professional conduct & conventions what are our basic objectives? the achievement of happiness:...

Professional Conduct & Conventions What are our basic objectives? the achievement of happiness: family, home, BMW, status, financial independence, power of maximize potential get a good job impress your company using your ISUGA training … progress in your career become more experienced , competent and thus marketable increase your options travel, make friends

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Page 1: Professional Conduct & Conventions What are our basic objectives? the achievement of happiness: family, home, BMW, status, financial independence, power

Professional Conduct & Conventions

What are our basic objectives?

the achievement of happiness: family, home, BMW,status, financial independence, power of decision …

maximize potential get a good job

impress your companyusing your ISUGA training …

progress in your career

become more experienced ,competent and thus marketable

increase your options

travel, make friends

Page 2: Professional Conduct & Conventions What are our basic objectives? the achievement of happiness: family, home, BMW, status, financial independence, power

Professional Conduct & Conventions

OK, then


Page 3: Professional Conduct & Conventions What are our basic objectives? the achievement of happiness: family, home, BMW, status, financial independence, power

Professional Conduct & Conventions

No secret …..

and underlying all the above is your approach to …


learn the appropriate knowledge

learn to apply this knowledge

develop personal skills and competence

acquire the ability to impress people with all the above

Page 4: Professional Conduct & Conventions What are our basic objectives? the achievement of happiness: family, home, BMW, status, financial independence, power

Professional Conduct & Conventions

So, what is



Page 5: Professional Conduct & Conventions What are our basic objectives? the achievement of happiness: family, home, BMW, status, financial independence, power

Professional Conduct & Conventions

PERSONALconsideration for others – EMPATHY

maintaining high personal standards: dress, fitness

understanding different national cultures

understanding company culture

developing sensitivity to group dynamics

listening to and executing instructions

contribution to the common good – TEAMWORK

being ambitious

refusing to waste time = being productive

but analysing what you are doing = being more productive

being pro-active

keeping promises (and not making unrealistic promises)

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Professional Conduct & Conventions


being prepared (pre-reading, materials, mobile phones)

taking notes

asking questions

making contributions

playing a full part in groupwork

concentration and language control: knowing when to talk and when to keep quiet

using a laptop properly

EMPATHIZING with fellow students – AND teachers

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Professional Conduct & Conventions


doing original work

presenting work properly

doing the necessary research (iceberg)

using a variety of sources, including ….………BOOKS!

acknowledging sources

respecting deadlines

pulling your weight in a group

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Professional Conduct & Conventions


playing a full part in school life: academically, socially & organisationally

attending non-graded classes & meetings

complying promptly with requests

responding promptly to requests

complying with school rules & regulations

learning how to communicate & negotiate

empathy: anticipating others' needs & problems

reading out of class

building up a professional network

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Professional Conduct & Conventions


everything we do is some sort of marketing

a very bad image is conveyed by poorly-presented work

when you give in a piece of work you are marketing yourself. You show your understanding of the concept of quality, but MORE ……

you reveal your capacity to EMPATHIZE and give CONSIDERATION to your "client" (the teacher); e.g.

… giving in a number of unstapled sheets reveals a lack of consideration for the recipient

ditto for presenting work in a plastic sleeve

major reports should be spirally bound

Page 10: Professional Conduct & Conventions What are our basic objectives? the achievement of happiness: family, home, BMW, status, financial independence, power

Professional Conduct & Conventions

Students must make quite clear:

what is their personal, original work

what work has been done with a partner or partners

what has been taken direct from another source


No credit will be given for any work simply copied off the internet unless this is appropriate for the task in hand and the source is fully and clearly shown.

Credit will be given especially for original work showing evidence of research and analysis. (this is in fact what counts ……)

Where there is clear evidence of collusion in work which should be done

individually, no grade will be awarded.

Acknowledgements must be made in conventional academic format for all non original work presented.

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Professional Conduct & Conventions

You must show where your information comes from. This is mostly done in two ways:

A Putting direct quotes in "" and citing a book and page number:

Example: “Macroeconomics is the study and analysis of the behaviours of markets in aggregate as well as the behaviour of governments that affect international and domestic economies." (Curry 48).

The text in italics (Curry 48) refers to the book by Curry that you have quoted in your acknowledgements at the end of your report.

B Again putting the quotation in "", this time using a superscript and footnote:

Example: “The Royal Family cost Britons £36.7m last year, equivalent to 61p per taxpayer, figures show. ."1

1 BBC Website (, June 26, 2005

ACADEMIC CONVENTIONS – quoting sources:

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Professional Conduct & Conventions


all major assignments must be typewritten

multiple sheets must be stapled or bound together

work should NOT be presented in a plastic sleeve

it must be set out properly with clear, consistent

paragraphing and use of appropriate headings

SEE HERE for general rules on layout

SEE HERE for an example and HERE for another ….

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Professional Conduct & Conventions


your FULL name (NOT your nickname)

your PASSPORT photo

the full name of the COURSE concerned

the title of the individual assignment

the full name of the TEACHER involved

the date the work was set

the date it is handed in

AND for the first page of ALL written reports:

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PRESENTATION OF WORKStudents are shown how written

assignments should be presented.Work given in which does not conform should be rejected.

Page 15: Professional Conduct & Conventions What are our basic objectives? the achievement of happiness: family, home, BMW, status, financial independence, power

Professional Conduct & Conventions

Your bibliography and/or list of references must be included at the end of your report.

It must provide full details of each work cited.

It must be laid out in alphabetical order in the following way:

PADDING OUT – Don't do it!

ACADEMIC CONVENTIONS – quoting sources:

CURRY J.E., "A short course in International Economics", World Trade Press(2000)

ENGLISH L. & LYNN S, "Business Across Cultures", Addison-Wesley (1995)

KOTLER P. et al, "Principles of Marketing" (3rd European edition), Prentice Hall (2001)


Page 16: Professional Conduct & Conventions What are our basic objectives? the achievement of happiness: family, home, BMW, status, financial independence, power

Professional Conduct & Conventions

Attendance at programmed courses is essential not only for individual students but for the work of the class and project groups.

If you are absent, it does not affect only you.

Attendance at timetabled lessons – including official meetings - is thus compulsory unless specific exemption is given.

Students wishing to be exempted from parts of the course (usually because they have "done" the topic before) must get the agreement of the DOS.

For example, BTS students who have studied "Logistics" may be exempted from the ISUGA Logistics course. They must still take our "Logistics" exam, however.

Absence from lessons is recorded and students with repeated unauthorized absences will be required to attend a disciplinary hearing.


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Professional Conduct & Conventions


student signs 10.30

student signs 14.00

teacher checks 11.30

teacher checks 15.40

Official Attendance Sheet

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Professional Conduct & Conventions

An absence will be judged to be unauthorised if:

no medical certificate is received for the appropriate day OR

special permission has not been given in advance by the DOS OR

an exceptional and specific excuse has not been accepted in retrospect by the DOS


ALL absences for whatever reason must be officially notified to the school on the appropriate form.

Attendance statistics will be published regularly inside the school so that all students are clearly informed of their record and may take appropriate action.

The statistics will also be sent to partner universities with groups at the school.

They may also be supplied to parents of individual students where there is cause for concern.

ALL TEACHERS are asked to include ATTENDANCE in their calculation of grades.

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Professional Conduct & Conventions

Statistics are provided in two formats – one for a


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Professional Conduct & Conventionsanother for an individual …

Page 21: Professional Conduct & Conventions What are our basic objectives? the achievement of happiness: family, home, BMW, status, financial independence, power

Professional Conduct & Conventions

Teachers are asked to include attendance in their calculation of grades.

The system employed is as follows:


% OF ABSENCE FROM A COURSE 10 to 25 26 to 50 51 to 75 >75


So, you could have a grade calculation like this:

Class Performance


Exam Course Length Presence%



15 17 143 days

(12 sessions)3

sessions 75 12,3

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Professional Conduct & Conventions

In a course where assessment is by CLASSROOM PERFORMANCE ONLY,you could of course finish with a grade like this:


Class Performance


Exam Course Length Presence%



0 n/a n/a3 days

(12 sessions) 0 100 0,0

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Professional Conduct & Conventions

Students must be in the classroom at the time the class is scheduled to start.

If late, they may be refused entry and must report to the school office and join the class at the next break.

Anyone may be late for a valid reason from time to time, including a teacher. What is unacceptable is habitual and casual unpunctuality, including returning late from breaks.

REMINDER: A student with a class at 10.20 is NOT ALLOWED to be in the computing rooms at that time

Ample time is allowed for breaks.

Lateness will be recorded and an adjustment to final grades may be made.


inconsiderate to classmates


disruptive to lessons

disrespectful to the teacher

Being late is:

NB – "breaks" are for a "break", not for 20 minutes intensive computing.You need FRESH AIR and to COMMUNICATE with people ……

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Professional Conduct & Conventions


pre-course reading: you must complete any pre-course reading tasks given

mobile phones: must be switched off before entry to a class

seating plan: apart from group work and special situations, you must sit in the same place for each session of a particular course - preferably in a multi-national format: teachers may ask you to move to create a good nationality seating mix

talking in class: teachers should not have to ask or wait for silence when they are speaking - there is plenty of opportunity for discussion during

groupwork - where something is unclear, ask the teacher directly

language: students are expected to use English for all communication in all classes which are given in English (except for occasional translations

for the purposes of comprehension) - you should also have an English dictionary.

asking questions: a good class is a two-way process: you must be prepared - and will be expected - to ask questions - asking questions greatly enhances memory retention

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Professional Conduct & Conventions

most courses involve a considerable amount of groupwork

in most (but not all) cases, students are given the same grade for work done collectively

all group members are expected to participate fully in the assumption and execution of allotted tasks; all members of the group are

collectively responsible for the proper completion of work

in some cases, teachers may conduct peer-group evaluation


Page 26: Professional Conduct & Conventions What are our basic objectives? the achievement of happiness: family, home, BMW, status, financial independence, power

keeping fit

setting realistic short, medium and long-term goals

communicating efficiently

listening to instructions; not needing to be told something twice

being pro-active

knowing how to negotiate; socially and in a business context

nurturing a personal network

Personal aspects of being professional


What differentiates the serious business professionals from the tourists?

Page 27: Professional Conduct & Conventions What are our basic objectives? the achievement of happiness: family, home, BMW, status, financial independence, power

a professional person keeps fit, looks fit, is active, awake and alert

fitness depends on what we intake and what we ask the body to do

Keeping fit

Why keep fit? Because keeping fit means:

you are more attractive

you will learn better, and so get better grades than you would otherwise

you are more likely to succeed in an interview against someone with the same qualifications

you will feel better and so be happier

Personal aspects of being professional


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… is one of most harmful things you can do to your body

… reduces life expectancy; one in two lifetime smokers die from smoking, many in middle age; male smokers are ten times more likely to die of lung-cancer than non-smokers

… may negatively effect sexual performance and fertility

… destroys the lungs: leads to breathlessness, emphysema (very nasty), angina & lung cancer

… constricts the arteries; reduces blood flow; increases risk of strokes

… can lead to macular degeneration in middle-age (= blindness)

… makes you smell, makes your clothes smell, causes fires

… harms other people, including your family, babies and teachers ……

…. equivalates to burning banknotes


Nicotine is more addictive than heroin ….

On cigarette packets is marked: "Fumer tue" (smoking kills)

Page 29: Professional Conduct & Conventions What are our basic objectives? the achievement of happiness: family, home, BMW, status, financial independence, power

Professional Conduct & Conventions

Students who don’t take notes are:

not serious

misguided and self-delusional (they think they can learn without

doing what all good students have to do)

pretentious (they think they are somehow better than "normal"


arrogant (ditto)

impolite (it’s as if you say to the teacher: "what you’re telling us

is so useless we don’t need to take notes."



Page 30: Professional Conduct & Conventions What are our basic objectives? the achievement of happiness: family, home, BMW, status, financial independence, power

Professional Conduct & Conventions

Taking notes is fundamental

• you CANNOT remember what was said without notes

• you CANNOT rely on the teacher's handouts; there may not be any

• the very act of writing your OWN notes helps you remember things

• taking notes CLARIFIES your thinking; organizes your thoughts

• good notes will greatly improve your exam results

• teachers will INSIST you take notes


• I may check your notes ….

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Professional Conduct & Conventions

speakers normally give an outline of the talk; copy the headings to

provide a structure for your own notes

use sheets, preferably in the "Cornell" format

keep your notes tidily in a dedicated folder; scrappy bits of paper are a

total waste of time

identify each note you make according to whether it is: a main point,

an example, an opinion or conclusion

sort out your notes after the class; read them through in the evening

read them a week later, then TWO weeks later – add anything that

occurs to you

get a friend to "test" you on them …

Hints & Tips

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Professional Conduct & Conventions

arrive late

sit near friends (distractions)

use scraps of paper

wait for something "important" (record everything)

listen for facts only (identify themes, too)

doodle ……

play on your laptop

natter to neighbours

waste anyone’s time, including yours


Page 33: Professional Conduct & Conventions What are our basic objectives? the achievement of happiness: family, home, BMW, status, financial independence, power

Professional Conduct & Conventions

check previous notes before class (continuity) go to ALL classes in a course (continuity) be on time, fit, alert, prepared sit up straight – AT THE FRONT use A4 sheets for notes (scraps of paper are USELESS) write on ONE side only use a DEDICATED FOLDER take notes from beginning (don’t wait for inspiration) write clearly, in short, sentences – omit unnecessary words note teacher’s examples; use teacher’s words identify which are YOUR thoughts and which the teacher’s use abbreviations: ie - eg - nb - QED identify an organizational pattern; use space & visuals to enhance links use mind-maps ……..


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Professional Conduct & Conventions

main points on right, parallel summaries on left, a full summary at the bottom.

doing the full summary forces you to consider the overall context and meaning …..

main points



llel s




date, course, teacher

the famous "Cornell Method"of taking notes ……

Page 35: Professional Conduct & Conventions What are our basic objectives? the achievement of happiness: family, home, BMW, status, financial independence, power

Professional Conduct & Conventions

Here is an example of note-taking "à la Cornell".

This system makes revision much easier.

It also helps you to REMEMBER better

at all stages …..

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Professional Conduct & Conventions The standard ‘telegraph’ style …

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Professional Conduct & Conventions

The standard ‘telegraph’ style …

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Professional Conduct & Conventions MIND MAPS

visual layout – non-linear

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Professional Conduct & Conventions MIND MAPS

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Professional Conduct & Conventions MIND MAPS

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Professional Conduct & Conventions MIND MAPS

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Professional Conduct & Conventions MIND MAPS

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Professional Conduct & Conventions MIND MAPS

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Professional Conduct & Conventions

How do you spell .....?How do you pronounce ....?What (exactly) does ‘X’ mean?How far is it true to say that .....?

I didn't quite understand/follow what you meant by .....I'm not quite sure what you meant by .....?Could you explain more fully what you meant by .....?Could you give us a few more details about .....?I wonder if you could go back over .....?

T/S Communication

follow-up questions:

asking for confirmation:Is it true to say that .....?Am I right in thinking that .....?Would you agree that .....?

asking for an opinion: To what extent do you think that ….?How far do you think that …??What do you feel about …?How would you compare X to Y?How far is X relevant to Y?


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Professional Conduct & Conventions

ACADEMIC NOTES •General Principles



•Written Reports