press 2010 press 11-4-10.pdf · back the house, rnc chairman michael steele fatefully predicted,...

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Page 1: Press 2010 Press 11-4-10.pdf · back the House, RNC Chairman Michael Steele fatefully predicted, “Not this year.” The American people had other ideas. Led by the tea party move-ment

Penny PressNevada, USA Volume 8 Number 7 NOVEMBER 4, 2010

Page 2: Press 2010 Press 11-4-10.pdf · back the House, RNC Chairman Michael Steele fatefully predicted, “Not this year.” The American people had other ideas. Led by the tea party move-ment


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Credits:Publisher and Editor: Contributing Editors:Fred Weinberg Floyd Brown Al Thomas Circulation: Doug French Bill HereCharlotte Weinberg John Getter Pat Choate Wyatt Cox

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Page 3: Press 2010 Press 11-4-10.pdf · back the House, RNC Chairman Michael Steele fatefully predicted, “Not this year.” The American people had other ideas. Led by the tea party move-ment

By BILL WILSONSpecial To The Penny Press

As congressional Republicans bask in their historic rout of Democrats, taking the House of Representatives and closing the mar-gin in the Senate, the survivors left in Washington, D.C. have a clear

message from the American people: “You could be next.”

The fact is, nobody in the Washington establishment thought it was possible. Obama was too popu-lar. Republicans needed to compro-mise in order to survive. When asked in January if Republicans could take back the House, RNC Chairman Michael Steele fatefully predicted, “Not this year.”

The American people had other ideas. Led by the tea party move-ment and other citizen activists, the nation’s citizenry did not wait for leadership from on-high. Instead, they took matters into their own hands and have been engaged from day one, holding their individual members of Congress account-able, participating in primaries, and recruiting friends, neighbors, and family members in an effort to take their country back.

Most of all, it is the people who have done the impossible, help-ing Republicans grab some 63 seats (and still counting), the most picked up by either party since 1948. The GOP did even better than in 1994, when they picked up 54 seats. The American people who made it hap-pen deserve the lion’s share of the credit.

Now, however, they do need real leaders to stand up in Congress, indi-vidual members who will represent

them against an entrenched Obama Administration seeking to protect its legislative “achievements”.

Republicans will have capable prospects with John Boehner and Mitch McConnell, who do deserve praise for leading the opposition during the first two dark years of the Obama presidency. It was not a fore-gone conclusion that Republicans would unite against the $812 billion “stimulus”, ObamaCare, the Dodd-Frank financial takeover, and the Waxman-Markey cap-and-tax. But they did, and it gave the American people confidence that they had rep-resentation — that they had a voice.

And now, more than ever, they need a House Republican major-ity to continue to be their voice in government. The alternative is for Republicans to now disappoint them after all the hard work the grassroots did.

With a nation too far in debt at $13.6 trillion, ObamaCare threaten-

ing to drive up health care premiums and drive Americans off of their pri-vate health plans, the EPA restrict-ing energy consumption via carbon emissions, taxes about to automati-cally increase by $300 billion, and the Federal Reserve ready to fire up the printing presses one more time, congressional Republicans are going to have their hands full.

The challenges facing the nation are daunting, and cannot wait for even more reinforcements, or else they may never arrive. Before Republicans can look forward to 2012, they must focus on the here-and-now, and waste no time imple-menting their agenda.

It will not do to only put things on the table that have a “chance” of getting signed by Barack Obama. That’s not leadership, and it will not foster public support for the “politically safe” policies that are ultimately proposed.


Penny WisdomNo wonder Americans hate pol-itics when, year in and year out, they hear politicians make promises that won't come true because they don't even mean them - campaign fantasies that win elections but don't get nations moving again. — Bill Clinton

The Conservative Weekly Voice Of Las Vegas

Inside:Harry Should Man-Up Or He's GeldedSee Editorial Page 6


The Survivors Could Be Next


Continued on page4

Page 4: Press 2010 Press 11-4-10.pdf · back the House, RNC Chairman Michael Steele fatefully predicted, “Not this year.” The American people had other ideas. Led by the tea party move-ment

First on the GOP to-do list now is to define the debate going forward. Republicans now will be able to say what the most pressing concerns are through their votes on legislation. Repealing ObamaCare, making the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts permanent to help create jobs, rescinding the EPA’s endangerment finding, cancelling TARP and the “stimulus”, killing the Dodd-Frank unlimited bailout fund before it gets started, and auditing the Federal Reserve are things they do not need to compromise on — at all. These are items that can and should be dealt with in short order, whether support can be generated in the Senate or not.

House Republicans have an opportunity to raise the bar extraordinarily high.

Then, it will be worth having a heart-to-heart with the American people about housing finance. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have already received $150 billion of taxpayer bailouts since 2008. Right now, under existing law, they can receive an unlimited amount of money from the Treasury through the end of 2012, and then another $275 billion after that.

Right now, Fannie, Freddie, and the FHA are underwriting nine out of ten new mortgages, well above the historical average. This needs to end, and private financing for mortgage lending renewed. One thing is for certain, unlimited government financing of housing, combined with weak lending standards, too-low down payments, and too-low interest rates, delivered the housing boom and bust that has wrecked the U.S. economy. Republicans

need to be unequivocal that this must never be allowed to happen again.All of these points can be driven home with their new-found subpoena

power. Republicans should call witnesses to testify on everything from the sovereign debt crisis, to Fed purchases of treasuries, to how government caused the financial crisis, to how “stimulus” monies were mishandled, to the Department of Labor’s decision to rescind union transparency regula-tions. They should also delve into the Justice Department’s mismanagement of election fraud and civil rights issues.

Next, there is the all-important budget process. Republicans must remember they lost power because they spent too much. Their toughest job will be to deliberatively eliminate the $1.3 trillion budget deficit. They should balance the budget and pressure the Senate and White House to fol-low suit.

Finally, they must continue to connect with the American people and utilize the widespread grassroots support they have been able to assemble to the polls on Election Day. These are their willing ground troops who can place pressure on other vulnerable members of Congress who will be on the ballot in 2012. They will be able to help get key pieces of legislation across the finish line with a very credible threat to wishy-washy members of both parties: “You could be next.”

Bill Wilson is the President of Americans for Limited Government.


Survivors May Be NextContinued from page 3

Page 5: Press 2010 Press 11-4-10.pdf · back the House, RNC Chairman Michael Steele fatefully predicted, “Not this year.” The American people had other ideas. Led by the tea party move-ment

NPR Chief’s ‘Psychiatrist’ Remark On Juan Williams Breaks Law

With the public firing of Juan Williams, a fatal blow was stuck to the meticulously cultivated brand image of National Public Radio (NPR), but that’s just the begin-ning of their problems. The firing itself takes a back seat in this sor-did tale. The campaign of vindic-tive and libelous accusations against

Williams is the most reveling actions taken during the controversy. NPR was a brand which while liberal, was renowned for thoughtfulness and tolerance.

But not now—that’s been blown—NPR’s been tarnished and irrevocably damaged.

Ironically, Williams personified the brand. Williams was predictably on the left, but he wasn’t dogmatic or arrogant. Unlike many pundits he was courteous and circumspect in his comments. He was thought-ful and tolerant. He was everything NPR claims to be.

This incident has permanently tarnished the brand, and for the first time since its creation the Corporation for Public Broadcasting faces being reformed, defunded, or maybe even

abolished. If a Republican Congress returns to Washington, expect hear-ings on the issue.

The campaign against Williams was so vicious even The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has commented warning National Public Radio (NPR) that a remark made by NPR’s CEO Vivian Schiller in the firing of Juan Williams violated the letter and spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

After firing Williams for talk-ing about Muslims during a Fox TV News program, Schiller told news media that Williams’ personal feel-ings should have been kept between himself and his “psychiatrist or pub-licist — take your pick.” Williams responded that he did not have a psychiatrist.

In this week’s NAMI Blog , Executive Director Michael Fitzpatrick shares the text of a let-ter sent to NPR president and CEO Vivian Schiller, calling on NPR to adopt a plan no later than its board meeting scheduled in November to “educate and reassure” managers and employees about ADA protec-tions in the workplace for people with mental health concerns.

“An estimated 26.2 percent of Americans age 18 and older-about one in four adults-suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year…this translates to 57.7 million people,” reports the govern-ment’s National Institute of Mental Health. As a family that has expe-rienced mental illness amongst our ranks, we know that remarks such as Shiller’s do serious damage to already hurting people. America has made great strides in the treatment

and healing of many mental disor-ders, and the progress should be cel-ebrated not used as a club to publicly flog an employee.

We believe it is imperative that Schiller be dismissed for her libel-ous remark, and we hope that Juan Williams will vindicate his rights and the rights of millions of other Americans and seek legal recourse against NPR and Shiller.

Liberals always parade around being self-righteous about their tol-erance and compassion. But if you scratch just under the surface, we contend you often find mean and dysfunctional souls. They are expert name callers, just ask the families hurt by Obama’s then Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel when he shouted out “F---ing retarded,” in a political strategy session.

In response former governor Sarah Palin posted a scathing cri-tique of Emanuel’s comments on her Facebook page and rightly called for President Obama to fire him. A call Obama ignored. Palin wrote: “Just as we’d be appalled if any public figure of Rahm’s stature ever used the ‘N-word’ or other such inappro-priate language, Rahm’s slur on all God’s children with cognitive and developmental disabilities -- and the people who love them -- is unac-ceptable, and it’s heartbreaking.” Palin’s son, Trig, was born with Down Syndrome.

Let’s hope the calls to fire NPR’s Vivian Schiller are not equally ignored.



Commentary: Floyd Brown

The Penny Press Tips Its Cap To:Each and everyone who ran in the 2010 election, even the ones we don't like, and each and everyone who voted, no matter how they voted. Voting is not only a right but a responsibility and one which, in Nevada, we take seriously. Who wins an election in America is not as important as the fact that we have elections and peaceful transitions of power.

Las Vegas morning deejays JNoise and Krazzie Kat (no kidding) of KVEG who scored an interview with Barack Obama on Election Day. JNoise's best question of the day got national play from The Associated Press after the deejay asked if first lady Michelle Obama refers to him as "Mr. President." Now that's real political discourse. Boxers or briefs?

The Penny Press Sends A Bronx Cheer And A Bouquet of Weeds To:CityCenter partners Dubai World and MGM Resorts International, which the Wall Street Journal reported "studied closing two of the site's three hotels and the 'Viva Elvis' Cirque du Soleil show.". That's who Harry Reid strong-armed banks to get them to keep lending to so he could get all that campaign cash from MGM. A story worth watching from a corruption angle.

Page 6: Press 2010 Press 11-4-10.pdf · back the House, RNC Chairman Michael Steele fatefully predicted, “Not this year.” The American people had other ideas. Led by the tea party move-ment

Harry Reid is in danger of becoming a gelding. (For those of you who do not follow the sport of kings, that is a male horse who has had his testicles removed.)

He squeaked to re-election in a state where all but one of the rural counties repudiated him by a wide margin. Where “Anybody BUTT Reid” signs will stand in perpetuity.

He’ll be lucky if the Democrats don’t 86 him as their lead-er.

He lost a pile of seats in his chamber and his party lost the fight to keep the House. He led the Democrats off a cliff just as surely as Bill Clinton stained “that woman, Ms. Lewinsky’s” blue dress.

But he’s telling Nevada in his victory speech that “the fight has just begun”.

What fight?

The fight to socialize America?

The fight to explain how a man who has been on the Federal payroll for 28 years could become worth enough money to buy a million dollar condominium at the Washington DC Ritz Carlton for $750,000 cash?

This election is hardly a mandate for a “fight”.

An intelligent, probative individual would have gone out there and told the 50% of Nevada who told him to go suck eggs that he heard them. That he wants to talk with them. That their concerns are also his concerns.

What we see, instead, is a candidate for recall. Go to Washington, try and jam some more of that hard left crap down our throats and he might find that 50% of the elector-ate who voted against him becomes 55%.

I’m not advocating that. Yet.

But I am pointing out that the way you react to a near death experience is not to start a fight with the people who hold your fate in the balance. And I can assure you that Reid’s election night banty-rooster performance is the same as jamming a finger in the eye of the folks who almost sent you home to your humble abode at the Ritz.

Sharron Angle might not have been the perfect candidate but you knew what you were getting and it wasn’t what we’re now going to have to endure for the next six years.

I know that there are plenty of people in Nevada who think that, in retrospect, Sue Lowden or Danny Tarkanian would have won. That may or may not be true. As our regular readers know, we backed Lowden in the primary.

But I refuse to trash Angle or the efforts of her campaign.

Let me put this in perspective.

How many 61-year-old grandmothers in America get as close as she did to doing something which has never been done before—removing a sitting majority leader?

The truth is that she had a hell of a run and nobody can take that from her.

The best thing that Harry Reid can do is to man-up and take a message to Barack Obama.

That message should be that the people are very, very unhappy with the slide towards hard left socialism and that this is a nation which has always considered itself a cen-ter-right country. That America can be governed from the center but will categorically reject being governed from the left. If the President doesn’t want to hear that message, then Harry should simply work with the house and get done what the American people want done irrespective of what the President wants.

Does Harry have it in him to step backwards to the days he actually represented the state of Nevada as opposed to the Pelosi wing of the Democrat Party?

Maybe. Maybe not.

If he does, than he might be able to avoid being gelded and branded a socialist.

If he doesn’t, then we’ll see how long the Democrats hold a majority in the Senate.



OPINIONFrom The Publisher...

Man Up Harry Or Be Gelded

Page 7: Press 2010 Press 11-4-10.pdf · back the House, RNC Chairman Michael Steele fatefully predicted, “Not this year.” The American people had other ideas. Led by the tea party move-ment


A Healthy Dislike For ObamacareObamacare’s supporters maintain that the law is slowly but surely grow-

ing in popularity. “The more people understand this bill, the more they are going to like it,” Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius recently said.

Unfortunately, public opinion data tell a different story. The most recent survey from independent pollster Rasmussen Reports finds that 55 percent of likely voters favor repealing the health reform law. That figure hasn’t budged more than six percentage points in either direction since Obamacare became law in March.

Any way you slice it, that’s a majority in favor of repeal. The simple truth is that the public doesn’t like Obamacare -- and no amount of Democratic messaging is going to change their minds.

Rasmussen isn’t the only pollster portending bad news for Obamacare. According to, which tracks and aggregates a wide array of polls, opposition to the law has held steady since May, with an average of just under half the public consistently against it.

Why is the public so down on Obamacare? Its Democratic backers cite a failure of messaging. Secretary Sebelius has scoffed at the dwindling poll numbers by saying that the public has been confused by “misinformation.” The administration, she said, has “a lot of reeducation to do.”

The president’s team might want to start by “reeducating” Democrats like Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.), who recently told a group of constituents that they shouldn’t want him to “waste [his] time” reading the healthcare bill. “We hire experts” for that, he said.

Such remarks betray how the president plans to deal with its public opinion problem: opposition to the law is unacceptable -- and will be fought at any cost.

That’s why the Obama Administration and its allies have decided to launch a multimillion-dollar ad campaign to sell the public on the reform effort. They’re also working with ostensibly nonpartisan foundations and

philanthropists to “educate” the public about the law’s purported benefits.But blitzing the airwaves with propaganda won’t change the substance

of the law. Obamacare remains a bloated, bureaucratic mess - and Americans have known it all along.

Some 54 percent believe that the cost of health care will increase under the new law. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) agrees with them. Officials there found that Obamacare would increase individual insurance premiums by 10 to 13 percent. For some people - particularly the young and healthy - insurance premiums could triple.

For many people, health costs have already increased. A survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation recently found that workers are paying 13.7 percent more for their coverage - or $482 more, on average. At the same time, employers are contributing 0.9 percent less toward the cost of their employees’ policies.

Just 14 percent of voters believe that the new law will reduce the deficit. Among the skeptics is Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a former CBO director. He’s calculated that the law will increase the deficit by $500 billion over its first ten years -- and by $1.5 trillion over its second ten.

With figures like these out there, it’s no wonder that several promi-nent supporters of Obamacare, including several labor unions and AARP, recently instructed their members to stop saying that the law would reduce health costs and the deficit and to focus on improving it. Never mind that the president explicitly sold his bill as a deficit-reduction tool which would lower the average family’s healthcare costs by $2,500.

Obamacare’s consistently miserable public standing has dealt a severe blow to Democrats’ hopes of retaining Congress this fall. The more Americans learn about the law, the more they dislike it. And no amount of “reeducation” will change that. SALLY C. PIPESSally C. Pipes is President and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute. Her latest book, The Truth About Obamacare (Regnery 2010), was just released.

Commentary: Salley C. Pipes

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Rodd William StowellWeekday Mornings 6-9KWNA1400AM Winnemucca



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Commentary: Albert ThomasNational—Isms

First let’s go to the dictionary.Socialism has some broad definitions, but Webster is the one that is

accepted. “any of various economic and political theories advocating collec-tive or governmental ownership and administration of the means of produc-tion and distribution of goods.”

But so many people have it confused with fascism it would be a good idea to have that definition also: “a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascist) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition”

There is one more biggy being thrown around daily: Communism: “a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party con-trols state-owned means of production”.

Today there are so many Democrats who now describe themselves into Progressivism I thought I better get a definition. There isn’t one I could locate.

All I could find is: “A Progressive is a person who loathes the Constitution, despises the Bill of Rights, and would not vote for a candidate who declared his faith in the fundamental principles of our Government.” They are against everything, but what are they for?

Maybe I’m wrong, but it seems that socialism, fascism and communism are all very similar. The Progressives don’t know what they want. I am not

sure what you call that, but it sounds like anarchy, maybe dictatorship.Unfortunately, history reveals that the dictatorial types above all end in

anarchy.Today we are seeing the beginning of the end of the socialist experi-

ment in Europe. Greece and France are showing anarchy. In both France and Greece the TV has riots and cars burning. The politicians who promised more than they could deliver are now not delivering the freebies. Any sec-ond grader who could add and subtract could have figured it when the false promises were made.

Politicians always promise more than they know they can deliver just to keep their cushy jobs. That is a good reason for term limits with no extra benefits. A country needs statesmen. Men who will serve the people and not themselves. These should be positions of honor and not for profit.

Whatever ism to which you might aspire should be one that helps the people prosper and the country grow. No society that has promised to take care of a citizen from cradle to grave will remain. Each man should be allowed to keep the earnings of his hard work whether it is a small or large amount.

A Democracy becomes unwieldy as it grows larger and larger. A Republic is malleable.

Whatever your choice be sure the person representing you does what you elected him to do. AL THOMASAl Thomas’ new book, the 3rd edition of “If It Doesn’t Go Up, Don’t Buy It!” has been expanded with new chapters on ETFs, Two for the Money and real estate investing. Read the first chapter at and discover why he’s the man that Wall Street does not want you to know.

Page 11: Press 2010 Press 11-4-10.pdf · back the House, RNC Chairman Michael Steele fatefully predicted, “Not this year.” The American people had other ideas. Led by the tea party move-ment

Republican Party Ready To SplitELY—Tuesday’s elections prove that the Republican Party is still dra-

matically divided. Witness the reelection of Harry Reid.Reid becomes the first person in history to win statewide election with

no rural support. His 41 thousand vote margin of victory came entirely from Clark County

(60,000), Washoe County (7000 votes) and Mineral County (30 votes). He lost every other county in the state. Some by a few points. Others by 3-1, 4-1, or 5-1 margins.

The rurals are no longer required. Reid’s victory was tainted by news that former Las Vegas mayor Jan

Jones was pressured by Reid staffers to have her employer Harrahs turn out the vote. Harrahs had middle management pressure the lower ends (read: union employees) to get out and vote.

Reid’s victory should also prove something that the party needs to win. There needs to be serious outreach to minorities. The difference in the Reid race was that his margin of victory was all flavors of minorities. Associate Press exit polling showed minorities made up 40 percent of Reid’s voters, taking 66 percent of Hispanics, 80 percent of African Americans, and 75 percent of Asians. Until the Republicans increase the size of their tent, minority voters will continue to be used and abused by the Democrats.

The huge amount of dissention in the support of the Angle camp up front allowed Reid to get a huge head start over Angle. This race is not an Angle loss, it’s a Republican loss. Conservative groups lined up to support Angle, but the Republican supporters, seeing Angle as an outsider and not a party person, didn’t kick in the money up front. The four week negative advertis-ing blitz killed Angle’s momentum, and had she had another four weeks to make it up, likely could have pulled off the big upset.

Until Republican organizers realize that the Tea Party is real and line up behind them and broaden their tent with serious outreach to minorities, the party will continue to be an afterthought in the state.

Angle made the big mistake of straying from the message that won her the nomination. Positive, forceful change for our state is what won her the election. Instead of staying on message, instead of letting the Independent Expenditure groups do their job of painting Harry as an extremist, she got

into it herself. Further, no one brought up the dirty 2001 Land Deals includ-ing Coyote Springs.

Incumbents in White Pine County are history. Incumbent Democrat RaLeene “You just don’t understand” Makley was

unseated by Independent American Party candidate John Lampros. The former two-term County Commissioner and Ely City Councilman has over-come health issues to try to repair the damaged relationships between the City and County. Makley finished third behind republican Bill Ward with 20 percent of the vote.

Democrat Mike Lemich unseated Republican incumbent Robin Bell and IAP candidate JC Ward.

Ward and Makley supported the $2.4 million dollar boondoggle known as the county Emergency Response Center.

The campaign for County Clerk came out the way I suspected as former Deputy Clerk Linda “Lin” Burleigh defeated JoAnn Malone by a 61-38 margin. The race was marred by the dismissal of Burleigh from her position a month before election day under what appears to be suspicious circum-stances. Malone’s opponents charged that she was devoting much of her time to her restaurant business and that was a major distraction in the race.

The disparity between the results in the City and County elections here and in the rest of the state tell me that the rurals are quickly losing their relevance in the state of Nevada. Secession, anyone? WYATT COX


Commentary: Wyatt Cox


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Page 14: Press 2010 Press 11-4-10.pdf · back the House, RNC Chairman Michael Steele fatefully predicted, “Not this year.” The American people had other ideas. Led by the tea party move-ment

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Past GRPCs have outlined victory plans and made public the latest firearms trends. They allowyou a first-hand chance to hear movement leaders--and make your voice heard.

This year we’ll take a look at critical issues such as: city gun bans, youth violence, “smart” guns,concealed carry, federal legislation, legal actions, gun show regulation, state and local activity. We’ll

also preview the upcoming elections and analyze the U.S. Supreme Court McDonald decision.The full roster of GRPC 2010 speakers has not yet been set. Past speakers have included: Alan M.

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Commentary: Matt BarberReunite Church And State

John Adams, our second U.S. president, famously observed: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

The U.S. Constitution, indeed our entire republican form of government, was crafted by deeply pious men who were overwhelmingly Christian. It was fashioned within the context and framework of the Judeo-Christian zeitgeist of the time and was further intended to function in harmony with a Judeo-Christian worldview – period. Though leftists may deny this reality, it remains indisputable fact. The historical record is unequivocal.

Patrick Henry said this: “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ!”

George Washington agreed: “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity,

Religion and Morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of Men and Citizens. … [R]eason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”

I’ll say it: I agree with George Washington. Those godless, postmodern secular-socialists, who, today, hold the reins of government, are unpatriotic. Fringe leftists like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid seek to “subvert” Washington’s “great pillars” of “religion and morality” and are distinctly un-American for it.

Part and parcel of Obama’s agenda has been to push, at a fever pitch, the most extremist pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, anti-Christian agenda in American history.

Indeed, in contrast with the deeply held religious and moral values embraced by our Founding Fathers, today’s America is governed by an “immoral” and “irreligious” chief executive. Barack Obama is the high priest of secular-socialism.

He seeks to undermine – if not altogether dismantle – the American exceptionalism that, hitherto, has been fundamentally woven throughout our national fabric.

He aspires to the lowest common denominator. He seeks to uproot Ronald Reagan’s “shining city on a hill” and relocate the “land of the free and the home of the brave” to a much lower altitude, alongside those Euro-Marxist nations he so admires and wistfully desires to emulate.

The U.S. Constitution was neither intended to, nor can it, work in har-mony with the postmodern secular-socialist worldview embraced by those on the political left. Such a worldview is, by its very nature, counter-consti-tutional.

Whereas the Constitution was intended to guarantee individual liberty and justice, limit the size and scope of the federal government and secure freedom of speech and religious expression; the goal of the secular-socialist is to control nearly every aspect of an individual’s life, to massively expand the size and scope of the federal government and to suppress – if not alto-gether smother – freedom of speech and religious expression.

To the secular-socialist, the Constitution is a relevant document only insofar as it constitutes an encumbrance to “progress.” It must be circum-vented and overcome at all cost, and by any means available. Why else do you suppose President Obama has called our original “contract with America” – the U.S. Constitution – an “imperfect document,” a “living document … that reflects some deep flaws in American culture ...”?

Rather than properly viewing our Constitution as a God-inspired tool to

be used in furtherance of Washington’s “indispensable supports” of “religion and morality,” this arrogant little man, with singular resolve and discipline, forges ahead with his thinly veiled, yet wholly destructive left-wing politi-cal agenda: Namely, to “fundamentally change America” to reflect his own secular-socialist self-image.

Au contraire, Monsieur le Président. Enter the tea-party revolution (a national clamoring for a return to our

nation’s founding principles). America has coldly and quite vocally rejected Obama’s anti-American agenda.

You’ve heard it said, but I’ll say it again: People with conservative values – particularly Christians – need to take back America. We must take charge of government at every level from the municipal hall to the White House.

It’s time for men of the cloth – as they did during the first American Revolution – to exercise true leadership, return to the pulpit and call for national revival, both spiritual and political. As George Washington so astutely observed, the notion that political issues, and those of “religion and morality,” are somehow mutually exclusive, is patently absurd. They are one in the same.

Am I calling for a theocracy? Of course not. Am I calling for men and women of strong faith to retake control of all high-level positions of influ-ence in government, academia, media and entertainment? Absolutely.

The late, great Rev. Jerry Falwell perhaps said it best: “I’m being accused of being controversial and political. I’m not political. But moral issues that become political, I still fight. It isn’t my fault that they’ve made these moral issues political. But because they have doesn’t stop the preach-ers of the Gospel from addressing them.”

Pastors, priests and rabbis: It’s up to you to address, head-on, these moral issues. Don’t be intimidated by anti-theist groups like the ACLU, American’s United for Separation of Church and State, People for the American Way and the like. These hard-left outfits engage in dishonest letter-writing schemes and file frivolous threats with the IRS in hopes of silencing you. Don’t be silenced.

Guess how many churches have been penalized, or have lost tax-exempt status due to even one of these complaints: Exactly zero. To call these groups “paper tigers” is too strong. They’re paper kittens.

Pastors: You have an absolute constitutional right, if not a duty, to stand at the pulpit and educate your flock about the hot-button political/moral issues of the day. You also have an absolute right to tell your flock exactly where candidates stand on these issues. You can even, as an individual, pub-licly endorse candidates. Most importantly, you have an absolute right to encourage parishioners to vote in accordance with their faith.

Biblical values must once again guide our political and cultural deci-sions and discourse, or tragically, this great American experiment – having survived longer than any governmental system in existence – may be at its twilight.

Still, I somehow doubt that the sun has set on this, the greatest nation on Earth. To borrow from a truly great president, Ronald Reagan, come Nov. 3, I suspect, instead, we’ll once again awaken to a bright new future. We’ll once again awaken to “morning in America.”

Christians: Make it happen. J. MATT BARBERMatt Barber is an attorney concentrating in constitutional law. He is author of the book “The Right Hook – From the Ring to the Culture War” and serves as Director of Cultural Affairs with Liberty Counsel. Send comments to Matt at [email protected] / / Twitter @jmattbarber

Page 15: Press 2010 Press 11-4-10.pdf · back the House, RNC Chairman Michael Steele fatefully predicted, “Not this year.” The American people had other ideas. Led by the tea party move-ment


Pet Of The WeekAdopt This Pet !

Sage was found wandering in the desert. This sweet, abandoned Doberman deserves a better life! She is a mature red and tan lady about 8 years old, but active, playful, full of life and wanting desperately to have a family. She is very social and gets along well with other dogs. She is spayed, up to date on all of her shots and microchipped. If you are interested in giving Sage a forever home, fill out an application.

Cynthia is a 4- to 5-year-old black and tan Doberman with natural ears and a docked tail. This sweet mature lady is chock full of gentle affection just waiting for you. She is spayed, up to date on all shots and microchipped. Please fill out an application and give Cynthia the forever home she deserves.






Page 16: Press 2010 Press 11-4-10.pdf · back the House, RNC Chairman Michael Steele fatefully predicted, “Not this year.” The American people had other ideas. Led by the tea party move-ment


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