presentation skills workshop (1)

Presentation Skills A workshop presented by Cheryl Hodgkinson-Williams, Shanali Govender and Rondine Carstens 13 August 2016



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Presentation Skills

A workshop presented by Cheryl Hodgkinson-Williams, Shanali Govender and Rondine Carstens13 August 2016

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The team

Cheryl Hodgkinson-Williams

Associate ProfessorCheryl.hodgkinson-williams

Shanali Govender

Rondine Carstens


Digital Media [email protected] us here:

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My name is _____I’m from ________


Group Introduction


On a scale of 1-10 I’m a ______ about my upcoming conference presentation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Completely terrified Meh ...

Super excited!

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card exercise

In your groups, DISCUSS what you would like to know about presenting at a conference

WRITE DOWN 3 questions that you would like the presenters to address in this session (Write each question on a separate card)

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1. WHY?

3. WHEN?

2. WHO?



6. HOW?


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WHY? Why is this conference being held?

To provide postgraduate education students a● SAFE● COLLEGIAL space

To SHARE● Research● Work-in-progress

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WHY? Why are YOU presenting at this conference?

Is it because you:

● were TOLD to?● want some FEEDBACK on your initial research ideas?● want to find others who are using SIMILAR theoretical frameworks or

methodologies?● want to see how your work-in-progress COMPARES to other students

as a similar stage?● want to SHARE some of your initial findings?● want to INSPIRE the audience to apply your research

recommendations?● some OTHER REASON?

Think quietly on your own ...

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WHY? Why would others ...

➢ want to LISTEN to you?

➢ find your work-in-progress/ research findings INTERESTING?

➢ CARE about your recommendations?

➢ want to ASK QUESTIONS about your research? Tell the person

next to you ...

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WHO? Who will be attending and presenting at this conference?Let’s pose some questions to the Chair of the ESRRC 2016 Organizing Committee, Isabel Tarling:

About how many delegates are you expecting at the conference and in each session?

Who are the delegates - Masters or PhD students, supervisors, conference organisers?

What can I assume they know about educational research?What opportunities are there in the programme to engage directly with the

delegates?Will there be a list of delegates so that one can know beforehand who will

attend? Will this list include emails for possible follow-up queries?

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WHEN? When will the conference take place & how long are sessions?Checklist

❏ Date: 2 & 3 September 2016❏ Programme:❏ Session times:

❏ Keynotes (40 - 50 min)❏ Presentations (15 min + 10 min Q&A)❏ Panel discussions (45 min + 10 min Q&A)❏ Poster presentations (30 min)❏ Special Interest Groups (SIGs) in a World Cafe style

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WHERE? Where will the conference take place?

Let’s check:

❏ Venue: Leslie Social Science Building on Upper Campus, UCT❏ Equipment in venue: (Is there a central computer from which

presentations will be made? Are there speakers (for video clips)? Will you have to use a microphone?)

❏ Equipment you need to bring: (Device? Cables? Adapters?)❏ Wi-Fi: (Will there be wi-fi and how would non-UCT students connect?)❏ Arrangements for uploading presentations: (Is there a session

chair I need to contact?)❏ Recording of sessions: (Are any of the sessions going to be


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Locating the self to position the presentation

Where are you in your

research journey?


You feel like you’re

in more than one

place!Adapted from Sharman Wickham

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A research presentation outline 5min writeContext

Problem or Trigger



Findings and Discussion


Where to from here?

What parts of your research can you speak about with CONFIDENCE because they have already happened?

What parts of your research must you be more TENTATIVE about because they are not complete?

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Slide guide15 min +/- 10 slides

i.o.w 1- 1½ minutes on each slide.

Focused purpose!

Slides 5 - 9 = substantive material

Think real estate - your first and last slides are prime property!

1. Title, Presenter, Image 2. Context

3. Trigger Problem/opportunity 4. Locating this presentation in the research outline

5. 6.

7. 8.

9. 10. Concluding slide - Key areas for questions or Take-away message

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HOW? But first! ...

What is Copyright?

Tell the person next to you ...

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HOW? What is Copyright? ...

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HOW? Copyright facts

● Copyright is automatically assigned● In SA it persist 50 years● Copyright owners may transfer their

rights or grant individuals permission to use the work

● Copyright applies to items, not ideas

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HOW? Copyright: fair dealing in education...

Fair Use in education?➢ Illustrative

purposes only


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HOW? Copyright: Adaptation and Revision facts

Remember: Copyright refers to items, not ideas or concepts

You can rework a copyrighted image, graph or visualisation to fit your context, so long as that reworking constitutes a substantial change

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Does this adaptation constitute a

substantial change?Original

Art Rogers, Puppies, 1985. Black and White Photograph used on greeting cards

Jeff Koons, String of Puppies, 1988. Polychrome on wood

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HOW? Creative Commons

Creative Commons is an international non-profit organisation that provides free licences and tools that copyright owners can use to allow others to share, reuse and remix their material, legally. Releasing material under a CC licence makes it clear to users what they can or cannot do with the material.

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Where do you usually find images for presentations?



Are they licensed or FREE?

Discuss in your groups, start with the person next to you ...

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Google? How about Creative Commons Public Domain?

Other places to find images:❏ CreativeCommons.Photos is a collection of public domain images

that are free to use. No Attribution required. No Membership required. High resolution

❏ Cupcake, . Photographer Jonas Nilsson Lee offers free images to the public domain. That means no attribution ever unless, of course, you want to.

❏ Photos found on DesignersPics are given free of copyright by photographer Jeshu John. Attribution is requested but not required.

❏ Pexels offers hand-picked images from a variety of sources online. You can peruse over 1600 photos for the right one for your project.

Source (and more sites): 73 Best Sites To Find Awesome Free Images

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HOW? How many slides for a 15 minute presentation?

● KISS: Keep it Short and Simple

● ONE idea per slide● ONE minute per slide

(A 15- to 20-minute presentation would have about 20 slides maximum.)

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HOW? What about Graphs and Infographics?

Average personConsumes caffeine

2-3 times a day

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How? Best Practice tips

1-6-6 Rule

Keep the slides simple. Every slide should be understood within 7 seconds

Font?● Easy to read fonts

● NOT less than 18 points ● NO more than 2 fonts per


● Keep the fonts


ColourKeep same colour


Use colours to

highlight or


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Creating an outline/

Storyboardwith images

Take your “one-sentence” you constructed earlier and visualise it - to make a cover image for your presentation

WRITE DOWN what visual elements you would like to use on each slide

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NOW WHAT? So how do I make the best of the conference - BEFOREduring and after?

● CHECK the programme for your own session and to make choices about who YOU want to listen to

● Are there conference blogs that might give you an idea of what sessions to SELECT?

● Is there someone you really want to MEET up with? (Make an arrangement before the time)

● Is there a conference “back-channel” (e.g. a Twitter hashtag for the conference or Facebook page to which you can CONTRIBUTE?

● Create and print off some “business cards” so that you can easily share your CONTACT details

● Prepare your presentation and REHEARSE

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NOW WHAT? So how do I make the best of the conference - DURINGduring and after?

● UPLOAD your presentation to a shared space (e.g. Slideshare) - either before or after your presentation

● ALERT others on social media that you have upload your presentation

● Team up with a “buddy” to record your session or write down the questions that the audience posed to you

● TAKE NOTES of presentations that inspire you● Sit at front and ASK A QUESTION or two, introducing

yourself when you ask the question● TALK to the people next to you, at tea breaks, at the lunches,

cocktail parties - you never know where you might find synergies with other people’s research

● PRESENT clearly, not too fast and keep eye contact with your audience

○ Use your cellphone as timer to alert you of your timing!

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NOW WHAT? So how do I make the best of the conference - AFTERduring and after?

● CONTACT those who may have asked you a question that you didn’t fully answer

● FOLLOW-UP with those who promised to send you reading lists, links, etc.

● REVISIT your conference notes soon after the conference and make the changes to your proposal, literature chapter, methodology, field work etc. before you forget those inspirational moments

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1. WHY?

3. WHEN?

2. WHO?


5. WHAT?

6. HOW?


Audience and contacts

Selection of content, focus

Conference, session,


Date, session time & length

Venue, equipment?Structure, design techniques & copyright

Plan for before, during & after

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Presentation available at:

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence.

Slideshare:Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching (CILT), University of Cape Town

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References and Attribution


●Slides 2, 5, 10, 12, 20, 36: CC BY SA Rondine Carstens●Slide 14: CC BY SA Ian Barbour●Slide 21: Image: CC0 Public Domain

● Slide 23: Image: CC0 Public Domain

Unless otherwise stated, all other content, images and graphs are Creative Commons with attribution CC BY