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---------------------------- -------------------- ANNOUNCING! ENCYCLOPAEDIA of MEDICAL ASTROLOGY FOURTH REVISED EDITION 2016 TO BE RELEASED IN AUGUST ! First - Third Editions: Encyclopaedia of Medical Astrology AVAILABLE NOW This ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF MEDICAL

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First - Third Editions: Encyclopaedia of Medical Astrology



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Grand Master - Sacred Medical Order, Knights of Hope; Knight of Grace of St. Lazarus; Honorific Knight of the Hospitaller Order of St. John,

Dean PanAmerican University of Natural & Medical Sciences; 

Pleased to announce that so far, more than 500 hours have been dedicated since 2013 in the scanning, optical recognition conversion, and now the final phases of tedious editing to bring this priceless and precious volume of Monastic Medical Data into the 21st Century. As a labor of love, this volume was obtained in the famous Samuel Weiser Bookstore, Manhattan, in the heyday of the 1980's. 



ASTROLOGY.pdfover 2,200 pages!

 Edited by  H.E., MSRG, PROF. [DR. OF MED.]

CHARLES MCWILLIAMSGrand Master - Sacred Medical Order, Knights of Hope; Knight of Grace

of St. Lazarus; Honorific Knight of the Hospitaller Order of St. John, Dean PanAmerican University of Natural & Medical Sciences; 

Pleased to announce that so far, more than 1,000 hours have been dedicated since 2013 in the scanning, optical recognition conversion, and now the final phases of tedious editing to bring this priceless and precious volume of Monastic Medical Data into the 21st Century. As a labor of love, this volume was obtained in the famous Samuel Weiser Bookstore, Manhattan, in the heyday of the 1980's. 

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NOTE: Purchase price will be applied to enrollment in the PhD program with computer program package if you so decide within 90 days of purchase. 


MEDICINE, paperback



Any physician should ask why Hippocrates would summarily state: "A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician", and why this sentiment lasted for more than 2,000 years. The reason for this, thought by by some of the most profound thinkers of contemporary times, is the fact religion in prior times was revered, and that as being a physician was considered a priesthood unto itself. 

The priests of ancient Chaldea (Babylon), deep thinkers in the arcane realms of Nature who possessed a profound spirit of celestial wisdom, were said to have been given the knowledge of the Cosmos to them by the Nephilim of Genesis. The allegories from which the superstructure of every subsequent religious and ethical system arose from astrology on planet earth after the epoch, more than 500,000 years ago. The Sumerians were the most ancient race which fathered today's mankind and civilization. 

These are profound conclusions. A contemporary expert on these matters was Zecharia Sitchin who has been interviewed by George Noory on radio as well as just recently onc of his contemporaries. 

The word "holy," by some authors was derived from the Greek word Helios, the god who drove the chariot of the sun. He also traces its etymology to the Hebrew el, the sun, with the aspirate prefixed, gives "hel," the root of helios—from which he defined the title Holy Bible as the "Sun Book." 

From this viewpoint, the universe was seen as 'ordered' from out of Chaos by God. The Chaldean priests viewed the concept of a single God as too deep for the human mind to comprehend. However, from the broader concepts of an Infinite Cause came the embodiment of God within man, a Being different from that of earlier hominids as well as pagan theologies. He was the 'Man of the Zodiac', so configured not only for a clearer demonstration of a majestic concept because all Nature was comprehended as an ordered universe as the human monad was an indivisible part of the whole and he/she must therefore be an epitome of the universe, and the heavens in turn fulfilling the Hermetic maxim. "As it is above, so it is below; as on the earth, so in the sky."

Metphysically, the Zodiac, or circle of the heavens, is the symbol of life, the outward spiritual effluences streaming from the primal point or center, the Sun, and polarizing in the circumference the constellations of the celestial firmament. As there can be no point, mathematically, without a circumference, so can there be no Sun without its constellations, no Christ without his disciples, no heart in man without the twelve circumjacent planes of bodily expression, his organs and tissue systems.

This central point naturally suggests a power or intelligence of supernal importance by virtue of its predominance. This is the Unity, or projecting Cause, which moves outward from a condition of chaos into active being by way of the central point, or mediator, and is variously denominated as God, the Father, Creator, Supreme Intelligence, etc.  

From this perspective, the Great Chain of Being was developed as a religious (supernal and impersonal) hierarchical structure of all matter and life, believed to have been decreed by God. The chain starts from God and progresses downward to angels, demons (fallen/renegade angels), stars, moon, kings, princes, nobles, commoners, wild animals, domesticated animals, trees, other plants, precious stones, precious metals, and other minerals down to planet earth. Such was an ordered universe. [see - THE GREAT CHAIN OF BEING: SMOKH 1st World Congress - Nevis -]

The great chain of being (Latin: scala naturae, literally "ladder/stair-way of nature") is a concept derived from Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, and Proclus. Further developed during the Middle Ages of Christendom, it reached full expression in early Christian Neoplatonism and was used by Linnaeus for plant classifications, still in use in biology to this day. 

The Order of the Universe directed that man must respect nature. When man/woman followed this Order of the Universe, health was maintained. When the laws of nature were violated, disease ensued. Such levels of devotion, asceticism, and reverence have so often attended the practice of the medicine beginning with the Hippocrate school and later Moasiac Law,  that they can be described as a form of 'hygienic religion'. Religious analogy has in fact commonly been used by health crusaders, which the monastic physicians became to describe their missions. A belief "that the Kingdom of Health, like the Kingdom of

Heaven, is within you" and is to be gained by hygienic righteousness, akin to religious observance, salvation, and purification. Confidence that humanity will seek the kingdom has stemmed from the faith that man, as a product of nature, is essentially good. The leading idea that health results from individuals living in accord with nature, natures which have been formed orderly by heaven, the Kingdom. Implicit in this is the argument that since the laws of human nature are of divine origin, the physician has an obligation to observe them, and regard health as his reward for godliness as foretold by the stars. This is not only found in Christian medicine, but also in Taoism and Ayurveda. 

The idea was an old one, already in the pre-Christian era, Philo-Judaeus had praised Adam for being "born in the best condition of both soul and body, and to have differed to a great degree from those who succeeded him by his high superiority in both." The premise was repeated, and enlarged, by medieval writers. The famous early nature care physician, Hildegard of Bingen (, emphasizing the appearance of weakness and disease in the world with the Fall. Literal reading of Biblical accounts of the lives of the patriarchs reinforced the premise throughout the dark ages, but it was carried to its peak by the disenchantment with the dawning civilization, with the luxury and refinement estranging man from nature that accompanied the progress or the renaissance well into the eighteenth century and even to this day. 

'Chaos' ordinarily describes any kind of disorder or confusion, as well as the outcome of the affliction sent ordered by the stars. In this case, what appeared to be chaos, on closer examination is another layer of more complex order in this universe God created by man succumbing to the Fall. Chaos theory is the field of study today in mathematics that studies the behavior and condition of dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions—a response popularly referred to as the butterfly effect. 

Medical Astrology has a long tradition of use in Greek Medicine, as well as in other traditional healing systems like Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine.  In ancient Greece, Medical Astrology was called Iatromathematica, or "Doctorly Calculations", since it involved calculating the positions of the planets to arrive at an assessment of the patient's condition.  Medical Astrology grew out of Hermetic philosophy, with its guiding principle: As above, so below.  As within, so without. This was obtained from the Chaldean priest-astrologers. In other words, the microcosm of the human body reflects the macrocosm of Nature and the cosmos, the same as found in Asian medicine.  The aim of Medical Astrology, like all the world's great traditional medical systems, is to harmonize the health of the individual with the Universal Life Forces of Nature and the cosmos.  Thus, Hippocrates and those of his school, were staunch advocates of Medical Astrology, as health and disease could be predicted by understanding the positions of the stars and planets. These celestial positions also pointed the way to therapeutics.       

Medical Astrology encompasses all uses of astrology in health and healing.  Both the natal chart, or horoscope, and a decumbiture chart is used, drawn up for the place and moment the

patient entered 'stellar baptism,' and when first fell ill, i.e. the Fall, is used in comparison and


Sir Isaac Newton, who discovered the theory of gravity and was called the “father of calculus”, believed in Astrology.  To call Sir Isaac a genius would be an understatement but he was also a very spiritual man. As he uncovered the laws about the “order” of the universe, how the apple falls each and every time, he became more deeply assured that only a Divine God could create a universe of such immense capacity yet one that ran with such precision. It was the orderliness of the earth’s Creator that was a factor in convincing Sir Isaac of the Divine. Albert Einstein noted that, “Scientists were rated as great heretics by the church, but they were truly

religious because of their faith in the orderliness of the universe.” These brilliant minds found a systematic arrangement in the universe. They recognized methods that followed an orderly pattern and plan. 

From times immemorial, astrology has been a determining factor in the decisions and actions of men of all ranks and stations. At the beginning of the 17th century, great scientists as Tycho Brahe, Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler and Pierre Gassendi – now best remembered for their roles in the development of modern physics and astronomy – all held astrology in high esteem.

The Law of Chaos and the Law of Order

The Law of Chaos and the Law of Order are of opposites, profound and direct in their simplicity. To put it simplify, when one fights the natural flow of the universe, chaos is the result, and when one chooses to embrace the universal ebbs and flows, order results. As can clearly be seen by observing the natural world, the default state of the universe is order. It is only when intentions of a lower vibration/nature are inserted into the equation (usually, though not always, by humanity) that chaos results. Humankind still predominantly operates from a belief that it must control all aspects of life, and so we have rampant chaos on this planet as the divine flow is constantly stifled… that, at least, is the agnostic illusion, as it is not possible to completely stifle the divine flow.

The divine flow is like a massive river of energy. You can build a dam to temporarily control it, but the river will inevitably overtake the dam unless the flow is let through at a certain minimum volume. And so we have humanity constantly attempting to stifle this divine flow by trying to control every last aspect of life instead of letting it unfold how it may. However, despite our best efforts, the divine flow continues to permeate existence at a steady pace and guide the development of consciousness. Yet instead of the process generating untold harmony, because of our attempts to control it, chaos is generated and is actively manifest at this time.

Herein lies the lesson from this law of celestial order: simply let go and accept life on its own terms. We are taught to believe that letting go will bring chaos into our lives, but the paradox is that attachment and attempts to control are what generate chaos in our lives and simply trusting the universe to bring us exactly what we need brings lasting order and harmony. As with so many things we are indoctrinated with since birth, the reality is just the opposite.

The Law of Chaos and the Law of Order — The Law of Chaos is that Law which states that chaos exists when the observing mind cannot accept what is. The Law of Order exists when the observing mind can accept what is, regardless of the appearance of chaos. 

The fruits from the study of medical astrology naturally lends itself to understanding from multiple viewpoints: psychologically, socially, and domestically. Religion simply means belief in the supernatural, recognizing forces beyond our full comprehension, but at least predictable as laid out by the Chaldean priest-astrologers. 

A HIGHER FORM OF HEALINGToday we see 'naturopathy' or "natural disease," functional medicine, and allied practices increasingly seeking to 'pickle' the individual with anti-oxidants and vitamins as a means for life-extension, palliation of symptoms, a better sex life, freedom from discomforts, and other promises to the kingdom of health. Nevertheless, the bedrock of naturopathic etiology was that indeed "natural disease" is the root of all illness, because bodily dysfunction can invariably be traced to violations of nature's rules of right living. The soil from which the trunk of physical impurity rises is that of "Violation of Nature's Laws" of diet, exercise, and other components of hygiene, violations occurring because of humanity's ignorance, indifference, lack of self-control, and self-indulgences. Where allopathic doctors early on were busy blaming disease on insults to the body from the

elements of nature in their new found science of germs, early naturopaths saw all sickness originating within the body. The soil for germs, they maintained, was the body's own morbid secretions and toxins accumulated from ignorance of hygiene. Rather than being the innocent victim of some alien pathologic entity, each person was responsible for their illness by neglecting their own body with unnatural habits of life. Illness was nature's punishment for this self-abuse and ignorance of God's laws. From that perspective, "natural disease" was an apt interpretation of the coined term - naturopathy. 

Indeed, the final goal of natural treatments is not just the elimination of physical disease, but the restoration of human beings' appreciation of their proper place in the natural order of the cosmos. The "principal object" of natural cure is to re-establish the union of body, mind, spirit, and all bodily functions— with God's nature. What this generation would call holistic healing, functional medicine, naturopathy, ecological medicine, etc., monastic medicine embraced a universalism towards full salvation to the Kingdom of Heaven. 

As their course on God-Consciousness suggests from their books, early naturopathy was energized nearly as much by religious currents as by medical concerns. Prerequisite for the ideal of union of body, mind and spirit with nature was the awareness that people are beings within a universe created and governed by a beneficent God, and that the laws of health are divine commandments whose honoring earns favor from the Creator and whose violation brings deserved punishment. Benedict Lust, the founder of naturopathy, looked all the way back to the Garden of Eden to frame his physical theology that become a crusade for health in the early 20th century. There, he sermonized, "man did not suffer from sick- ness," but lived in perfect health on "what mother Earth produced." Then came the Fall, an act of disobedience which involved, after all, "a forbidden meal," an act of unnatural hygiene. Adam and Eve were expelled, and "man no more remained in direct connection with the earth....In the same measure as man grew more unnatural and sinful, sickness and all

misery arose." 

The unnatural and the sinful were linked in the naturopathic worldview by practitioners' commitment to vitalism, the belief that life derives from and is sustained by some power or spirit that transcends the chemical and physical forces that govern the phenomena of the inorganic world. Natural methods worked because they acted upon the vital force resident within every human being, stimulating it to restore the body to wholeness. But that force, naturopaths proclaimed, was not merely vital; it was in fact divine spirit, every living thing's own parcel of "the Omnipotent Power, which created the universe." It was Therapeutic Universalism indeed!

In that context, it was possible for naturopaths to propose in complete seriousness that the first and still the greatest adherent of the art was none other than Christ; Jesus, one asserted, was "a most proficient Naturopath." Imagining that sort of pedigree, it made sense for Lust to set forth the revolutionary import of his system by observing that a great spiritual upheaval had occurred in Western civilization approximately every 500 years, beginning with Christ and followed by Muhammad, the Crusades, the Reformation—and now naturopathy. 

However, the prevailing Church view of north america at that time was rudimentary. It was a land settled by pilgrims who rejected the Church and adopted self-proclaimed views of the times. The predominate religious views of New England and the South in colonial times was not structured. Although most colonists considered themselves Christians, this did not mean that they lived in a culture of religious unity. Instead, differing Christian groups often believed that their own practices and faiths provided unique values that needed protection against those who disagreed. In Salem, witches were burned at the stake. British colonists frequently maintained restrictions against Catholics. 

Between 1680 and 1760 Anglicanism and Congregationalism, an offshoot of the English Puritan

movement, established themselves as the main organized denominations in the majority of the colonies. As the seventeenth and eighteenth century passed on, however, the Protestant wing of Christianity constantly gave birth to new movements, such as the Baptists, Methodists, Quakers, Unitarians and many more, sometimes referred to as “Dissenters.”  In communities where one existing faith was dominant, new congregations were often seen as unfaithful troublemakers who were upsetting the social order. Despite the effort to govern society on Christian (and more specifically Protestant) principles, the first decades of colonial era in most colonies were marked by irregular religious practices, minimal communication between remote settlers, and a population of “Murtherers, Theeves, Adulterers, [and] idle persons.” Despite the evangelical, emotional challenge to reason underlying the “Great Awakening,” by the end of the colonial period, Protestant rationalism remained the dominant religious force among the leaders of most of the colonies and of course medical astrology had no place. 

Against this backdrop, naturopathy expected to achieve what earlier movements had vainly attempted to do by recruiting errant humanity to what Benedict Lust called the "Regeneration Cure," a regimen of right living that restored physical strength and energy while also bringing about a state of "spiritual... rejuvenation." Medical astrology was not part of that curriculum. Therefore, it had no basis of universalism nor deep reverence for history and philosophical appreciation which studies of ages past would offer. Naturopaths' of that day had no reverential absorption in the benevolent mysteries of nature which slackened their uncultured minds to jump to suppositions that had no basis in objective science nor religion, such as the power of the "healing magnetism" of mud. Worse was the willingness to accept into the naturopathic movement any therapeutic modality presented as "natural," no matter how outlandish the method or the motivation of its proponents remain untested over time. A quick thumbing-through of any volume of Lust's 'The Naturopath and Herald of Health', the field's chief journal, corroborates the opinion of D. D. Palmer, the founder of

chiropractic, that the naturopathy of his day was "a pick up of anything and everything that their authors find lying around loose." Already, without sound philosophical basis, the seeds of naturopathic demise were already present and lastly fulfilled... 

-------------------------------------------DR. PAUL WENDEL. 1951


"The purpose of this book STANDARDIZED NATUROPATHY, is to have a unified Naturopthic profession practicing true Naturopathy, that is, no drugs, serums or injections, but, use the principles laid down by the pioneers who made it possible for us to practice Naturopathy.

To understand the beginning of Naturopathy we must go back to the Bible to ascertain what God planned for us, when he created us from dust out of the earth.

The new generation in Naturopathy does not know the incentive and the reason why we are here, why this movement was ushered in. The nature cure movement in America has a glorious history. It can be traced back to the early settlers, Spanish, English, German, Finnish and others. The younger practitioners look to this profession as an easy livelihood, as a business; they are speculators rather than servants of God, nature, and man. A certain percentage of these elements are working on the inside and are just as dangerous as the outside enemy. Under the present conditions they came on the top in the American Naturopathy Association. There was a subversive underground movement going on to bring down the solid structure of the ideology, training and the principles of Naturopathy, but it failed completely.

It is all part of this world revolution in which we find ourselves, and as everything crumbles and has to be readjusted, also everything connected with life, health and sanitation has to be conformed according to the universal positive law of life, of nature on a natural, spiritual and moral foundation. Naturopathy will replace all dangerous, unscientific and purely material methods that are in vogue; it will break and replace official orthodox medicine which exists only as state medicine because on its own merits when investigated it would fall to pieces."

Dr. Wendel was President of the American Naturopathic Association and a great researcher into Naturopathic modalities.


Against this backdrop, naturopathy expected to achieve what earlier movements had vainly attempted to do by recruiting errant humanity to what Lust called the "Regeneration Cure," a regimen of right living that restored physical strength and energy while also bringing about a state of "spiritual... rejuvenation." Medical astrology was not part of that curriculum. Therefore, it had no basis of universalism nor deep reverence for history and philosophical appreciation. Naturopaths' of that day had no reverential absorption in the benevolent mysteries of nature which slackened their uncultured minds to jump to suppositions that had no basis in objective science nor religion, such as the power of the "healing magnetism" of mud. Worse was the willingness to accept into the naturopathic movement any therapeutic modality

presented as "natural," no matter how emboldened the method or questionable as to the motivation of its proponents. A cursory reivew-through of any volume of Lust's ' The Naturopath and Herald of Health', the field's chief journal, led to the opinion of D. D. Palmer, the founder of chiropractic, that the naturopathy of his day was "a pick up of anything and everything that their authors find lying around loose." Already, without sound philosophical basis, the seeds of naturopathic demise were already present and fulfilled by the 1950s when state legislatures removed licensure for ND's. 

The mistakes of history always lend itself to repetition. I have studied and written extensively that the nature cure movement of Europe, which fathered naturopathy, had its roots in monastic medicine. A physician's study in the monastery leading to medicine including studies in astronomy and theology, for good reason. See my books on amazon: Ecclesiastical Medicine, Ecclesiastical Nursing, Ecclesiastical Apothecary... 

It is important we study our roots of a lasting movement which encompassed thousands of years of development, yet we now find ourselves again in chaos as man attempts to control mother nature and other humans with least reverence for the cosmic laws that allow us to exist...


One may ask: In our age of designer anti-oxidants, purified herbal extracts, ampules of catalytic agents (homeopathic), powdered green drinks, high potency vitamins, and vitamin C drips, what does medical astrology have to offer? 

Ans. We are still living in the Dark Ages, yes! 

Kali Yuga (lit. "age of [the demon] Kali", or "age of vice") is the last of the four stages the world goes through as part of the cycle of yugas described in the Sanskrit scriptures, According to the astronomer KD Abhyankar, the starting point of Kali yuga was an extremely rare planetary

alignment, which was  February 7 of 3104 B.C.E. Hindus believe that human civilization degenerates spiritually during the Kali Yuga, which is referred to as the Dark Age because in it people are as far away as possible from God. 

[It is to the Neolithic that most historians trace the beginnings of complex religion. Religious belief in this period commonly consisted in the worship of a Mother Goddess, a Sky Father, and of the Sun and Moon as deities. (see also Sun worship). Shrines developed, which over time evolved into temple establishments, complete with a complex hierarchy of priests and priestesses and other functionaries. Typical of the Neolithic was a tendency to worship anthropomorphic deities. The earliest surviving religious scriptures are the Pyramid Texts, produced by the Egyptians (dating back to 3100 B.C.E)]

The ancient teachings convey to us that th Planet Earth is immersed in an aetheric web of energy. It is the medium of transmission of electromagnetic waves, just as air is the medium of sound transmission (as above, so below). Many of today's physicicist have not abandoned this early principal used by Tesla. Our microwave communications has now created a thick fog on the planet, and there is only one escape: to tune the brain to a higher octave to cut through the veil. This veil blocks our spiritual natures, our intuitions, and immerses us in depression and a world of morbidity (Kali yuga). 

The only means possible is to realign the human aetheric body by composing it of finer atoms of aether ( , see the book "Etheric Double" by A. E. Powell). During our descent finto the Dark Ages, dream recall will be more difficult, reliance on cell phones will reduce clairaudience and telepathy, our intuitive powers diminish, "sin will increase exponentially, while virtue will fade and cease to flourish," and of course, the body composed of more unrefined aether atoms will lead to more chronic disease. 

The body is composed of physical atoms, yes, we have a complete science of biochemistry and nutrition to validate this. However, the interpenetrating atoms of the physical plane are supported and swarming with aetheric atoms at

extremely high ratios, on the order of photons of light (of which light is one component of the aetheric sea of energy). Matter from the higher planes can easily penetrate matter from the lower planes because it is so much finer or subtle. Science estimates that if the electron of the physical atom were to be expanded to the size of a baseball, the next adjacent electron would be at least 99 miles away!

These finer, aetheric atoms, are what condense into 'soft electrons' when apparitions are seen by humans ( Photons are condensed when they strike zinc plates in a solar cell, and generate electrons captured for energy. Another visible form of aether is lightning.  It is aether atoms that compose homeopathic remedies, holy waters, healing springs, etc. There are many such examples recording down through history and can be found in my book "Sanctified Healing." 

The point is, Medical Astrology, as part of Astral Medicine, teaches us the following:1. Based on the concept of the elements, our 'constitution', or temperament, is composed of aetheric matter, and it is predominately that of earth, air, fire or water, with aether, the 5th element, interpenetrating all in between, as the medium of light and magnetism. This is Platonic teachings. 2. Based on the configuration of planets at birth, the season upon which we were born and entered earth, our constitution is primarily composed that of earth (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo), air (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra), fire (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) or water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). I speak here of a different chemistry, an alchemy, formulated by the Greeks, given by the Chaldeans. Suffice it to say, it is easy to calculate one's constitution from the birth chart (horoscope), It only takes a minute. 3. These elements, now composed into the human frame, are spoken of as 'humors', and upon that which the entire basis of Hippocratic Medicine was composed. If one of these 'humors' is in exuberance, it also means that one of them is deficient. So you may have a 'fire' predominate

temperament, but also a water deficiency. Meaning, your foods, your color (dress, surroundings), your waters, your jewelry (gemstones) even your music, should supplement your water deficiency to keep your 'humors' in balance.

Now, this will get a little more complicated, so 'humor me.' Before aether enters the organism, we can say it is somewaht non-formative, or raw aether. But once it interpenetrates matter, it takes on 'formative forces.' It is 'colored' so to speak. So if your thoughts are vile, you intentions not so good, you take on a peculiar aura and even 'body odor.' Your secretions can feed pathogenic bacteria as the soil is rich for their development. You can even grow tumors, like warts, moles, nodules, etc. if they persist. I think you get my point. The aether takes on a certain 'color', vibe, and odor, of which many animals are quite sensitive to. 

Now comes the genius of Hahnemann. He found if he could potentiate these morbid energies into water (i.e. homeopathic remedies), give them back to the organism, by a 'force more powerful than the original manifestation,' the energy (resident evil) would soon exit. The aetheric 'scaffold' would no longer support the morbid aetheric atoms, and 'as if' by magic, the disease slowly disappears. In other words, he had manufactured a way to systematize an 'aetheric exorcism.' The remedy become like an anti-magnetic force, it repels its similar pole. Silica or sand, when so potentiated, expunges splinters, felons, and boils, for example; Myristca sebifera, Brazilian uncuba, is called the 'homeopath's surgeon's knife,' and often does away from the needs of the scalpel. Bellis peernnis, the petit daisy, is an excellent remedy for sprains and bruises. There many such well known examples in homeopathy. 

So popular had his method become, that as if, en masse, the ages old method of expulsing the evil humors by bloodletting, Galen's method, was abandoned. Homeopathy had supplanted Galen's bloodletting, and medicine forever took another course. The haves, the homeopaths who knew, and the have nots, the allopaths, immersed in kale yuga only had to become at odds. One

group look to nature, the other group sought control.  

You should by now start to get my point. Medical astrology should have been the foundational science upon which not only naturopathy, but even acupuncture was to be (and should be) taught! Hippocrates was right. And I remind you, with some explosive revelations soon to come your way, the original form and purpose of 'acupuncture' by the early Taoists was for exorcism! Yes, exorcism of evil ancestral spirits, believe it or not! That also is at least not mentioned in any acupuncture school I have ever encountered. 

The hidden dimensions and unseen realms make up a much larger proportion of the universe than the physical parts which are visible to us – physicists know this and call the unseen parts "dark matter" and "dark energy". Conventional science has not yet theorised a plan of these higher dimensions so we must look to ancient knowledge and the ancient sciences for the answers and inspirations. 

Once you grasp these fundamentals, your perspective on life, and the hereafter, forever changes. The possibilities forever expand. That internal spark of life will be lit. A flame that can never be extinguished. This is what we must cultivate, as a school and a Church, in our upcoming aspirants for without a foundation, no edifice can be likely to survive. 


No matter what the medical outcomes, deep healing comes from within, not from without. The healing comes from nature. The person must change the course of events that led to the outcome, this includes not only the habits, the dietary, the lifestyle, but also changes within. In our busy practices, we only have limited time, but can offer reports which patients with these inclinations respectfully receive and benefit. If the communicant is to inclined, a comprehensive 60+ page report certainly offers some deep evenings of reflection. 

As a result of finishing, at long last, the Encyclopaedia of Medical Astrology, my computer generated program will not only deliver a 60+ page medical report within a minute, including a psychological profile, but also also these programs are now in progress since the data has now been accumulated:

1. Medical Report (now available); 

Data reports in progress… 

2. Medicine to Give (Best suited therapeutics, when to and when not to undergo surgery/operations; sensitive times when to and when not to take medicines, etc.)

3. Best Occupations and Professions suited to the diathesis; Aptitudes and Inaptitudes with homeopathic remedies; the Lord of Employment; Best Healers to seek out, etc.)

4. Nutrition and the Zodiac Diet; Fasting; Anti=ageing, etc. 

5. Lords, Rulerships & Interpretations of the Detail Natal Chart

6. On Children, times of conception, birth, barrenness, male or female, etc. 

7. The Temperaments & Diathesis

8. A full Psychological Profile for Healing

9. Best times and places for Residence, Travel, Voyages, and countries to live in

10. Senescence, Death and Dying; Resistance, Keeping Powers, Recuperation

11. Metempsychosis, Reincarnation, Karma and Past Lives

12. The Sensitive Degrees, personal and medical. 

In Conclusion

Astrology IS and WAS the source of all religions. The majority of people use the 'god' word so loosely, having least conception of its components. The central component of God is Order. That Order is evidenced by the regular movements of the sun, moon, and planets against the backdrop of the constellations referred to as the Zodiac, the  belt in the sky that includes the paths of the planets and is divided into twelve constellations or signs. The Zodiac is the clock of our universe. 

This ORDER represents the regular rotation of the planets, the marking of the seasons, the growth of plants, the behavior of animals, and man is no exception. 

This is why I say, the Zodiac is the anatomy of God, as close as we can touch. The movements of the planets, the sun and moon, are the physiology or the workings of our day-to-day lives. It is a superenal force and therefore conforms to religious observance: 1. an established practice or ceremony <religious observances> 2: an act of following a custom, rule, or law. It requires no belief necessarily in a diety other than the essential nature or condition of being a god i divinity.

Astrology applies to everything our right brain can understand - the correspondences between humans and nature, between humans and angels, between humans and the weather, between humans and humans. Medicine is not only a science (left brain), it is also an art (right brain). The left brain is the math/science/logical side and the right brain is the art/music/creative side. The more synchronicity between the two, the more advanced the soul and well balanced the personality. It also leads to a more enjoyable and interesting life. 

You are welcome to enjoy this short seminar delivered last month in Tampa:

It is thus wise to take careful note of our father of medicine Hippocrates: 

A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician!