private education worklist

Private Education Worklist

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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Private education worklist

Private Education Worklist

Page 2: Private education worklist

Forms/Requests on Private Education Worklist

Paper Certification Requests Overlapping Private Education Loan Clarification Student requests to update loan period from Fall/Spring to Fall


Page 3: Private education worklist

Claim Worklist Item

Go to “Pending Worklist” screen and “claim next item” for Private Education Loan

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Review Form

Click on the “Image” to review student’s submitted document

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Paper Private Loan Certifications

▪ Paper certification requests are received when a private lender does not use ELM– Private Lenders that do not use ELM include: ▪ Pentagon Federal Credit Union▪ MEFA▪ Bank of North Dakota

▪ Review the private loan certification request▪ Review student eligibility for Private loan▪ Review loan period requested by the lender▪ Go to the “Assign Awards to a Student” screen PeopleSoft to review

student’s cost of attendance▪ If the student has unmet need, post the private loan

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Paper Private Loan Certifications (continued)

▪ Complete paper certification request according to document received– Information requested typically

includes:▪ Cost of Attendance▪ Other Financial Aid▪ Remaining Eligibility▪ Disbursement Dates▪ Approved Loan Amount

▪ Depending on the lender you may FAX or email to completed certification

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Override Loan Status in PeopleSoft

▪ After loan originates, transmission must be manually overridden

▪ From the CommonLine Management screen – Click on the “Remove Hold” radio

button and click Update Status– Click the “Accept Orig” radio

button and click Update Status– Save

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Overlapping Private Education Loan Clarification

Note: Depending on time of year, you may or may not be able to post the private loan right away and may need to “Hold” the request to certify at a later time

Review submitted E-Form to determine the loan period to certify

Review student eligibility (SAP status, Enrollment, COA, etc.) If student is eligible, post private loan accordingly

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Overlapping Private Education Loan Clarification(Origination)

Loan origination occurs hourly. After the origination of the private loan, we must ensure that the lender info is attached to the loan for it to transmit to ELM properly.

Go back to your pending worklist and select student from your claimed items.

If additional data has no longer has information under private loan certification, the system has completed the origination step for us and the worklist can be completed.

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Overlapping Private Education Loan Clarification(Origination)

If the loan information is still in the additional data section, go to “Maintain Originated Loans” and enter the student id. Select the private loan that was most recently certified.

Select “Loan Origination 1” tab

In “Loan Destination Nbr” box, enter 3-digit Private Lender Destination Code

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Overlapping Private Education Loan Clarification(Origination)

Select “Loan Origination 2” tab:

– Click on the “Update ID” link

– In the “Loan Application ID” box, enter the 17-digit Loan Unique ID (copy and paste from worklist item detail)

– Verify Commonline Unique ID is correct – numbers and letters in proper sequence

– Click on “OK” button– Click on “Save”


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Overlapping Private Education Loan Clarification(Update CL4 Response Record)

Go to “View CL4 Response Record” screen

Identify the “Queue Inst” number from the work list item detail screen

In the “Queue Instance” field, enter the “Queue Inst” number from the certification report and search.

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Overlapping Private Education Loan Clarification(Update CL4 Response Record)

Select “Application Detail” tab

Click on “View All” link Identify each “Dtl LnNbr”

from the worklist item detail screen

Change “Load Status” from “Error” to “Processed”

Click on “Save” button Complete the worklist

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Student request to adjust from Fall/Spring to Fall Only

Student may submit a written statement requesting that their private education loan be adjusted from Fall/Spring to Fall Only

We may be able to process depending upon remaining COA for the Fall term

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Student request to adjust from Fall/Spring to Fall Only(Update in PeopleSoft)

Review student’s Fall COA and minus any aid posted If able to update to Fall Only

Update in PeopleSoft Assign Awards screen Enter “B” and click on Disbursement Click on the Custom Split check box Update amount in the Fall portion to the appropriate amount

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Student request to adjust from Fall/Spring to Fall Only(Update on ELM)

Contact Lender by phone to request update to loan period and reschedule disbursement

Update on ELM (if able to) Login and search for student by name, SSN, or CL ID Choose correct private loan certification to update Update Loan Period to Fall Only: 08/18/2016 to 12/10/2016 Update Disbursement for pending disbursement to one day after today’s date Click on Action Apply and Save Changes

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Scenario CommentPaper Private Loan

Certification Request

Private Loan through <lender> received and processed. Faxed/emailed paper private loan certification request to fax number/email address.

Overlapping Private Loan

Per Overlapping Private Loan Clarification Form received, certified private loan for <fall/spring, spring, summer> term.

Fall Only Request; Private Loan already

certified as Fall/Spring

Per student request, adjusted private loan to Fall loan period in PeopleSoft and through <ELM/Lender>.