presented at vivekananda kendra, kanyakumari : - world – a family

Vasundhaiv Kutumbikam, ―the world is one family‖ A presentation by:- Pushpendra Singh Dangi 1 12/18/2013

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To spread thought of swami Vivekananda related to world peace, a presentation which is justifying why we should live like a family.


Page 1: Presented at Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari : - World – A Family

Vasundhaiv Kutumbikam, ―the world is one


A presentation by:- Pushpendra Singh Dangi1


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Need of the Hour

A message, which is powerful

enough to influence the

whole mankind in bringing

about a radical spiritual

revolution in the world.

The main concern of the

world today is peace and

harmony. The path that the

world has until now

traversed in pursuit of

technological mastery, has

imperiled peace.



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The universal message of oneness Swami Vivekananda delivered to

the World's Parliament of Religions, more then hundred years ago.

He wins the heart by addressing brothers and sisters

Swami Vivekananda in Chicago




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Ramkrishna Paramhansa’s




Ramakrishna practised several

religions, including Islam and

Christianity, and taught that in

spite of the differences, all

religions are valid and true and

they lead to the same ultimate


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Swami ji’s inspiration

His teachings set in motion those forces, which could eventually bring to the Western civilization the needed qualitative changes. So he preached Vedanta and Yoga in the West, and at home emphasized the need for useful and dynamic activity, the education of the Indian masses and the service of the poor and the downtrodden without disturbing their faith and tradition".

Realizations regarding the harmful developments of the world should dawn upon every nation in the world. To solve all the problems and achieve social justice, the creation of One Human World as a home is necessary, which is possible only by human culture and not by politics or religion or science and technology alone.

―One Human

World by Human




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Other Thinkers



There are/were more thinkers who taught not only

Indian but also whole world like Mahatma Gandhi,

Jawahar Lal Nehru, Dr Abdul kalam. It is not the

modern thinkers who are the first in the field to think in

terms of world unity and universal welfare. Long ago,

in fact, long before the so-called modern age had set

in, the seers and savants of this land had delved deep

into this vital question. The ideal of human unity, of a

world free from all traces of conflict and misery, has

stirred our hearts since times immemorial".

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How world is a


peoples are connected with one

another by a network of contacts and

obligations, visible and invisible Every

one of us is a citizen of the world; each

nation is a branch of the human race.

Geographical, racial and linguistic

barriers blur, but cannot destroy the

fundamental unity of mankind.

there is a fundamental unity in this

Universe and this basic unity

interconnects all matters, mind and




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The World Community as a Family

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The Family The family, as the most

basic unit of society, must in this process be remolded and revitalized according to the same principles that are reshaping civilization as a whole, family unity combines elements of traditional wisdom with progressive principles and practical tools.



If love and agreement are manifest in a single family,

that family will advance, become illumined and


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The World

Compare the nations of the world to the

members of a family. A family is a nation in

miniature. Simply enlarge the circle of the

household and you have the nation. Enlarge the

circle of nations and you have all humanity.

vasundhaiva kutumbakam -- 'the world is one

family' -- the message that Swami Vivekananda

dilated upon at the Parliament of Religions in

Chicago in 1893.



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This world is my home For peaceful Healthy Life one need Equality,

Brotherhood and Freedom.That’s the rule of Mother nature and we have to follow it. in fact is needful in today’s scenario. Every religion, Spiritual texts and even Ayurveda says that Be one to be healthy. Spread love to have good Life, Do good Karma and Behave like everybody is part of your family. Its our duty to be kind for mankind, Lets be a family…Lets spread Love…

Lets make world Beautiful….



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Current scenario

The trouble we see so much of in the world today is not so much

a clash of religions, but a clash of individual egos of people who

associate their bodily identity and cause with their religion. It is the

tendency of the human mind to cling to those people who are

similar, and claim superiority over those who are different. This

itself leads to the divisions of religion, caste, ethnic group, or race.

Thus, the tendency becomes to defend one’s own weakness,

inferiority or insecurity by unnecessarily criticizing and hurting

others to establish one’s own

sense of position and superiority.



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Current scenario (cont….)



However, in these days this is often done in the

egotistical guise of defending one’s own

religion. But this ignores the very love,

compassion and tolerance that most religions

claim to represent or teach. And certainly it

ignores the very love, mutual respect and

cooperation that we seek, and that the world

depends on if we and this planet are to survive

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Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

The concept originates in the Maha Upanishad

“ayam bandhurayam neti ganana laghuchetasam

udaracharitanam tu vasudhaiva kutumbakam‖

Means -One is a relative; the other is a stranger. For those who live magnanimously

the entire world constitutes but a family.

This concept is also mentioned in Hitopadesha



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Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

The statement is not just about peace and harmony among the societies in

the world, but also about a truth that somehow the whole world has to live

by some rules like a family, set by an unknowable source. This is the reason

why Hindus think that any power in the world, big or small cannot have its

way disregarding others.



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We are birds of the same nest. Wearing different skins, speaking different

languages, believing in different religions, and belonging to different cultures

– yet we share the same home, our earth. Born on the same planet, covered

by the same skies, gazing at the same stars, breathing the same air, we

must learn to progress happily together or miserably perish together. For

humans can live individually but can survive only collectively.



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Vivekananda swami is immortal, his teachings are immortal

showing us path of life