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Linda Lanis-International School of Florence Let’s Speak Together: How To Involve Families In Language Activities

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Post on 23-Dec-2014




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Pre-conference. Foreign Languages. ECIS


  • 1. Linda Lanis-International School of Florence

2. Host Country LanguageFamous Cities/PlacesInternational SchoolsSecond vs Foreign LanguageEnglish Speaking Environment 3. SECOND LANGUAGE: THE IDEAL SITUATION Students start living in a country . They take language lessons at their school. They use what they learn in the real life, enjoying the host countrys language and culture, taking advantage of being sourrounded by the language they study. 4. COMMON SITUATION Students start living in a country . They take language lessons at their school. They speak their second language only with the teacher. They remain close to their community, without interacting with the host country people. 5. THE FAMILYS ROLE 6. I do want my child to be fluent as soon as possible, but I do not really have any idea about how I can help him because I do not have any foreign language experience. And I think the school should take care of it. 7. Why The Family Does Not Help Second language > only a school subject Not used to second language learning Embarassed and shy with their children 8. Proposal A booklet with a series of pratical activities Having fun together Involving parents and having them as a part of the learning process 9. SchemeBeginners levelPresentation of the activityLetterSet of 12 activitiesBookletFollow -upTo familiesEach weekTo collect all the activities Questionnaire + celebrationNewsletter 10. Before Dear parents, I would like to propose a list of activities to be done in Italian at home with your help and support. These activities will be given every Monday and students will have one week to complete them. The activities are prepared to be done together (student and his/her family) in order to transform the daily life in a challenging and motivating learning environment. I would appreciate your support in this initiative. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] 11. After QuestionnaireCelebration! 12. Activities based on SpeakingListeningWritingReadingInteracting 13. Activity StructureFeedback and CommentsReportGuided ActivityPresentationTipsInstructions 14. Lets Cook Together! Instructions: -Cook following the recipe in Italian. -You can use the dictionary, but the recipe must be in Italian. -Speak only in Italian. 15. Lets Cook Together! Tips: -Read the recipe with the help of the dictionary before starting -A good Italian recipes site is: 16. What recipe didInformationHow was the result?you choose?New expressions/words learnedActivity structureDifficulties 17. What recipe didStudents reflectionyou choose?nNew expressions/words learnedActivity StructureHow was the result?Difficulties 18. What recipe did you To improve choose? vocabulary and interactive skills New expressions/words learnedHow was the result?DifficultiesActivity Structure 19. What recipe didIn order for students and teachers to improveyou choose?Words and expression:Activity structureHow was the result?Difficulties 20. Activity Structure Report:This activity:EasyChallengingI liked itNot so badToo hard for meI didnt like it 21. Activity Structure Comments and suggestions: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 22. Class Activity/Discussion 23. More Examples Pratical activities 24. Shopping List Instructions: -Go shopping with the list in Italian - The list must be only in Italian, without any translation or picture 25. Shopping List Tips: -memorize Italian words together before going shopping 26. Id like instructions: -Order something at the bar - Talk in Italian to the the barman -If the barman wants to help you and speaks in English, just say: Pu parlare in italiano, per favore? Lo sto studiando. 27. Id like Tips: -write down a list of useful expressions that you can hear or listen to. 28. Excuse me? Instructions: -Ask a local for information. It can be about the way to go to a restaurant or a direction. You can ask for the time. -If the local wants to help you and speaks in English, just say: Pu parlare in italiano, per favore? Lo sto studiando. -If the person speaks too quickly, just say Pu parlare pi lentamente, per favore? or Pu ripetere? 29. Excuse me? Tips: -write down a list of useful expressions that you can hear or listen to -Get used to maps in Italian: try to find a place and correctly pronounce the names of streets or monuments 30. Person/people choosenWho spoke to the local?What did you ask? What did they answer?Difficulties 31. Dear Instructions: -Write a card in Italian for an Italian -You may know someone who is celebrating his/her Birthday; you may thank a neighbour or a kind sales assistant. Perhaps you need to apologize? There are many possibilities! -Write the card together and check the grammar! 32. Dear Tips: -Pay attention to the beginning and to the end of your card. You can find samples on the internet, there are many ways to start or to end, but not all are appropriate 33. The card was forDid you buy or create the card?What did you write?Difficulties 34. Lets Talk Instructions: -Have a brief conversation with an Italian person - Choose someone you know and you feel comfortable with: a family friend, a shop owner (the guy who runs the bar next to your place) or a neighbour. Ask to interact in Italian for one minute or two 35. Lets Talk Tips: Together you can decide a topic you both know (what you did during the weekend, for example) Do not worry if you do not understand everything. Ask to repeat or to speak slowly 36. Hello? Instructions: -Make a telephone call in order to get information -Call a restaurant, a museum, an information center and ask for something. It can be about time, schedule, prices or the way to get there 37. Hello? Tips: You may find a recorded tape. Do not worry and listen more than once in order to understand If they speak to you in English, say: In Italian, but slowly, please Do not worry if you do not understand everything. Ask to repeat or to speak slowly 38. What or who did you choose?What did you talk about?Words/expressionsDifficulties 39. May I Ask You a Question? Instructions: Brief interview to an Italian Ask if it s ok and interview the person. Write the answers (briefly) on your notebook 40. May I Ask You a Question? Tips: -Ask for permission -Say that it is a school task and that you are studying Italian. At the end, do not forget to say GRAZIE! -If they speak to you in English, say: In Italian, but slowly, please - Do not worry if you do not understand everything. Ask to repeat or to speak slowly 41. 1. Do you prefer pasta or pizza? _________________________________________________________________ 2 How long have you been in Florence? _________________________________________________________________ 3 What do you like most about Florence? _________________________________________________________________ 4. Where did you go for vacation last time? Did you like it? _________________________________________________________________ 5 Do you speak other languages? _________________________________________________________________May I ask you a question? You may prepare the interview in class. 42. Person choosenWhat did he/she answer?FeedbackDifficulties 43. A Little Bit of Studying Instructions: -What are you studying at school right now? Try to study it in Italian as well -Any subject is fine. You can ask an Italian friend for help or search the internet 44. A Little Bit of Studying Tips: -The academic language is more complex. Do not give up and use your dictionary. Study something that you are doing at school -This is a good site where you can find materials: http://www.italianoperlos 45. Subject and topicDifferences between the School and the Italian version?Most important expressionsDifficulties 46. Going Shopping Instructions: -Going window shopping means having a look, asking, comparing prices. It is not necessary to buy anything, but talk to the sales assistants! -If you find something you like, ask if they have it in a different colour/size (clothes) or what can it do (objects): there are many possibilities! 47. Going Shopping Tips: -You will hear words that you cannot understand: do not give up! Try to catch the general meaning -Ask for interaction in Italian: say that it is for school 48. Whats the News Today? Instructions: -Read an article in Italian (only a paragraph if it is too long) -Do it three times: the first time without interruptions, then underlining what you cannot understand, the third time with the dictionary 49. Whats the News Today? Tips: -There are many free newspapers in Italy: you can find them at the train station or next to bus stops. The articles are shorter and the language more comprehensible -You can also try on-line newspapers -Choose something appealing for you, even fashion or sports! 50. What Can I Do in Italian? Instructions: -This is a free activity! -You can choose what you want to do in Italian: it can be something useful, something you like or something challenging (why not?) 51. What Can I Do in Italian? Tips: -You are free to choose what you want, but try to practice what you have learned in the past months 52. And More advanced level Movies Theather Sport courses Music lessons CharityForeign language Cultural institute Language school Blogs Forum 53. [email protected]