to: The subject matter that will teach these skills:

• Interpret statistics • Biostatistics

• Think in an analytical manner • Epidemiology

• Apply critical information • Evidence Based Medicine

• Develop the best health services for a population of patients • Population Based Medicine

• Conduct quality scientific research • Research Methods

Development of real world comprehensive knowledge by:

Learning: The subject matter that will teach these skills:

• The operational, financial and administrative basic components of payors and providers of care

• Foundations of Health Care

• The entities involved in the delivery of quality of care • Quality Improvement in Health Care

• How health care is delivered at home • Home Health Care

• To navigate through the complex local, state and federal health care delivery systems

• Medical Jurisprudence

• The aspects of medicine that deal with work related injuries and illnesses

• Occupational Medicine

• The legal, regulatory, managerial, financial and business complexities of running a private practice

• Practice Management

• Different policies that affect the delivery of health care • Health care policies

Development of the skills and knowledge for optimal patient care by:

Learning : The subject matters that will teach these skills:

• The non-traditional forms of care available to patients • Complementary and Integrative Medicine

• The fundamental concepts associated with end-of-life care

• End-of-life Care

• Development of skills for personal reflection and self awareness to heal thyself while healing others

• Humanism

• The care needed to manage and alleviate suffering to patients and their families

• Pain Management

• The care that alleviates pain and severity of disease symptoms • Palliative Care

Development of the “Professional Behavior,” that is needed to practice that part of medicine that revolves around understanding one’s self and others by:

Learning how to understand: The subject matter that will teach these skills:

• Attitudes • Professional Behavior

• Self-awareness • Professional Behavior

• Emotions • Professional Behavior

• Values • Professional Behavior

• Identity • Professional Behavior

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learninG oBJectives For ProFessional DeveloPment

The expectation is that after completing Professional Development, a future physician will:

1. Apply biostatistics in medical and public health care

2. Recognize and understand the role of epidemiology in health care

3. Use evidence based medicine to provide quality health care to individuals and populations

4. Understand the factors that contribute to population based medicine. Specifi cally, the prevention of disease and improvement of health care

5. Understand and apply quality scientifi c research methods

6. Defi ne and discuss the core aspects of today’s health care system and how it impacts physicians in the care of patients

7. Discuss the role of quality improvement in health care

8. Understand the different forms of health care services delivered at home

9. Develop an understanding of the legal issues that confront health care and the practice of medicine

10. Understand the general issues involved in patient care related to the work environment, also known as occupational medicine

11. Understand the fi nancial, legal and regulatory duties of managing and operating a private practice

12. Understand current health care policies at all levels of government

13. Recognize the role of complementary and integrative medicine in today’s health care environment

14. Understand end-of-life care issues from the physician’s and patient’s perspectives

15. Apply humanistic values, emotions and attitudes for the caring of patients and others

16. Understand how to guide patients in pain management

17. Understand the issues involved in relieving pain

18. Understand and apply humanistic qualities needed to be a successful, well-rounded physician

19. Keep up to date with the evolving knowledge and skills required in the practice of medicine

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Dear Student,

In the United States we spent more on heath care per capita than any other country in the world. In 2010, health care spending in the Unites States surpassed $2.4 trillion, and now with implementation of the new health care reform law, it is expected to surpass $3 trillion in the next decade. It is no surprise that the health care industry, composed of hospitals, insurance companies, HMO’s, pharmaceuticals, outpatient’s medical centers and physicians, has allowed big business to weigh in on the future of health care. The fact is, the profession of medicine is now intertwined in the huge business of health care. As a result, external factors imposed by the health care industry have greatly impacted the way the modern physician practices. Today, physicians’

practices exist in the complex regulatory, legal, and business systems within the health care industry. This is why the FIU College of Medicine’s Professional Development curriculum will place such strong emphasis on preparing future physicians for the real world of medicine. The Professional Development program was created and will serve as the foundation of our educational objectives.

In the last several decades the Hippocratic Oath has seen its fundamental meaning challenged and its purpose to exist attacked by ethical, social, governmental, legal and business related matters. There is an ever-increasing concern that the profession of medicine has steered off course from its traditional patient-centered care mission to one that has numerous external, and at times, conflicting factors. At the heart of the matter, there is the ethical and moral demeanor historically expected of physicians.

Today physicians live in a much different world than 30 years ago. Patient care in some settings is as much driven by the physician as by insurance companies, with extensive protocols on quality of care, peer review, utilization management, and prevention and education guidelines. In many cases, the sole practitioner has been replaced with large primary and specialty groups. The once-personable private practice office has been overrun by referral and insurance benefit coordinators, prior authorization specialists, billing and collections departments, just to name a few.

Professional Development and its 18 topics attempt to educate and prepare the modern day medical student in four general categories: scientific mind, real world, skills and knowledge and professional behavior, and health systems. We will use a step approach of learning that commences with the critical and analytical thinking needed of a scientist. The hallmark of your first year will be learning the importance of self awareness and professional behavior. Despite the level of service and humanism expected from our students, it is our goal to provide the full scope of education that will allow you to be wise, worldly and possess a modicum of savvy on the business of medicine. The latter refers to the need to prepare our noble and compassionate future physicians to be prepared for the realities of the commercial and business world we live in.

After completing the learning objectives set forth in the four-year Professional Development track, you will be competent in a broad range of issues that will prepare you to be compassionate, self aware, critical thinkers that can successfully tackle the complexities of modern day medicine.

Fernando J. Valverde, M.D.Associate Dean for Community and Clinical AffairsChief Executive Officer, FIU HealthCare NetworkStrand Leader for Professional Development

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Dear Student,

On behalf of the Professional Behavior section at the Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, we are proud to welcome you. As you begin your education in medicine, we want to introduce you to the Professional Behavior discipline of your education.

As medical students emerge as professionals, they must recognize their responsibility and obligation toward patients, society and other health professionals. In addition, they must behave in a manner that exhibits enduring abilities, attitudes and dispositions that are in compliance with the medical profession’s standards of conduct. One of the goals of the Professional Behavior curriculum is to educate medical students so that they meet those standards and demonstrate competence in skills beyond the knowledge of human science. As such, the College of Medicine (COM) has an obligation to prepare students pursuing the M.D. degree as thoroughly as possible for their professional behaviors, communication skills, integrity, self-awareness, and their suitability for the practice of medicine. Additionally, the College of Medicine has a responsibility to the student, as an individual, to guide this period of pre-professional identity development, and prepare them to meet the behavioral and ethical requirements of the medical profession.

Unlike other courses within the College of Medicine, Professional Behavior is unique as it runs through the entire four-year curriculum. While you are learning human biology, pathology and clinical sciences, you will also be learning patient-focused professionalism, communication skills, ethical decision-making, self-awareness, and other behavioral sciences that help you prepare for and effectively maneuver through your pre-professional years. The Professional Behavior curriculum is staffed by a group of highly focused and experienced faculty dedicated to preparing the medical student for the demands of modern day medicine.

Your education in Professional Behavior will include the development of the M.D. Identity thorough an extensive examination into the Values, Emotions, and Attitudes (VEA) that are particular to and impact the emerging physician.

We call them VEA’s and they are based on the experiences that physicians are challenged with on an everyday basis. Additionally, these VEA’s are a refl ection of the learning objectives of the College of Medicine and will be introduced to the student in a stage- and level- appropriate manner.

We hope your experience throughout the Professional Behavior curriculum challenges and provides you with a self-awareness that will make your medical education a positive experience that prepares you for professional life.

Again welcome,

Eugenio Rothe, M.D.Course DirectorProfessional Behavior Program Director and Group LeaderAssociate Professor of Psychiatry

Jorge Alfredo Herrera-Pino, M.D., Ph.D.Professional Behavior Deputy Program Director and Group LeaderProfessional Behavior Founding Committee MemberProfessor of Applied Cognitive Neuroscience

Rodolfo Bonnin, Ph.D.Professional Behavior Founding Committee Member and Group LeaderDirector of Assessment

Daniel Castellanos, M.D.Professional Behavior Founding Committee Member and Group LeaderProfessor and Chairman of Psychiatry

Marta Cuellar, M.D.Professional Behavior Faculty and Group LeaderAssociate Professor of Medicine and Chief of Rheumatology

Thomas Hunter, M.D.

Professional Behavior Faculty and Group Leader

Douglas Feltman, M.D.Professional Behavior Faculty and Group Leader

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Faculty and Administration

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The FIU Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine’s Professional

Development faculty is a group of superb scholars who have exceptional

experience and are highly knowledgeable in their respective fi elds. They

are all committed to providing the best medical education in the fi eld of

Professional Development. Our faculty has been thoughtfully selected and

is devoted to pursue the mission of the College which is to provide quality

education while creating self aware, scientifi cally prepared, professionally

competent, sensitive healers.


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Faculty anD aDministration

Juan M. Acuña, M.D., M.Sc.Professional Development, Epidemiology I & II, Biostatistics, Evidence Based Medicine, Research Methods, Population Based MedicineAssociate Professor of OB-GYN, Genetics, and Epidemiology, Director of the Data, Information, and Research Center, Guest Researcher, CDC WHO/PAHO Collaborating Center

Dr. Juan Acuña is an Obstetrician-Gynecologist (1984), Clinical Geneticist (1989), and Epidemiologist (1998). In 1998 he joined the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as member of the Epidemic Intelligence Service, in the Birth Defects Division, after completing a Clinical Epidemiology program with the INCLEN (International Clinical Epidemiology Network). Throughout his clinical practice he worked with fetal malformations, prenatal diagnosis, prenatal treatment of birth defects, and other prenatal conditions. He expanded his clinical practice to cover research interests in maternal and child health epidemiology. For more than two decades, he has been teaching methodology of research and principles of practice of evidence-based decision making processes, both nationally and internationally. In July of 2000, he became the Senior Maternal and Child Health Epidemiologist assigned by the CDC to the Louisiana Office of Public Health.

At the state level, he worked on the analysis of prenatal mortality, birth defects surveillance systems, prenatal care, maternal weight, and in the evaluation of important MCH projects for the state. He developed the only population-based, state-wide FIMR project to review deaths throughout the state. This program mobilized communities throughout Louisiana towards their participation in the LAOPH Fetal and Infant Mortality Reduction Initiative. He has been affiliated with teaching institutions such as the National University of Colombia where he was Professor of OBGYN, Genetics, until 2004; adjunct Faculty at Emory University; the Tulane University School of Public Health, and the Louisiana State University Department of Pediatrics. He became the Director for the CDC Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Program in 2005. In 2008, he joined the Florida International University College of Medicine and became an Associate Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Epidemiology, and the Director of the Data, Information, and Research Coordinating Center in Miami.

Rose Allen, R.N., MSM/HM, CHPN Professional Development, End-of-Life Care Bioethics and Palliative Care Director, Baptist Health South Florida

Since 2002, Rose Allen, RN, MSM/HM, CHPN has been the Bioethics & Palliative Care Director for Baptist Health South Florida. Ethics in patient care has always been a concern for Ms. Allen, and she has spent much of her 25 years at Baptist as a member of the ethics committee and consultation services.

Ms Allen is a 33-year nursing veteran, trained in Essex, England. She migrated to the United States, where she became certified and specialized in Critical Care nursing throughout her nursing career. In 2004, she completed training as an EPEC (Education for Palliative and End-of-Life Care) trainer and facilitated the development of the BHSF Palliative Care Training Program, through which over 1100 health care providers have been trained since 2008. This training is supported by a $280,950 grant from Health Foundation of South Florida. She completed her Certificate in Bioethics in 2006 at Albany College in New York and obtained her board certification in Hospice & Palliative Nursing in 2008.

As Bioethics & Palliative Care Director, Ms. Allen coordinates system-wide policy integration, consultation services, monthly ethics education, organ donation training, and facilitates the development of BHSF palliative care program.

Life Alliance Organ Recovery Agency honored Ms. Allen in 2003 and 2005 as a recipient of the Luminare Award through her extraordinary support of the mission to save lives through organ and tissue donation. Ms. Allen has lectured extensively on Advance Care Planning and End-of-Life Care.

In April 2007, Ms. Allen was inducted into the Lambada Chi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing as a community leader.

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Jose Armas, M.D.Professional Development, Practice ManagementCEO of MCCIChairman of Primary Care Associates of North Palm Beach

Dr. Armas has a long and distinguished record of accomplishments in the health care fi eld and in the South Florida area where he is known for being innovative. In April 1998, he co-founded Armor’s affi liate company, and Medical Care Consortium, Inc. (MCCI). His vast executive management experience includes responsibility for fi nancial and operational performance, all aspects of health care delivery systems, network development and contracting. Dr. Armas is also responsible for managing resources and maintaining a high level of care and service within the organization.

Dr. Armas currently serves as the CEO of MCCI, Chairman of Primary Care Associates of North Palm Beach, and is an owner of several health care related enterprises that together generate annual revenues in excess of $500 million. Dr. Armas was previously an Associate Medical Director of Humana Health Plan, Inc. The group of wholly-owned centers consists of 70,000 members, 120 primary care physicians, and 400 contracted specialists.

He formerly served as Senior Vice President of Coastal Physician Group, where he was responsible for all aspects of health care delivery systems, integration, and contracting with total Florida market responsibility for 40,000 Medicare members and 25,000 commercial members. Dr. Armas is a Member of the National Advisory Board of Health Research Resources, Inc. of Baltimore, Maryland. He was also Chairman of Quality Management for Gold Star Medical Management. He was a member of the Humana Utilization Committee, the Board of Statewide Florida Independent Physicians Association, the American Medical Association, Southern Medical Association, and the American College of Physician Executives. Dr. Armas graduated with Honors from Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra in Santiago, Dominican Republic, Medical Doctorate. He also completed post-graduate training at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach and St. Barnabas Hospital in New York.

John A. Benz, MBAProfessional Development, Introduction to Health Care PoliciesSenior Vice President & Chief Strategic Offi cer, Memorial HealthCare System

Mr. Benz has worked for Memorial HealthCare System for more than 25 years in various capacities. In his current position, he is the Senior Vice President & Chief Strategic Offi cer.

With a background in fi nance and a desire to serve the community, especially children and the disadvantaged, he has been able to help direct the activities of the Memorial HealthCare System and meet his personal goal to “make a difference.”

He is an active member for community services and crisis intervention organizations such as: United Way of Broward County – Board Member Florida Healthy Kids Corporation – Board Member (Treasurer) National Association of Public Hospitals – Board Member (Past Chairman) 211-Broward – Board Member (Chairman) The Coordinating Council of Broward – Board Member (Chairman) Community Blood Centers of South Florida – Board Member (Vice Chairman) The Coalition for a Healthy South Broward – Member

He holds a Masters Degree in Business from Nova Southeastern University. He also is a Diplomat in the American College of Health Care Executives and has completed a fellowship program offered by The Health Care Forum.

Aron W. Berkman, M.D., Ph.D.Professional Development, Palliative Care, End-of-Life CareAssociate Clinical Professor of Medicine and Chief of Medical Oncology

Dr. Berkman has joined the faculty of FIU’s Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine with well recognized skills in patient care, teaching and cancer program development.

Following completion of his fellowship, Dr. Berkman continued to serve as an instructor in oncology at Johns Hopkins where he participated in programs in lymphoma and lung cancer. He has served as an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) hematology committee principal investigator. His early research interests included ribosomal RNA metabolism in leukemia, graft-versus-host disease. He has participated in clinical trials involving new drugs (Phase II) for the treatment of lymphoma, and has been involved in a pilot study of new drug regimens for small cell lung cancer. His work has been published in major journals and has been presented at conferences.

Dr. Berkman comes to FIU with an interest in developing a patient friendly multidisciplinary cancer program in an academic setting. Dr. Berkman treats all solid tumors and lymphoma with a particular interest in lung cancer treatment. He also has extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of hematologic disorders.

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Rodolfo Bonnin, Ph.D.Professional Behavior Founding Member and Group LeaderDirector of Assessment at Florida International University

A member of the Office of Medical Education since July 2008, Dr. Bonnin is the Director of Assessment and Accreditation. He earned his Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from the University of Missouri in 2000 and completed his internship at Florida State University’s Counseling Center. He has conducted research and published in the area of existential factors affecting immigrant populations’ well-being.

In 2000 he joined an organizational development consulting firm working with numerous Fortune 100 corporations, the government and hospitals needing assistance with quality improvement, testing, organizational change, and developing systems to meet compliance requirements. After leaving the private sector, he worked in the specialties of community health in the role of the organization’s compliance, assessment and quality improvement officer.

Dr. Bonnin reentered academia in 2006 as the Director of Institutional Effectiveness for Miami International University. There he began developing his skills in student learning assessment and regional accreditation. In addition to his efforts in the Office of Medical Education, he serves as an adjunct professor of psychology and continues his practice as an executive coach. At FIU, he will drive the development of assessments and direct the Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine toward continued programmatic accreditation.

Daniel Castellanos, M.D.Professional Behavior Founding Member and Group LeaderProfessor and Chairman of Psychiatry for FIU’s Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine

Dr. Castellanos has spent his career dedicated to the teaching and training of students, residents, and fellows in Psychiatry. He has received several awards for outstanding teaching and has served as a mentor for numerous practicing child and adolescent psychiatrists.

His areas of expertise include the evaluation and management of psychiatric emergencies and the inpatient psychiatric treatment of children and adolescents. The assessment and treatment of suicidal behaviors in children, adolescents and young adults have been an area of particular focus. He has given numerous presentations on these topics and published several articles related to children and adolescents. He continues his research in the area of suicide and Hispanic youth.

Dr. Castellanos has held several leadership positions in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. He has also served as President of the Florida Psychiatric Society and held leadership positions in other regional and national professional societies.

After obtaining his medical degree at the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra in Santiago, Dominican Republic, Dr. Castellanos completed his residency in Psychiatry at the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Medical Center. He subsequently completed a Child and Adolescent Psychiatry fellowship at the Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center in New York. For more than 18 years, Dr. Castellanos was a faculty member in the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Miami. As the Chair of the Department of Psychiatry at FIU’s Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, Dr. Castellanos is committed to developing programs that offer excellence in education, training, research and clinical services.

Marta Lucia Cuellar, M.D. FACP, FACRProfessional Behavior and Board MemberAssociate Professor of Medicine and Chief of Rheumatology

Dr. Cuellar is a board certified Internist and Rheumatologist who comes to FIU as the Chief of Rheumatology.

Dr. Cuellar received her M.D. at the Javeriana University in Bogota, Colombia, in 1983. In Colombia she completed her training in Internal Medicine and Rheumatology. After moving to the U.S.A., she completed her IM training and obtained her fellowship in Rheumatology at Louisiana State Health Science Center in New Orleans in 1996.

Upon completing her fellowship, she joined the faculty at Tulane University School of Medicine, where she was involved in the teaching of medical students and residents and coordinated the Tulane Charity Rheumatology Clinic. In 2005, she moved to private practice, obtained a Certification in Business Administration for Physicians, and joined the staff at Bert Fish Medical Center in New Smyrna Beach, FL, as the Medical Director of the Community Health Center.

Recently, Dr. Cuellar’s interest has focused on the influence of lifestyle, family, and society upon the symptoms and manifestation of various rheumatic disorders. She underwent training sponsored by Harvard University in Mind Body Medicine and Positive Psychology, and Food as Medicine sponsored by Georgetown and the University of Minnesota. She has implemented multidisciplinary groups to teach her patients skills in stress reduction techniques, and exercise and nutrition as complements to traditional medication for the treatment/prevention of some rheumatic disorders. Dr. Cuellar will be involved in the development of trials to test these theories and other interventions in the treatment of some rheumatic disorders.

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George E. Dambach, Ph.D.Professional Behavior, Board of Directors Associate Dean for Curriculum and Medical Education

Dr. Dambach joined the Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine from the FIU Division of Sponsored Research where he was vice president, helping to expand the university’s research capacity. Prior to joining FIU, Dambach served as the vice president for research and dean of the Graduate School at Wayne State University, where he also held numerous posts in the Wayne State University School of Medicine including Associate Dean for Research, Director of Graduate Programs and Assistant Dean for Curriculum, and was an associate professor of pharmacology. He received his Ph.D. in pharmacology from the Ohio State University and held postdoctoral fellowships in the Department of Internal Medicine, Philadelphia General Hospital and the Department of Pharmacology and the Institute for Neuroscience at the University of Pennsylvania. Dambach brings years of experience in medical education and research and has served on the Liaison Committee on Medical Education, the national accrediting body of allopathic medical schools. In addition, he has assisted the March of Dimes Foundation in its development of a national Ph.D. and Post Doctoral training program.

Elizabeth Price Foley, Esq.Professional Development, Introduction to Health Care PoliciesProfessor of Law

Professor Foley came to the FIU College of Law from Michigan State University, where she was a Professor of Law and an Adjunct Professor at the MSU College of Human Medicine. She previously served as a law clerk to the Honorable Carolyn Dineen King of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit and spent several years on Capitol Hill as a health policy advisor, serving as Senior Legislative Aide to U.S. Congressman (now U.S. Senator) Ron Wyden (D-OR), Legislative Aide for the D.C. offi ce of the Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York, and a Legislative Aide for U.S. Congressman Michael Andrews (D-TX).

An energetic and innovative classroom teacher, Professor Foley received the “Professor of the Year” award for the 2009-2010 academic year. Her research interest centers around the intersection of health care law and constitutional law. Her fi rst book, “Liberty for All: Reclaiming Individual Privacy in a New Era of Public Morality,” was published by Yale University Press in October 2006. She is also the author of numerous law journal articles and op-eds, and is a frequent media commentator, having appeared on or been quoted by The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, Miami Herald, Detroit Free Press, Detroit News, National Law Journal, National Public Radio, Fox News, CNN and the BBC. In Spring 2011, Professor Foley will be on leave, serving as a Fulbright Scholar at the College of Law of the National University of Ireland, Galway. She will be conducting research on the topic of medical futility, which will be the topic of her third book.

Professor Foley graduated summa cum laude from the University of Tennessee College of Law, where she was an Articles Editor of the Tennessee Law Review, was inducted into Order of the Coif, and graduated fi rst in her class. She has a B.A. in History from Emory University and an LL.M. from Harvard Law School. She teaches constitutional law, civil procedure, bioethics, and health care law.

Joel Grossman, M.D.Professional Development, Peer Review Certifi ed Medical Audit Specialist, Certifi ed Professional Coder

Joel Grossman, M.D. earned his undergraduate degree from Duke University and the University of Florida from September 1959 to January 1962. He graduated from the University of Tennessee School of Medicine in September 1965. After completing a rotating internship in 1966 at the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, Dr. Grossman entered into psychiatric residency at University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, where he was Chief Resident in his third year. He completed the program in 1969. He was in psychoanalytic training for two years at the Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Institute and also went into private practice in Beverly Hills.

Returning to Miami in 1972, Dr. Grossman continued in private general psychiatric practice at Mercy Hospital through 1984.

From 1986 to the present, Dr. Grossman has owned and managed South Florida Utilization Review, a private physician peer review, URAC accredited, Independent Review Organization serving Florida and the southeast United States. South Florida Utilization Review’s work encompasses external peer review for a large chain of hospitals throughout the southeast, Midwest and west; doctor-to-doctor review of workers’ compensation and premises liability claims; and hospital and doctor bill claims analysis.

Dr. Grossman is a Certifi ed Medical Audit Specialist and a Certifi ed Professional Coder. He is a current member of the American Medical Association CPT Advisory Committee. He has published over the years on issues related to cost containment, peer review, and coding. Most recently he lectured on health care fraud at the April 2010 meeting of the American Association of Medical Audit Specialists.

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Yolangel Hernandez Suarez, M.D., MBA, FACOGProfessional Development, Quality Improvement in Health Care, Introduction to Health Care Policies Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education Chief Medical Officer for the FIU Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine HealthCare Network

Dr. Yolangel (“Yogi”) Hernandez Suarez, born and raised in New York City, attended Swarthmore College where she graduated Phi Beta Kappa. She attended the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and trained in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics. She attained a Master of Business Administration with specialization in Health Administration and Policy from the University of Miami School of Business in 2007, graduating Beta Gamma Sigma.

Dr. Hernandez Suarez moved to Miami in 1992. She was in private practice for ten years on Miami Beach before joining the faculty at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. She joined the Jackson Health System in 2005. In 2008, Dr. Hernandez Suarez was named Chief Administrative Officer for Ambulatory Services and Community Health. In this role she had clinical and administrative oversight of primary care services, specialty clinics, homeless health care, school based health care, and jail based clinics. Prior to joining FIU, she served as the interim Chief Administrative Officer for Jackson Memorial Hospital, the flagship of the Jackson Health System.

She is the Chair of the Miami-Dade Health Action Network, a grassroots collaboration of organizations working to improve access to health care for the unfunded in the county.

Dr. Hernandez Suarez is a first generation Cuban American. She is married to Dr. Jeffrey D. Simmons. They have teenage twins.

Jorge Alfredo Herrera-Pino, M.D., Ph.D.Professional Behavior Founding Member, Program Deputy Director and Group LeaderProfessor of Applied Cognitive Neuroscience and International Director Doctoral Program in Psychology with a Major in Applied Cognitive Neuroscience Universidad Maimónides, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dr. Herrera-Pino obtained a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Educational and Clinical Neuropsychology at Wayne State University in Michigan, and subsequently a Doctor of Medicine degree at Universidad de Alcalá in Madrid, Spain. He is currently a Professor of Applied Cognitive Neuroscience and the International Director of the Doctoral Program in Psychology with a Major in Applied Cognitive Neuroscience at Universidad Maimónides in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is the Director of the Neuropsychology Program at West Gables Rehabilitation Hospital, as well as the Director of the Department of Behavioral Medicine of MCCI (Medical Care Consortium, Inc.), both in Miami, Florida. Dr. Herrera-Pino is also the Health Sciences Academic Advisor for the Multicultural Training Institute at Florida International University.

During his doctoral training in Educational and Clinical Neuropsychology, Dr. Herrera-Pino went through a rotation in medical education at the Division of Educational Services and Research of the School of Medicine at Wayne State University. He subsequently served as Professor of Medical Psychology at the School of Medicine of Universidad de Alcalá for ten years. He is also currently a Visiting Professor in the graduate program of Cognitive and Learning Disorders at Universidad del Norte, in Barranquilla, Colombia and serves as an academic advisor for several universities in Latin America.

Nathan Katz, Ph.D.Professional Development, End-of-Life CareProfessor of Religious Studies

Nathan Katz is the Bhagwan Mahavir Professor of Jain Studies and Professor of Religious Studies at FIU. He is also Director of the Program in the Study of Spirituality and was Kauffman Professor of Entrepreneurship during the 2009-2010 academic year. He is the author of fifteen books and more than 100 scholarly articles in such fields as Religion in South Asia, Indo-Judaic Studies, and contemporary spirituality. Among his research interests is the secularization of spirituality and its application to the professions, including medicine and the health sciences, entrepreneurship and management, psychology, military science, education, and the fine and performing arts. Locally he is best known for bringing H. H. the Dalai Lama to FIU in 1999, 2004, and again in 2010.

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Jody Lehman, Esq.Professional Development, Medical Jurisprudence, Introduction to Health Care PoliciesDeputy General Counsel and Chief Legal Offi cer for Health AffairsFlorida International University

Nationally recognized among the not-for-profi t health system legal community, Jody Lehman, Esq., serves as Deputy General Counsel and Chief Legal Offi cer for Health Affairs at FIU. Prior to joining FIU, Jody was President of Health Care Compliance Strategies in Miami, an internet-based business providing compliance products for the health care industry. Lehman was also a principal attorney for Health Care Appraisers in Delray Beach, an entrepreneurial health care valuation fi rm.

Lehman spent 12 years as the Corporate Vice President and General Counsel with Baptist Health South Florida. During her time at Baptist, she was at the forefront as the not-for-profi t hospital acquired four other hospitals and several ambulatory surgery, outpatient diagnostic and urgent care centers located throughout South Florida. She led a team of attorneys and provided her legal expertise in all areas related to the operation and expansion of the health system including fraud and abuse, credentialing, medical ethics, fi nancing, and administrative and employment law.

Lehman has been a practicing attorney for 22 years exclusively representing health care facilities and providers. She earned her law degree from Boston University School of Law and a Bachelors of Science from the University of Florida. Lehman is a member of the American Health Lawyers Association, and the Health Law Section of both the American and Florida Bar Associations.

Andrew Levinson, Yogi, M.D.Professional Development, Complementary and Integrative MedicineDirector, Vitality Health & Wellness

Andrew Levinson (“Dr. Amrit”) is the director of Vitality Health and Wellness. He is a physician, psychiatrist, body worker, and yogi, working with children and adults alike. His dynamic approach to wellness combines lifestyle change, soft-tissue manipulation, hypnosis, diet, Orthomolecular Medicine and Functional Psychiatry. He is also an expert in yoga and meditation, having studied extensively and directly with the master of Kundalini Yoga (Yogi Bhajan). His background and training lead him to specialize in diverse areas of medicine, working with neurobehavioral and learning disorders, rape and trauma survivors, autoimmune disorders and those with neuropsychiatric symptoms. He lectures and teaches nationally in the areas of Nutritional Medicine, Biomedical Approaches to Autism, Psychodynamic Bodywork, Yogic Meditation and Spiritual Psychology. Recently, he was featured in the Discovery Channel’s 5-part series Ten Years Younger as the Mind-Body Expert for Anti-Aging and Wellness.

Beyond his now world renowned approach to reversing the aging process, his specialized work with trauma survivors and professional athletes, and his highly effective therapy with individuals and couples, Dr. Levinson is perhaps best known for his work with children on the Autistic Spectrum. He is widely sought as a speaker and contributor on the National Autism “stage” and has patients that see him in his outreach clinics in California and Florida and consult him by phone from around the world.

Dr. Levinson received his Bachelor of Science in Psychobiology and his Medical Doctorate from the University of Miami School of Medicine. During his psychiatric residency at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, he received the Pharmacia & Upjohn Research Award for original research in the area of Alternative Medicine.

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Juan M. Lozano, M.D., M.Sc.Professional Development, Epidemiology I & II, Biostatistics, Evidence Based Medicine, Research MethodsDivision of Research and Information, and Data Coordinating Center

Juan M. Lozano trained as M.D. and pediatrician at Javeriana University in Bogota, Colombia, graduating in 1982 and 1986, respectively. In 1988, he obtained his Masters of Science (Clinical Epidemiology) at McMaster University, in Canada, one of the world’s leading centers in Clinical Epidemiology and evidence-based practice. He then returned to Javeriana University, where he achieved the position of Professor of Pediatrics and of Clinical Epidemiology and directed the Departments of Pediatrics (1994 to 1999) and Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (1999 to 2009). He was Medical Officer for Research at the World Health Organization Acute Respiratory Infections Control Programme in Geneva, Switzerland (1993 and 1994). Dr. Lozano also directed (1995 and 1996) the National Program of Science and Technology in Health at the Department for Science, Technology and Innovation (Colciencias), the governmental institution in charge of managing all public funds for research in Colombia. Dr. Lozano joined FIU’s Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine as Professor of the Division of Research, Data, and Information in October 2009.

Dr. Lozano’s primary research areas of interest have been in clinical pediatrics, mostly in acute respiratory infections (pneumonia and bronchiolitis), acute diarrhea and neonatology. More recently he has worked in the field of knowledge translation (accelerating the uptake of health research results by practitioners and policy makers). He has received research grants from the World Health Organization, The European Commission, The Canadian Institutes of Health Research, US-AID and the Rockefeller Foundation, among others. He has published more than 60 articles in peer-reviewed medical journals, and about 20 book chapters. He has been author and editor of systematic reviews for the Acute Respiratory Infections Group of the Cochrane Collaboration and is currently the chief editor of Pediatria, the main pediatric journal in his country, published by the Colombian Society of Pediatrics.

Jorge Camilo Mora, M.D.Professional Development, Complementary and Integrative MedicineAssistant Professor, Department of Humanities, Health & Society

Dr. Mora received his M.D. degree from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and a Masters in Public Health from the Harvard School of Public Health. Prior to completing his medical training, Dr. Mora worked with the Harvard AIDS Institute and François-Xavier Bagnoud International on issues related to health care access, HIV/AIDS, and health and human rights in India, Colombia, and Sub-Saharan Africa. Later Dr. Mora joined the University of Texas, where he was the program manager for a National Institutes of Health-sponsored Community Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS at the Houston AIDS Research Team, involving four clinical centers and more than 3,000 individuals living with HIV/AIDS.

In 2007, Dr. Mora completed his Family Medicine residency at Tallahassee Memorial Hospital in Florida, serving as Chief Resident in his last year. After training, Dr. Mora joined Broward General Hospital in Broward County, Florida and the Veterans Administration Medical Center in West Palm Beach. Dr. Mora’s interests include alternative medicine, geriatrics, infectious diseases, and health and human rights. As a board certified Family Medicine physician and Founding Family Medicine Faculty, Dr. Mora will teach, supervise, and mentor students in the four-year longitudinal Family Medicine curriculum.

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Joel Policzer, M.D., FACP, FAAHPMProfessional Development, Palliative Care, End-of-Life CareAssistant Clinical Professor of MedicineSenior Vice-President – National Medical DirectorVITAS Innovative Hospice Care

Dr. Policzer received a Masters degree in Medical Sciences from the University of Brussels, Belgium, and a Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey—New Jersey Medical School, Newark. He completed his residency in Internal Medicine at the Albany Medical College Hospitals in Albany, New York , as well as fellowships in Hematology and Medical Oncology at the University of Miami School of Medicine. He then entered the private practice of Hematology-Oncology in Plantation, Florida. Along with this, he began an association with VITAS Innovative Hospice Care as a clinical physician.

Dr. Policzer subsequently left practice in 1999 to become a full-time medical director for VITAS, and now is National Medical Director, in which role he serves as a mentor to the more than 50 administrative program medical directors; sets standards for the medical care of the patients under care; teaches end-of-life care principles internally and to the medical community; and is a liaison between VITAS’ 45 hospice programs and community physicians throughout the country. In addition, he has authored and edited publications on pain management and end-of-life care issues, including the text, 20 Common Problems in End-of-Life Care. He has served on various ethics committees and regularly presents at national professional meetings on end-of-life topics.

Dr. Policzer is also a voluntary faculty member in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, and in the Department of Internal Medicine at the Nova-Southeastern College of Osteopathic Medicine in Fort Lauderdale, teaching hospice and end-of-life issues. His goal in education is to have physicians understand their special role with patients, when people are well, when people are acutely and chronically ill and when people go through end-of-life stages. He would also like to teach physicians to appreciate the privilege of caring for the dying.

Lillian Rivera, R.N., MSN, Ph.D.Professional Development, Introduction to Health Care Policies Administrator, Miami-Dade County Health Department

Lillian Rivera is the Administrator of the Miami-Dade County Health Department, where she is responsible for the oversight and supervision of public health programs throughout the county. She is charged with the administration of a $70 million budget and over 800 employees. Formerly, she was appointed by the State Surgeon General as Deputy State Health Offi cer with the Florida Department of Health in Tallahassee where her responsibilities included overseeing 67 county health departments and championing the deployment of the performance excellence model within the Department of Health. Prior to serving as Deputy State Health Offi cer, Dr. Rivera was the Administrator of the Miami-Dade County Health Department for nearly four years.

Dr. Rivera earned both BSN and MSN degrees from the University of Puerto Rico and holds a Ph.D. in Health Administration from Warren National University. She was awarded an honorary doctorate in Humane Letters in Behavioral Sciences from Carlos Albizu University. Dr. Rivera is certifi ed as a Health Care Risk Manager and is a graduate of the Executive Institute for Community Health Nurses (UNC-Chapel Hill). She is also a fellow of the Nurse Executive Program/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the National Public Health Leadership Institute 2003.

Dr. Rivera is the recipient of many accolades, yet one of the most humbling to her is the University of South Florida- College of Public Health naming her “Florida Outstanding Woman in Public Health for 2008.” In April 2009, Dr. Rivera received the Florida International University Stempel School of Public Health’s Annual Paths of Public Health Award. It is no surprise that Dr. Rivera’s public health efforts continue to be recognized. She has been presented with the “2009 Community Service Award” from the Florida Health Care Executive Forum and most recently, the Miami Children’s Hospital 2010 Leadership Kickoff “Champion for Children” award.

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Marisa Rodriguez, Esq., MBAProfessional Development, Medical JurisprudenceAttorney-at-Law, Akerman Senterfitt

Marisa Rodriguez, Esq. is an attorney in the Health Care Group of Akerman Senterfitt. Her practice focuses on representing physicians, clinics, home health agencies, independent diagnostic testing facilities, and other health care providers and practitioners in state and federal regulatory compliance, state licensure, Medicare and Medicaid issues, and managed care. Ms. Rodriguez also assists health care providers with employment contracts, non-compete agreements, and corporate and transactional matters.

Prior to joining the law firm of Akerman Senterfitt, Ms. Rodriguez held a variety of health industry positions with several health care providers including an international medical device company, a hospital system, a management service organization, and a large group of medical centers. As a result of both her business and legal experience, she has gained a unique understanding of the issues facing physicians and the health care industry.

While in law school, Ms. Rodriguez was appointed to serve in the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration’s Managed Care Ombudsman Committee. Prior to attending law school, she earned a Masters in Business Administration degree from Nova Southeastern University and a Bachelors of Science from Florida International University. Ms. Rodriguez is a member of the American Health Lawyers Association and of the Health Law Section of the Florida Bar Association.

Eneida Roldan, M.D., MPH, MBAProfessional Development, Foundation of Health Care Systems CEO and President - Jackson Health System

Dr. Roldan is the Chief Executive Officer and President for the Jackson Health System in Miami. Prior to this position she was Senior Vice President, Associate Chief Medical Officer, and Chief Administrative Officer for Jackson Memorial Hospital. Before joining Jackson Health System, she was President and Chief Executive Officer of Pan American Hospital, later named Metropolitan Hospital of Miami.

Born in Cuba, Dr. Roldan migrated to the USA with her family at the age of two. Dr. Roldan served her residency and fellowship in Pathology and Pediatric Pathology at the University of Miami School of Medicine, Jackson Memorial Hospital and affiliated hospitals between 1981-1985 and 1985-1987 respectively. She holds a Master of Public Health with honors from the University of South Florida and a Master of Business Administration with highest honors from the University of Tennessee.

Until 1989, she served as faculty at the University of Miami at which time she decided to pursue the field of weight management, nutrition, and eating disorders. Dr. Roldan was the Founder and Medical Director for the Center for Bariatric Management in Miami, Florida where she practiced in the field of weight management for 12 years and participated in national clinical studies in adults, adolescents, and children in the field of obesity. She has been involved in speaking nationally and internationally, and has spoken to the media in Spanish and English concerning obesity. She has served on multiple boards at the executive level including Chairman of the American Board of Bariatric Medicine; American Public Health Association; American Society of Bariatric Medicine and Advisory Board of the Physician Executive MBA at the University of Tennessee.

Dr. Roldan has authored several scientific papers and chapters in medical textbooks. She has been honored with several awards both in Medicine and Business. She is married to an ophthalmic surgeon and has three grown children.

Eugenio Rothe, M.D.Professional Behavior Founding Member, Program Director and Group LeaderAssociate Professor of Psychiatry Professor of Public Health and Psychiatry at the University of Miami’s School of Medicine

Dr. Rothe is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and a Fellow of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and the American Academy of Psychoanalysis. He is also board certified in Forensic (Medico-Legal) Psychiatry.

Dr. Rothe was the first clinician-investigator to describe the presence of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in Cuban refugee children and adolescents who escaped the island by sea and were later confined to refugee camps. He is a prolific writer and an internationally renowned expert on the psychological issues of immigrants and refugees, an area in which he has received national awards.

Dr. Rothe also received the University of Miami Award for Outstanding Teacher in Psychiatry five times, and has held leadership positions on numerous national committees focusing on different areas of mental health. He is currently in private practice in psychiatry in Coral Gables and collaborates with the Division of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention at FIU’s Robert Stempel School of Public Health.

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Donald R. Smithburg, MPHProfessional Development, Introduction to Health Care PoliciesExecutive Associate Dean for Finance & Administration

Mr. Smithburg is on the leadership team of the FIU Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine. Mr. Smithburg served as head of the LSU-Charity Hospital System of Louisiana, then a nine-hospital system that served the vast majority of the state’s uninsured population, which included over 800,000 citizens and was comprised of 1200 beds, 1.2 million outpatient visits and 250,000 emergency room visits annually. The system also served as the primary teaching hospitals for Tulane University and Louisiana State University schools of medicine and dozens of other health profession training programs. Additionally, Smithburg was Assistant Professor at the LSU School of Public Health.

Under his leadership, the public hospital system moved to a strong balance sheet position while maintaining optimal access for the medically indigent population. Previously, Mr. Smithburg was a leader of Truman Health System in Kansas City, Missouri during a 15-year span and simultaneously served as Chief Administrative Offi cer and Assistant Professor of Community Medicine for The University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine during ten of those years; Mr. Smithburg also was President/CEO of the University of Texas at Southwestern Hospitals in Dallas, Texas.

Fernando J. valverde, M.D. Professional Development, Humanism, Introduction to Health Care PoliciesAssociate Dean for Community and Clinical AffairsStrand Leader for Professional DevelopmentChief Executive Officer, FIU HealthCare Network

Dr. Valverde is a physician entrepreneur who has worked in numerous capacities for more than 20 years in the health care fi eld. He worked initially as a physician in private practice for 8 years and subsequently in the capacity of a physician executive and Director of the Board of Trustees of a diverse group of private and NYSE public companies representing numerous health care delivery systems both locally and nationally.

Dr. Valverde is considered a pioneer in the fi eld of physician practice management and managed care. In the 1990’s he was responsible for founding, managing and expanding the largest internal medicine physician group with more than 100 full time internist physicians in Florida. This state-wide physician practice took care of more than 500,000 patient visits each year in more than 70 locations.

At the FIU Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, Dr. Valverde is the Associate Dean for Community and Clinical Affairs, the Strand Leader for Professional Development and the Chief Executive Offi cer for the FIU Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine HealthCare Network.

Heidi von Harscher, Ph.D.Professional Behavior Committee Member Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities, Health and SocietyDirector, Student Counseling and Wellness

Dr. von Harscher joined the Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine on July 1, 2009 as the Director of Counseling and Wellness in the Offi ce of Student Affairs and is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health, Humanities and Society. She serves on the Professional Behavior Committee and is the Faculty Advisor for AMWA (American Medical Women’s Association.)

A native of Canada, Dr. Heidi von Harscher holds degrees in Clinical Psychology from Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada and Carlos Albizu University in Miami, Florida, with concentrations in Neuropsychology. She began her clinical work as a Psychologist in 1990 and is a Licensed Psychologist in New York and Florida.

She joined the FIU family in 1994 where she served as the Administrative Leader for the Counseling & Psychological Services Center at the Biscayne Bay Campus. She pioneered the development of several key professional programs, such as the Neuropsychological Testing Program and an APA accredited Doctoral Internship program, where she supervised and graduated ten classes of Psychologists.

She has consistently held faculty appointments with seven different colleges and universities and has worked clinically at in-patient hospitals, in private practice and university settings. She holds certifi cations and diplomas in psychopharmacology, severe mental illness and (neuro)biofeedback. She is published and has presented nationally and internationally on empathy, burnout, (neuro)psychological testing, behavioral medicine, stress, and personality. She also has strong interests in complementary medicine, spirituality & wellness. She is trained as an APA accreditation site visitor and has been active on various national and international executive boards and organizations.

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Curriculum for Periods 1, 2, 3 & 4: The Professional Development Strand

teaches the fundamentals of knowledge needed for biostatistics, end-of-life

care, epidemiology, evidence-based medicine, foundation of health care,

geriatrics, health care quality improvement, home health care, introduction

to health care policies, occupational health medicine, pain management,

palliative care, population based medicine, practice management, preparation

for medicine and society, professional behavior and research methods.


Page 22: Professional Development handbook 2010-2011

ProFessional DeveloPment toPics biosTaTisTiCs

Biostatistics, two fields, one subject: the study of living things,

and the accumulation, tracking, analysis, and application of

data. Biostatistics education will improve a physician’s analytical

thinking ability and understanding and interpretation of statistical

results in medical studies. The goal of this course is to introduce

you to the study of biostatistics and prepare you to give an

educated analysis of medical and public health literature.

In April 2005, Mayo Clinic researchers surveyed 301 medical

students, internal medicine residents and faculty about their

attitudes toward biostatistics in medicine. Here is what they

found: 87.3% said that understanding biostatistics better would

help their career and 88% said that knowledge of biostatics is

necessary for evaluating medical literature.


With the advances of modern medicine, people are living longer.

The number of aged persons is increasing. As a result, the

ethical, moral, religious and social issues surrounding end-of-life

care are gaining more importance to all members of society, with

doctors heading the list.

This course teaches the basic concepts associated with end-

of-life care for older adults. Emphasis is placed on symptom

management, preparation for death, and support to older adults

and their families. Our goal is to develop knowledge of specific

strategies to support end-of-life care planning among older

patients, families and health care professionals.


Epidemiology is the study of the determinants for health and

disease, and how and why they occur in different groups of people.

This information is used to design, understand, plan, and evaluate

strategies to prevent illnesses. It guides the management of healthy

people, and patients in whom disease has already developed.

This course is an introduction to the study of descriptive and

analytical clinical epidemiology. It will prepare you to link clinical

and community activities to what you need to know to participate

in research and understand what you will see published in

medical and public health literature.


Evidence-based medicine is the methodology that allows

you to combine the best, most up-to-date evidence, the best

clinical expertise, and the patient’s own values or preferences

to provide the best possible patient care. Every day new

medical literature, new therapies and new medications are

being introduced. Practicing evidence-based medicine is a way

of systematically approaching these new concepts in patient

care. Its purpose is to provide the tools needed to transform the

uncertainty of health care by generating a well-built, answerable

clinical question, searching for the best evidence to answer that

question, appraising the evidence obtained, and incorporating

that evidence with clinical judgment and patient preferences to

decrease that uncertainty.


The local and national health care systems have become

progressively more complex in structure, process and function.

Future physicians need to be aware of their vital role in this system

and how it affects patient care and themselves as providers of care.

This course covers the basics of the current local, state and

federal health care systems and explores the various aspects

such as operations, financing, delivery systems, payors, and

medical services and how patients access health care. It also

looks at the challenges the U.S. health care system is currently

facing, specifically with the uninsured population.

The Foundations of Health Care systems course provides

students with a broader understanding of the health care system

within which they are going to work and with the knowledge

necessary to evaluate pressing health policy problems.

Included in the teaching of Professional Development are the skills and knowledge needed to understand and apply ethical, legal and humanistic qualities. Its aim is to prepare medical students to be professional, altruistic, knowledgeable, skillful, dutiful, compassionate and rigorous thinkers; all qualities that aspiring future physicians should possess.

Professional Development will be taught throughout the four years of the medical education curriculum and it is divided into four periods.

FIU COM’s Professional Development Strand’s endeavor is to provide a curriculum that brings together the necessary competencies to augment medical student’s knowledge of basic sciences and clinical medicine to compassionate, caring and mindful care givers. It has a broad range of topics and issues that attempt to prepare future physicians for all possible clinical settings, circumstances and patients in the delivery of care. Furthermore, it establishes a framework and an approach essential to the practice of medicine, utilizing critical thinking and analysis, and honing the attributes necessary to becoming a well-rounded physician.


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With a growing population of aging baby boomers, it

becomes imperative that medical students be prepared

to provide comprehensive care to older patients and

their families with compassion and dignity.

Geriatrics focuses on the preventive care of the

older population. It studies aging from different

perspectives, such as its physical, social,

psychological, and cultural implications. It addresses

the intricate needs of older patients and puts

emphasis on preserving functional independence,

even in the incidence of chronic disease.

Our goal is to convey to each medical student

the necessary knowledge, skills and mind-set

to provide professional care with competency,

respect, humility and generosity.


In this course, we will examine what’s involved in

establishing, monitoring and being responsible

for the quality of care. We will cover the students’

and physicians’ roles in improving this aspect of

health care. Discussions on providing quality care

in prevention, education and screening will be held.

Students will be able to describe the peer review

and its effect on quality improvement and how to

mitigate risk through risk management.

Home HealTH CaRe

Previously, taking care of someone’s medical needs

at home was very common, and hospitalization was

rare. Today, with a growing trend toward reduced

hospital stays, home health care is gaining back its

popularity. According to the National Association for

Home Care, approximately 7.6 million people in the

U.S. require some form of home health care. But

which patients should be considered to receive it?

What are the types of medical and social home health

care services available? Who is going to provide

this type of service? All these questions and others

relating to this topic will be addressed in this course.


Now more than ever, state and federal health care

policies are infl uencing the way we practice medicine.

There are many crucial interests among all those

involved in the complex web of medical care, for which

providers of care, payors, pharmaceuticals and others

are lobbying before our legislators.

Students need to be aware of all interested parties and

how they shape health care policy that invariably affects

all involved in health care. Among other things, this

course invites you to examine Florida and U.S. Health

Care Policies to determine which major health care

issues physicians confront today.


Occupational Health Medicine is a medical fi eld that

deals clinically and administratively with the health

requirements of both individuals and groups with

respect to their working environment. It includes the

recognition, evaluation, control, management and

prevention of occupational-related diseases and

injuries, as well as how to facilitate a quicker return to

the work force for individuals who have had an injury

or exposure during their time of employment.

pain managemenT

The major reason people seek medical care is to

alleviate pain. How can pain be managed? What

treatments are the available? Who are the providers

of care for acute and chronic pain? In this course we

cover the anatomy and physiology of pain, types of

pain, how they are classifi ed, and methods used to

assess pain and other related topics.

palliaTiVe CaRe

The goal of palliative care is the relief of pain,

allowing patients and their families, to sustain the

best possible quality of life. It is an option for patients

who are seriously or terminally ill. In this course we

will examine the aspects of palliative care, i.e. when

and how it’s offered and to whom.


With health care costs on the rise and focus on how

to control them, population-based medicine is an

interesting option to provide the best health services

to patients. The population-based approach focuses

on developing both physician care and preventive

measures and services that can diminish the

occurrence of disease and mortality within specifi c

populations, likely causing a reduction in the need

for health care.

This course will teach students the value of preventing

diseases and improve their understanding of health

issues. Students will use their knowledge in evidence

based medicine to assess different methods used to

screen and prevent disease.


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pRaCTiCe managemenT

Here we will discuss the operational, managerial, business,

regulatory, financial, legal and general complexities involved in the

management of a physician’s office. A physician running a medical

practice is no different than any other business, with the exception

of very specific issues that need to be learned prior to establishing

a medical office.

With this overview of what is involved in starting and running

a medical practice, students who are interested should seek

out opportunities to improve their business knowledge; forge

mentorships with practice-experienced faculty; read available

texts, and take medical business electives. You will visit different

clinical settings and learn from professionals who operate and

manage all forms of clinical practices.


In this course within the Professional Development Strand, we will

cover three very different issues. This course commences with

Complementary and Integrative Medicine followed by Humanism

and ending with Medical Jurisprudence. The focus is on what

medical students, at this stage of their career, ought to know as

they embark as they begin to visit communities and work with

families and patients.

Complementary and integrative Medicine

In recent years, it seems that increasing numbers of patients

are using complementary and integrative medicine for a

variety of conditions. But what is it? The National Center for

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) defines

it as: “a group of diverse medical and health care systems,

practices, and products that are not presently considered to

be part of conventional medicine. Conventional medicine is

medicine as practiced by holders of M.D. (medical doctor) or

D.O. (doctor of osteopathy) degrees and by their allied health

professionals, such as physical therapists, psychologists, and

registered nurses.”

This course will expose medical students to Complementary

and Integrative Medical therapies through research,

readings, lectures and demonstrations, interviews,

performing an independent review, and presenting findings.

Students are expected to learn the various complementary

practices that patients may be using. This will enable them

to be better informed physicians who are comfortable

discussing these issues.


The focus of this course will relate to the self awareness and

destructive emotions experienced by physicians in both their

professional careers and personal lives. The self awareness

taught will allow future physicians to develop the introspective

skills of reflection needed in the fast paced and emotionally

demanding field of medicine. The concept of ‘heal thyself while

healing others’ personifies this brief course.

Medical Jurisprudence

Medical Jurisprudence incorporates the basics of two

professions, Medicine and Law. Physicians meet the law face to

face every day, which is why students must be clear as to what

purpose the law serves and how it affects medical practice. What

are the patient’s rights? What are your legal obligations? This

course will provide students with a framework for understanding

the U.S. legal system’s structure and the application of law to the

practice of medicine.

pRofessional beHaVioR

Fundamental professional behavior skills will be expected of

future physicians as they become involved in a broad range

of issues, including but not limited to, patient care; working

with colleagues; researching; teaching; influencing health

care policies; serving on hospital committees; participating in

medical associations and for some, serving as role models in

communities regarding health care issues.

This course will provide information and foster awareness of

acceptable student behavior in both clinical and academic work.

Medical students have certain privileges and responsibilities that

come from direct contact with patients. This differs from those

of other students. This is the reason why different standards of

professional behavior are expected of them. Here, students will

be reminded of their responsibilities in maintaining standards of

competence and care. You will be guided and advised on the kind

of professional behavior that is expected of you in order to be

suitable to practice medicine.

ReseaRCH meTHods

Doing good research is not innate and doing empiric research leads

to biased results, overestimated conclusions, underestimation of

random error, and a decrease in the effectiveness of the health

system. Nevertheless, this could be avoided by learning the

appropriate skills and context. Epidemiology and biostatistics have

provided a good foundation.

This course will provide the remaining context by presenting

research design, and major considerations and tasks involved in

conducting scientific research for first time research students.

It describes the different types of research, research institutions,

etc., as well as and government regulations that affect research

regarding clinical trials, ethics, and other topics.

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Course Period Faculty Telephone Offi ce Email

Biostatistics Period 1/ PD 1 Juan Acuña, M.D. (305) 348-6063 HLS II 471 jacuna@fi

Juan Lozano, M.D. (305) 348-6063 HLS II 471 jlozanol@fi

Epidemiology “Period 1/ Juan Acuña, M.D. (305) 348-6063 HLS II 471 jacuna@fi

PD 1&2” Juan Lozano, M.D. (305) 348-6063 HLS II 471 jlozanol@fi

Evidence-Based Medicine Period 1/ PD 2 Juan Acuña, M.D. (305) 348-6063 HLS II 471 jacuna@fi

Period 2/ PD 6 Juan Lozano, M.D. (305) 348-6063 HLS II 471 jlozanol@fi

Complementary and Period 1/ PD 3 Jorge Camilo Mora, M.D. (305) 348-0685 HLS II 461 jcmora@fi

Integrative Medicine

Humanism Period 1/ PD 3 Fernando Valverde, M.D. (305) 348-6023 HLS II 676 valverde@fi

Medical Jurisprudence Period 1/ PD 3 Jody Lehman, Esq (305) 348-0641 HLS II 686 jlehman@fi

Period 2/ PD 6 Marisa Rodriguez, M.D., MBA (305) 348-1459 HLS II 693 [email protected]

Foundations of Health Care Period 2/ PD 4 Eneida Roldan, M.D., MPH, MBA (305) 348-1459 HLS II 693 [email protected]

Introduction to Period 2/ PD 5 Yolangel Hernandez Suarez, M.D., MBA (305) 348-6071 HLS I 341 yolahern@fi

Health Care Policies Elizabeth Foley, Esq. (305) 348-8344 HLS II 693 foleye@fi

Jody Lehman, Esq. (305) 348-0641 HLS II 686 jlehman@fi

Fernando Valverde, M.D. (305) 348-6023 HLS II 676 valverde@fi

Population Based Medicine Period 3 Juan Acuña, M.D. (305) 348-6063 HLS II 471 jacuna@fi

Research Methods Period 4 Juan Acuña, M.D. (305) 348-6063 HLS II 471 jacuna@fi

Juan Lozano, M.D. (305) 348-6063 HLS II 471 jlozanol@fi

End-of-Life Care Period 2/ PD 5 Aron Berkman, M.D., Ph.D. (305) 348-1459 HLS II 693 aron.berkman@fi

Joel Policzer, M.D. (305) 348-1459 HLS II 693 joel.policzer@fi

Quality Improvement Period 2/ PD 6 Yolangel Hernandez Suarez, M.D., MBA (305) 348-6071 HLS I 341 yolahern@fi

in Health Care

Geriatrics Period 3 Fernando Valverde, M.D. (305) 348-6023 HLS II 676 valverde@fi

Pain Management Period 3 Francisco Vilasuso, M.D. (305) 348-1459 HLS II 693 [email protected]

Palliative Care Period 3 Aron Berkman, M.D. (305) 348-1459 HLS II 693 aron.berkman@fi

Home Health Care Period 4 Fernando Valverde, M.D. (305) 348-6023 HLS II 676 valverde@fi

Occupational Period 4 Fernando Valverde, M.D. (305) 348-6023 HLS II 676 valverde@fi

Health Medicine

Practice Management Period 4 Jose Armas, M.D. (305) 348-1459 HLS II 693 [email protected]

Professional Behavior Periods 1 to 4 Rodolfo Bonnin, Ph.D. (305) 348-0660 HLS II 491 rbonnin@fi

Daniel Castellanos, M.D. (305) 348-1459 HLS II 693 dcastell@fi

Marta Lucia Cuellar, M.D. (305) 348-6154 HLS II 483 mcuellar@fi

Douglas Feltman, M.D. (305) 348-1459 HLS II 693 douglas.feltman@fi

Jorge Herrera-Pino, M.D., Ph.D. (305) 348-1459 HLS II 693 [email protected]

Thomas Hunter, M.D. (305) 348-1459 HLS II 693 [email protected]

Eugenio M. Rothe, M.D. (305) 348-1459 HLS II 693 erothe@fi

Fernando Valverde, M.D. (305) 348-6023 HLS II 676 valverde@fi

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Fernando J. Valverde, M.D.Associate Dean for Community and Clinical AffairsChief Executive Officer, FIU HealthCare NetworkStrand Leader for Professional DevelopmentOffice: HLS II 676Phone: 305 [email protected]

Eugenio Rothe, M.D.Professor of PsychiatryProgram Director for Professional BehaviorOffice: HLS II 693Phone: [email protected]

Nery L. SuarezProfessional DevelopmentOffice: HLS II 693Phone: [email protected]