presenting technology research

Presenting Technology Research

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Presenting Technology Research

Page 2: Presenting Technology Research

Menu 1. Assistive Technology Toolkit 2.Assistive Technology in Inclusion

3. Technology in the classroom 4. Conclusion of articles

Page 3: Presenting Technology Research

Assistive Technology Toolkit: Type II Applications for Students with Mild Disabilities

• Students are doing so much with technology it is amazing to see. Students use technology to do everyday tasks such as writing, reading, and even engaging with other students in general educations classes. Students are increasing test scores in academics. The article was about students with mild disabilities. It seems as if, students with mild disabilities grasp the information or technology easily. Students also use a computer to help with what is called type 1 approach (Puckett, K. An Assistive Technology Toolkit, 3) productivity tasks.

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Teachers use this to find out how much the student is mastering in the class. The typical approach is a wonderful tool to use. Students who used this type of technology say, “it has helped them so much because students do not think of this as learning but as playing a game.”

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It was been common knowledge in the beginning that we as educators should not expect any more from them but what they want to give. Most of the students did want to do more or expect more for them. Now, with this technology, students are exceeding our expectations in most cases.

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Assistive Technology and Inclusion

• The article Assistive Technology and Inclusion article seem to target a specific level of need for students with disabilities. Students had the knowledge to know how to make a difference for themselves and with assistive technology; they was able to accomplish it. What a difference it makes having people coming together for a single goal.

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While working on a variety of subject matters; students use the computer to correspond to fellow students about all types of subject matter. Students can get information about assignments to do research documents from the web..

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The technology has grown so much in the past ten years it is truly unbelievable. This type of technology is most useful for students with disabilities. The student featured in this article has made so much progress with the aide of technology it is wonderful. It gives students with disabilities the independence they long for and desire as individuals. It will allow students with disabilities to be productive citizens in today’s society.

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Technology in the classroom

• Technology is a very powerful tool to use in the classroom. It seems to engage more students than traditional classroom instruction. Students are willing to learn just about anything when it comes to technology. This type of use of technology gives students the power or accomplishment that they have succeeded.

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Teacher who use technology in their classroom allows them to catch the attention of the students quickly. It also allows to get into that teachable moment that seems to be rare for some students. Educators could give that one on one attention that so much of our students will need over time. Changing up the schedule will keep students engaged with almost everything you present to them.

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Educators should keep in mind several things when presenting technology. First, your school or district must have access to technology. Second, all people dealing with children should be given the opportunity to attend professional development classes to give them power first before they can empower anyone else. Thirdly, you must have some curriculum resources to implement. Three easy steps for educators need to master to be successful. Always try to share your thoughts and experiences with your peers.

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In conclusion, We must face the fact that technology is here to stay. We, as humans, must embrace it. It is up to each and everyone of us to share what we know so that our future will have a chance to grow and be the leaders of tomorrow. It only takes a moment to help out others in ways that will impact the whole world. Remember technology is for everyone and everyone can learn technology.