production log

Film Production Log Kain Whittle

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Post on 12-Aug-2015




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Film Production LogKain Whittle

Entry 1 We have brain stormed together and decided to

base our film on horror and action. We researched many different films such as:

Paranormal Activity to get ideas and inspire us. We brainstormed as a group while we looked a t research on the computer. I suggested that we should do a zombie based film as there is a lot

to do and choose from.

Entry 2 We storyboarded and planned out our film, after

taking some time to do this we went to the drama department to get costumes. We ideally wanted 2 white science coats and a plain white shirt. With no luck there we went to the science department to borrow 2 coats. We decided to base our film on zombies which was started off by a accident in a science lab. My role during this point was to act, but I suggested the camera angles we could potentially use,and the lighting.

Entry 3 We experimented with our camera skills, by

taking still shots and filming in places we was considering to use. I took several still shots today to practice my camera skills.

Entry 4 After practicing my camera skills we then went

on to start filming after our prep. This was our first draft of filming as we expected many mistakes. I was involved in the acting and directing of the film. We decided to stop after a few mistakes as we didn’t have our script so make the decision to head back and type the scripts up.

Entry 5 Kenny took the role to type up the scripts as me

and Jordan took the screen shots off of the camera and put them onto the computer. After looking at the images and a practice panning shot taken by Jordan we decided that the location wasn’t right for our film so took more time to look for another.

Entry 6 I spoke to my teacher and

showed our current brain storm she suggested we re-brainstorm and think about another idea for a film as

zombies wasn’t very original. I suggested that we should think more action for our next one. I suggest we

watch the trailer of Taken to get ideas. After watching it

we brainstormed some ideas about a film where

some thing is stolen, similar to Taken but some thing

different. After some time we created our storyboard:

Entry 7 I started our new brain storm off and

generating ideas towards it and suggesting similar films that we should be inspired by.

Entry 8 In this lesson I suggested that we

started to relocate for our new story board. I suggested out in the car park as it was dark at this point and we wanted a creepy affect to it.

Entry 9 After taking still shots today we stayed behind after

school to start our filming as we were behind. I suggested Jordan play the role of the thug as he had the look for it. I helped pick the angle for this shot with Kenny as we also adjusted the lighting and focus. After several shots with Jordan I contributed to the idea that he wasn’t good enough for the role so I took over. We still used the camera angle I had adjusted.

Entry 10 Today we finished filming, I suggested

we filmed Leo leaving the building so it would create more tension, we did this. I suggested Kenny got a a low angle shot to show Leo coming down the stairs.

Entry 11 Me and Jordan started editing today as

the others were not able to help us today. I cut and pasted the part of film we wanted into order with Jordan suggesting cuts.

Entry 12 Today again me and Jordan tended to

the editing. I changed the colour of the clip to black and white as I wanted it to look like CCTV footage. After this I added the time and letters ‘CCTV’ to make it authentic.

Entry 13 Me, Kenny and Jordan went through

different variations of dramatic music to put into our film to make it intense I suggested a couple of pieces.