presented by shelby mann and bruce wear here to known as: mann this is wear(d) science

Presented by Shelby Mann and Bruce Wear here to known as: Mann this is Wear(d) Science

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Page 1: Presented by Shelby Mann and Bruce Wear here to known as: Mann this is Wear(d) Science

Presented by Shelby Mann and Bruce Wear here to known as:

Mann this is Wear(d) Science

Page 2: Presented by Shelby Mann and Bruce Wear here to known as: Mann this is Wear(d) Science

All students want the same things regardless of age.◦ Structure and guidelines◦ Humor◦ Consistency◦ Fairness◦ Want to succeed and learn◦ Knowledgeable teacher (who can transform and

deliver that knowledge)

Page 3: Presented by Shelby Mann and Bruce Wear here to known as: Mann this is Wear(d) Science

In order to learn, we must be actively involved. Neural connections are made when we act on incoming information and do something with it.

Brainstorm (carousel brainstorming) to generate possible solutions to problems.

Interactive Strategies that encourage students to take ownership.

Discussion (we are social animals and are pre-wired to learn through discussion)

Writing: allows students to focus their ideas and gives the teacher a reflection of students’ understanding of content. “Writing is a Commitment on Paper”.

“Be the Guide on the Side, not the Sage on the Stage”

Page 4: Presented by Shelby Mann and Bruce Wear here to known as: Mann this is Wear(d) Science

Components of Writing Role, Audience, Format, Topic

◦ Broadens students’ understanding of writing possibilities

◦ Makes writing assignments specific and well focused.

◦ Is enjoyable to reader and the writer.◦ Enables students to create their own writing

assignments◦ Can be used to create multi-genre reports.

Page 5: Presented by Shelby Mann and Bruce Wear here to known as: Mann this is Wear(d) Science

3 Prong: Sets the purpose for reading Enduring Understanding: what do we want

them to know 10 years from now Makes the connection / application to real

world (Why do we need to know this?)

Page 6: Presented by Shelby Mann and Bruce Wear here to known as: Mann this is Wear(d) Science

Read through the selection (paragraph/page) first.

Reread and begin highlighting.Be selective (do not highlight whole

sentences).Choose key ideas from the sentences.Note main ideas with numbers or stars.Add marginal notes to indicate topics and for

your own comments or questions.

Page 7: Presented by Shelby Mann and Bruce Wear here to known as: Mann this is Wear(d) Science


introducing vocabulary, reviewing vocabulary, and re-capping on those WORD WALLS!

Page 8: Presented by Shelby Mann and Bruce Wear here to known as: Mann this is Wear(d) Science

A set of statements used to access prior knowledge

Statements relate to the key ideas and major concepts in the selection, video, speech, etc.

Statements relate to students’ experiences and beliefs which will be supported or challenged in the learning activity.

Students indicate whether they agree or disagree with each statement before the activity, then revisit statement after.

Anticipation guides lead to great conversations both before and after a learning activity.

Page 9: Presented by Shelby Mann and Bruce Wear here to known as: Mann this is Wear(d) Science

Quickly organize, display, and arrange data Student-made study guides establishes

ownership Provides a multitude of creative formats to

present material Replace teacher generated writing Alternative assessment