press note nikunj patel

Press Note “Close Encounter With Kasab” Ahmedabad: 26/11 is the date which can never be forgotten by any citizen of this world. It was the nightmare for the citizens of our country as terrorism struck countries financial capital, “MUMBAI”. In that line of fire, one reporter named Nikunj Patel, Crime Reporter of Gujarat Samachar had closely encountered with terrorist near Taj Hotel, Mumbai. On Monday, he was the guest of the week at National Institute of Mass Communication and Journalism (NIMCJ) and has shared his under siege experience with the students. He shared his experiences and also shared the trial of the price catch terrorist “Kasab”. He also shared what a journalist has to report in this situation with respect of following his/her ethics. He shared one experience where he was near to his death when one hand grenade fell in front of him and he took shelter back of one journalist and saved. He said that if we were facing the situation what woiuld have happened to captive citizens in hotels. During the trial of Kasab, Nikunj Patel is the only journalist with whom kasab talked once inside the court

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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Press Note

“Close Encounter With Kasab”Ahmedabad: 26/11 is the date which can never be forgotten by any citizen of this world. It was the nightmare for the citizens of our country as terrorism struck countries financial capital, “MUMBAI”. In that line of fire, one reporter named Nikunj Patel, Crime Reporter of Gujarat Samachar had closely encountered with terrorist near Taj Hotel, Mumbai. On Monday, he was the guest of the week at National Institute of Mass Communication and Journalism (NIMCJ) and has shared his under siege experience with the students.

He shared his experiences and also shared the trial of the price catch terrorist “Kasab”. He also shared what a journalist has to report in this situation with respect of following his/her ethics. He shared one experience where he was near to his death when one hand grenade fell in front of him and he took shelter back of one journalist and saved. He said that if we were facing the situation what woiuld have happened to captive citizens in hotels.

During the trial of Kasab, Nikunj Patel is the only journalist with whom kasab talked once inside the court room. He has followed this encounter and the trial of kasab so well that he has written one book in Gujarati called “Kasabnama”. Its 1st edition was launched in Ahmedabad by Ujwal Nikam, Public Prosecutor in Kasab trial and his 2nd edition is also published recently.

Press report by

Urvin vyas