production log

Production Log This is a detailed production log of how I have used software technologies to construct my media products aimed at the potential target audience

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Page 1: Production Log

Production Log

This is a detailed production log of how I have used software technologies to

construct my media products aimed at the potential target audience

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To make my trailer look as realistic and professional as possible I tried to imitate the motion picture association of America’s ratings page.

I observed one at the beginning of a Harry Potter Trailer and based my own, original one on it. In my research I found the font used was Arial and constructed my own version of the rating page in Microsoft PowerPoint.

After this I transferred the image to Photoshop, edited imported into adobe premier to be part of my trailer.

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For my production institution I wanted to create a image/logo that was fun but simple. I also wanted to incorporate myself as I am part of the production team.

I edited a picture I took in an online animating website. I used the magic wand tool in Photoshop to crop parts of the image I didn't want. I then gave it a black background to complete the look.

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To complete my Production institution I added the name of it, “Urban Sistaz Productionz”.

I used the font Giddyup Std to write my title as I thought it fit the image well.

With the help of rulers in Photoshop I was able to position my title and image where I wanted to so it would look the best on screen in my trailer.

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I also used Photoshop to align other images and text. By using rulers I was able to position the images where I wanted to gain the effect I wanted. I then imported them all into Adobe Premier to use in my final trailer.

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To make my poster and trailer credits look realistic I researched the fonts used so I could create my own.

In my research I found out that the font generally used was “Steel Tongs”. I downloaded the font and created my credits.

In Photoshop I used two different

backgrounds so I could use one on my poster and one in the actual trailer. I created

them so they were similar in colour

schemes so they could relate to each other.

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To give my trailer the feel I wanted I added transitions between clips. The transitions “cross dissolve” and “dip to black” proved visually effective and I used these effects more than once.

To create my moving image I transferred my clips from the video camera to Adobe Premier. When the images were imported into the editing suite (left window) I took the clips that I wanted and transferred them into the editing timeline. This would the be shown in the right window.

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At the different stages of my editing I had various audience feedback. One of which came from Michael Makinde who said “some of the clips are too slow.”

To create the correct speed and feel to my one minute trailer I decided to change some of the speeds of my clips. By doing this there will be variation in my clips so the trailer will be more exciting.

An example of a clip I changed the speed of. To add more effect I slowed the clip down from the speed of 100% to 50%

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In order to complete the trailer audio was needed. I selected a range of sounds I felt suitable from a sound effects library. I then imported them into Adobe Premier.


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I also used sound keys to decrease and increase sound. This helped me to create the audio effects that I wanted.

Actions such as to “link” and “unlink” sound enabled me to edit audio clips, move them around or get rid of them.

I was able to make audio transitions as well as visual ones. One technique I used was “Constant Power” this was one of the techniques I used to make two different audio clips sound constant and levelled.

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I got audience feedback which suggested I represent the film more in the poster. Another person said I should also try an centralise everything which would add order and make the poster look professional. To try and achieve this I moved around some text and images and added pictures taken from my actual trailer.

The Development Stages of The Poster

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I originally started constructing my magazine cover in Photoshop. I was pleased with the result but I and others felt it looked more like a poster. I then went back to my research and based my cover closely on a real media text I had looked at. When designing my cover again I constructed it in InDesign. This I found was a better program to use as it made the cover look more professional, realistic and gives it a nice finish.

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