private water supplies regulations specification for the

1 PRIVATE WATER SUPPLIES REGULATIONSSPECIFICATION FOR THE ANNUAL DATA COLLECTION FROM LOCAL AUTHORITIES - ANNEX 3 - DATA SPECIFICATION (Version 7(Final)) The Drinking Water Inspectorate requires the annual reporting (1 January 31 December) from Local Authorities of the previous year‟s data on Private Water Supplies in their districts, boroughs or ports. (Note: if there are NO Private Water Supplies in the Local Authority, the only requirement is to complete the contacts sheet of the Excel Workbook . DWI requires: 1. contact details of the Local Authority and Health Protection Agency; and 2. the reference, location, details of the sources of private water supplies and the treatment processes of each Supply and information relating to volume output and population receiving that supply. Also information on any notices and improvement scheme affecting the Supply; and 3. details of the sample tests taken at each Private Water Supply, including the substance (parameter) and sample result from each test taken, and if a breach of the Regulations occurred. Format of submissions DWI requires data to be submitted by e-mail as an MS Excel (.xls) format file on or before 31 January 2011, and on or before the 31 January every year thereafter. The information required is to be submitted in three Worksheets in the MS Excel file. A blank preformatted excel workbook will be provided to your Local authority by in the DWI. This will allow you to populate the MS Excel worksheets with your Private Water Supplies data, to the DWI specification. The private water supplies data may originate from either; an Environmental Health Data Managements system (EHDMS) (such as Civica, Northgate, Ocella, Plantech, Caps/Uniform) which can export a report into a MS Excel file formatted to the specified in this guidance or; your local authority has the information in a MS Excel file which can be copied and manipulated into the preformatted excel workbook, All files must be formatted to the specification in this guidance. A full data specification appears in the following pages. This explains what data is required and how it is to be imputed for each supply and each sample. A dummy completed excel file called Annex2 to DWI Information letter 13-2010, should be referred to for reference.

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The Drinking Water Inspectorate requires the annual reporting (1 January – 31 December) from Local Authorities of the previous year‟s data on Private Water Supplies in their districts, boroughs or ports. (Note: if there are NO Private Water Supplies in the Local Authority, the only requirement is to complete the contacts sheet of the Excel Workbook .

DWI requires:

1. contact details of the Local Authority and Health Protection Agency; and

2. the reference, location, details of the sources of private water supplies and the treatment processes of each Supply and information relating to volume output and population receiving that supply. Also information on any notices and improvement scheme affecting the Supply; and

3. details of the sample tests taken at each Private Water Supply, including the substance (parameter) and sample result from each test taken, and if a breach of the Regulations occurred.

Format of submissions

DWI requires data to be submitted by e-mail as an MS Excel (.xls) format file on or before 31 January 2011, and on or before the 31 January every year thereafter.

The information required is to be submitted in three Worksheets in the MS Excel file. A blank preformatted excel workbook will be provided to your Local authority by in the DWI. This will allow you to populate the MS Excel worksheets with your Private Water Supplies data, to the DWI specification. The private water supplies data may originate from either; an Environmental Health Data Managements system (EHDMS) (such as Civica, Northgate, Ocella, Plantech, Caps/Uniform) which can export a report into a MS Excel file formatted to the specified in this guidance or;

your local authority has the information in a MS Excel file which can be copied and manipulated into the preformatted excel workbook,

All files must be formatted to the specification in this guidance.

A full data specification appears in the following pages. This explains what data is required and how it is to be imputed for each supply and each sample. A dummy completed excel file called Annex2 to DWI Information letter 13-2010, should be referred to for reference.


The naming convention for the MS Excel will be: xxx_PWS_2010.xls where xxx is the FSA local Authority code for the Local Authority. If your local authority has a 4 text FSA code i.e xxxx this is also acceptable. The e-mail address for the submission of the MS Excel file to the Inspectorate is [email protected].

Local Authorities are advised to test their reporting software prior to the submission date to ensure their data management systems reporting systems are capably of collating and transferring the data. Local authorities are responsible for the accuracy of the data contained in their submissions.

Description of the three work sheets.

Worksheet 1 – Contacts Worksheet: Details of the LA and HPU.

(note: if NO Private Water Supplies exist in Local Authority area only Worksheet 1 needs to be completed)

Worksheet 2 - Details Worksheet: details of each private water supply or onward distribution system. This table includes information on source, monitoring, treatment and any resultant action to improve the supply.

Worksheet 3 - Data Worksheet: details of individual parameters tested and their results at each Private Water Supply or Onward Distribution System, including the purpose of sample (revisit, requested or investigation).

The geographical data (grid references) for the location of the source of a supply should be supplied in “Eastings” and “Northings” referenced to the Ordnance Survey, separated into two separate columns e.g. First column 123456 and second column 123456. Please note that the 100 km letter code (i.e. TQ) not to be used. Local Authorities should ensure that location data (i.e. NGRs) are accurate and follow the format and specification above.

Where there is a situation where a Private supply crosses the boundary from one local authority area to another, the local authorities only need to report on the supply once. Which local authorities undertake the reporting to DWI is to be agreed by the two local authorities. It is recommended that the local authority which has carried out the risk assessment, sampling, etc, of the supply undertakes the reporting. This could occur where;

two sources feed one private supply; or

one private supply distribution network crosses over the boundary of a local authority area to another. For further information regarding this specification please contact Andy Taylor or Teresa Isaacs.


1. CONTACTS Worksheet (i) Frequency of submission – on or before 31 January 2011 and each year thereafter. (i) All date formats must be DD-MMM-YYYY (ii) The fields must be in the order specified below. (iii) See file „Annex2’ to DWI Information letter 13-2010 for example of completed worksheet (iv) If you do not have any private water supplies you only need to complete this sheet.




FIELD EXAMPLE (for illustration only)

Reporting Year Year when data was collected in the format DD-MMM-YYYY

Mandatory Date 11 01-Jan-2011

LocalAuthority Name

Local Authority Name Note: Split Names add hyphen. The first letter of the LA name must be a capital letter. The definitive version will be the one in the drop down menu in annex 1.

Mandatory Text 30 North-Devon

LocalAuthority Ref

Your Local Authority code (These Local Authority code are the same as the FSA codes and listed in Annex 1). This code should be prefix with an apostrophe where the code starts with a zero.

Mandatory Text 5 „075

Private Water Supplies

Onward Distribution System Y = yes, N=No Mandatory Text 1 Y

Contact person

Details of the person in the LA who deals with PWS

Mandatory Text 100 A name

LA Address Contact address for Local Authority Mandatory Text 200 DC Offices, 37 Example Road, Holby City XX56 X89

Telephone General Telephone for the Environmental Health Section (LA) which deals with PWS

Mandatory Telephone number

20 Telephone number


Specific contact persons telephone

Specific contact person‟s telephone for the Environmental Health Section (LA) which deals with PWS

Mandatory Telephone number

20 Telephone number

General email address

General email of the Environmental Health Section which deals with PWS

Mandatory Text 100 Email

Contact persons email Address

Email details of the person in the LA who deals with PWS

Mandatory Text 100 Email

HPUName Health Protection Unit‟s name (HPU)

Mandatory Text 100 Made-up HPU name

HPU Address Contact address for Consultant in Communicable Disease Control at Health Protection Agency (do not name individual).

Mandatory Text 200 HPA House, 14 False Road, Holby City XX34 X21

Telephone General Telephone for the HPU Section which deals with PWS

Mandatory Number 20 Telephone number

General email address

General email of the HPU Section which deals with PWS

Mandatory Text 100 Email

(note: if NO Private Water Supplies exist in Local Authority area only Worksheet 1 needs to be completed)


2. DETAILS Worksheet

(i) The Details worksheet must contain records with fields for each supply which is used for drinking, washing or cooking at any time during the reporting year.

(ii) Frequency of submission – on or before 31 January 2011 and each year thereafter. (iii) All date formats can be either DD-MMM-YYYY (iv) The fields must be in the order specified below: (v) See file „Annex2’ (13-2010annex2.xls) for example of completed worksheet (vi) If you do not have any private water supplies you do not need to complete this sheet. (vii) You only need to complete this section for a single dwelling (which is not a public building and has no commercial

use) if you have carried out a sample or a risk assessment at the supply.




FIELD EXAMPLE (for illustration only)

LocalAuthority Name

Local Authority Name Note: Split Names add hyphen. The first letter of the LA name must be a capital letter The definitive version will be the one in the drop down menu in annex 1.

Mandatory Text 30 North-Devon

LocalAuthority Ref

Your Local Authority code (These Local Authority code are the same as the FSA codes and listed in Annex 1). This code should be prefix with an apostrophe where the code starts with a zero.

Mandatory Text 5 „075

SupplyRef For each PWS supply (this includes Onward distribution systems) there should be a unique code. The code should be a maximum of 15 alphanumeric characters, which are always prefixed by a P for the private supply, or a D for a Onward distribution(sometimes called private distribution systems ) followed by your Local Authority code (This Local Authority code is the same as the FSA code and listed in the last page of the spreadsheet) –

Mandatory Text and must be prefixed with a P or a D

30 P075Uniquecode D075Uniquecode Note: The unique code can be Premises code given by your data management system.


Multiple Source supplies

Indicate if PWS or Ongoing distribution system is fed by multiple sources Note; Y or N or U (unknown)


Text 1 N

SiteName Name of Site. Select a name for the site Mandatory Text 50 Manor Farm Littleton

Reporting Year The start date of the Year when the data was collected in the format DD-MMM-YYYY

Mandatory Date 11 01-Jan-2010

Monitoring Indicate if the supply is supplied all year (continuous- C) or if the supply is seasonal (S) or U if unknown.

Mandatory Text 1 C or S or U

Number of samples planned

The number of planned programmed sampling visits, based on the Regulations. Where Audit and Check monitoring are completed at the same visit, this should be recorded as two visits, one for Audit and one for Check monitoring. Note; If this supply is a small supply or onward distribution, the monitoring will be based on the risk assessment. If you have not completed the risk assessment, you will not have any planned samples. Therefore if you plan to visit this supply in this next sampling year, please estimate the proposed sampling based on Regulation 10 (1) (a) to (e) as a minimum, If this is a request sample from a single dwelling please insert a zero „0‟, as it is unlikely you will have planned to sample the dwelling again next year, because there is only a requirement to do this a sample is requested. If you do not know this figure as yet please leave this field blank

Mandatory or „blank‟ if the planned samples are unknown.

Number or blank

4 10


Population For estimate of population supplied for each supply. This is an estimate. Note1; If there are temporary events at on the supply, please record the population of the temporary event in the other section and record the population of the supply for the remainder of the year here. Note 2; If this is a temporary supply, is onward distribution and only operates during the temporary event, this section (and the corresponding volume) should be completed, as the event is a supply in its own right. Note 3; If the permanent to the supply, which extend to the temporary event during the year, usually only serves one property, the details of the single dwelling supply need to be recorded here. The population related to the temporary event is recorded in the temporary event section. All the sampling data, notices, etc will need to be completed for the temporary event in worksheet 3 Data. Note 4; Where the water is used as part of a food manufacturing processes (and not used by the staff) this section can be left blank, but the volume of water used must be completed. If the water is used by the staff then completes this section with the total number of staff. Note 5; If the volume is estimated on the population then this section should be completed as well as the volume.


Number. This must be an actual figure with no > or < symbols.

8 99347


Temporary event Population

For estimate of population supplied during the temporary event for each supply. THIS IS AN ESTIMATE Note 1; If there is more than one temporary event per year estimate the population based on the largest event. Note 2: If this temporary supply is onward distribution and only operates during the temporary event, add a zero „0‟ to this Section and ensure the volume and population section are completed, as the event is a supply in its own right.


Number. This must be an actual figure with no > or < symbols.

8 99347

VolOutCap Estimate of total volume of water supplied by supply in cubic metres/day. ( Where there are multiple sources, include the volume of all the sources in this total volume figure) Local authorities must calculate the volume of water supplied each day. However, for some private water supplies the local authority may not know or be able to estimate the volume of water supplied. In such cases the local authority should estimate the number of people supplied, or preferably obtain volume and population information from the person responsible for the supply. The local authority should assume that each person supplied uses on average of 0.2m3/day (200 litres/day). When calculating how many people use the supply this should be based on the maximum estimated occupation of the premises (excluding temporary events which are recorded elsewhere).



8 10400


Grid Reference Easting‟s

NGR* (National Grid Reference) for the supply is as near to the source as known to date. For Private Distribution systems the NGR is the point the water supply enters the Private Distribution network For multiple sources choose NGR for ONLY ONE source which has the largest estimated volume (Note; keep your own record of the other sources locations). For sites which security concerns, such as MoD site the source can be recorded (for data collection purposes) to be the centre of the site. (You will still need to risk assess the actual source). Note: Format should be six figure Easting’s. (100 km letter code not to be used)

Mandatory Number 6 503674

Grid Reference -Northings

NGR* (National Grid Reference) for the supply is near to the source as known to date. For Private Distribution systems the NGR is the point the water supply enters the Private Distribution network For multiple sources choose NGR for ONLY ONE source which has the largest estimated volume (Note; keep your own record of the other sources locations). For sites which security concerns, such as MoD site the source can be recorded (for data collection purposes) to be the centre of the site. (You will still need to risk assess the actual source). Note: Format should be six figure Eastings. (100 km letter code not to be used)

Mandatory Number 6 132476

*NGR should be two 6 figure references in separated columns The grid reference format should be six figure Eastings and six figure Northings. With no 100 km letter codes - i.e 337192


SourceType specify whether the source is from the list below; BHW = Borehole SPW = Spring SFW = Surface Water RNW = Rainwater MXW = Borehole or spring mixed with surface water. Note; This would include multiple sources, where it is a borehole or spring mixed with surface water MMS = Multiple sources which are a combination of Borehole and spring. EBW = Estuarine or brackish water UNK = UNKNOWN Note: For Onward Distribution systems either look on the Water Companies web site or ask the Water Company who supplies the water.


Text 3 MXW

Main Activities for which the water is used

Confirm which activities the supply is used for from one of the following options: DOMS = Domestic uses (this could include a

dwelling or a non food commercial premises which uses the water for domestic purposes)

COMM = Where the water is used for Commercial

purposes UNKN = UNKNOWN

Mandatory Text 4 DOMS

Water is used for Temporary events

Confirm if you have Temporary events at this supply :Y=YES and N=NO or U = UNKNOWN TEMPORARY events = Temporary event (music

festival, air show,

Mandatory Text 1 Y


Water is used for a food premises

Confirm if you have FOOD PREMISES at this supply :Y=YES and N=NO or U = UNKNOWN As defined by the relevant Food Hygiene Regulations and Directives.

Mandatory Text 1 Y

Water is used hotels, holiday lets, camping and caravan sties, B and B,


Mandatory Text 1 Y

Water is used milking parlours

Confirm if you have Milking Parlour at this supply :Y=YES and N=NO or U = UNKNOWN

Mandatory Text 1 Y

PublicBuilding Field to Indicate sample was taken from building supplying water to the public. Use YES =Y OR N=NO or U = UNKNOWN


Text 1 y

OTHER category of activities which the water is used for

Confirm if you have an OTHER activity which does not fit into the categories above (temporary events, Hotels, etc, food premises, milking parlours) :Y=YES and N=NO or U = UNKNOWN

Mandatory Text 1 Y

Comments Explanation for the OTHER category

COMMENTS If you specify OTHER you must explain what the premises is and why it is

included as OTHER, in this comments section

If no „other‟ activities for which the water is used, insert „NONE‟ in the comments field

Mandatory Text 500


AuthDeptFlag Field to indicate if a site is currently under an authorised departure - Use YES =Y OR N=NO or U = UNKNOWN


Text 1 N

ReducedFlag Field to indicate if reduced sampling frequency has been applied to the supply - - Use YES =Y OR N=NO or U = UNKNOWN


Text 1 N

Restricted information

Confirm if a supply contains restricted information such as SOME Minister of Defence sites. Note: Y=Yes and N=No or U = UNKNOWN


Text 2 N

Current Risk assessment completed

Has a Risk assessment been completed by the 1st January (Y =yes and N=No

Mandatory Text

1 Y

Current Risk assessment Score

What is the current risk assessment overall score on the 1st January If no risk assessment is competed yet record ‘0’ (zero) Note: Scoring taken from the risk assessment scoring systems on . Add the scores from each appropriate risk assessment form together (i.e. either the well or spring or borehole or surface water form)


Number 5 2222

Current Risk assessment Rating

Confirm the Current overall Risk assessment rating on the 1st January - Use letters H for HIGH, M for MEDIUM and L for LOW or N for no risk assessment competed yet This is the overall rating. Note: Scoring taken from the risk assessment scoring systems on


Text 1 H


Previous (Revised) Risk assessment (i.e. Any in year changes)

Any in year changes to the Risk assessment - i.e. Confirm if the current risk assessment has been revised during the past year because of improvement works or deterioration of the supply. Y=yes and N=No


Txt 1 Y

Previous (Revised) Risk assessment rating (i.e. Any in year changes)

If there are any in year changes to Risk assessment, confirm what the rating was, i.e. The current risk assessment has been revised during the past year, because of improvement works or deterioration of the supply. Record the previous risk rating. This is the overall rating. - Use letters H for HIGH, M for MEDIUM and L for LOW or N for no risk assessment competed yet Note: Scoring taken from the risk assessment scoring systems on


Text 1 H

Previous (Revised) Risk assessment Score (i.e. Any in year changes)

If any in year changes to Risk assessment, what was the Score - Record zero '0' if no risk assessment i.e. The current risk assessment has been revised during the past year , because of improvement works or deterioration of the supply, what is the overall score for the risk assessment. If no risk assessment is competed yet record ‘0’ (zero) Note: Scoring taken from the risk assessment scoring systems on . Add the scores from each appropriate risk assessment form (i.e. a well or spring or borehole or surface water) together If you have completed a Risk Assessment this field is mandatory.


Number 5 2222


Regulation 18 Notice Flag

Field to indicate how many Regulation18 notices were served on the supply Use any number from zero „0‟ to 99


Text 2 2

Regulation 18 Notice covering action Flag

Field to indicate how many Regulation18 notices were served WHICH INCLUDED ACTIONS TO IMPROVEMENT the supply. Use any number from zero „0‟ to 99


Text 2 2

Regulation 18 Notice covering action at the Source Flag

Field to indicate how many Regulation 18 notices with improvement works to the source have been served Use any number from zero „0‟ to 99


Text 2 1

Regulation 18 Notice covering action in the distribution network Flag

Field to indicate how many Regulation 18 notices with improvement works to the distribution network have been served Note; distribution network pipe work or inspection chambers/covers and lofts tanks/taps and fittings etc) Use any number from zero „0‟ to 99


Text 2 1

Regulation 18 Notice covering action in the collection chambers Flag

Field to indicate how many Regulation 18 notices with improvement works to the collection chambers/reservoirs/tanks have been served Use any number from zero „0‟ to 99


Text 2 1

Regulation 18 Notice covering action to installing treatment to the supply Flag

Field to indicate how many Regulation 18 notices with improvement works covering treatment of the supply have been served. Use any number from zero „0‟ to 99


Text 2 1

Revoking Regulation 18 Notice Flag

Field to indicate if a Regulation 18 notices has been revoked. Use „Y‟ = Yes and „N‟ = No


Text 1 Y


Appeals to a Regulation 18 Notice Flag

Field to indicate if there has been an appeal to a Regulation 18 notices. (in this year) Use „Y‟ = Yes and „N‟ = No


Text 1 Y

Prosecutions of a Regulation 18 Notice Flag

Field to indicate if there has been a Prosecutions of a Regulation 18 notices (in this year) Use „Y‟ = Yes and „N‟ = No


Text 1 Y

IMPROVEMENTS ACTIONS Water Industry Act 1991 Notice Section 80

Field to indicate how many Water Industry Act 1991 Notice S.80 have been served Use any number from zero „0‟ to 99


Text 2 1

Section 80 Notice covering action at the Source Flag

Field to indicate how many Section 80 notices with improvement works to the source have been served Use any number from zero „0‟ to 99


Text 2 1

Section 80 Notice covering action in the distribution network Flag

Field to indicate how many Section 80 notices with improvement works to the distribution network have been served Note; distribution network = pipe work or inspection chambers/covers and lofts tanks/taps Use any number from zero „0‟ to 99


Text 2 1

Section 80 Notice covering action in the collection chambers Flag

Field to indicate how many Section 80 notices with improvement works to the collection chambers/reservoirs/tanks have been served Use any number from zero „0‟ to 99


Text 2 1


Section 80 Notice covering action to installing treatment to the supply Flag

Field to indicate how many Section 80 notices with improvement works covering treatment of the supply have been served. Use any number from zero „0‟ to 99


Text 2 1

Informal Action Flag

Field to indicate how many occasions you have taken informal action in respect of any notice . Use any number from zero „0‟ to 99


Text 2 1

Works in progress WIPFlag

Field to indicate if improvement Work are in Progress applies Use Y =YES OR N=NO or U = UNKNOWN -


Text 1 y

Appeals to a Section 80 Notice Flag

Field to indicate if there has been an appeal to a Section 80 notices. (in this year) Use „Y‟ = Yes and „N‟ = No


Text 1 Y

Chloramination Flag

For sites where Chloramination is practised (at any time in the reporting year) - Use letters CF Indicate if the treatment system is to all (A) or part (P) of the supply. Note : Complete if applicable


Text 3 CFA or CFPh

AlFlocFlag For sites where Aluminium is used as a flocculent (at any time during the reporting year) - Use letters AF Indicate if the treatment system is to all (A) or part (P) of the supply. Note: Complete if applicable.

Optional Text 3 AFA or AFP


FeFlocFlag For sites where Iron is used as a flocculent (at any time during the reporting year) - Use letters IF Indicate if the treatment system is to all (A) or part (P) of the supply. Note: Complete if applicable.


Text 3 IFA or IFP

SWFlag For sites where water originates from or is influenced by surface water - Use letters SI Indicate if the treatment system is to all (A) or part (P) of the supply. Note: Complete if applicable.

Optional Text 3 SIA or SIP

HypoFlag For sites where hypochlorite added within the distribution system (increased risk of bromate failure). - Use letters HC Indicate if the treatment system is to all (A) or part (P) of the supply. Note : Complete if applicable

Optional Text 3 HCA or HCP

FluorDose For supplies receiving fluoride dosing - Use letters FD Indicate if the treatment system is to all (A) or part (P) of the supply. Note : Complete if applicable


Text 3 FDA or FDP

PhosDose For supplies receiving phosphate dosing - Use letters PD Indicate if the treatment system is to all (A) or part (P) of the supply. Note : Complete if applicable


Text 3 PDA or PDP

Ultra Violet filter treatment system

For supplies receiving Ultra Violet - Use letters UV Indicate if the treatment system is to all (A) or part (P) of the supply. Note : Complete if applicable


Text 3 UVA or UVP


Ion exchange

For supplies receiving ion exchange - Use letters IE Indicate if the treatment system is to all (A) or part (P) of the supply. Note : Complete if applicable


Text 3 IEA or IEP


For supplies treated by Chlorination - Use letters CL Indicate if the treatment system is to all (A) or part (P) of the supply. Note : Complete if applicable

Optional Text 3 CLA or CLP

Nitrate filtration

For supplies treated by Nitrate filtration - Use letters NF Indicate if the treatment system is to all (A) or part (P) of the supply. Note: Complete if applicable

Optional Text 3 NFA or NFP

Membrane filtration

For supplies receiving Membrane filtration - Use letters MF Indicate if the treatment system is to all (A) or part (P) of the supply. Note : Complete if applicable

Optional Text 3 MFA or MFP


For supplies receiving Oxidation - Use letters OX Indicate if the treatment system is to all (A) or part (P) of the supply. Note : Complete if applicable

Optional Text 3 OXA or OXP


For supplies receiving Settlement - Use letters SE Indicate if the treatment system is to all (A) or part (P) of the supply. Note : Complete if applicable

Optional Text 3 SEA or SEP


Manganese filtration

For supplies receiving Managanese filtrtation - Use letters MN Indicate if the treatment system is to all (A) or part (P) of the supply. Note : Complete if applicable

Optional Text 3 MNA or MNP

pH correction For supplies receiving PH correction - Use letters PH Indicate if the treatment system is to all (A) or part (P) of the supply. Note : Complete if applicable

Optional Text 3 PHA or PHP

Blending For supplies receiving Blending - Use letters BL Indicate if the treatment system is to all (A) or part (P) of the supply. Note : Complete if applicable

Optional Text 3 BLA or BLP

Coagulation For supplies receiving coagulation - Use letters CO Indicate if the treatment system is to all (A) or part (P) of the supply. Note : Complete if applicable

Optional Text 3 COA or COP

Aeration For supplies receiving Aeration - Use letters A Indicate if the treatment system is to all (A) or part (P) of the supply. Note : Complete if applicable

Optional Text 3 AEA or AEP

ChlorineDioxide For supplies receiving Chlorine Dioxide - Use letters CD Indicate if the treatment system is to all (A) or part (P) of the supply. Note : Complete if applicable

Optional Text 3 CDA or CDP


OTHER treatment methods not stated above category

Confirm if you have an OTHER treatment methods not stated already :Y=YES and N=NO or leave BLANK if not known

Mandatory Text 1 Y

Comments Explanation for the OTHER category of treatment processes

COMMENTS If you specify OTHER TREATMENTS you must explain what the premises is and why it is

included as OTHER, in this comments section

If no „other‟ treatment insert „NONE‟ in the comments field

Mandatory Text 500

*Note: MOD sites should provide the National Grid Reference at the centroid of a site.


3. DATA Worksheet

(i) The data table must contain records for each individual parameter sampled during a reporting year. (ii) Frequency of submission – on or before 31 January 2011 and each year thereafter. (iii) All date formats must be DD-MMM-YYYY (iv) The fields must be in the order specified below. (v) See file „Annex2’ to DWI Information letter 13-2010 for example of completed worksheet (vi) If you do not have any private water supplies you do not need to complete this sheet. (vii) You only need to complete this section for a single dwelling (which is not a public building and has no commercial use) if you have carried out a sample or a risk assessment at the supply.




FIELD EXAMPLE (for illustration only)

SupplyRef (As Details worksheet)

Mandatory Text 30 P075 Uniquecode or D075 Uniquecode

ParameterCode The parameters in the Regulations are detailed in a drop down menu on the spreadsheet. This can be inserted (copy and pasted) as either a code”C002” or “C002: Description of the parameter” (i.e. Escherichia.coli). When the code and descriptive are added the format must be an exact replica. If you are not cut and pasting or importing the data, it is advised to choose the parameter from the drop down menu to ensure it is in the correct format. For any other parameter, use the code list on the (or contact DWI enquiries if you have any difficulties finding this list).

Mandatory Text 5 A012


SampleResult The actual result for individual sample. Note: Sample results must be recorded in the units specified in the Regulations

Mandatory Number - Floating point Note; This means the number can have numbers after the decimal point

8 54.3

> or < qualifier Sample less than limit of detection Note: Leave blank if not applicable.

Optional Text < 1 <

SampleDate Date sample taken in the format DD-MMM-YYYY

Mandatory Date 11 04-Jan-2008

Sample type Indicate what purpose the sample was taken from one of the following; Programmed sample (PRO), revisit sample, (REV) requested sample (REQ), investigation sample (INV), Notice compliance sample (NOT) or UNK = UNKNOWN Note; not the check or audit sample but follow up sample to investigate where the problem is in the sample. This is not the final sample prior to revoking the Notice 18 (5).


Text 3 PRO or REV or REQ or INV or NOT

PCVFailFlag Field to indicate if PCV standard or specification exceeded or U = UNKNOWN - Use letter F Note: Leave blank if not applicable. Note; This is not applicable for parameters which do not have a numeric PVC, such Taste, odour or colony counts.

Optional Text 1 F


CustFitFlag Field to Indicate failure caused by customer fittings – add comments in Comments field. - Use letters CT or UN = UNKNOWN Note : Leave blank if not applicable

Optional Text 2 CT

Comments General comments field i.e. for reasons why samples are not planned or other unknown fields or for why there are PCV failures Indicate here if the sample has been taken from a bottle or a container.

Discretionary Text 500