production record/ profit and loss review paying attention to the details

Production Record/ Profit and Loss Review Paying attention to the details

Upload: pearl-watts

Post on 18-Jan-2016




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Production Record/ Profit and Loss Review

Paying attention to the details

What is a Production Record?

• A record of meals prepared, served, and left over

• Includes cost of meal

Example of a Production Record

How do I create a Production Record in CMS?

• Step 1: Select Back of the House tab• Step 2: Select Production tab• Step 3: Select Create Production tab

Step 1: Select Back of the House tab

Step 2: Select Production


Step 3: Select Create Production tab

Remember To…

• Select All Serving Periods and Sites• Select the Correct Date Range• Select Create Production

Select Create Production Tab

Help, No Production Record Created! What Happened?• Are you sure you selected the correct criteria?

-(serving period, site, and/or date range)• Are you sure you completed your EZ

steps/Menu Plan Quantities BEFORE you attempted to create your production records?

- (Send a ticket)

• Were the production records already created?

Creating a Production Worksheet

Remember to select CA for the Report format.

Printing a Production Worksheet

Select date then click Preview

Production Worksheet

Where do these numbers come from?•After completing your ez steps they are automatically generated

Production Worksheet

255 10 5

Café and Faculty staff

Dropped, Burnt, and Student a la Carte sales

75 180

Prepared - Leftover

How do I correctly complete a Production Record?• Input number of meals prepared in the total

prepared column• Input any items that were added to the

serving period that day• Enter any Leftovers, non reimbursable meals,

or adult meals

Production Records

Never enter any information into the served column, the system automatically calculates these quantities for you

This is Important!Remember To:• Use the TAB key to navigate the production


Leftovers Are Important!

If you have leftovers: Select the correct LEFTOVER CODE.

Examples: •Milk-Return To Stock•Hot Food-Dispose Of•Cold Salads & Sandwiches-Serve Next Day (if applicable)

Remember to meet all ServSafe requirements

If you throw away leftovers and the Leftover Code is “Return to Stock”. The items goes into your inventory.Click “Dispose Of” for an item you throw away, then item will not go into your inventory.

The Manager has selected Return to Stock for her leftovers... Correct or Incorrect?

What item is incorrect?

How do I REMOVE an Item from the Production Record?• Highlight the item you want to remove by

clicking it once with your mouse• Select the Remove Item tab at the bottom of

your production record

How do I ADD an item to my Production Record?

• Search for item using Item ID or Description

Adding Item to Production Record (cont’d…)

• Enter the Number of Servings

• Input the correct serving size• Quantity is ALWAYS 1• Measure is ALWAYS 1 each

Review Production Records Reports



Reviewing Production Records Report




Pay Attention!• Measure is EACH not case.• Making an error here can cause a spike in

price on your Profit and Loss statement

Fix your mistakes before completing the Production Records in the CMS!!!!!!

Enter Meals/Revenue• Select the Meals/ Revenue Tab• All: the total number of reimbursable meals• Other: a la carte, dropped, burned, and non

reimbursable items• Others: leave blank• Adults: total number of faculty meals sold • Employee: total number of cafeteria/foodservice

meals• The Total Meals will automatically calculate

Review your Meal Counts Report for production meal numbers

Meal Counts Report

Daily Comment/ Menu

• Select the Daily Comment/ Menu Tab• Input Menu Day and Menu Week• Enter any comments (i.e. dropped trays,

burned food)


• Select the Update Inventory and Complete Production boxes at the bottom of the screen

• Remember to save your inventory

Profit and Loss

What is the Target Cost per meal?

Breakfast - $.80

Lunch – $1.20

Supper – $1.50

How Can You

Control Cost?

Step 2 Fix the Mistakes

Which Item?

Fix the Mistakes

Excellent Profit and Loss Report
