pricb cbwt8- theb. w. hi r» kit secretary. qlmnocmcnts. rn?li»ti concert..theodore 1...

. __________ -_i V0L- XV.N°- 4,<jOG. NEW-YORK, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, _PRICB TWO CBWT8- flEW-YORK TRIBUNE. TUB NKW-YOKM DAILY TRIBCNB bf 7a «Lisa bo EVERT MORNINO .wt> EVENING, IROHDIT Ftfirn'i BT G R E K L E Y » McKLRATH, a «»a nuini ei'iLDteoe. ro»'«« or ia**«i> »»o traucE- »TmtBT», orro»iTt rwt citt nan., api delivered u. City tfuhacriner* at l.'J cenU per week. «»»i.«m Sajaee Two Onu. »all «ueecrlkrr* j..-r a. num. is ec'vanca. tut Mte *J. H tkrco motittM, (1 Mi T7IIK nbw.yorh WKKKIY TRIBUN«, A »BRT LAROF. PAPER FOR THE COUNTRY, fcanbRaaed owery Hartraoev Movaivo at 'be. low price of f 3 ¦er »njjviin, b> advance. Three coptae for . )>; Five eoptea for Ten cojrtea for * I?; and a paper ia in no rtM ronllnaM l>e- Mal tba Oma for which it taj*i«. Advrr*i»en.enU IM tl . SatwiUW charged SEVENTY FIVE CENTB PER LINK .eh tnoorTWin TIIK HKMI.VVEKKI.Y TKIBt*>R ajpjfMbtal en Tupidat end FaiDtv Motvtvc P- " * 1 h Tw.i cop..a fur #3; Five eoaaM for |!l 25. Ad- fa 10 cente a line 'or each .inert en. TIIK NKW-YOHK TRIHCNH .OR EUROPEAN CIRCULATION. alpauVtebed oat 'Aedeparture of each Mai.' Baaaaaarfjl Liverpool Ml H pax aajaooi, poataae included. Sing.'» copioe ati, Can'.*. TIIK NKW.YORK TRIBCNB rORCALirORNIA.ORF. OON, AND THE SANDWICH ISLANDS, II aabataaed on the departure of each Meal Steamer for A ami X äl V pat agu. im. Single oopiee 8U Cente. Special Notices. Died, on Sunday. Jan X<. PKTKK ( LINTON. The rn»ui an rhe i . F* . u~ invite.l t. »ttinl lue funeral 4bom Ma Ufr re.ld»rM No Ml 44 reenwirtatt., on WEDNES¬ DAY, tar V3d itiat, at 10 o'clock au By apfpm of the H ar l .f Director* H. 8. WARD, PreiMeut. Ogoei.r W. Ro-r Seore'ery. J>r. Kllmabcth Bl«rk«t««ll. «Tuduat«- of Oeneva M. Jira' Coline jurll at tbe l.y g n hke.pital, Pari-, end atudent of the Lor.okn H..«i i!«l« attend* to every department of MEDICAL FfcACTICIaaBoma Ladiee aa4CblMrea, No. Tj F.u*; !'*:, ar Ofb< <. aiura troui 10 ta U a. m. XjfWeM l.prf urra in N»-w.Ywrk.-Tlir Ct.t of the W B MILBUatN'fl Laetweaontk« BattleoMiita*d HWtor* aftbr Valley, on "TawEx|ior«fa oa" tW Oraal Val Wy; Rooiatjre, Rt-liK.oj, AD.>.i:iou and Ore« 1 " at Clintou Ball. Aitorj iara. on WEDNESDAi EVENING, Jan. 31,at la'alock. Doota M at 7. Tickeü to Mr. Mllliun»'« far one. peraon, 41 M| «entJtn*u and lair. *i "O; (entjo aaac and two iaviiea, *2 M| «in«le adn.iinion. 0 MBttj for aak at the |.rincipal l.wkaiorea at tne Librariati'a (leak, Mcr- entile Libmry, ain at tl.e door. Christian Cation..The adjourned maatini of Um frianda af tbe t HRl^TIAN UNION arUI ha Id «. Iba Lactan Roaaa of Dr ( kapin'a Cfaurca on VV EDNEBOAY EVEN/NO Jan. 2a, at 7j o'clock, when tbe t omuiittee will b>- prapare,l >o report. Mrrrantilf Library AaMOrlation.-Mr. THOMAS FRANCIfi MEAOBEB arl lelWer a Leetara on " Tbe Pan altieaof PnMic Life " at Clinton Hall, Aator pl. ee, on THÜKÄ- DAY EVENING. Jan. M, at 8 oVlock. Ticken, V) tonta-to .Membera hall price.< an be rtHluil at tlie Librarr; at tbe down town Offine, Mo, 2 NaatM¦«». and at the dooi oa kba etei.ii.» H tl,e Le« lure. R. II. TIMEBOX, ChaV Lec. Cam .% rtnrr w.:i l.e deiivriil t.v /.. g IVEB,LL. O.,tat tbe benefit of the BaeietT of Sr. yiaoanl de Paul, at 'he Broa^l- wa» Tabernarle, TBUMOAT EVEN I NO, Jap. l\. |ML Soajeet: " Tbe Pool la ibeir BalaUoi to So< ietv." Tu kein PI eent*. The Lecture will commerce at 7} oVIoeL Errfurrx..Tbe Jitth Leiture in the CowM bafora Iba BioukiTii CVltral Lycenm, will be deliierej o:i Kill I) AY RVENINO ne>i, Jaj.uary 25, at ",\ a'cloek. In the Kl.ot-.r. V. K' f >iur. h. (nenr Kulton-nt..» br aba lt«v. JAMES II. PKRKY, D.D. Sul> t-"Secret fit* A ri,i«Mo:i, lv1 renn. Aoicriran IBettkate MMtwaleä' Clalbr.Tbk Clnb will meet, for lbe firat time tbia aeav.n. at the rwm« of the. Am»riiar laatitata. No. 361 Rr.Mdwar. on WEDNEBDAE BVEMINÜ, tL. 23d mat., at (.'dock. Cant. THOMAB HKIMK ()( K will explain hie new Quadrant. Ailmi««i.m fr««, HENRY MKIOS, Secretary. A llri'fiUM ol Iba I ¦< n.(. of T«-niprraucr will !«. arid on \\ RDnESU \Y EVENINO, Mdfnst., in Botain Ball, bo. 6H Baa] Broadway. Addroaaea are ..«[*« ted from It. N. BAVENS, eaq.. and tbe Rev.JOliN P. II Ell HANOI of the (ireaoe at kfetm>liet Cban b. Subject." Tho Relation ol tie Mayor and other ort.. i«.r to the Lawa of the State." Aehocinlion for laurwTlaa ilu Cuuiliiiou »i' ilu< F»«r..Th« aoeefaitj which call« fo.- a Public Aponal I:i bo- half ol the Poor, will probably bo beet expUini d by a brief ttate- anent of fm te. AI out tbie rin.e la«t Winter, the 'mutual cr? of wuit, er!. je<l ana reechoed by Ibi Preat, exriied to an iiitem-e J-nre» Iba a»o i athieit of tbe (onmunitv, and liberal contribution* tjaali Äe» ed in for ita relief, not only from indiwduala, moneyed in- .Utatioua, the City Treaa try, but elao from uidorcot and dwtai ' parte ol the country. Tlie prerent Winter there appeara to be a reaction, in whic'j lew than the uaaal decree of avinpathv fur tbfl UtdiOMll ia au> fNfd. Tbia ia i ot attributable to any !ndiai>oeitioii to aaaiat Iba aeedy, but to the prevailing apinii o tliat the Inte abuu lant hir- eeatf and retire i < ou.nierfial pri*[ieritv would preveuf a IMIU> reace of tlie to which ao many the poet year were auto kxted. and oneeuneiitly that a rn-icb anial'er amount of fund* wonld be required. Till» popular mutake abfllld be orrecMnl. The pnlilic will be inrpi: 4-d to learn tlutt, notwituatandinr, tha eareful diacriuilcation Wbiob tbia aeataaa ot r. lief eecur-a, the 1.timber now deiendine upon it for aid, ami Itaexpeitditaroa,Ore about aa great M the\ arera tbe DOBl Wiotar, wbue ita reeeipti bare diuiiniabcd one half. Tbia diminution, how. rar. u leea ewiun to a failure, of rontnbujlioioi from ordinary aaateaa, th in ef tbe larger donatioii* from publu bodiee, win. Ii are not tbia Winter expected. Thete facta clearly ahow that it will be utter- i> .a.r '. for thia charity to ami the |lo«JU»J doiuand* of tie ItrCtrini j-oor wabout greatly ealatge j in jiwdnnl 0OBtri> e-iticLa I'p to thepre. e:.t, the Aaaocintio;, ban ul.V.. d Afili famUiea, eor.tairi: t V 0>'. \* r». r. many of whom »ie_ fauriljea of unem¬ ployed laeehaniea, and widowe witii aipanaant caaaliaa, wha eannot tubaiat wiuicit aid. An.t aa tl.e «.Kenn adeaaOaO, the .mount of deati'ntion will increaie. Laat Wlliter it » «i throe timra aa great in January aa in December, and did nut reach it* hiebt in Hl the cloae <.f February. If a reafon for thin alarming auioriut of indigence ig aouiiht, it may be olii. M; found iu the geiiernl deticieucy of einploymeiit, wbKh ha* b w ^eco^l^ to icarce i* to leave multitude* without Work while, aa 1h we',1 known, the exptneee of In in«: are ab-.ut ¦aax«(abataaa .. .!..» we.e the paei year. Hen. e, inultiinder of Oka h du»triou*.»elf aupportiiin ci*a*e* were unable to r.y-over .rem the iu.povehahlng efl.-^t* of a di»»»!r»»i» year, betöre they were overtaVen by another Winter, for which they wer» unpre¬ pared , and now. having no ether reeoaue then gratuitol* aid, they niuat be relieved or periili It will be remembered that thU orgaiiiaatiou eav/arj the wb"le lalaud, ftoiu the Balteiy to Kliifabriue, with ita 37» gearuitoa* »i*itor», who. M far a* the in. an* ahail ba *.||.plied, w.l! meet 0»ery nrofer want of the needy Oni tin* brief »tateiuent of tact* the Board eaadtdaaU* reat "tit ap|<eal, bclievi: g that it will, a* in previ.i-n nan of i'rovi dential dlatrea*, be lit«rally reapoi.ded to. Kor it! cannot be that .Jji* great city, lau.e.l fur ita benevolence, w ill allow ita own wiiou* to »uder unrelieved. Cou'ribution* n.av be >ent to Brow n Brother* k Co No jtf Wall it. to KB Miiiriim, No 78 South et. to it. M. Hartley. No. 'jp I'.it.le Hoaaai to the authorix.-d aoUeelOTj, or to any uf the officer* of the A*.«o. lation By order ol tlie Board. JAMES RRi'W N, Pretideut OEO. OEISWOLD, Vice Pre*ideiit. RtiBEIlT 11. MINTl'KN, Troaaurvr. Roet-KT M. H»»tl »:v. Se, retarv Mator'i Op net, |R luv;. rrorlnmniion.-¦+."*> I;HV\nn \ OSEPB t'OKN wa» Tiolenrly a«*aulteil ami bent, n on Sa'ur.Uy nigh', the lifth in*t at or about l.'o'. k. mi the corner af drove and 4th "tic, by w ine r»>r*t>b or aafMM ntiknown to the antb«rltte*; and where** the «r.i»l Joerph Oatl ha» »ine*' -l ed from the wouu)'* ihen end there received, now theaetore I. Kerr ando »V o<d, klavor of ih*. City of NVw-York, do bv \ ir:m- of aatbar- ity veered in n e, offer a reward of Two Hundred and Fifty Dol- lart Ut the a|; renenaion of the p<ar*<iii or (vixma who tad *aid a**ault or K ive Hundred IVHarator the aaaaabarafiai and ..«.:.', 11.e iarty or pattiee who |<erpetrated the above- naaied outrage; to be pan) on the .«rtiricate af tho R^c ir.ler or Matrici Attorney that *mh aervire ha* beeu rendr-e.l by the pereon BJ reran?:* claiming ea.d rewar..*. B .t all elabM Ml praeented tu the Mayor within twenty day* arter th- final di*- l».»itn li oi the caae will be atoaaaiaV d. 11. I I KEHNA NIK) WO( ID. Mayor. Mr*. K. J.^rre^ob^b\^ikT»i7. v\ indekeOl « i n a Made 't.ri.n«Ji her Clairvoyant Power* at No. 413 Broadway. CAU aso sr.» POM muirin v Office Hi ir* 10 a. Ml M I I .n and to 4 p. iu. Eaainii aiion aud i'reKt-rij lion live Dollar*. Pontat««' r»tBn'p» |3eoi la) IM **> at tlii* office. Mlnnrxota Manla.l iaaTiatf Pbh Compaai w U leave for th< ir place of aoatiuallml iu April. Each oio- Will erleet bi* own PaXXfl of ll><> acrci, and have three teaj ba ra* ioi l. at B125 tor aer*. They hold thru Me »tiu»* EVKAY WIDNESDIV FV ENINQ. at No. Ißlrtowery. _VV. WILDE, S cr.ta ^. Katr«o>. rare 111: s T STOCK CO.MPAN l u> commence a gattlamaat la Kaneae, ware there are grea* natnral a.Uantagea. will comruanicatv »ith BEBET S i LI Uli M< w-Twi City. s- ih Anie-rlrnn K«r«* JiMnmnrr i'ompa«v-Ca»h eaptiai t.2^',(t»3 with a large aaiylaa. Office No. * W*l! *t. iiMtte againat loa* or damage by FIRE at 'he otabliabed ratoe. JAMV.S W. OTIS, Preaident. B. W. Hi kit Secretary. Qlmnocmcnts. rn?l I»T I r.TH CONCERT. . THEODORE 1 EISfELD*fl ( I. VISU AL SOIRKE. the t^iini of the .uih aea*un aa SAT I RDAY, Jaa. M, at Padweelb'a, Ma. (4M bruaJway. Ma.taue \V. \. Wallace il'iamatl. Mewr*. J Bratler.Ph M aver. J F Mayer and J. OcbrtaUl (Vocaliate . iUamuat Theidure Fi»iel,r* Quartet Party. 1VBÖMD PIANO-FORTE SOIREE..L M OOTTSt HAI K. «..i.te,» by Metae*. HOFF M A N and BI RKE; at Do.lwi.rth'* Koo.ii* ladjoinln« tlrace t'faurc>i>. aa 'ElBAY EV ENINO. JVli commencing a R o'cJ.k k. The Kucru.'iie ai:d ticket* may be had at the Muaic Si. rea Tiekete . I. Ladiee'tit ket* Wc i t*. <M>T1M H A I.KS FOl 111 H -iOIHFF will take t'.ve on Tbl KV*1! I \ ENINO 11*4 Inet. 4H.TTS4 BALK'S FIRST SOIREE ... BROOKLYN w.:i bAeelfcea' the Polytechnic H.-ll In Llvixxgaton -L.tiear e'ourt. .all P.BOAY, .VhtttM. Bcwilibi iwioTad aj Mr. AETOM- BAS(H«- . i. _ 1>IA N< >-K« >K IT BE< II Ü -.-Mr. II0RQA.N M. (Orfaulat of Urari Cbaaabai ICoi lartaraf Iba Mandela- aebt. Cl io. will«ivaUeSEI OND PIANO KOR 11. RECITAL m Dadjakaxtb iEomm TO-MORROW EVFNINO, Jai M, to jaxaBkaaeaOl I .'eiork, laidtaa* Tkibeta *|.« nt'>. Oentlemen'e bl each to be had V 'he Mun; Store*. fUUMATlC READINGS..J. iTBROWNwill tu*« bi* Third Jt.-a lnu of tiie on 4'>ur*e iu Clinton ¦aU Aetor-pia.*.. V. NEBOAX EV KNINO, J* i arj K*ie<iiona Wem IM Ii.«!. I ^nd l'uel» af Ba DB« »iid A-uere a Ojaraoaei. at 1, to rximuence «¦ ;.,l*-« :.> eet.i«. IN- mBI i TloN <:., .. j i.i>, t'TlOS af Iba MaecaaAiie Iptairj fiiTtUxELDORF Gallery, n*% w vtnUmjt 2i ü**^ !"«f. "t I' AlNTlNO.^eyer put apon »a l*t»*,D. Opaa DAY ai.d EV ENINO. Adoi tlar.ce 25ie: ta THE ^rflebrttfd COLLECTION < i E0YP1 IAN * »NriUlllTIKH,,,,,!,,,,,,, ,,»,,;(|,1,. .«>''»'»dditio». »TLn.^t popuU" Evl bl ¦"««*». 4'peDdayamJe.t, Bxj, ^.j,,. ,fi-. n iu A CONCERT of BACHED Mi sic will be WfcDNKMiA. EVENING. J»n a, ,.«««,_, .V So;,. Duett- Quartette«, »od Iboruaea. Mrs JA MKS« IN, and other Ui-uted rocalur«, with a full taj '¦.MM l_IM,M «everal rh'ir<-b rboir», ba\«\<*y Uy volunteered their m rvieea |ur (Iii« MCH-Ht Mr i. U MofU. \ . ..-,,. A.!m...!e, ticket. M Cf-ttlj Mi hi at the Bookrtora of 5[""»- »s "«v a Ha..t«d, So. a>l Bru_wav, ,| ». .he I»« -Teeing ol the concert. To commence it 7! o'clock PROGRAMME-. L Orand Prelude and Fcane for fbe Ontan. in D.Hc.E. . _. O. W. Motr.»<. r r ih"" om "{'«.«.Ro.f«i. ft MET.O I.M-!vP(«t.Ha>dcl Mltl PiiUitVMrn any*. Mus. Noetov.. 4. POLO.otatia. Agim'.n Tibi.Occur (.mi. Mk J »Mf so«. ' QUARTET.The ."bapei.Kar.i'Ttr.B. For M«le Vote. .. KE( 1TATI\ I »:.d AIR-Now He.v. hi f Jleet Olory .hone.Hayd*. J Connoe Smith. 7 SOLO.Lord, I hellere.OLOVri. fOLO end CHORlTs-TLe Merv loue work.H.tov. Pari II. 1. r ... -h- > tltl-pi f.r the Oan. ii.«'ocl-_-i: < Cujtu» Animuin from. Slabal Meter.Rossini. O. W MOM-K, r. chorus-T!- liiiT«_itri QUARTET.Ceene tM/ffirti.W«uu. I. SOLO.Arm-In ever briaht end fair.Handel. HIM lltil. V QI" A RTFT. Fur Malt Voi.e. .- 6. .-OLO. Let Iii«- bright Seraphim.Havofl MBS. JaMEvOX. 7. ( IIOIUS.Let their Ce]c«tial CtBIBftl all unite.. Hasdel. f. Moiement from iueL»««ori..Handel. Arranged for tue Orm, by (I. \V. MOKOAN. lad performed l\ I im at tin- London Hair red Harmon.c\'« Concerti. Exeter Hall. \~T B L O ' 9 GARDEN. 11 w I DNESDAY EVEKING, Jar.. ZJ. lavs. ORAND BALLET. COHN PANTOMIME T JI E W 0 N I) E KrCL RA V I L F A M L V Mil*. THERERA ROBERT ai d Bet Ballet Troupe. TL< i erfo nuance to commence witb Til ( 11 OOLMASTER. ( harertera by the Ravel Family, f ollowed by 'In Orand Ballet of KAIS. THK V1VAKD1ERE. ( hirar'ern by Mile. Robert and th< BaU»- Troap<-. To conclude with tbe South \ n.- rh an ratitomiuie of JOCKO. The Ape.J. Martetti .Siiiion.Kraiicoia IIa«el Doom o]<eu U p. rlortnai*« to romme ice at o'clock. mitts or ADMlr-k>N TICKETS.FIFTY CENTS. The only Serta that an a»cnre-l in advance ar-: Orrrie«*r»8ebta..#>l eai ii. Private Bnxea.f \earh. Boi OflRre or»n daily, from 8 a. m. to I p. m.. M Um »nie of Ticket! and aectmna. Orel <«tra Seat* and I'rivate Boxei o.'.ly. BT KT O N ' ¦ . C 11 A M M K 1»' S 8 T ~- WEDNESDAY .(ireat fucrill if the tt «. New-Vork 'IHE fPPER TKN AND THK LOWER TWENTY, VVrittMl 1 HUlialj for thia Theater and played rjj.v ard Ol r ifty MiaRu. ( rof.kjath, tba New Vork uirrrhaut. afterward a drunkard axtd laoatte, Mr. Burton.Iii« oriainal ehar^< ter. Jacob Kin.IIv. Mr. Rail ford, /.eke Rii» h>mt, a New.Tort boy, Mr. II. Jor¬ dan. Mi^. (ro>k|ul)i, Mm. A. Parker. Nancy Notion, Mr». Burton. Mr«. WorMwi». Mrc Huah.a. Several well-ki.ovi n TWwa of New-York an.otyt the scrtery. To conc lude w iih the popular far. .- ralle 1 TWENTY MINUTE- WITB a TIGER. With Mr. Hetchell, Mr. Bradi<y,MI»« F.. Thorne.Mr-. Holinan. On TlirilSDAY, (to inorrow.) DOIIBET SON. BROADWAYTHEATEE.E.A. MAKSHAl.l Hole Leaaee..Boxea and Parquet, Wowta) Family Circle and Upper Hier, IS eraUj f'ri\a:«- Boaea, and 4,6..Duora oi . ii at Ci : eoDimence a* 7 o'clock..TH IB F.V ENINOl TWENTafMINUTEfl WITH A TIGER, ( larlea Ree«wiii2...Mr. I.-nri.. | Mr. ChillChntii>-e.Mr.Whitinf Jamb Mutter.Mr. Seymour | Dolly Mtn;«r..Mia« J. M.marl KI.'.'«. ( HARMING. f hhi_iu( I.M'n.e FmU j Henpect.Mr. Whitiuf T\r.iba.Mir. Bioke Troutiua.Mra. Uttia LA I) B A K E E N E '" V A Ii I K T 1 E S, Late the MKTRorrn.iTa* TRBATBR, BtiuAitwar. Parquet and Dreaa Circle V) cent*) Family Circle, 26 centa; (ireheatra S^alla, 75 cente : Priia'e Boxes. #&,.Doorl open a! f.- aoaaa ence at7..THIS EVENING,wttl be perf.inued: THK LAUT OF LTONB. After which, the PKIMV DONNA i Maude by Juü.n. L'Alrafkir Valxt, by thj Corpa do Ballot, (irand Paa dc Dent, l.v Ml..-. V. Franck a-«l Mona. N. Bedrock Polka, by MkM J. I) Ign. La Sal- torelle, bv Mile. Tilumn and M. 'i. iuan. The Pnma Donna Yalee, by' Mile. Fiai ck. Mile. the Corpa de Ballet. tfATIÖNAL TBEATER.A H. PURDT. Mu 11 aaerand Proprietor.I>re»« (1e^l« W vui»: fit IA caMe; OrrheatraCmuianta.-TIIf? E\T.NINO wsl'lxfpcrfi.tiued: r OLLI BS OF A NIGHT. Duke<1eChartrea.Mr.J.H.Allen | !,ar;r. .Mn.Wilklm Fi.vorit)- mid jopnlur Datire« by Mi»' Henrietta Luna. To ha followed ha ASPHODEL; Or, Tut Mask Pem. BahBaa..".Mr. O. L. Fox Babolin.. ...Ml»e Hathaway To conclude with the f»\orit* Drauia of EL HYDV.n. WALLACK'^ THEATER..Boxet ami Par.juet 60 centaj Family Circle V> cenU; Sialla, f I Privat« Boiea <>6 and #>7..Uooraojx'n at r»j o'clock ; pxrfonaaucea com- u inee at 7.THIS EVENING will he Parfw LOVE AND MONET. Lord Fiplev.Mr. Lett, r < laude.Mr. Bron-bsm MacDuiiuuui.Mr. Walcot Heleu.Mra Hoey PO-CA-HON-TAS. ("apt. John Smith..Mr. Walrot Po cu boa ta«. Miaa O. Hodaon P. w-ha taaxii---Mr. Brour.hain Poo t. ? I Ml tU B"~ARNT!M,s MUSEUM^Firat time of . deep]; excitinj I)r«ioa THE TEKHOR Of THE RHINE. * pro- durtioii of the u.o«t fax iuatitii; character. \\ K DNF.SOA Y. J»n. i .Eyeiiii,f, at *l oMork. THE TEKIloR Of l*HE RHINE) Mr. C W. ( iark .n three character*, Me Hadaway «. Oar- Eciiae. Afteinwn ai 3, name aa in tbe Eveslna. Perform- n.ceain the LION'S DEN at S| and 1 r- m. The LIVING WILD ANIMALS he., to be leen naual. Admittance to tl). ff eeatai Ckfliaaa under I*, 1?» cent*. _ F(3. CHRISTY X WOOLV" MINSTRELS. No tat BROADWAY. 0*XN BVER1 EVENING Tleketa Beanta. AH buaineaa tranaacted by II WOOD nUCKLEV" BERENADERS, No. 538 Brotd- J> wai -EVER1 NIGHT ttala weak BEAI IT AND THE LEAST, and NEGRO MINSTRELSEY. Noticb.Parhatn'i fi nil K; ter| ri..- Oift-TV keta aie received (for the .diuiaaino ot fonr peiaotial to our entertaiunienta. For aale at the Box ('thee. fron. II a. In. lo B> p. m., daily. _ IMMENSE SUCCE8S oi Bl CKLEY'1 SERE- M. KADERS in retelalae, Inf four adm'««ien« ta their enter- teinment.. th» tick, t, in FERHAM'S FOURTH GIFT EN- I I RPRIhE. TICKET! lor kLE frooa It a. pja, to II p. in. at the Box <ft,e ot BUCKLEY'S OPERA HOUSE. N ' ' BROADWAY, and at the principal Hotel« and Mnaic Store« S.e billa. rRICE of I FT TICKETS. 01, OR II POROM. VATIONAL GYMNA8I1 M ami FENCIN i i> ACADEMY, No. OS BROADWAY, neu BLEE! K R hT..Third Ai l.utl ExAlMtloo bv the aaaaBhatl on W EDNi.S- DAY, SM baaC, at I a/clock p. a. AU IrWraU of h.«!i:> ex.-i c lata laafiiitMlj htaltaA. H. OIBHARD, Pr ;iru-;..r. SriRITUAL TESTS.-Mr«. ( OAN, Rapping and Wriiii r M..! N. 11'' < Jr.. ¦. s f w d..-r» we»t cf Broadway. Private S itinia dailv. from 9 a. ui. to i p. nu Public Circlea from J to a. and 7} to !<; p. m. Terma V> cent«. N. B. .No ( ir le thia eveninf. THE CRYSTAL PALACE..Tkil beautiful halldtni root ii . ohiect« of inten at.A:n .ei.t Uoheltrj TAPESTRY, a fallen of PAINTINGS, rare and\al- o .ble STA1I AKY, krnda ArrcuUuraJ Impleuiouta and Mi¬ el, n.erv. Ii » m rvina'v., pan antil .r'l-ei nonet KctD Pnblicatione. ABRILLIANT PICTURE of \ tRGINl I - »- CIET\ Juat Publiahed: OI K COUSIN VERONICA: Oa, SCENES ash ADVENTURES OVER THE BLUE RIDOE Bv tl . ac'hor ot Aiuab. i. a Fan.iiv Hiator v" From Har|er'« M .raruie fi»r Fehr'iary. " Aa a w bole »r aunot beaitatr to rrcard thia work aa poe BMBRBj aoperior imi. «howil.« a larae and reri led culture, a juatneaa of thouabt, a^id a home bred aaturalucee of f.eün« ababiir t.1' -.»») fBM ratVd in the popular uovr!» of the da>.* Fron. Tie New Yutk Tr bor.e. m Tbe authra w rit.-« from a wide aiiou af aaetaty, a fa- o.ilianty with tbe beat literature cf the day, nj . f-nd of ua- .ive good aeaaa and feelina." Fr ui The laahBi.trtta Ita (real nterira tr. it« tidelity to the realitic« of 'he life i1 deplcta. tl e beauty of ita deacription«, the nice . tar atm ia Which i: del.uewtra the «öfter »haue» ot" tharacur, aud i . aiiu p'e, rut eleitaBce of arvle." On. vol., l^n". Price fl 3S. BUNCE *. BUOTHEB. Publiabera. N.v Xa.uat., N. Y. i Nl 1 HKJ 1 -DOLLAR MAG iZTHU El >H M AMD 1 CERTIFICATE IN THE t »MOPOLI- |iN AKT AStKM IATION, FOR THE PISTRIB1 r' III ON THE 31ST 1N.-T, CAN BE HAD AT THK KNIi'K- KKI>< « KKR OFFU E N. ^ BROADWAY, APPLE- Tt'VS BUILDING. Six Cent« a Copv.I neuty five f >. a Dollar. IYflE PHRENOLOOICAL ALMANAC f"r 1E.W .Com n tt Phreuotony and Human PfBgaaBtf P:,.ct»rrtl Paxeno!..f»; Ske'cheeo! M B, with Portraitj; Ujet, ti- f.;««in:«'ia S\i»!j il'i. «n aaed III »> ar« t Oeo. Win. t'trtw. Mile. Rach»l; l>r. DtBM ; Sb«rt.o ( art.-r; J«hn !».- derick BsBWI F. Blv; Louie Naps..- .-., Omer Pacha; Von Weber- Dr. Core, Win. McFarland, the Limekiln Man; Oeo. Law; the Hon. I ).»:!.. Maaon; NWbo'a« o! Ra -.a. U um ra Sinim« 'he \alue of Pkrenotoey ; Maw In.^tmu, k.'.. FOWLER a.vD WELW, Ma. *. Braadwey. New-York. /"M.KAT WORK (n A K CH ITEC 1" l" 1 i K. V" No. i Now talari . ot 'i nr. city \n< rfflTECTj A fcree f Ort«:.,«. 1 MljM F r I weilirca. Stör» tod P b If Buildin-a adaped t«C;t>. . r.d \i!lii*e illnatr.te.' by DrawDc. A Pine, EleTViJia Sea M ma I Ly WM H. RAULETT, A'itrKr tf " Ctrece Architecture."»:* in 2f Noa. Price per No. H Cent*. DE WITT at DAVENPORT. Pnbllahert, No*. 160 sad 'M Xuui it Third Edition rublubed Thie Dir y I V E b I IS I) b E D II IBTAKEd A or daily 01 ClaRE.ICC. IN WRITING SPEAKINO AND PRONOUNCING THE ENUL1SII LANGUAGE, cobrecti.o. Ti e pnbH«her« of thia popular, inatrurtite and aruu»ir« w rk b:j. ounce that a thir.' edition will be ready to day. aid that ail ordere will now be prm. otlr tilled. Tbe faro* with which th:a ii f»tjloe« volume hi* be«n 'ereived by the pu^'ic it remarkable ti tale hat been to rapid tht. the au| ^iy baa beet, inal* junt> to ha de.i.and. On three Bead ii o< caaioca. in three weck«, the puhliahera have beeu without a BBWy in their p»>«aea«i> n. and Wen compelled to iaaue new editiona. The latent edition, piiV liahed to-day. roi.teiue important aiid vaiuabie addlitout. and ia rot op iu a it;,it auf nor to any former iaeue. It ia a work ahonndisi in niafruction but1 emnaeratnt from betituili f to end. It furniahea an Maiajajl of in.tiep~a*al>ie in- font atiou wbirh haantvar before been pnb.iahed in th- tame rnmpata. and will he fo- i d to render iuv aiaahle *o all pcraoLi of ui.Guieheo education. It ia a practical aid i-.oaiBMBttaej a..,! corr-npondence. uaefu' every i'ay and to everyhodr. " To all rer«ona of detective edeatefaBl thia loluni" will be h.ut'l invaluable " [Oewaaee Ereof hat it ia a book whe h a u.iet »v. rybody needa, and which everv hody ran «tl< tu t. buy." (Weitem (OUa) Stir.' " The author it a humor in and frennenth enforce! hit corre.- trim ty InihtMt rtnthiirti irfMbbiMti " [( nteruu. " It will he in the hiiln at decree wefnl to all wh> with la cor rert many i rrora in a abort tin.e." [N. Y. Evemna Minor. 1 be beck ia iriterineread with many anineiuc anecdote, over which we Lave lausked heart ii y and ütriahl. and ia one of tbe u.uet oiefd and iuattscdva volnn.- I of Ike f .aaoo." |N. Y. Daily New«. .We recorr ii it to be recid nh,ud iu fan,, ,e- ( Ihe calendar (EadaaafaL) .' Every yonrr. lady who writet for the mao/mea ou'h'to cor.tult it before rornp>aunf another pace.end we know >f a arc re or more practiced wrtera pi marup-r ace wh'i mi.'hi con- tult it with a treat BBaJ laatii.r profit." [ \*. V. Fve:ii..c i'oa*. "We recommend it to every one of on r'ader« without ex- ¦ it tun." fN. Y. People'. Orcall. " it ia better thru all tie CTammart trer writti n." (< ihio Paraier. " It ahonld be introö'-i <S c,'o 'norland, of Cainii;,-« |N. V. Ohaenrer. " It* ra| id aale atteata ita value and ahawa Baa Baled et auch a work." (Life llluatrited. " No one i an read it Withogt iaetiiiic rrotit.'' (N. J. Standard. " If ia one of ti e mi*' uaeful booka we hare ever met wi'b." I Miuina leaxmal. " It ciiaht to >>e ,n every familv." [Couareaatiooal Jo irnai. Price 17] e t«. RaBghj aafdaf nf by mail (poetace paili on recc-ift of piwe. Haudaomely ia^ue-i.fine paper, clear type, .ilt.overa. Publi-hed by DANIEL Bl'ilOI'.SS k Co.. No. 6'i fahal tt New York. J U 8 T b E A I) K A T i: W J: s T O N ; <»b. TO W ILL AND TO DO. Bv Ji vvir. Dr. Wn r. With eitht eleiaut Iliuatrationt. Price, io clfltk, *I 3J, Ilt'NlKII'S FEAST; Ok. CowkaaaTios, Aaoi vn the C tME-FlKE. W i'h eiaht eleeant D'uatratiooa. Pri-e in doth. aM FA ft EN ES IN THE PRACTICE OF A HEW-T01I BURGEON, By Edward Ii. Dixon. M. D. With eusht lliua- traiiona. Price, in ,loth. tl t% THE ESCAPED M N Prk I *I AWFUL DISCLOSURES OF Maria monk 15 reufa. FFHRI'AII Y MAO \7.INFS. tiyvnrrn-i' maoAsntS. ODETf LAD1 s Look. PETERSON S NATIONAL. METHODIST NATIONAL, on a HAM'S MAGAZINE. a HI Hl RS MAGAZINE. KRANK LE.-LIE'S JOURNAL DE WITT a. DAVENPORT PebUl atra, . Not. 46 and M. PubliaLed Tina Day: cen8e AND 8en8ibility.. k^ BY MISS JANE AUSTEN, A'lthoruf " Priiteau-I I'rejuHir.-." M F.netia." M l'ertiiaeio^." &r. The Publuher, in puranance of their Jetirn of ia. ling a new and uuiiorm edition of Miaa Amteti'i relehrated uoveli, ai:* SES-E A Si' SENSIBILITY, at now juat ready. pl<IDE AND PREJUDICE hat ali ady b-u iaeaaai The remainder arSI fulow rapidly. liaued in nniforui vidunn-a Price TSaaajtaaajeR Bl'N< K A BROTH K H N .. 1.-, Nv-.a .. N Y "AnotLtr Bombahell thrown into the C'juip of the Spit .ualiate.' " rfl W E V E N X EÜL X I <; b T 8. I t\D How JUDGE EDMONDS w \-< BNJCUSSED) OR, 1 HE I W.I.IRII.ITY OF SI'IRI I I ALISM EXPOSED, bv t. c * wr.r. H?paiei. ISaaa, Price Twenty five Centa. Qceetio:-.« hat h»a ra-iae»! tint »reat commotiou iu the cai-p the Spiritualiata ' ai tv*er-Two F.vetitt Niahfa. (Jut itioi..« ho it th' anther of thia l ook I Ai..v»tr-Mr. F. C. Ewer Editor I Phi Pioneer, San Fratl- alrco, Cel. Qaxatliai TYhal IM Mr. Ewei do I Ai.iwer.Ba aat down in hit lanctuiu in San Fran. i«cn, a:. vrrvmich alter the m inner f E iaar A Pea,ha taaMaa Ma weird iki:ehea. iomi-.a»-ii a BataJ r,-mirkaM» tpir.tual exper. t i.i t .ataiiiii.» u u tr.rul...^ a urntiv i.r bey., art any " rial" ex| in the hiatory ol modern ap r/ualiaiu," a el hen he had faUa rkanjurad thia fai.c.ful " apicitual" experience an' tied " 1 wo EVen'ral NiRhtt," be pub!.«!j.d u iu The Pis lecr^ tdjeation.IioV did he BBaMee il would be underitoo.1 Aa «(r.A> a t.i tiuu. for hie only u tiv- in writing U: an to fi iniah a to. d ituty to. hia pat-er. UueetioL.W liar diu Jatlfa ondi do ou rtilin« the arti¬ cle I At-w.-r.He wrote ta Mr. Fwer. »'a';tif "iiat he ha-1 ha.1 «e» eial interv'. wr w,:b the (definu-t tictitioaa) liero uf the na ra live '. John F. " QaaeUeae.What - Mr. Ewaada ta rrrafpt iff Ifca flaigt'i kttai I Ai.iwer.He wrof to The N. Y. Herai a Raa an evnoae of tl -manner In m hi. h JuJce E .mm da bad b^eti dup.-d bv blmj or ra*ber, abowiaf that the Judfe'i prete de.1 vitloa«. like all tl. 'ter preieniK'na of " miaiern t] intu^liam." were worthleat ct «lief. Qaeath .What ta.d the pt.blic * An«*er. That Judae 1. Un< nda »u r icely hociaaed. Uort'ion. Whai mm J'Jd(e.Eiuiouda hi w«» not. ClLeation. U hat-ay the aurhor BBal publuher * Anawer.ILat every one aLould read tbe book and Be< ide tor h axaatC Qur«tiot..Who ia ihe ranbiiali. r Ai .wer- H DAYTlTS No 79 John-.t, lbe book ron:aitu the afory of Two Eveiittul N.iUta whitu baa excited ao much aiten'iou. and Bet I itTeajajndeiM. i between j Eds in!« and Mr. Ewer. HOOKS. OLD and XKVV.4.000 VOU'MKS JUST LANDED..WILL!AM c. BALL woedd be/ u.tonu all B(h>k buve-a that ba ha« j mt returned witb hit annual c-irio ot LARK OLD BOOKS from Europe, wber- he baf b- en co'lectlnc for the laat year. Thit ia without doubt tae lnriett lu.r-orta'iou ever made at DM 'i ue intii th» ciuntry. Tl e collection ia »i varied that it would be out of pi tee to deiut- cate tbem in an advertisement. They Lave been «el»«t.-d from ai. aouree«. t-ut n.orr eapecal y "»mthe hrar oi th-la-'I. r; Stewart «Ja Rothaaay, Mr J. ¦iibatdiai R> v J. EtMa, R. J. at C. Freeling. A. V BJxattarl aaal .>ther«. He haa in BaMlruwi ? cured tbe entire rema.nder .-f tr. I'ARKER SOCR T\ PCB- LH ATIO.NS. amt uutinc'o «. vraj tl- iierid voln-nea. which he mill «eil at pe»t!v red .red pryi' e#. The Boon are now opea and ready for aa!e at No. Frank ÜB et il an«i W fl ^.ira. t Rf , e cf each BchA or eet. with the ramber of rtdumea. ia in- ,. raed ioaide of the firat cover. For fur'ner iaformattoa. ad- dreaa «M C. BALL, aa above, or WILLIAM 0OWASM N.. 17* Fatten »t. MA C A T L A Y'« SPEECHES. THE M'ktt HKS. ADDRESSES tu., ei the Ri.nt Ii ii Mat.lay, M P .jt! -r f Pha Hi-.rrv ot Bay |.at«i .. L»vt of kaveaeaa Raaaa,H kc .' v<>.a IRej >. Free *». It haru to aa . »»her:., i L:a »-> «r hia «peeebr« m Paria- d »! f. at 1 .. y rl UbbI eaavyt are tk« at eharaabxfi ei h baa ra.»ed hi:: tov,rycr»«- er..:n-:; ¦». BBal »"i!ri Sa «wiücient to BBtlrate the reputat:oc of a:.v ordi::err BRB] f"!ir Are'dhahj Aliaon. M ]t aaay ha aahl that (.real Britain baa prBB^aartaJ aaajaja. n -lie r BarRa wi.o kau u i'ec, i ao rn....-u' i deajree aa ManBear, the lorty a. d ctl'iva'e.1 -re. r.«. 'he el-> j"eea ora'or. a: .1 the ajc-ri..«» and far reaciui c pt i'i» aj " f Vl^aJlT Art ia. V\ e do 't knew tat anv hvir a Kncl'i '* 'r wh Me e e- .]-. e-. e reaxaea ai" near rr »,.l.r- a!. ¦>-' eai I r».wee<el r'«c*iea- reeeoulnt animated ba an ui''n»e eam#a-r- -a r>f fee.- J. It'ourv« i I K..«iTir-r J S REI>F!f!LD No. i\ B"k aa:.-.t. n tasrJBss battjbday next onr ps* ¦ary BT«, aj 1111. U>VERTI8IKa JOURNAL TWENTY THor>AND CoPIF>. Ten ttv>"*»enai copiea lor nreaiatioe in the Wear, aad la ta» for cnsaXetava b Ncwn.rk. . ...rtiAer« wü, «eod In IIIIIIItdlBtaly. 04V-» Nn. K> Breau wav ALBERT O RH HARDSON. HEW TOU ME by CHASLEfl SDMNEaT. T I C E N O R a FIELDS Wil i ablehrt February BECENT SPEECHEfl AND ADDRESSES, < IIAIU.F.s BTJMNEB. Is 1 volume. Kalo. Serb be*v nto::.rude* I f»m wonil are Stard upon free-eud, with * p»ople fr»«- " . [Goethe'* Fane- Many of thejc Spe. rke« have been »x'ecrvely circdetej in ar'ry, and re;cbi ah'.i in Engia'.d. Atnoruf tbern .. that rh» 'in Si'io-»i. vuti ?«c'*Ufc, a title oticr: ha* now laaaeit into a watchword. We neve in oor poeeeeeien many f Mr S 'i *~eechee. (Oil we cot.fef> that, for depth e:.d *crur»cy .: thought, for MftMal cf hW' t. ru.aiion and] for »pecJee of paeatic in iraiify. a b 'fa. < all «er hienv ander foot, and ruabr* at r*o<-e to th ritht cone Ine*'ti. we k ow not e «inale orator, «peakia* the 1 ti ith, »ho rank« a* hi* rapenor Re PenajMaaaj to a ..««.. exten' the perarverance of eVerivillr >h*:;>. the iru wle«i»' of r!»ni. the en'bna.t--:. of W trotve. and a ,onrage wtrieb. ae he ia a young man, majr be expected to tell ¦ tweitully cn the drciue* of tee Republic." [Edinburg Journal. .. No man cf, det t that Ch*r!> * Sumner u a r-ady, arcm. p'iebed ai.d forcible writer, capable aiike of treat elegance and ¦rrat *n>ticifa." [H.-ton P^t. " TL. oraniL* uf Mr. Sunicer fc. !. ng to the liferatnr» o: An:-nee. . . . Pm* and bigh.y c.aoeeU in «t»l , **rcn* ui argnmei.', aid rich and glowing" in Imagery, end, ut aoine ;*rt» *.-. i»' T- «rhu., he p, e i.-. >. to tn- read' r alw»»* lrr»h. alwey* intereatii.gj and attractive. . . . In the eleva- tu n . f MMUM nr. the hieb and lofty moral-oo» end gran-War ot '.m«ht witch they po*er«*, united v*it:i tbebt literary men; 'near production* bev» no equal among u«." [Htmi'l JJerchaut'* M-euln". " Let u* take a f. w line* from the »p-oct. of Hju. Charte* San.ter, one u| tboac pownful intell c-e ia uoble heart* tba Lave «hone aa brightly in our »t*t r eOmiUj, * * What nob: atetaonct "* fL-mdu.. fi-ue» "leery n:an. wet: an and child liio ii l read the -poech of fh- vr v, r M«»-«. i. .«...« 11 w .. i'ft. u . to «nv '.» itaiLlir'Li* nibli eflurt: and it u inpoeaibl! In convey anale- ijnete Idea | f it* beaoty and *'r-ng*h. I oave. not beeu *ccu« tt reed to prtiu-tUa Senator bat tba hear muat be cold and Stbadgxörm lagaaxatably dia'orted which cxmld withhuld hi* walfiamrd fntue tröm thl* dav'* a. .jeittance." [N. Y. "Tune*, "Wl »ti.. l recou,mend . cl ae and earne»t *t«dy of the »i cech ct tLe Kniitive Slav. Act. . . . Apait iroiii irg r»- I.« »ud IgWftltH " i ir: ic, it m one of the cloaett an l oi v.. cing argnn ent* we have ever r> ed on'be rxili« y of t ie earl rr ar.d gTia'.-r, aa c.,:i.;a*ted BTXtb that of tbe later a' 1 I e»i er i'aie.n.' u of Antenca." fLexebea) K.vamiiier. " ( L*r!e* S'.Uiier wa* »eleu ej v :iie We*t a* one of tne true u ei. ot tl.e It*». tifilic. and leave* it wit i the e.vivictH u. bnrn»d in irj.-n tr.« heart of 'lie people el' tlte H*t the Hepnliic be* do abler or bo.:e*'er BtdUaXM " [CttxMfB Rib .>o pencil even the ni"*t aawtejaVead willnu»take him fee a eeexeweti xaeai » . . Earn art)] Aeare tba ebaeme of* bee beU baatibefagle. . . . Sun.r.. r i* the Macaaiaj of Abolition." IN. O. Helt*. " TT: ere ere *rw nien *o ultra en ti- «!a»e quest ion, b'K that in Ba*Jt1*0 de'nrt* from Mr. Sum erw ecc>uipli*hnieu** t* a gentleman, ai j bit eloquent end *choIarly atraiuu.e:.'* in tore lure tad ..e'e-rnarfhtp." ILoettofttta C jurier. " A few like tlte diitmg':i*hed Sen.i'ir, » ho<e «i-eech we ervr. fix to thai artn a- .|uire fame in the Bena'a. . a a f. u..burgj RaTtitW Cat dor ctrpe!* me to «av that Mr. Stunner made a MBJ grrat ») eech. It wee able, exoBjaatll aXxl arganii.'ttati.e. a 1 loniifl. d . w evideiice of ih» HI r >f prov.ikn 2 ta! tit and feadag ».^:: -an .:. ..r bit MaaaM [I'hda. Le-Uer That a Ircrure tboi.ld Be r> aaafad la New-York. « a rare niiaago. Tbe! a ie,ture an ba)*A*Sleeaiv aboala bafae^aamd n N»w York even before a few diepaw-f 'fanatic*,' ban an* oral!* led ei. ui reu. e. But that * An i ;-.'»i--\ laeMN )«.d le rejiatei! iilabl after uiglr to . aeiva aialtiteoVie more en'bu*ia*tio than the la*t. mar'«* tlie ej.o. !. ,i| a meolatb in toraUrfcelilM]ill au er» .n tho untorv of L:iier'y. Nildo'* 'Hearer vii cro».l»d lagt ever ing long before the boot o' oov IIII (.11 III Iiuudrejg ataod through tin three hour*'.eo'u.e Mr. Sun.r.. ¦'. *p > h wi< the gr.'ateat oratorii j and Uyical *j. rue cf the year gud »a* n.o-t eri'l.ti*iaatitaallv oraiee.1 ij tjie larff*t aadienc« jet mtbarad in ifeto-Torb ta beax a lectara. (New York T- ,'i Orden f. r Mr. Sanincr'* New Volum« l4VW rvv'tfived by ncKNOi i riELDs n Ho H A C E <. ll E E L B V . . TIIK LIU". < ii- Ht iK iCE OREELEYj EPITfHl 01 TIIK NKW YtiRK TIIIBI NF T\\ J«u e* Parti ¦ v\ iti, Por'raita. ISbM, pa.4tt Price *)l]b It ia agreed by ftirnda ind foee of Mr. Ureeley no mfre ably, entert-nr.ti.rly *nd in*tr'ic'iv 'I-, WlittM to igrapby haeever ii ade Itg m America. Rai ry one who hai a;iv le- . ire lor aeiamdivr aae^aamteame with th« Waat * « Ketitcr. ihould read Mr. I''* book, ami he will know Mr lireel. y a> well *a though he bad been " brought up in 'tte »«ire roVi ." "Worthy of a ajai. by the abbi of the Lite of Benjamin Krai.kna." [Ilarilord BaUro- 'e " ir'' " The Um .pi,-, and attractiv*1 - " H!* 'Life' la a living epie'Ie, pr.m'.aiming that virtuo ie t.i- deav.r* and unaelliih t. il -.< oner <>' !a'"r will meet ^ ti' recoui- pi aaa [N. Y. CaViaviaa latalMaamaar. " Uf abeorl'iog tn'ere*', and conta nine um. h of plea*t it Im¬ mer. *| erkür g wit and attra« live inpfalofQ ** [Kaugor Co.iri-r. " A volume lor earueat men and boy* toaead «nd atael] I ^pr -t Kepu'.lican. " A* an i: centive to youth in pov»r»y to lie hone*'. feJtbfM Baal I .!.* v. ring, apert Iroui iu peranual inlereat, it aliould üj lata the ban.!* ol the youn« of America generally " I Mlddletöwn Stan.lar !. " A) inter, stit.g at any novl. yet a^l true." IPmnmvrile Demoera'. We conld at fend VO favorable no'icee by the Preee of tbia he* k. lln Bay lillrij It fit inataa bara N eu «ol l. I' la for .ale by Book ellera generally, or wtll be aeti' by ma l poat paid, to any ad.;.-e«* on rec. ii t of the retail price. Aai bow *i *r er op yfoa tjaa :Ur«^ . .nee. &n,l ...ling u* a lopy u.arkeii, will re. eive a mpy.f h^biok l y mtil, roei-rtid. MAtOH BROTHEB», Naw-Tarb. a Si w I'. « If.r.:: t .'er. .'. t A II1' FIIM.s (iF I HE BED HEN / <ir a HONORED TEAM AOO. Bv J. K. Ort.,n. M. D itcmo I vol.. illuttrated, *\ tS t O M T K N 1 S A Hundrec: Year* Ago. Th-t H atch tire and tlte War '1 be Hero of the Storv. Da. e The Itdian t\ I- * heahtiti of Lile and M^i bnoaLlTbl Attack. A LarMticare by tfea Boa. PJh K Ilaneiwork ol tbe Ureen. Ti V.o.a A NbtM kne up. n 'he Deep. 1 be Spai tar.'* it Ni w-York. V. -i» ik in Love. Tie Bali a' Owe. < lnitot '*. A (»tin*ily Bridegr.->>rn A Night A.tventare on tbe Bat- teiy. Li vi ii abi- it BTIak Life. Sce'rry e:. the Hudron. Looki. g toward the Wddeiccji. IU Six Nation* of the lied kfta. A Wild weed Hunt. Two Men «ich' of tlt fo ( THe Prisoner A My*'e.v Expl i i.e.l. V BUter I amp-lire i'eie. .^'a.iight Re.erie*. The n.v*!*. 1 ...if! m of the Bend Maea> laia> M dblfbl Cuiijuratio .r. A '.rat t CaaawOmaba. i ...ii ..I'a Villain Tbe War Party, tadiaa Love ofCoa.ttr ¦. The Scout. Plan aftba Attl k. Tbe Priz» of the \ ictar. A Camp tire Yarn. ( ontlmiou. An Alarm. DERBY k JACKSON 'f.ate J. C. Ptrbv PabUaaVera, N. us Naeeaa -. lV E V M U 81 C. Mi Pr. tty Pf«J0M AN Vterklng Sanday Nigbt. E Marfceteta. Jcte. 1 hi- kit * f- .-T.rte- S Mirwe B tea, V\ hile maav*| all aione. H*tf>. S. Markctein. ii '*. S; ate my he-.rr f-otti irnw-n* rl I M''l 2Sct*. I eaaaat part with xbaa. Mats, S eti Lot i'» Pvrte P'lka. Merbttein. (Li-hogrt'-bi.-- likaneew.) SOe. Bebolink Polka IS eta. Golden Drop Scbortiecba. ... HHiKa BRO "HI Broadway. - I Aft r Haine* BrM Pia..***. kJ K M I W F. F K I. Y T K I HI N F . . kT The fe'lowing i* tie TABI.F. of CONTENTS of THE SBMI-Wr KM.Y 1 RIBf'NI". No. 1.1!.': [M*tlt Cotle* can be ol.tait.ed *t the cou.iter in the Publica- t .t.i.n.e :iii~ MoRNiNo. Ptt e.; c.i.t.). I I F A III NO ARTICLES The Speakerriiin: The F ; repeal, >iet»a; A Ne» Civil v\'*r la Kai.*t*; Tlie Slave.Tradln» Ctae A Stra;.^» Lawiait. II..THF. .-TÄTE OF II HoPF: Letter from O ir Ow.. Correapundrnt, A. P. I., at London. IH..VRABCEI Tb L«t Spec-h of Louie Na;- IV..E| IU V .lRF.LA.ND: ProereMcfth" Land Re.ol itioo VI..ORE DAY LATER FROM LLROPE: Arrival o the Mean *btl' V\ «»hingt, a, VII..MEXICO: Letter troUiOur Owe CoireapoLde:.: at the I t. M xlci. EIII..EEOM WASHINflTON: The Pre.ideney in IV-rI;Tho fe.eed At.t: Ntbrtaka Caaeaa; W'.v tbe Ho-iae * I iJriaalje.:: Frioav in 'he Hoo-e Why tbe Plurality Eule ta Rejected; faatayaVmiatbt ÜO'iee; The At ten.) t to Break the Baxt* I u. tX.>FR0M B0.-T0N: Lett'r fr^m oar Own Correepond aad ct Bo*'.fi.. X. ANSI |X Mr PORT OF THE CO.NTROLLER. XI. OF.NERAL M1RAVIEFF I. XII. .TI Weather: Indiana to Kanea*, Greeting- Lift ;:. tbe MiMoan Camp; Lrtteraf tbe Hon. D. H. A'chi aor. if Mkejaail aa toe ASbloi of Kanaae, Muwr.r. and ¦MM Feg :r; Ohio. XIII. .MA BINE AFI- Miir XIV. A NKW ITOEl BY Dil KENS The wto> of Part II. ot LlTtLr. DotaiT.a . ew Tale by Chart»« Di * . XV..THE LATEST NEW I BY TELKORAPH PI . trr* at Nea-ortra:.*: From VV aaoiii/ton; The Ll:* Paaed iad<BXaxdpt .\X\IVth Congrra*; New-York Let atat...-e f be -'{.aarrah p Our Relat e..,* wi'Si Fi giand; I r m IVaallllllTim| Fror» Albe».y ; From Hot, Yr<m the P a. »; F.r- at A ibur ., St*»v Tr»irorerol Paattarylvgaan Tae Prohibi' iry Liquor law ni New Bt'.Lawi-ki Fire 1:. ( ambridaepor*. M*.*. In»*:.- racueei L'ticii,.. Appoaitmeut* iu M«...r. ' XVI. FK.-SI ALBANY: Letter from Our Special Corre p adead at Albany. \M» THF NF.W FI'»ftlDA WAP. x\ in. < :t r.Liis. xi.x. PIBEJ XA. MI.-l y.L'i AJfEOC TI I llHljlw l-'^Jf- .,t 4 by tie Enr-er.r» . H-.- dred a i F: one Co«'l- i»* k;.iew au Anfe- 1 Ship Du-raea». g C ilamit / .A Ftmilr f Eleve- Ef/tten Death, Rl»>ie lalaxatL X.\! MAHblAOfcS AND DEAlHS. XXII tYHALERB. XXI l-.i <»MM1 Hi 1AL MATTEP.S- F-d Renort* of the pteea. Moi aa Cotton. Oraio and otA-ir Maraet*. .rvcialiv rvrove.1 for The Tribune. THF WEEKLY TB IBI S K .. fun. .bed to eibaerfb- gaa al tbaaa laaaai Oaa pyt .r One Year »>3 Two ooytee. B' Five ci'pte*, *ll A 1 t.tJOU . U 111 WwU THE W1 I> 0 W B E DOT T P V PEBS if trill Mahnt irit> nptbatrid raatrlitT The admirer* of her *' F*f.«ri" are rvnuiiif wild. reed the f. .'owinr: As Fdifor «v/»» .a Wamajaxa the. uae. tdi> m to er>rre<* h.i ail rmaticL of the WIpoW REPoTT PATERS. rr son.. Of How THE W I DOW Should ?iu a*k tre how do Widow* Heave thatr .; ' .'f f.acirarton.. I.aia the hear la of aecond buchend« W ith the help *t liaWajBg «.ance*. Cap* of atarcLed and crimped renihn.. And the rue 'ic af «weet iwaur« o'er the virtee* of the ' tuet ore'. Of the ha.hand whoa* food fortune Tn«h hun far bevond their too*,u*-re*cb, Took him t.i that heaven of tilenre W here their toncuee r,.> more- id reach -n _ I »beul.! «n.wer.I ebonid tell roil. Unto ii e it Wae mv.tcncu. Tail a theme ot en.llea. wonder. .M< at amaiiua-auoet a*t.i«t..tiua. Par heaou^ the neap of laiatr, Or the if «pe. uiatloo, UeW a aaaa p..«vaee..n» ett.aea (Not a IWRB* poaaaaeed ef devdai. Uow a i naoji:i« free.tom. K'er *»A.«i aeciioY* hia left'hier, And the bha* th. reto certainm* To the keer-ii | ot a W vdcw- To a baried man'a remainder. " aa u.yaterwaa".mark the pn ¦. tcnee: fia mvater oua now Do ionaer. For I hi. d Uaa '.i the Rook.tore Aud the BEPtiTi I'APF.RS bough: I- Ri'Uvht the Widow B.'a confeaetoue. R«ad the ». ndroue Wulow'a wntiuaa. et' i.i :. » ittjr, wee. bewitcl ha] Vaai'.l i t aatir.c too. he., C Ball ereuea and truthful pact up a. A: 1 1 -nahe.! until my aidea «che.!. Luufbed till lattoni'ae my MM wan and int pair a were nearly dit .?. I eiehail ant11 I choked with leuchter. Uak ( lauah whoever heard tue; Ma.'* ti:e parion (auch who loi.l me That niy lauahtet w*< upr> are u«. But he'ceuaht the rich infection Aid he ctctitDated loudly Arjd u.. lared the Widow' (tloriou*. So we two be. im.- uproar.. And tpe whoaa vieer- la with prude' pinched and pu.keie Though ahe tried to . hoke hat uhter Up it t.uMiled. ri: itir.a. fuaL $. Ra'ti*. «Sfiekii.« into treui u That * re pair.rail} bilariourt Poor old lady, huw the .nickered. How .tc*-i».it her. Ion« daya after. Caaabl her In the depth af ' ui. etina' To bar' wn and c. h.-r»' horror! Oh. Pri'. il'a. thou of Widow* M at roiitidoia!.nioaf amuein*. Thcu »bi dTd.'t entice the Dca.-ou,' Poor Bedott.ato «urTered awful'. Into uiarria«., wlicr he periab' d' ' RTKENTH EDITION HEADY TniS DAY, Ar.l for talc Iv all R...iha liar* and N> wa Aaenta, DEBBT a. iacKson, (hwa j. C n.-rbv > Pnb'.iahera. No. 119 N*.«e't af. IpPI ETON" RECENT P1TBLICATI0N8.- - \ Da AfPLETON A Co., Boa. So4t4ad94l Broad»..y, have juat (ubliak.'d the foliuwmk important new wotkt: VIF I AOS ANI» KAUM CORAOM The liadlaanMlh .1 Aa i rltah YtTlore Hauet rtaiaMtiri anal *'i»«eate^ With Deatfaa laa ewrh hoi.aeaof moderat .. Bv Hei.rv W. Cleave land William llacknaand Sanmel D. BlttalB 1 vol., Svo., II luattafed with . " Kiuira\iu«*. fi. II. ¦OVOB *m> BA i.A US OP i hf. AMERICA!! REVO- Ml'i ON \\ tfh otea and illiatraiioua. By Frauk Mlrie. I vol., i.uo.. v.i>h two ill' hv Defter. '01. m. ph<5 mm an A Or. -«aETci'P:» «vn Bv»li:«9iEa. By John Plornix. I vat, Urn".. with portrait. t?l. IV. liiP iimsh ABROAD AND AT HOME, AT THE COURT AM» IN TDK CAMP. Wh» Boayaoln of " The linaad*." r»uiifi|a.'ei ea of ri Coifrant Ml efian. I vol.. Kmp. *>l. V BEADTT FOB kfBXRi «ir.THr. Old am. New BocTtnra coacBBBixa nir 't»t»: er Im »\tj *rtta Death coa- TBAtm). By B. P. Birntt. I \o!.. läuo. Wcent*. VI. the i h iRMi ok FAN! Y. A Paaamia h .rta.ito«, with :.oter. Cv Richard A'.aop. I vol.. l.'mo. e)l. Ml. SIC A RA«: CA. Ita P...;..». Sc. nery.''. and the projo.ed D.ter Oceanic With immer.; tOflfaaBl Mtfai ai.j liluatiationa. By F. O. Suuicr. New Edition, i vola., Ivo. 01. VIII history of NEW NFTWVRI.ANDS. Or. St.w-YoRa IX. DOCUMENTARY1 HISTORY 09 THE REVOLUTION. i on-iatiBf of latttra and par era ratatlua tu tii-( onteal for Lih- ett). chiefly in So.ith Carolina. From Oritfiuaia in la.aaea- »u u of ihe Editor and other aour.MM I7t>4-l77ti. By R. W. t.iltta, M. D. 1 vcl. Ivo. BIM ISK FOR THE MILLION. BIT KI,KV S ¦ O N O B 0 o K Fob the p tai en], With Muaie attacii.-d. I V BT PUBLISH B D BY I'll 11. r I, CO/an8. No. P7 NABBAU STREET PRICE iSJ CENTS. Thi« CLaai« at of PwMJeaaaat i. aaaaaeti FiOv New aol Popular Beaaea auo.oK whi.*!j are ihn laUewtejatl The r-erond E.I it ion of the Old The Firetnati'i Chan« rolka at Home, Armnf-d by Ja«. Buckley, a- maej I >. Swaine BeeAlay.|Faa Awav. \ inikina ai d hia Dinah, With Muaic W ifh Muaic. Breathe not h-r name. «.in« hv Baaken Baahley in. Never More, Clara, dear. lhadaletal Treaedy ot Villi WithMaalehyFraa\laaatl kina and hit Dinah. OtJ W ay Rla. kmau, W ith Marie. 1'. .e fii: ft. w ith Mi th 1 h- TkkHjlf f horua, Arranged for tour voi M H -h a Bye, Baby. Prettv I'a'i With MaBia. The Jolly Oi l Crow The "few l.a labine; *'<"ia. W'"b Mnak Juliette Baili ar, The Niairer The fctcadwav aaaagj I ("o^uette, Aaainie by Swaine B". k!eyi Aa antif bv Swaine Buckley. with toe moat euth ...aati. Oh we're tin: Boya for ple.a apfiauae. ore. Knei da at Home. Tha Cotton Picker'a >on%. Mualc by Kred. Baa k < v. 'Mary Orav. W e were R.jja aud Oitil to- WithMu ir by W Per.-lral. tether. I"' I r.i.'o.N 1 1 Old Tiniea. By W I'errivel. IFleur de Mane. IS i 'A HISTORICAL WORK NOW Ki;vhY. .l\»IsS<»N AM) M.W >R1 LANS. IB «alhaiaali narra'i.- ..t tee Memorable A. i>-.aaBeaatf of .i e An if it a., Army, ...der Andrew Jacka-.n, Uiloro Now (Jf Iran«, la tha Winter of llla-IA By Alexander Walkar, (lata tih.-N. u Iieiia.1 W ith Frontlaniece. lAuo. .> 1 Ji. CONTENTS. J'tka. 'a K.rat Entry iato New-Oilcan*. I.afitf.- The Pirate." Latin. the Patriot. Jackicn ak era hi* Planka. Tha Prineh Review and Euharka'.o, Hattie of l.r ke Borri.e. Ice Bri iah I audi in aud Bivouac. lh. Ah RaUa-Thj March. I attlead ihe Tweuty third ot Deceuit. r. IHIL Bat i dwara Pa kei.hao-. A I), u.cnatrati :. and a Defeav lit Brltiah bm.« *t tbe.r B14 Otaaa. tattle of tLe Battl |k *. Two Notable Warnora and«. Preraraiieo« for the Piual Conflict. The La'tle f N. w 'UI-ana-Thai Vic 1 Sa'tleol New-Orleaua.The Diaaater. Clotln« lt.. dent*. The Fnale. DERBY k 'At'KSON. date J C. Derhyj NeW Yfl Pah riaara n 11'» Naeeau at.. New York. *r Mii:AT BELIQIOUS BOOK of tbsSEaiSOV. IHK CHRISTIAN LIFE* SOCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL. By Petea Bayve, M A. I Sana Cloth. 01 SB. Thi* work, which baa beei. p.ih!i«hed only a few we*h«, bar ..ready reached the THIRD EDITION. It he* been ema- mendaU in almoar ettravutiit terma Ly the muet di.t.n«uie!j.;d iayn-en and diTinee, amon« whom may be named Rufu CUoate, Mr W; tl .-op. Dr. Sott. Dr. Hawe«, Dr. Stone. Dr. Berber, Biakop ( lark. Prof She,',! a.d Dr Feller; a id by toeleadinf Qtarerly Reviewa ircl'i-lm* the North American, BiSioehee* Sacra (I m/.".alionai), Ch.'iatiaa Review tBapcwtI. Curiatiau Eaaaa.ner l i.itariafi). and Kreew Baptiat Q iarteri. (.tyLLD A LINCOLN. No. Vj W aahii.^ton at ~\i »vm. I'BBEE-DOLLAH MAGAZINES FOB TWO DOLLARS.D. A. WOOD WORTH 118.f\-UL'- Si BEW-YORI «f'PPLIES W00DW0 r.I S \CUTfcS' tABfNIT AND HARPER'S, OR ANY OF 1 I! E THREE DOLL IR MAOAZ1NBS FOR THREE DOL- I >!(- THE CAPIMTISTHF BI>T DOLLAR MA'iA EIRE IN '1 HE UNION._ IIT!EI.L'" L.-VLVO AfiE.Eviry SArUB- J DA i *t> * fam PANoRAVA OF LIKE AND L1TERAfL'RE.Monthly. * 1 a y-ar LITTELL BON a Co.. Boeton . And No. Ml Broadway. New-Vorhv «pABDS, COU I LAH>. Hill II. tv-Ja). liiiU of \^ LocI».l«, Caatl u. Hoi *a blank*. Rece.;.... Notier«,Check«, 1 ruf ar«) DaLdbi i, libaat, and «. arSaf kln*Vj ot Job i en- betdaaa m hatrdaoace«tyle at eaah pri<»«. at TiIOMA^.E. rUlT< B'S Plea and Ornamental Pnntiia Otiie*. No 141 keiffei a' re'» »e H*«r*jai ar i Br .adway ötationern anb Sanzn iSoobg. BLANK BOOKS and VTUToVKKY..PB kN- CIS a LOLTREL So. TT Mahlen a,e -t«r|.r,era i'rint er. and B'.> k1 .:..'er* Merchant* and irhia .applied with er rrythrof in ear i.-.e atRawaat prlcaa. Iiiarie« ai*i Da.'y J^«ri.«.« t.r IBM ail rtylae Order* -eceive arotntt atteorwvi. F'IhWS re.imriD« ULaNK B<Jt>KS «rTbe rart.i.h«d with »e*« already aaede rr nia^a W ..-der, of th* Mat paper at tha .h .r.ert ootK* by SLOTE A JA.NTS ««. Ä Falton-at 8 Lote & janls No. M r. i t..> «r Ni» Vnu. STATIONF«!», PKINTF.RS ANI» LITUOt.BAPHTBS. t»olcniinc0. \T A L E M T INKS t,.r I p j ?i. . PHILIP J < <>/ < v», V.U.l MIM MANU U TF', No. 107 NuMa it, N< w 1 i> **¦.»ff Imj.[ Fe«pe«-tf«i!y anuoa,'*»* io Bo.*»»>;vr» aa*) Drein* tu Vii«i. nur«, that h'i» Lrw » of Valenluee, Bl veloewe aJk-1 V*!*n - I y. et int,:. i; - r<i for iL» ma' VeleoUua aaa««u, February, Udi, ia now read*. Ilttir« Imp* ti'i it\<m B'iroie a g-eel variety "f cold. eilver an.; uMuadne'eo ai.d eaibruwü rrd p*per», «iptau» fct Tai - »i d harn * i: a nie* ti.r» ¦. new uruaoietite en.f flower*, h- enabled utfri a eiperivr »tote, of new Vtlewrkae*. wbk h wül h- found lo »*. rl In artUlkal Üi Iah and elegance of ' Tlfder» will be filled froaa all |«|t. .( the felted State* aad Ca*. a.!«. a: d prompCv forwarded «Ither bv mall eaarem, ta lo'ifT'. ai Ol to worth._. Per ihr ,-. ,e of purchaser*, I he-.e Jona np #20 lote. ron*i*fi: g of five hu.-.irtd Valentine« a id*, awortr-T r«n«irt w prira fttai 3 cent* to *) 1 V retail, and »10 lota. 1 .«, k,-. whM-h wul be aoH eaflj tcr i-««b «.".omrariying order*. I'«r"ir« w««i'iiig V aleetuie* wi!' plea*.- r ward their order* earl* *o receive pvu*lit*t *Mee*tfca*l Pario ^ovcrtiscmcnte. CHILDREN'" DRESSES. CAPS, »NNKTt*, I.--S-ec:a:-* -PAl'TINK Rod FID* Rn« Rlvetl, IM. near the I »»«a«e Delorme. N. H. H''".i-d for it* uanctaallt*. 1H0K E PWFUMKY.- ttrwidi ^x-iVty.- Cl Ti AN 4 Ca., Oenerei Ptagl, Lue Rivol . iTo /urrncro tiito (i>il)cro. ( To FLORI8T8, GARDEN ERA. Hoi" VMM'S. *. PROPRIETOR! oi Nl R5ERIEB el N FW. YORK aad . i.viroi v .The ur.deraigned »iahe* to receive ( raaco) rear Annual Catalofaei in order to .'. rwad order* for «a» h ertleleo a* u-.y .uit. ' U BKUIB, nafllialtallet. P.tanU' and Ue* er la tiardee ft emit, No. » rr-uline« et,Hear Orhaaa Coot anb fvunb. 1 CM .-A I'.M'KAliK "f PAPERS. (tu>>f>Ba«aJ li to he ¦' Mile v«!ee to any e .«. -t the ow- er.) wrepined la r ewajaj or «'»1 tu.laith reil tape, waa falrti at ih» corner f Brron:e it. at..\ Bower* from . ie of the re-* In the t-*.'n down the BarleBi Railroad wlm h roa. HrJ th.- Broouie-*«. Star MO ar ICJ o'rln k on Monday morning. Am terwvii letimiinf'b» .an e or (iving information to the *nrieerihere that wttl lead trj i' r, aj '.I be aoi*e*>l« rew*-.'. MK.AH. I VKT k 1>' \s i v v.. if Brvwdway. tBanto. ALADY ooiiipt'ft aTt to inetrtift in Miieir. on tho Piano, Maladaoa and Them' h H»>«, IVncUlna, Cur ia Inj, Paiutit i in Water-rWore, Mottmhiuiuatie and rolycJiro- asetic, the Tri rl laauaie, woof.! Iik- a PLACE In a School or Family to TK ACM three or Ml baam a day. to: board aad a . irall ecfnt-enwtioTi the remaiiitt.« part ot thi- day lo he at hat r.idi*|o*al. A »Hnation in (hie < itv r-ferre.l, but wontd fi bom', ride on-. Alao. apiece *. OKOANIHT -i the Hab t>..hiwt ». hvl Äve \eera' eiaeaiaMt. and ran pie* Church MaeM maamy et *i«ht. Addrew.MISS II Tiibune OtBce, or call at No. .V P.a*t Ad-*t. A RESPECTABLE l.irl mkkt* * eittiatiou f<i J\ io OENEBAL BOPBKWORB ma >u,ali f*. ,dy. I a. deratand* Coi kin', Waahing aad Imaina. Can be *eeu tar two day*. Al t It at No. 17? 6th ev., betnreeu 4th and tfta-ete. In qu're ill the office. 4 \ Aim ricnti FMBE Woman uithct to «»ni{hoi< J\ Ina j. . vK t ABI «iiikowi l HILPREN and do PLAIN SEWING or neu*, iu light ( IfAMBKHV. (»Kh Beat of city leferrnce from her M 'air. Avidy at No. 224 l>t a<., bulataaa 11thaad Itlüttt. cm NoJjt. Jj . 1VERNE88,.A Tl.| I.nlv, n K*n<luat«y of VB t Northai . aakaary. ot tiMriaatt ¦ UtMaiM me 1 | 'oat.1 h< e. toaoilier » 11h Latin, Krem h and M'i«ic, de.nee to fi rru an e iiarrmrnt in a arhool or family. Would engage In '.*.,! .t I., -i.i I, r a moderate <ai*i .. Addiee* AMELIA, \N IBaa >biir«h Poet.Orhce I. I. 1 »I sl KKKPllli- An Ann rirun wi.l.iw I.u<l>, taaaaataM ta take CHABOI <>i aHOVBB, large or >i. «n<l not attu'.l ot it.i n her oven bände, aau'eaa oTV't t it. f.- .uuv.rr be H If. luotlre of S. B office af Arueii- an w idow'* Relief ImmIiIIm. No. 111 Ogaatei -t. ClTl'ATIi'NS WAMT.n.M, thr.-olurcJ k^ iVoaaen j ona aaCCM)! .....-nuisk.I BEAM hTRKBB, a .d one 0. CHAMBERMAID and WAtTEB, 01 I. AC NDKK.ri. Alao the **me by lice !'m'e>(«ui yonguj \\ on.en. Apriy at No. 7 11 'It *. near Broedwey. CIlUATlONb WANTED-Aj * n<u»l CQ0K kjr ..1.11. \\ ASH aad IR11N, by a \ rv FiaaMMead Woman, with food cilj referencei and a* ( IIAMUKRMAIU and \ IITER, or a* CHAMBERMAID aud BKAMSTREBB, by a tii'\,active(>lrl. Call at No. 7^ tth-a^.. 111 the Bo ire. II .".CX. ?n Sew \ rk or near Now-Yurk. Addrere by letter bot No. i.lcTfl._ "ll'AM Kl'.By an r.nKÜNli l.irl, ;i eitimti»n inn ff BtiTttetan.;. to .10 en \ in iiuuHi. ami WAIf< Nl., am! willing to make bartall tM tul. (oiod e ly r .leretce ii»rn fraa bat laal i.late. Can I* MOtj tor Iwodeya at No. 117 Ein -it., ar (.-ai,<:, Iront WA N I 111 . A » hi NDRHE |Ba| BEAMBIBBtHJ bv a re. i.. n .VaaaaareMI Co I l.i ml era oik and \Sailing: ue.t et. Bafeeourt d-eOi lu Ie a-> n at the Kui.'.ieyment So. katy'g nfti. e. .v. J Bibo> llouae, TAMI.|)-liy 0 n tin rl.ililf (inriii iii (»irl, a . itmtllou a* ( HAMBKRMAID. I'nderafand* marbh| (eellv (i.-od releren. ee girei lallet No. .Kfl E.wt I Ph f. b«'w»en ..venue. b e.d C. f.ui Ii floor, Ii aa rOOOt. W'AN'i Kl».Kv a yomiK Woman, a eitinifiou to TT COOK WABII and IRON m a pn% .v 1 .u i... lot Ban to «.. to the country, or wnnld go M Le« »». 11 »a 1 e . oi itv ret. rence froai r Utl employer, l/'all al No. tli 7th av between .'Ith ami ..'itli-ata.. Bi Iwodaye 'AM F.lJ. Hy a Pnitcet.n.i (iirl, 11 BwaMttpB ie WAITEB. M.e (horongbly iin<ter*tenda h"r In.......-». a: can pioduce the \trml ot city C*n lew *.tn at Nu. IU Eaet Uta *t betu. eu Ik and M ava, AÜRÄDI All", of au Faet.'in Golbf», wbo bat Ltd aaatrioavre tl tea. hing, and ij cotn|ieteiit to in ».i ct iu'be 11 111 .1 . .orman. wiehr« a place a*'I clACII I.R ,rllt|\ kTK II IVB. Addre** TUTOR, Boa No. lei Crib In-e Office. _ \i;FM i.i .MAN. Efaf Ba.aBUd vtith the* Daily l'r-*» editoriallv, «nd with ..ri»id. raWe tawafieteet in iL,- aaminietrativa datiae of a iew»pener aaMMMhMtgH, eriehMti NOAOE arlth «.n e well to o-led lournal 11 tin* cii v. VA oi.ld prefer * onneelioii with ? me repufabl l-'Oirarv to « 11 11 a »1 all ooiieyed iuterttt mey be had. AHlre«t ( «ETON, Iribmie OBice. AF\1» WANTFD, wli«» .-an BBl Tnt WÜ, ai d rend iu»n'v. tn learn (he bweme** In nVt ti at ot a n ..«1011« t ew tj aper. to a M*y of good morti ehtM ter a i 0 . tabatt. it would be ¦ .1 -.treble bBMbbw .. Ad ..i. >* M. H. .1 I riniine Orhc. n.r tlu- daya. IKiY WANTED.Ib b Retail Hurdwarn Stor*«, I \ one .e.iding with hi* pare. 1-1 the ujipwr part of the Itv. - *. tir.t paar. Addrea* in handwriting ..I ippikai.t box N». 117 Peal Office. _ JcllN YOliNO ia very aucceoaful in tuitioR fan.ill. .. h< ardblig I Btjaat. Ire witt. K. rvant*, aad Herva rtt b gitnation«.aTOe Protestant Employment Bociaty'l OaWa, No. 7 Carmliie-ft. THOME 111 want of KeNrttrb, Ofrman, Welth or Inab OIRI.S will apply (0 Mr. VoBKBVOVB No*. M hi .1 14 Bitte liou*r. AUo, be*t MALE HELP of all doetrrv- f ion*. rH. SCHOOL AGENCY ami TEACHERS' a I NltiN Ufer?), by E. U. WIL( OX a SON, No. X I roadway .A p».arr.Ti *l I»Taotiti ea and Nation a ma *t . or . per rer.t pre*, ring everything lor S< batata, Libraro ». he., tilling all older*, vacar.rlaa ertd chet ge». ('HgCKMOLOKBr B* vt.riT Iv.Ltri) at 7 to Hi end loo p. cent, |leta| emploj. in. t und nr.,ine to all, allowing * Karr CHCca for prorating- two Mobicnlier*. CiiKiaa are renewal Ie and trtn»f-rr*ble on intäreot, «J|l>, *>I5, »i*>, #1" fat, kx. No chtrfo to P ptl*. 'I get ..111' Mkctivo a .<t ' o.acrrotvogvcc DttLr a to 12 aad to4 «vl.«k. o-a Ivrraaere are .MlTl'tl. gaBBaj MMiy trtry Inttitntion and Family, often 1.1 fir*t call. WANTED.A .MAN Ib TAKE CH LRGE of a Mil K FA KM lie m«*t be f.tniJar arlth Vegxtabla (»rdening and PMl OfMtB g. A good »eiery. good br u»e, garden, f lew .od ai d a privilege of aiding two t > fnur workmen. Addrea*. with age. hlrtb Place, eigej of family ind reterenceg r ability and hen. *»y DONALD O. MITt HELL, ¥ LpeWoO-l, >ew Haven. i onn. WANTED.A < FFKK in a Faw-4JOe*B] CbM who I* di*po»ed lo «1 ply hirnerlf to work en I «tudy, and i* t good penman. Oat not over 13 year* of atpe who dr. gr.. to . .irtuelke j rofe»*i«n of law «111 be ^referred. Addrea* iuowu L*t dwrtii *. B.. Tribune Office. WANTED-FM|j Bnt rai, PARASOL BZW- f f ER> No: -1,, t ftatj hat... aatej «pp.y, at No. 1 j*t wu- *u *l WANTED.At -he Offic. NV MO Onnd-ar. TT ear the Boayajy, a Baunhtr of good bömf.6TN SEC VAN IS tor general Houaewcrh Cookimr. Wa*htng and Iron- N. b . Familie* can alwar* be euppllfd with (ootl I. WiTfS tr f. BEAlCat <*. ANTED .A CARRIAOESMn II. aVeMBM to worh oe Coach** *ml Kie kaway*. AppHv to DIBBLE k BCNCE. No IMFroa--*'. 'ANTED.Ina Law OiBee, B ttnart, activ , «.-. t I..I 11 11. * who bar f:'d egperi. IICO add who d hai 'i. Ad lie** Bot ill. >, I' »t OfR. e. (Tliancce for Unemcas BXen. ßOOESTOB] Gm > M.F...Th.- eiil>*c»ril>*.r of- fei.torml- Übe BO'lK *nd statu) s KK V ESTABLISH- MEN1 knowa " th- 1 ITV BOOESTOEE,No, 21 Wall-.-. 1 lid«a|..rt. ( oarter-m-at. lhw e.tabliahn . t bat bee;, in eareeaefiil . peratiea *.r »wejaj I e*i k The baemeae ie .arg* and couaUntly liieeaeaaaeT. Oaiy iwe B tAetorce in tlte ity, wnk e po.aalatioa of aaarip MAM. Iki* ... r< the etelua.«e age icy of New Ytrfc daily aow*o*- per*. Mb] plyfag nearly Ion. and I ob» we- k'r taper*. Tbl* .< a rar«. hatiee tor a moderate .^ IrW. Ter oe Kk. a^l /iteon« ror v , *ali»ia«tory. M. M. HI RD.

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Post on 08-Feb-2021




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    V0L- XV.N°- 4, EVENING,IROHDIT Ftfirn'i

    BT G R E K L E Y » McKLRATH,a «»a nuini ei'iLDteoe.

    ro»'«« or ia**«i> »»o traucE-»TmtBT», orro»iTt rwt citt nan.,

    api delivered u. City tfuhacriner* at l.'J cenU per week. «»»i.«mSajaee Two Onu. »all «ueecrlkrr* .« j..-r a. num. is ec'vanca.9« tut Mte *J. H tkrco motittM, (1 Mi


    fcanbRaaed owery Hartraoev Movaivo at 'be. low price of f 3¦er »njjviin, b> advance. Three coptae for . )>; Five eoptea for

    Ten cojrtea for * I?; and a paper ia in no rtM ronllnaM l>e-Mal tba Oma for which it taj*i«. Advrr*i»en.enU IM tl .SatwiUW charged SEVENTY FIVE CENTB PER LINKa».eh tnoorTWin

    TIIK HKMI.VVEKKI.Y TKIBt*>RajpjfMbtal en Tupidat end FaiDtv Motvtvc P- " * 1h Tw.i cop..a fur #3; Five eoaaM for |!l 25. Ad-

    fa 10 cente a line 'or each .inert en.

    TIIK NKW-YOHK TRIHCNH.OR EUROPEAN CIRCULATION.alpauVtebed oat 'Aedeparture of each Mai.' Baaaaaarfjl LiverpoolMl H pax aajaooi, poataae included. Sing.'» copioe ati, Can'.*.

    TIIK NKW.YORK TRIBCNBrORCALirORNIA.ORF. OON, AND THESANDWICH ISLANDS,II aabataaed on the departure of each Meal Steamer for Aami X äl V pat agu. im. Single oopiee 8U Cente.

    Special Notices.Died, on Sunday. Jan Xr. Kllmabcth Bl«rk«t««ll. «Tuduat«- of Oeneva M. Jira'

    Coline jurll at tbe l.y g n hke.pital, Pari-, end atudent of theLor.okn H..«i i!«l« attend* to every department of MEDICALFfcACTICIaaBoma Ladiee aa4CblMrea, No. Tj F.u*; !'*:, arOfb< - prapare,l >o report.Mrrrantilf Library AaMOrlation.-Mr. THOMAS

    FRANCIfi MEAOBEB arl lelWer a Leetara on " Tbe Panaltieaof PnMic Life " at Clinton Hall, Aator pl. ee, on THÜKÄ-DAY EVENING. Jan. M, at 8 oVlock. Ticken, V) tonta-to.Membera hall price.< an be rtHluil at tlie Librarr; at tbedown town Offine, Mo, 2 NaatM¦«». and at the dooi oa kbaetei.ii.» H tl,e Le« lure. R. II. TIMEBOX, ChaV Lec. Cam

    .% L« rtnrr w.:i l.e deiivriil t.v /.. g IVEB,LL. O.,tattbe benefit of the BaeietT of Sr. yiaoanl de Paul, at 'he Broa^l-wa» Tabernarle, TBUMOAT EVEN INO, Jap. l\. |MLSoajeet: " Tbe Pool la ibeir BalaUoi to So< ietv." Tu kein PIeent*. The Lecture will commerce at 7} oVIoeLErrfurrx..Tbe Jitth Leiture in the CowM bafora Iba

    BioukiTii CVltral Lycenm, will be deliierej o:i Kill I)AYRVENINO ne>i, Jaj.uary 25, at ",\ a'cloek. In the Kl.ot-.r.V. K' f >iur. h. (nenr Kulton-nt..» br aba lt«v. JAMES II.PKRKY, D.D. Sul> t-"Secret fit* A ri,i«Mo:i, lv1renn.

    Aoicriran IBettkate MMtwaleä' Clalbr.Tbk Clnbwill meet, for lbe firat time tbia aeav.n. at the rwm« of the.Am»riiar laatitata. No. 361 Rr.Mdwar. on WEDNEBDAEBVEMINÜ, tL. 23d mat., at (.'dock. Cant. THOMABHKIMK ()( K will explain hie new Quadrant. Ailmi««i.m fr««,HENRY MKIOS, Secretary.A llri'fiUM ol Iba I ¦< n.(. of T«-niprraucr will !«.

    arid on \\ RDnESU \Y EVENINO, Mdfnst., in Botain Ball,bo. 6H Baa] Broadway. Addroaaea are ..«[*« ted from It. N.BAVENS, eaq.. and tbe Rev.JOliN P. II Ell HANOI of the(ireaoe at kfetm>liet Cban b. Subject." Tho Relation ol tieMayor and other ort.. i«.r to the Lawa of the State."Aehocinlion for laurwTlaa ilu Cuuiliiiou »i' ilu<

    F»«r..Th« aoeefaitj which call« fo.- a Public Aponal I:i bo-half ol the Poor, will probably bo beet expUini d by a brief ttate-anent of fm te.AI out tbie rin.e la«t Winter, the 'mutual cr? of wuit, er!. jefNfd. Tbia ia i ot attributable to any !ndiai>oeitioii to aaaiat Ibaaeedy, but to the prevailing apinii o tliat the Inte abuu lant hir-eeatf and retire i < ou.nierfial pri*[ieritv would preveuf a IMIU>reace of tlie to which ao many the poet year were autokxted. and oneeuneiitly that a rn-icb anial'er amount of fund*wonld be required. Till» popular mutake abfllld be orrecMnl.The pnlilic will be inrpi: 4-d to learn tlutt, notwituatandinr, thaeareful diacriuilcation Wbiob tbia aeataaa ot r. lief eecur-a, the1.timber now deiendine upon it for aid, ami Itaexpeitditaroa,Oreabout aa great M the\ arera tbe DOBl Wiotar, wbue ita reeeiptibare diuiiniabcd one half. Tbia diminution, how. rar. u leeaewiun to a failure, of rontnbujlioioi from ordinary aaateaa, th inef tbe larger donatioii* from publu bodiee, win. Ii are not tbiaWinter expected. Thete facta clearly ahow that it will be utter-i> .a.r '. for thia charity to ami the |lo«JU»J doiuand* oftie ItrCtrini j-oor wabout greatly ealatge j in jiwdnnl 0OBtri>e-iticLa

    I'p to thepre. e:.t, the Aaaocintio;, ban ul.V.. d Afili famUiea,eor.tairi: t V 0>'. \* r». r. many of whom »ie_ fauriljea of unem¬ployed laeehaniea, and widowe witii aipanaant caaaliaa, whaeannot tubaiat wiuicit aid. An.t aa tl.e «.Kenn adeaaOaO, the.mount of deati'ntion will increaie. Laat Wlliter it » «i throetimra aa great in January aa in December, and did nut reach it*hiebt in Hl the cloae r*t>b or aafMM ntiknown to the antb«rltte*;and where** the «r.i»l Joerph Oatl ha» »ine*' -l ed from thewouu)'* ihen end there received, now theaetore I. Kerr ando»V oi>. aa'ElBAY EV ENINO. JVli commencing a R o'cJ.k k. TheKucru.'iie ai:d ticket* may be had at the Muaic Si. rea Tiekete. I. Ladiee'tit ket* Wc i t*.T1M H A I.KS FOl 111 H -iOIHFF will take t'.ve on

    Tbl KV*1! I \ ENINO 11*4 Inet.4H.TTS4 BALK'S FIRST SOIREE ... BROOKLYN w.:i

    bAeelfcea' the Polytechnic H.-ll In Llvixxgaton -L.tiear e'ourt..all P.BOAY, .VhtttM. Bcwilibi iwioTad aj Mr. AETOM-BAS(H«- . i. _1>IA N< >-K« >K IT BE< II Ü -.-Mr. II0RQA.NM. (Orfaulat of Urari Cbaaabai ICoi lartaraf Iba Mandela-aebt. Cl io. will«ivaUeSEI OND PIANO KOR 11. RECITALm Dadjakaxtb iEomm TO-MORROW EVFNINO, Jai M, tojaxaBkaaeaOl I .'eiork, laidtaa* Tkibeta *|.« nt'>. Oentlemen'e*» bl each to be had V 'he Mun; Store*.

    fUUMATlC READINGS..J. iTBROWNwilltu*« bi* Third Jt.-a lnu of tiie S» on 4'>ur*e iu Clinton¦aU Aetor-pia.*.. .« V. NEBOAX EV KNINO, J* i arjK*iere»« (1e^l« W vui»: fit IA caMe;OrrheatraCmuianta.-TIIf? E\T.NINO wsl'lxfpcrfi.tiued:r OLLI BS OF A NIGHT.

    Duke cenU; Sialla, f I Privat«Boiea 6 and #>7..Uooraojx'n at r»j o'clock ; pxrfonaaucea com-u inee at 7.THIS EVENING will he ParfwLOVE AND MONET.Lord Fiplev.Mr. Lett, r < laude.Mr. Bron-bsmMacDuiiuuui.Mr. Walcot Heleu.Mra HoeyPO-CA-HON-TAS.("apt. John Smith..Mr. Walrot Po cu boa ta«. Miaa O. HodaonP. w-ha taaxii---Mr. Brour.hain Poo t. ? I Ml tU

    B"~ARNT!M,s MUSEUM^Firat time of . deep];excitinj I)r«ioa THE TEKHOR Of THE RHINE. * pro-durtioii of the u.o«t fax iuatitii; character. \\ K DNF.SOA Y. J»n.i .Eyeiiii,f, at *l oMork. THE TEKIloR Of l*HE RHINE)Mr. C W. ( iark .n three character*, Me Hadaway «. Oar-Eciiae. Afteinwn ai 3, name aa in tbe Eveslna. Perform-n.ceain the LION'S DEN at S| and 1 r- m. The LIVINGWILD ANIMALS he., to be leen a« naual. Admittance totl). ff eeatai Ckfliaaa under I*, 1?» cent*. _


    0*XN BVER1 EVENING Tleketa Beanta.AH buaineaa tranaacted by II WOOD

    nUCKLEV" BERENADERS, No. 538 Brotd-J> wai -EVER1 NIGHT ttala weak BEAI IT AND THELEAST, and NEGRO MINSTRELSEY. Noticb.Parhatn'ifi nil K; ter| ri..- Oift-TV keta aie received (for the .diuiaainoot fonr peiaotial to our entertaiunienta. For aale at the Box('thee. fron. II a. In. lo B> p. m., daily. _IMMENSE SUCCE8S oi Bl CKLEY'1 SERE-M. KADERS in retelalae, Inf four adm'««ien« ta their enter-teinment.. th» tick, t, in FERHAM'S FOURTH GIFT EN-I I RPRIhE. TICKET! lor kLE frooa It a. pja, to II p. the Box r. DtBM ; Sb«rt.o ( art.-r; J«hn !».-derick BsBWI F. Blv; Louie Naps..- .-., Omer Pacha; VonWeber- Dr. Core, Win. McFarland, the Limekiln Man; Oeo.Law; the Hon. I ).»:!.. Maaon; NWbo'a« o! Ra -.a.


    um ra Sinim« 'he \alue of Pkrenotoey ; Maw In.^tmu, k.'..FOWLER a.vD WELW, Ma. *. Braadwey. New-York.

    /"M.KAT WORK (n A KCHITEC 1" l" 1 i K.V" No. i Now talari

    . ot'i nr. city \n< rfflTECTj

    A fcree f Ort«:.,«. 1 MljMF r I weilirca. Stör» tod P b If Buildin-a adaped t«C;t>.. r.d \i!lii*e illnatr.te.' by DrawDc. A Pine, EleTViJia SeaM ma I Ly

    WM H. RAULETT,A'itrKr tf " Ctrece Architecture."»:* in 2f Noa.Price per No. H Cent*.

    DE WITT at DAVENPORT.Pnbllahert, No*. 160 sad 'M Xuui it

    Third Edition rublubed Thie Dir


    ENUL1SII LANGUAGE,cobrecti.o.

    Ti e pnbH«her« of thia popular, inatrurtite and aruu»ir« w rkb:j.ounce that a thir.' edition will be ready to day. aid that ailordere will now be prm. otlr tilled. Tbe faro* with which th:aii f»tjloe« volume hi* be«n 'ereived by the pu^'ic it remarkableti tale hat been to rapid tht. the au| ^iy baa beet, inal* junt> toha de.i.and. On three Bead ii o< caaioca. in three weck«, thepuhliahera have beeu without a BBWy in their p»>«aea«i> n. andWen compelled to iaaue new editiona. The latent edition, piiVliahed to-day. roi.teiue important aiid vaiuabie addlitout. and iarot op iu a it;,it auf nor to any former iaeue.

    It ia a work ahonndisi in niafruction but1 emnaeratnt frombetituili f to end. It furniahea an Maiajajl of in.tiep~a*al>ie in-font atiou wbirh haantvar before been pnb.iahed in th- tamernmpata. and will he fo- i d to render iuv aiaahle *o allpcraoLi of ui.Guieheo education.

    It ia a practical aid i-.oaiBMBttaej a..,! corr-npondence. uaefu'every i'ay and to everyhodr.

    " To all rer«ona of detective edeatefaBl thia loluni" will beh.ut'l invaluable " [Oewaaee Ereof hat

    it ia a book whe h a u.iet »v. rybody needa, and which evervhody ran «tl< tu t. buy." (Weitem (OUa) Stir.'" The author it a humor in and frennenth enforce! hit corre.-

    trim ty InihtMt rtnthiirti irfMbbiMti " [( nteruu." It will he in the hiiln at decree wefnl to all wh> with la cor

    rert many i rrora in a abort tin.e." [N. Y. Evemna Minor.1 be beck ia iriterineread with many anineiuc anecdote, over

    which we Lave lausked heart ii y and ütriahl. and ia one of tbeu.uet oiefd and iuattscdva volnn.- I of Ike f .aaoo."

    |N. Y. Daily New«..We recorr ii it to be recid nh,ud iu fan,, ,e-

    ( Ihe calendar (EadaaafaL).' Every yonrr. lady who writet for the mao/mea ou'h'to

    cor.tult it before rornp>aunf another pace.end we know >f aarc re or more practiced wrtera pi marup-r ace wh'i mi.'hi con-tult it with a treat BBaJ laatii.r profit." [ \*. V. Fve:ii..c i'oa*."We recommend it to every one of on r'ader« without ex-

    ¦ it tun." fN. Y. People'. Orcall." it ia better thru all tie CTammart trer writti n."

    (< ihio Paraier." It ahonld be introö'-i >e ,n every familv." [Couareaatiooal Jo irnai.Price 17] e t«. RaBghj aafdaf .¦ nf by mail (poetace paili on

    recc-ift of piwe. Haudaomely ia^ue-i.fine paper, clear type,.ilt.overa. Publi-hed by DANIEL Bl'ilOI'.SS k Co..

    No. 6'i fahal tt New York.

    J U 8 T b E A I)K A T i: W J: s T O N ;

    a t.i tiuu. for hie only u tiv- in writing U: an to

    fi iniah a to. d ituty to. hia pat-er.UueetioL.W liar diu Jatlfa ondi do ou rtilin« the arti¬

    cle IAt-w.-r.He wrote ta Mr. Fwer. »'a';tif "iiat he ha-1 ha.1 «e»

    eial interv'. wr w,:b the (definu-t tictitioaa) liero uf the na ralive '. John F. "QaaeUeae.What - Mr. Ewaada ta rrrafpt iff Ifca flaigt'i

    kttai IAi.iwer.He wrof to The N. Y. Herai a Raa an evnoae of

    tl -manner In m hi. h JuJce E .mm da bad b^eti dup.-d bv blmjor ra*ber, abowiaf that the Judfe'i prete de.1 vitloa«. like alltl. 'ter preieniK'na of

    " miaiern t] intu^liam." were worthleatct «lief.Qaeath .What ta.d the pt.blic *An«*er. That Judae 1. Un< nda »u r icely hociaaed.Uort'ion. Whai mm J'Jd( hi w«» not.ClLeation.U hat-ay the aurhor BBal publuher *Anawer.ILat every one aLould read tbe book and Be< ide tor

    h axaatCQur«tiot..Who ia ihe ranbiiali. rAi .wer- H DAYTlTS No 79 John-.t,lbe book ron:aitu the afory of Two Eveiittul N.iUta whitu

    baa excited ao much aiten'iou. and Bet I itTeajajndeiM. i betweenj Eds in!« and Mr. Ewer.

    HOOKS. OLD and XKVV.4.000 VOU'MKSJUST LANDED..WILL!AM c. BALL woedd be/u.tonu all B(h>k buve-a that ba ha« j mt returned witb hit annualc-irio ot LARK OLD BOOKS from Europe, wber- he bafb- en co'lectlnc for the laat year. Thit ia without doubt taelnriett lu.r-orta'iou ever made at DM 'i ue intii th» ciuntry.Tl e collection ia »i varied that it would be out of pi tee to deiut-cate tbem in an advertisement. They Lave been «el»«t.-d fromai. aouree«. t-ut n.orr eapecal y "»mthe hrar oi th-la-'I. r;Stewart «Ja Rothaaay, Mr J. ¦iibatdiai R> v J. EtMa, R.J. at C. Freeling. A. V BJxattarl aaal .>ther«. He haa in BaMlruwi? cured tbe entire rema.nder .-f tr. I'ARKER SOCR T\ PCB-LH ATIO.NS. amt uutinc'o «. vraj tl- iierid voln-nea. whichhe mill «eil at pe»t!v red .red pryi' e#. The Boon are now opeaand ready for aa!e at No. Hß FrankÜB et il an«i W fl ^.ira. t :»Rf , e cf each BchA or eet. with the ramber of rtdumea. ia in-,. raed ioaide of the firat cover. For fur'ner iaformattoa. ad-dreaa «M C. BALL, aa above, or WILLIAM 0OWASMN.. 17* Fatten »t.

    MA C A T L A Y'« SPEECHES.THE M'ktt HKS. ADDRESSES tu., ei the Ri.ntIi ii Mat.lay, M P .jt! -r f Pha Hi-.rrv ot Bay|.at«i .. L»vt of kaveaeaa Raaaa,H kc .' v.a IRej >. Free *».

    It i« haru to aa . »»her:., i L:a »-> «r hia «peeebr« m Paria-d »! f. at 1 .. y rl UbbI eaavyt are tk« .¦ at eharaabxfi ei h baara.»ed hi:: tov,rycr»«- er..:n-:; ¦». BBal »"i!ri Sa «wiücient toC« BBtlrate the reputat:oc of a:.v ordi::err BRB]f"!ir Are'dhahj Aliaon.M ]t aaay ha aahl that (.real Britain baa prBB^aartaJ aaajaja.

    n -lie r BarRa wi.o kau u i'ec, i ao rn....-u' i deajree aaManBear, the lorty a. d ctl'iva'e.1 -re. r.«. 'he el-> j"eea ora'or.a: .1 the ajc-ri..«» and far reaciui c pt i'i» aj

    " f Vl^aJlT Art ia.V\ e do 't knew tat anv hvir a Kncl'i '* 'r wh Me e e-

    .]-. e-. e reaxaea ai" near rr »,.l.r- a!. ¦>-' eai I r».weeF!f!LD No. i\ B"k aa:.-.t.

    n tasrJBss battjbday next onr ps*¦ary BT«, aj


    Ten ttv>"*»enai copiea lor nreaiatioe in the Wear, aad la ta»for cnsaXetava b Ncwn.rk.

    . ...rtiAer« wü, «eod In IIIIIIItdlBtaly. 04V-» Nn. K> Breauwav ALBERT O RH HARDSON.


    Wil i ablehrt FebruaryBECENT SPEECHEfl AND ADDRESSES,

    < IIAIU.F.s BTJMNEB.Is 1 volume. Kalo.

    Serb be*v nto::.rude* I f»m wonil areStard upon free-eud, with * p»ople fr»«-


    . [Goethe'* Fane-Many of thejc Spe. rke« have been »x'ecrvely circdetej in

    ar'ry, and re;cbi ah'.i in Engia'.d. Atnoruf tbern .. thatrh» 'in Si'io-»i. vuti ?«c'*Ufc, a title

    oticr: ha* now laaaeit into a watchword.We neve in oor poeeeeeien many f Mr S 'i *~eechee. (Oil

    we cot.fef> that, for depth e:.d *crur»cy .: thought, for MftMalcf hW' ;¦ t. ru.aiion and] for »pecJee of paeatic in iraiify.a b 'fa. < all «er hienv ander foot, and ruabr* at r*oh*:;>. theiru wle«i»' of r!»ni. the en'bna.t--:. of W trotve. and a,onrage wtrieb. ae he ia a young man, majr be expected to tell¦ tweitully cn the drciue* of tee Republic."[Edinburg Journal.

    .. No man cf, det t that Ch*r!> * Sumner u a r-ady, arcm.p'iebed ai.d forcible writer, capable aiike of treat elegance and¦rrat *n>ticifa." [H.-ton P^t.

    " TL. oraniL* uf Mr. Sunicer fc. !. ng to the liferatnr» o:An:-nee. . . . Pm* and bigh.y c.aoeeU in «t»l , **rcn*ui argnmei.', aid rich and glowing" in Imagery, end, ut aoine;*rt» *.-. i»' T- «rhu., he p, e i.-. >. to tn- read' r alw»»*lrr»h. alwey* intereatii.gj and attractive. . . . In the eleva-tu n . f MMUM nr. the hieb and lofty moral-oo» end gran-War ot'.m«ht witch they po*er«*, united v*it:i tbebt literary men;'near production* bev» no equal among u«."

    [Htmi'l JJerchaut'* M-euln"." Let u* take a f. w line* from the »p-oct. of Hju. Charte*

    San.ter, one u| tboac pownful intell c-e ia uoble heart* tbaLave «hone aa brightly in our »t*t r eOmiUj, * * What nob:atetaonct "* fL-mdu.. fi-ue»"leery n:an. wet: an and child liio ii l read the -poech of fh-

    vr v, r M«»-«. i. .«...« 11 w .. i'ft. u . to «nv '.»itaiLlir'Li* nibli eflurt: and it u inpoeaibl! In convey anale-ijnete Idea | f it* beaoty and *'r-ng*h. I oave. not beeu *ccu«tt reed to prtiu-tUa Senator bat tba hear muat be cold andStbadgxörm lagaaxatably dia'orted which cxmld withhuld hi*walfiamrd fntue tröm thl* dav'* a. .jeittance." [N. Y. "Tune*,"Wl »ti.. l recou,mend . cl ae and earne»t *t«dy of the

    »i cech ct tLe Kniitive Slav. Act. . . . Apait iroiii irg r»-I.« »ud IgWftltH " i ir: ic, it m one of the cloaett an loi v.. cing argnn ent* we have ever r> ed on'be rxili« y of t ie

    earl rr ar.d gTia'.-r, aa c.,:i.;a*ted BTXtb that of tbe later a' 1I e»i er i'aie.n.' u of Antenca." fLexebea) K.vamiiier." ( L*r!e* S'.Uiier wa* »eleu ej v :iie We*t a* one of tne

    true u ei. ot tl.e It*». tifilic. and leave* it wit i the e.vivictH u.bnrn»d in irj.-n tr.« heart of 'lie people el' tlte H*t theHepnliic be* do abler or bo.:e*'er BtdUaXM " [CttxMfB Rib.>o pencil even the ni"*t aawtejaVead willnu»take him fee a

    eeexeweti xaeai » . . Earn art)] Aeare tba ebaeme of* bee beUbaatibefagle. . . . Sun.r.. r i* the Macaaiaj of Abolition."IN. O. Helt*.

    " TT:ere ere *rw nien *o ultra en ti- «!a»e quest ion, b'K thatin Ba*Jt1*0 de'nrt* from Mr. Sum erw ecc>uipli*hnieu** t* agentleman, ai j bit eloquent end *choIarly atraiuu.e:.'* in torelure tad ..e'e-rnarfhtp." ILoettofttta C jurier.

    " A few like tlte diitmg':i*hed Sen.i'ir, » hof prov.ikn 2 ta! tit andfeadag ».^:: -an .:. ..r bit MaaaM [I'hda. Le-UerThat a Ircrure tboi.ld Be r> aaafad la New-York. « a rareniiaago. Tbe! a ie,ture an ba)*A*Sleeaiv aboala bafae^aamdn N»w York even before a few diepaw-f 'fanatic*,' ban an*oral!* led ei. ui reu. e. But that * An i ;-.'»i--\ laeMN )«.d

    le rejiatei! iilabl after uiglr to . aeiva aialtiteoViemore en'bu*ia*tio than the la*t. mar'«* tlie ej.o. !. ,i| a meolatbin toraUrfcelilM]ill au er» .n tho untorv of L:iier'y. Nildo'*'Hearer vii cro».l»d lagt ever ing long before the boot o' oovIIII (.11 III Iiuudrejg ataod through tin three hour*'.eo'u.eMr. Sun.r.. ¦'. *p > h wi< the gr.'ateat oratorii j and Uyical *j.rue cf the year gud »a* n.o-t eri'l.ti*iaatitaallv oraiee.1 ij tjielarff*t aadienc« jet mtbarad in ifeto-Torb ta beax a lectara.

    (New York T- ,'iOrden f. r Mr. Sanincr'* New Volum« l4VW rvv'tfived by

    ncKNOi i riELDs n

    Ho H A C E >rnA Night A.tventare on tbe Bat-

    teiy.Li vi ii abi- it BTIak Life.Sce'rry e:. the Hudron.Looki. g toward theWddeiccji.IU Six Nation* of the lied

    kfta.A Wild weed Hunt. Two Men

    «ich' of tlt fo


    THe PrisonerA My*'e.v Expl i i.e.l.V BUter I amp-lire i'eie..^'a.iight Re.erie*.The n.v*!*.

    1 ...if! m of the Bend Maea>laia>

    M dblfbl Cuiijuratio .r.A '.rat t CaaawOmaba.i ...ii ..I'a VillainTbe War Party,tadiaa Love ofCoa.ttr ¦.The Scout. Plan aftba Attl k.Tbe Priz» of the \ ictar.

    A Camp tire Yarn. ( ontlmiou.An Alarm. DERBY k JACKSON

    'f.ate J. C. Ptrbv PabUaaVera, N. us Naeeaa -.

    lV E V M U 81 C. Mi Pr. tty Pf«J0MAN Vterklng Sanday Nigbt. E Marfceteta. Jcte.

    1 hi- kit * f- .-T.rte- S Mirwe B tea,V\ hile maav*| all aione. H*tf>. S. Markctein. ii '*.S; ate my he-.rr f-otti irnw-n* rl I M''l 2Sct*.I eaaaat part with xbaa. Mats, S etiLot i'» Pvrte P'lka. Merbttein. (Li-hogrt'-bi.-- likaneew.) SOe.Bebolink Polka IS eta. Golden Drop Scbortiecba. ...

    HHiKa BRO "HI Broadway.- I Aft r Haine* BrM Pia..***.

    kJ K M I W F. F K I. Y T K I HI N F . .kT The fe'lowing i* tie TABI.F. of CONTENTS of THESBMI-Wr KM.Y 1 RIBf'NI". No. 1.1!.':[M*tlt Cotle* can be ol.tait.ed *t the cou.iter in the Publica-

    t .t.i.n.e :iii~ MoRNiNo. Ptt e.; c.i.t.).I I F A III NO ARTICLES The Speakerriiin: The F ;

    repeal, >iet»a; A Ne» Civil v\'*r la Kai.*t*; TlieSlave.Tradln» Ctae A Stra;.^» Lawiait.

    II..THF. .-TÄTE OF II HoPF: Letter from O ir Ow..Correapundrnt, A. P. I., at London.

    IH..VRABCEI Tb L«t Spec-h of Louie Na;-IV..E| IUV .lRF.LA.ND: ProereMcfth" Land Re.ol itiooVI..ORE DAY LATER FROM LLROPE: Arrival o

    the Mean *btl' V\ «»hingt, a,VII..MEXICO: Letter troUiOur Owe CoireapoLde:.: at the

    I t. M xlci.EIII..EEOM WASHINflTON: The Pre.ideney in IV-rI;Tho

    fe.eed At.t: Ntbrtaka Caaeaa; W'.v tbe Ho-iae * IiJriaalje.:: Frioav in 'he Hoo-e Why tbe PluralityEule ta Rejected; faatayaVmiatbt ÜO'iee; The Atten.) t to Break the Baxt* I u.

    tX.>FR0M B0.-T0N: Lett'r fr^m oar Own Correepondaad ct Bo*'.fi..


    XII. .TI Weather: Indiana to Kanea*, Greeting- Lift ;:.tbe MiMoan Camp; Lrtteraf tbe Hon. D. H. A'chiaor. if Mkejaail aa toe ASbloi of Kanaae, Muwr.r. and¦MM Feg :r; Ohio.

    XIII. .MA BINE AFI- MiirXIV. A NKW ITOEl BY Dil KENS The wto> of Part

    II. ot LlTtLr. DotaiT.a . ew Tale by Chart»« Di * .XV..THE LATEST NEW I BY TELKORAPH PI .

    trr* at Nea-ortra:.*: From VV aaoiii/ton; The Ll:*Paaed iadie lalaxatL

    X.\! MAHblAOfcS AND DEAlHS.XXII tYHALERB.XXI l-.i 3 Two ooytee.B' Five ci'pte*, *ll A

    1 t.tJOU . U 111 WwU

    THE W1 I> 0 W B E DOT T P V PEBSif trill Mahnt irit> nptbatrid raatrlitT The admirer* of her*' F*f.«ri" are rvnuiiif wild. reed the f. .'owinr:As Fdifor «v/»» .a Wamajaxa the. uae. tdi> m to er>rre more- id reach -n

    _I »beul.! «n.wer.I ebonid tell roil.

    Unto ii e it Wae mv.tcncu.Tail a theme ot en.llea. wonder..M< at amaiiua-auoet a*t.i«t..tiua.Par heaou^ the neap of laiatr,Or the if «pe. uiatloo,UeW a aaaa p..«vaee..n» ett.aea(Not a IWRB* poaaaaeed ef devdai.Uow a i naoji:i« free.tom.K'er *»A.«i aeciioY* hia left'hier,And the bha* th. reto certainm*To the keer-ii | ot a W vdcw-To a baried man'a remainder." T» aa u.yaterwaa".mark the pn ¦. tcnee:

    fia mvater oua now Do ionaer.For I hi. d Uaa '.i the Rook.toreAud the BEPtiTi I'APF.RS bough: I-Ri'Uvht the Widow B.'a confeaetoue.R«ad the ». ndroue Wulow'a' i.i :. » ittjr, wee. bewitcl ha]Vaai'.l i t aatir.c too. he.,C Ball ereuea and truthful pactup a.A: 1 1 -nahe.! until my aidea «che.!.Luufbed till lattoni'ae my MM wanand int pair a were nearly dit .?.I eiehail ant11 I choked with leuchter.Uak ( lauah whoever heard tue;Ma.'* ti:e parion (auch who loi.l meThat niy lauahtet w*< upr> are u«.But he'ceuaht the rich infectionAid he ctctitDated loudlyArjd u.. lared the Widow' (tloriou*.So we two be. im.- uproar.. .«And tpe whoaa vieer-la with prude' >¦ pinched and pu.keieThough ahe tried to . hoke hat uhterUp it t.uMiled. ri: itir.a. fuaL $.Ra'ti*. «Sfiekii.« into treui uThat * re pair.rail} bilariourtPoor old lady, huw the .nickered.How .tc*-i».it her. Ion« daya after.Caaabl her In the depth af ' ui. etina'To bar' wn and c. h.-r»' horror!Oh. Pri'. il'a. thou of Widow*

    M at roiitidoia!.nioaf amuein*.Thcu »bi dTd.'t entice the Dca.-ou,'Poor Bedott.ato «urTered awful'.Into uiarria«., wlicr .« he periab' d'

    F« ' RTKENTH EDITION HEADY TniS DAY,Ar.l for talc Iv all R...iha liar* and N> wa Aaenta,

    DEBBT a. iacKson, (hwa j. C n.-rbv >Pnb'.iahera. No. 119 N*.«e't af.

    IpPI ETON" RECENT P1TBLICATI0N8.-- \ Da AfPLETON A Co., Boa. So4t4ad94l Broad»..y, havejuat (ubliak.'d the foliuwmk important new wotkt:

    VIF I AOS ANI» KAUM CORAOM The liadlaanMlh.1 Aa i rltah YtTlore Hauet rtaiaMtiri anal *'i»«eate^ WithDeatfaa laa ewrh hoi.aeaof moderat .. Bv Hei.rv W. Cleaveland William llacknaand Sanmel D. BlttalB 1 vol., Svo., IIluattafed with . " Kiuira\iu«*. fi.

    II.¦OVOB *m> BA i.A US OP i hf. AMERICA!! REVO-

    Ml'iON \\ tfh otea and illiatraiioua. By Frauk Mlrie. Ivol., i.uo.. v.i>h two ill' hv Defter. '01.


    VBEADTT FOB kfBXRi «ir.THr. Old am. New BocTtnra

    coacBBBixa nir 't»t»: er Im »\tj *rtta Death coa-TBAtm). By B. P. Birntt. I \o!.. läuo. Wcent*.

    VI.the i h iRMi ok FAN! Y. A Paaamia h .rta.ito«, with

    :.oter. Cv Richard A'.aop. I vol.. l.'mo. e)l.Ml.

    SICA RA«: CA. Ita P...;..». Sc. nery.''. and theprojo.ed D.ter Oceanic With immer.; tOflfaaBl Mtfaiai.j liluatiationa. By F. O. Suuicr. New Edition, i vola.,Ivo. 01.

    VIIIhistory of NEW NFTWVRI.ANDS. Or. St.w-YoRa


    i on-iatiBf of latttra and par era ratatlua tu tii-( onteal for Lih-ett). chiefly in So.ith Carolina. From Oritfiuaia in la.aaea-»u u of ihe Editor and other aour.MM I7t>4-l77ti. By R. W.t.iltta, M. D. 1 vcl. Ivo. BIM


    ¦ O N O B 0 o KFob the p tai en],

    With Muaie attacii.-d.I V BT PUBLISH B D

    BY I'll 11. r I, CO/an8. No. P7 NABBAU STREETPRICE iSJ CENTS.

    Thi« CLaai« at of PwMJeaaaat i. aaaaaeti FiOv New aol PopularBeaaea auo.oK whi.*!j are ihn laUewtejatl

    The r-erond E.I it ion of the Old The Firetnati'i Chan«rolka at Home, Armnf-d by Ja«. Buckley,a- maej I >. Swaine BeeAlay.|Faa Awav.

    \ inikina ai d hia Dinah, With MuaicW ifh Muaic. Breathe not h-r name.

    A« «.in« hv Baaken Baahley in. Never More, Clara, dear.lhadaletal Treaedy ot Villi WithMaalehyFraa\laaatlkina and hit Dinah.

    OtJ W ay Rla. kmau,W ith Marie.

    1'. .e fii: ft.w ith Mi th

    1 h- TkkHjlf f horua,Arranged for tour voi


    H -h a Bye, Baby.Prettv I'a'i

    With MaBia.The Jolly Oi l CrowThe "few l.a labine; *'on%.Mualc by Kred. Baa k < v. 'Mary Orav.

    W e were R.jja aud Oitil to- WithMu ir by W Per.-lral.tether. I"' I r.i.'o.N 1 1 Old Tiniea.

    By W I'errivel. IFleur de Mane.


    IB «alhaiaali narra'i.- ..t tee Memorable A. i>-.aaBeaatf of.i e An if it a., Army, ...der Andrew Jacka-.n, Uiloro Now (JfIran«, la tha Winter of llla-IA By Alexander Walkar, (latatih.-N. u Iieiia.1 W ith Frontlaniece. lAuo. .> 1 Ji.

    CONTENTS.J'tka. 'a K.rat Entry iato New-Oilcan*.I.afitf.- The Pirate."Latin. the Patriot.Jackicn ak era hi* Planka.Tha Prineh Review and Euharka'.o,Hattie of l.r ke Borri.e.Ice Bri iah I audi in aud Bivouac.lh. Ah RaUa-Thj March.I attlead ihe Tweuty third ot Deceuit. r. IHILBat i dwara Pa kei.hao-.A I), u.cnatrati :. and a Defeavlit Brltiah bm.« *t tbe.r B14 Otaaa.tattle of tLe Battl |k *.Two Notable Warnora and«.Preraraiieo« for the Piual Conflict.The La'tle f N. w 'UI-ana-Thai Vic 1Sa'tleol New-Orleaua.The Diaaater.Clotln« lt.. dent*.The Fnale.

    DERBY k 'At'KSON. date J C. DerhyjNeW YflPah riaara n 11'» Naeeau at.. New York.



    I Sana Cloth. 01 SB.Thi* work, which baa beei. p.ih!i«hed only a few we*h«, bar

    ..ready reached the THIRD EDITION. It he* been ema-mendaU in almoar ettravutiit terma Ly the muet di.t.n«uie!j.;diayn-en and diTinee, amon« whom may be named Rufu CUoate,Mr W; tl .-op. Dr. Sott. Dr. Hawe«, Dr. Stone. Dr. Berber,Biakop ( lark. Prof She,',! a.d Dr Feller; a id by toeleadinfQtarerly Reviewa ircl'i-lm* the North American, BiSioehee*Sacra (I m/.".alionai), Ch.'iatiaa Review tBapcwtI. CuriatiauEaaaa.ner l i.itariafi). and Kreew Baptiat Q iarteri.

    (.tyLLD A LINCOLN. No. Vj W aahii.^ton at ~\i »vm.


    * 1 ay-ar LITTELL BON a Co.. Boeton. And No. Ml Broadway. New-Vorhv

    «pABDS, COU I LAH>. Hill II. tv-Ja). liiiU of\^ LocI».l«, Caatl u. Hoi *a blank*. Rece.;.... Notier«,Check«,1 ruf ar«) DaLdbi i, libaat, and «. arSaf kln*Vj ot Jobi en- betdaaa m hatrdaoace«tyle at eaah pri «r Ni» Vnu.STATIONF«!», PKINTF.RS ANI» LITUOt.BAPHTBS.

    t»olcniinc0.\T A L E M T INKS t,.r I p j ?i. .PHILIP J < / < v»,

    V.U.lMIM MANU U TF',No. 107 NuMa it, N< w 1 i> **¦.»ff Imj.[

    Fe«pe«-tf«i!y anuoa,'*»* io Bo.*»»>;vr» aa*) Drein* tu Vii«i.nur«, that h'i» Lrw » of Valenluee, Bl veloewe aJk-1 V*!*n

    - I y. et int,:. i; - rl« rew*-.'.MK.AH. I VKT k 1>' \s i v v.. if Brvwdway.


    ALADY ooiiipt'ft aTt to inetrtift in Miieir. on thoPiano, Maladaoa and Them' h H»>«, IVncUlna, Cur iaInj, Paiutit i in Water-rWore, Mottmhiuiuatie and rolycJiro-asetic, the Tri rl laauaie, woof.! Iik- a PLACE In a Schoolor Family to TK ACM three or Ml baam a day. to: board aad a. irall ecfnt-enwtioTi the remaiiitt.« part ot thi- day lo he at hat

    r.idi*|o*al. A »Hnation in (hie < itv r-ferre.l, but wontd fibom', ride on-. Alao. apiece *. OKOANIHT -i the Habt>..hiwt ». hvl Äve \eera' eiaeaiaMt. and ran pie* Church

    MaeM maamy et *i«ht. Addrew.MISS II Tiibune OtBce, orcall at No. .V P.a*t Ad-*t.

    A RESPECTABLE l.irl mkkt* * eittiatiou fu,ali f*. ,dy. I a.deratand* Coi kin', Waahing aad Imaina. Can be *eeu tar twoday*. Al t It at No. 17? 6th ev., betnreeu 4th and tfta-ete. Inqu're ill the office.4 \ Aim ricnti FMBE Woman uithct to «»ni{hoi<J\ Inaj. . vK t ABI «iiikowil HILPREN and do PLAIN SEWING or neu*, iu light( IfAMBKHV. (»Kh Beat of city leferrnce from her M'air. Avidy at No. 224 l>t a, *>I5, »i*>, #1" fat, kx. No chtrfo toP ptl*. 'I get ..111' Mkctivo a . fnur workmen.Addrea*. with age. hlrtb Place, eigej of family ind reterencegr ability and hen. *»y DONALD O. MITt HELL, ¥ LpeWoO-l,

    >ew Haven. i onn.

    WANTED.A < FFKK in a Faw-4JOe*B] CbMwho I* di*po»ed lo «1 ply hirnerlf to work en I «tudy, andi* t good penman. Oat not over 13 year* of atpe who dr. gr.. to. .irtuelke j rofe»*i«n of law «111 be ^referred. Addrea* iuowuL*t dwrtii *. B.. Tribune Office.

    WANTED-FM|j Bnt rai, PARASOL BZW-f f ER> No: -1,, t ftatj hat... aatej «pp.y, at No. 1 j*t wu-*u *l

    WANTED.At -he Offic. NV MO Onnd-ar.TT ear the Boayajy, a Baunhtr of good bömf.6TN SECVAN IS tor general Houaewcrh Cookimr. Wa*htng and Iron-N. b .Familie* can alwar* be euppllfd with (ootl

    I. WiTfS tr f. BEAlCat , I' »t OfR. e.

    (Tliancce for Unemcas BXen.

    ßOOESTOB] Gm > M.F...Th.- eiil>*c»ril>*.r of-fei.torml- Übe BO'lK *nd statu) s KK V ESTABLISH-MEN1 knowa " th- 1 ITV BOOESTOEE,No, 21 Wall-.-.1 lid«a|..rt. ( oarter-m-at.lhw e.tabliahn . t bat bee;, in eareeaefiil . peratiea *.r »wejaj

    I e*i k The baemeae ie .arg* and couaUntly liieeaeaaaeT. Oaiyiwe B tAetorce in tlte ity, wnk e po.aalatioa of aaarip MAM.Iki* ... r< U» the etelua.«e age icy of New Ytrfc daily aow*o*-per*. Mb] plyfag nearly Ion. and I ob» we- k'r taper*.Tbl* .< a rar«. hatiee tor a moderate .^ IrW. Ter oe Kk. a^l

    /iteon« ror v , *ali»ia«tory. M. M. HI RD.