production of artemisinic acid using engineered yeast journal club i 7 th july 09 david roche...

Production of Production of Artemisinic acid using Artemisinic acid using engineered yeast engineered yeast Journal Club I 7 th July 09 David Roche Charles Fracchia

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Page 1: Production of Artemisinic acid using engineered yeast Journal Club I 7 th July 09 David Roche Charles Fracchia

Production of Artemisinic Production of Artemisinic acid using engineered acid using engineered


Journal Club I7th July 09

David RocheCharles Fracchia

Page 2: Production of Artemisinic acid using engineered yeast Journal Club I 7 th July 09 David Roche Charles Fracchia

SummarySummary Introduction


Concept of feedback


How is it relevant to SB?


Materials and MethodsIdentifying the genes involved in Artemisinin production

Page 3: Production of Artemisinic acid using engineered yeast Journal Club I 7 th July 09 David Roche Charles Fracchia

IntroductionIntroductionArtemisinin is anti-malarial compound

Currently extracted from the wormwood plant – but not efficient or cheap enough

Copied the biosynthetic pathways into the yeast

Page 4: Production of Artemisinic acid using engineered yeast Journal Club I 7 th July 09 David Roche Charles Fracchia

Materials and MethodsMaterials and Methods

Green: engineered pathways

Blue: directly upregulated

Purple: indirectly upregulated

Page 5: Production of Artemisinic acid using engineered yeast Journal Club I 7 th July 09 David Roche Charles Fracchia

Materials and MethodsMaterials and Methods

Increased FPP production by upregulating FPP synthases and downregulating to convertases

Introduced ADSCloned P450

Page 6: Production of Artemisinic acid using engineered yeast Journal Club I 7 th July 09 David Roche Charles Fracchia

M&M: Identifying the ADS M&M: Identifying the ADS genesgenes

They supposed that the enzymes shown in green shared common ancestor enzymes

Compared the genes using BLAST and identified one P450 gene with high homology

Page 7: Production of Artemisinic acid using engineered yeast Journal Club I 7 th July 09 David Roche Charles Fracchia





Page 8: Production of Artemisinic acid using engineered yeast Journal Club I 7 th July 09 David Roche Charles Fracchia

The concept of feedback The concept of feedback inhibition/activationinhibition/activation

Metabolic flux relies on regulation

Page 9: Production of Artemisinic acid using engineered yeast Journal Club I 7 th July 09 David Roche Charles Fracchia

DiscussionDiscussion Increase in yield and decrease in

production costs

General principle can be applied to production of other compounds, e.g. Taxol – an anti cancer drug, which is normally extracted from the Pacific yew tree.

Good example of metabolic engineering to give a useful product.

Page 10: Production of Artemisinic acid using engineered yeast Journal Club I 7 th July 09 David Roche Charles Fracchia

DiscussionDiscussionLaborious process of specially

engineering each step.

Not necessarily easily reproducible. To re-engineer for other compounds, must go ‘back to the drawing board.’

Yield optimization and industrial scale-up still required to reduce prices significantly below their current level.

Page 11: Production of Artemisinic acid using engineered yeast Journal Club I 7 th July 09 David Roche Charles Fracchia

How is it relevant to SB?How is it relevant to SB?Previous strategies in metabolic engineering

seem more of an art with experimentation by trial-and-error.

Keasling approach to the problem was more in line with the principles of Synthetic Biology, using a logical approach for the design.

Used computational modelling to investigate the most efficient mRNA sequence for maximal compound production

Page 12: Production of Artemisinic acid using engineered yeast Journal Club I 7 th July 09 David Roche Charles Fracchia

ConclusionsConclusions Materials and Methods


Concept of feedback


Duplicate genes

Knockout genes

Genetic insertion

50% increase for duplication

2x increase for knockout

5x increase for gene insertion

Products of a reaction can control

their own conversion

Engineered approach to metabolic engineering.

Basic method can be applied to production of other compounds.