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Probability basics DS GA 1002 Probability and Statistics for Data Science Carlos Fernandez-Granda

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Probability basics

DS GA 1002 Probability and Statistics for Data Science

Carlos Fernandez-Granda

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Probability spaces

Conditional probability


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General approach

Probabilistic modeling

1. Model phenomenon of interest as an experiment with several (possiblyinfinite) mutually exclusive outcomes

2. Group these outcomes in sets called events

3. Assign probabilities to the different events

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Probability space

A probability space is a triple (Ω,F ,P) consisting of

I A sample space Ω, which contains all possible outcomes of theexperiment

I A set of events F , which must be a σ-algebra

I A probability measure P that assigns probabilities to the events in F

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Sample space

Sample spaces can be

I Discrete: coin toss, score of a basketball game, number of people thatshow up at a party . . .

I Continuous: intervals of R or Rn used to model time, position,temperature, . . .

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A σ-algebra F is a collection of sets in Ω such that

1. If a set S ∈ F then Sc ∈ F

2. If the sets S1,S2 ∈ F , then S1 ∪ S2 ∈ FAlso infinite sequences; if S1,S2, . . . ∈ F then ∪∞i=1Si ∈ F

3. Ω ∈ F

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Basketball game

I Cleveland Cavaliers are playing the Golden State Warriors

I Sample space

Ω := Cavs 1−Warriors 0,Cavs 0−Warriors 1, . . . ,Cavs 101−Warriors 97, . . ..

I Several possible σ-algebras

I If we want high granularity we can choose the power set of scores

I If we only care who wins

F := Cavs win,Warriors win,Cavs or Warriors win, ∅

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Probability measure

Function over the sets in F such that

1. P (S) ≥ 0 for any event S ∈ F

2. If S1,S2 ∈ F are disjoint then

P (S1 ∪ S2) = P (S1) + P (S2)

Also countably infinite sequences of disjoint sets: S1,S2, . . . ∈ F



)= lim



P (Si )

3. P (Ω) = 1

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Properties of a probability measure

I P (∅) = 0

I If A ⊆ B then P (A) ≤ P (B)

I P (A ∪ B) = P (A) + P (B)− P (A ∩ B)

I To simplify notation, we set

P (A,B,C ) := P (A ∩ B ∩ C )

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I Probability measure only assigns probabilities to events in theσ-algebra

I Simpler σ-algebras can make our life easy

P (Cavs win) =12

P (Warriors win) =12

P (Cavs or Warriors win) = 1

P (∅) = 0

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Probability spaces

Conditional probability


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The conditional probability of an event S ′ ∈ F given S is

P(S ′|S


P (S ′ ∩ S)

P (S)

P (·|S) is a valid probability measure

To simplify notation, we set

P (S |A,B,C ) := P (S |A ∩ B ∩ C )

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Example: Flights and rain

Probabilistic model for late arrivals at an airport

Ω = late and rain, late and no rain,on time and rain, on time and no rain

F = power set of Ω,

P (late, no rain) =220, P (on time, no rain) =


P (late, rain) =320, P (on time, rain) =


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Example: Flights and rain

P (late|rain)

=P (late, rain)

P (rain)

=P (late, rain)

P (late, rain) + P (on time, rain)


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Example: Flights and rain

P (late|rain) =P (late, rain)

P (rain)

=P (late, rain)

P (late, rain) + P (on time, rain)


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Example: Flights and rain

P (late|rain) =P (late, rain)

P (rain)

=P (late, rain)

P (late, rain) + P (on time, rain)


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Example: Flights and rain

P (late|rain) =P (late, rain)

P (rain)

=P (late, rain)

P (late, rain) + P (on time, rain)


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Chain rule

For any pair of events A and B

P (A ∩ B) = P (A) P (B|A) = P (B) P (A|B)

For any sequence of events S1,S2, S3, . . .

P (∩iSi ) = P (S1) P (S2|S1) P (S3|S1 ∩ S2) . . .


P(Si | ∩i−1

j=1 Sj


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Law of Total Probability

If A1,A2, . . . ∈ F is a partition of Ω

I Ai and Aj are disjoint if i 6= j

I Ω = ∪iAi

For any set S ∈ F

P (S) =∑i

P (S ∩ Ai ) =∑i

P (Ai ) P (S |Ai )

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Example: Flights and rain (continued)

P (rain) = 0.2P (late|rain) = 0.75

P (late|no rain) = 0.125

P (late)

= P (rain) P (late|rain) + P (no rain) P (late|no rain)

= 0.2 · 0.75 + 0.8 · 0.125 = 0.25

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Example: Flights and rain (continued)

P (rain) = 0.2P (late|rain) = 0.75

P (late|no rain) = 0.125

P (late) = P (rain) P (late|rain) + P (no rain) P (late|no rain)

= 0.2 · 0.75 + 0.8 · 0.125 = 0.25

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Example: Flights and rain (continued)

P (rain) = 0.2P (late|rain) = 0.75

P (late|no rain) = 0.125

P (late) = P (rain) P (late|rain) + P (no rain) P (late|no rain)

= 0.2 · 0.75 + 0.8 · 0.125 = 0.25

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P (A|B) 6= P (B|A)

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Bayes’ Rule

Let A1,A2, . . . ∈ F be a partition of Ω

For any set S ∈ F

P (Ai |S) =P (Ai ) P (S |Ai )∑j P (S |Aj) P (Aj)

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Example: Flights and rain (continued)

P (rain) = 0.2P (late|rain) = 0.75P (late|no rain) = 0.125

P (rain|late) ?

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Example: Flights and rain (continued)

P (rain|late)

=P (rain, late)

P (late)

=P (late|rain) P (rain)

P (late|rain) P (rain) + P (late|no rain) P (no rain)

=0.75 · 0.2

0.75 · 0.2 + 0.125 · 0.8= 0.6

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Example: Flights and rain (continued)

P (rain|late) =P (rain, late)

P (late)

=P (late|rain) P (rain)

P (late|rain) P (rain) + P (late|no rain) P (no rain)

=0.75 · 0.2

0.75 · 0.2 + 0.125 · 0.8= 0.6

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Example: Flights and rain (continued)

P (rain|late) =P (rain, late)

P (late)

=P (late|rain) P (rain)

P (late|rain) P (rain) + P (late|no rain) P (no rain)

=0.75 · 0.2

0.75 · 0.2 + 0.125 · 0.8= 0.6

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Example: Flights and rain (continued)

P (rain|late) =P (rain, late)

P (late)

=P (late|rain) P (rain)

P (late|rain) P (rain) + P (late|no rain) P (no rain)

=0.75 · 0.2

0.75 · 0.2 + 0.125 · 0.8= 0.6

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Probability spaces

Conditional probability


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Two sets A,B are independent if

P (A|B) = P (A)

or equivalently

P (A ∩ B) = P (A) P (B)

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Conditional independence

A,B are conditionally independent given C if

P (A|B,C ) = P (A|C )

where P (A|B,C ) := P (A|B ∩ C ), or equivalently

P (A ∩ B|C ) = P (A|C ) P (B|C )

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Conditional independence does not imply independence

Probabilistic model for taxi availability, flight delay and weather

P (rain) = 0.2P (late|rain) = 0.75P (late|no rain) = 0.125P (taxi|rain) = 0.1P (taxi|no rain) = 0.6

Given rain and no rain, late and taxi are conditionally independent

Are they also independent? P (taxi) = P (taxi|late)?

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Conditional independence does not imply independence

P (taxi)

= P (taxi|rain) P (rain) + P (taxi|no rain) P (no rain)

= 0.1 · 0.2 + 0.6 · 0.8 = 0.5

P (taxi|late) =P (taxi, late)

P (late)

=P (taxi, late, rain) + P (taxi, late, no rain)

P (late)

=P (t|l, r) P (l|r) P (r) + P (t|l, no r) P (l|no r) P (no r)

P (l)

=P (taxi|r) P (late|r) P (r) + P (taxi|no r) P (late|no r) P (no r)

P (late)

=0.1 · 0.75 · 0.2 + 0.6 · 0.125 · 0.8

0.25= 0.3

They are not independent

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Conditional independence does not imply independence

P (taxi) = P (taxi|rain) P (rain) + P (taxi|no rain) P (no rain)

= 0.1 · 0.2 + 0.6 · 0.8 = 0.5

P (taxi|late) =P (taxi, late)

P (late)

=P (taxi, late, rain) + P (taxi, late, no rain)

P (late)

=P (t|l, r) P (l|r) P (r) + P (t|l, no r) P (l|no r) P (no r)

P (l)

=P (taxi|r) P (late|r) P (r) + P (taxi|no r) P (late|no r) P (no r)

P (late)

=0.1 · 0.75 · 0.2 + 0.6 · 0.125 · 0.8

0.25= 0.3

They are not independent

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Conditional independence does not imply independence

P (taxi) = P (taxi|rain) P (rain) + P (taxi|no rain) P (no rain)

= 0.1 · 0.2 + 0.6 · 0.8 = 0.5

P (taxi|late) =P (taxi, late)

P (late)

=P (taxi, late, rain) + P (taxi, late, no rain)

P (late)

=P (t|l, r) P (l|r) P (r) + P (t|l, no r) P (l|no r) P (no r)

P (l)

=P (taxi|r) P (late|r) P (r) + P (taxi|no r) P (late|no r) P (no r)

P (late)

=0.1 · 0.75 · 0.2 + 0.6 · 0.125 · 0.8

0.25= 0.3

They are not independent

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Conditional independence does not imply independence

P (taxi) = P (taxi|rain) P (rain) + P (taxi|no rain) P (no rain)

= 0.1 · 0.2 + 0.6 · 0.8 = 0.5

P (taxi|late)

=P (taxi, late)

P (late)

=P (taxi, late, rain) + P (taxi, late, no rain)

P (late)

=P (t|l, r) P (l|r) P (r) + P (t|l, no r) P (l|no r) P (no r)

P (l)

=P (taxi|r) P (late|r) P (r) + P (taxi|no r) P (late|no r) P (no r)

P (late)

=0.1 · 0.75 · 0.2 + 0.6 · 0.125 · 0.8

0.25= 0.3

They are not independent

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Conditional independence does not imply independence

P (taxi) = P (taxi|rain) P (rain) + P (taxi|no rain) P (no rain)

= 0.1 · 0.2 + 0.6 · 0.8 = 0.5

P (taxi|late) =P (taxi, late)

P (late)

=P (taxi, late, rain) + P (taxi, late, no rain)

P (late)

=P (t|l, r) P (l|r) P (r) + P (t|l, no r) P (l|no r) P (no r)

P (l)

=P (taxi|r) P (late|r) P (r) + P (taxi|no r) P (late|no r) P (no r)

P (late)

=0.1 · 0.75 · 0.2 + 0.6 · 0.125 · 0.8

0.25= 0.3

They are not independent

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Conditional independence does not imply independence

P (taxi) = P (taxi|rain) P (rain) + P (taxi|no rain) P (no rain)

= 0.1 · 0.2 + 0.6 · 0.8 = 0.5

P (taxi|late) =P (taxi, late)

P (late)

=P (taxi, late, rain) + P (taxi, late, no rain)

P (late)

=P (t|l, r) P (l|r) P (r) + P (t|l, no r) P (l|no r) P (no r)

P (l)

=P (taxi|r) P (late|r) P (r) + P (taxi|no r) P (late|no r) P (no r)

P (late)

=0.1 · 0.75 · 0.2 + 0.6 · 0.125 · 0.8

0.25= 0.3

They are not independent

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Conditional independence does not imply independence

P (taxi) = P (taxi|rain) P (rain) + P (taxi|no rain) P (no rain)

= 0.1 · 0.2 + 0.6 · 0.8 = 0.5

P (taxi|late) =P (taxi, late)

P (late)

=P (taxi, late, rain) + P (taxi, late, no rain)

P (late)

=P (t|l, r) P (l|r) P (r) + P (t|l, no r) P (l|no r) P (no r)

P (l)

=P (taxi|r) P (late|r) P (r) + P (taxi|no r) P (late|no r) P (no r)

P (late)

=0.1 · 0.75 · 0.2 + 0.6 · 0.125 · 0.8

0.25= 0.3

They are not independent

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Conditional independence does not imply independence

P (taxi) = P (taxi|rain) P (rain) + P (taxi|no rain) P (no rain)

= 0.1 · 0.2 + 0.6 · 0.8 = 0.5

P (taxi|late) =P (taxi, late)

P (late)

=P (taxi, late, rain) + P (taxi, late, no rain)

P (late)

=P (t|l, r) P (l|r) P (r) + P (t|l, no r) P (l|no r) P (no r)

P (l)

=P (taxi|r) P (late|r) P (r) + P (taxi|no r) P (late|no r) P (no r)

P (late)

=0.1 · 0.75 · 0.2 + 0.6 · 0.125 · 0.8

0.25= 0.3

They are not independent

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Conditional independence does not imply independence

P (taxi) = P (taxi|rain) P (rain) + P (taxi|no rain) P (no rain)

= 0.1 · 0.2 + 0.6 · 0.8 = 0.5

P (taxi|late) =P (taxi, late)

P (late)

=P (taxi, late, rain) + P (taxi, late, no rain)

P (late)

=P (t|l, r) P (l|r) P (r) + P (t|l, no r) P (l|no r) P (no r)

P (l)

=P (taxi|r) P (late|r) P (r) + P (taxi|no r) P (late|no r) P (no r)

P (late)

=0.1 · 0.75 · 0.2 + 0.6 · 0.125 · 0.8

0.25= 0.3

They are not independent

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Conditional independence does not imply independence

P (taxi) = P (taxi|rain) P (rain) + P (taxi|no rain) P (no rain)

= 0.1 · 0.2 + 0.6 · 0.8 = 0.5

P (taxi|late) =P (taxi, late)

P (late)

=P (taxi, late, rain) + P (taxi, late, no rain)

P (late)

=P (t|l, r) P (l|r) P (r) + P (t|l, no r) P (l|no r) P (no r)

P (l)

=P (taxi|r) P (late|r) P (r) + P (taxi|no r) P (late|no r) P (no r)

P (late)

=0.1 · 0.75 · 0.2 + 0.6 · 0.125 · 0.8

0.25= 0.3

They are not independent

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Independence does not imply conditional independence

Probabilistic model for mechanical problems, weather and delays

P (rain) = 0.2P (late|rain) = 0.75P (late|no rain) = 0.125P (problem) = 0.1P (late|problem) = 0.7P (late|no problem) = 0.2P (late|no rain, problem) = 0.5

problem and no rain are independent

Are they also conditionally independent given late?P (problem|late, no rain) = P (problem|late) ?

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Independence does not imply conditional independence

P (problem|late)

=P (late, problem)

P (late)

=P (late|p) P (p)

P (late|p) P (p) + P (late|no p) P (no p)

=0.7 · 0.1

0.7 · 0.1 + 0.2 · 0.9= 0.28

P (problem|late, no rain) =P (late, no rain, problem)

P (late, no rain)

=P (late|no rain, p) P (no rain|p) P (p)

P (late|no rain) P (no rain)

=P (late|no rain, problem) P (no rain) P (problem)

P (late|no rain) P (no rain)

=0.5 · 0.10.125

= 0.4

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Independence does not imply conditional independence

P (problem|late) =P (late, problem)

P (late)

=P (late|p) P (p)

P (late|p) P (p) + P (late|no p) P (no p)

=0.7 · 0.1

0.7 · 0.1 + 0.2 · 0.9= 0.28

P (problem|late, no rain) =P (late, no rain, problem)

P (late, no rain)

=P (late|no rain, p) P (no rain|p) P (p)

P (late|no rain) P (no rain)

=P (late|no rain, problem) P (no rain) P (problem)

P (late|no rain) P (no rain)

=0.5 · 0.10.125

= 0.4

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Independence does not imply conditional independence

P (problem|late) =P (late, problem)

P (late)

=P (late|p) P (p)

P (late|p) P (p) + P (late|no p) P (no p)

=0.7 · 0.1

0.7 · 0.1 + 0.2 · 0.9= 0.28

P (problem|late, no rain) =P (late, no rain, problem)

P (late, no rain)

=P (late|no rain, p) P (no rain|p) P (p)

P (late|no rain) P (no rain)

=P (late|no rain, problem) P (no rain) P (problem)

P (late|no rain) P (no rain)

=0.5 · 0.10.125

= 0.4

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Independence does not imply conditional independence

P (problem|late) =P (late, problem)

P (late)

=P (late|p) P (p)

P (late|p) P (p) + P (late|no p) P (no p)

=0.7 · 0.1

0.7 · 0.1 + 0.2 · 0.9= 0.28

P (problem|late, no rain) =P (late, no rain, problem)

P (late, no rain)

=P (late|no rain, p) P (no rain|p) P (p)

P (late|no rain) P (no rain)

=P (late|no rain, problem) P (no rain) P (problem)

P (late|no rain) P (no rain)

=0.5 · 0.10.125

= 0.4

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Independence does not imply conditional independence

P (problem|late) =P (late, problem)

P (late)

=P (late|p) P (p)

P (late|p) P (p) + P (late|no p) P (no p)

=0.7 · 0.1

0.7 · 0.1 + 0.2 · 0.9= 0.28

P (problem|late, no rain)

=P (late, no rain, problem)

P (late, no rain)

=P (late|no rain, p) P (no rain|p) P (p)

P (late|no rain) P (no rain)

=P (late|no rain, problem) P (no rain) P (problem)

P (late|no rain) P (no rain)

=0.5 · 0.10.125

= 0.4

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Independence does not imply conditional independence

P (problem|late) =P (late, problem)

P (late)

=P (late|p) P (p)

P (late|p) P (p) + P (late|no p) P (no p)

=0.7 · 0.1

0.7 · 0.1 + 0.2 · 0.9= 0.28

P (problem|late, no rain) =P (late, no rain, problem)

P (late, no rain)

=P (late|no rain, p) P (no rain|p) P (p)

P (late|no rain) P (no rain)

=P (late|no rain, problem) P (no rain) P (problem)

P (late|no rain) P (no rain)

=0.5 · 0.10.125

= 0.4

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Independence does not imply conditional independence

P (problem|late) =P (late, problem)

P (late)

=P (late|p) P (p)

P (late|p) P (p) + P (late|no p) P (no p)

=0.7 · 0.1

0.7 · 0.1 + 0.2 · 0.9= 0.28

P (problem|late, no rain) =P (late, no rain, problem)

P (late, no rain)

=P (late|no rain, p) P (no rain|p) P (p)

P (late|no rain) P (no rain)

=P (late|no rain, problem) P (no rain) P (problem)

P (late|no rain) P (no rain)

=0.5 · 0.10.125

= 0.4

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Independence does not imply conditional independence

P (problem|late) =P (late, problem)

P (late)

=P (late|p) P (p)

P (late|p) P (p) + P (late|no p) P (no p)

=0.7 · 0.1

0.7 · 0.1 + 0.2 · 0.9= 0.28

P (problem|late, no rain) =P (late, no rain, problem)

P (late, no rain)

=P (late|no rain, p) P (no rain|p) P (p)

P (late|no rain) P (no rain)

=P (late|no rain, problem) P (no rain) P (problem)

P (late|no rain) P (no rain)

=0.5 · 0.10.125

= 0.4

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Independence does not imply conditional independence

P (problem|late) =P (late, problem)

P (late)

=P (late|p) P (p)

P (late|p) P (p) + P (late|no p) P (no p)

=0.7 · 0.1

0.7 · 0.1 + 0.2 · 0.9= 0.28

P (problem|late, no rain) =P (late, no rain, problem)

P (late, no rain)

=P (late|no rain, p) P (no rain|p) P (p)

P (late|no rain) P (no rain)

=P (late|no rain, problem) P (no rain) P (problem)

P (late|no rain) P (no rain)

=0.5 · 0.10.125

= 0.4