presented by: dr. chad jenkins may 17, 2014

Presented by: Dr. Chad Jenkins May 17, 2014

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Presented by: Dr. Chad Jenkins

May 17, 2014

Every 30 seconds someone is diagnosed with cancer.

In 2013, 1,660,290 people in the U.S died from


It is estimated, in 2014, that 15,780 more children

will be diagnosed with cancer.

Lung Cancer is the leading type of cancer causing

death in males and females.

In 2013, 40,870 lives were lost in Virginia due to


75% of all bankruptcy is due to medical bills.

$125 billion was spent on cancer treatments and

research in 2010 and is estimated to be $207 billion

by 2020.

Cost per patient is $20K-$40K per month

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something

when his salary depends upon him not understanding

it.” – Upton Sinclair.


The Harvard Medical Journal states that your cells

are genetically programmed to live 120 years.

The cause of cancer and all disease is when the

cells become TOXIC and/or DEFICIENT.

It’s not whether you have the gene or not…YOU DO.

How does it get turned on?

Intoxication will lead to abnormal cellular

duplication, which is known as cancer.

The function of our cells determines the

state of health and sickness.

These 75 trillion cells needs 6 things to

replicate normally, and not turn cancerous.

1.Nerve Impulses




5.Proper pH


Symptoms are the result (warning signs) that

cells are not functioning properly.

Symptoms are primarily toxins that the body is

trying to eliminate.

When do medical tests actually find cancer?

Do you want to wait?

The location (organ) of the toxic build up and cell

dysfunction will be the sign of the diseased

(cancerous) organ.

There can be toxic build ups in your body (cancer),

there will be no symptoms at all, because

symptoms are the last thing to surface!

Wouldn’t you agree?

You could be symptom free and have


Once symptoms have disappeared (medical

treatments), the organ or another organ is

now toxic?

The understanding that diseases develop at

the level of the cells, is the scientific basis

to eradiate today’s most common diseases.

Our cells need to be functioning, cleansed,

detoxified, and protected from damage of

free radicals.







Dr. Dan Harper (Chemotherapist), from a cohort study, found that only 9% of

oncologists took chemotherapy for their own cancers.

“Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy

does not eliminate breast, colon, or lung cancers. This fact has been

documented for over a decade, yet doctors still use chemotherapy for these

tumors.” Allen Levin, MD UCSF The Healing of Cancer

“When a patient is diagnosed with

cancer, they are suddenly worth over

$300 thousand dollars to the cancer


Questioning Chemotherapy

“Despite widespread use of chemotherapies, breast cancer

mortality has not changed in the last 70 years.” Dr. Thomas Dao, MD New England Journal of Medicine.

A 2004 study claimed that the overall contribution of

chemotherapy to a 5 year survival in adult malignancies is

estimated at 2.3% in data from Australia and 2.1% in the USA. (see Morgan G et al, the contribution of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy to 5 year Survival in

Adult Oncology (2004).

10 years later…is our survival rate any better?


"As a rough estimate, neurosurgeons do

well to cure one in every 1,000-brain

cancer patients they operate on. Radiation

therapy slows the growth of adult tumors,

gaining perhaps one month of life, and

may result in a cure of only one in 500-

1,000 patients. Dr. Robert Burdick, oncologist and professor at the University of

Washington Medical School

New England Journal of Medicine shows that a mammography

may save only 1 person out of 2500 screened. Among the

2,500, 1000 will have a false alarm, 500 would go under

unnecessary surgery, and treated for finding that would never be


According to Canadian columnist Dr. W. Clifford hones, women

between the ages of 40-49 who have regular mammograms are

twice as likely to die from breast cancer as women who are not


Dangers of Mammograms

Myth: Cancer is genetic.

Truth: Approximately 5% of all cancer is considered to

be genetic.

100% of cancer is influenced by lifestyle


Myth: Tumors Disappear


Traditional medicine is focuses on the tumor reducing by 15%, but

stable and doing great as a failure.

So many people made the wrong decisions because they were

expecting their tumor to disappear. Tumors don’t disappear. When the

tumor shrinks down, that’s it. Start rejoicing and continue on your

natural regimen.

Most doctors will see a tumor and continue chemotherapy until the

person is dead, in an attempt to get rid of the tumor.

Tumors consist of both cancerous and healthy cells.

If a kidney tumor is 10% cancerous and the tumor shrinks by 10% it

is still considered not a successful treatment

1.Cancer is normal.

2.Cancer is an adaptation

3.Cancer is a symptom and not a disease

So what does it take to KILL cancer??

1.Nerve Impulse



4.Proper pH



Research from John Hopkins concluded that “various kinds of spinal cord injuries

are accompanied by a high risk of developing cancer, particularly lymphoma and

lymphatic leukemia. (a.k.a. subluxation)

A study was done to measure individuals who had received long-term chiropractic

care (5 years or longer)…

He discovered that the chiropractic patients had a 200% stronger immune

function than people who had not received chiropractic care and a 400% greater

immune function than people with cancer or other serious diseases.

He concluded that “chiropractic may optimize whatever genetic abilities you have,

so that you can fully resist serious disease.”

Dr. Ron Pero, PhD., Chief of cancer prevention research at New York’s preventative Medicine Institute and professor of

medicine in Environmental Health at New York University

To call your cancer-killing systems into high gear, you’re nervous

system will call on the release on Interluekin-2. Interluekin-2

activates the killing of cancer cells.

Interleukin 2 (IL-2) release causes:

Growth of T-Cells attack specific disease causing agents.

Activation of T-Cells and Natural Killer (NK) Cells NK Cells kill viruses.

Enhance T-Cell and NK-Cell function.

Activates Lymphokine Activate (LAK) Cells. LAK Cells destroy tumor cells and

improve recovery of the immune system.

A 2010 study showed the direct response from an adjustment to the

cancer and infection fighting system. The report showed that immediately,

“Chiropractic adjustments temporarily influence interleukin-2 regulated

biological responses following a single adjustement.” For example, the IL-2

biological response of activating LAK tumor destroying and immune

boosting cells.

One could assume from this work, actual spinal correction and on-going

spinal wellness care would help to establish more ideal IL-2 levels, LAK

potency, and immune strength on a long term basis. “Chirop. Osteopat. 2010: 18:26, Epub 2010 Sept. 8, PMID: 20825650”

Oxygen deprivation is one of the major causes of


One of cancer’s primary characteristics is a lack of

oxygen in the cell and blood.

Cells do not function in the way they were intended

to function with depleted oxygen supply.

Head Forward Posture-: shuts down the function of the lungs, thyroid, and


Toxicity & Acidity: Causes a residue which coats the membrane of the cell

and prevents it from breathing properly – it suffocates the cell.

Smoking: Cigarettes contain carbon monoxide, which competes oxygen and

stops it from getting into the cells. QUIT SMOKING!!

Chlorine: Takes oxygen out of the cell.

Unhealthy fats.

Your cells are made out of water.

Water is essential to the cleansing process of your body.

It lubricates and flushes wastes and toxins from all cells.

It helps eliminate toxins from the blood stream.

Chlorine: One of the most talked about contaminations in our drinking water is

chlorine, a disinfectant used to kill harmful, disease-causing bacteria.

Unfortunately, chlorine combines easily with other chemicals and

naturally occurring organic material to form many carcinogenic


Chlorine takes oxygen out of the cell

Fluoride: Fluoride is a poison and toxic to your cells

Fluoride destroys enzymes

All disease, including cancer, has an acidic environment.

Balanced alkaline and acid relationship is one of the main keys to true


The pH scale range is 1-14. 7.3 is neutral! Your pH must be neutral in order

to never get cancer or any other disease.

Lower than 7.3 is acidic and higher than 7.3 is alkaline

Each number away from 7, either way, is equivalent to ten times.

A pH of 8 is 10 times more alkaline than 7 and a pH of 5 is 100 more times


A can of soda has a pH of 2.5, it is fifty thousand times more acidic than neutral. It

takes 30 cups of water to neutralize 1 can of soda (should be illegal)

When pH is balanced (7.3) the cells are able to absorb the right amount of oxygen, water, electrical impulses, and nutrients to replicate normally and never build disease

Unless you balance pH you will never heal from any disease

When the pH in the body is lowered the body will do everything it can to raise the pH (alkalize) If my brain is focused on this what can’t it fight?

Cancer cells make your body more acidic because they produce lactic acid.

Yeast, viruses, fungus molds, bacteria and cancer can only live in an acidic

environment. They thrive in acidity.

Spit in a glass of clean water, put it up on the fridge. Watch for little strings/legs.

All Medications

Meats: conventionally bought red meat, chicken, turkey, all deli or packaged meats

Sugar/Refined Carbohydrates: Sugar is acidic and destroys the immune system. Grains turn to sugar in 4 seconds!



Salt - refined



Artificial Sweeteners

Sources that create acidity:

Your cells have to have nutrients to replicate normally!

Nutritional deficiency is a major cause of cancer!

Proper absorption of nutrients is essential for cellular health!

The only way absorption can occur is if the body has nerve

flow, non-toxic, alkaline and oxygenated!

If these steps are not done then nutrients can’t be absorbed

and you are wasting your time and money on nutrition!!

22 Amino Acids (building blocks of protein)

Antioxidants (prevent oxidation/damage to the cell)

Fatty Acids (hormone synthesis, membranes, brain development,


Live Enzymes- the life force of food and vitamins (help in the cell function)

Minerals and trace minerals (help in cell function

L-Lysine is an amino acid that blocks the enzymes from the

cancer cells from cutting through the collagen.

Vitamin C forms collagen. The more collagen, the more cancer

can be contained (encapsulated).

A combination of L-Lysine, protein, vitamin C and EGCG

(polyphenol from green tea) stops cancer cells from excreting

enzymes that destroy connective tissue. It stops the spread and

inhibits cancer growth.

Live Food = Life

Dead Food = Death

The further the food is away from God the more toxic and nutritionally deficient it is!

Food is to be eaten in order to nourish and provide fuel to the cell, not satisfy taste!

You need to look at food as your medicine to combat disease.

Green tea


Cabbage and cauliflower


Dark leafy greens

Organic animal products








Citrus fruits


Raw nuts

Vitamin B17

It is a non-toxic natural product that specifically targets

cancer cells for their destruction!


Bamboo sprouts

Alfalfa Sprouts


Whole Nuts

Ground Nuts

Apple Seeds

Apricot Seeds

(Animals in nature eat the core!)

Essential Fatty Acids:

The cell walls need Essential Fatty Acids

If there isn't enough EFA, oxygen gets restricted

and cells become cancerous!

The cell walls need EFA’s so that oxygen and

nutrients can enter the cell and create healthy


Food by God Diet:

Protein (vegetables and lean wild game) 20-35%

Carbohydrates (fruits and vegetables) 25-40%

Fat (organic meats, fish, nuts and vegetables) 30-45%

American Cancer Association Diet:

Protein (industrialized meat and fish) 15-20%

Carbohydrates (processed grains, sugars, corn syrup) 45-


Fat (grain fed meats, dairy, trans fat) 35-40%


Shell fish


Sugar substitutes

Hydrogenated oils






Fast, refined, and fried



Refined sugar

Table salt

White foods


Cooked food damages the food on a cellular level

and kills most nutrients!

The invention of the microwave was one of the

worst catastrophic events to increase cancer or

other diseases in history!

The key is to minimize the amount of cooking as

much as possible!

Humans cannot break down the protein molecules

Destroys the immune system

Full of antibiotics, drugs, hormones and bacteria

Pasteurization takes out calcium and leaves bad bacteria and

puss particles

Milk contains the protein lactalbumin which has been

identified as key factor in causing diabetes

The bacteria in milk grows in the human host and eventually

results into irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s Disease

Sugar is a known toxin

Sugar causes severe acidity in the body

Cancer cells love sugar – Cancer cells have 8 times more

receptor cells for capturing sugar than healthy cells

Normal cells use oxygen for energy and cancer cells use sugar

(fermentation) for energy

Toxicity in our world has reached epidemic proportions!

The Environmental Protection Agency that American Homes are 70 times more toxic than outdoor air

The EPA found that the toxins in our homes are 3x more likely to case cancer than air pollution outdoors!

Personal care products (makeup, lotions, deodorants, soaps, dry-cleaning, etc. have over 1662 toxic chemicals – 314 that cause biological mutations and 146 that cause tumors!


Lotions (sun)

Household cleaning products


Almost all foods and beverages (man made)

Processed meats

Artificial sweeteners


Personal care products


Heavy Metals


Acrylamides: when heating foods at high temps. Potato chips, fries, cigarettes

Step 1: Remove the Sources (Toxic Top 10)

Step 2: Unload the Toxins from Your Body

and Cells - Empty Your 70 Trillion Buckets

Step 3: Bind the Toxins for Safe and

Permanent Removal

What Happens to the Cleared Toxins?

Cell Liver Bile GI

No detox is completely effective if approximately 75% of

the cleared toxins are removed only to be re-absorbed.

What Happens to the Cleared Toxins with Daily Detox?

Cell Liver Bile GI + Daily Detox

A Daily Detox must contain a specific ratio of USP

pharmaceutical grade activate carbon and certified organic

psyllium to prevent the “retox” effect and complete true

cellular detoxification.

Glutathione Strengthens your immune system to kill cancer!

Lymphocytes- cells vital for your immune system, depend on glutathione for

their proper function and replication.

Detoxifies your body

Fights inflammation and the diseases of aging.

Detox-ND contains the amino acid

building blocks to produce

Glutathione. Glutathione serves to

protect against the hazardous

effects of toxic exposure and will

aid in detoxification as well.

1. Premier Research Lab supplements for detoxification

2. Multi-vitamin and minerals

3. Antioxidants

4. Enzymes

5. Greens Food Drink

6. Fish/Cod/Liver oil or Flax oil daily

7. Colon/Bowel cleanse (3x a year)

8. Vitamin B17

9. L-Lysine/Green Tea extract/Vitamin C/proline

Knowing what it is, and what causes

it, now you can see how to defeat it!

Here are your 10 steps to prevent and

KILL cancer!

1. Chiropractic corrective care weekly

2. Increase live food intake (50% of daily diet)

3. Begin cellular detox regeneration diet

4. Start taking nutritional supplements

5. Drink ½ gallon of water- preferably Alkaline water

6. Get a home filtration system immediately

7. Burst exercise daily (cardio and weights)

8. Get some Sunshine

9. No microwave

10. Use all natural hygiene products (especially deodorants,

soaps, and lotions.