principal's report - · jayapura, papua, dan kadang-kadang di kota...

Week 9A 27.3.2018 Principal's Report Wow! What a terrific Open Day we shared together. Thank you for your part in making our welcome to the Wagga community so wonderful. There was a constant stream of people inside the MPC, touring the College and exploring the new outside venues. The music, displays, competitions and creative performances were all so enjoyable. Earlier in the week, our presence at the Marketplace was well received, with people engaging with staff and students all day. This year, we tried new ways of connecting by focusing on digital and social media. I believe these changes had a positive impact on the success of the day. The Easter season is here! I have been reading about Jesuslast weeks on earth by reading the final chapters of the book Matthew in the Bible. Though I have read it many times, I am again struck by the Easter story. The people who were created for a loving relationship with God rejected Jesus, Gods son. Christians celebrate their restored relationship with God though Jesus death and resurrection. He gave his life willingly, it is the sacrificial atonement for our rebellion. Our desire to rule our lives rather than asking God to lead us in ways of wisdom, peace and abundant life is the great folly of the human condition. I urge you to consider the claims of Christ anew this Easter season. There are many Easter services to attend and I encourage you to celebrate the new life we are offered freely through Him. May I ask you to by mindful of children with intolerances and allergies this Easter? A significant percentage of Easter eggs are made on machines that manufacture other products that contain nuts. Students are not permitted to share Easter eggs because they may adversely affect students who have allergies. This is one way we meet our duty of care to all our students. Your decision to work with us with our allergy awareness policy is greatly appreciated, see our full policy here. Congratulations to CJ Lang (Year 8) who has played in the NSW Under 15’s Country Boyssoftball team at the NSW state titles. He was competing against teams from Australia, New Zealand and Japan. CJ has also been selected in the Wagga Wagga All Stars representative team. Congratulations also to our Basketball Representatives who competed in Albury last week. The College has a strong presence in the wider arena of representative basketball. Thank you to all who have enabled this. Congratulations similarly to Jones Russell (Year 3) who earned second place in the 50 m freestyle at the CSSA State Swimming Carnival last week. If my memory serves me correctly, he will be the first student to represent us at the PSSA Swimming Carnival. We look forward to your next competition Jones! I signed many Extended Leave forms for various students to follow their dreams by showing cattle, competing in sporting events and pursuing excellence in music. I love that we can partner with families in these opportunities. Thanks for talking with us at our Parent Teacher Interviews and for sharing your own version of hopes and dreams. If you have been unable to attend, we encourage you to make appointments with our Staff to talk. You can do so via the College Office. Have a wonderful and reflective Easter, Mr Hugh MacCallum Principal Junior School Students preparing for Open Day

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Week 9A 27.3.2018

Principal's Report

Wow! What a terrific Open Day we shared together. Thank you for your part in making our welcome to

the Wagga community so wonderful. There was a constant stream of people inside the MPC, touring the

College and exploring the new outside venues. The music, displays, competitions and creative performances

were all so enjoyable. Earlier in the week, our presence at the Marketplace was well received, with people

engaging with staff and students all day. This year, we tried new ways of connecting by focusing on digital and

social media. I believe these changes had a positive impact on the success of the day.

The Easter season is here! I have been reading about Jesus’ last weeks on earth by reading the final chapters

of the book Matthew in the Bible. Though I have read it many times, I am again struck by the Easter story. The

people who were created for a loving relationship with God rejected Jesus, God’s son. Christians celebrate their

restored relationship with God though Jesus death and resurrection. He gave his life willingly, it is the

sacrificial atonement for our rebellion. Our desire to rule our lives rather than asking God to lead us in

ways of wisdom, peace and abundant life is the great folly of the human condition. I urge you to

consider the claims of Christ anew this Easter season. There are many Easter services to attend and I

encourage you to celebrate the new life we are offered freely through Him.

May I ask you to by mindful of children with intolerances and allergies this Easter? A significant percentage of

Easter eggs are made on machines that manufacture other products that contain nuts. Students are not

permitted to share Easter eggs because they may adversely affect students who have allergies. This is

one way we meet our duty of care to all our students. Your decision to work with us with our allergy awareness

policy is greatly appreciated, see our full policy here.

Congratulations to CJ Lang (Year 8) who has played in the NSW Under 15’s

Country Boys’ softball team at the NSW state titles. He was competing against

teams from Australia, New Zealand and Japan. CJ has also been selected in the

Wagga Wagga All Stars representative team. Congratulations also to our

Basketball Representatives who competed in Albury last week. The College

has a strong presence in the wider arena of representative basketball. Thank you

to all who have enabled this. Congratulations similarly to Jones Russell (Year 3)

who earned second place in the 50 m freestyle at the CSSA State Swimming

Carnival last week. If my memory serves me correctly, he will be the first student to

represent us at the PSSA Swimming Carnival. We look forward to your next

competition Jones!

I signed many Extended Leave forms for various students to follow their dreams by

showing cattle, competing in sporting events and pursuing

excellence in music. I love that we can partner with families in

these opportunities.

Thanks for talking with us at our Parent Teacher

Interviews and for sharing your own version of hopes and

dreams. If you have been unable to attend, we encourage

you to make appointments with our Staff to talk. You can do

so via the College Office.

Have a wonderful and reflective Easter,

Mr Hugh MacCallum

Principal Junior School Students preparing for Open Day

Pray for: All those who have made contact with us about

possible future enrolments at the College Safety and consideration over the Easter break Families as they reconnect over Easter Give thanks for: Easter A great Open Day Our wonderful community of volunteers and

staff who give so freely to make our events a success


Click on the blue underlined activities to find the Parent Letter and Permission Note for each event.

Mar 26-27 Preschool - Yr 12 Parent/Teacher Interviews, Letter & Map Mar 26 CSSA Secondary State Swimming Mar 29 WWCC Cross Country Ages 5—7 Letter & Schedule Ages 8—17+ Letter, Schedule & Map 30 Mar Good Friday Apr 1 Easter Sunday Apr 2 Easter Monday Apr 4-13 Yr 12 Half Yearly Exams Apr 5-6 Yr 11 Ag Farm Visit Apr 6 Jnr School Parent Assembly, 2:30pm MPC Apr 6 Outdoor Rec & Edu Camp, Yrs 9-11 Apr 9 Soccer Bill Turner Cup (u15 boys) Apr 9 Soccer Bill Turner Trophy (u15 girls) Apr 12 Kindergarten Community Night, 5:30pm Apr 13 Term 1 Ends Apr 25 Anzac Day Apr 30 Term 2 Begins May 4 Yrs 7 - 12 Athletics Carnival May 10-11 College Photo Days May 11 Yr 11 Senior First Aid Course May 23 Seasons for Growth, Yrs 1 - 4 Jun 11 Queen’s Birthday Holiday Jul 6 Term 2 Ends Jul 30 Term 3 Begins Aug 21-28 Yr 9 Tasmania Excursion Aug 31 Grandparents Day/Fathers Day Stall Sep 28 Term 3 Ends

Coles Vouchers Thank you to all who have been collecting Coles vouchers and bringing them in. We appreciate your diligence in dropping them off at the College Office. To date we have nearly 9000 vouchers! It would be great to see if we could collect more than 20,000 vouchers! There are two boxes available to drop the vouchers off, one in the College Office foyer and another in the TLA foyer. The vouchers will be redeemed for new sports equipment for the College. Mrs Rosie Anderson Community and Fundraising, Student Leadership Group Coordinator

Have you joined the Challenge yet? The 2018 Premier’s Reading Challenge is under-way! For more information on how to be involved follow this link or talk to Mrs Fraser.

FINANCE NEWS March Tuition Account Statements and the College Account Terms and Conditions were emailed to all families today. Please take a moment to read the Terms and Conditions and ensure that your account payments meet these.

If you have any questions or concerns about your account or payment plan please contact Bonnie Harley by either phoning the College Office on 6923 8888 or emailing to [email protected]. Thank you. Mr Nicholas Bewick, Business Manager


The annual College Open Day was held on Saturday and showcased an amazing display of student talent

and ability! There was music, drama, dance, rocket launches, competitions as well as work samples and

displays to look at. It was also exciting to meet families visiting the College for the first time and discuss

possible enrolment opportunities.

The Middle School area looked fantastic! It was amazing to see how much has

been done already this year. The huge variety of items on display highlighted the

range of learning experiences that students are being provided here at the College.

The Geography water testing area proved to be fascinating. Students and visitors

were able to conduct a variety of tests, looking at water invertebrates in the tub and

identifying creatures that are living in the College wetland area. Mrs Anderson’s

Language area also looked great with lots of hands-on items for the students,

families and visitors to explore.

Thank you to the parents who booked in to meet with their children’s teachers this

week. Parent Teacher nights are an important way for you to see how your child is

travelling. We appreciate your partnership in providing the best support for the

students in our care. If you were unable to attend for any reason and would like the

opportunity to talk to a particular teacher please contact them through the College

Office to make an appointment.

Last Friday Year 8 went on a Geography Field Trip. They were exploring the Tumut and Murrumbidgee

River systems, starting from Blowering Dam and moving down to Gundagai. The students conducted a

variety of water tests and had a fantastic day out. The teachers reported excellent behaviour from our

students. Special thanks to the Elworthy Family for allowing Year 8 on to their property which is at the

junction of the two rivers. We greatly appreciate their willingness to assist the students in their learning.

Last week we introduced a new award to Middle School – The Middle School MVP. This award is

student generated as they identify and nominate someone who they see as playing an important role in

supporting others. They are looking out for those who may need assistance and are supportive and

encouraging both inside the classroom and in the playground, contributing positively to the tone of the

College. The first recipient of this award was Aimee Redway who was nominated by her classmates for the

positive way that she assisted students in a class task and generally being considerate of others. Well

done Aimee.

Enjoy the opportunity to have a break this coming Easter long weekend. I would also encourage you to take

the time to reflect on the sacrifice that was made for us at that first Easter many years ago.

Miss Heather Mansley

Head of Middle School

Middle School Assessment Term 1 - Weeks 9 to 11

7M English Part D of Autobiography Tue 3 April

7W English Book Report Wed 4 April

7W Technology Potato Meal Thurs 5 April

7W/G English Part D of Autobiography Fri 6 April

7M Science Scientist Research Mon 9 April

7G Science Scientist Research Fri 13 April

8W Science Practical Test 10 – 11 April

8M Science Element Brochure Fri 6 April

8(All) Maths Pythagoras and Number Test Fri 6 April

8(All) PDH Drugs Assignment Week 11

INDONESIAN MISSIONARIES VISIT The following reflections are from Year 7 students after a visit from Lipiyus and Elvie Binaluk, Indonesian missionaries.

“Kenalkan…. Pak Lipiyus dan Ibu Elvie tinggal di pualu Java di Indonesia, dan juga tinggal di pulau Papua. Pak Lipiyus berasal dari pulau Papua, dan Ibu Elvie bersal dari Java. Kadang-kadang mereka tinggal di kota Jayapura, Papua, dan kadang-kadang di kota Bandung, Java.

Let me introduce to you…. Lipiyus and Elvie live on the island of Java in Indonesia, and also on the island of Papua. Lipiyus comes from Papua and Elvie comes from Java. Sometimes they live in the city of Jayapura, Papua and sometimes in the city of Bandung, Java.

“I found Pak Lipiyus’ faith astounding. His complete trust in the Lord was nearly unnerving, and his confidence did not waver at all.” Noah Schmidtke

“When [Lipiyus and Elvie] visited, I enjoyed listening to their stories and adventures. What really stuck in my mind was how Lipiyus’ connection with God is so strong, that when someone tried to poison him, God told him, and the glass broke and the person fell down unconscious. I love how even though it has been tough for him, he has stuck to his gun and only worried about what God thinks.” Bianca Staines

“Mr Lipiyus is good friends with the President of Indonesia. Mr Lipiyus sees the President once or twice a month, and travels around Indonesia to talk about Jesus.” Marc Ong

Mrs Rosie Anderson Indonesian Language Teacher


The students of 1/2B have decided to support the

community of Tathra with a blanket drive!

Last week Tartha, in southern NSW, was affected by severe bushfires that damaged and destroyed many homes. After hearing the tragic news, our

students decided they wanted to help.

To join in with our efforts, donations of quality blankets can be brought to 1/2B’s classroom by

Friday morning.


Twice a year the College provides particular students with help during their exams in the areas of reading and writing. We rely on volunteers to assist these students

during exam time.

If you would be happy to read or write for students during exams in Term 2, Mr Henderson would love to

hear from you as soon as possible. Contact the College Office to apply.

Volunteers will need to provide a Working With Children

Check number.


I Can Only Imagine Movie

Tickets Now Available at the College Office! The movie ‘I Can Only Imagine’ is screening in Wagga at the Forum 6 Cinema on April 10, 12 and 16 – all sessions at 7pm. The inspiring and unknown true story behind MercyMe's beloved, chart topping song that brings ultimate hope to so many is a gripping reminder of the power of true forgiveness. All tickets are $15 and available at the Wagga Wagga Christian College Office and the Wagga Baptist Church. Why not plan to come to the movie and bring your family, friends, Bible Study or Youth Groups? The movie is rated PG. Running Time is 110 minutes. Here is a link to the trailer. Interviews: If you have any questions, phone the College Office on 02 6923 8888.

The Value in Reading A friendly reminder this week that it is important to encourage our students to read out loud from

Kindergarten to Year 12. It is also vital for their comprehension and written skills to practice writing with a

pencil or a pen. Reminding senior students and their parents that the HSC is still in paper form and writing

skills are essential, especially as some exam papers are three hours long.

Having conversations around the dining table and sharing meals at the same time with our children and

investing in conversations on ideas, thoughts, feelings and issues is vital for their analytical skills and

communication skills long term. Building these skills can start now!

If you have any concerns regarding your child or young

person, please do not hesitate to contact me via the College

Office on 02 6923 8888.

Kind regards,

Dr Stephanie Jarratt

College Counsellor

‘Seasons for Growth’ group work program for Junior School students

Commencing in Term 2 on Wednesday 23 May 2018, Dr Stephanie Jarratt, the College Counsellor, is conducting a 6 week program for children from Years 1 to 4 on a Wednesday afternoon from 2:15pm to 3:00pm. The program is called ‘Seasons for Growth’ and it is for children who have experienced loss, grief, separation from parents, divorce or experienced a death. Here is a link to the note.

This program is free, however there is a cost of $13 to parents for the child’s journal/workbook, which is theirs to keep at the end of the course.

If you would like your child to be involved in the group, please phone to ensure a place in the program in Term 2 and return the attached permission slip together with payment to the College Office by Monday 14 May 2018. You are welcome to phone Dr Jarratt on 6923 8888 for more information.



The Promise Centre 48 Vestey St Sunday Service at 10am.

Generocity Church Wagga 194 Lake Albert Rd (the old Prime News building) Sunday Service at 10am

Wagga Wagga Evangelical Church (WWEC) 401 Kooringal Road Sunday Service at 10am and 7pm

Inspire Church Wagga 555 Kooringal Rd Sunday Service Times: 10am Service 6pm Service Inspire Youth Wagga Every Friday from 6:30-8:30pm Check Facebook for updates

UniChurch/Christian Fellowship CSU Wagga, In the Rec Hall

Sunday Service at 7pm

St Aidan's Presbyterian Church 62-64 Coleman St Sunday Service Times: 9am Service 10:30am Service 5pm Service Kid’s Club meets at St Andrew ’s, Cross Street, every Friday during term time, 5.30-7.30pm. SAYGE is the Youth Group of St Aidan ’s and St Andrew’s Presbyterian churches. We meet at St Andrew’s on Cross St every Friday night of school term from 7.30-9.30pm.

Wagga Baptist Church 156 Tarcutta St Sunday Service Times: 8:15am Worship Service 10am Worship Service 6pm Worship Service Crossover Youth: 5.30 for Bible Study 7pm – 9pm for Youth Group

Living Water Fellowship Kooringal Guide Hall 565 Kooringal Rd Sunday Service at 10am

The Salvation Army 188 Edward Street Sunday Service at 10am Kids Church Sunday at 9am Mainly Music Monday 10:30am Salvos Women Wednesday 10:30am Just Men is monthly For other activities and info about joining a small group call the church office on 6921 7895.

South Wagga Anglican Church St Paul’s Turvey Park, 31 Fernleigh Rd Sunday Services at 8am & 9:30am St Alban’s Kooringal, 270 Lake Albert Rd Sunday Service at 8am Wednesday Service at 10am

Gospel Power Ministries Cnr Bourke and Mckell Ave (Mt Austin Public School) Sunday Service at 9:30am Connect Group fortnightly on Wednesdays Prayer meeting on Fridays at 7pm

Wagga Church of Christ 49 Fernleigh Road Kids Church 9:15am Sunday Service at 10am Youth Group Fridays from 7:30 -

9:30pm Chat & Play Group Wednesdays 10am

Wagga Wagga Uniting Churches

Pilgrim Uniting Church Sunday Worship Services – 10 Tanda Pl Glenfield Park 9:00am Traditional service 10:30am Family and cross-cultural service 6:00pm Modern expressions Wesley Uniting Church Sunday Worship Services – Cnr Johnston & Tarcutta Streets 10:30am Traditional service 1:30pm Korean language service