primary and secondary


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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Primary and Secondary



Page 2: Primary and Secondary

PRIMARY AUDIENCE The Primary Audience is the magazines target audience. For a POP music magazine the target audience is usually both male and females between the age range of 10 and 35. The age can range from such a young age because POP music appeals to a lot of young ages. Magazines like ‘Top of the Pop’s’ have a primary audience of pre teens, and young teens. Magazines like ‘Billboard’ have a primary audience of 16 – 30 year olds. The magazines I have looked closely at are ‘Billboard’ and ‘Q’ with the older target audience. The primary audience for these magazines are people that are highly interested in POP music and artists. The audience has a part time or full time job to be able to pay for the magazine. The primary audience is those of middle class, due to the price and the professional layout of the magazine. The magazine is one of the most famous and popular pop magazines again showing that the primary audience for this magazine and other like it is those of a higher class.

Page 3: Primary and Secondary

SECONDARY AUDIENCE The secondary audience is the audience that reads the magazine but are not part of the target audience. This can be people above or below the target age of the magazine, people of a different class to the target audience, different genders in which the magazine is targeted at, different backgrounds etc. For Billboard magazine the secondary audience are people below the age of 16. The magazine still appeals to those younger than the primary audience with the content and look of the magazine, but is not targeted at this age, therefore it is the secondary audience. The secondary audience is also people without a job. The magazine is still affordable to those without a job but is not targeted to those people because of the target age and price. Those who are not interested in POP music that buy the magazine are part of the secondary audience. The secondary audience changes with each issue of magazine, due to the content of that particular issue. If Billboard magazine decided to write a feature article on a boy band then their primary audience would be female, and their secondary audience for that issue would be males.