print productions - initial ideas

Double Exposure Examples

Upload: livthomas

Post on 24-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Print productions - Initial ideas

Double Exposure Examples

Page 2: Print productions - Initial ideas

I saw the image above while doing some research into my music video covers. From this I had the idea to incorporate the sense of longing and isolation (main girls face) while there is a memory of the girls together in the cracks of the glass. Presenting a broken relationship and bond.

Page 3: Print productions - Initial ideas

I found this picture when researching into ‘double exposure’ images. I really liked the concept and look, again presenting the sense of longing. Also how the person within the larger face is position in the centre of the head. To me this made it seem like the larger face/person in the image was thinking of someone or a memory.I roughly planned out an idea where it would show a person’s (one of the girls head) as the main image and within would show a faded image of a memory of both girls either together or holding hands (a happy memory).

Page 4: Print productions - Initial ideas

Here I had the idea of somehow presenting one of the girls to be fading away, as they are now just a memory because the girls decided to separate. After researching images of a person slightly faded, I studied it and came to grips with how I could make my image look the same. Above is a screen shot of my current progress with fading the image. I like the result so far, but feel that is needs more to it as it is too plain. However the simplicity is nice.

Page 5: Print productions - Initial ideas

Linking to the previous slide I also thought it could look really effective and eye catching if Meg’s character wasn’t to just disappear or fade, but dematerialise and ‘fly’ away. Here are some images that present the idea I hope to replicate in one of my images.

Page 6: Print productions - Initial ideas

The image to the right is a piece I came across during my research. I found it very eye catching and interesting, so instantly thought of how I could incorporate it as a cover design. I initially had the idea of having the glass around the girl and one piece over the left eye was the eye of Meg, while the rest of the face remained as the same person. I also thought the different splashes of colour seemed quite ‘indie’ and ‘pop’ which links to my genre. I’m still experimenting and attempting to figure out how I could effectively produce a piece that’ll replicate the original image.

Page 7: Print productions - Initial ideas

This was actually one of the first ideas I had which was to link to the idea of double exposure and have the girls face in the same shot, but one of their eyes would be the same, thus connecting their faces together.

This then led to the idea of something similar, but instead of their faces merging, it would be a half and half image of each girls face to create and overall whole face.