process skid equipment

Copyright © 2014 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. PUBLIC INFORMATION MB05 Process Skid Equipment Reducing design, commissioning time and risk Fred Wentz Sr. Global OEM Technical Consultant Damon Sepe Business Development Manager, OEM

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The scalability of the PlantPAx system allows it to control your entire plant floor and/or your process skid equipment. This provides plant operations with increased visibility to both process and skid information. By utilizing a common control platform, you will achieve lower skid integration costs, simplified equipment maintenance and troubleshooting, and benefit from modular skid programming methodology for process skid equipment. We’ll discuss the advantages for both OEMs and end users.


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MB05 Process Skid Equipment Reducing design, commissioning time and risk

Fred Wentz

Sr. Global OEM Technical Consultant

Damon Sepe

Business Development Manager, OEM

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Copyright © 2014 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

MB05 Process Skid Equipment:

Companies face challenges in today’s competitive, global, business environment. One particular challenge is minimizing site integration costs that are associated with OEM equipment skids.

Increase Productivity and Reduce Integration Costs with the PlantPAx System. The scalability of the PlantPAx™ system allows it to control your entire plant floor and/or your process skid equipment. This provides plant operations with increased visibility to both process and skid information. By utilizing a common control platform, you achieve lower skid integration costs, simplified equipment maintenance and troubleshooting, and benefit from modular skid programming methodology for process skid equipment. We’ll discuss the advantages for both OEMs and end users.

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PlantPAx and Skids

Modularity Inside The Controller / Skid

Modularity Above the Skid

OEM Skid Graphics / Libraries

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Current Skid Integration is Time Consuming, Complicated, and Costly


• Communications • Protocol

• Media

• Naming conventions • HMI graphics • Alarming • Equipment interfaces • Remap all tag data • Safety interlocks • Common security • System documentation


Issues compound when left unmanaged

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Project Design Challenges to Address


Few established specification

standards to address skid


No standards exist which forces

OEMs to provide their own

proprietary ‘standard’ application

• Communications • Protocol

• Media

• Naming conventions • HMI graphics • Alarming • Equipment interfaces • Remap all tag data • Safety interlocks • Common security • System documentation

Why do these issues exist? Challenges

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Check List to Help You Create Standards


Common Network and Protocol

Common Public Interface from Skid Controller to DCS


Define what to alarm

Define when and when not to alarm

Graphical Objects

Naming Conventions – agreed on by operator’s perspective

Documentation Standards

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PlantPAx Simplifies Process Skid Integration


• EtherNet/IP backbone • No data remapping • Common security • Single HMI object for

local skid and main control room HMI


• Communications • Ethernet? Modbus? • Protocol?

• HMI graphics • Alarming • Equipment interfaces • Re-map all tag data • Safety • Common security • System documentation


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PlantPAx™ and Skids

Modularity Inside The Controller / Skid

Modularity Above the Skid

OEM Skid Graphics / Libraries

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Quick Programming Summary… (bottom up)

Key Point

Control Modules / PlantPAx Process Libraries NO Controller Scoped Tag References


Equipment Module Commands and sequences

Many Program Scoped Tags Many Program Scoped Tags Many Program Scoped Tags

One, and only one, ALIAS to a controller scoped tag

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Quick Programming Summary… (bottom up)


Small number of tags in the controller scoped area. EM’s have 1 ALIAS to one controller scoped tag

All command and status for that EM resides in this UDT

Procedures/Operations issue commands to the equipment through this UDT

But, modular programming need not

end inside the controller…

The controller should have a “Public Interface” for receiving commands and indicating status, just like any other piece of equipment.

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PlantPAx and Skids

Modularity Inside The Controller / Skid

Modularity Above the Skid

OEM Skid Graphics / Libraries

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Quick Programming Summary… (bottom up)


This Controller scoped tag should be defined based on skid “Class” or type. In this fashion, commands can be easily issued by the operator at an HMI, or via a supervisory controller.

In this example, there are two controller scoped tags for the “Public Interface”. One to receive commands, and the other for status indication.

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Sample Public Interface



HB HeartBeat

An always changing number coming from the parent controller.

While this value is changing, the parent controller is communicating and in run mode DINT

Set_TotalFlow The total flow in the entire system.

Includes the entire system flow, not just this skid REAL

Set_Ing1 Ingredient 1 Setpoint in Percent REAL

Set_Ing2 Ingredient 2 Setpoint in Percent REAL

Set_Ing3 Ingredient 3 Setpoint in Percent REAL

Start Start command BOOL

Reset Fault and Interlock Reset command BOOL


HB The HB value copied from the Cmds. As long as this value is

changing, this controller is communicating and in run mode DINT

Running ON=skid is running BOOL

FlowMixerOut gpm total flow from the mixing skid REAL

Ing1_Rate Current gpm flow for ingredient 1 REAL

Ing2_Rate Current gpm flow for ingredient 2 REAL

Ing3_Rate Current gpm flow for ingredient 3 REAL

NumofIngredients Configured number of ingredients in this skid DINT

Fault On=skid is faulted BOOL

Fault_D1 on=mixing skid's 1st daughter skid is faulted BOOL

Fault_D2 on=mixing skid's 2nd daughter skid is faulted BOOL

CommLoss on=loss of comms to the mixer or daughter BOOL

CommLossD1 on=1st daughter skid has lost comms BOOL

CommLossD2 on=2nd daughter skid has lost comms BOOL

Interlocked on=The mixer is reporting an interlock violation BOOL

Interlocked_D1 on=1st daughter skid has violated an interlock BOOL

Interlocked_D2 on=2nd daughter skid has violated an interlock BOOL

Names A string array, length 3, that contains the names of the ingredients STRING20[3]

FaultName String containing the name of the current fault reported by the

mixer STRING

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Typical Small Plant Architecture



Operator Interface(s)

Engineering Station(s)


Machine HMI

Compressor CMDs -SP -SU -SD Compressor STAT

-psi -capacity -On/Off -Temp -Faults

Compressor CMDs -SP -SU -SD

Compressor STAT -psi -capacity -On/Off -Temp -Faults

Commands from the Public Interface

Status from the Public Interface

Identical Public Interfaces for the same

equipment type,

even though the compressors are


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Getting Access to the Skid Data





Data can be gathered by the DCS controller

Using PlantPAx / ControlLogix, then simple

MSG instructions or Produced/Consumed


When using any ControlLogix® or CompactLogix™ controller from small to large:

• Same Programming • Same Tools • Same Interfaces

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Getting Access to the Skid Data




PlantPAx FactoryTalk ViewSE

Data can be gathered by the PlantPAx SCADA

Using PlantPAx/ FactoryTalk ViewSE, then

add a controller shortcut into FactoryTalk


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PlantPAx and Skids

Modularity Inside The Controller/Skid

Modularity Above the Skid

OEM Skid Graphics / Libraries

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Alarming with PlantPAx/FactoryTalk ViewSE

OEMs can use the FactoryTalk™ Alarm and

Event instructions.

When using this feature with FactoryTalk

ViewSE, skid alarms are automatically

detected and monitored.

OEMs can provide an Alarm import file

compatible with FactoryTalk ViewSE.

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Skids MUST disable alarms when the skid is OFF.

The first step in proper alarm management is

to eliminate or disable alarms during various

evolutions, such as maintenance.

The control room might not wish to see a

skid “Tank low level Alarm”, when the

skid is Out of Service and maintenance

personnel are draining the tank.

Some skid alarms can be active when the

skid is “Ready”, while others might only be

active when the skid is currently running.

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PlantPAx and Skids

Modularity Inside The Controller / Skid

Modularity Above the Skid

OEM Skid Graphics / Libraries

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Integrating Graphics and Displays


HMI/Visualization Symbol Linked to the Status Public Interface class the we defined.

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Design Productivity: Reusable Process Library

Suite of Control & HMI objects

to accelerate project


Built-in troubleshooting features

Fully documented & supported

by RA Tech Support

PlantPAx Standard Library

“Out of the box”

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Efficient Graphical Interface Aids Skid Integration & Operation

Effective Displays … Library of contextual display

objects to drive productivity

Procedural Control … PlantPAx Sequencer automates procedures

to free operator to focus on process

Standards-based Alarming … effectively direct the operator’s attention with alarms to improve the productivity,

safety, and environment of your plant

Common look and feel in both skid and plant-wide

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Skid Integration on PlantPAx System


Skids use same underlying technology, Logix and View, as PlantPAx


Controllers can be added to a distributed system, participating natively both

at the skid level and on the PlantPAx system

Rockwell Automation works with equipment builders to go further to

achieve consistent user experience including integrated alarming using the

pre-built libraries

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Equipment Interface AOI Toolkit Implementation guide

for new installation (steps summarized) Import AOI into equipment program Map Commands and Status data to

equipment controller tags Create code to process line control

commands if necessary. Use ViewME verification tool to test

the interface. When complete / verified – Export the

interface (rung/routine) to save the mappings for future use.

Mapping examples provided with Equipment Interface Toolkit

Equipment Status

Equipment Commands

Equipment Interface Implementation (Public Interface)

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Supervisory PAC

Supervisory HMI Performance Management

RAPID Line Integration System

Fault & Event Definition Tools

Equipment Configuration Screens

Equipment Interface Tools EMI Software Connection

Line Level Root Cause Reporting

Line Configuration Screens

Dynamic Event Configuration

Pre-Configured Work Cells

Program by OEM B

Program by OEM C

Program by OEM C

Equipment Interface

RAPID Interface

Equipment Interface

Equipment Interface

OEM CODE : S88/PackMLv3

Program by OEM A

OEM CODE : Custom


Equipment Interface

OEM CODE : End User Std

OEM CODE : S88/PackMLv2

Equipment #4 Equipment #1 Equipment #2 Equipment #3

What is RAPID?



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PlantPAx and Skids

Modularity Inside The Controller / Skid

Modularity Above the Skid

OEM Skid Graphics / Libraries

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Documentation Load


In addition to the normal set of documents provided to an OEM, consider…..

Requiring the OEM to include “time for

commissioning” This speeds integration time

by requiring a machine-specific expert onsite.

Define how the HB (heartbeat) functions.

This makes it easy for both controllers to be

aware of each other’s status.



Commands with HB

Status with same HB

Plant Controller


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Documentation Load


Public Interface definition, by equipment/skid class.

All compressors have the same public interface

regardless of number of stages etc…

Standard items in all Public Interfaces

Equip Ready Boolean



How to handle Alarming.

Glossary of Terms and Definitions. People have different


Auto/Manual. Is this a loop, or HMI vs PLC control?

Local/Remote/RTU? Does local mean, “local on the

machine” or “local in the control room?”


HB HeartBeat

An always changing number coming from the parent controller.

While this value is changing, the parent controller is communicating and in run mode DINT

Set_TotalFlow The total flow in the entire system.

Includes the entire system flow, not just this skid REAL

Set_Ing1 Ingredient 1 Setpoint in Percent REAL

Set_Ing2 Ingredient 2 Setpoint in Percent REAL

Set_Ing3 Ingredient 3 Setpoint in Percent REAL

Start Start command BOOL

Reset Fault and Interlock Reset command BOOL


HB The HB value copied from the Cmds. As long as this value is

changing, this controller is communicating and in run mode DINT

Running ON=skid is running BOOL

FlowMixerOut gpm total flow from the mixing skid REAL

Ing1_Rate Current gpm flow for ingredient 1 REAL

Ing2_Rate Current gpm flow for ingredient 2 REAL

Ing3_Rate Current gpm flow for ingredient 3 REAL

NumofIngredients Configured number of ingredients in this skid DINT

Fault On=skid is faulted BOOL

Fault_D1 on=mixing skid's 1st daughter skid is faulted BOOL

Fault_D2 on=mixing skid's 2nd daughter skid is faulted BOOL

CommLoss on=loss of comms to the mixer or daughter BOOL

CommLossD1 on=1st daughter skid has lost comms BOOL

CommLossD2 on=2nd daughter skid has lost comms BOOL

Interlocked on=The mixer is reporting an interlock violation BOOL

Interlocked_D1 on=1st daughter skid has violated an interlock BOOL

Interlocked_D2 on=2nd daughter skid has violated an interlock BOOL

Names A string array, length 3, that contains the names of the ingredients STRING20[3]

FaultName String containing the name of the current fault reported by the

mixer STRING

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Define what to alarm

Define when and when not to alarm

Your Check List is a “Living” Document


Common Network and Protocol

Compressor CMDs -SP -SU -SD

Compressor STAT -psi -capacity -On/Off -Temp -Faults

Common Public Interface from skid controller to DCS

Graphical Objects

Naming Conventions – agreed upon from the operators’ perspective

Documentation Standards

Glossary and Definitions (another “living” document)

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