president’s message a time for renewal in more ways than ... 2015 newsletter.pdf · committee...

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE A Time For Renewal In More Ways Than One Spring - the time of renewal and growth. Blossoms burst, eggs hatch, and young critters gambol at unsteady gates on still unsteady legs. The days are longer, brighter, gentler. We unclutter our houses and our minds, fling open our windows, and invite freshness and change – both big and small – into our lives. Optimism and opportunity are in the air. Spring fever, with all its glorious symptoms, is welcomingly infectious. Spring – the time of renewal and growth. The time to renew your annual RCWV membership and grow the club and grow your possibilities. Renewal of your dues is worth much more than the cost – about one night at the movies. The people, the activities, the ways to get involved, all offer avenues to be part of something bigger. Your valued 2014 membership enabled the club to: Meet monthly at a comfortable and convenient venue at the Sand Hill Golf Course Supply Republican Headquarters Thank volunteers with an election night pizza party Recognize those volunteers and members who went above and beyond with appreciation plaques Be involved in the community: Member of the DeLand Chamber of Commerce Participate in the DeLand Jaycees Christmas Parade Participate in the Mardi Gras on MainStreet Dog Parade Co-sponsor the Wreaths Across America Ceremony at DeLand Memorial Gardens Donate to the Defending Freedom Warrior Weekend in DeLand Please renew your membership. Renew your friendships at our monthly meetings; renew your mind learning new skills at workshops and seminars; renew your scope of information hearing interesting and informative speakers; renew your community involvement; renew your commitment to constitutional conservatism and the election of those who don’t just espouse them, but who will practice them; renew your spirit to promote and carry forward principles and policies that will matter and extend beyond 2016. Renew your membership because there is strength in numbers. When there are more members, there are more opportunities for discussion, growth, learning, advocacy, camaraderie, and cohesion. As with any group, we are comprised of distinct members, but we are strong because we are a group - a unified bloc able to tackle tough issues, oppose unreasonable, new regulations, taxes, fees, assessments, and costs, and, most, important, to turn and keep Volusia solid Republican. After a deserved hibernation recouping from a busy year and the rigors and demands of the 2014 election, I ask you to join me and spring into action and fun. Paul Deering, President The March Equinox in Orlando, Florida, takes place on Friday, March 20, 2015, at 6:45 pm EDT. NEXT MEETING March 17 at Noon Lunch 11:30 a.m. The Sand Hill Golf Course 800 E. Euclid Avenue DeLand ♦♦♦♦♦ GUEST SPEAKER ♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ Ben Johnson Volusia County Sheriff ♦♦♦♦♦ (see page 6 for details, speakers)

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Page 1: PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE A Time For Renewal In More Ways Than ... 2015 Newsletter.pdf · Committee Chairman Tony Ledbetter-Sonia Mori Looks On Dr. Hill and Rosa Campbell Confer After

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE A Time For Renewal In More Ways Than One Spring - the time of renewal and growth. Blossoms burst, eggs hatch, and young critters gambol at unsteady gates on still unsteady legs. The days are longer, brighter, gentler. We unclutter our houses and our minds, fling open

our windows, and invite freshness and change – both big and small – into our lives. Optimism and opportunity are in the air. Spring fever, with all its glorious symptoms, is welcomingly infectious.

Spring – the time of renewal and growth. The time to renew your annual RCWV membership and grow the club and grow your possibilities. Renewal of your dues is worth much more than the cost – about one night at the movies. The people, the activities, the ways to get involved, all offer avenues to be part of something bigger. Your valued 2014 membership enabled the club to:

Meet monthly at a comfortable and convenient venue at the Sand Hill Golf Course

Supply Republican Headquarters

Thank volunteers with an election night pizza party

Recognize those volunteers and members who went above and beyond with appreciation plaques

Be involved in the community: Member of the DeLand Chamber of Commerce Participate in the DeLand Jaycees Christmas Parade Participate in the Mardi Gras on MainStreet Dog Parade Co-sponsor the Wreaths Across America Ceremony at DeLand Memorial

Gardens Donate to the Defending Freedom Warrior Weekend in DeLand

Please renew your membership. Renew your friendships at our monthly meetings; renew your mind learning new skills at workshops and seminars; renew your scope of information hearing interesting and informative speakers; renew your community involvement; renew your commitment to constitutional conservatism and the election of those who don’t just espouse them, but who will practice them; renew your spirit to promote and carry forward principles and policies that will matter and extend beyond 2016. Renew your membership because there is strength in numbers. When there are more members, there are more opportunities for discussion, growth, learning, advocacy, camaraderie, and cohesion. As with any group, we are comprised of distinct members, but we are strong because we are a group - a unified bloc able to tackle tough issues, oppose unreasonable, new regulations, taxes, fees, assessments, and costs, and, most, important, to turn and keep Volusia solid Republican. After a deserved hibernation recouping from a busy year and the rigors and demands of the 2014 election, I ask you to join me and spring into action and fun.

Paul Deering, President

[Type the company name] [Pick the date] [Edition 1, Volume 1]

The March Equinox in Orlando, Florida, takes place on Friday,

March 20, 2015, at 6:45 pm EDT.


NEXT MEETING March 17 at Noon Lunch 11:30 a.m. The Sand Hill Golf

Course 800 E. Euclid Avenue

DeLand ♦♦♦♦♦



Ben Johnson Volusia County Sheriff


(see page 6 for details, speakers)

Page 2: PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE A Time For Renewal In More Ways Than ... 2015 Newsletter.pdf · Committee Chairman Tony Ledbetter-Sonia Mori Looks On Dr. Hill and Rosa Campbell Confer After

Members and Guests Welcome Dr. Hill

Dr. Hill Lays Out His Initiatives

For Improving Volusia County Schools

Dynamic, District 1 School Board Member Dr. John Hill Featured Speaker at February 17 Meeting Dr. Hill, a DeLand family and sports physician, opened his talk by affirming his Christian faith, saying it influenced him to run for office. Another factor, he said, was that when he graduated Deltona High School in 1992 the schools were noticeably better. He credited his father, a Baptist preacher, for passing his values to him, teaching him to be resolute and to make a difference. As a result, he said, he will be not be intimidated from making hard choices needed to improve the schools, such as his call for and the resultant recent needed resignation of the School Superintendent. His other plans include to: get parents involved; continue to get teachers’ and principals’ inputs; make the school system less top-heavy, so that improvements directly reach the classroom; replace outdated/non-functioning computers in the classrooms; renegotiate the cost of the school system’s health care plan, which has not been attempted in five years; make inexpensive uniforms compulsory for safety reasons; and implement a strong vocational program for students who neither wish to nor can afford to attend college. Photos courtesy Karen K. Clark

Rosa Campbell Discusses Issues with Dr. Hill

Stan Mitchell and Dr. Hill Trade Information

Mavis Liddie Introduces Herself to Republican Executive

Committee Chairman Tony Ledbetter-Sonia Mori Looks On

Dr. Hill and Rosa Campbell Confer After the Meeting

Page 3: PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE A Time For Renewal In More Ways Than ... 2015 Newsletter.pdf · Committee Chairman Tony Ledbetter-Sonia Mori Looks On Dr. Hill and Rosa Campbell Confer After




He is the Commander in Chief who leads from behind, the Chief Executor of the law of the land, a constitutional law scholar and former professor, who fabricates his own laws with a wave of his pen and a phone gripped in his iron hand. A president who thinks the enumerated roles of the President of the United States do not apply to him, that the office is not big enough nor good enough for him, and therefore, the country. Barack Obama must also be the infallible moralizer, theologian, and historian-in chief.

BIARRE BELIEFS AND IDIOTIC IDEOLOGIES At the National Prayer Breakfast on February 5, President Obama didn’t know his crusades from his croissants. During his remarks, when discussing ISIS, he stuck his figurative finger in the eyes of the guests and the American people when he admonished, “And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.” This lazy, dangerously wrong, historically ignorant moral equivalence argument would have gotten him kicked off a high school debate team. But, a man who sat in Jeremiah Wright's church for 20 years would have no problem defending Islamic violence by attacking Christianity. Then, on February 19, at his summit on countering “violent extremism,” a bloviating Barack Obama pronounced that not only were terrorists not Muslim, but, "Here in America, Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding.” As historian-in-chief, he probably was recalling that the first Muslims came to America courtesy of their fellow Muslims, who captured them in Africa and sent them to the Dutch slave traders. And, as commander-in-chief, he must have been aware that America was at conflict with Barbary pirates shortly after the founding of the country. Nuanced as he is, maybe he considers 1856 as part of our founding, when the American military was engaged in Indian wars out west. Jefferson Davis, Secretary of War at the time, had the brilliant idea (secession was another one) to have the cavalry use camels, rather than horses, to cross the desert west. One Muslim was hired to raise camels in Arizona. It was a short-lived experiment. And, in his mind, the founding may also stretch to 1915, when the first mosque was built in the United States. (The first church in America was built in 1610, the first synagogue in 1654).

Let’s take a walk down factual Moslem memory lane with attorney, political commentator, and best-selling author Ben Shapiro (

ISLAM HAD ZERO IMPACT ON THE FOUNDERS OR THEIR PHILOSOPHY “Islam had zero impact on the founders or their philosophy – less than zero, given that the founders despised the religion, or what they knew of it. President Obama fictionalized this history at an Iftar dinner in 2012:

“Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.” Michelle Obama on the campaign trail in San Juan, Puerto Rico on May 14, 2008. “We have a very large Christian population, but we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation. We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values. I think modern Turkey was founded with a similar set of principles.” Barak Obama press conference with the President of Turkey on April 6, 2009.

Page 4: PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE A Time For Renewal In More Ways Than ... 2015 Newsletter.pdf · Committee Chairman Tony Ledbetter-Sonia Mori Looks On Dr. Hill and Rosa Campbell Confer After

‘As I’ve noted before, Thomas Jefferson once held a sunset dinner here with an envoy from Tunisia — perhaps the first Iftar at the White House, more than 200 years ago. And, some of you, as you arrived tonight, may have seen our special display, courtesy of our friends at the Library of Congress — the Koran that belonged to Thomas Jefferson. And that’s a reminder, along with the generations of patriotic Muslims in America, that Islam — like so many faiths — is part of our national story.’ Well, not so much. That magical “first Iftar” was an 1805 meeting between Sidi Solima Mellimelli, an emissary of the brutal Barbary pirates, and the president. Jefferson invited over Mellimelli in an attempt to bribe him into submission after the USS Constitution captured ships from the Bey (chieftain) of Tunis. Mellimelli requested food, lodgings, and concubines. Jefferson already knew of Islam, having been educated in 1786 after Barbary pirates attempted to blackmail America into monetary tribute. At that time, the Barbary emissary justified piracy with reference to the Koran, according to a report from Jefferson: ‘The Ambassador answered us that it was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners.’ John Quincy Adams, writing of these negotiations, stated: ‘The precept of the Koran is perpetual war against all who deny that Mahomet is the prophet of God. The vanquished may purchase their lives, by the payment of tribute; the victorious may be appeased by a false and delusive promise of peace; and the faithful follower of the prophet may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat: but the command to propagate the Moslem creed by the sword is always obligatory, when it can be made effective. The commands of the prophet may be performed alike, by fraud, or by force. Quincy Adams would later lament, ‘Such is the spirit, which governs the hearts of men, to whom treachery and violence are taught as principles of religion.’ Thomas S. Kidd (Baylor University professor specializing in early America and its religions) writes, ‘The philosophers upon whom the founders relied had similarly negative views of Islam. Montesquieu wrote that the Turks were despotic. William Blackstone wrote that religion could be used for despotism, as shown by “terrible ravages committed by the Saracens in the east, to propagate the religion of Mahomet.” Thomas Paine wrote of Islam in Common Sense, but only as a reference point for despotic attempts to stifle liberty. He said that divine right of kings was a ‘superstitious tale, conveniently timed, Mahomet like, to cram hereditary right down the throats of the vulgar.’ Shapiro concludes, “The historical record demonstrates that Islam had virtually no role in the foundation of the early Republic outside of being used as a negative comparison point for freedom and self-government. President Obama is obviously rewriting history. But since he’s busily rewriting the present, too, why should anyone be surprised?” The first act of America's first Congress in 1774 was to ask a minister to open with prayer and to lead members in the reading of four chapters of the Bible. In 1776, the founders acknowledged that all men "are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights…" and were relying "…on the protection of Divine Providence." John Quincy Adams said, "The Declaration laid the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity." The signers of the 1783 Treaty of Paris, ending the Revolutionary War, insisted the treaty begin with, "In the name of the most holy and undivided Trinity.” The fabric of our nation is not a prayer rug. All are free to worship their own faiths. That makes us a great country. And we are great because we are a nation woven at its founding with non-perishable Judeo-Christian thread.

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.meaningless as the political ruling class corrupt

To join, volunteer, donate, or if you

have questions, contact ♦ Republican Club of West Volusia ♦

♦ P.O Box 2032 ♦ ♦ DeLand, FL 32721 ♦

♦ 386-337-8095 ♦ ♦ [email protected]

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♦The Republican Club of West Volusia♦

Catch up on upcoming RCWV, Republican and related

community events, photographs of past events, and links to

valuable sources of information at

Your submissions of events, photos, and original commentary

are welcome. Email your submissions to

[email protected]

DeLand Southwestern Middle School Visit and

OPEN HOUSE @ CAF Florida Wing March 16 – March 21 all-day

The CAF RED TAIL SQUADRON visits Southwestern

Middle School on March 16th until the afternoon of March

19th. The exhibit will be open to school kids only. Then the


move to the CAF Florida Wing at 1570 Old NDB

Road in Deland where the Mustang will be on

display March 20 and 21. The exhibit will also visit the New Smyrna Beach Balloonfest - April 17-19 The mission of the Commemorative Air Force (CAF) Red

Tail Squadron is to share the inspiring legacy of the

Tuskegee Airmen – America’s first black military pilots

and their support personnel. Their success in triumphing

over adversity during WWII can still inspire people of all

ages to rise above obstacles they may face.

The CAF Red Tail Squadron team does this three ways: 1. Provides education materials and innovative ideas to teachers and others so the young people they guide can be motivated to set goals and “rise above” any obstacles in order to achieve success.

2. Brings the RISE ABOVE Traveling Exhibit to air

shows and other venues so that people of all ages can learn more about and learn from what the Tuskegee Airmen accomplished during World War II and beyond. 3. Flies a rare World War II-vintage P-51C red-tailed Mustang at air shows across the country to create interest in the military history of the Tuskegee Airmen who flew similar red-tailed Mustangs over Europe from 1943 to 1945. Motivated by the Tuskegee Airmen’s example, the CAF Red Tail Squadron overcame numerous obstacles to restore this red-tailed P-51C Mustang fighter such as the Airmen flew in WWII. The Squadron actually restored the airplane twice: first in the 1990s and again from 2004 to 2009 after a tragic crash. The Red Tail is currently accepting donations to help the Exhibit get to Deland, Florida – If you are interested or know someone who might like to be a Hometown Hero, please call Woodie Sprouse at 206-708-9664. Rides will be available for sale: For details, call 812-240-2560 and talk with Marvona Welsh about this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.


Page 6: PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE A Time For Renewal In More Ways Than ... 2015 Newsletter.pdf · Committee Chairman Tony Ledbetter-Sonia Mori Looks On Dr. Hill and Rosa Campbell Confer After

Future Speakers to Be Announced

RCWV Speakers Schedule (Posted on the Club Website

March 17, 2015 Meeting: Ben F. Johnson, Volusia County Sheriff

Sheriff Johnson is a lifelong resident of Volusia County. He graduated from Deland

High School (1968), Daytona Beach Community College, with an Associate of

Science in Criminal Justice (1978) and Rollins College, Winter Park, earning a

Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, with honors (1981). He was elected Sheriff

of Volusia County in November 2000 and assumed office January 1, 2001, and was

re-elected in 2004, 2008 and 2012. His career with the Volusia County Sheriff's

Office spanned from October 1971 to May 1998. He was promoted to Sergeant in

November 1974; promoted to Lieutenant in January 1984; First District Commander

in Deltona, April 1989; and SWAT Entry Team Leader. Sheriff Johnson is a graduate

of the 156th session of the FBI National Academy, Quantico, VA (1989) and was

elected President of the Florida Sheriff's Association (2011). He and his wife Leslye

Gale, host of the Magic Morning Show on Magic 107.7, Orlando, live in Glenwood.

April 21, 2015 Meeting: Honorable James S. Purdy, Public Defender, 7th Florida Circuit

James S. Purdy James S. Purdy has served as the elected Public Defender since January, 2005. He graduated cum laude with a B.A. degree in history from the University of Florida in 1975 and his J.D in 1978 from Nova University Center for the Study of Law. In 1979, Mr. Purdy joined the staff of the State of Florida Department of Legal Affairs in the Tampa Criminal Appellate division. He has served the people of the State of Florida as an Assistant Attorney General and as an Assistant State Attorney in both the 7th and 12th Judicial Circuits. He has practiced law in Florida for over 35 years. In addition to his position as Public Defender, Mr. Purdy was appointed by Governor Crist in 2008 to serve as a member of the State of Florida Medical Examiner’s Commission, where he continues to serve as the Commission’s Public Defender representative. Mr. Purdy also served as Treasurer for the Florida Public Defender Association for three years. A lifelong Republican, Mr. Purdy joined the Volusia County Republican Executive Committee in 1992. He served the RECVC as Rules Committee Chairman, Vice-Chairman and, in 1999, as Chairman. In the 2000 Presidential Elections, he was the first Republican Party representative called to the Volusia County Presidential Recount. Mr. Purdy is also an Eagle Scout and has served as district chairman of both the Kings Road and Three Rivers districts of the Boy Scouts of America (2008-2010). To celebrate his 60th birthday in 2012, Mr. Purdy and his son Matthew spent 10 days in northern Spain walking the Camino de Santiago, “The Way of St. James”, as Christian pilgrims, in what he describes as the most important and memorable experience of his life.

Mr. Purdy and his wife Marilyn have been married for 34 years and live in Port Orange.