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Construction Industry Magazine In This Edition: HH Smith & Sons Company Profile Firas Feature CITB Site Safety Plus IATP Association MW & RF Brewsters Profile Latest News Recent Developments

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Construction Industry Magazine

In This Edition:HH Smith & Sons Company ProfileFiras FeatureCITB Site Safety PlusIATP AssociationMW & RF Brewsters ProfileLatest NewsRecent Developments

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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5

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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5

Pro Build UK is distributed throughout the UK on a monthly basis to the following:

• Main Contractors• Local Governments• Property Developers • House Builders• Architects• Quantity Surveyors• Sub-Contractors• Commercial Developers• Planning Consultants• Housing Associations

Aswellasbeingonsaleinselectednewsagentsandfillingstations,over31000copiesaredistributed to our constantly growing readership. The graph below represents a breakdown of ourreadership:

Pro Build Magazine is one of the leading construction publications in the UK and is distributed to the main people within the industry who like to keep up with projects taking place throughout the country. It containsallthelatestindustrynewsandindeptharticlesandprestigiousmaincontractorprofilesforcompanies such as Tyson Construction & R Walker & Sons.

The projects covered comprise of development details and editorial with in depth reports and analysis.

The publication is distributed free of charge each month to construction industry professionals and also in digital form to our ever growing list of subscribers.

Pro Build UK has become an important marketing tool for many construction contractors who need to keep up with the ever changing industry.


Construction Industry MagazineIncrease Exposure For Your Company

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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5

Bradford-basedconstruction,civilengineeringand groundworks contractor Moortown ( has enhanced its equipment fleetwiththepurchaseofsixmoremarket-leadingKubotaminiexcavators,inadealthatnowtakesthetotal number of Kubota models used by the company wellintodoublefigures.

ThreeKX080-3andthreeKX057-4machines–thetwo highest capacity models in the Kubota mini ex-cavatorrange–havebeenselectedtoprovideMoor-town with a hard-working and versatile solution; ideal for its extensive school and hospital building programme,aswellasotherconstructionandcivilengineering projects.

Half of the new vehicles are traded-in replacements foranothermanufacturer'smodels,whiletherestareadditionstosupporttherapidgrowthofMoortown,aleading construction and civil engineering specialist operating throughout the North of England.

"Work demand has been increasing to such an extent that it made commercial sense to invest long-term by purchasing six machines rather than hiring sev-

eralminiexcavatorstoaugmentourexistingfleet,"explains Moortown plant manager Pat Stapleton.

"Kubota was the natural choice based on the qual-ity of their mini excavators which we’ve used in the past.Byupgradingtosomeofthelatestmodels,weare future-proofed against the huge amount of exca-vation work anticipated."

The high-performance models chosen by Moortown meetthecompany’srequirementforproductivity,reliability and durability. Ideal for heavy-duty con-structionapplications,theKX080-3canhandleupto8tonnes,whilethenewKX057-4hitsthe5.5tonnemark.

TheKX080-3featuresaversatile2-pieceboom,whose long reach and close retraction make the lev-ellingoflargeareasmoreefficientandproductive,even in narrow environments. Innovative hydraulics enable the operator to complete smooth simultane-ousoperationofarm,boom,bucketandswivel,allcontrolled by a user-friendly 2-piece pedal. It also benefitsfromtheCESAR©registrationandsecurityinitiative.



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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5


competition for their customers. Andrew said: “My current car is on its last legs so I am chuffed to begettinganewone!”JanettePost,ManagingDirectorofRift,said:“Everyyear,millionsofpounds go unclaimed because many people don’t realise what they are entitled to. There’s also a lot of confusion surrounding the tax system.”

Aswellasfacingacomplicatedtaxsystem,oneinfiveadultshaveproblemswithreadingandwriting,according to a recent report from the Scottish government. But help is available for workers.

Janette added: “People tend to be worried about mountainsofpaperwork,butwehandleitforthem.Thisyearalone,wehelpedreclaimover£7millionfor construction workers throughout the UK and Ireland.Andinthemiddleofarecession,whichhashittheindustryextremelyhard,thatmoneyismoreimportant than ever. It makes a huge difference to workers and their families all over the country.”

A Barlanark scaffolder took on the taxman and endedupscooping£3,000andabrandnewcar.AndrewHarris,whoworksinCambuslang,workedwith a team of experts to help him reclaim money owed to him by HMRC. And not only did he rescue a£3,000taxrefund,luckyAndrewalsowonanewPeugeot Urban Lite thanks to his advisors at Rift –ateamoftaxexpertsfortheconstructionindustry.

The UK Government is believed to owe citizens as muchas£300millioninrefundabletax.Therecession and funding cuts may steal the headlines but there is a huge reserve of cash that many citizens are entitled to.

A delighted Andrew said: “I had no idea how much money I could reclaim from the taxman. I couldn’t believethattheyowedme£3,000.Ithinkalotofguys could be missing out. That money means a lot to me and I’m so grateful to Rift for helping me. I was amazed when they phoned to tell me I had won a car too!

Andrew’sbrandnewPeugeoutUrbanLite,worth£8,500,wasthestarprizeinRift’sannual 01233 628 648


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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5News

Aberdeen–Scottishcompany,RentalSolutions&Services(RSS),aglobalproviderofrentalpower,temporarycoolingandmobilewatersolutions,hassuccessfullyinstalled80MVAofrentalpowerintheSultanate of Oman.

RSS has been selected by two power generation authoritiesinOmantodesign,buildandmanagetemporary power packages in four different locations inOman:Ja’laanBaniBuAliGridStation,AlMulladahIntersectionStation,DibbaandGhund-ham.

The80MVAtemporarypowerwillsupporttheOman’s power grid during the summer period when demand is high. In general most Gulf Cooperating Countries experience seasonal power shortages during summer months where demand outstrips supply.

MilanBalac,ManagingDirectorofRentalSolutions&Servicessays“wearedelightedtodeliverourfirstpower project in Oman. RSS has a very experienced power project team coupled with the most fuel efficientrentalgeneratorsinthemarket.Weappreciatethetrustandconfidencethatourcustomerhas in our products and services”

PeterdenBoogert,generalmanagerofRSSpowerprojects mentions that “the power projects recently

executed in Oman are full turn-key power solutionfor both the Oman power generation authorities. RSS designed,mobilised,installedandcommissioned80MVAtemporarypowerin4differentlocations.RSShasalsodeployed24hourTechnicians,Operators and Project Engineers to ensure uninterrupted supply. It is also worth mentioning thatoutofthe80MVAinstallation,RSSdelivered68MVAat33KVwhichonlyafewrentalcompaniescan currently provide.”

RobertBagatsing,GroupMarketingManagerofRSSEurope,MiddleEastandAfricasays“RSShave delivered numerous rental power projects and temporarydistrictcoolingplantsinSaudiArabia,UnitedArabEmirates,Bahrain,QatarandKuwait.The RSS Power Projects Division has been serving therequirementsofutilitycompanies,governments,and large industrial companies in the Middle East for many years. RSS rental products are built to withstand the most rugged and harsh conditions of theGulf,whereambienttemperaturescanbecomeasevere problem.”

In addition to rental generators and temporary coolingproducts,RSScannowofferutilitycompanies mobile water desalination plants. Utility companies now have in RSS a one stop shop for all their temporary requirements.

RSS Install 80 MVA Temporary Power in

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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5News

On1July2011,theEuropeanEnergyExchangeAG(EEX)willopenanofficeinLondon'sCanaryWharf–itsfirstofficeoutsideofLeipzig,Germany.WiththenewofficeEEXrecognisestheincreasingimportance of the UK market. The step will allow the exchange to provide an even better service to its growing UK customer base. The officewillbestaffedbyaninitialteamoffiveemployees.

Managing Director Exchange OliverMaibaum,whowillheadtheUKoffice,emphasisestheimportance of the UK market for EEX: “London is the centre of European financialandenergytrading.Atpresent 39 of our trading partici-pants–rangingfromenergysuppliers,financialserviceprovidersandbrokers–are based in the UK. As part of ourambitiousgrowthplans,weexpect the number of clients and the business they trade with us to increase strongly.”

TheopeningoftheUKofficeisinlinewithEEX’splanstoexpanditspositioninthepower,naturalgas,emissions and coal trading markets as well as in the clearingsegment.,addsOliverMaibaum.ThenewUK team consists of specialists in the energy and financialsectorandwill,atfirst,undergoin-depthtraining at EEX’s Leipzig headquarters.

EEX To Join Canary WharfTheEuropeanEnergyExchange(EEX)develops,operatesandconnectssecure,liquidandtranspar-entmarkets.EEXholds50percentofthesharesinEPEXSpotSE,whichoperatestheSpotMarketforPowerforGermany,France,AustriaandSwitzerland. The German and French Derivatives Market for Power is concentrated within EEX Power DerivativesGmbH,amajority-ownedsubsidiaryofEEXwithregisteredofficesinLeipzig.Furthermore,

EEX offers spot and derivatives trading in natural gas and CO2 emission allowances as well as trading infinancialcoalfutures.EEXGroupalsoincludesEuropeanCommodityClearingAG(ECC),thecentral clearing house for energy and related products in Europe.

“London is the centre of European financial and energy trading. At present 39 of our trading participants – ranging from

energy suppliers, financial service providers and brokers – are based in the UK. As part of our ambitious growth

plans, we expect the number of clients and the business they trade with us to increase strongly.”

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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5News

Larsen to deliver thermal efficiencies in building refurbishment with Structherm

Larsen Con-tracts have recently announced a new sup-plier Part-nership with Structherm Ltd (part of the Hanson Heidelberg Cement Group group)

whichwilldeliverthermalefficienciesinrefurbish-ment of Social Housing and other buildings. A team offivepersonnelfromLarsenContractsrecentlyunderwent an intense training course for approved contractor training of the Structherm Structural Cladding System and External Wall Insulation. The unique Structherm Structural Insulated Clad-ding system is a cost effective method of extending thelifeofadefectivebuilding.Itprovidesarigid,structurally continuous envelope around the build-ingwitharenderfinishandisarealalternativetodemolition. External Wall Insulation (EWI) used for building refurbishment comes with a variety of CFC and HCFC free insulants providing a high degree of thermalefficiency,vapourpermeabilityandimpactresistance.

LarsenContractswhohaveover30years’experi-ence in the discipline of Concrete Repair and other specialist contracting services are now very well placed to deliver a one stop solution either as main or sub-contractor in a variety of refurbishment projects from high rise and low rise social housing to schools,collegesandcommercialbuildings.Strutherm’s Marketing Director Yvonne Coldwell said “Larsen Contracts were chosen as an approved installation Contractor ( AIC) as they offer an es-tablished,highlyskilledandprofessionalworkforcewith relevant skills and experience in our target markets “

MarkMurphyofLarsenContractscommented,“With the government’s commitment to Carbon Reduction through recent and upcoming legisla-tionrequiringimprovementsinthethermaleffi-ciencyofbuildings,thereisahighdemandfortheseStructherm products. External wall insulation and Structuralcladdingareaparticularlygoodfitforourwide experience in Concrete Repair and balcony wa-terproofingandotherancillaryservicesinthesocialhousing sector.”

LarsenhasofficesinBelfast,Leeds,Manchester,London and Dublin.

See www. or contact Lee Bird CommercialManageratm:(0044)07817498394ort:(0044)01133971010

Thenewbrochure„Bestof11“ofthegroupPoll-rich DLK Fan Factories shows the range of products whichhasbeenstandardisedin2011fromatotalof5productsegmentsofindustrialfans(ufive).

The standardised product segments include axial fans,centrifugalfans,plugfansaswellassmokeex-traction fans for the market segments plant & build-ing,OEM,tunnel,shipandcarpark.

Atotalof10productseriesofindustrialfanshasbeen basically revised and optimized resp. complete-ly newly developed.

New brochure about standard products by Pollrich DLK Fan Factories

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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5News

Plowman Craven has strengthened its position at the forefront of the survey industry through investment inthelatestLeicaVivaTS15imagingtotalstationsandLeicaCS15controllersfromLeicaGeosystems.

InadditiontoitsrecentpurchaseofaHDS7000laserscanner,thisequipmentformspartoftheorganisa-tion’s rolling programme of investment and on-going commitment to new technology and innovation.

TheTS15totalstationsprovidebest-in-classoneperson operation with improved PowerSearch and target tracking. They provide the functionality to overlaysurveydataonareal-timevideofeed,andutilisingtheclarityofafullVGAscreen,allowtheoperator to upload and work directly from CAD drawings on site. An in-built 5 mega pixel camera also allows for images to be stored at each point and improved productivity gains are obtained via the

new SmartWorx Viva interface.

“Target acquisition is much more rapid due to the way the operator canspecificallyconfig-ure the total station to search in differing envi-ronments such as “rain and fog” and “sun and reflectors”,saysJonath-anFletcher,TechnicalSpecialist at Plowman Craven,whowasin-volved in pre-purchase trials of the equipment. “The imaging function allows the target to be acquired by simply tap-ping on it through the video feed which can also be viewed on the CS15controller.Thisal-lows the operator to sur-vey points which are not occupied or when the operator is not standing behind the instrument.”

DavidNorris,TechnicalDirectoratPlowmanCravencomments,“Thisinvestmenthasenabledustoim-mediatelyimproveouroperationalefficiencyacrossallbusinessunits.NotonlydoestheTS15TotalSta-tionallowforbettersiteinterpretationandrecording,itsefficientone-personoperationalfunctionalityanditsabilitytotransmitdatadirectlyfromthefieldtotheofficemeansweareabletopasssignificantcostsavings on to the customer.”

LawrenceDixon,SegmentManagerforLeicaGeo-systemscomments,“WhenanorganisationsuchasPlowmanCraven,withtheirrecordforgoodtechnol-ogyinvestments,endorseyourproductsandservicesinthismanner,itisextremelygratifying.Welookforward to working with their surveyors to really delivertheefficiencybenefitsoftheTS15iroboticinstruments”.

Plowman Craven strengthens its position with Leica Viva TS15 investment.

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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5Profile

IATP:FoundedinApril2009byfourtrainingproviders who knew there must be a way to offer a dynamic and interactive link between those seeking asbestos training and those providing it.

The concept was simple: ‘to create an organisation thatismemberlead,communicative,refreshinglydifferent and provide a voice for the training sector with Governing / Legislative Bodies and Industry Sectors that come into contact with Asbestos.‘

Since then IATP has grown into a large commu-nity of training providers who offer asbestos train-ingacrossallthreetypes,BOHSPSeriestraining,Health and Safety training and e-Learning. A verita-ble one stop shop for asbestos and asbestos related training requirements.


and took all three types of asbestos training through Nationally Recognised Accreditation. The accred-ited asbestos training syllabuses is now available for IATP Members to deliver to their clients thus ensur-ing quality of the training.

IATP have developed a monthly e-Newsletter which is sponsored by IATP Members; to view our publi-cations If you wish to receive a copy by pdf please e-mail IATP [email protected]

In2011IATPMemberssupportedtheHSEAsbestosTraining Pledge Initiative by pledging FREE train-ing hours for the UK’s Trades men and women. The campaign is linked to the Hidden Killer Campaign and the generosity of training providers from Train-ing Organisations and Independents far exceeded the 4000targethoursandhit13,500hoursdelivered,thisequatesroughlytothetrainingof4000tradespeople.

Thisisanamazingexampleofaunique,nicheindus-try sector working co-operatively together and with HSE for the greater good of the UK’s trades people who may during the course of their daily work disturb and or be exposed to asbestos.

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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5Profile

Acrosstheworld,campaignsaregainingmomen-tumtobanthemining,exportanduseofasbestosinproducts. IATP is proud to be partnered and support ADAO,(AsbestosDiseaseAwarenessOrganisation)in2012ADAOwillhostthe8thGlobalAsbestosAwareness Conference and IATP will be represent-ing the UK training industry sector at this confer-ence.

Asbestosisahumancarcinogen,its“DeadlyDust”fibrescanlaylatentformanyyears,eventuallytheycancauseasbestosrelateddiseases,pluralplaques,asbestosis,lungcancerandsadlymesothelioma,there is no cure for mesothelioma. Therefore it is with a passion that IATP joins the voices around the worldcampaigningforaBANonmining,exportanduse of asbestos in products.

IntheUK,manypeopleareunawareofthedangersinthehome.Ahousebuiltbefore2000maypoten-tially contain ACM’s (Asbestos Containing Materi-als). IATP intend to develop a FREE resource that willbeavailableviathewebsitein2012,gettingthemessageacrosstotheTrades,ConstructionandthePublic is vital to ensure that our future generations are NOT exposed to the Deadly Dust “Asbestos”

Trainingisvital,knowledgeispower!Itcanappeartobecomplicated,belowtrainingrequirementsareexplained simply. “Be Asbestos Aware.”

Asbestos does it affect you?

Ifyouareanelectrician,plumber,joiner,windowfitter,roofer,IT,orworkwithinthetrades/construc-tionorevenaDIYenthusiast,youmaybeaffectedby asbestos exposure.

How?Propertiesbuiltbefore2000mayorquiteprobably contain asbestos. Asbestos insulation board (AIB) used as insulating board or as a cheap building board,asbestoscement,usedforroofing,asbestostape,soffits,texturedcoatings(artex)therearelotsof asbestos containing products are within our homes and our workplaces

Knowing how to identify products that may contain asbestos and having the skills to work on them safely withoutcausingexposuretoasbestosfibresisthesimplest way to combat a deadly product that HSE estimateskills20tradesmenaweekandanestimat-ed107,000everyyearworldwide.(WorldHealth

Organization Data)

Need Training?Itoftenappearscomplicated,licensed,non-licensedremovalorworks,asbestosawareness,HSG247,L143ACoP,HSG210,Cat-egoryA,BorC?Forthetrades/constructionandthe public not familiar with the terminology or the regulationsthatsurroundasbestosremoval,worksandawarenessitcanappeartobeaminefieldofcomplicated terminology and sales pitches.

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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5

HH Smith & Sons Co Ltd have been providing a high quality and innovative construction service for over fifty five years. Founded by Herbert Harold Smith,shortlyaftertheSecondWorldWar,thecom-pany has steadily grown and succesfully developed into a business that now supplies a comprehensive service to a vast range of customers throughout the United Kingdom.

While always maintaining our traditional value ofworkmanship,customercareandintegrity,HHSmith has established an enviable reputation for sup-plyingquality,flexibilityandcustomersatisfaction.As a family run company we pride ourselves in the excellent customer relationships we have built up overmanyyears,oftenresultinginrepeatbusiness.We are a construction company with a mission state-ment and proven track record of completing projects safely,ontime,andwithinbudget.


and dedicated workforce. Investment in our managed training programme ensures that our continual devel-opment and future progress is constantly supported by our own 'in house' team

Health and safety is of paramount importance to the company with a duty of care to ensure that all em-ployees,theclient,theirpersonnelandthegeneralpublicarenotputatrisk.Thebenefitofconstantmonitoringandassessment,alliedwithourtrainingprogrammes,isillustratedbyanexcellenthealthandsafety record over the years.

As well as obtaining work through traditional tender-ingprocesses,weofferacompletedesignandbuildpackage backed up by CAD drawings and technical specifications.Wecanalsoofferclientsandarchi-tects valuable pre-tender advice on budgets to ensure that each scheme is cost effective. From pre-contract budgettocompletedbuild,ouryearsofexperienceand sound advice are always available to every cus-tomer.


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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5Profile

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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5

ThisrecentlyfinisheddesignandbuildprojectisoneofthefirstecofriendlyMosquesinManchester.Itconsists of merging together modern and traditional architecture. The natural stone facade was sourced and quarried in India from Agra which is the same area as the Taj Mahal. Reclaimed hardwood win-dows and doors also came from India and the whole project was successfully completed at a cost of £3,300,000.

Because of the excellent relationship forged on this contract,wehavebeensuccessfulinourbidforasimilar Mosque for the same fraternity in Birming-ham.

Al - Markazl - Al Najimi Mosque

Sunny Bank Community Centre

SituatedinUnsworth,Bury,thisprojectconsistedofmajor refurbishment and external works.


Prestwich Cricket, Tennis & Bowling Club

LocatedoffHeysRoad,PrestwichH.H.Smith&Sonsconstructedanewchangingroomblock,internal refurbishment creating a function room with anewbar,externalworkswithanewterraceandlandscaping.


HH Smith & Sons - Recent Projects


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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5

JPBConstructioncelebratesits10thyearanniversa-rythisyearandwecouldnotbemoreproud,espe-cially due to the economic problems that we have all faced over the last few years. I cannot believe that10yearshavepassedusby,theysaythattimeflyswhenyourhavingfun,Iwouldn’texactlysaythatwehavetoomuchfunhere,becauseweworkvery hard and long hours seem to be the norm at the moment,butweallenjoywhatwedoandweareal-ways striving to keep our high quality building work and management system up to date using the latest technologies.

JPB Construction is a family run general building company,4brothersrunthecompanyandtheyallhave a passion for building. We started off by sub-contracting to some local & a couple of National housebuildingcompanies,allthebrothersworking

onsitewhichtheyhavedonesincetheyleftschool,but the brothers always wanted to become more involved with the whole building process. Due to thehardworkandconstantstudy,wenowoffervarious build options for potential clients ranging from extensions to turn key new build projects. We are all interested in the latest building technologies and like to implement certain products into projects according to the clients budget. These products can includehomeautomation,heatrecoverysystems,underfloorheating,groundsource&airsourceheat-ing,solarpanelsandwindturbines.Wealsoliketoget involved with the constrction details set out by thearchitect,sometimesthesecanbeupgradedandimproved,therearealwaysnewproductscomingout on the market. We directly employ most trades and use sub-contractors that we have used for many years.

J.P.B. Construction Celebrates 10th Anniversary


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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5

Earlier this year we also started offering a full design and build option where we take care of the house design,planningprocessincludingbuildingregsand building inspectors and the all important build-ing works. Our designer is a timber frame design specialist and he has worked for a couple of differ-ent eco building companies in Cornwall. His unique designs enable customers to build a carbon neutral house using the most sustainable products available. This concept is great to those customers who choose to build a house that has little impact on the enviro-ment through the build process and then becomes a house that can actually generate more power than it uses,thisinturncanleadtoahousegeneratingmon-ey rather than costing the occupant money to elec-trically power or heat. This type of house is quite uniqueatthemoment,thefinancialsideofthingsishelped by the government backed tarriff schemes for variousenergygenerationproductsi.esolarpanels,wind turbines etc. But this type of house will be-come more normal as the world trys to deal with the ever growing issue’s relating to the enviroment.

JPB Construction is evolving into a green building

company,andtobehonestthisprocessisbecom-ing more normal for many construction companies throughouttheUK,Europeandtheworldasweall try to deal with the growing pressure from gov-ernements to tackle CO2 emmisions. We recently tookpartina10dayGreenFoundationprogramattheEdenprojectinCornwall,atthecoursewerealised how businesses must change over the next 10yearstoconformtostrictlegislationsetoutbythe government. Although this new legislation will changehowbusinessesoperateandmanywillfinditverydifficultandexpensive,wehaveembracedthechange and we all realise that in order for the world to survive we must all change our ways.

Soasyoucansee,thepasttenyearsforushasbeenajourney,frombuildingcontractorstoafulldesign& build green building company. We are now look-ingforwardtothenexttenyearsinconstruction,but we now know and expect things to change more dramatically. With new technology & new concepts forhousingbeingincoporatedintomostareas,excit-ing time lay ahead.


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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5

M.W. & RF Brewster & Sons is a building & joinery companybasedinSkipton,NorthYorkshireservingthroughout North Yorkshire and surrounding areas.

They are NHBC Registered and have an excellent reputation in the area.

MW & RF Brewster & Sons Ltd is a family run businessestablishedin1981bybrothersMartin&Raymond Brewster of Embsay and now run by their sons Stewart & William Brewster. Our company aim is to provide a personal and professional service for

our clients.

They offer all of the following services including:

House BuildingHeritage Work ExtensionsComplete house buildingMill conversionsBespoke joinery manufacturers Preservations worksHeritage work


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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5Profile

Launchedin1983attheBritishSafetyAwardsExhi-bition,TheBritishFireConsortiumwasestablishedtoprovidecustomerseasyaccesstoexpertfiresafetytraining,consultationandequipmentsuppliersacrossthe UK. At the same time improving the business interests and communications of all the members.

Now with over two hundred member companies and stillgrowing,theConsortiumhastheabilitytopro-vide individual and national customers throughout theUnitedKingdomwithallaspectsoffireprotec-tion supply and service. As one of the largest groups offireconsultants,manufacturersandservicecom-panies,theConsortiumoffersunrivalledexpertise,qualityandcompetitivesupplyineveryfieldofFireProtection.


product suitability are continually assessed and reviewed by the Consortium at its regular meetings and exhibitions. Consortium members are expected togiveimpartialadvice,befairintheirbusinessdealings,andmaintainhighstandardsofcommercialconduct.

The British Fire Consortium Association

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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5






Quantity Surveyors:


Mechanical and Electrical Consultants TheEnergyPractice–Colchester,Essex

Structural and Drainage Engineers–JPChickandPartnersLtd–Witham,Essex

CDM Coordinator–DanielConnalPartnershipLtd–Colchester,Essex

Main Contractor –ThomasArmstrongConstructionLtd–Flimby,Cumbria

DONGEnergy,aDanishownedenergycompanywas formed with the merger of Danish Oil and Natural Gas (DONG) and are one of the leading

energy producers in the Nor-dic Region. DONG Energy is also a major producer of electricity from onshore and offshore windfarms. The business is based on procur-ing,producing,distributing,trading and selling energy and related products in North-ern Europe. DONG Energy employsapproximately6000people.

The business relationship be-tween Roff Marsh Partnership Ltd and DONG Energy com-mencedinearly2008whenRoff Marsh were appointed as architects for the new operation and maintenance buildingfortheGunfleet

Sands wind farm under construction in the North Sea off the Essex coast near to Clacton on Sea.

DONG Energy needed a convenient on shore facility to serve the new windfarm and the old ship build-ing and sailing town of Brightlingsea was chosen. The site selected was at the edge of the commercial part of Brightlingsea adjacent to the residential area which created a challenge for Roff Marsh to design a buildingthatwouldfitintothestreetfrontageonto


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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5

a site that had previously been used as a boat build-ing yard that would also promote the modern image required by DONG Energy who would become an important employer in Brightlingsea. After much discussion with the Planners and the client a modern 3storeyofficebuildingofa gross internal area of ap-prox500m2usingapaletteof oak framed large glazed panels,Kalwallinsulatedtranslucentpanels,King-span silver and grey insu-lated composite steel panels and Finnforest heat treated softwood boarding under flatsingleplymembraneroofingwasdesigned.A350m2warehousealsous-ing similar materials was designedtofitatthebackof the site adjacent to the boat yard. The building was completed by Gipping ConstructionLtdin2010and was presented with the Tendring District Council DesignAward2011.

Following the successful completionoftheGunfleetSandsproject,RoffMarshPartnership Ltd along with the other members of the consultant team were ap-pointed to design the build-ings for another offshore windfarm,theWalneyOff-shore Windfarm situated in the Irish Sea off the North West Coast at Barrow in Furness,Cumbria.

DONG Energy already op-erated a windfarm from the adjacentsitefroma750m2building incorporating both officesandwarehousebuttheproposedexpansionin the numbers of wind turbines would require new facilities for operation and administration and for maintenanceandrepairandanewfloatingpontoonfor the boats which would transport the technicians to and from the wind farm.

The new Walney Offshore Windfarm O and M facil-itywouldbebuiltona0.9hectaresiteandwouldhaveanofficebuildingof1030m3internalgrossfloorareaand3no.warehousesof1150m2including

somesmalleroffices.Thesitehadbeenpreviouslyknown as the Belfast Dock as it had been a main docking area for ships transporting goods and pas-sengers to and from Belfast but had not been usedfor many years.


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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5Profile

TheH2010isamodernhousingdevelopmentfromMiller Homes situated close to Leeds city centre. Thedevelopmentconsistsofavarietyofapartments,terraced,semidetachedanddetachedhousesrangingfrom2-4bedrooms.Thehousingavailableincludes:TheSpring,a2BedroomApartmentwithIntegralSingleGarage.TheStillwater,a2BedroomApart-mentwithParkingSpace.TheAvon,a4BedroomSemiwithDetachedSingleGarage.TheBeck,a4Bedroom Mews/Terrace with Integral Single Garage. TheStillwater,a2BedroomApartmentwithPark-ingSpace.TheRace,a3BedroomMews/TerracewithIntegralSingleGarage.TheBluewater,a2BedroomApartmentwithParkingSpace.TheBeck,a4BedroomSemiwithIntegralSingleGarageandtheFastwater,a2BedroomApartmentwithParkingSpace.

Leeds is a busy modern city located practically in thecentreofUK,witheasyaccesstomajortrans-port links and international destinations. Its rich cultureandheritage,coupledwithafriendly,warmapproach make it a target destination for companies and individuals alike.

Situated within two miles of the very centre of Leeds,closetojunction4oftheM621,thedevelop-ment offers easy access to all major transport links: fastaccesstotheM62corridorandtheM1/A1,aswellasmainlinerailaccessbringingLondon,Edin-burgh and Manchester all within easy reach. Leeds-Bradfordairportis30minutesdriveaway,offeringdomestic and international destinations for business or those last-minute getaways.

H2010 development, Leeds

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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5Profile

Shepherd Homes is part of one of the largest family-owned,privatecompaniesintheUKbuildingin-dustry,withover100years'experienceinproducingskilfullydesigned,soundlyconstructedhomestosuitmodern lifestyles.

Theyhavecompletedhundredsofdevelopments,ofvaryingsizesandstyles,eachwithitsowncharacter.They are renowned for building high quality homes withaspecificationtomatch.

Shepherd Homes has won numerous National House-Building Council (NHBC) 'Pride in the Job' AwardsandCommendationsforsitesupervision,plusmanyawardsfordesignandservice,includingthe coveted Express Newspapers' 'House-builder of the Year' accolade.

BasedinYork,Shepherdcompaniescoversubstan-tialoperationsinConstructionandEngineering,Manufacturing and Property Development.

Shepherd Homes Profile

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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5Profile

Sainsbury s store Slough. UK

LLEDO Lighting UK

Imma Boada, UK DirectorThe Granary First Floor, Pury Hill Business ParkAlderton Road, Towcester Northamptonshire NN12 7LS United Kingdom.T. 01327 811780

With the installation of Lledo Sunoptics High performance prismatic skylights you will be able to

• Maximise the use of natural light and switch the lights off for 70%-80% of the daylight hours.

• Reduce CO2 emissions.

• Achieve Energy savings from 30% to 60%.

Paybacks from 2 to 6 years.

• 67% Visual Light Transmission, 100% Diffusion,

No glare, No UV, no condensation.

• Dome of High performance polycarbonate, is impact

resistant, avoids degradation and is self cleaning.

• Easy installation, less roof penetrations.

Switch the lights off during the day when energy is more expensive









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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5

DavidAckerley,chairofthe Institution of Occupational Safety and Health’s (IOSH) ConstructionGroup,looks at the importance of onsite health and safety.

Good,realistichealthand safety is vital on any site. Over the last decade,workhasbeencarried out to reduce the number of people

injuredonconstructionsites,yetdespitethistheindustry still remains one of the most hazardous.

Statistics recently released by the Health and Safety Executive(HSE)for2010/11revealedthat50ofthetotal171fatalaccidentstookplacewithinthecon-structionindustry–afigurewhichhasreducedbytwothirdscomparedwith20yearsago.

Upon considering which direction to take with site safety,employershavetotakeintoaccounttheirowncompetence-thecomponentsofwhicharedefinedin some detail in the Construction Design and ManagementRegulations2007.Thepenaltiesfornotmeetingthesestandardscanbesignificantbothto the company concerned and the company who has appointed them.

Companiesmusttakehuman,aswellasphysicalfactors into account when conducting their onsite risk assessments. This is simply because people are not perfect and do make mistakes. The notion that an

employer has no responsibility because an employee madeamistakearelonggone–itistheresponsibil-ity of both the employer and the employee to ensure safety standards are upheld.

Eachconstructionsiteisdifferent,thereforeitisimportantthatwhenanyriskassessmenttakesplace,the individual characteristics of the site are assessed. There can be no blanket assessment.

Creating a health and safety culture within a compa-nycanhavefantasticbenefitsforabusiness,helpingemployees to understand how they should behave and in-turn reducing the number of unnecessary accidents in the workplace.

On site, not out of sight – Construction Safety

IOSH Feature

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Implementing a health and safety culture is an ongo-ingtaskforanybusiness,butinthelongtermitcancontributetoeconomicandhumanitarianbenefits,makingbusinessmoreefficientandeffective.Tosuccessfullyembedahealthandsafetyculture,com-panies need:

1.Committedleadershipfromdirectorsandseniormanagement,whichwillhelp.Thiscommitmentshould surface as engagement with the company’s stakeholders,andmostimportantly,itsemployees.

2. Published Company Values that are plain for all to see. Good health and safety should be included among the values and should be a key topic of en-gagement for senior managers with all employees.

3. The Behaviour of employees and the supply chain to be subject to a code of conduct. This should also be an area that is taken seriously in the management of health and safety risks.

4.Accesstoinformationthatwillguidethecom-pany,toensureitcomplieswithlegislation,codesofpractice and guidance issued by industry bodies.

5. A documented management system. The founda-tion to all of the above points should be a system that describes what needs to be taken into account duringtendering,planning,procurementandonsiteactivity.

Health as well as safety needs to be taken into ac-countforeveryoneofthefivepointsabove.Healthisanimportantcomponentinanystrategy,oftenleftin the shadows of the safety aspect and businesses need to realise that health is an equally important aspect of management.

IOSH Feature

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Constructions sites can be extremely hazardous places. According to Health and Safety Executive (HSE),withintheindustrythemostfrequentcausesof accidental death and injury are:

•Falls–oftentheseoccurwhenaccesstoorfromtheworkplaceisnotsufficient,ortheworkplaceitself is not safe.

•Fallingmaterialandcollapses–peoplecanbestruckbymaterialsfallingfromloadsbeinglifted,or when parts of buildings or structures collapse in unexpectedly.

•Mobileplant–theindustryfrequentlyusesheavymoving equipment. Some work would be impossible withoutityetithasitsdangers,especiallyworkingon uneven ground or in the process of reversing.

•Trips–over1,000injuriesarereportedeveryyearon construction sites as a result of a trip.

•Electricalaccidents–theseaccidentstendtocomeasaresultofunsafeequipment,whencontactismade with overhead power lines or buried cables. There is no reason for the hazards listed above to be life threatening if the appropriate management control measures are put in place.. What industry mangersneedtorealiseisthatgood,commonsensehealth and safety can prevent these hazards from causing injury and fatality. Providing workers with safe working environments and the right resources mean that the risk presented from these hazards can

be substantially reduced.

IOSH’s Construction Group recognises the impor-tant contribution that health and safety professionals makeinimprovingstandards,engenderinganenvi-ronmentthatembraceschange,andprovidespropor-tionate health and safety advice. The Group has over 11,000memberswhoareabletoshareideasanddiscusstheseextremelyimportantmatters,inorderthat work onsite can progress without harm to health and safety.

IOSH Feature

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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5Firas Feature

About FIRASAsarequirementoftheFIRASSchemes,certificatedcompaniesarerequiredtoemploy,onapermanentorcontractbasis,competentSupervisorsandTech-nicians (Operators) whose technical and practical competence is assessed by FIRAS Inspectors in the tradedisciplinesforwhichcertificationscopeisheld.A register of competent employees is maintained foreachcertificatedcompany,whichisregularlyreviewed to ensure that the company maintains a competent workforce whose abilities remain current with the workscope the company provides.Oncecertificated,allFIRASRegisteredInstallerCompanies are subject to ongoing random inspec-tion of their installation work on ongoing contracts alongwithanannualauditoftheirofficesystemsbyFIRAS Inspectors to ensure that compliance with FIRAS Scheme Requirements is maintained.ThisFIRASRegisterofCertificatedInstallerCom-

panies is updated regularly and for convenience of the user has been arranged under generic trade disci-pline headings.

The FIRAS RegisterThis register contains the details of companies who arecertificatedinstallersoffireprotectioninaccord-ance with the requirements of the FIRAS Schemes. EachFIRASCertificatedcompanyisrequiredtocontinue to demonstrate compliance with industry standards,material/productmanufacturerinstalla-tioninstructionsinordertoassureclientsthatthefireprotectioninstalledbythemiscorrecttospecifica-tionandwillaffordtherequiredfireprotection.AsarequirementoftheFIRASSchemes,certificatedcompaniesarerequiredtoemploy,onapermanentorcontractbasis,competentSupervisorsandTech-nicians (Operators) whose technical and practical competence is assessed by FIRAS Inspectors in the tradedisciplinesforwhichcertificationscopeisheld.

A register of competent employees is maintained foreachcertificatedcompany,whichisregularlyreviewed to ensure that the company maintains a competent workforce whose abilities remain current with the workscope the company provides.

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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5Firas Feature

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UK Fire Association Members Keep the Construc-tion Industry Safe from Fire and Prosecution

What would be the repercussions to your organisa-tionifoneofyourcompanyemployeescausesafireand cannot extinguish it because the extinguisher didn’twork?Statisticsshowthatcontractorsarethesecondbiggestcauseoffires–secondonlytoarson!Therehavebeenmanyhighprofilefiresrecentlycausedthisway–notgoodforthereputationsoftheorganisations involved or the cost of their insurance renewals.

Asweseeit,aUKFireAssociationmember’sjobisultimately about helping you to ensure that you are incompliancewithfireregulations.Youshouldbeable to rely on them to remind you when servicing falls due and then with your permission to promptly get on with it causing you and your organisation minimum disruption.

Ourmembershavetobetrained,refreshedandin-sured; some have already gained construction indus-tryaccreditationslikeSafeContractor,Chas,CSCS,and Constructionline. They work with all types and sizes of organisations involved in most aspects of construction;demolition,scaffolding,steelfabrica-tors,utilitiescontractors,alongwithdecorating,plumbing,electrical,ITandHVACcontractors.

The photo shows the typical problem large contrac-tors have with managing extinguisher stocks. Not ideal and potentially dangerous! In this instance a UK Fire Association member worked with the client to put in place a simple to run triage system based on a store divided into three easy to manage sections;

1.Newstock–alreadycommissionedreadyforuse.2.Usedstock–servicedandreadytobereallocated.3. Returned stock to be assessed/serviced/scrapped by the extinguisher technician.

By working together to implement this system the UK Fire Association member ensured that the client complieswithfireregulationsandhasreducedtheir


to withstand the rigours of construction sites. An-othermemberproduceshighvisibilityfireplansthatclearlyidentifydesignatedfireescaperoutes,fire

equipment locations and utility isolation points.

Mostofourmembersservicefireextinguishers,manyalsoservicefirealarms,severalspecialisein; dry/wet riser and sprinklers installation/servic-ing,fireriskassessment,fireplansandfirewardentraining. All are passionate about doing a great job at a reasonable price and most will see that you are lookedafterbyasinglepointofcontact,whogetstoknow you and your organisation’s particular require-ments.

If you were to have a health and safety inspection visittoday,howdoyouhonestlythinkyouwouldscorewithfiresafetyatsite?Don’tleaveittochance; use the services of a UK Fire Association member.

Youcanquicklyfindyournearestbyvisitingthemembers directory on our website orformoreinformationcontactme,[email protected].

The Fire Trade Association created to support small and medium sized

professional fire companies

UK Fire Association

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*To read barcode, download a QR Reader onto your Smartphone and scan the code.

www.all info@all

Hydrostatic Cylinder TestingDry Riser TestingStaff Fire TrainingFire ExtinguishersFire Risk Assessment

01798 812999

UK Fire Association

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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5

This development offers a central location to the southofElgin,providingwitheasyaccesstothetown.Westfieldswillappealtofamilieslookingformodern living in an established location.

Westfieldsoffersacentrallocation,southofthetowncentre. It also has Moray Leisure Centre and the ElginHealthCentrenearby.And,it’slocationmakesit great for popping into town to enjoy the many res-taurants,shopsandcafesonoffer.What’smore,withElginstationnotfarandtheA96runningthroughthetowncentre,youcangetouttoenjoyyoursurround-ings with ease. TheWestfieldsdevelopmentconsistsoffourunique

homestylesoveranumberofdevelopments,alltailored to suit any lifestyle.

Westfields, Elgin New Housing Development

Recent Developments

Casu Consulto Work Alongside Top Contractors In The Showroom IndustryCasuConsultoLtdarespecialistsinthedesign,sup-ply and installation of full facades. From our base of operationsinLeedsWestYorkshire,CasuConsultoLtd works throughout the UK providing market leading engineered product solutions for major na-tionalContractors,ArchitectsandEndUsers.

AswellasbespokeStructuralBoltedGlassFacades,GlassCanopies,GlassBalustradesandFloors,ourscope of works has grown over recent years to in-clude Architectural Aluminium Curtain Walling and Architectural Aluminium Windows & Doors. Clients have also asked us to complete projects including RainscreenCladding,BriseSoleilandspecialistBlast and Ballistic Glazed products.

Casu Consulto Ltd work alongside the top Contrac-torsintheShowroomindustry,completingworks

forenduserssuchasVW,Porsche,AstonMartin,Mercedes,Infinitiandmanymore.WealsooperateintheCommercial,Education,HighRiseandspe-cialist Residential markets. Our in house Estimating and Design teams are capable of working with any Systemonprojectsranginginvaluefrom£50kupto£2.5M.

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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5Recent Developments

NorthWestfirmConlonConstructionbeganworkon the futuristic Big Lottery Funded Myplace project on St Annes Road in October last year.

Whenfinished,thecomplexwillincludeperform-anceandmediaspace,arecordingstudio,cafeandshop,ITarea,offices,climbingwall,dancestudio,gymspace,gamesroomandawildlifeandflowerarea. The centre will also offer advice services to help young people get back into education or em-ployment and provide support on issues such as teen pregnancy and drug and alcohol abuse.

CounAmyCross,BlackpoolCouncil’scabinetmemberforyoungerpeople,said:“Youngpeoplehave been involved from day one of this project and had a hand in designing the interior as well as the overall look of the building. The whole place has been created with their needs and ideas in mind.

“We need to ensure young people have access to all the help and support they need both in terms of their social needs as well as their personal development needs. Southpoint will offer young people a safe and inspiringenvironmentinwhichtheycangrow,learnand achieve.”

Myplace is part of the Government’s Aiming High strategy. The ten year project was announced in July 2007tohelpyoungpeople,particularlythoseindeprivedareas,takepartinactivitiestohelpthemdevelop new skills and raise aspirations.

Youth Centre - My Place, Blackpool

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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5

New Sainsburys Supermarket - Irvine, ScotlandDespite initial objections from the owners of the Rivergateshoppingcentreandsomelocalresidents,the new Sainsburys Irvine development is well under way. At the time the project was given the go ahead there were also plans to build an-othersupermarket,footballstadium,carehomeandhousesat the location of the Quarry Road Playing Field. This bid was unsuccessful but the Sainsburys site was given the go ahead with the belief that itwouldbebeneficialtothecommunity and local economy in the long run. Irvine Com-munity council and several other groups in the Fullarton area gave their backing with the only real objection coming from the owners of the River-gate shopping centre.

It is thought that the Sainsburys development will createupto500full-timeandpart-timejobswith250jobsthroughoutitsconstruction.

Commentingonthedecisionatthetime,councilleader David O’Neill said they weren’t convinced by theclaimsthetownwouldn’tbenefitfromonemoresupermarket. He said: “This means we will continue withourobjectiveofregeneratingIrvine,creatingjobs and addressing deprivation. “It also means a derelict industrial site at the gateway to the town will now be redeveloped.”

AdelightedPaulMiller,Sainsbury’snationalde-velopmentsurveyor,said:“Wearecommittedtoemploying people from the local community and we cannot wait to get underway with construction so that we can start offering more choice to the people of Irvine as soon as possible.”

“We really appreciate the support we’ve received from the local community and North Ayrshire coun-cillors.”

Sainsburys are hoping that the new store will be open in time for Christmas which will spark a competition over the festive period with arch rivals

Tesco. willreportedlycreateupto500fulltimeandThe60,000sqftSainsburysdevelopment,which-part-time jobs throughout its construction is just a

stone’sthrowfromTesco–andrecentlySainsbury’skicked off what is likely to be months of posturing by throwing an eye-grabbing orange advertising cordon around the development.

Now industry experts are predicting an almighty tusslebetweenthestoreswhichwillresultinafiercefestive price war.

Sainsbury’s bosses are said to be in a bullish mood after record Christmas takings last year saw them replace Asda as Britain’s second largest grocer.

Sainsbury’s bosses see the Christmas period as the perfect time to muscle in on Tesco’s territory.

Recent Developments

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“Theywanttogetofftoaflyingstartandmakeaninstant impression on the people of Irvine.”

A spokesman said: “We want to create a pleasant

shoppingenvironmentwithwideaisles,wellplacedcarousels and food counters stocking a wide range of qualityfoods–somethingthatissynonymouswiththe Sainsbury’s brand.”

Lledo Sunoptics High Performance Prismatic skylights have been installed at Sainsbury's Irvine to bring daylight into the Building and optimise light-ing performance through patented prismatic lenses that provide the maximum amount of light trans-mittancewhilemaintaining100%diffusionwhicheliminatesundesirablehotspots,glareorUVdamageandprovide35%ormorelighttransmissionthan competitive skylights.

With the skylights installed at the store the light levelsaveragejustover1000luxformorethan2,000hoursperyearwiththeabilitytoturnthelightsoffthroughoutthesalesfloorarea.Thesky-lightsfillthespacewithflicker-free,glare-free,carbon-freenaturallight,savingSainsbury'sover


Theresultisanenergyefficientandahighperform-anceretailspace.Intheretailsetting,daylightingcandramaticallyincreasesales,onestudyshoweda40%increase in sales in daylighted stores when compared to identical non-daylighted stores.

Themostefficientfluorescentlightingsystempro-duces twice the amount of heat than the heat pro-duced by the skylights to achieve the same light levels. Daylighting with Lledo Sunoptics Prismatic Skylights and daylighting controls allows the retailer to also reduce the needs for HVAC by switching the lightsoff.Bycuttingdemandforenergyproduction,daylighting reduces greenhouse gases.

Lledo Sunoptics High Performance Prismatic skylights installed at Sainsburys Irvine Store

Recent Developments

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Sainsbury s store Slough. UK

LLEDO Lighting UK

Imma Boada, UK DirectorThe Granary First Floor, Pury Hill Business ParkAlderton Road, Towcester Northamptonshire NN12 7LS United Kingdom.T. 01327 811780

With the installation of Lledo Sunoptics High performance prismatic skylights you will be able to

• Maximise the use of natural light and switch the lights off for 70%-80% of the daylight hours.

• Reduce CO2 emissions.

• Achieve Energy savings from 30% to 60%.

Paybacks from 2 to 6 years.

• 67% Visual Light Transmission, 100% Diffusion,

No glare, No UV, no condensation.

• Dome of High performance polycarbonate, is impact

resistant, avoids degradation and is self cleaning.

• Easy installation, less roof penetrations.

Switch the lights off during the day when energy is more expensive









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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5

Bam Construction is a truly national company with officesupanddownthecountry.Theyareinvolvedinnewbuilds,extensionsandrefurbishments.

Theyare,orhavebeeninvolvedin,severalhighquality developments including the new Chilton TrinitycollegesecondaryschoolinSomerset,Theco-operative Group headquarters in Manchester and the Willow Place shopping centre.

Fromitsstartin1930tothepresent,NELCOhasmaintained a worldwide leadership position in the design,manufacturingandinstallationofspecializedproducts and services to meet the unique needs of themedical,industrialandconstructionindustries.We offer a wide variety of high quality products andservicesinthemedicalradiationtherapy,medi-caldiagnosticimaging,industrialradiationshield-ing,andmedicaldesign-buildmarkets.NELCOhasconsistentlyearnedthehighestreputationforquality,effectiveness and innovation. The entire NELCO

team is dedicated to meeting and exceeding our customers’needs,nomatterhowdifficultorcomplexthe challenge.

NELCO has custom solutions to meet every need. Since most medical radiation therapy shielding installationsareunique,NELCOofferscomprehen-siveconsultation,manufacturing,installationandproject management. No other group in the industry has more medical shielding knowledge and hands on experience.

Whetheryouarelookingatanewfacility,orperhapsmodifying an existing facility to accommodate new technologies,wecanofferacomprehensiveserviceand range of products.

WithourestablishedEuropeanofficebasedintheUK we are able to offer a local service using a wide rangeofmaterials,mostofwhichareeithermanu-factured or sourced here in the UK.

NELCO are proud to be a specialist radiation shielding sub-contractor to BAM

Nelco and Bam Construction have a strong working relationship


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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5

Construction Skills

Construction Skills are the Sector Skills Council and Industry Training Board for the construction industry and work with construction industry professionals todeliverasafe,professionalandfullyqualifiedUKconstruction workforce.

They work with construction companies and their employeestohelpthemimproveskills,increasetheir competitive edge and respond to the many challenges faced by the modern day construction company–fromthelowcarbonagenda,throughtoreducing costs on-site and recruiting the best and brightest talent for their sector.

CITB - Site Safety Plus Scheme

Site Safety Plus

The Construction Skills' Site Safety Plus Scheme is a health and safety training programme which provides the building industry a range of courses to provide everyone the chance to gain skills in which they need to progress through the industry.

From a one day Health and Safety awareness course tothefivedaysitemanagementsafetytrainingscheme. Site Safety plus covers training you may need whether you are an operative or a senior man-ager. Our wide range of courses will guarantee that everyone gains from the best possible training.

Site Safety Plus Feature

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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5Site Safety Plus

Guaranteed Pass means that should a delegate fail to meet the required standard in the exams, further support and tuition will be provided FOC until the delegate is successful. See website for our full terms and conditions.

Phoenix -the perfecttraining partner

Choosing the right training partner is important, especially with something as important as health and safety training. Just like be-ing in the gym, the right training partner can boost your results and increase your chances of success. Our CITB Construction Skills courses all come with the very best delegate support – superb tutors, fantastic materials, online support communities and many other benefits.

Courses are offered at our top class training venues in Central London, Birmingham, Walsall, Manchester, Bristol, Doncaster, Newcastle, Cambridge, Nottingham and Southampton. Courses can also be delivered at your company premises.

Visit the website today to find out more, or give us a call to discuss your options with one of our expert consultants.

“The Phoenix team’s mixture of talent, subject knowledge and delivery with humour is a great combination for an enjoyable and profitable course.”

William Lemon, Self-funding delegate

CITB Construction Skills Courses

Face to Face, Distance Learning andIn-House Courses

UK Wide Venues

IOSH Courses

NEBOSH Diploma

NEBOSH Certificates including Construction Certificate

• SMSTS Refresher



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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5Site Safety Plus Feature

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Pro Build UK | Volume 7 | Issue 5

The courses below are provided by National Con-struction College:

From a one day Health and Safety awareness course tothefivedaysitemanagementsafetytrainingscheme. Site Safety plus covers training you may need whether you are an operative or a senior man-ager. Our wide range of courses will guarantee that everyone gains from the best possible training.The courses below are provided by National Con-struction College:

Achieving Behavioural Change (ABC):Attitude,behaviour,communicationandworkeren-gagement at all levels can help prevent the chances of accidents occurring. The ABC course starts with a basic understanding and is designed to provide delegates with an understanding of how this can take place.

Plant Managers Safety Training Scheme (PMSTS):Thiscourseisdesignedforplantmanagers,plantinstructors,plantinspectors,workshopmanagers,project managers and agents. Also for people who

areorabouttoberesponsibleforplanning,organis-ing,monitoring,controllingandadministeringstaff,groups of staff and workforce.

Site Management Safety Training Scheme (SMSTS):Appropriateforprojectmanagers,sitemanagersandsupervisors as well as proprietors of smaller compa-nies.Client-basedpersonnelalsobenefitbyattend-ing the course. Giving an understanding of delegates’ responsibilitiesandaccountabilityforsitesafety,healthandwelfare,currenthealthandsafetylegisla-tion including risk assessment.

The site management safety training scheme helps to provide an understanding

Site Supervisors Safety Training Scheme (SSSTS):Thiscourseisforfirstlinemanagers.Itprovidesanintroductiontohealthandsafety,welfareandenvi-ronmental issues for those requiring an understand-ing of their legal responsibilities relevant to their work activities. It will provide a sound knowledge base to enable them to give valuable assistance in safely managing a construction site.

Site Safety Plus Feature

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Tel: 01706 624 827Fax: 01706 624 722

E-Mail: [email protected]: