pro log fed

Production log: Double page spread and film poster

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Post on 28-Jun-2015




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Production log:Double page spread and film poster

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Setting up the double page spread.

Here I have placed my background image for the double page spread. In order to have a layout for a double page spread, I selected ‘2-3’ to create two pages. The image that has been used for my background is the same image used for my film review, this is because I wanted to keep the representation of the product consistent. I have also divided what will be on each side of the double page spread. On the left hand side I decided to place minimal text which would be the headline, and the reviewers comment. On the right hand side I have placed grid lines to help me with the placement of text.

I used the content in this text box to create the layout of my double page spread.

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Placement of text

Here I placed the mock text on the double page see how it would look if I placed the real text of my article. Also, by placing the text I was able to play around with alignment.

I have also created through columns ; In these three columns is where the text will placed with the background behind the text.Again, I used the main image to maintain a consistency in the presentation of the product. However, I did place an image of a scene in the short film on the double page spread. This would give the audience an idea as to what to expect in the film, also it linked with the background image as the genre of the film was horror.

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Fitting the main image and the placement of the mock up text

Here the text has been placed in the three columns, again I

used the mock text to see how the placement of the article

would look.

In order to fit the image accordingly on the double page spread, I selected ‘Fitting’ and the ‘Fit Frame Proportionally’. I decided to select these two options because it would make the placement of the image look professional and neat rather than stretched’.

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Cropping the ratings

I used the software Adobe Photoshop to crop the white outline of the stars, in order to suit the background of the double page spread. I selected the wand tool on Photoshop which helped me crop the image. Once cropped I opened up the image in InDesign and made the image smaller by selecting ‘ Fit Content to Frame’.

I selected ‘Fit Content to frame’ to make the ratings look smaller like the conventional ones used in many film reviews.

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Creating the title for the double page spread

This what my mock up text that I wanted to use for the title of the review which was initially ‘The lying game’. However, this was then changed because it wasn’t catchy enough as the whole point of review titles is to draw the reader in. As a result of this the title was then changed to ‘Liar Liar Oscar Tryer’. This title worked best because it suited the information in the article about the film. Although the information of the title was changed, once aspect of the title that was kept the same was the font style ‘Bernard MT Condensed’. I chose this font style because it had an eerie element to it as the genre of the short film is horror. Furthermore, the article was to be a review of one of Empire magazines, which meant that the font style had to be formal.

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The double page spread

Layout of double page spread:•Three columns•Headline has been aligned•Placement of institution’s logo ‘Empire’•Image has been inserted (climax of the film) to draw the reader into the product•Image that has been placed is linked to the background as it is where the climax of the film happens (forest scene)•Star rating (again, this is another strategic element of the double page spread to draw readers in)•Stand first ‘ Peter Robinson..’ introduces the topic of discussion in the article•Drop cap has been used with the letter ‘W’ to highlight where article begins.•Inserting the drop cap (most effective point made by the reviewer but also summarises their view point of the film).

Note to examiner:I accidently selected this double page spread as it was supposed to be the double page spread that had the box inserted at the right of the page .The box includes details about the film, and what can be found on the double page spread.

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The film poster

For the background of my poster I used the same image because I wanted to maintain a consistency in the presentation of the product. The background also links with the genre of the short film which is horror. I did not want to add an image from the short film on the poster.

Editing the main image:• Initial image – forest• Reflection of main image• Image is blurred• Bernard Shaw used as text• Same text used on poster• Importing stars and cropping stars• Age rating (poster) why did you choose

12A?(minimal violence, no swearing but

exceeds expectation of PG)• ADDING SMOKE TO CREATE EERIE

ATMOSPHERE. • TAGLINE – ‘How well can you play?’