president barzani “kurdistan seeks independence not secession · the kurdish globe no. 550,...

From the Heart of Kurdistan Region PRESS PHOTO “Kurdistan seeks independence not secession from Iraq,” The only English paper in Iraq - No: 550 Mon. October 03, 2016 President Barzani

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Page 1: President Barzani “Kurdistan seeks independence not secession · The Kurdish Globe No. 550, Monday, October 03, 2016 3 “Kurdistan seeks independence not secession from Iraq,”

From the Heart of Kurdistan Region




“Kurdistan seeks

independence not secession

from Iraq,”

The only English paper in Iraq - No: 550 Mon. October 03, 2016

President Barzani

Page 2: President Barzani “Kurdistan seeks independence not secession · The Kurdish Globe No. 550, Monday, October 03, 2016 3 “Kurdistan seeks independence not secession from Iraq,”

The Kurdish Globe 2No. 550, Monday, October 03, 2016

EXECUTIVE EDITORGazi Hassan +964 750 7747784

[email protected]

Address: Erbil, Massif road

Weekly paper printed in Erbil First published in 2005

Senior U.K. EditorBashdar Pusho [email protected]

Zakaria Muhammed [email protected] +964 750 475 3897

Salih Waladbagi [email protected] +964 750 4912996


ARTS EDITORRozhgar Jafar Rasul [email protected]

ReviserHonar Osman

All parties, including US, regardeeed Kurdistan Region President, Masoud Barzani’s visit an imeeportant one. What was revealed in the press conferences indicate that many major important issues between both sides have been discussed, including referendum, peaceful secession of Erbil from Baghdad. When principles of coeeexistence doesn’t exist anymore, peaceful solution should be coneesidered. This visit in this tough timing would set the tangles uneeraveled, and would dispel many of the doubts, and foil the plots, and mysterious agendas that some pareeties have been recently working on.

Some political parties accompaeenied President Barzani in his visit. Members of the delegation eneehanced people’s optimism. But the Gorran Movement and the Islamic Group along with Nuri AleMaliki’s group in Baghdad were practieecally excluded from the meeting agendas. We saw in Baghdad that President Barzani and the aceecompanying delegation met with AleAbbadi, AleHakeem, Sadrists and the President of the Repubeelic, while Nuri AleMaliki’s Sate of Law Bloc was blocked from the meetings. This is an indication that a clear message is addressed to PM AleAbbadi through these meetings that even if there are plots and seeerious plans going on in Baghdad against him, Erbil still can alter the balance. Recently, the successive summons of his cabinet’s ministers by AleMaliki and his block posed the increasing threat of ousting AleAbbadi himself from power. The direction was to be reason behind further deterioration, violence and a big political chaos. The hideeden agenda, among which some

Kurdish parties are taking part, is aiming at forming a KurdisheAleMaliki coalition against the Presieedent Barzani and KDP in Erbil and AleAbbadi and his government in Baghdad too.

The visit is taking place while Iraqi and Kurdistan Region are passing through various political and financial crises, war against Da’esh and operation of Mosul. Baghdad and Erbil are in need of cooperation, and mutual undereestanding and overcoming the crieeses more than ever. Kurdish strateeegy always insists on gaining and maintaining the achievements via dialogue. While Baghdad has aleeways insisted on limiting the poweeer, the local and the international stance of the Kurdistan Region. AleAbbadi’s government is faceeing a real threat. Its Shia political opponents, security, war, regional interference, the financial crisis, reaching once again drawing back US military under the pretext of participation in Mosul operation. Erbil has chosen a suited time with a successful manner for commenceeing the dialogues with Baghdad for tackling the problems. Not to hide that Baghdad also want to exploit the divisions and disagreeeements and political issues among Kurdish political blocs, some of which are rapidly dragged towards AleMaliki’s evil plans. This might become a factor for achieving traneequility and easing the disagreeeements between the political parties in Kurdistan too. New doors with Baghdad are opened , meanwhile, some of the doors that have posed threats to the political process in Kurdistan might be slammed foreeever.

President Barzani Opens New Doors

With Baghdad

ADVERTISEMENTCell: +964 750 4661315

By | Gazi Hassan

Saudi Arabia National Day Commemorated in Erbil

The Consulate General of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia held on Monday a reception ceremony markeeing the National Day.

The ceremony was ateetended by the Consul Geneeeral, Abdel Menen Abdel Rahman aleMahmoud, President of Kurdistan region Massoud Barzani, ministers of the region, representatives of Kurdish parties, diplomatic miseesions and consulates in the region, military leaders and politicians.

In his speech, Consul Mahmoud shed light on the history of Saudi Araeebia since its formation in 1932. He elaborated on the transition witnessed by the kingdom, reaching the international and regional status it enjoys today.

“The celebration of the National Day this year comes after the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdueelaziz launched Saudi Vieesion 2030. Saudi 2030 is a roadmap to achieve the development and reform

goals of the kingdom,” said the consul.

Minister and Head of Foreign Relations Departeemente Kurdistan Regional Government Fallah Museetafa delivered a speech at the ceremony and consideeered the Saudi National Day important for relations between Saudi Arabia and the Kurdistan region.

Mustafa said that Kurdeeistan was honored to celeeebrate the Saudi National day in Erbil for the first time.

Consul Mahmoud said that the National Day is an occasion for people to remember the bravery and heroic actions of late King Abdulaziz bin Abdulraheeman Al Saud. He added that King Abdulaziz uniteeed the tribes, placing Saueedi Arabia among advanced countries.

He expressed his happy feelings over the strong reeelationship between Kurdeeistan Region and Saudi Arabia.

"It is very important to keep our relations with

Kurdistan Region strong and we need to strengthen our ties even more," he said

He also appreciated Kurdistan Regional Goveeernmental (KRG) role in embracing hundreds of thousands of refugees and displaced people who fled from violence, and in proeetecting the security condieetions of the entire region.

Safin Dzayee, KRG spokesman said that SaueedieKurdish ties are strong and have reached to the level of diplomatic repreeesentation.

Minister Mustafa praised the relations between the two sides especially after the opening of the consuleeate in Erbil.

“We are looking forward to further cooperation beeetween both countries,” added Mustafa.

Heman Hawrami, the head of the external relaeetions department in the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), hoped ties would develop into direct diplomatic relations.

Page 3: President Barzani “Kurdistan seeks independence not secession · The Kurdish Globe No. 550, Monday, October 03, 2016 3 “Kurdistan seeks independence not secession from Iraq,”

The Kurdish Globe No. 550, Monday, October 03, 2016 3

“Kurdistan seeks independence not secession from Iraq,” President Barzani

The President of the Kurdistan Region, Maseesoud Barzani, decided on Thursday with the Iraqi Prime Minister Haider aleAbadi to solve all probeelems between the Federal Government of Iraq and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG).

Thursday morning, a top Kurdish delegation led by President Massoud Barzani visited Baghdad to hold negotiations with the Iraqi government and leaders on a range of iseesues, including budget disputes between the two capitals and setting milieetary plan for Mosul offeneesives.

The Kurdish leader said at a joint press conference with the Prime Minister : “With the Prime Miniseeter Abadi, we reached an agreement to resolve all problems, including the economic crisis and oil and gas issues.”

Barzani went on his speech saying : “We are ready to cooperate with the Prime Minister to solve all problems.”

“We have many chaleelenges and common prieeorities, including defeateeing ISIS terrorists and cleansing every inch of Iraq from these crimieenals,” Barzani said.

“The Kurdistan Region looks at its relations with Baghdad with strategic depth,” Barzani told reeeporters in a joint press conference with Iraq’s Prime Minister.

At the press conference,

Barzani said that he coneegratulated the Iraqi troops and Peshmerga forces for their recent victories against “terrorists” of the Islamic State (ISIS) and that “all other areas still under their control will soon be liberated, too.”

Iraqi PM Abadi meneetioned territorial integrity of Iraq by using a local term saying that the Iraqi government worked for prosperity of all Iraqis from Zakho to Fao, meaneeing from the most northeeern Kurdish city of Zakho to the most southern Arab city of Fao.

Barzani said the deleeegation’s visit to Baghdad was to express support to Abadi and added issues between Erbil and Bagheedad required “discussion and understanding”.

Barzani meets Amar aleHakim

President Massoud Bareezani also met with Ameemar Hakim, the National Alliance leader, in Bagheedad. During a press coneeference Barzani said "The Kurds have sought indeeependence, not secession from Iraq."

Barzani explained that independence is the natuee

ral right of Kurds and can be achieved through diaeelogue with Baghdad.

Concerning the Mosul attack, the Kurdish leader said that the fight against terrorism is one of the top priorities ahead of the nation, confirming that Peshmerga and the Iraqi army have set a plan to take back the city of Moeesul.

Barzani announced that the economic crisis in Kurdistan and Iraq has also been discussed in the meeting.

“We have agreed on close coordination beee

tween Erbil and Baghdad to overcome the crisis,” he said, explaining that the delegation from Kurdiseetan Regional Government (KRG) will visit Baghdad to reach a comprehensive solution.

On his part, Hakim said that there is no better way for the solution to the diseeputes other than dialogue; therefore, "We need an open, serious, honest and constructive conversation between both the governeements and among the poeelitical parties as well."

Erbil and Baghdad Agreed to Solve Budgetary Disputes and Enhance the Military Cooperation to Liberate Mosul

The leader of the Kurdiseetan Socialist Democratic Party, Mohammed Haji Mahmud, stated that he supports any calm and civil demonstrations calleeing for the reformation in the payment system.

“The teachers should be allowed to ask for their rights in demonstrations. But the demos should not be used politically. Since we are now in a big battle with the brutal terrorist group of the ISIS, any vioeelent action may deteriorate the security condition in the Kurdistan Region. We all know that we have a lot of shortages and ecoeenomic issues and people have right to ask for refeeormations, but we need to

take into consideration our sensitive conditions,” said Mahmud.

Mahmud also asks people to keep the unity among all the sides and do not aleelow any actions that may lead to worsening of the

situation. “What we have now have been achieved through sacrificing and hard trials. We do not want to lose our achievements. If we lose what we have, we can’t forgive ourselves and we can’t compensate

for losing what we have now,” he maintained.

He hopes the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) try very hard to prevent schools from geteeting closed by bettering the payment system of

teachers. He thinks stopeeping school will darken children’s future and will harm education generally.

Mahmud also calls on the political parties to try to find solutions for the current political deadlock. “The political parties have to put general interests beeefore their private interests. They need to be couraeegeous enough to decide if they want to stay in the government or to become oppositions,” he noted.

On September 27, thoueesands of teachers and oreedinary people protested against the teachers’ payeement system and asked for improving the economic situations in the Kurdistan Region.

Shwan Qaladzayee, Head of Kurdistan Islamic Movement Bloc at the Kurdistan Parliament, said that teachers and all peoeeple in Kurdistan proved that they don’t want to be used by political parties as they demonstrated and asked for their rights in peace and in a very civieelized way.

“In the past the demos were used by some poeelitical parties for different purposes, but this time the protests were very peaceeeful. I hope the KRG will show a good response to the demonstrators’ deeemands and requests,” he said.

Muhammed Haji Mahmud Calls for Keeping Achievements

Page 4: President Barzani “Kurdistan seeks independence not secession · The Kurdish Globe No. 550, Monday, October 03, 2016 3 “Kurdistan seeks independence not secession from Iraq,”

The Kurdish Globe No. 550, Monday, October 03, 2016 4

Mosul Liberation Operation to Launch at “Zero Hour”

Months of waiting for the offensive to liberate the Iraqi city of Mosul from the clutches of the Islamic State (ISIS) may be comeeing to an end. Hundreds of US forces have arrived at an air base near Mosul, and there are indications that the joint assault to reeetake the city could come as early as next month.

The Iraqi Prime Miniseeter Haider aleAbadi has called on all Iraqis, Kurds and Arabs, to join hands to overcome the couneetry’s economic and secueerity challenges, promiseeing more administrative authority to all provinces and a total liberation of Mosul in the coming days, adding that Bagheedad was intent on resolveeing all disputes with the Kurdish government.

“Iraq with all its Kurds and Arabs are facing great security and ecoeenomic challenges today and to overcome these challenges and fulfill our common interests reeequires the highest degree of cooperation between all sides, especially beeetween the federal governeement and the Kurdistan Regional Government,” Abadi said at a press briefing on Thursday in Baghdad with Kurdistan Region President Masoud Barzani.

Barzani, for his part, exeepressed his “full” support

for Abadi and highlighted the need for resolving difeeferences between Bagheedad and Erbil.

He said eradication of terrorism and purgeeing Iraq of criminals is a common priority.

The Kurdish leader also expressed his satisfaction with the level of BagheedadeErbil cooperation to clear Mosul of terrorists and said that Iraqi army commanders and Pesheemerga forces have cooreedinated a plan for the full liberation of the city.

As all involved parties seem to have reached an agreement about the opeeeration and ahead of the launch, French jet fighters operating from France’s Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier began targeting ISIS militants in Mosul on Friday.

The Dassault Rafale jets took off from the careerier early on Friday. AFP quoted an officer on board who said these jets will take part in the upcoming Mosul operation in supeeport of Iraqi forces.

As part of France’s coneetribution to the Mosul operation the Charles de Gaulle was sent to the reeegion in early September and artillery is also beeeing sent to the fronteline to provide fire support to advancing forces.

The U.S., on the other hands, is sending 615

more troops to Iraq as the stage is set for an Iraqieled battle to reclaim Mosul.

Navy Capt. Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman, said “although the Amerieecans are not to participate directly in combat, they may in some cases move forward with Iraqi comeebat forces and could face IS attacks.”

PM aleAbadi, in a statement posted on his official website, said Wednesday the extra U.S. troops would "provide support for security forceees and the Iraqi heroes in the fight looming in the liberation of Mosul." He said the Obama adminiseetration had approved his government's request for the increase.

Addressing the military operation to retake Moeesul, the US Deputy Seceeretary of State Antony Blinken told the Senate

Foreign Relations Comeemittee that Washington aims to develop a force made of 15,000 Sunni Arabs to ensure the staeebility and security of Moeesul after the liberation of the city.

“The core of the force that liberates Mosul will be the Iraqi secueerity forces backed by the coalition with the supeeport of the Peshmerga,” Blinken continued. “The tribal elements that are being trained, equipped, brought on board with the goal of getting 15,000 of them will predominantly be the holding force once the city is liberated.”

If the assault on Mosul comes in October, this means more IDPs will be suffering under winter temperatures in Kurdiseetan that sometimes drop below zero.

While Kurdistan has

long been making prepaeerations, it still isn’t exeepected to be able to handle a large and sudden influx of displaced persons from Mosul.

“The current capacity of the Kurdistan Regional Government to respond to the new waves of diseeplacement is close to noneexistent,” read the contineegency plan drafted by the Kurdistan Regional Goveeernment’s (KRG) interior ministry.

The ministry said that facilities are already “overstretched” due to Kurdistan’s severe financecial crisis and some 1.8 million IDPs and war refeeugees from Syria being sheltered by the KRG.

Last Thursday the Kurdeeistan Region’s Prime Minister Nechirvan Bareezani told a highelevel US delegation that the region simply cannot afford to

take in more displaced persons.

“Given the current situeeation, the Kurdistan Reeegion cannot afford to reeeceive any more internally displaced people,” read a KRG statement released after the meeting.

The UN’s UndereSecreeetaryeGeneral and Emereegency Relief Coordinator Stephen O’Brien stated last month that “a good proportion” of the more than $2 billion the US is going to provide Iraq for posteISIS reconstruction efforts in the coming two years “will be focused on stabilization.”

“Now that means (out of) the $2 billion or so maybe about half a bileelion will be most specificecally allocated towards humanitarian immediate needs,” he said.

Military and humanitarian preparations made ahead of the assault

The Kurdistan Region President, Masoud Bareezani, and the German Deeefense Minister, Ursula von der Leyen, met in Erbil on Friday to discuss the war against the Islamic State (IS), the Mosul operation and Peshmerga's role in the offensive.

Focusing on Mosul, Bareezani said they exchanged views with the guest and reviewed the agreement between Kurdistan Reeegion’s Peshmerga Ministry

and the Iraqi government for the Mosul assault.

As Germany’s support for Peshmerga built up momentum in favor of the Kurds, their continued aseesistance will be of critical importance for the upcomeeing Mosul offensive.

Then Barzan met with a US military delegation headed by General Joseph Votel, Commander of the United States Central Command, to discuss the details of the imminent

operation aiming to libereeate Mosul from the IS.

“President Barzani and General Votel reviewed some of the details of the recent agreement between Baghdad, Erbil and the U.S.eled coalition about the Mosul operation,” aceecording to a press release by the presidency office.

Highlighting the “key role” of the Kurdish Pesheemerga forces in the war on IS, especially in the upcoming Mosul assault,

Votel reiterated that the Kurdish forces need fureether support.

Dominique Mas, the newlyearrived French Consul General in Kurdeeistan Region, pledged in a meeting with Kurdistan Region President Masoud Barzani that Paris will be standing with Kurds even after IS is defeated.

He also praised the Kurdish Peshmerga forces for their effective role in degrading IS in northern

Iraq and scoring remarkeeable victories against the group.

UK Secretary of State for Defense, Michael Faleelon, also vowed his couneetry’s continued support for Kurdish Peshmerga forces as part of the collective efeeforts to defeat the Islamic State that is a direct threat to the entirety of the free world.

Fallon met with the Kurdistan Region Presieedent Masoud Barzani in

Erbil discussing the war on IS, an imminent operaeetion to liberate Mosul as well as bilateral ties beeetween Erbil and London.

Barzani and Fallon also spoke of the Mosul opeeeration and how that opeeeration will drastically weaken the terrorists of the Islamic State as their presence especially in Iraq will become much more limited.

Erbil Becoming Decision-Making Center to Defeat ISISSeveral international figures consulted with Barzani concerning defeating ISIS in the last two weeks

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No. 550, Monday, October 03, 2016 5The Kurdish Globe

KRG Minister of Education: Boycotting Classrooms Won’t Resolve the Problems

The Kurdistan Demoeecratic Party Secretary of the Politburo Fazil Mirani said "We have information that not only Kurdistan Region but Iraq is also in ecoeenomic crisis. If the Iraqi Government is not useeing spare money from the Bank for the next month, it will not be able to pay its employeeees. The current crisis is a comprehensive crisis. The political parties in Kurdistan should not use the crisis for accuseeing others,"

Concerning the demeeonstrations by teachers for improving the payeement system, Mirani said that KDP is with people and no parties like KDP has taken efeeforts for people's rights.

Mirani said that the KDP supports any demeeonstrations that are held peacefully and are far from violent actions. "But if the purposes of protests misdirected, KDP will take action to prevent any violent actions from taking place," he said.

Mirani criticized some political parties that reeefused to take part in the Kurdistan Council of Ministers' meeting. He said "when the governeement had money, all the political parties were fighting for gaining as many positions as they could, but now the goveeernment is in economic crisis and the same poeelitical parties are runeening away from their responsibilities."

Mirani: Iraq is in Economic Crisis Too

On the first day of the new academic year, Peshtiwan Sadiq, the Kurdistan Reeegional Government Mineeister of Education, stated that the demands of the teachers for the overdue salaries across the Kurdiseetan Region is fair, hoping that the demands will not be mixed with the politieecal interests. The Minister said that boycotting the classrooms will not reeesolve the problems.

Sadiq addressed in a speech in one of the schools in the district of Makhmour, very close to Peshmerga frontlines with Islamic State terroreeists, saying that life of the teachers has remarkably worsened and this has to be addressed by the goveeernment. Making their life better will improve Kurdeeistan too.

Erbil and Duhok Proveeinces started the first day of the new academic year on Saturday but teacheeers in the Provinces of Sulaimani and Halabja boycotted the classrooms,

asking the government to meet their demands very soon, otherwise they will continue boycotting the schools.

Recently, the teachers and the public servants held protests against the Kurdish government, asking their salaries and rights.

All the five key political parties in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq expressed their support for the righteeful demands of the teacheeers and employees.

There had been fear of violence during the proeetests on September 27. All the parties and the local organizations which supeeported the protests strongeely expressed their stance against any kinds of move to turn the protests violent in the Provinces of Sulaieemani and Halabja.

Acting governor of Sueelaimani said at a press conference after the secueerity meeting that all pareeties “agreed to protect the security of the city, citieezens, all the government

and political party offices and buildings.”

Teachers and civil sereevants in Sulaimani poured into the streets on Septemeeber 27, protesting the deeelay of their wages and the economic crisis which has

engulfed the region for two and a half years.

The KRG has said it will pay back the outstanding amount of the reduced saleearies in the future when oil prices rise or the economy stabilizes, something the

teachers have rejected.Kurdistan is undergoing

a severe financial crisis due to the war with the Iseelamic State (ISIS), low oil prices and a dispute with Baghdad over nonepayeements from the national

budget.Angry demonstrators

staged protests in Halabja, Darbandikhan, Kalar, Kieefri, Rania, Qaladze, Chameechamal, Khurmal and seveeeral other locations in the Kurdistan Region.

Boycotting schools and protests continue in Sulaimani and Halabja on overdue salaries

The “Nineveh Stabileeity Congress” was held in Erbil on Thursday, Sepeetember 29, 2016, where Nineveh Governor called for convicting the crimiee

nals.Naufel Hamadi, Goveree

nor of Nineveh (Mosul), stated in an address to the congress that all the milieetary, social and political

efforts to liberate Mosul should be unified.

Governor Hamadi also called for the prosecueetion of all the criminals who assisted the Islamic

State (ISIS) during their assault on the province in 2014; while insisting on separating civilians from criminals and respecting law during the liberation

operation.After defeating the Iraqi

Army and other armed forces in June 2014, ISIS invaded the majority of the cities and areas in the

provinces of Nineveh, Diala, Salahaddin and Aneebar in the north and west of Iraq.

Nineveh Stability Congress Held in Erbil“Civilians should be protected”

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The Kurdish Globe No. 550, Monday, October 03, 2016 6

ISIS Starts New Wave ofArrests in Mosul

Isis has unleashed a new wave of arrests and executions on civilians in Mosul to rein in dissent ahead of upcoming coalition efforts to retake the Iraqi city, underground activists have said.

More than 200 people have been arrested on charges of spying in the past few months, a Kurdish news agency reported, and 60 more were detained for refusing to observe Isis’s ban on visiting the graves of relatives dureeing the EidealeAdha festival last week, Iraqi army captain Amir Watheq told local media.

UNDP Pledges Support for KRG’s Reform Plans

The UNDP signed an agreement with the Mineeistry of Planning of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) on Wednesday, establisheeing the Funding Facility for Economic Reform (FFER).

The FFER will support the threeeyear reform plan of the KRG’s ministry of planning aneenounced in partnership with the World Bank in May, called KRG Vision 2020, to reboot the economy and overcome a severe financial cricesis that has gripped the region for more than two years.

Ali Sindi, minister of planning, believes that bringing international expertise is key to makeeing the reform plan successful.

“We are determined to pursue the newly adeeopted reform agenda; efficient and effective highelevel international expertise is one of the important preconditions for the overall success. We appreciate this timely initiative by UNDP and look forward to working together,” Sindi said, according to a UNDP press release.

Shia Militias Increase Military Presence in Kirkuk

Hash alcShaabi militia finished a military training course for 350 fighters five kilomeceters south of Kirkuk, claiming they are preeeparing to fight the Islamic State (IS) extremceists and retake the city of Hawija, south of the province.

The militia leaders in Kirkuk say that their presence is to liberate areas currently under ARE control in Kirkuk and then advance toeewards Mosul.

Muhammed Mahdi aleBayati, head of Hashd aleShaabi militias in northern Iraq told Kurdeeistan24, “Be certain that Hashd aleShaabi will participate in all the upcoming offensives. No area will be liberated without our participaeetion no matter how big the force is.”

Security Council to Help Teachers

Kurdistan Security Council agreed on cuting down the payment of the high ranked officials for the sake of allocating money for education sectors and teachers' payments.

The Peshmerga forces and Unit 70 and 80 also showed their readiness to take part in the process of deceasing the high ranking officials' payments for the education ministry employeeees especially teacher.

This came after some teachers demonstrated last week asking for improving payment syseetem.

NEWS BAR Yezidi leader sets conditions for Shingal’s KRG administration

The leader of the Yezidi community on Sunday set conditions for the city of Shingal to be administrated by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG).

Mir Tahseen Beg, the temeeporal leader of the Yezidi community, said the Kurdeeistan Region’s Peshmerga forces, including Yezidi fighters, are the main force defending and protecting the Yezidis of Bahzan, Bashiq, and Shingal in Nineveh Province and Shekhan in Duhok Province.

Tahseen Beg is the leadeeer of the Yezidi people in Kurdistan and across the globe whose number is beeelieved to be over 800,000.

Tahseen Beg responded to Kurdistan Region Presieedent Masoud Barzani’s call to turn Shingal into a new province under the KRG's administration.

“We have not decided on this 100 percent yet because Yezidis have conditions for this,” he said.

“If Shingal is formed into a new province, the city would be administrated by the Yezidis themselves uneeder the leadership of the KRG,” he added.

After hundreds of years living peacefully together in Shingal and surrounding areas, some Arab tribes beeetrayed Yezidis and helped the Islamic State (IS) maseesacre them, Tahseen Beg said in an interview with BBC Arabic.

He explained not all Arab tribes joined IS and that there are good Arab tribes and bad ones.

Regarding the trust beeetween Yezidis and Arab’s in the area, Tahseen Beg adeemitted it would be difficult.

“Is it easy to trust those who enslaved your daughee

ter and sold her at the slave market? It is not easy,” he remarked.

After IS’ occupation of Shingal in August 2014 with the support of some Arab tribes in the area, they began to massacre Yezidis and enslave the women.

As a result, a large number of Yezidis moved to Shingal Mountain and the Kurdistan Region while others fled to neighboring countries.

Concerning the efforts to free the enslaved Yezidi girls and women, Tahseen Beg said the Iraqi governeement had not helped.

However, he mentioned the KRG’s Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani played a significant role in freeing some of the enslaved girls and women.

In November 2015, Kurdeeish Peshmerga forces, with the aerial support of the USeled warplanes, successeefully liberated the city from the jihadist group.

Since then, few people have returned to Shingal. Over 80 percent of the city has been destroyed and damaged by the IS, and coeealition air strikes.

At least 3,735 Yezidis are still under Islamic State (ISIS) captivity, said an ofeeficial, noting that efforts are ongoing to free them from the radical group.

“The number of those who have not escaped is 3,735 persons. Our efeeforts are to free all of them from ISIS,” Khairi Bozani, head of Yezidi affairs in the Kurdistan Regional Goveeernment's religious affairs ministry, stated.

When ISIS attacked and controlled Shingal in Aueegust 2014, it took 6,413 Yezidis captive, including

women, children, and the elderly, and killed hundreds of their men.

Of the 6,413, Bozani reeevealed, 3,443 were women and girls.

“Around 2,678 have been freed or escaped, including 971 women, 327 men, 690 boys and 690 girls.”

In the beginning, many Yezidis managed to escape on their own. But as time passed, escape became more difficult, so many rescecue networks were set up in the Kurdistan Region to free them.

Many were freed from

ISIS via payment of raneesoms.

The United Nations reeeported in June that ISIS had earned some $45 million from ransoms paid for Yeeezidi captives by their famieelies, suggesting that the money families paid end up in the coffers of the organieezation.

At the time, Bozani diseeputed the report and asked UN Secretary General Ban Kiemoon to clarify where this money had come from and where it had gone. The UN then issued a clarificacetion, stating that the figure

also included estimates of external donations to the terrorist group in addition to ransoms paid by families of hostages.

To run the affairs of the Yezidi escapees, the KRG set up an office for them in Duhok.

Nadia Murad, who was one of the victims of the ISIS atrocities against the Yezidis and was held capeetive by the group, became the voice of all the Yezidis after she was appointed goodwill ambassador for the United Nations.

Thousands of Yezidis still in ISIS captivity

The Iranian regime hanged at least 27 prisoners in three days, September 27e29, 2016, in Gohardasht, Orueemiyeh, Minab and Khoreerambad prisons.

Among the eight prisoners hanged together in Orumieeyeh, there was a woman by the name of Molouk Noori. Seven other prisoners were Kurds from Orumiyeh.

Seven prisoners were hanged in the Central Prison of Minab (southeeern Hormuzgan Province).

They aged between 25 and 30, and four of them were Baluchis.

In another criminal meaeesure, eleven prisoners were hanged in Gohardasht

Prison (northwest of Teheeran). Two of them had been relocated to Gohardasht in a sudden nightly transeefer from Khorin Prison of Varamin.

The number of those exeeecuted since the beginning of September thus amounts to 75.

The families of those exeeecuted in Orumiyeh staged a protest outside Darya Priseeon which led to an armed clash with the SSF Special Unit.

Iran: 27 executions in three days

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The Kurdish Globe No. 550, Monday, October 03, 2016 7

Kurdish National Congress … Strategic and Current AspirationsBy Ghafour Makhmouri Part II

National Treaty

Drafting (National Treaeety) is necessary. Since one of the major faults of Kurds is intolerance towards one another, drafting a nationeeal treaty in a national coneegress is important so that the national frames would be indicated where all parties should pledge to comply with it. The fundaeemental point in that treaty should be prohibiting and incriminating any Kurdish civil wars; and that any Kurdish armed conflict with another Kurdish pareety should be recognized as a big treason. Besides, this national treaty should include articles where Kurdistan political parties should pledge not to resort to arms to settle their diseeputes. Rather, they should settle any differences through dialogue. We beeelieve that holding such a National Congress would be the first step for the Kurdish political parties towards accepting ending this longelasting disease of Kurdish intolerance and other unwanted disputes, because when people stay away from each other and communicate only through the third party; it is most likely that they receive wrong messages. This is true to Kurdish parties. But if there is an umbreleela body where all those parties gather, meet, and argue; the gap will gradueeally narrow down, the doubt will diminish and

the national concerns will overcome other disputes towards tolerance and aceecepting one another.

A Message of Peace

We live in the age of dialogue and mutual uneederstanding. Most of the world’s unresolved diseeputes have been settled through dialogue and mueetual understanding. For us, Kurds, it is crucial that in the aforeementioned Coneegress, we convey (a Meseesage of Peace) to all. As always, we Kurds should tell the regional countries and the international comeemunity that we want to talk and continue in our struggle in the language of peace and dialogue. With this, the Kurdish cause will be more valued and respected by the regional and international commueenity. It also strengthens the Kurdish stance among the regional and international political equations. It is a message for the internaeetional community that we Kurds are ready and can help to create and preserve the peace and stability that the international comeemunity is seeking in the Middle East. Apart from peace with our neighboreeing countries and neigheeboring nations, we need internal peace too. This will be a major factor in unifying the Kurdish doeemestic issues once and for all. Therefore, we all have to set aside our political

differences, and, instead of being partisans, let’s be Kurds first and foremost, working towards the Coneegress.

National Council

To follow up and impleeement the decisions and the recommendations of the Congress, as well as takeeing national decisions on the level of the Greater Kurdistan, the Congress should select a permanent joint task committee with several duties and responeesibilities. This permanent committee could be deeefined as (National Councecil) or (National Decision Centre) to decide on the key national decisions. Obviously, this will build optimism, strength and certainty among the Kurds, while at the same time; it will unify the Kurdish poeelitical discourse, making it a strong unified national discourse.

National Leader

One of the major obeestacles of the Kurds being a Stateless nation is their dividedness and internal disputes. Currently, Kurds are the largest Stateeeless nation in the Middle East. Therefore, we have to elect a national Kurdeeish leader in the National Congress in order to unify the discourse, decisions and leadership; a leadereeship that could lead the

Kurdish national liberaeetion movement. For this, we need a strong national charismatic and patriotic figure with national, recegional and international fame and prestige, a figceure that can influence the international stance. A naeetional leader means a naeetional symbol that which we as Kurds need most in this critical time. The National Congress should authorize the elected naeetional leader so that he can take sound decisions on the consequential national issues, but in consultation with the National Decieesion Centre. This will be a strong factor towards the unification and integracetion of Kurds, because this will grant the Kurds with a national aspirations and power. Moreover, this will consolidate the Kurds on the regional and internaeetional level, as the Kurdish cause will take other dieemensions forward. Thus, it is crucial that the politieecal parties of the Greater Kurdistan look at this national issue with full potential and a farsighted vision, and to refrain from their narrow partisan outeelook, hoping to focus on this fundamental issue and work for it.

Kurdish Loyalty, not Partisan interests, will make the National

Congress a Success

To implement the abovee

mentioned agenda, altoeegether we should avoid partisan conflicts and work for our national and patriotic interests in such a way that we make party a means and a factor for imeeplementing this national duty. The current critical circumstances in Kurdeeistan Region and in the Region as a whole require us to work for our loyal Kurdish aspirations, not for our partisan interests. If we base our agenda on this national principle and work for it on both levels, that is, on the national leveeel and on the level of the Greater Kurdistan, makeeing this a roadmap for our long road of struggle; we will surely head towards a brighter and prosperous future and closer to suceecess.

Obviously, holding a National Congress during this phase of the Kurdiseetan strife will be a turning point in the Kurdistan Naeetional Liberation Moveeement, as it will develop the Kurdish cause on national, regional and international levels. Meanwhile, this will empower and encoureeage the Kurdish struggle in the other parts of Kurdeeistan. Thus, such national and patriotic mission should be accomplished at the earliest convenience, not to be delayed anyeemore; otherwise, the delay will harm the righteous Kurdish cause.

We as the National Demeeocratic Union of Kurdistan

(YNDK) have long been working for organizing this National Congress, as we have included in our agenda. Therefore, we hereby express our full poeetential and support for oreeganizing and holding this National Congress as soon as possible. We would not agree this to be delayed anymore; because having this great event in place at this time is both a great factor for unifying the Kurds and a step towards Kurdish freedom and an independent Kurdistan.

To accomplish our miseesion and achieve our dreams, it is mandatory that we as Kurds unify our political discourse and face the current challenges with a new national strateeegy and vision, because the international arena is currently providing a beteeter chance for our struggle and strife than any other time in the past. Most of the world countries have recently changed their outeelook on the Kurdish cause, seeing it as a key political issue. Accordingly, we as Kurds should take our naeetional interest into consideeeration, benefit from the current circumstances so that we will get freedom and independence and fuleefill our national longclastceing dreams of declaring freedom and establishing a Kurdistan State.

Kurdish Yezidi leaders called upon the forces led by the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) to leave the city of Shingal (Sinjar).

Yezidi leaders held a conference at the Sharfeeaddin shrine in Shingal on Wednesday to discuss the future of Shingal and call for the departure of PKKcaffiliated groups in the city.

In an interview with with a Kurdish satellite TV channel, Qasim Shasho, the commander of Yezidi Peshmerga forces in Shineegal, said that this confereeence was requested by the Yezidis and all their leadeeers.

“We gathered to discuss the future of Shingal and to tell those who came here [to Shingal] from

outside, we thank and apeepreciate their support and help,” Shasho added.

Shasho stated that “PKK is now building a military camp on mount Shingal to

make a second Qandil. But this is not acceptable by Yezidis because we do not want Shingal to become a military base.”

Mahma Khaleel, the

Mayor of Shingal said in a press conference, Yezidis only have one mountain that they have not given up to anyone, stating that "We ask the international

community to pressure these forces to withdraw from Shingal as they preseesured them to withdraw in Manbij.”

Mazlum Shingali, a PKK

commander in Shingal previously said, “It’s been two years that we are in the area, and it has been a year that the Iraqi governeement has recognized us as an official military force in town.”

Shingal Protection Forces (known as YBS) an armed group affiliated with PKK was established during the ISIS attack on the Yezidiepopulated city.

Shingal was occupied by the IS on August 2014. Following the occupation, IS carried out mass exeeecutions and sold Yezidi women as war slaves.

On Nov. 13, 2015, Pesheemerga forces with the aerial support of the intereenational coalition jets libeeerated Shingal and pushed out IS from the city.

Yezidis call upon PKK to withdraw from Shingal

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Azad Nanakali and His Abstract WorksThe Kurdish painter Azad Nanakali was born in Ereebil. He’s a welleknown Kurdish artist with his art work, the techniques and astonishing works of abeestract and expressionism in art. During the seveneeties, he completed the Academy of Fine Art in Baghdad. He headed to Italy for continuing his

study. In 1979, he comeepleted the Academy of Arts in Florence, Italy. He’s been taking part in exhibitions and festivals in European countries. He is very much inspired by the Kurdish nature and ateemosphere. This nature has acquired special imporeetance in his art, especially with the special appeareeance of Erbil, the capital city of Kurdistan where he

was born. Azad has had a lot of participation in different exhibitions, especially in Italy and the popular citeeies of Rome, Florence, Toeeronto, Vince, and in other countries such as Albania, Switzerland, France and Germany. His works reeeturned to Erbil and Istaneebul in the 2000s. He showeecased his work in Medya Hall in Erbil and Gallery Zamwa in Sulaimani. Azad Nanakali is that coneetemporary brush whose work is seen as astonishee

ing invention, especially in the works that tend to be abstract and expreseesionist, using the medium such as Guanche, spray, oil, mud, and water coleeor. He’s conducted many art activities in the Arab countries such as Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco. Many of welleknown Eueeropean and Italian pereesonalities and artists have commented on Azad’s works and mentioned his life, experience and ineeventive ability . They talk about his art that is beyond

the mountains, which they mean Kurdistan. Meaneewhile, he’s taken part in cultural activities in Auseetria, Hungary and Sloveeenia and has moved Kurdeeish art and culture into a level where the intellectueeals have come to know the Kurdish art and culture through Azad's works that signify the world, culture and history of Kurdish the people.

By Ashti Garmiyani

Kurdish Footballer Nominated for ‘Golden Boy’ AwardA Kurdish footballer was nominated on Thursday for the prestigious Eueeropean “Golden Boy” award.

Mahmoud Dahoud, born in Amuda, Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava), was listed among 39 other young footballers for the prize.

Twentyeyeareold Daeehoud plays his club footeeball for German side Borussia Monchengladeebach in the Bundesliga.

The footballer’s parents fled the Assad regime in 1996, shortly after he was born, seeking refuge in Germany.

Dahoud signed for Monchengladbach in 2010 at the age of 14. The youngster remained in the club’s academy before making his firstcteam debut in 2014.

He has since gone on to represent the German uneedere21 national side four times.

Dahoud’s performances during the 2015e2016 season earned him a spot in the 40eman shortlist for the award.

He made a total of 41 appearances for Moneechengladbach in all comeepetitions, scoring five goals.

The Kurdish footballer faces strong competition from talented players ineecluding Renato Sanches

who won the European Cup with Portugal in the summer.

Other notable players

on the list include French star Kingsley Coman and Manchester United talent Marcus Rashford.

The prize was estabeelished by Italian sports newspaper Tuttosport in 2003 and now includes 30 other newspapers who participate in the voting.

All nominees listed have to be under the age of 21 and play their footeeball in one of Europe’s top tier leagues.

Players that have won the competition in the past include France’s Paul Pogba (2013), Germany’s Mario Gotze (2011), and Barcelona ace Lionel Messi (2005).

The winner will be aneenounced in December.

The Kurdish Painter Muhammad Qadir