preventing bullying through character formation

Improving School Climate Preventing Bullying Through Character Formation by Mann Rentoy

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Improving School Climate

Preventing Bullying Through Character Formation

by Mann Rentoy

The Essential 6 Rs of Bullying

PreventionHow to Create Safe, Caring, Moral Learning Climates and Reduce Bullying on Our School


by Michele Borba, Ed. D.

1. Set clear rules.2. Teach how to recognize bullying.3. Teach how to report bullying.4. Teach how to respond to bullying.5. Teach how to refuse bullying.6. Replace current beliefs or behavior.

The Essential 6 Rs




“Any failure to treat bullying, abuse and violence seriously,

because it occurs between students, within schools, is a violation of a child’s human


Social banter Hurtful teasing Mean, subtle body language Aggressive physical behaviors, e.g. pushing, shoving, kicking Malicious gossip, e.g. online bullying, chat rooms Sexual, gender, racist, religious harassment Social exclusion – in person, electronic Mobbing Hazing Extortion/bribery Phone, cyber abuse Damage to property Physical violence Use of weapons Criminal act Murder

“Any failure to treat bullying, abuse and violence seriously,

because it occurs between students, within schools, is a violation of a child’s human


Types of bullying

Verbal. This type of bullying usually involves name calling and or teasing

* name-calling

* harassing, yelling, insulting

or nagging

* verbal demands or threats

* making a noise as the target

walks past, and

* phone abuse, nasty notes,

Internet, email, SMS texting and

other electronic forms.

Types of bullying

Social. Spreading rumors, intentionally leaving others out of activities on purpose, breaking up friendships are all examples of social bullying.

* pretending to be friendly to the target and then sporadically turning against him

* as the target approaches, the group giving him ‘the silent treatment’ and turning their backs

* the bully saying something to the target and walking off before he can reply

* pointing, staring, sniggering, laughing, making faces, mimicking, or whispering with others while looking at the target

· threatening poses, menacing gestures, ‘the


· excluding the child from the peer group, conversation, planned activities or games

· not sharing a seat while pretending to save it

for someone else.

· malicious gossip and rumours designed to make

other children denigrate the target, e.g. exposing his

secrets to others, and

· extortion and threats, e.g. ‘I won’t be your friend if

you don’t buy me a snack’, ‘You won’t come to my

party if you don’t give me your project to copy’.

Types of bullyingPhysical. This traditional form of bullying involves hitting, punching, shoving and other acts of intention physical harm.

· pushing, shoving, kicking, pinching,

punching, bumping, knocking, hair-pulling,

physical restraint, tripping up, and the use

of weapons

· stealing books, lunch or other possessions

from a desk or locker

· throwing someone’s belongings around

the classroom

· interfering with or damaging a child’s clothes,

belongings in his desk, locker or elsewhere, e.g.

pushed over, broken or hidden

· taking away the chair as a child is about to sit on


· locking him in a room or cupboard, putting his

head in a toilet

· flicking water at the child from the tap, flicking

bits of paper or rubber bands, and

· sabotaging homework or computer studies.

Types of bullyingCyberbullying. This method of bullying involves using the Internet, texting, email and other digital technologies to harm others. 

Refer to the HandoutHow to Spot a Bully

Bullying Behavior

Types of Bullies: Saltwater Crocodiles; Fowls that Play Foul;

How to Spot a Target

How One Becomes a Target

Warning Signs: Physical, Academic, Emotional, Social,

Refer to the Handout

Effects of Bullying: Physical, Intellectual, Social, Self-Esteem, Emotional, Psychological

Long-Term Psychological Damage

Action Plan at Home

–Johnny Appleseed

“Type a quote here.”




Poorly chosen words can stifle enthusiasm, dampen spirits, and be both offensive and hurtful. In short, they can poison the atmosphere.

- Prof. Erwin Hall


1. Bragging

2. Swearing/Vulgar Words

3. Gossip

4. Angry Words

5. Lies

6. Hurtful Words

7. Judgemental Words

8. Self-Pity Words

9. Discouraging Remarks

10. Embarrassing/Humiliating

11. Criticism/Fault-Finding

12. Complaining/Whining

13. Rude/Inconsiderate

14. Teasing

15. Manipulation

16. Insincere Compliments/Flattery

17. Ethnic/Racial Slurs

18. Sexist Comments

19. Age-related Putdowns

20. Being Negative

21. Threats

22. Arguing

23. Interrupting

24. Pasikatan

25. Being a know-it-all

26. Sarcasm

27. Yelling/Screaming

28. Talking Down

29. Exaggerating

30. Blaming and Accusing

Clear the air with NOURISHING words.

Let’s make our homes and schools better places. We can start by banning

all toxic verbal weapons.

- L. Harry Goldman

The Flagrant Five






The Thoughtful Thirty

1. Give encouragement

2. Express Thanks

3. Acknowledge Others

4. Extend Greetings

5. Give a Compliment

6. Congratulate Someone

7. Teach, Give Instruction

8. Offer Words of Comfort

9. Inspire Others

10. Celebrate and Cheer

11. Express Interest

12. Mend Relationships

13. Make Others Laugh

14. Show Faith & Trust

15. Share Good News

16. Praise, Honor

17. Express Caring

18. Show Understanding

19. Give Approval

20. Extend an Invitation

21. Show Courtesy/Respect

22. Give Helpful Advice

23. Apologize

24. Forgive

25. Offer to Help

26. Tell the Truth

27. Point out the Good

28. Use Terms of Affection

29. Supply Needed Information

30. Communicate Love

“Character and Academics: What Good

Schools Do”

Phi Delta Kappan Magazine, 2006

Research Showed:1. Good schools ensure a clean and secure physical environment.

2. Good schools promote and model fairness, equity, caring and respect.

3. In good schools, students contribute in meaningful ways.

4. Good schools promote a caring community and positive social relationships.

More Strategies

Compliments Game

Teach Manners and The Golden Rule

What you accept, you teach.

What you permit, you promote.

If manners were an animal, it would be an endangered species.

- Henry Rogers

Choosing an Atmosphere

Rude CourteousInconsiderateConsiderateDisrespectful RespectfulOffensive Polite

Seating Arrangement & the

“No Clique” Policy

The Good Deeds Bowl

The Two-Minute Interview


Live with – Own – Place – Goal – Achievement – Hobby – Special Interest – Hero – Other

Effective Classroom Management

Be a Buddy, Not a BullyShirt

Stand Up to BullyingWeek

Student Justice Committee

Peer Mentoring forConflict Resolution

Bibliotherapy for the Victim

Involve Students in Welcoming New Kids

Character-Based Consequences

Class Meetings

Cooperative Learning

Anonymous Compliments

Good Deeds Journal

Teaching Empathy Through Literature

Compact for Excellence(Students Craft the


Students Pledge

Some Samples of Student

PledgesAgainst Bullying

James Stenson

Children develop character by what they

see, what they hear, and what they are

repeatedly led to do.

Sample of a Good Bully Prevention Policy

Improving School Climate

Preventing Bullying Through Character Formation