principle-based organizational structure project ·...

STANDARD TEMPLATE Principle-based Organizational Structure Project Plan version August 25, 2016 copyright 2016 N. Dean Meyer and Associates Inc. One-tier Version Principle-based Organizational Structure NDMA Workshop 1: Process Planning 1 day (Executive, facilitators, HR executive?) (add 1 day for organizations other than IT) * Explain Principle-based Organizational Structure model, with Q&A. * Translate model into industry/organization (non-IT only). * Diagnose current organization, envision adjustments. * Determine number of tiers of cascade. * Decide participants in initial design team. * Decide facilitation team: process, HR, communications, secretary, union representatives. * Plan process, select dates. * Review HR policy. * Establish ground rules. * Discuss communications plan. * Summarize action items. * Assign mentor.

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Principle-based Organizational Structure

Project Planversion August 25, 2016

copyright 2016 N. Dean Meyer and Associates Inc.

One-tier Version

Principle-based Organizational StructureNDMA Workshop 1: Process Planning1 day (Executive, facilitators, HR executive?)

(add 1 day for organizations other than IT)

* Explain Principle-based Organizational Structure model, with Q&A.

* Translate model into industry/organization (non-IT only).

* Diagnose current organization, envision adjustments.

* Determine number of tiers of cascade.

* Decide participants in initial design team.

* Decide facilitation team: process, HR, communications, secretary,union representatives.

* Plan process, select dates.

* Review HR policy.

* Establish ground rules.

* Discuss communications plan.

* Summarize action items.

* Assign mentor.

Principle-based Organizational Structure Project Plan page 2

Principle-based Organizational Structure: Organization ChartClient Task 1: Preparation and Invitations (minimum time: 2 weeks)

* Procure license, studies, books.

* Invite initial-design-team participants and facilitators.

* Arrange logistics for meetings.

* Arrange Transition Leadership Training, Part One.

* Announce process to staff.

* Solicit ongoing organizationwide input.

* Meet with HR to discuss policy, involvement.

* Begin 360-degree feedback data collection (if needed).


Principle-based Organizational Structure: Organization ChartNDMA Workshop 2: Education Workshop2 days (Executive, initial design team, facilitators)

* Introduction: ground-rules (no lost jobs or pay), introduce facilitators.

* Brainstorming (pain points): where is structure getting in our way.

* Teach Principle-based Organizational Structure model, with Q&A.

* Rainbow analysis (diagnose current structure).

* Teach the concepts of high-performance teamwork (domains, catalog,walk-throughs).

* Teach implementation process, level of effort.

* Q&A.

* Discuss obstacles to restructuring, agree to change?

* Marking the decision.

* Describe next step: plan ideal organization.

* Discuss communications plan.

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Principle-based Organizational Structure: Organization ChartClient Task 2: Generation of Alternative Structures (minimum time: 1 week)

* Initial design team members each generate alternative structures.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: Organization ChartNDMA Workshop 3: Design Workshop3 days (Executive, initial design team, facilitators)

(subtract 1 day for teams <= 12 people)(add 1 day if meeting skills are weak)(add 1 day if tier-one and tier-two combined)

* Study individual proposals (3 minutes each).

* Present individual proposals (3 minutes each).

* Identify detailed lines of business to be in future structure (8-12 hours).

* Combine elements into tier-one structure (6-8 hours).

* Cluster within tier-one into tier-two structure.

* Split clusters for span.

* Consensus: discuss concerns, commit to structure.

* Time permitting: Brainstorm skills requirements for each job(selection criteria).

* Describe selection process.

* Communications plan.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: Organization ChartClient Task 3: Prepare Executive Presentation (minimum time: 1 week)

* Prepare executive presentation.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: Organization ChartNDMA Workshop 4: Executive Presentation1 day (Executive, HR executive, Executive chain of command,

Organization's "Board of Directors")

* Explain reasons for change, action plan (RoadMap).

* Present Principle-based Organizational Structure model (NDMA).

* Present proposed organizational structure.

* Describe steps in process to date.

* Discuss top executives' concerns, solicit support.

* Describe remaining steps in process.

* Discuss communications plan.

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Principle-based Organizational Structure: Organization ChartClient Task 4: Necessary Approvals (minimum time: 1 week)

* Gain approval of organization chart (if necessary).

Principle-based Organizational Structure: Organization ChartNDMA Workshop 5: Transition Leadership Training, Part One1 day (Executive, initial design team, facilitators, Chris Edgelow)

* Explore the challenges of transformational change.

* Define the differences between change and transitions, and the threephases of transitions.

* Describe communications strategies that help organizations withtransformational change.

* Identify where leaders are, and will be, in their transition processes.

* Develop strategies for people within the initial design team to manageeach of the three phases of transition.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: Organization ChartClient Task 5: Assignment of Leaders

(minimum time: 3 weeks, more if posting or government)(add 1 week if tier-one and tier-two combined)

* Post positions (if necessary).

* Executive meets individually with each initial candidate:career directions, job preferences (1, 2, 3, 4).

* Executive selects leaders, communicates with all candidates.

* Begin recruitment process for new leaders as needed (internal andexternal).

* Communicate new structure and leadership selections to staff.

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Principle-based Organizational Structure: Organization ChartNDMA Workshop 6: Education of New Leaders (if necessary)2 days (Executive, a few selected tier-ones, new leaders, facilitators)

* Review reasons for change: Organizationwide Assessment, visionaryexpectations, gaps.

* Introduce ground-rules (no lost jobs or pay), facilitators.

* Responsibilities of leaders: implement change, teach others.

* Review RoadMap philosophy, process, where we are in the process(NDMA).

* Describe pain points.

* Teach Principle-based Organizational Structure theory (by NDMA).

* Present the results of the rainbow exercise.

* Describe the process to date.

* Review new structure.

* Discuss and agree on adjustments (restart only).

* Teach the concepts of high-performance teamwork (domains, catalog,walk-throughs).

* Overview the rest of the implementation process.

* Discuss communications plan.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: Organization ChartNDMA Workshop 7: Domains Education2 days (Executive, initial leaders, facilitators)

(add 1 day if tier-one and tier-two combined)

* Kick-off meeting (1 hour):- Introduce leaders.- Review any issues with process to date.- Teach how to write domains.

* Individual meetings with each tier-one: overview each group's domain(1 hour each, 90 minutes if tier-two included).

Principle-based Organizational Structure: Organization ChartClient Task 6: Drafting Domains (minimum time: 1 week)

* Draft domain statements; optionally list examples of products andservices.

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Principle-based Organizational Structure: Organization ChartNDMA Workshop 8: Draft Domains Review1 day (webinar?) (Executive, initial leaders, facilitators)

(add 1 day if tier-one and tier-two combined)

* Private meetings with each tier-one: review domain statements (30min each; 60 min if includes tier two).

Principle-based Organizational Structure: Organization ChartClient Task 7: Refining Domains (minimum time: 1 week)

* Refine domain statements.

* Make copies for all attendees at next workshop.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: Organization ChartNDMA Workshop 9: Final Domains Workshop2 days (Executive, initial leaders, facilitators)

(add 1 day if tier-one and tier-two combined)

* Exchange domains; eliminate gaps/overlaps, improve wording.

* Plan communications.

* Private meetings with each tier-one: review domain changes,observations.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: Organization ChartClient Task 8: Communication of Tier-one Domains (minimum time: 2 weeks)

* Finalize domain statements.

* Communicate structure and domains to staff.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: Organization ChartClient Task 9: Job Descriptions (minimum time: in parallel)

* Write job descriptions for HR grading.

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Principle-based Organizational Structure: Work FlowsNDMA Workshop 10: Catalogs Education3 days (Executive, initial leaders, facilitators)

(add 1 day if tier-one and tier-two combined)

* Kick-off meeting (2 hours):. Introduce work flow process.. Teach how to define catalog, definitions.

* Private meetings with each tier-one (2 hours each, 3 hours if includestier twos): overview each group's catalog.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: Work FlowsClient Task 10: Drafting Catalogs (minimum time: 1 week)

* Draft catalogs, definitions.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: Work FlowsNDMA Workshop 11: Draft Catalogs Review2 days (webinar?) (Executive, initial leaders, facilitators)

(add 1 day if tier-one and tier-two combined)

* Private meetings with each tier-one (1 hour, 90 minutes if includes tiertwos): review catalogs.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: Work FlowsClient Task 11: Refining Catalogs (minimum time: 1 week)

* Refine catalogs, definitions.

* Make copies for all attendees at next workshop.

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Principle-based Organizational Structure: Work FlowsNDMA Workshop 12: Final Catalogs Workshop4 days (Executive, initial leaders, facilitators)

(add 1 day if tier-one and tier-two combined)

* Introduction to workshop (30 minutes).

* Present catalogs with definitions, discuss and refine.

* Describe next steps.

* Revise communications plan.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: Work FlowsClient Task 12: Finalize Catalogs (minimum time: 1 week)

* Finalize catalogs.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: Work FlowsClient Task 13: Organization Manual (minimum time: in parallel)

* Assemble and distribute to leaders draft organizational manual(organization chart, domains, catalogs, glossary, culture).

Principle-based Organizational Structure: Work FlowsNDMA Workshop 13: Walk-throughs Templates Workshop3 days (Executive, initial leaders, facilitators)

* Describe how to do a walk-through.

* Do walk-throughs as templates.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: Work FlowsClient Task 14: Add Template Walk-throughs (minimum time: 2 weeks)

* Add template walk-throughs to organization manual.

* Do walk-throughs on actual projects (2-day workshop).

Principle-based Organizational Structure: Work FlowsNDMA Workshop 14: Walk-throughs Review Workshop1 day (webinar?) (Executive, initial leaders, facilitators)

* Finish questions raised during walk-throughs, parked issues.

* Review walk-throughs on actual projects.

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Principle-based Organizational Structure: Work FlowsClient Task 15: Reinforcing Teamwork (minimum time: 1 week)

* Eliminate incentives for independence.

* Do team-building exercises (workshop, if necessary).

* Do additional walk-throughs on actual projects, as needed(workshops).


Principle-based Organizational Structure: Organization Chart, Tier-TwoNDMA Workshop 28: Education of New Tier-two Leaders (if necessary)2 days (Executive, a few initial leaders, new leaders, facilitators)

* Review reasons for change: Organizationwide Assessment, visionaryexpectations, gaps.

* Introduce ground-rules (no lost jobs or pay), facilitators.

* Review RoadMap philosophy, process, where we are in the process(NDMA).

* Describe findings of root-cause analysis, action plan (RoadMap).

* Overview cultural objectives, gaps.

* Teach Principle-based Organizational Structure theory (by NDMA).

* Present the results of the rainbow exercise.

* Describe the process to date.

* Review new structure.

* Discuss and agree on adjustments (restart only).

* Teach the concepts of high-performance teamwork (domains, catalogs,walk-throughs).

* Overview the rest of the implementation process.

* Teach details on how to do next steps.

* Discuss communications plan.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutNDMA Workshop 29: Cultural Principles Workshop1 day (Executive, leaders, facilitators)

* Review culture principles, select those needed to make structure work.

* Communications plan.

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Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutNDMA Workshop 30: Rollout Plan2 days (Executive, leadership team, facilitators)

* Discuss level of commitment to contracting; review rules ofcontracting.

* Plan announcement: task forces, agenda, speakers, and handouts.

* Plan announcement: client meetings.

* Finalize plan for rostering.

* Plan roster-adjustment process.

* Plan post-announcement small-group education, task force.

* Describe migration process (to be planned in detail later); confirmmigration workshop dates.

* Plan next steps through Announcement Day.

* Review schedule for leadership-team meetings.

* Examine start-up plans for new lines of business.

* Open Q&A, parked issues.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 32: Announcement Day Invitations and Logistics

(minimum time: 1 week)

* Confirm date for Announcement Day.

* Invite staff to Announcement Day.

* Withdraw searches and postings.

* Plan Announcement Day logistics.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 33: Schedule Client Meetings (minimum time: in parallel)

* Schedule Sales and Marketing' meetings with key clients to followannouncement.

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Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 34: Map Old Structure to New (minimum time: 1 week)

* Map old structure to new (workshop).

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutNDMA Workshop 31: Internal Economy Impact Analysis1 day (Executive, tier-one, tier-two Sales and Marketing,

facilitators, Finance staff)

* Review theory of internal economy.

* Describe current internal economy.

* Identify impacts of structure.

* Identify minimal changes necessitated by structural change; selectwhich will be dealt with now.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 35: Internal Economy Changes (minimum time: in parallel)

* Plan new cost centers; map budgets to new structure.

* Other changes to internal economy.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 36: Finalize Structure (minimum time: 1 week)

* Select names of groups (workshop).

* Assemble final organization manual.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 37: Skills Inventory (minimum time: in parallel)

* Conduct skills inventory.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 38: Contracts Form and Database (minimum time: in parallel)

* Develop contracts form, database.

* Decide policies: process for assigning contract numbers, who cancommit, client agreements/signatures.

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Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 39: Announcement Presentations and Materials

(minimum time: 2 weeks)

* Prepare announcement presentations.

* Prepare internal handouts, including final organization manual.

* Prepare client handouts, including brochure.

* Print business cards.

* Develop logo.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 40: Prepare for Transition Management Workshop

(minimum time: in parallel)

* Meet by telephone with Transition Leadership Training course leader.

* Plan logistics for Transition Leadership Training workshop.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutNDMA Workshop 32: Transition Leadership Training, Part Two1 day (Executive, leadership team, facilitators, Chris Edgelow)

* Define the differences between change and transitions, and the threephases of transitions.

* Review change facilitation and communications plans.

* Identify where people are, and will be, in the transition process.

* Develop strategies to manage each of the three phases of transition.

* Train leaders to help the rest of the staff with their transitions.

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Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutNDMA Workshop 33: Consultancy Orientation Workshop2 days (Executive (half day), all Sales and Marketing)

* The mission and value of the Consultancy function (1 hour)

- Client relationships

- Strategic alignment

- Market-driven IT

* The four types of Consultancy (1 hour)

* The specific products of the Consultancy (8-10 hours)

- Product definitions, deliverables

* Launch strategy: which products to launch first (1 hour)

* Development strategy: next steps to study (1 hour)

- Methods, skills, and competencies associated with each product

- Individual skills

- Boundaries with Technology functions

- Communications plan

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 41: Small-group Education Course Materials

(minimum time: in parallel)

* Prepare Small-group Education course materials.

* Study Small-group Education course materials; arrange co-teachers(workshop).

* Plan co-teachers.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 42: Leadership Training (minimum time: 1 week)

* Schedule new-supervisor training.

* Teach how to supervise geographically dispersed groups.

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Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 43: Parked Issues (minimum time: 1 week)

* Resolve all parked issues (workshop).

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 44: Rostering Staff (minimum time: 1 week)

* Prepare materials for rostering.

* Roster all staff, contractors (workshop, 1 day/500 people).

* Roster all assets, vendor contracts.

* Determine site coordinators.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 45: Communicate New Roster (minimum time: 1 week)

* Communicate the new roster (approximately one week beforeAnnouncement Day).

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 46: Roster Administrative Changes (minimum time: 1 week)

* Update building/computer security rights.

* Update Human Resources data.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 47: Good-bye Ceremonies (minimum time: 1 week)

* Existing managers host good-bye ceremonies.

* Discard old business cards, etc.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 48: Rehearsals (minimum time: in parallel)

* Rehearse presentations (two 1-day workshops).

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Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutNDMA Workshop 34: Announcement Day1 day (All staff, facilitators)

* Executive expresses challenge, support.

* Present executive's vision, concerns.

* Present strengths and weaknesses.

* Describe ground rules: no lost jobs or pay.

* Teach Principle-based Organizational Structure model (NDM).

* Present diagnosis of current structure (rainbows).

* Present what we did with NDMA model; process to date.

* Unveil organization, with roster.

* Teach how to read catalogs.

* Present a walk-through.

* Present cultural changes.

* Present process here forward.

* Q&A.

* Present closing remarks.

* Distribute internal handouts.

* Hold reception.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 49: Client and Vendor Announcements (minimum time: 3 weeks)

* Distribute client handouts.

* Sales and Marketing meet with key clients.

* Others meet with vendors.

* Back-up help desk.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 50: Roster Errors (minimum time: 1 week)

* Receive requests for reconsideration.

* Correct individual rostering errors (workshop).

* Communicate final roster.

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Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 51: Transition Monitoring Team (minimum time: in parallel)

* Form transition monitoring team; begin soliciting feedback.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 52: Small-group Education (minimum time: 2 weeks)

* Hold small-group educational meetings:. Every group's line of business.. Every group's own domain, catalog.. Walk-throughs.. Cultural principles.. Transition management.. Contracting.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 53: Fill Openings (minimum time: in parallel)

* Post and fill openings (if necessary).

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 54: Plan Sales and Marketing-Engineers Boundary Workshop

(minimum time: in parallel)

* Plan Sales and Marketing-Engineers Boundary Workshop (telephonemeeting with Mary Boone).

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 55: Formal and Informal Tier-three Structure

(minimum time: in parallel)

* Self-managed groups document operating principles.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 56: Administrative Changes (minimum time: in parallel)

* Establish contracts database, contract form.

* Make personnel changes: personnel databases, job descriptions, costcenters.

* Implement new space plan.

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Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 57: Map Existing Products to Domains (minimum time: in parallel)

* Finalize mapping of existing products to domains (workshop).

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 58: New Employee Education (minimum time: in parallel)

* Develop new-employee education plan and curriculum.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutNDMA Workshop 35: Migration Workshop One1 day (Executive, leadership team, transition monitoring team, facilitators)

* Review migration rule: continue past accountabilities until migrated.

* Review Migration Milestones 1.. Discuss rostering.. Discuss education.. Discuss general questions.

* Review objectives of migration process, and outline of recommendedsteps.

* Plan migration process in detail, based on key process questions.

* Review techniques of contracting.

* Communications plan.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 59: Transition Meetings (minimum time: in parallel)

* Hold individual transition management meetings.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 60: New Client Contracts (minimum time: in parallel)

* Begin practice of documenting all new contracts (prime andsubcontracts); establish regular walk-through meetings.

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Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 61: Existing Client Contracts (minimum time: 1 week)

* Document all existing client contracts.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 62: Verify Client Contracts (minimum time: 2 weeks)

* Verify all client contracts with beneficiaries.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 63: Migrating Client Contracts (minimum time: 2 weeks)

* Migrate client contracts.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 64: Update Organization Manual (minimum time: in parallel)

* Resolve issues and revise the organization manual, as required.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutNDMA Workshop 36: Sales and Marketing-Engineers Boundary Workshop2 days (Sales and Marketing, Technologist leaders, administrative support,

Mary Boone)

* Half-day with Sales and Marketing: overview of needs assessment;first draft of definition of a functional requirement.

* Half-day with Engineers: overview of needs assessment; first draft ofdefinition of a functional requirement.

* Joint session: final boundary negotiations: final functionalrequirement definition.

* Discuss communications plan.

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Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutNDMA Workshop 37: Migration Workshop Two1 day (Executive, leadership team, transition monitoring team, facilitators)

* Introduce agenda.

* Break-out groups: review Migration Milestones 2 (45 minutes).

* Report results.

* Break-out groups: plan action items (45 minutes).

* Report results; agree on action items.

* Assign accountabilities and timetable.

* Review and revise remaining migration schedule.

* Discuss general questions.

* Develop communications plan.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 65: Plan Consultancy Skills Workshop (minimum time: in parallel)

* Plan Consultancy Skills Workshop (telephone meeting with MaryBoone).. Purpose of project: objectives. Scope. Steps in process. Design project plan. Number of attendees

* Complete pre-work for Consulting Skills workshop.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 66: Internal Contracts (minimum time: 6 weeks)

* Finish migrating client contracts that no longer belong.

* Document and migrate internal contracts.

* Walk-throughs on preexisting prime contracts.

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Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutNDMA Workshop 38: Sales and Marketing Skills Workshop2 days (Sales and Marketing, Mary Boone)

* Developing a vision of the mission of the Consultancy.

* Refining and presenting the Sales and Marketing' product line.

* Skills.- Communication imperatives in virtual environments.- Sales and Marketing as change agents.- Listening, speaking, and meeting skills.- Client relationship skills.- Contracting skills.- Mediation skills.

* Interactive role-play case studies with video feedback.

* Personal development skills.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutNDMA Workshop 39: Migration Workshop Three2 days (Executive, leadership team, transition monitoring team, facilitators)

* Introduce agenda.

* Break-out groups: review Migration Milestones 2 (45 minutes).

* Report results.

* Break-out groups: plan action items (45 minutes).

* Report results; agree on action items.

* Assign accountabilities and timetable.

* Plan process to update organization manual, and disseminate changes.

* Plan ongoing walk-through process.

* Plan load-balancing process.

* Review and revise remaining migration schedule.

* Discuss general questions.

* Develop communications plan.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 67: Load Balancing (minimum time: 6 weeks)

* Finish documenting internal contracts.

* Forecast both resources and workload per period by group; projectshortfalls.

* Adjust roster and create temporary duties if necessary as a result ofload-balancing (workshop).

* Plan improvements to the internal economy, if necessary.

* Finalize contract due dates.

* Justify and pursue additions to staff if appropriate.

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Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 68: Critical Training (minimum time: 6 weeks)

* Train Sales and Marketing in needs assessment and benefitsmeasurement methods.

* Develop Standards Coordinator's methods of participative planning.

* Train staff in: project management, time management, projectestimating, consulting skills, business entrepreneurship, team-building,writing and communicating.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutNDMA Workshop 40: Institutionalization Workshop2 days (Executive, leadership team, transition monitoring team, facilitators)

* Meet separately with groups: questions and concerns.

* Assess success at cultural change.

* Resolve open questions; refine domains, catalogs.

* Assess progress against milestones.

* Identify future organizational needs: adjustments, additions.

* Coach entrepreneurs in business strategies.

* Review RoadMap: plan next systemic change.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 69: Final Steps (minimum time: ongoing)

* Plan quarterly check-up workshops.

* Remove old security rights.

* Update and republish organization manual.

* Hold individual performance-management meetings.

* Hold individual career planning meetings.

* Reopen career change opportunities.

Principle-based Organizational Structure: RolloutClient Task 70: Executive Reinforcement (minimum time: ongoing)

* Provide executive reinforcement.