proceedings - gbv · proceedings wpp 246 ivec 2005 "sixth international vacuum electronics...

Proceedings WPP 246 IVEC 2005 "Sixth International Vacuum Electronics Conference IVEC 2005 II 20-22 April 2005 Huis ter Duin, Noordwijk, The Netherlands TIB/UB Hannover 126 164 86X 89

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Page 1: Proceedings - GBV · Proceedings WPP 246 IVEC 2005 "Sixth International Vacuum Electronics Conference IVEC 200II 5 20-22 April 2005 Huis ter Duin, Noordwijk, The Netherlands

ProceedingsWPP 246

IVEC 2005

"Sixth International VacuumElectronics Conference IVEC 2005 I I

20-22 April 2005Huis ter Duin, Noordwijk, The Netherlands

TIB/UB Hannover126 164 86X


Page 2: Proceedings - GBV · Proceedings WPP 246 IVEC 2005 "Sixth International Vacuum Electronics Conference IVEC 200II 5 20-22 April 2005 Huis ter Duin, Noordwijk, The Netherlands

Table of Contents Page

Plenary Session

The European X-ray Free Electron Laser XFEL 15Schwarz, A;DESY, GERMANY

Inductive Output Tubes For Particle Accelerators 17Wheelhouse, A; Aitken, S; Guy, S; Kerr, J; O 'Sullivan, N; Wilcox, D;e2v technologies, UNITED KINGDOM

Development of a 2-MW, CW Coaxial Gyrotron at 170 GHz for Electron-Cyclotron-Resonance-Heating in ITER 21Lievin, C'; Bariou, S'; Benin, P '; Giguet, E'; Tran, M2; Fasel, D2; GoodmanJ2; Hogge.J2;Henderson,M2: Yovchev ,I2; Arnold, A 3; Piosczyk,B3; Jin,J3; Thumm.M3; Bonicelli, T4;Mondino, P"; Dumbrajs, O5; Alberti, S2; Heidinger, R3; Illy, S3; Rzesnicki, T3; Porte, L 2

'Thales Electron Devices, FRANCE;2Centre de Recherche en Physique des Plasmas-EPFL,SWITZERLAND; 3Forschungszentrum Karlruhe, GERMANY; 4European Fusion DevelopmentAgreement, GERMANY; department of Engineering Physics and Mathematics, TEKES, FINLAND

Power Combining Considerations for Project Prometheus TWTAs 25Komm, D'; Smith, S,'; Menninger, W, 2;'Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, UNITED STATES;2Boeing Electron Dynamic Devices, Inc., UNITED STATES

Session 1.1: Space 1

Long-Term Performance of the Radar TWTA for Sea Winds on QuikSCAT 29Harvey, W1; Hague, I2; Komm, D1; Tibbs, P2; Poulsen, W1 ;'Jet Propulsion Laboratory, CalTech, UNITED STATES;2Boeing Electron Dynamics Devices, Inc., UNITED STATES

On-Orbit Reliability Assessment of New Generation Space TWTs 33Kaliski,M;Space Systems/Loral, UNITED STATES

TWTA versus SSPA; An Updated Comparison of On-Orbit Reliability Data 37Weekley, JM; Mangus, B J; Nicol, E F;Boeing Satellite Systems, Inc., UNITED STATES

New Generation Travelling Wave Tubes for Satellite Application: High Efficient,Low Mass Ku- and C-Band TWTs 41Bosch, E; Jaeger, A; Monsees, T; Rupp, H; Seidel, H; Seppelfeld, E; Wegener, J; Wuensche, T;TEDG, GERMANY

180W Ku Band TWT for Space Applications 43Andre, F; Thaler, Y;Thales Electron Devices, FRANCE

180 Watt Ka- Band Space Travelling Wave Tube 45Menninger, W.L.; Robbins, N. R.; Dibb, D. R.;Boeing Electron.Dynamic Devices, UNITED STATES

High power Ka - band traveling waves tubes for satellite communications 47Beillevaire, F; Andre, F;Thales Electron Devices, FRANCE

V-Band Solid-State TWTA Driver Amplifier 49Khilla, M'; Schieber, K1; Scharlewsky, D1; Niederbaumer, J1; Solbach, K2;'Tesat Spacecom GmbH, GERMANY;2 University Duisburg, GERMANY

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Session 1.2: Magnetrons, Crossed-Filed Devices and Electronics

Cathode-Priming for Rapid-Startup and Mode-Control of High Power Magnetrons 53Gilgenbach, R1; Jones, '; Neculaes,'; Lau, '; White, '; Luginsland, 2; Jordan, '; Hoff, ';Hidaka, '; Spencer,l • 'University of Michigan, UNITED STATES; 2NumerEX,UNITED STATES; sAir Force Research Lab, UNITED STATES

Electron pre-bunching in microwave magnetron by electric priming using anode shape modification 55Kim, JI1; Won, JHl; Park, GS1; Ha, HJ2; Shon, JC2;'Seoul National University, REPUBLIC OF KOREA;2Samsung Electronics, REPUBLIC OF KOREA

The Effect of Cathode Emission Voltage on the Magnetron Performance 57Ma, L1; Chen, X2; Lindsay, P A1; Esterson, M3; Burleigh, P3; Saleem, K3;'Queen Mary College, University of London, UNITED KINGDOM; 2 Queen Mary college,University of London, UNITED KINGDOM; 3e2v Technologies, UNITED KINGDOM

Development of Phase and Amplitude Controlled Magnetron 61Shinohara, N; Mitani, T; Matsumoto, H;Kyoto University, JAPAN

Phase locking magnetrons by use of their pushing characteristic 65Dexter, A; Tahir, I; Carter, R;Lancaster University, UNITED KINGDOM

Cold Cathode Advanced Design for the US Navy SPS-48E Second Stage Crossed-Field Amplifier 69Worthington, MS; MacPhail, GR; Shultz, H; Bemis, T;L-3 communication, UNITED STATES

Experimental Study on Gigawatts Magnetically Insulated Line Oscillator 71Kim, D'; Jung,'; Min, '; Yang, '; Wang, '; Park,'; Rhee, 2

'Seoul National University, REPUBLIC OF KOREA; 2 University of Maryland, UNITEDSTATES

Magnetrons - Improved Performance with modern electronic systems 75Richardson, B; Rush, R; Iskander, M;e2v technologies Ltd, UNITED KINGDOM

Some Line Matching Circuits for High Voltage Semiconductor Switches 79Drummond, G;Colorado Power Electronics, Inc., UNITED STATES

Session 1.3: Modelling 1

Beam Optics Analysis - An Advanced 3D Trajectory Code 81Ives, R L'; Bui, f; Vogler, W1; Neilson, J1; Read, M1; Shephard, M2; Bauer, A2; Datta, D2; Beall, M3;'Calabazas Creek Research, Inc., UNITEDSTATES; 2Rensselear Polytechnic Institute,UNITEDSTATES; 3Simmetrix, Inc., UNITEDSTATES

Automation in Pierce Gun Design 85Pareek, S* Agarwal, P1; Yadav, V; Choudhury, A R1; Ghosh, TIC; Sharma, TK1; Gupta, R K1;'Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute (CEERI), 'Banasthali Vidyapith, India,xBirla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS),'E2VTechnologies, UK

The MICHELLE 2D/3D Electron Gun and Collector Modeling Code: Advances and Applications 89Petillo, J; Eppley, K; Panagos, D; Nelson, E; Dionne, N; DeFord, J; Held, B; Chernyakova, L;Levush, B;SA1C, UNITEDSTATES

A Steady-State Analysis of Ion Trajectories in Electron Guns using PIERCE* Code 91Bansiwal, A; Kumar, L;Microwave TubeR&D Center, INDIA

3D Self Magnetic Field Calculation in the Finite Element Gun Code MICHELLE 95Nelson, EM1; Petillo, JJ2; Levush, B3;


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Electron Scattering and Multipactor Discharge 99Seviour, R.-Lancaster University, UNITED KINGDOM

Practical multipaction assessment using Monte-Carlo/PIC modelling 103Eastwood, J; Arter, W; Hook, M; Brealey, N;Culham Elecrtomagnetics and Lightning, UNITED KINGDOM

A new fitting model for the I-V characteristics of field emission arrays 105Lin, M;FuJen University, TAIWAN

Tracing backscatterd electrons with MEBS' SOURCEBS software 109Katsap, V1; Munro, E2; Zhu, X2; Rouse, J2 ;'NuFlare Technology, adiv. of Toshiba, UNITEDSTATES; 2MEBS, Ltd., UNITED KINGDOM

Session 2.1: Gyrotrons

Development of a 1-MW, CW Gyrotron at 140 GHz for Electron-Cyclotron-Resonance-Heating in Fusion Plasma Devices 113Dammertz, G;Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, GERMANY

Recent Results from the 1.5 MW, 110 GHz Gyrotron Experiment at MIT 115Sirigiri, JR.'; Choi, E M2; Shapiro, MA2; Temkin, R J2;'Massachusetts Institute of Technology, UNITED STATES; 2MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center,UNITEDSTATES

High Power Testing of a 110 GHz Gyrotron with a Single-Stage, Depressed Collector 117Chu, T; Blank,M; Cahalan, P; Cauffman, S; Felch, K; Jory, H;CPI, UNITEDSTATES

200kW/CW Gyrotrons and Transmission Line Components for Fusion Systems 119Denisov, G G1; Belousov, VI2; Chirkov, A V2; Litvak, A G2; Malygin, Vf; Shmelyov,M Yu2; Kurbatov, VI3; Kazanskiy, IV3; Solujanova, EA3; Tai, E M3

'institute of Applied physics, RUSSIAN FEDERATION;2Institute of Applied Physics,RUSSIAN FEDERATION; 3GYCOMLtd., RUSSIAN FEDERATION

Development of the 300 GHz/4 kW/CW Gyrotron 121Zapevalov, V1; Lygin, V2; Malygin, O3; Moiseev.M3; Khizhnjak, V3; Karpov, V4; Tai, E4; Idehara, f;Ogawa, f; Mitsudo, S5 ;' Institute of Applied PhysicsR A S, RUSSIAN FEDERATION;2 Institute of Applied Physics,RAS, RUSSIAN FEDERATION;3Institute of Applied Physics RAS, RUSSIAN FEDERA TION;"GYCOMLtd, RUSSIAN FEDERA TION; 3RCD FIR, FU, JAPAN

Using MAGY to Model High Power CW Gyrotrons with Coaxial Cavities 123Vlasov, A N1; Antonsen, TA>T; Chernyavskyi, I A3; Levush, B4;'Science Applications International Corporation, UNITEDSTATES; 2UMDIREAP, UNITEDSTATES;3SAIC, UNITEDSTATES; 4NRL, UNITEDSTATES

Newly Designed Internal Phase-Correcting Mirrors for a Multi-frequency 1 MW Gyrotron at FZK 127YANG, X1; Arnold, A2; Dammertz, G1; Koppenburg, K1; Piosczyk, B1; Wagner, D3; Thumm, M2;'IHM, FZK, GERMANY; 2IHM, FZK and University of Karlsruhe, GERMANY; 3IPP_Garching, GERMANY

Electrically controlled scanning of wave beam produced by gyrotron: option for plasmafusion experiments 131Petelin, M1; Kasparek, 2 ;'lAP, RUSSIAN FEDERATION; 2Stuttgart University, GERMANY

Investigation of "Hyperchaos" in Gyrotron 133Blokhina, E V; Rozhnev, A G;Saratov State University, Russia

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Session 2.2: New Devices

A field-emission based vacuum device for the generation of THz waves 135Lin, M-C; Huang, K-H; Lu, P-S; Lin, P-Y; Jao, R-F;Fu Jen University, TAIWAN

Design of a Wide TWT RF-Structure and Powercoupler at 94 GHz 139Krawczyk, FL1; Carlsten, BE1; Earley, LM1; Potter, JM2 ;'Los Alamos National Laboratory, UNITED STATES; 2JP Accelerator Works, UNITED STATES

Wideband RF Structure for Millimeter Wave TWTs 143Earley, L W1; Carlsten, B, !; Krawczyk, F, '; Russell, S, '; Sigler, F, '; Potter, J, 2; Smirnova, E,3

'Los Alamos National Laboratory, UNITEDSTATES; 2J P Accelerator Works, UNITEDSTATES;3MLT, UNITEDSTATES

Sheet Beam Technology Development for High-Power MM-Wave TWTs 147Carlsten, B E1; Russell, SJ1; Earley, L M1; Haynes, WE1; Krawczyk, F1; Wang, ZF1; Potter, JM2;Ferguson, P3; Humphries, S4 ;'Los Alamos National Laboratory, UNITEDSTATES; 2JP Accelerator Works, UNITEDSTATES;3 MDS Company, UNITED STATES;4Field Precision, UNITEDSTATES

Experimental Investigation of W-Band Vacuum Devices using Two-Step LIGA 151Shin, YM1; So, JK1; Han, S f; Jang, KH1; Jeon, S G1; Park, G S1; Kim, JH2; Chang, SS2

'Seoul National University, REPUBLIC OF KOREA; 2Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL),REPUBLIC OF KOREA

Photonic Crystal Reflex Klystron Using Multi-beam Cold Cathode 153Jang, K; Jeon,; Go,; So,; Han,; Shin,; Park;Seoul National University, REPUBLIC OF KOREA

Emission From Cnt Electron Source Under Rf Field At 1.5 Ghz 157Peauger, F1; Hudanski, L1; David, JF1; Legrand, F1; Dieumegard, D1; Schnell, JP2; Minoux, E2;Gangloff, L2; Legagneux, P2; Teo, KBK3; Milne, Wf; Groening, O4; De Raedt, H5; Michielsen, K3

'Thales Electron Devices, FRANCE; 2Thales Research Technologies, FRANCE; 3University of Cambridge,UNITED KINGDOM; 4EMPA, Thun, SWITZERLAND; University ofGroningen, NETHERLANDS

Microfabricated Folded Waveguide TWT circuits and components for the Terahertzand Millimeter wave regimes 161Booske, JH1; Sengele, S1; Welter, J1; Ho, S-f; Jiang, H1; van der Weide, D W1; Limbach, S1;Kory, C L2; Read, ME2; Ives, R L2 ;'University of Wisconsin, UNITED STATES; 2Calabazas Creek Research, Inc, UNITEDSTATES

300Ghz BWO with Biplanar Interdigital Circuit 165Dayton, J;Genvac Aerospace Corp, UNITEDSTATES

Design and Test of a Submillimeter-Wave Backward Wave Oscillator 167Ives, L1; Caplan, M1; Kory.C1; RobinsonJ1; Neilson, J1; Wilcox, R2; Schwartzkopf, S3; Witherspoon.R3 ;'Calabazas Creek Research, Inc., UNITEDSTATES; Consultant, UNITEDSTATES;3Ron Witherspoon, Inc., UNITEDSTATES

Session 2.3: Modelling 2

CST PARTICLE STUDIO Finite Integration Technique applied to 3D Particle Interaction 171Becker, U; Spachmann, H;CST, GERMANY

Novel Technique for the Analysis of Helical Slow-wave Structures Using Azimuthally PeriodicBoundary Conditions 175Aloisio, M;European Space Agency ESA/ESTEC, NETHERLANDS

Helix Twts Cold Parameters Modelling Tools 179David, J.-F; Thales Electron Devices. France

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A Power TWT PPM Design using a 3-D PIC Code 181Perigo, EA'; Barroso, JJ2; Motta, C C3 ;1 Institute de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares, BRAZIL;2Institute Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais,BRAZIL; 3Centro Tecnologico da Marinha em Sao Paulo, BRAZIL

A 3D Large Signal Parallel Computing Code for Helix TWT 185Li B; Yang, Z; Zhu, X; Huang, T; Hu, Q; Liao, L; Xiao, L;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, CHINA

Design and Computer Modeling of a Ka-Band EIK 187Hsu, HL1; Luhmann, NC1; Scheitrum, G2 ;'University of Calfornia, Davis, UNITEDSTATES;2Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, UNITEDSTATES

Simulation of Klystrons with Reflected Electrons using TESLA 191Antonsen, TM;University of Maryland, UNLTED STATES

Frequency-domain code Dev.5.0 for analysis of coupled-cavity traveling wave tubes,klystrons and their hybrids 195Konnov, A; Malykhin, A;FSUE "Toriy", RUSSIAN FEDERATION

Numerical Simulation of Nonstationary Dynamics of Resonant Microwave Oscillators 199Titov, VN; Shigaev, A M; Ryskin, N M;Saratov State University, RUSSIAN FEDERATION

Frequency properties of BWO with emission automodulation 203Koltunov, R; Melikhov, V; Solntsev, V;Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, RUSSIAN FEDERATION

Session 3.1 :Space

W-Band Transmitter Upgade for the Haystack Ultra Wideband Satellite Imaging Radar 207Kempkes, MA; Hawkey, TJ; Gaudreau, MPJ; Phillips, RA;Diversified Technologies, Inc., UNITEDSTATES

Space applications for L-Band Travelling Wave Tubes 211Vogt, H; Monsees, T; Bosch E; Ehret, P;Thales Electron Devices GmbH, GERMANY; 2THALES Electron Devices, GERMANY

Ka-band Multi-Port Amplifier Characterisation for Space Telecommunication Operation 213Anakabe, A1; Mallet, A1; Gizard, F1; Laporte, C1; Robert, T1; Boulanger, C1; Sombrin, J1;Lapierre, L1; Baretto-Da-Rocha, P2; Frichot, P2; Coromina, F3; Collantes, JM4;'CNES, FRANCE;2Alcatel Space, FRANCE; 3ESA/ESTEC, NETHERLANDS;4Univ. of Basque Country, SPAIN

Extended Interaction Klystrons For Space-Borne Applications 217Steer, B1; Roitman, A1; Berry, D1; Russell, A1; Girard, R2; Waller, P3; Lin, C-C3; Kumagai, H4;Orikasa, I4; Kuroiwa, H4;'CP1Canada, CANADA;2Canadian Space Agency, CANADA;3European Space Agency,NETHERLANDS; 4National Institute of Information and Communication Technology, JAPAN

Fast, Space Qualified 3000 V Modulator for a Cloud Profiling Radar 219Haque, I; Harvey, W; Duong, J; Packard, N;Jet Propulsion Laboratory, UNITED STATES

Methodology for aging characterization of high voltage resin for space application. 225DraguetA1; FaytPh2; Vandeplassche Ph2 ;Ulactel Etca, BELGIUM;2Alcatel Etca, BELGIUM

Improving Future High Voltage Electronic Power Conditioners 227Weinberg, S;ESA, NETHERLANDS


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Simulations, Measurements And Analysis Of Gaseous Microwave Discharges 229Lapierre, L1; Sombrin, J1; Jordan, U2; Anderson, D2; Lisak, M2; Udiljak, R2; Dorozhkina, D3; Semenov,VE3; Smits, J*; Nefedov, IM5; Shereshevskii, I A5; Puech, J:

'CNES, FRANCE; 2Chalmers University of Technology, SWEDEN;3Institute of Applied Physics, RUSSIAN FEDERATION; 4Alcatel Space, FRANCE;5Institute for Physics ofMicrostructures, RUSSIAN FEDERATION

Session 3.2: IOTs Klystrons and MBKs

Advances in Klystron Performance for Communications 233Russell, A; Catoiu, G; Dobbs, R; Steer, B;CPI Canada, CANADA

500 MHz Power Amplifiers For Synchrotrons 235VANDROUX, P'; dus,2

'Thales Electron Devices, FRANCE; 2toto, ALBANIA

Production Status of 805-MHz, 550 kW Pulsed Klystrons for the Spallation Neutron Source 239Lend, SJ; Eisen, EL;CPI.Inc, UNITEDSTATES

IOTs at 13GHz 241Langlois, M; Robert, C;Thales electron devices, FRANCE

Lifetime and Reliability of Airport Weather Radar Klystrons 245Balkcum, A;CPI, UNITEDSTATES

201 MHz Multiple Beam Klystron for a Tevatron Injector 247Ives, R L; Ferguson, P; Song, L;Calabazas Creek Research, Inc., UNITEDSTATES

Experimental Progress on the NRL 8-Beam, 4-Cavity Fundamental Mode Multiple-Beam Klystron 253Abe, D K1; Pershing, DE2; Nguyen, KT3; Wood, FN2; Myers, RE2; Eisen, EL4; Cusick, M4; Levush, B1

'U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, UNITED STATES; 2ATK Mission Research Corp., UNITEDSTATES;3Beam-Wave Research, Inc., UNITEDSTATES; Communication and Power Industries, Inc., UNITEDSTATES

Development of an X-Band, 50 MW, Multiple Beam Klystron 257Ferguson, P; Song, L; Ives, L; Read, M;Calabazas Creek Research, Inc., UNITEDSTATES

Research Progress on L-band 100 kW CW Broadband Multi-Beam Klystron 261Ding, Y; Zhu Yunshu,; Yin Xiulin,; Yu Shiji, ; Wang Caiying,; Zhang Ding,; Yu Bo,; Gu Xuechun,;ShenBin,; Wang Shuzhong,; Liu Shuzhen,;Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, CHINA

Session 3.3: Poster Session

Simulation And Optimization Of The Matched Horn Energy Output Configuration On H01 Mode 263Kurayev, A A; Popkova, TL; Yaromenok, SI;Byelarusian State Uviversity of Informatics and Radioelectronics, BELARUS

Preliminary Design Of A Hybrid-Magnet System For 35 Ghz, Second-Harmonic Gyrotron Amplifier 265Li, Y; Zheng, Lei, Z; Luo, J; Guo, H; Wu, E;Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, CHINA

Mode Converter Configuration Optimization For Cyclotron Frequency Second Harmonic Gyrotron 267Kurayev, A; Yaromenok, S; Popkova, T;Byelarusian State Uviversity of Informatics and Radioelectronics, BELARUS;

Gyroton on goffered cavity Kolosov 269Kolosov, S V; Kurayev, A A; Lavrenov, A A;BSUIR, BELARUS

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A Novel Gyrotron Oscillator with a Hybrid Interaction Scheme Characterizing High Efficiencyand Broadband Tuning 271Liu, B-T;Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, CHINA

Investigation of a Mirror System for a High Power Coaxial-Cavity Gyrotron 275Jin, JB; Piosczyk, B; Thumm, M; Rzesnicki, T; Zhang, SC;Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, GERMANY

Construction of a Large-Orbit Second-Harmonic TE21 Gyro-TWT Amplifier 277Harriet, S; McDermott, DB; Luhmann, NC;UCDavis/NSWCCrane, UNITEDSTATES

Design and Fabrication of a 34 GHz Experimental Peniotron 281Dressman, LJ; Luhmann, NC; McDermott, DB; Hirata, Y; Gallagher, DA; Spencer, TA;NSWC Crane, UNITED STATES

Mode Selection Of A 28 Ghz Gyrotron 283Cao, X-Q; Liu, P-K;Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, CHINA

Optimization Peniotron in View of Features of the T-Wave Near to Oscillator Wires 287Kurayev, A A; Sinitsyn, A K; Sherbakov, A V;Byelarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, BELARUS

Co-axial 2D Bragg structures with corrugated outer and inner conductors 291Konoplev, IV1; Thumm, M2; Cross, AW1; He, W1; Phelps, A DRJ; Ronald, K1; Whyte, CG1;Ginzburg, NS3; Peskov, N Yu3; Sergeev, A S3;'University ofStrathclyde, UNITED KINGDOM; 2Universitat Karlsruhe;3Institute of Applied Physics, Russia

The preliminary Design of a W-Band Gyrotron Traveling Wave Amplifier 293Lai, G J; Liu, P K; Jia, Y-F; Yin, R-J;Institute of Electronics Chinese Academy of Sciences, CHINA

An Extended Interaction Cavity for Third Harmonic-Multiplying Phigtron 297Zhu, M; Luo, JR; Guo, W; Guo, H; Wu, E;Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, CHINA

Design of the input coupler for Ka band TE01 Gyro-TWT 301Yunfeng, J; Guojun, Lai,; Pukun, Liu;Institute of Electronics, CHINA

170 GHz, 2 MW Coaxial Cavity Gyrotron - design and experimental verificationof the RF output system - 303

Rzesnicki, t;Jin, J.2; Piosczyk, B.2; Thumm, M.3; Michel, G.4; Wagner, D.5

'Forschungszentrum Kalrsruhe (FZK), GERMANY;2Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, GERMANY;3Forschungszentrum Kalrsuhe & Universitaet Karlsruhe, GERMANY; 4Max-Planck-InstitutfiirPlasmaphysik, Greifswald, GERMANY;5Max-Planck-Institut fur Plasmaphysik, Garching, GERMANY

Designing an L-Band IOT for Higher Peak Output Power 307Li, Y; Tornoe, B; Krzeminski, P; Denies, E;Communication and Power Industires, UNITED STA TES;

Development of a 19 kW CW L Band Klystron 311Read ME; Mizuhara, A.; Song, L; Miram, G.; Mizuhara, M.; Collins, G.; Robinson, 71; Ives, R.L.;Calabazas Creek Research Inc., UNITED STATES

Direct Chaotic Communications System on the Basis of a Delayed Feedback Klystron Oscillator 313Shigaev, A; Ryskin, N.M.;Saratov State University, RUSSIAN FEDERATION;

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e0^) Research on Generation Mechanism of Spurious Noises from MicrowaveOven Ma$nwon 317Mitani, T1! Shifl°hara, N1; Matsumoto, H1; Aiga, M2; Kuwahara, N2 ;1 Kyoto University. JAPAN; 2Matsushita Electronic Instruments Corporation, JAPAN

est 16-vane strapped magnetron with tuner 321Kim, Hj; Choi, JJ;KwangM>0on University, REPUBLIC OF KOREA

3-D Simul3t«oi> Cold Secondary-Emission Cathode Cooker Magnetron TriggeredBy Ano^e v<Jlt«ge Pulse 323Yeryomka, ^ D; Kopot, M4; Dzyuba, VP;Usikov Institute for radiophysics and electronics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, UKRAINE

Computer Simulation Of Multi-Beam Klystron Electron Optics System 327Wang, S'; $hm B>; Ding, Y2;1 Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, CHINA;2Institute of Electronics,Chinese Academy qfSciences, CHINA

Analysis ;intf optimization of TM mode parameters in coaxial RF cavity 329Dong, YHl; bjrig, Y2;Xiao, L2; Wang, S-Z2 ;1 Institution of Electronics, Chinese Acadamy. ofScience,, CHINA; 2Inst. of Electronics,Chinese AC^d. nfSci., BeiJing 100080, CHINA

Development of an L-band Multi-Beam Klystron at Toshiba 333Yano, A1; fiftyake, S1; Tetsuka, K.'; Okubo, Y1; Hayashi, K1; Chin, YH3;'TOSHIBA Et£CTRON TUBES & DEVICES CO., LTD., JAPAN;2Branch of Institute of Nuclear Physics,RUSSIAN FEDERATION; 3KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, JAPAN

Evaluatjoj> or Unsteady Non-Harmonic Fields in Microwave Devices. I.Decomposition in the Partial Modes 337


Of (Jnsteady Non-Harmonic Fields in Microwave Devices.II. Decomf>oSjtjon in the Partial Oscillators 341Gritsunov A;KNURE, K

Evaluation °f iJnsteady Non-Harmonic Fields in Microwave Devices. HI.Decomposition in the Regular Modes 345Gritsunov / ;KNURE,

PSpice Ani»'>sis of Third Harmonic Injection in Class 'B' and Class ' C ofHigh Po\vef Tu|je Amplifiers 349Kostic, S;Ericsson,

AC Space C^rge Effects on Beam Loading of a Cavity 351Lau (Present^, Y-Y.'; KOM>alczyk, R D1; Antonsen, TM2; Luginsland, J W3; Chernin, DP4; Tang, W1;Gilgenbach, R hi''University ofKiichigan, UNITEDSTATES; 2 University of Maryland, UNITEDSTATES; 3NumerEx,UNITED STAGS'' 'Science Applications International Corporation, UNITED STATES

Time-don>a«n so(ution of Cauchy problem for 3-D electron beam near thermionic cathode surfaceof arbitrary ft^i 355Malykhin, A;FSUE "Torif, RUSSIAN FEDERATION

Thermal ani^sis of travelling wave tube using ANSYS 357Yao Liming, f<*hg Zhonghai, Huang Tao, Li BinInstitute of High £nergy Electronics University of Electron ology of China


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A Fast Approach to PPM Design 361Perigo, EA'; Faria, R Nl; Motta, C C2 ;1 Institute de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares, BRAZIL;2Centro Tecnologico da Marinha em Sao Paulo, BRAZIL

TWT modelling using ADS code 365Jang, SM; Choi, G W; Joo, JH; Choi, J J;Kwangwoon University, REPUBLIC OF KOREA

Code Development of a 3D Finite Element Particle-In-Cell Code with Adaptive Meshing 367Bui, f; Bui, T.1; Ives, L.'; Verbonceur, J.2; Birdsall, C.2 ;'CCRInc, UNITED STATES; 2U.C. Berkeley, UNITEDSTATES

Theoretical Loss Determination on a TWT Slow Wave Structure by The Sensiper'sTape Helix Model 371Lopes, D T; Motta, C C;'Centro Tecnologico da Marinha em Sao Paulo CTMSP, BRAZIL;

The Equations of the Nonlinear Theory of a High-Perveance Traveling Wave Tube 375Ilyina, EM1; Usov, VN2;'The Federal State Unitary Enterprise NPP "Almaz", RUSSIAN FEDERATION;2VsevolodN, RUSSIAN FEDERATION

Optimization of Multistage Depressed Collectors of Arbitrary Configurationfor TWT and Klystrons. 377Rogovin, VI; Rogovin, IV; Zhyravleva, VD;The Federal State Unitary Enterprise NPP "Almaz", RUSSIAN FEDERATION

CAD Investigation of Multistage Depressed Collector in China 379KOU, J; HUANG, T; P.R. CHINA

A ID Large Signal Simulation Code for Coupled Cavity TWT's Using Curnow orMalykhin-Konnov-Komarov Lumped Element Circuit Models 381Chernin, D1; Dialetis, D1; Antonsen, Jr., TM2; Levush, B3 ;^AIC, UNITEDSTATES; University of Maryland, UNITED STATES; 3US Naval Research Laboratory,UNITEDSTATES

Optimized by Efficiency Single Mode Relativistic Twt-0 With Cut-Off Modes Account 383Kurayev, A A; Sinitsyn, A K; Lushchytskaya, IV;Byelarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, BELARUS

Complex Dynamics in Cascade Klystron Oscillator 385Dmitriev, B S; Zharkov, Yu D; Skorokhodov, VN; Biryukov, A A;Saratov State University, RUSSIAN FEDERATION

pi-Mode Selection in Coaxial Magnetron Resonator using Two-dimensionalMetallic Photonic Crystal 387Kim, JI; Jeon, S G; Won, JH; Joo, YD; Park, G S;Seoul National University, REPUBLIC OF KOREA

THz Smith-Purcell Radiation Enhanced by Counter-Streaming Electron Beams withOne-Dimensional Photonic Crystal 389Shin, YM; Kim, JI; So, JK; Han, S T; Jang, KH; Jeon, S G; Park, G S;Seoul National University, REPUBLIC OF KOREA

Nonstationary Analysis of Counter-Streaming Electron Beam Oscillator 391Shin, YM'; Ryskin, NM2; Won, JH1; Park, G S7 ;'Seoul National University, REPUBLIC OF KOREA;2Saratov University, RUSSIAN FEDERATION

Optimization Of The Profile Of Output Horn Of Relativistic Cherenkov GeneratorOn The Wave E01 393Kurayev, A A; Sinitsyn, A K; Lushchytskaya, IV;Byelarusian State University of Informatics and Radioel S


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Network Model and Calculation of TWT Chaos 395Feng, J; Chen, Y;Beijing Vacuum Electronics Research Institute, CHINA

A novel efficient cold electron emitter with a micro-dimple Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor structure 399Watanabe, A1; Tanaka, R1; Nakada, f; Sakemura, K1; Negishi, N1; Okuda, Y1; Satoh, H1; Yoshikawa, f;Ogasawara, Kl; Koshida, N2 ;Pioneer Corporation, JAPAN; 2Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, JAPAN

On The Power Capacity Of Output Windows Of Microwave Tubes 401Prokofiev, B;FSUE "Scientific and Production Corp. "Toriy"", RUSSIAN FEDERATION

Studies on Field Emitters for Terahertz Devices 403Rajendra, S; Vishnu, S;Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute, Pilani, INDIA

The Effects of Chemical Cleaning on Impregnant Removal 407Tarter, JO1; Farrell, JJ1; Conkwright, S2 ;'SemiconAssociates, UNITEDSTATES;2SemiconAsociates, UNITEDSTATES

Preliminary Testing Initial Condition of Multistage Depressed Collector 409Kou, J; Yan, T; Zhao, S; Liao, F; Feng, J;

Design and Experiments of Helix TWT Amplifiers 411Kim, HJ1; Jang, L B1; Choi, JJ1; Kim, R S2;'Kwangwoon University, REPUBLIC OF KOREA; 2Dynamicwave Telecom Inc., UNITED STATES

Design of the broadband amplifier for MPM 413Choi, G W; Jang, SM; Joo, JH; Choi, J;Kwangwoon University, REPUBLIC OF KOREA

Study Of The Frequency Spectrum, Noise And HarmonicsIn The Output Radiation of The Pasotron 415Rodgers, J.;Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics, University of Maryland, USA

Study And Applications Of Wideband Oscillations In High-Power Pulsed Traveling-Wave Tubes 416Rodgers, J.;Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics, University of Maryland, USA

Miniature Plasma Cathode For High-Power Terahertz Orotron And Clinotron Oscillators 417Rodgers, J.;Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics, University of Maryland, USA

Session 4.1: High Power Microwaves

Experimental testing of a high-gain, high power gyroklystron 419Lawson, W; Hogan, B.; Stamatiou, IG; Tiwari, S.; Krumrine, M.;University of Maryland, UNITEDSTATES

Development of a 25 MW 30 GHz Gyroklystron 421Read, ME1; Neilson, J.1; Miram, G.'; Ives, R.L.'; Lawson, W.2 ;'Calabazas Creek Research Inc., UNITED STATES; 2IREAP, University of Maryland, UNITEDSTATES

The Design and Simulation of a Cusp- Based Broadband Gyro-TWA 425Whyte, CT; He, 2; Young, 2; Rafferty, 2; Thomson, 2; Ronald, 2; Phelps, 2; Cross, 2 ;'University of Strathclyde, UNITED KINGDOM; 2University Of Strathclyde, UNITED KINGDOM

Improved Cathodes for Gyrotrons 429Ives, RL'; Miram, G1; Robinson, f; Collins, G1; Borchard, P2; Fake, L2; Wilcox, R2; Gunther, K3 ;'Calabazas Creek Research, Inc., UNITED STATES; Consultant, UNITEDSTATES;3HeatWaveLaboratories, Inc., UNITEDSTATES

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Optimized Multi-Modes Cherencov Relativistic Generators On Irregular Goffered Waveguides 433Sinitsyn, A K; Lushchytskaya, IV; Kurayev, A A,;Byelarusian State Uviversity of Informatics and Radioelectronics, BELARUS

Optimization of the multibeam orbotrons-klystrons 437Kurayev, A A; Aksenchyk, A V; Eyromka, V D;Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics,, UKRAINE

Operation of a Free-Electron Maser based on Two-Demensional distributed feedback 439McGrane, P; Konoplev, I V; Cross, A W; He, W; Phelps, A D R; Ronald K; Whyte, C G;University of Strathclyde UNITED KINGDOM

Peculiarities of Nanosecond Gigawatt Radar 441Blyakhman, A1; Clunie, D2; Mesyats, G3; Harris R4; Petelin, BM5; Postoenko, G5; Wardrop, B6;'Radio Technical Institute, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia,2HPRF Faraday Partnership Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UK,3Lebedev Institute, Moscow, Russia,,4BAE Systems, Chelmsford, UK, institute of Applied Physics, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia,6Wylie Consulting Ltd Chelmsford UK

Microwave Pulse Compression using Helically Corrugated Waveguides 443Ronald, K1; Young, AR1; Burt, G1; Whyte, CG1; He, W1; Konoplev, IV'; Cross, AW1; Phelps, ADR';Samsonov, SV2; Bratman, VL2; Denisov, GG2 ;'University of Strathclyde, UNITED KINGDOM; 2Insitute of Applied Physics, RUSSIAN FEDERATION

Session 4.2: TWTs

Design and Performance of a Second-Passband Ridged Folded-Waveguide TWT 447Theiss, A J;L-3 Communications, UNITEDSTATES

Average Power & Lifetime Upgrade of Ka and EHF TWT's 449Siret, R;THALES ELECTRON DEVICES, FRANCE

Performance Enhancement of TWTs Using OFDM Waveforms with Third-and Fifth-Order Predistortion Linearization 451Qiu, JX1; Abe, D K1; Danly, B G1; Levush, B1; Antonsen, Jr., TM2; Myers, R E3

'Naval Research Laboratory, UNITED STATES; 2SAIC and Univ. of Maryland, UNITED STATES;3ATKMission Research Corporation, UNITED STATES

Characterization of a Low-noise, Linearized Microwave Power Amplifier Module 453Joo, JH; Jang, SM; Choi, G W; Choi, J;Kwangwoon University, REPUBLIC OF KOREA

High Power Micro-TWTs for ECM and Data Links 455Beck, T; Nugues, P; Thouvenin, P; Challemel, S; Lefevre, M;Thales Electron Devices, France

Linear and Nonlinear Backwards Wave Gain in a Wideband Helix TWT 457Booske, JH1; McLaughlin, KG1; Wohlbier, JG2;'University of Wisconsin, UNITEDSTATES; 2Los Alamos National Laboratory, UNITEDSTATES

Development of 4-stage Graphite Collector for high efficiency TWT 461Srivastava, V; Ghosh, TK1, PriyankaA, Budania, SS; Sharma, S K; Chopra, A K; Basu, D2; Sen, R3;Electron Tubes Area, Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute, India,'E2V Technologies, UK, 2CGCR1, Kolkata, India, 3CMERI, Durgapur, India

Novel, Lower Cost, TWT Noise Measurement Method 465Mitsdarffer, KB; Thelen, D;Naval Surface Warfare Center Crane, UNITED STATES


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Session 4.3: Technology

Slotted Waveguides For 2.45 Ghz Industrial Applicators 467Stanculovic, S'; Feher, L2; Thumm, M1;'University of Karlsruhe, Institute for Highfrequency Techniques and Electronics, GERMANY;2Research Center Karlsruhe, Institute for Pulsed Power and Microwave Technology, GERMANY

Helix slow-wave structure with diamond support for power TWTs 471Galdetskty, A V;Istok, RUSSIAN FEDERATION

Temperature-Compensated High Temperature SmCo Magnets for Traveling Wave Tubes 473Walmer, M; JinfangLiu,; Payal Vora,;Electron Energy Corporation, UNITED STATES

PPM Focussing a 4 Microperv Beam from a Gridded Gun 475True, R;L-3 Communications, UNITEDSTATES

Emission imaging of the LaB6 cathode 477Katsap, V; Golladay, S D; Kendall, RA; Messick, SA;NuFlare Technology, a div. of Toshiba, UNITEDSTATES

An Analytical Lumped Thermal Circuit for the Determination of Fast Warm up and SteadyState Characteristics of Heater/Cathode Packages for TWT's 481Dyson, D RJ; Levinson, HD2

'TMD Technologies Ltd., UNITED KINGDOM; 2TMD Technologies Ltd, UNITED KINGDOM

Time-Dependent Secondary Electron Yield Measurements from Materials with Applicationto Depressed Collectors 485Schamiloglu, E; Gilmore, M; Watts, C; Gaudet, J; Bosman, H; Svimonishvili, T; Kumar, P;Zameroski,N, University of New Mexico, UNITEDSTATES

Milliamp-CIass Field Emission Devices Based on Free-Standing,Two-Dimensional Carbon Nanostructures 489Holloway, Bl; Zhao, H1; Zhu, M1; Wang, J1; Outlaw, R1; Tyler, T2; Shenderova, O2; Ray, M2;Dalton, MR2; McGuire, G2

'College of William & Mary, UNITED STATES; 2International Technology Center, UNITED STATES

On the Ohmic Heating of Particulates 493Lau, YY; Tang, W; Bosman, HL; Gilgenbach, RM;University of Michigan, UNITED STATES

Plenary Session

Recent Results in GYCOM/IAP Development of High-Power Gyrotrons for Fusion Installations 497Denisov, G.G.2; Litvak, A.G.2; Myasnikov, V.E2;Tai, EM.';'GYCOMLtd, RUSSIAN FEDERATION; 2Institute of Applied Physics Russian Academy of Science,RUSSIAN FEDERATION;3Russian Research Center "Kurchatov Institute",, RUSSIAN FEDERATION

Development of High Power Ka-band Helix TWTs in the NEC 501Machida, T; Tsutaki, K;NEC Microwave Tube, Ltd., JAPAN

Continued Operation of a 1.3 GHz Multiple Beam Klystron for TESLA 505Balkcum, A; Wright, E; Bohlen, H; Cattelino, M; Cox, L; Cusick, M; Forrest, S; Friedlander, F;Staprans, A; Zitelli, L;CPI, UNITEDSTATES